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S04.E08: Nowhere To Run

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20 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

I think even if Chantel and Pedro agreed to not see each others families. Chantel would still have to sit and watch her chucklefuck of a husband send a good chunk of his paycheck home every month. 

And he'd have to watch her spend her money on hair, nails and eyelashes.  Since the pre-nup I'm assuming they have separate accounts.  Each one is entitled to spend their money how they see fit.

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2 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

And he'd have to watch her spend her money on hair, nails and eyelashes.  Since the pre-nup I'm assuming they have separate accounts.  Each one is entitled to spend their money how they see fit.

They have at least one joint account as he referred to using "their savings" for his open-ended trip to the DR and potentially "starting a business".

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6 hours ago, lu1535 said:

Random thoughts:

Russ & Pao - How do they get the water out of the pool after the birth and not to mention, the water is going to be bloody and icky? <snip>

5 hours ago, Meowwww said:

Oh the pool.  I thought the same thing.  They gonna dump the blood and goo down the sink?  Transport it to the sink one bucket at a time?  Gag and puke. <snip>

4 hours ago, Elizzikra said:


It must somehow get hooked up to a water supply, e.g. a faucet, presumably with a sink underneath it (remember when Ross was trying to figure out how to get it full of warm water and keep it warm). I'm thinking it somehow has rudimentary drainage built in.


Often people buy an inflatable pool like THIS for water birth.

You really don't need a special "birthing pool".

You fill it with a hose attached to the bathroom sink, and empty it into the bathtub (or, out a window - depending upon where you live) by setting up a siphon.

Same procedure as used to fill and drain a waterbed mattress.

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Ok I just looked. The one hour preview of the new episode is up on the TLC website. The new episode is called:


The Truth Comes Out: Chantel gets shady news about Pedro and his family; Larissa shuts Colt out after her second arrest; Ashley discovers the ugly truth about Jay; Andrei spends money on his father, which upsets Elizabeth; Russ and Pao's baby is ready to make his debut. 

Note: Still no Azan!!!

Maybe I’ll watch it tonight.

Edited by lids
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3 hours ago, Mothra said:

Some things I don't understand:  why didn't Coltie go into the police station and find out for himself about Larissa's bail?  Unless I'm mistaken, cash bail means you pay 10% of the bail, and then if you don't show up for your hearing, you owe the full amount.

With Bail Bondsmen, you get to pay 10-15% of the bail money but you don't get it back.

Cash bail, you pay the full bail but get it all back if you show up to all proceedings etc. 

For a $1000 bail, a bondsman is stupid. He's out $200. Cash, he would have had the full $1000 back as soon as her case was adjudicated. 

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5 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I wanted to engage in a drinking game every time Jay or Ashley told each other to "F*&k off" or said the word "f*#k" or anyone in the Chantal/Pedro drama said the word "respect" or "disrespect" but I would have been passed out long before the show ended.

My drinking game is every time someone in this series says "I'm done!"   And you have to do a double every time Debbie screeches, "I'm done!  DONE!"

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On 6/16/2019 at 10:23 AM, TwirlyGirly said:

I've been trying to figure out what Libby gets out of creating and escalating these conflicts. The only thing I can think of is perhaps because she's the youngest in the family, she feels (rightly or wrongly) she didn't get enough attention growing up. But due to her relationship with Andrei and the conflicts that have arisen from it (conflicts which she activity participates in escalating, through oversharing with her family, refusing to set - and enforce - boundaries with them, and relaying all her conflicts with her family involving her marriage and Andrei to Andrei), she's now the center of attention in her family and with Andrei. 


No tomatoes from me.  I agree.  In a way Libby, Pedro and Chantel are exactly alike in that they involve their families in their martial drama.  

