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S21.E06: Whacktivity Competition #2; Nominations #2

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The Geico commercial where they're all stranded in a cabin during a blizzard with a karaoke-singing guy is like this season. One guy tries escaping!

And I wonder if Love Island is using the Survivor set in Fiji.

Jack makes me want to put my finger down my throat.

Nice to see Brett and Winston again.

And Nicole, I know how you feel.

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

But his power is kind of lame. Ovi's is better.

Oh, his power is TOTALLY lame. First off, veto redraw is only semi-powerful. Sure, you can redraw three people, but it needs to be played sooner rather than later, with the risk of redrawing the exact same people anyway. Plus, you totally have to reveal yourself, which means risking your alliance members getting pissed off about lying (some may understand, others may not).

Jack totally got a shitty power and thank god for that. Knowing Jack, he won't play it for weeks until it's way too late for it to have any real impact on his game.

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  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

But his power is kind of lame. Ovi's is better.

I think his is just as powerful it not more powerful since he can keep it all the way until the final six. 

(Edit: Okay I bow before some of the arguments below and concede it isn't as powerful as Ovi's IF Ovi had kept his dumb mouth shut about having it.  But Ovi didn't and the way things are going if/when Jack uses his you just know it will work out perfectly and save his hide because this is how this crummy season is going).

And now Jack is sending someone of color to join the other two people of color in the segregated "servant's quarters."  

And no it has nothing to do with some lame "threat" from some tiny, powerless, all female alliance that couldn't possibly threaten you.  You fool no one.

Kemi has been his target since day one and he said he also wanted Jessica out down the road.  Never named one single white target at all ever.  Yes, Jack, we know your REAL reason for the nominations.

Edited by green
  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, green said:

I think his is just as powerful it not more powerful since he can keep it all the way until the final six.  Obviously at the final six everyone plays but he still can keep it much deeper into the game.  And being the alpha bully boy of his alliance he doesn't have to use it early.

And now he is sending someone of color to join the other two people of color in the segregated "servant's quarters."  

And no it has nothing to do with some lame attempt at a tiny, powerless, all female alliance that couldn't possibly threaten you.  You fool no one.

Kemi has been his target since day one and he said he also wanted Jessica out down the road.  Never named one single white target at all ever.  Yes, Jack, we know your REAL reason for the nominations.

And, yet it hasn’t occurred to anyone in the house that it might be a bad look. Maybe, I missed it. Like, no one has said, “isn’t it funny how there are only white people down here?!”.  

  • Useful 1
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1 minute ago, green said:

I think his is just as powerful it not more powerful since he can keep it all the way until the final six.  Obviously at the final six everyone plays but he still can keep it much deeper into the game.  And being the alpha bully boy of his alliance he doesn't have to use it early.

Not really. His power isn't THAT powerful. It can be, but all his power is doing is putting the chips back and reshuffling. Let's say Jack/Jackson are up on the block and....Nicole is HOH, for example. She pulls Cliff, Sam, and...I dunno, Nick. Jack's not happy with those choices so he has to make a split second decision on using his power. Chips get put back in the box. Depending on when he uses the power (whether it's next week or three weeks down the line), the chances of drawing at least one of those names, let alone three, increases. Jack could have the veto redrawn in his favour...or it could backfire. 

Basically, Jack's power doesn't ensure that his alliance members will play in the veto at all. It's a chance at getting more people to play in the veto that are on his side. 

With Ovi's power, not only do the two nominees automatically become safe for the whole week, his power is done in secret. I mean, if he hadn't have told people and was still in the game...

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Depending on when he uses the power (whether it's next week or three weeks down the line), the chances of drawing at least one of those names, let alone three, increases.

That's not how it works. The chance of drawing someone's name is independent of the previous draw.

The best use of this power is probably when they want to backdoor person X, and X's name is drawn. They he can force a redraw and there is a chance that X will not be drawn the second time. 

But yes, it is a very weak power.

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Jackson acting like Kat was a bunny boiler when she didn't actually give a shit and then saying "the juice is not worth the squeeze" puts him on Mike Boogie levels of douchiness.

That was a fantastic twist. Jackson (and I'm sure the audience) expected Kat to freak out. It turns out, she didn't care AT ALL and was actually offended that Jackson thought that she would freak out.

2 minutes ago, zscore said:

That's not how it works. The chance of drawing someone's name is independent of the previous draw.

