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S11.E15: Life is Not a Cabaret

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40 minutes ago, kicksave said:

I don’t think she’s capable of having normal friendships or relationships. 

Who would want to be friends with her? She should just get a tatoo on her forehead of a skull and crossbones.😁

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After rewatch, of Sonja's fragmented declarations of the horrors of AA, I *think* I got  it, when Luanne told Dorinda that she was not particularly worried about Sonja because she was completely fine in the car ride back to the house after the AA meeting. The look on Dorinda's face was priceless. She just looked at Sonja and I could hear her wheels turning.

Sonja is completely using Bethanny's hatred for Luanne to  her advantage. If Bethanny likes you, your in. If Bethanny doesn't like  you, then you are screwed. Sonja is totally taking advantage of any opportunity  to get attention at the expense of Luanne. 

Now that Barbara has verbally stated disapproval of Luanne, she's part of the gang. It's not crazy, but a little ironic. Now that Barbara has verbally declared her distrust of Luanne, she's in. THey will stop ignoring her now. 

I don't really think Bethanny has a point either. Luanne is in Luanne world. She always has been. Bethanny has gone off on Luanne countless times. It's not going to change. She really doesn't owe any of these ladies anything, and I kind of admire her for not kissing their asses and doing her own thing and not crying about being left out. 

The lady is tough. When Carole was ignoring Bethanny in Colombia last season, Bethanny broke down and needed an emergency flight out of the country. 

If Bethanny wasn't on this show, no one would even notice, and would probably be having a ball at cabarets. Cabarets have men, and these ladies all love men. I think Bethanny has just decided to destroy Luanne, that's her storyline, and she's going at it with a vengeance.

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5 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Yes! This ^^^ is exactly what solidifys that Beth is what I call (and I'm going to quote Cesar Milan the Dog Whisperer: ) Bethanny is in the RED zone always. She starts out in the Red Zone. Never leaves it. Beth needs to spend 6 months at Cesars dog Psychology center to reprogram her brain.

And Gem10, I'm happy for you for being able to overcome your childhood issues. Hanging on to that $hit (like Bethenny) serves no purpose.  Except to hope for sympathy and attention.But that's who B is. Attention whore, jealousy/envy issues. It never ends with her. 

Thanks.  I’m sure we all had issues, but there comes a time when you have to overcome them to be happy.  There are worse things in life.  You can’t dwell on the bad.

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This episode clearly illustrates the obvious. Lu will never change. She will pretend that all is okay until it becomes painfully impossible for her to continue to ignore her problems. She has fallen (physically, financially and otherwise) so many times and seemingly bounced right back up, but it's just a matter of time before it all catches up with her.  She is very much into herself and really does not like to be called out when people point this out. 

Bethenny is a mess. She wants to control the narrative at all times. When she can't she freaks out. Big Time. She does this with her paid to be seen with her friends castmates, she did it with Jason and his parents. It's scary to watch her respond to situations with fury and what appears to be mental breakdowns. Can she not watch the reruns and not see that she looks like a lunatic?  She's as delusional as Lu. She will be in serious trouble when she realizes that BrynnyGirl doesn't feel that she owes her undying devotion (as well as loyalty demonstrated by hatred toward her father and grandparents) for all that she has done for her. That relationship will end just as badly as all the rest of Bethenny's relationships. 

Speaking of delusional, Sonja is beginning to see the writing on the wall, hence her strange behavior during the past few episodes. 

Even though I dislike her, Ramona seems able to do the iconic Ramona shrug /glance to the side and move on from whatever curve balls life throws her way. I really like her advice to Tinsley about not having all of her "eggs" (excuse the pun) in one basket, so that when one thing goes horribly wrong, you have all of the other stuff in your life to turn to for consolation and distraction until you are able to ground yourself again.

I won't get into Dorinda or Tinsley as this is getting a little bit too wordy, but I see the both of them as well.

These past two episodes have shown us the Real in these Real Housewives.

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6 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

She's trying to wrap her grief in this pretty package talking about them being engaged and how much she loves him but it's definitely more complicated than that.