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, RealReality said:

Perhaps it's just super old school for spouses to feel confident enough in their bond that having a spouse visit friends and family in another country isn't a threat.....and even some random chick grinding on their guy isn't a huge threat, because while annoying, they know that their bond is stronger than the behavior of another woman.  And they trust their spouse not to take it any further than that.  Women can hit on your man internationally or domestically, so modern marriage sounds like a LOT of work if you have to worry that your man is going to be tempted to step out on you because a woman hits on him.

I am floored that anyone would excuse this behavior. Being hit on and not responding is waaaaaaay different than a married man allowing a girl to grind her ass on his dick and dry hump him. Oh, but they were just  "dancing." Please. Pedro himself even admitted to the camera that he messed up, and that he knew that Chantel would be pissed at what he did, and rightfully so. He wasn't even trying to excuse his own behavior.

And it wasn't just "some random chick." It was a girl he and his sister are friends with...a girl who wants to get with him...and who he continued to hang out with for the rest of the night, while his sister was trying to hook them up. That aint "some random chick" that just happened to be there! (Not that that would make it ok if it were.)

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So today I told my husband "Don't Terrorize me With Your Arthritis"   I haven't stopped laughing.  He thinks I'm nuts.  LOL

I think of Andreeee all the time and his Don't Terrorize Me With Your Pregnancy!  I even chuckled about that one when grocery shopping.

Who ever came up with that line should get an Academy Award or at least some trophy!

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10 minutes ago, SallySarue said:

I am floored that anyone would excuse this behavior. Being hit on and not responding is waaaaaaay different than a married man allowing a girl to grind her ass on his dick and dry hump him. Oh, but they were just  "dancing." Please. Pedro himself even admitted to the camera that he messed up, and that he knew that Chantel would be pissed at what he did, and rightfully so. He wasn't even trying to excuse his own behavior.

BTW, how did Pedro feel when he and Chantel went to that club, in Miami I think and Chantel had some random guy grinding on her?  I remember he got REAL pissed, he dragged Chantel out of the club and was VERY pissed, and I don't think they were even married then.

Edited by Neurochick
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3 hours ago, RealReality said:

But Pedro isn't at fault for the physical aspect of the fight.  River is.  River both threw something at Pedro and launched the light fixture at him.  IMO, you don't get a pass because you used an object to assault someone instead of your hands.   

Its likely easier to blame Pedro because river is a bitch who can't fight and got his ass handed to him.  

I bet river thinks a little harder before starting shit next time.  

As for Nicole, she didn't have the benefit of seeing the video, so she may have been so shocked at the time she didn't know what happened.  Therefore, I don't give much credit to her reaction in the heat of the moment.  

100% agree.  Just because River missed doesn't mean that he didn't instigate the fight.

3 hours ago, lh25 said:

I'm fine with couples traveling by themselves, and even needing a little time alone.  That was a big issue in my marriage at first, then I wanted/needed some time home alone.  I'd suggest to hubby that he go golf with his buddies or something.  It took a while for him to get that it wasn't that I wasn't happy being married to him.

But if my husband said he was flying to another country, to visit family we both know are going to run me down, without an idea of when he's coming back, I'd have an issue.  Esp. when I'm being told no one wants me there.  

Yes, it's the way Pedro expressed it - he point blank said 'NO, don't come!", like he was hiding something.  

3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Nicole has already experienced this, when Mama Chantel threw her to the ground and tore out her weave, then waved it around like pampas grass, while screaming about calling Immigration. While Nicole was a guest in her home.

They didn't even take Nicole's coat. She had to sit down and hold it awkwardly in her lap, while dodging verbal barbs from Chantel's mother.

Chantel has never let go of her version of events--that Pedro and Nicole had a plan to attack River.

Oh yes, Mother Chantel is a badass. There's ring removal and stun guns. Pepper spray is probably placed on the table along with the salt and pepper. And they think they're so classy and refined. Why, I bet some of those rings weren't even costume jewelry!

When Chantel and Pedro went on vacation together when they were first married, Chantel was grinding on some rando in a bar, with her husband right there! So I can't fault Pedro too much for cutting loose in the DR, after years of being demeaned and belittled by his wife.