The best use of this power is probably when they want to backdoor person X, and X's name is drawn. They he can force a redraw and there is a chance that X will not be drawn the second time. 

But yes, it is a very weak power.

Sorry! What I mean is that, as the weeks go on, the chances of the redraw just picking the same players increases.

I also meant that the redraw power is weak because, just because he enacts it, it doesn't mean that he'll get the redraws that he wants because those chips of the players pulled aren't out of play; they get put right back in so they can still be drawn again.

He could use it and it could work out, but his chances are better if he uses it much sooner. I know there's still a few weeks where he could use it where it works, but....it's still risky and not a guarantee of anything.

  • Love 3

When the show was transitioning to showing the women discussing the Women's Alliance, there is a split second of Jack saying "gorilla." Why they included it I don't know, but since they did, allow me to put the entire clip up for those who wish to see it.


This was AFTER he was told in the DR to settle down and he blew it off as things being taken out-of-context and it was just Production making issues. 

5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Kat is single-handedly saving this season's episodes.

I was so pissed when Jack won the comp but then he revealed his power and I just laughed. What a shitty power.

"Are you Bitches conspiring against me??" Swaggy probably already tried to trademark it and put it on tee-shirts. They played that for comedy and she came across well.

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

He could use it and it could work out, but his chances are better if he uses it much sooner. I know there's still a few weeks where he could use it where it works, but....it's still risky and not a guarantee of anything.

It could also work when he's getting backdoored and his name isn't drawn. In that case his chances are getting better each week.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, zscore said:

It could also work when he's getting backdoored and his name isn't drawn. In that case his chances are getting better each week.

This is really the only time it's worth using, imo. Particularly since using it shows his alliance that he lied to them. On the other hand, there's some value in having it, if only because it's one less mystery curveball you have to watch for from someone else. But yeah, overall, it's laughably bad compared to the nightmare power.

  • Love 7

The only saving grace this season is watching the Jackoffs get all worked up when something doesn't go their way.  With JO #1 winning the whack-a-doodle, pickings were slim tonight, but I did love seeing JO #2 get all flushed with worry when David returned.  Their storage room conversation was gold.  Jackson awkwardly, ridiculously trying to spin his Camp Director decision while David was clearly having none of it while also not exploding in  anger or giving him any kind of ammunition.

Please let David get back in the game!

Especially barf-worthy moment?  Jack requesting to speak with Jackson alone "like bros".  These two need to be off my television.

***Holly has not shown the best judgement so far this season, but I hope she laughs in Jackson's face when he makes his move on her.

Is Cliff still in the house?  LOL

Edited by leocadia
  • Love 6
17 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

With Ovi's power, not only do the two nominees automatically become safe for the whole week, his power is done in secret. I mean, if he hadn't have told people and was still in the game...

Exactly.  Ovi lost so much of that power by blabbing to the two Douche Bros.

16 hours ago, leocadia said:

The only saving grace this season is watching the Jackoffs get all worked up when something doesn't go their way.

Unfortunately that hasn't really happened yet.  Only one person is coming back of the first four evictees and the Jacks have the numbers to get them out immediately once they return.

Also again it is Jackson, BB.  We are not buying onto your stupid new name crap.  A Jack Bro is still a Jack Bro by any other name.

Edited by green
  • Love 5

I was horrified as soon as the WhOmp game was revealed: those poor fucking snakes!! To be manhandled and groped by both of the JackOffs? Gah. Admittedly, I think most of the HGs treated them better than I expected - I especially liked Tommy's getting-to-know-yous.

Given how low-key Jack was in the DRs about the comp, I figured he didn't win, but then realized he was just totally deflated by how shitty his power is. Oh my, that's delicious.

While it was satisfying to watch David silently, knowingly smile at arrogant Jackson in the storage room, I'm thinking if you're there to play the social game, you'd be better off making the bros think you're with them.

I can't believe Kat has become my favorite hamster. I kind of want her to win HoH and NOT put up Jackson. (Jack and Anallice would do nicely.) I think Jackson's tiny cylindrical Lego head would explode at the idea that she's truly not upset or obsessed over him.

And wtf was up with his comment about "I'm not gonna let some 29 year-old ruin my game" or whatever he said by the laundry? Is he playing like she's too old for him? Go flush yourself, you little turd. You're not worthy of ever (again) touching Kat's fine ass.

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Well, Jack can go on all he wants to at the Black Widow alliance as his main justification for the nominations but as the recap at the start of the episode, he was already targeting those two long before he was even HOH.