That's a great point  - wading into the deep end with your (complicated : ) pool noodle and swimming with it - I wonder if Frankel's list of Luann's sins is also Bethenny's own (unconscious) list of sins she feels she committed against Shields?

In Frankel's custody case, she testified she didn't know Dennis was an addict, or even necessarily on medication. So (in her own way) Bethenny was oblivious to his situation, just as Luann was oblivious to Bethenny's.  (That might explain Frankel's revealing slip of the tongue, "You didn't care enough to check in on Dennis."  It was about Bethenny checking in on Dennis during their "off" phase).  And just as Luann cavalierly uses people who have loved and helped her (Buh bye, Bam Bam!) I think Bethenny used Dennis pretty cavalierly as well. For someone who (as you said) showed her such loyalty and support, & helped her profoundly, Frankel  (especially since he died) has been very disrespectful of Shields, imo. (Turning him into a lovesick ghost, crying about fears she drove him to kill himself, playing the widow while already in a new relationship, etc).  And Bethenny  (as @dosodog caught) is dining out on grief, even as she accuses Luann of dining out on her sobriety.  

It sounds like Luann has been a mirror for Frankel this season,  not just a target.  In Luann, imo, Bethenny sees her own ugliest self (and rejects it, throwing it back on Luann, because Betheny is not willing to own anything.) To be clear, in no way do I think Frankel should feel an ounce of guilt about Shields' death. Addicts own their lives and deaths, and she had no part in that.  Shields was a father to four kids - if didn't get him sober, nothing would.  None of that is on her (or his wife, or his friends). Shields was an addict, all of it rests on him, imo. 

That said, after years of relationship whiplash - We're together forever! No, we're not! Wait - yes we are! No, we're not! I'm dating other men but we're secretly engaged! -  he died. No chance to clean up the mess. Or even just make up excuses she can live with (because it's not about Dennis in the end, it's still all about Bethenny). Maybe Luann is the ultimate  trigger because she reminds Bethenny of herself; an entitled woman grown too used to taking what she wants, and  being  applauded for what she gives (within parameters she alone sets) and dismissing anybody who displeases her (Bethenny through fire, Luann through ice).  Maybe Bethenny loathes Luann not just because Luann is condescending and self-aggrandizing and maddening every mile of road from here to West Palm,  but also because every time Bethenny looks at the women, she recognizes Luann as a member of her own narcissistic tribe.

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On 6/13/2019 at 5:50 PM, film noire said:


And this is who Bethenny is, full stop. She didn't go postal because of Dennis, or his overdose, Luann's entitlement, or the custody battle, or Jason or a millon other reasons. She did it because that's who she is, now: a woman who feels no hesitation (or remorse) about savaging people who have displeased her.

The only correction, or addition I have is that this is who B has ALWAYS been, full stop. She had manic dysfunction in her home- way up then way down- as she exhibits now, then the added sprinkle of NO consequences and no boundaries.  She describes in her books two times going scorched earth on her parents. Once when she totalled her mother's car which she took without permission- mom got pissed- so Bethenny never spoke to her again. And again when she totalled her Dad's expensive luxury car in California and was horrified when he replaced it (REPLACED IT FREE MIND YOU) with a cheap American used car. Put boundaries on this bitch and she will make sure you rue the day. Kelly, Jason, judges in court, etc.............. Bethenny gets along with only people who are pay to play- getting stuff from her and giving her no boundaries. 

5 hours ago, sashayshante said:

I'm not sure I agree. I think the B. we see now was always there, viewers were just shown small doses. Nobody just becomes that much of a self-obsessed, toxic narcissist. That kind of disordered behavior is always there under the surface. She's the product of bad parenting, too much attention and more money than she can spend.

See above. Perfect storm. Agree bad parenting, well average 70's parenting, too much attn, more money than she could spend AND no boundaries or consequences. The healthiest she probably ever was, was on season 1 where the first Jason had boundaries on her and she had the least amount of financial help in her life from her dad and step dad. Now she has fuck you money and no boundaries.

3 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

I've felt this way about B since season 2 (that's when I started watching, went back and saw season one after) and the very first scene I saw of Beth was her in the pool talking to I think Lu about Kelly (who was new to the cast that season) and she already had a bone to pick with the girl. Something about meeting her several times and her acting like she didn't know Beth every time they were at the same social event. I remember thinking, who is this chick and why is she that mad over a someone she's not too close with about the fact that the girl wasn't fawning all over Beth acknowledging their brief introductions at previous events?