Pedro has said, often, "I love my wife". Never once, not one time, have I heard Chantel say she loves her husband. She loves her brother more than him. She probably loves the guy at Starbucks who makes her coffee more than him.

3 hours ago, lids said:

Sadly, there’s a whole section on YouTube with videos of the Pedro fight.

It’s strange to go back and watch it, because the families start out hugging each other. SisterNicole is even, dare I say, pleasant and then it goes left because FamilyChantel’s passive aggressiveness is the worst. River never throws anything and then he hits the lamp so that it hits the ceiling. Pedro is standing up at the same time but it doesn’t look like the lamp comes close to hitting him. I don’t think River intended to hit him but whether he did or not, River is a whiny crybaby and when he got beat up, I took a little satisfaction in the fact he wouldn’t try to be an instigator with Pedro anymore.

Yet, cooler heads should have prevailed after the fight and Pedro should concede that he lost his temper to an excessive degree. Even after the fight, he was still so angry that he kicked the food off the table. He was out of control! He has reason to apologize and he hasn’t done it once. Therefore, I cannot abide his anger with Chantel for not apologizing. Set the example, Pepe.

I totally forgot about Chantal bumping and grinding. However, the fact that he was standing right there to me - doesn't negate the fact that Pedro was NOT drunk and he took off his ring before engaging.  That spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E to me.

2 hours ago, RealReality said:

He had river throwing something at him and defended himself.  It's not Pedro's fault that river can't fight.  And I doubt that this is Rivers first time fighting from a distance and throwing things at someone has a means of fighting.

Pedro owes no one an apology for that fight.  River owes Pedro and Nicole an apology for starting the fight.  Him launching that light fixture at Pedro was the first physical move and IMO he doesn't get a pass because the cord was too short. 

River is absolutely a punk, which is why he chose to fight by throwing a light fixture Pedro's way and hoping it would hit him.  He is exactly the guy who would start shit and then use mommy's stun gun instead of fighting fair.  

So sad, too bad that his bitch moves ended up getting his ass beaten.  Actually it's neither of the two because that ass whipping was hilarious and well deserved.


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11 minutes ago, SallySarue said:

I am floored that anyone would excuse this behavior. Being hit on and not responding is waaaaaaay different than a married man allowing a girl to grind her ass on his dick and dry hump him. Oh, but they were just  "dancing." Please. Pedro himself even admitted to the camera that he messed up, and that he knew that Chantel would be pissed at what he did, and rightfully so. He wasn't even trying to excuse his own behavior.

And it wasn't just "some random chick." It was a girl he and his sister are friends with...a girl who wants to get with him...and who he continued to hang out with for the rest of the night, while his sister was trying to hook them up. That aint "some random chick" that just happened to be there! (Not that that would make it ok if it were.)

This is what I was saying.   Of all the Pedro/Chantel transgressions I have seen, this was the worst.   It wasn't a spontaneous outburst like the Chicken Dinner Smackdown (although one might credibly debate the actual spontaneity of that).  No, this was a situation Pedro could have simply walked away from and easily retained the moral high ground.   Instead, he lapped it up (pun intended).   How can he show his face on TV after that and posture as though he still has a righteous leg to stand on?   How can anyone defend him as the wronged party? 

  • Love 12
40 minutes ago, SallySarue said:

I am floored that anyone would excuse this behavior. Being hit on and not responding is waaaaaaay different than a married man allowing a girl to grind her ass on his dick and dry hump him. Oh, but they were just  "dancing." Please. Pedro himself even admitted to the camera that he messed up, and that he knew that Chantel would be pissed at what he did, and rightfully so. He wasn't even trying to excuse his own behavior.

In the words of Alexei on Pillow Talk, "Is cultural dancing".  But yeah, I feel you.  And it apparently wasn't a one-time thing as Chantel's buddy Obed witness some bad behavior as well.

Anyway ....