Bella, Bella, Bella I want you to be my favorite but she doesn't realize that in an 8 person alliance... based on Jack's booting strategy he's going to eventually run out of the other minorities and she's likely to be the 8th member out of 8th and the first one he cuts loose if they can hold together that long.

Jackson...I was a fickle young man too once so I can see where he is coming from with the whole Betty and Veronica schtick he's got going on. But as I learned back in the day no good will come of this and wouldn't be surprised if he sticks with Holly somewhere down the road she winds up being the one who betrays him and gets him voted out and he'll wish he'd picked Kat.

I don't think Jacks secret power is all that great...changing the veto picks. Who knows..shuffling it could wind up worse even. It's not impossible.

You know I watched all last summer and I can't tell you a thing about Brett! He was that forgettable. But I see Swaggy C and his girl are still together...never did hear how that pregnancy speculation went.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 5

Every episode this cast gets worse and worse.  I just about cringe now whenever Jack and Son are on-screen. Kat is adorable, but I don't think she really gets the game. I can't see her lasting too land. I did applaud her saying "don't call me when the game is over."

I do wonder what Jackson's Mama thought of this episode. She raised a total douchebag who doesn't respect women.

And Jack wins the special power. Oh joy. Because if there's one person who doesn't need a secret power, it's Jack.

And Bella fit in with the other snakes nicely tonight.

If the best  part of your episode is the 30 or seconds we saw of Brett, it's a problem. And boy Brett encapsulates what's missing in this season. He was a terrific houseguest in retrospect. 

  • Love 7
49 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I will also accept Jack and Son, the Jackoffs, and Two Douches in a(n) x. But I will not accept Michie. 

Agreed. I also will not accept them calling Analyse by the nickname 'Sis' as well which I guess is a friends and family thing.  I mean, I understand, since I wouldn't want to be called a name that looks and sounds like "anal ease" either. But it seems that as of today the announcer has picked both of these up so I guess they are official now? We are verging on 'Call Me Big Wendy' territory here.

20 minutes ago, vb68 said:

And Bella fit in with the other snakes nicely tonight.

She also said that if the were in power she would have been with them but since it's Jack as HoH I guess she was required to sell them all out. She's a piece of work.

I'm not wanting another thread to go down in squabbles about the racist undertones, overtones, blatant-smack-you-in-the-facetones of Jack's noms but it's the non-white elephant in the room and has be commented on. This is spiraling quickly and looks really ugly.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • LOL 1
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40 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

... While it was satisfying to watch David silently, knowingly smile at arrogant Jackson in the storage room, I'm thinking if you're there to play the social game, you'd be better off making the bros think you're with them. ...

But how did that work out for Ovi who crawled on his belly before the two Jacks and made an offering of his power to them?  (Julie:  By a vote of 12 to zero ...).

David knows they are 100% lying to him and they wouldn't believe for a second he was with them.  Therefore he knows he has no power right now to do anything no matter what he said to them.  So at least he had some pride and basic human dignity and didn't get down on his knees before them and humiliate himself.

39 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

You know I watched all last summer and I can't tell you a thing about Brett! He was that forgettable. But I see Swaggy C and his girl are still together...never did hear how that pregnancy speculation went.

I remember Brett very clearly since he has such a great sense of humor and stood out a lot.  And yes she was pregnant by Swaggy but lost the baby to a miscarriage while still at the sequester house I believe.

  • Love 6

Crying at David incredulously telling Kat that there is an alliance running the house and Kat STILL not getting it. The stupid. It hurts.

I never really got the Brett love, but I will say, he, Swaggy and the rest of the crew came off way more charismatic in the few seconds we saw them than this cast. Gr8ful just doesn’t have any panache. 

The only way I could see Jack’s power really benefiting him is if he actually does tell someone he has it (at the right time) and bluffs that it gives him a greater power - like the power to veto a nom after the veto ceremony or something. That way the lemmings will be even more afraid to nominate or backdoor him.

Jack is turning out to be smarter than I thought he was, sigh. He really didn’t tell his douchebro he won. That means his common sense may actually be a bigger than his ego, double sigh.

9 minutes ago, green said:

But how did that work out for Ovi who crawled on his belly before the two Jacks and made an offering of his power to them?  (Julie:  By a vote of 12 to zero ...).