Even before that when she told Jill she had no parents I was onto her. I was like huh? She is America's horse racing Princess- her dad is the King of TB horses and I know that circle. She started with the exaggerations and her manipulation/exaggeration then.  Lies to gain fame. 

What's the one thing Bethenny can't get? Even with her money, daughter, homes, and fame? There is NO amount of attention that will soothe her because she ONLY wants the attention of her mother and her father. He is dead. And Mom is done with her shit. For good. 

Kelly knew Bethenny from the NYC scene, trust me, I know ppl who know both of them,  and Bethenny's antics from the get go.  Kelly wanted no part of her. Kelly was the first one who saw thru her, and she set those boundaries and Bethenny went scorched earth on her ass. That's all that was.  Kelly was patient zero for Bethenny on screen. It made a great storyline for her after her plans for first Jason fell thru (babies etc). Jason's boundaries sunk that ship.

24 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

Bethenny is a mess. She wants to control the narrative at all times. When she can't she freaks out. Big Time. She does this with her paid to be seen with her friends castmates, she did it with Jason and his parents. It's scary to watch her respond to situations with fury and what appears to be mental breakdowns. Can she not watch the reruns and not see that she looks like a lunatic?  She's as delusional as Lu. She will be in serious trouble when she realizes that BrynnyGirl doesn't feel that she owes her undying devotion (as well as loyalty demonstrated by hatred toward her father and grandparents) for all that she has done for her. That relationship will end just as badly as all the rest of Bethenny's relationships. 

Bryn is going to hate her mother, it's coming sooner rather than later. Bethenny needs real intensive therapy like 4x a week for a few years. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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9 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Bryn is going to hate her mother, it's coming sooner rather than later. Bethenny needs real intensive therapy like 4x a week for a few years. 

Hopefully not an AS SEEN ON TV  therapist like Bethenny's  / Bravo's paid sycophants. 

In a few years, Bryn will be writing a book and being paid good money for doing the talk show circuit while Bethenny continues to spew her toxicity on social media while blaming it all on Jason and the Hoppys.

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1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

and its the haughtiness brought on by the cabaret that's the culprit of Lu's winning personality this season

I understand your point. However, what's wrong, or different, from Lu's haughtiness for being a Cabaret performer and Beth's haughtiness for Skinny Girl? I just see it as being proud or pleased with what you are doing or have achieved in your life. Nobody ever tells Bitchany that they're sick of hearing about SG products. B knows these women are all scared $hitless of taking her on. 

And I agree with the previous poster who said B is much crazier than Bensimone from "Scary Island" episode.

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2 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

I thought production was blurring Ramona’s nipple when she was in bed.  Then I find out it was her holding one of her products.  😂😂 Was production blurring the label?

Andy mentioned that on WWHL.  He couldn't believe how she worked that in sitting there talking to Sonja and Bethenny, all the while holding her product up perfectly for the camera!

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1 minute ago, ChitChat said:

Andy mentioned that on WWHL.  He couldn't believe how she worked that in sitting there talking to Sonja and Bethenny, all the while holding her product up perfectly for the camera!

What was the "product" Ramona was selling? 

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6 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Yes! This ^^^ is exactly what solidifys that Beth is what I call (and I'm going to quote Cesar Milan the Dog Whisperer: ) Bethanny is in the RED zone always. She starts out in the Red Zone. Never leaves it. Beth needs to spend 6 months at Cesars dog Psychology center to reprogram her brain.

A few years ago I was constantly having Bethenny-moments in public (I was being gaslighted by a roommate -- it was gross). My therapist at the time said, "You look and feel like you're going from 0 to 10, but you're really STARTING at 6 or 7". The Bethenny/LuAnn strife has been slow to burn, but by the time Luann sat down at that table in Barton G, Bethenny was at a solid 8 --and I agree with your point that she generally lives this way.

It's not that I don't blame Bethenny for acting that way in public, but I *can* see how frustrating LuAnn is to try to engage. Shes a brick wall of deflection who can't see the forest for the trees.