Nominees are:

-Andrei for being shiftless, hapless, most-likely soulless douchenozzle who can't get out of bed before 11, and acts as if he's in any position to dictate everything to anyone, including who may or may not be invited to his wife's baby shower held in a house he neither owns nor rents.  Also for perpetually looking like he's just walked through a fine mist of canola oil.

-Jay for not only lying to his wife but also to his sister about his extra-marital activities.  (Or for being a teenager trying really hard to play an adult and failing because a) he's a teenager and b) the adult part is to actually run a scam.)

-Larissa for trying to scam her FB followers into paying for a Brazilian Straightening job when Coltea refused to by lying about being abused, creating a domestic disturbance to the point of the cops breaking down the front door, and ending up in the pokey ... again.

-Coltea for subjecting us all the vision of his melting-ice cream body clad in plain pajama bottoms and black t-shirt while sitting in a camouflage recliner (who knew Mossy Oak makes furniture?)

-The two-headed misery monster that is Chantel and Pedro and their assorted family members who need to either just rumble in the street or break into song ala West Side Story. (When you're an Everrett you're an Everrett all the way from your first side-eye thrown to your last dying day ...)

-Pao for making me actually think about the logistics of a home water birth and it's potential effects on my hardwood floors (#teamshallow over here).

Not included:

-Azan and Nicole, absense makes the heart grow not fonder but the head wonder.

-Russ for trying to do what he needs to do to keep his wife happy.

-Libby because the poor kid is most likely going to end up with a case of preeclampsia dealing with her neanderthal husband and coven of sisters.

-Pao's mom for general awesomeness.

-Mr. Tony.

Edited by Lemur
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The best part about the footage of the talks between Pedro and Chantal and also Nicole on the streets of DR was spotting all the random cats and dogs walking around in the background. There was a bunch of annoying noise coming out of the people’s mouths so I was pleasantly distracted by spotting random animals. 

Also, I reanalyzed the family Chantal and Pedro fight footage and I now think that there was a second projectile launched at the chandelier from another unseen fighter out on the grassy knoll... 

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7 minutes ago, millennium said:

I'll see Colt's plaid pantaloons and raise you Pao's tartan onesie.

I couldn't stop trying to figure out Pao's 50s-throwback, low-cut, uneven hem, cold shoulder "pick Mama up from the airport" dress.  Fortunately, she snapped a selfie as soon as she got in the car, so she'll have a record of it forever.

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17 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Chantel is not in any danger.  After all, she is being followed by a camera crew. 

I didn't see it as Danger, I think they meant "literally not comfortable". That dress was tight as shit and she had to keep pulling it down and adjusting it and had to rebutton the bottom half when she got out of the car.  The Hips Chantal are not made for non stretchy fabric. 

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8 minutes ago, millennium said:

How can he show his face on TV after that and posture as though he still has a righteous leg to stand on?   How can anyone defend him as the wronged party? 

He and his sister attended a dinner where all 5 of their companions (3 children and their parents no less) were looking for any reason to interrogate/torture/batter her, so I'm going to say salsa dancing with a family friend that's got a crush on him while he's in the DR just isn't at the top of my transgressions list for this group. 

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I look so forward to posting here every week and then going back and reading what others have said about this trainwreck.

Is there some online version of this show available between episodes or something? I don’t understand. Every week I watch the episode and then the next week comes and they say, “Previously, on 90 Day….” and proceed to show scenes that I did not see the prior week. So weird.

Colt and Larissa keep bringing the crazy even though this is so four months ago. Colt is just such a gross looking schlub. WTF kind of way is that to count out money?

Chantel says she came to the DR “to help YOU” to Pedro. I so wish he’d cut her loose. He will be in misery forever if he stays with her. It truly shocks me that anyone can find Chantel’s ass attractive. It looks deformed to me.

FF past Russ and Pao. Not interested.