David knows they are 100% lying to him and they wouldn't believe for a second he was with them.  Therefore he knows he has no power right now to do anything no matter what he said to them.  So at least he had some pride and basic human dignity and didn't get down on his knees before them and humiliate himself.

I remember Brett very clearly since he has such a great sense of humor and stood out a lot.  And yes she was pregnant by Swaggy but lost the baby to a miscarriage while still at the sequester house I believe.

Oh snap. That's a lot of behind the scenes drama and sad too. Glad to see they are seemingly still together because they want to be. Thanks for the update.

I came on here ready to rage about how the editing is making Kat look like a shrew/crazy person and Jackson like the poor innocent guy in a relationship with a shrew/crazy person so I'm glad to read that no one seems to be falling for it. I think Kat was more hurt than she let on when Jackson "broke up" with her, hopefully she doesn't let it affect her game. 

I honestly don't know if I can stick with this whole season. I'll give it until the come back I guess and see how I feel from there. Maybe if David comes back 😍

  • Love 4

I felt sad for Nicole saying she'd have nobody go to Figi with, she'd go alone. Does she not have friends or family? 

Nicole is not a bombshell, as a few of the more glamorous hamsters might be described, but she is an attractive young woman, who appears to be smart and personable.  The Jacks of this world might consider her a part of the furniture, but there are lots of men who would be thrilled to hook up with her, with or without Fiji.  I believe her social game will be exponentially greater once she returns home.  Her wallflower days are probably over.

  • Love 9

I would love to know why Jackson (miche) always puts off a “You’re a loser and I’m better than you” sort of vibe. 

He should be spending his summer looking for another job, other then being a waiter so he can move out of his momma’s house.  He’s not going to be landing any girls long term that look like Holly, Kat etc anytime soon,when there are better looking Lego’s in the world with more to offer.  

I don’t typically judge what people do for a living, but he’s a douche bag who’s clearly insecure because others in the house are more successful then he is, and being that he still has a high school mind set, he thinks his looks out weight anything else that actually matters.

Edited by Hellohappylife
  • Love 9

Ugh, I hate that Jack appears to actually have some game smarts. 

Jackson, on the other hand.... (His name is Jackson, dammit, not Michie, or Mitchie, or Mickie, or Mookie or Mugwort or MohmygodIcanttakeitanymore).  Arrogant with some game I can just about stand (Jack); arrogance with nothing to back it up... Jackson... just bugs me no end.

Nicole, that was the most pathetic confessional ever. I don't care how sad you think your life is, why broadcast it on national TV? What's next? "I can't wait for the summer to be over so I can get back to my life sitting alone in the backyard eating worms"?

Kat appears to have some of Rachel Reilly's operatic drama queen craziness, now let's see if she has any of Rachel's game.

Camp Comeback bears an uneasy resemblance to this past Survivor season's twist, where they kept everybody around the whole frickin' season. Hated it then, hate it now. There's never enough air time for any one person or group and way too much time is wasted on players that should have been long gone. And since only 1 is coming back, why should anyone still in the house even deal with them? Just agree to vote the returnee out as soon as possible and get on with the game. I do hope the returnee is a complete nonfactor in the game so they can get rid of this stupid twist for good.

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35 minutes ago, Gummo said:

Just agree to vote the returnee out as soon as possible and get on with the game. I do hope the returnee is a complete nonfactor in the game so they can get rid of this stupid twist for good.

I agree, and the only way to make this stupid idea even marginally workable is to give the returnee immunity for a specified time so they can try to worm their way back into alliances. And giving them Ovi's Nightmare Power might be a way to do that.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Does anyone else think "Whackitivity" is one of the dumbest names ever? And that stupid squirrel voice grates almost as much as Announcer Guy's voiceovers.

Gonna show my age here for a sec:

  • Back in the 90s one of my kids’ favorite shows was a Nickelodeon cartoon called “Rocko’s Modern Life”.
  • One episode involved Rocko’s car getting impounded and his driver’s license suspended because he was missing his gas cap - which involved Rocko having to go through the State’s driving school to get license and car back. 
  • Part of the driving school involved the students having to watch a “Red Asphalt: Blood On the Highway”-style scare flick, which is narrated by a clown.

...and God help me if that WHACKtivity Comp Announcer voice doesn’t sound EXACTLY like that of the scare flick narrator clown in that episode of Rocko.

1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

There is no way that I would have gone anywhere near those snakes.  