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I think part of Bethenny's rage against Luann is that she feels guilty about Dennis' death.  She was focused on helping to save Luann while Dennis was running out of time.  She may feel that if she hadn't been so focused on Luann, she may have noticed something that could have helped save Dennis.  There may have been a little "I helped save Luann but why couldn't I have saved Dennis instead?"

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6 minutes ago, JakeyJokes said:

A few years ago I was constantly having Bethenny-moments in public (I was being gaslighted by a roommate -- it was gross). My therapist at the time said, "You look and feel like you're going from 0 to 10, but you're really STARTING at 6 or 7". The Bethenny/LuAnn strife has been slow to burn, but by the time Luann sat down at that table in Barton G, Bethenny was at a solid 8 --and I agree with your point that she generally lives this way.

It's not that I don't blame Bethenny for acting that way in public, but I *can* see how frustrating LuAnn is to try to engage. Shes a brick wall of deflection who can't see the forest for the trees.

Sorry you had to go through that with a roommate. But it's good that you went to a therapist. It can be very helpful. 

I just choose NOT to have people in my life who are disruptive, narcissistic, unkind or needy. However, I have no family so that makes it so much easier to be selective of who I have in my life.  But I still dislike Bethany straight into the Red Zone!😁

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7 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

See that's my thing too. Okay so Lu's annoying. GEEZ! That's the only gripe they all keep referring to and every time it's the conversation I roll my eyes soooooo hard. Get over it already! It's not like she's someone that runs around CREATING drama and purposely tries to set up a situation where the goal is to have everyone sniping at each around the table (looking at you Rinna...) 

She usually inadvertently steps into shit due to her character flaws. The fact that they come at her like she intentionally wants to cause harm is what annoys the fuck out of me. Sure Lu does dish some of that back with her cool as a cucumber stares, facial expressions and quips but she's not starting a conversation that way. We only get those aloof reactions when someone's coming for her. That to me is a big difference.

I don’t feel like Lu starts anything.  She just rolls along and does her own thing.  Why does it bother the rest of them if she wants to swim or eat by herself?  That’s her choice.  The rest are too clingy with each other.  Ramona leaves them all and goes bar hopping, but that’s o.k.? Too much togetherness.  If they don’t want to go to Cabaret, don’t go.  She’ll bounce back as she is resilient.  If she asks a favor, say u can’t do it.  You’ll feel better and she might get off her high horse.  A little tough love is needed.

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7 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

I never said that it did.

With my exact words, word for word. You are right. You didn't say that. The truth is that of all the women Bethenny was the only one shown to have any care for Barbara's feelings.

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9 hours ago, dosodog said:

If Lu is "dining on sobriety" them Bethenny used that moment to "dine on Dennis' death".

And I feel kind of gross for criticising grief.  However, after reflection, I'm not really sure if there was any grief involved.

I don't know.  I'm not going to watch it again to see if my interpretation is off.   It was too much.

I haven't heard her mention Dennis' death in the last couple of episodes. And I don't think other than at the beginning of the season, very soon after it happened, did she focus on it. All of Lu's storyline is wrapped up in her alcoholism, from her triumphant rise from the bottle to International Caberet Stahh, to every interaction she has with the other women. She needs a massage to stay sober. She needs her yoga to stay sober. She needs the women to not drink around her to stay sober. She needs the women (and cameras) to attend every show to stay sober. As an alcoholic, you know what I was taught I needed to stay sober? A sponsor to take me through the 12 steps, practicing the 12 steps, and meetings. I dont ever hear her talk about any of that unless she is trying to get Sonja to go to a meeting in order to prove a point by attending a meeting. And if the drinking is too much for her, she needs to remove herself from the situation. She is responsible  for her sobriety. No one else.

For B I dont think being upset that someone you are close enough to to take over their finances and stage an intervention for didn't bother to reach out when a close friend/ lover died is being ridiculous. Yes, her reaction was batshit, but Lu is a button pusher

As I have mentioned before they are all narcissists, but at least the other women can feign interest. It is basic manners. Didn't the Countess write a book on manners?

12 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Does anyone know if Bethennys mother wrote a book?  I would love to read it.