Ashley and Jay are nothing more than a broken record week after week. Jay’s sister wonders why after only 3 days he did whatever. How about because he’s a 20 year old player. Maybe it’s a cultural thing but I would not be comfortable with having my spouse’s sister engaging with me in a group confrontation about his infidelity. Jay is full of shit with his, ‘You’ll never understand because you’re not an immigrant.” Give me a break. You’re 20 and love playing the field. So you chase women. It’s just that simple. 

Libby sisters throwing her a shower, and then they leave early because Andrei is upset? Unbelievable. She’s a fool and an look forward to a lifetime of this. I’m just not seeing any appeal whatsoever in Andrei. It’s clear that he expects to be catered to at home, make the rules, and get to sit around until a job that he wants and likes comes along. Then when he gets tired of that, he’ll walk away and put it on Libby to deal with. Libby has no one to blame but herself. Andrei came into this thinking once they married, she would cut off her entire family. When she was going on about Andrei being head of the house ::gag:: he thought she'd do whatever he wanted. Thank GOD her sisters have a backbone and are telling Andrei essentially to fuck off. 

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

So today I told my husband "Don't Terrorize me With Your Arthritis"   I haven't stopped laughing.  He thinks I'm nuts.  LOL

I think of Andreeee all the time and his Don't Terrorize Me With Your Pregnancy!  I even chuckled about that one when grocery shopping.

Who ever came up with that line should get an Academy Award or at least some trophy!

Mr. Renatae thinks this is such a great line that he is sad that it's over 25 years too late for him to use it on me, lol.

It's not too late for me to terrorize him with my arthritis, though! Oh, goody!

Edited by renatae
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3 hours ago, renatae said:

Amen to all of this, plus what someone up thread said about them owing all of us an apology, lol.

Who wants a fake apology?

All of these entitled egos are unable to apologize because they are all right and victims of the others.  I find it hard to believe any of these apologies ever being sincere.

I guess it gives them something to bitch about and a storyline.

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

So today I told my husband "Don't Terrorize me With Your Arthritis"   I haven't stopped laughing.  He thinks I'm nuts.  LOL

LOL my husband and I say this all the time now, inserting a different word at the end, depending on what we're talking about. It's our new favorite saying! I even told my dog today, "Don't terrorize me with your begging!"

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42 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

Who wants a fake apology?

I have been married (to the same man) for fifty years, and I can tell you that a fake apology--as long as it isn't obviously fake--has solved more problems than all the counseling and flowers in the world.  Dr. Phil, whose show I have *never* watched, said "Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?"  Chantel, looking at you--you too, Pedro.

I actually think Pedro would apologize to save his marriage.  He told Chantel that she should be the bigger person and let it go; apologize to his family even if she didn't mean it, and move on.  Everybody needs to stop huffing and puffing about how mean the other family is to them--and in the case of family Chantel, they need to stop casting suspicion on everything Pedro.  Does he have another secret family?  Is his sister really his sister?  Is his grandmother's house a hangout for terrorists?

Chantel pays lip service to wanting to save her marriage, and if she would take Pedro's advice, she could do it.  It's clear that she would rather be right than be happy.

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3 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

You fill it with a hose attached to the bathroom sink, and empty it into the bathtub (or, out a window - depending upon where you live) by setting up a siphon.

Same procedure as used to fill and drain a waterbed mattress.

Yes, this makes sense. My husband would drain my daughter's waterbed that way using the out -the-window technique but to create the siphon he would suck the hose to get the water flowing. Truly gag inspiring if that's what they do with the bloody water and if they use the window method, we are talking blood and ick on the front lawn. 🤢 I vote for going to the hospital.

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9 hours ago, thejuicer said:

I totally agree. Baby showers are NOT for the dads, asshole. He confronted the host in her home in a loud, aggressive manner - I do not think he was calm at all. I think he said "It's not fair" or something ridiculous and then minutes later said to Elizabeth "Can we go now?" while everyone was still there, trying to have a good time. 