Does the same go for the reptiles in the comp? 😉 

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I liked Brett well enough last season, but yeah, wow, most BB HGs don't remain interesting outside of the house, but he actually had some charisma. Swaggy wasn't awful, but Brett was actively GOOD at reading that copy.

I love how fake the HGs have to be. "Wow, a commercial for Love Island! AWESOME!" and Jack having to talk about how great his new power is when he obviously knows it sucks, power-wise. 

Here's hoping that if/when Jackson survives longer than Jack, they'll drop the "Michie" bullshit. I am not here for "Who will win, Big Brother 21? ___ or Michie?" Ugh.

  • Love 3

Hey Bella. The reason all-girl alliances never work is precisely because of girls like you. Girls who prefer to hitch their wagon the the alpha-male dominated alliance. I get that you think you'll have better luck with them but you didn't have to go tattling. You could have just kept your mouth shut about it and played both sides. And I wanted to like you.

I live for the day I never have to see or hear from anyone named Swaggy. Or type the word Swaggy. Ever gain.

Off topic: I hope Love Island is the biggest ratings failure CBS has ever had.

Edited by iMonrey
edited to fix: Bella, not Holly.
  • Love 10
4 hours ago, Gummo said:

Ugh, I hate that Jack appears to actually have some game smarts. 

Jackson, on the other hand.... (His name is Jackson, dammit, not Michie, or Mitchie, or Mickie, or Mookie or Mugwort or MohmygodIcanttakeitanymore).  Arrogant with some game I can just about stand (Jack); arrogance with nothing to back it up... Jackson... just bugs me no end.

I like "Mugwort."  It suits him perfectly.

Jackson/Mugwort: Kat?  We have to separate.  It's for the sake of my game.

Kat:  OK.

Mugface: Look, it's beneficial to my life in this game if we separate.  You understand?

Kat:  Cool.

Mugnuts: In the long run, it's only going to help me win this game, so every time I enter a room?  If you're there I am going to need you to immediately get up and leave.  Also, don't look at me.  Or breathe in my direction.  It's only going to help me in the long run.  But we can still be friends.

Kat:  Whatev.

Gah, I usually don't hate anyone with the fire of a thousand suns this early in the game like I hate this guy.

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I'm praaaaaying David gets back in-- and with a power that doesn't allow him to be kicked right back out.  I didn't get enough time to even know if I liked him or not before he was evicted, but the way he handled Jackson in the storage room showed class and intelligence.  I'd love to see him grab some people and take the Jacks down!   

PS-- That announcer guy is crazy loud and Red Bulled up or something.  And the whole wacky camp routine is so silly.  I feel like the show is pandering to middle schoolers and here I am a grandma who's watched every show from the very first Big Brother.  I hope I haven't 'outgrown' BB!  

  • Love 7
21 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Hey Holly. The reason all-girl alliances never work is precisely because of girls like you. Girls who prefer to hitch their wagon the the alpha-male dominated alliance. I get that you think you'll have better luck with them but you didn't have to go tattling. You could have just kept your mouth shut about it and played both sides. And I wanted to like you.

I live for the day I never have to see or hear from anyone named Swaggy. Or type the word Swaggy. Ever gain.

Off topic: I hope Love Island is the biggest ratings failure CBS has ever had.

So much all of this. The women have all the power to determine whether an all-girls alliance can stick together. Whether it succeeds has a lot more variables at play, but selling out the alliance to the bro-dudes in the first 5 minutes...thanks Bella. 

What I enjoyed in this episode:

  • Brett and Winston
  • Tommy and the snakes - he made it entertaining, though I was pretty much yelling at him to speed the hell up during the comp
  • Kat not giving a crap about Jackson
  • Ovi gradually getting a clue
  • David in general

What I disliked in this episode:

  • Everything else.

This season seriously needs a shakeup.

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, stcroix said:

I feel like the show is pandering to middle schoolers and here I am a grandma who's watched every show from the very first Big Brother.  I hope I haven't 'outgrown' BB!  

Well, you know my theory -- they're bending over backwards to be wholesome this summer to help rehabilitate the Moonves' image. I mean, jeez, in the broadcast episodes they've barely hinted at all the hoohah going on (I've only learned about that on the live feed board here) -- usually that's something they trumpet as loud as they can for ratings and social media clicks. 

However, the only problem with my theory is all the sleazy commercials during BB for Chlamydia Island (and kudos to whoever came up with that name, an instant classic!).

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