I don't think she has, but I'd buy it full price if she did.

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8 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Tan Barb Mom's message to walnutqueen:

First of all You're welcome!

Second, as you know I'm in construction, so my tip for the day, for the best even all over tan I lay down naked on the hardwood floor of one of my job sites and my foreman takes a lambswool mop with stain and rolls it right over me and the floor. I'm a multi tasker - so both the floor and myself are stained in one shot. I prefer more than 10 coats applied - but everyone has their own taste



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Speaking of Game of Thrones and House words/mottoes, I thought I'd have a bit of fun (because this show is anything but fun now):

House Cuntess

Sigil/Crest: Witch on broomstick

Words: Life is a Cabaret

House Frankel

Sigil/Crest: Snake coiled around a woman's neck

Words: Me, Always All Ways

House Medley

Sigil/Crest: Monkey hanging upside down, flinging shit

Words: JoVani!

House Morgan

Sigil/Crest: Dog Chasing Tail

Words: Madonna & John John

House Singer

Sigil/Crest: Pinot Grigio bottle

Words: It's Turtle Time

House Mortimer

Sigil/Crest: Eggs in a Basket

Words: Maybe Kids, Maybe Chihuahuas

Edited by gingerella
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2 minutes ago, gingerella said:

Speaking of Game of Thrones and House words/mottoes, I thought I'd have a bit of fun (because this show is anything but fun now):

House Cuntess

Sigil/Crest: Witch on broomstick

Words: Life is a Cabaret

House Frankel

Sigil/Crest: Snake coiled around a woman's neck

Words: Me, Always All Ways

House Medley

Sigil/Crest: Monkey hanging upside down, flinging shit

Words: JoVani!

House Morgan

Sigil/Crest: Dog Chasing Tail

Words: Madonna & John John

House Singer

Sigil/Crest: Pinot Grigio bottle

Words: It's Turtle Time

House Mortimer

Sigil/Crest: Frozen Cryo Tube

Words: Maybe Kids, Maybe Chihuahuas

Utterly brilliant!!!

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3 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I think part of Bethenny's rage against Luann is that she feels guilty about Dennis' death.  She was focused on helping to save Luann while Dennis was running out of time.  She may feel that if she hadn't been so focused on Luann, she may have noticed something that could have helped save Dennis.  There may have been a little "I helped save Luann but why couldn't I have saved Dennis instead?"

If, as I suspect, her aid to Luann was producer-driven, will she see eventually that it was Bravo who turned her away from Dennis in favor of Luann? Will she go all B-52 Bomber on Andy’s ass? She doesn’t even like Luann. She had love for Dennis. It’s all so Weird. 

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12 hours ago, Cherrio said:

There are two housewives I have disliked since the beginning. Luann and Vicki.

They are both despicable people for many reasons.

Rahul's post nails it.

Ugh Vikie.  She had to get engaged to stay a “regular”.   Every time she screams “you hoo”  I want to smash her face in.  I only watch when SHANNON and what’s her face, the one with the dark hair who divorced is on.  Kelly, I think.

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2 hours ago, gingerella said:

Speaking of Game of Thrones and House words/mottoes, I thought I'd have a bit of fun (because this show is anything but fun now):

(snip only for space)


astaire gif.gif

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On 6/12/2019 at 10:18 PM, SailorGirl said:

I totally get why Bethenny snapped.  

Yup, she was pissed with Lu and she snapped. The Dennis death,  Jason court situation, stressful times. She lost her mind. She showed her crazy.

What excuse does she have for freaking out on a kid just having fun on a beach?

 How can that be okay? If someone had snapped and yelled at Bryn for the same reason, how would Beth respond?

I wish we had video of Sunny losing her shit on Bethenny and Bethenny running away and hiding and not answering her door. 

 I would totally love to see that.

Edited by Happy Camper
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Luann having a random stranger taking a picture of her in front of her poster was so random, and sad, and understandable, and infuriating. 

I mean her going alone for the walk and taking a picture in front of the poster seemed to be yet another way to bring up her Caberet, but I don't blame her, she has got to sell those tickets, and this is free publicity. And if there were a poster of me for my show I'd want a picture in front of it, .... maybe the first time, and again for a bigger than normal show/better venue. But I think the main reason is she is in fact that far up her own ass.