I don't think for a second that the other sisters think Andrei is hot and want to sleep with him. They (including Elizabeth) can do much, much better. I see a group of sisters who are very loving and close and are trying to protect Elizabeth (and her unborn baby). Yes, maybe some boundary issues, and a lot of smug. But come on look at how Andrei behaves! If I went to brunch with a BIL and he told me rudely to "Have a seat" I'd dump my mimosa on his head.

I don't think so either.  He is facially attractive to me but that personality makes him look like Coltee to me which is very unattractive.  The phone grabbing?  Yes, Libby should shut the hell up but that is no excuse for being grabby.  That is crossing a very firm line with me.  Lesson #1 for unmarried folks.  Never tell your family or good friends shit about your partner unless you intend to leave and never go back.  They will always remember and look at him/her side eyed.  PSA:  Unless they are abusive, then tell it all 

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19 minutes ago, lu1535 said:

Yes, this makes sense. My husband would drain my daughter's waterbed that way using the out -the-window technique but to create the siphon he would suck the hose to get the water flowing. Truly gag inspiring if that's what they do with the bloody water and if they use the window method, we are talking blood and ick on the front lawn. 🤢 I vote for going to the hospital.

They make electric pool pumps for getting rainwater off the cover during the winter. 


ANDDDRRRREEEEI does not negotiate with pregnancy terrorists!!

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5 hours ago, Mothra said:

Why didn't he go into the police station to find out when she would be released? 

This! I kept yelling this at the screen this over and over, but got no response....... maybe he still had on his plaid pajamas that were not fit for public display.

About the Chantel and Pedro saga. Chantel has the emotional maturity of a 6 year old. "Nicole is a big fat meanie because she said my hair was ugly. Waaaa, it's not fair!" And I loathe Nicole. And to think this whole thing started a couple of years ago all because Chantal lied to her parents about why Pedro was in the US. However, it does not excuse either family of their abhorrent behaviour since then.

2 hours ago, Lemur said:

-Andrei for being shiftless, hapless, most-likely soulless douchenozzle who can't get out of bed before 11, and acts as if he's in any position to dictate everything to anyone, including who may or may not be invited to his wife's baby shower held in a house he neither owns nor rents.  Also for perpetually looking like he's just walked through a fine mist of canola oil.

This is a thing of beauty.

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Pao seems to think her baby’s birth is going to be like a spa day. She said something like she just needed a pool and candles. Yep that’s all you need, appropriate mood lighting should be high on everyone’s list when bringing another life into this world.  Gotta look good in the birthing photos. Better keep up with the makeup too. 

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1 hour ago, itsadryheat said:

I think Tarik's bro, Dean, is on deck

Dean is too 'rough neck' for Chantal.

The Family Chantal would definitely not approve.

And I think he referred to River as Carrot Top - which would earn him all the points with me, but may earn him a visit from Shocky in the company of Mama Chantal.

River would just swing a lamp at him or something.

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2 hours ago, JustDuckie said:
19 hours ago, steff13 said:

When Elizabeth and Andrei had lunch with Jen, Elizabeth's makeup looked like it was covering a black eye.  

YES! I was thinking the exact same thing. Who would be surprised if we were right? Anyone? Anyone?

Nope, I don't agree.  If she was actually being abused in any way she would not DARE to tell him to shut up in front of her sister.  She did it twice and talked to him like a naughty toddler.  She wouldn't think to act that way if there was even a remote chance she would pay the price later.  Also, I truly believe that if Andre even ACCIDENTALLY hit her (he didn't know she was so close behind him and drew his hand back kind of thing - totally unintentional) she would be crying to her sisters so fast their heads would spin.  No way would she be sucking it up to try and save her marriage - NOT THAT I THINK SHE SHOULD!

Edited by DaphneCat
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2 hours ago, Lemur said:


Nominees are: ...

-Pao for making me actually think about the logistics of a home water birth and it's potential effects on my hardwood floors (#teamshallow over here).

Not included:

-Azan and Nicole, absense makes the heart grow not fonder but the head wonder.

I should know better than to read here while still at work. This totally made me laugh. Hard. And loudly, apparently.  (-;

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7 minutes ago, PinkFlamingo said:

Pao seems to think her baby’s birth is going to be like a spa day. She said something like she just needed a pool and candles. Yep that’s all you need, appropriate mood lighting should be high on everyone’s list when bringing another life into this world.  Gotta look good in the birthing photos. Better keep up with the makeup too. 

Yes, won't it be charming if she poops in the pool, especially if Ross is in there with her. That will be a lovely photo.  She lives in a dream world and is so bloody obstinate to not listen to a thing her mother says after 6 births! Everything is Pao's way or the highway.

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10 hours ago, thejuicer said:

I totally agree. Baby showers are NOT for the dads, asshole. He confronted the host in her home in a loud, aggressive manner - I do not think he was calm at all. I think he said "It's not fair" or something ridiculous and then minutes later said to Elizabeth "Can we go now?" while everyone was still there, trying to have a good time. 

Andrei was VERY wrong over this whole thing.  FIrst off, why are you there?  Why are you dictating the guest list?  Why are you confronting the host in her home over the guest list?  Go to the tavern, knock a few back then show up to load up the gifts.  And say thank you.

Chantal:  I just heard the rerun of the Thanksgiving episode where Chantal is badgering Pedro to come to Thanksgiving, and I actually spoke to the tv.  (Please overlook this quality, I did not/do not expect the tv to talk back to me.)  "CHANTAL!!!  Let's switch places here.  Would you go to HIS house for a holiday, have everyone speak Spanish and be forced to apologize for something you did not do?  And knowing the whole time everyone despises you?"  Nah, did not think so.....

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2 hours ago, GoGamecox said:

I can totally see Chantel dating an NBA or NFL player. That would be a perfect fit for her lifestyle and look -- lots of camera time, lots of $, lots of plastic surgery, fake eyelashes, fillers, and Botox. I think she should ditch Pedro and go that route. She could make that transition tomorrow. 


This is exactly what her parents expected her to bring home. Instead she brings home penniless cabana boy Pedro. I have a shiny quarter that says if second string Winter had brought Pedro home he would have been welcomed with open arms and authentic plates of rice and beans.

Edited by Brooklynista
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19 hours ago, steff13 said:

When Elizabeth and Andrei had lunch with Jen, Elizabeth's makeup looked like it was covering a black eye.  

 I thought the same thing but thought it was probably the lighting. 

8 hours ago, lids said:

I also have to begrudgingly side with Andrei on BabyShowergate. If someone asks you upfront to not invite someone, whether it’s their event or not, and you tell the person you will not invite that person and then turn around and invite said person, the inviter is a liar. Also, Andrei approached Libby’s sister in a respectful way (for him anyway). He said, “I though we were friends. I thought you agreed to not invite her as my friend.” Then SisterLibby was all, “I always have to invite my sister. You can’t control who I allow in my house!” Ok, she should have kept that same energy the first time he asked. She’s (unsurprisingly) a hypocrite.

Wow. I will have to rewatch because I don't remember him saying that and I'd be shocked if one sister told him straight up that she would not invite the other sister. They haven't held back when it comes to Andrei so I'd be shocked if she did that. 

7 hours ago, lh25 said:

I'm fine with couples traveling by themselves, and even needing a little time alone.  That was a big issue in my marriage at first, then I wanted/needed some time home alone.  I'd suggest to hubby that he go golf with his buddies or something.  It took a while for him to get that it wasn't that I wasn't happy being married to him.

But if my husband said he was flying to another country, to visit family we both know are going to run me down, without an idea of when he's coming back, I'd have an issue.  Esp. when I'm being told no one wants me there.  