Also, I'm glad Bethenny outed her. Between Lu's hypocritical condemnation of Sonja's drinking and then making fun of Tinsley slurring her words, I think she was begging to be outed, I wish there was more.

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2 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

Yup, she was pissed with Lu and she snapped. The Dennis death,  Jason court situation, stressful times. She lost her mind. She showed her crazy.

What excuse does she have for freaking out on a kid just having fun on a beach?

 How can that be okay? If someone had snapped and yelled at Bryn for the same reason, how would Beth respond?

I wish we had video of Sunny losing her shit on Bethenny. I would totally get that.

There is no excuse, that's just shitty entitled behavior.

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8 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

But I think the main reason is she is in fact that far up her own ass.

Agreed! Luann has no self awareness. Bethenny is also up her own ass. They are equally stinkingly living in their own asses.

Edited by Happy Camper
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14 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Luann having a random stranger taking a picture of her in front of her poster was so random, and sad, and understandable, and infuriating.

I agree. I also suspect that the random stranger was a paid production assistant.

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On 6/12/2019 at 10:34 PM, Emmeline said:

This is how Bethenny was transcribed by E News.  I want more details.  Lu was very close to getting arrested again.  She just didn’t quite get caught.  

"I took weeks of my life for you!" Bethenny says. "I had lawyers come to your house on a Sunday. I spoke to your kids. I sat outside in your driveway to make sure that you didn't drive your car. You almost crashed the boat and killed your friends! You were running in a field in negligee and had to be taken in cop cars and I made sure that they didn't record it so you didn't ultimately get arrested."

....I was homeless! I was lost at sea! I was raised by wolves! I was bleeding to death! I was tortured! I was engaged to an addict! My "fiance" couldn't live without me! I almost died, multiple times! 

Alrighty then. 

Actually, Bethenny owes me for the anguish she has caused me just watching and listening to her BS.

Judge Judy?

Edited by Happy Camper
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Okay, I just watched the full episode - and once again, I found myself mostly taking Luanne's side and I don't even really like Lu. I think she can be really self-centered (mostly borne out of her own insecurities). But I didn't really see her acting so off-the-charts self-centered in this episode.

I think she rightfully thought that Sonja was seeking attention after the AA meeting and the fact that Sonja was talking about how the meeting was traumatic for her showed me that Lu was totally right to ignore Sonja. I also think that Lu was right when she said that Sonja was judging both Lu and the other people at the meeting. And she was right to say to Sonja that she should have gone to the meeting for herself, not to please either Lu OR Bethenny.

And I think that she was right to get away from the group - she's struggling with her sobriety and obviously, she doesn't always win that struggle (based on her recent issues). But being around this group, who clearly doesn't want her to succeed in meeting her sobriety for a variety of reasons, is going to test that. IMO, she was right to want to get away from them.

I think that at this point, they are ALL struggling with their relationship with alcohol - except maybe Ramona and Barbara. But IMO, Sonja and Dorinda have real issues with alcohol, Tinsley may be on her way and Bethenny uses alcohol as a crutch at times, too. And I think that is a huge part of the reason why they are so resentful of Lu for being so open about sobriety.  I also do think Bethenny is probably projecting onto Lu her anger at Dennis for his issues.  It's all pretty toxic.

In short, I think that the whole lot of them are projecting things onto Lu that they don't want to deal with in their own lives. That doesn't mean some of the criticisms they have of Lu aren't warranted. But IMO, they are blowing them way out of proportion because it's easier to use Lu was a whipping girl rather than deal with their own issues. 

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On 6/13/2019 at 6:01 PM, sasha206 said:

I would like to know how she "saved" LuAnn from getting arrested again.  Does she have that much power?  Or is this a case of Beth exaggerating again?

When I first heard it, I thought Beth was saying that she made sure that nobody there took pictures of Luann so they could post it/sell it somewhere.  If the pictures and stories got out, then Luann could be picked up for violating her parole.  Other than that, I'm not sure how Beth saved her from being arrested - if cops were there, I'm sure not one of them would be listening to Bethenny.

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On 6/13/2019 at 6:23 PM, sasha206 said:

I think the patrons are paid to be there and not react!

But on your last comment, GO BLUES is right!  Great game last night.  I'm a Caps fan so seeing them win last year was incredible; Blues fans waited even longer and I couldn't be happier!  And Ryan O'Reilly is soooo yummy.


I did notice when the fight started,  there was a diner who was watching like,  "wtf?"

I am so torn about the Stanley Cup.  Born in St.  Louis,  but raised in Dallas.  That was a painful game 7 loss.  But,  was hoping Blues would get their first Stanley Cup.  So,  (lower case) yay blues... 

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3 hours ago, rehoboth said:

When I first heard it, I thought Beth was saying that she made sure that nobody there took pictures of Luann so they could post it/sell it somewhere.  If the pictures and stories got out, then Luann could be picked up for violating her parole.  Other than that, I'm not sure how Beth saved her from being arrested - if cops were there, I'm sure not one of them would be listening to Bethenny.

LuAnn is not on parole; she is on probation. 

If you or I were drunk and running through a field out in the Hamptons while wearing a negligee, we would be arrested.  The charges could be drunk and disorderly, disturbing the peace, trespassing, etc..  However, if a rich white woman celebrity with a home in the Hamptons did it, she probably would not get arrested. That's especially true if your neighbor, another rich white woman celebrity and Hampton homeowner was there offering to care for her and take her home. 

Edited by AnnA
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On 6/13/2019 at 5:50 PM, film noire said:


And this is who Bethenny is, full stop. She didn't go postal because of Dennis, or his overdose, Luann's entitlement, or the custody battle, or Jason or a millon other reasons. She did it because that's who she is, now: a woman who feels no hesitation (or remorse) about savaging people who have displeased her.

As @watcherwoman mentioned, they played the RHoNY clip on The View and Megan McCain went into a laundry list of reasons defending Frankel (Bethenny's grieving, etc)  and Sunny Hostin cut her off and said Bethenny went after her young son in exactly the same way.  A boy playing on the beach in the afternoon was subjected to Frankel screaming like a lunatic at him. Bethenny's "reason"? The awful thing motivating her to lose her shit on a child?  Bryn (then a baby) was napping with an open window, and Hostin's son - deserving of being attacked merely for playing - and his friends were on Hostin's beach area during Bryn's nap time.

That's who Frankel has become.  It's not a phase, it's who she is. It's not a life event, it's who she is. The  charming wiseass who used to hawk muffins and cheerfully roller skate into the New York city night is no more.  In her place is a woman who vomits her unresolved rage and bitterness onto anyone annoying her, be it Luann, a stranger standing in her way at a concert, a woman with an eating disorder  - or a little boy playing on the beach.

I watched The View that day and I don’t recall Sunny describing Beth as screaming like a lunatic. I do not doubt that Beth yells at people. But Sunny first said she yelled at a group of kids, then it turned into just poor 7 y/o Gabriel. Also of interest, Gabriel is seventeen and Bryan wasn’t even alive when he was seven. 

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5 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I watched The View that day and I don’t recall Sunny describing Beth as screaming like a lunatic. I do not doubt that Beth yells at people. But Sunny first said she yelled at a group of kids, then it turned into just poor 7 y/o Gabriel. Also of interest, Gabriel is seventeen and Bryan wasn’t even alive when he was seven. 

Ha Ha!   Thank you!   That made me laugh. 

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Luann is such an asshole!

Sonja is upset crying and she goes to the beach.

Mocking Tinsley for slurring her words. 

The girls are spot on for her being all about herself. 

Bethenny was full on dramatic at dinner but she is entertaining. 

The only thing I agreed with Lu about was not the judge AA. 

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12 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Luann having a random stranger taking a picture of her in front of her poster was so random, and sad, and understandable, and infuriating. 

I mean her going alone for the walk and taking a picture in front of the poster seemed to be yet another way to bring up her Caberet, but I don't blame her, she has got to sell those tickets, and this is free publicity. And if there were a poster of me for my show I'd want a picture in front of it, .... maybe the first time, and again for a bigger than normal show/better venue. But I think the main reason is she is in fact that far up her own ass.