I agree with you. This was a far cry from couples who plan separate vacations (as I have in the past with zero concerns). He left in anger with a one way ticket. I think Chantel was stupid to go there because there was no way it was going to make things better but I also think  Pedro didn't leave her much choice. Had he been a grown up (and I like Pedro and hate Chantel) and said he needed time alone at home to sort things out, it would have been better than telling his wife he bought a one way ticket and had no idea if or when he was coming back. That's a far cry from a marriage in which the couple travels separately for leisure or whatever.

6 hours ago, thejuicer said:

Whatever he said. It doesn't make much of a difference to me, "Take a seat" and "Have a seat" would both be rude in his tone, especially when he didn't greet her before saying that.

The way he said "Take a seat" to her was a command as if he was in charge. I cheered when she she went right back at him. As much as I cannot stand this guy and think he's a complete loser, I totally disagree with Libby telling him to shut up in front of her sister. 

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Edited by configdotsys
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I wonder if Libby has started to feel self-conscious about marrying a brain-dead gorilla whose ambition to drive a truck popped like a soap bubble only to be replaced by a lukewarm inclination to do odd jobs requiring no qualifications, and only in the afternoon.

Does she know that she'll be supporting, with her father's help, his macho-veneered pussy ass forever? I'm no psychic but I can totally see him gambling money behind her back, committing petty crimes, cheating on her... sneaky stuff. Idle hands being the devil's playground and all. For all his chest beating, deep down he's nothing but a coward who cannot even face holding a job where he has to be accountable, and answer to someone - boss or clients. He is terrorized by a lot of things and responds with aggression.

Big Puss is afraid of his 100 lb sister-in-law.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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46 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

Nope, I don't agree.  If she was actually being abused in any way she would not DARE to tell him to shut up in front of her sister.  She did it twice and talked to him like a naughty toddler.  She wouldn't think to act that way if there was even a remote chance she would pay the price later.  Also, I truly believe that if Andre even ACCIDENTALLY hit her (he didn't know she was so close behind him and drew his hand back kind of thing - totally unintentional) she would be crying to her sisters so fast their heads would spin.  No way would she be sucking it up to try and save her marriage - NOT THAT I THINK SHE SHOULD!

I cannot believe that this crossed my mind, but I'm just going to throw it out there--I think aspiring actress Libby wouldn't be averse to amping up the Drama Factor by applying her makeup to look like she was bruised. I think Andrei is short tempered and abrupt, but I don't think he'd hit her. Jesus Christ they're being filmed! But Libby, our pot stirring Libby, in search of sympathy and hair pats and hugs, might hint around that, you know, Andrei's temper....in conclusion, I hate myself for even thinking this and I feel dirty. 

2 hours ago, GoGamecox said:

I can totally see Chantel dating an NBA or NFL player. That would be a perfect fit for her lifestyle and look -- lots of camera time, lots of $, lots of plastic surgery, fake eyelashes, fillers, and Botox. I think she should ditch Pedro and go that route. She could make that transition tomorrow. 


I wonder why Chantel didn't go that route? Where'd she go to college? She works at her mother's cheer school so she must cheer. Did she cheer in college? Did she try to make a professional cheer squad for one of the Atlanta teams? Seems like either hanging with the jocks in college or trying for a pro cheer spot would be a good avenue if she had ambitions in that direction. And I agree, she is the family prize show pony. Its positively medieval how her family wants to leverage her looks for an advantageous marriage that will enhance their social status. 

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12 hours ago, RealReality said:

Its likely easier to blame Pedro because river is a bitch who can't fight and got his ass handed to him.   

River had his ass handed to him by whom?  Upon repeat viewing, it appeared that Pedro charged him, threw a punch but was blocked by the father. Nicole pulled River's sweater and jumped on his back, the mother then grabbed Nicole by her hair. River stumbled and fell taking his mother and Nicole down with him. What no one seemed to notice was that Winter was beating the crap out of Pedro.  At one point, she had him in a choke hold and punched him in the back of his head.  Funny how no one ever mentions that. 

Edited by Adeejay
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