Also, I'm glad Bethenny outed her. Between Lu's hypocritical condemnation of Sonja's drinking and then making fun of Tinsley slurring her words, I think she was begging to be outed, I wish there was more.

And Luann did that thing again where she prompts the other person to validate and agree with her on how fabulous she is and it all is. "This is so exciting, right?" to this poor girl!! Sure lady.

Listen for it - she's seriously done it all season. "It was a fabulous party, wasn't it?" "This view is amazing, don't you think Tins?" "I really landed on my feet, right?" "I did really good for myself, right?" She basically answers for them. What are you supposed to say? No, it's not exciting at all. I think Luann would be exhausting to be around. Total ego monster.

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On 6/13/2019 at 5:01 PM, sasha206 said:

I would like to know how she "saved" LuAnn from getting arrested again.  Does she have that much power?  Or is this a case of Beth exaggerating again?

They  are wealthy white people who own homes there. Wealthy people and wealthy white people are given so many passes.* I believe that the cops were called; Luann might have even been cuffed. Bethenny probably called the attorneys and started her mile a minute monologue about what was happening in Luann's life and gave a promise that Luann would go back to rehab. I wouldn't have been surprised to hear that the rehab facility informed the Sag Harbor police that Luann had been admitted. Matter dealt with.

* The D Magazine piece on the "affluenza" kid is illuminating. Teachers, social workers, and police had a ton of opportunities to intervene and they didn't. We see colleges bend over backwards to cover up the actions of athletes; it's not entirely surprising that a couple of individuals who owned multiple multi-million dollar homes in the area could talk the police out of arresting their friend. I went to school with these kids whose family had billions. I happened to be at some charity event with the grandmother. I told her that I was going to law school. She said that the family always needed lawyers in case someone gets into trouble. She started pantomiming all the types of trouble they get into. I had known these people for more than a decade. There was not a single person in that family who had been arrested in that time. And that's the point.

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Bethenny steals best actress award from Sonja. 

I did not believe that outburst for one tiny second. 

Take a look at the diners actors  in the restaurant behind her. Staged AF. People do not carry on eating and chatting while some hysterical bitch goes off on a fake anxiety breakdown a few feet away.  

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2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I watched The View that day and I don’t recall Sunny describing Beth as screaming like a lunatic.

They played the clip - in which Bethenny was screaming like a crazy woman - and Sunny interrupted Meghan's defense and said “I don’t know Bethenny, but I’ve seen her behave that way on the beach when she was yelling at my child."  

And (after the whole "producers in my ear piece are telling me to not tell this story" moment) Sunny said "I'm just saying, I've seen that kind of behavior when Bethenny yelled at my child on the beach."  She was very explicit in drawing a direct comparison between Bethenny's behaviour with Luann, and Bethenny's behavior towards her child.  


Also of interest, Gabriel is seventeen and Bryan wasn’t even alive when he was seven. 

Sunny said her son was "about seven" so she was off by a summer (Bryn was a baby when he was eight) but whether the boy was seven, eight or nine - or seventeen - Frankel screaming at a kid the way she screamed at Luann is flat-out abusive, imo.

14 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

Actually, Bethenny owes me for the anguish she has caused me just watching and listening to her BS.

We have BTSD! : )

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2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I watched The View that day and I don’t recall Sunny describing Beth as screaming like a lunatic. I do not doubt that Beth yells at people. But Sunny first said she yelled at a group of kids, then it turned into just poor 7 y/o Gabriel. Also of interest, Gabriel is seventeen and Bryan wasn’t even alive when he was seven. 

Sunny also criticized Bethenny last year for her relief efforts. That woman is a piece of work. I have watched her on political news channels before, and found that she often plays loose and fast with the truth. I will no longer watch any show that she is on. 

Assuming that this may have happened with her other kid, maybe the kid needed to be told to pipe down. It ticks me off when people think that their children should be allowed to scream and yell, no matter where they are. I don't care if your kid is at a pool, a beach, or playing in the street. There are other people living there, and your kid (and his friends) are not the only people there, And I don't even have a sleeping child. Special snowflakes are only special to the people that spawned them. 

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