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Deavan & Jihoon: 21st Century Super Sperm

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13 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

Mini Persnickety found this and grabbed a screen shot yesterday.  

The feral beast known as Drascilla did not disappoint.  



I posted seven of his ten slides right above your post. Do Instagram Posts not show up for everyone? The only thing missing from what I posted was Jihoon saying they argued about Deavan being an anti-vaxxer who will not vaccinate the kids if a vaccine for Covid is created.


12 hours ago, hookedontv said:

Soooo...... I just read online that Jihoon got a nose job - has anyone else heard/read that?

Yes, he admitted it. I don't know how anyone notices those things. Unless it's a massive change like with Larissa, I never can tell. I guess I don't pay enough attention to the faces of these people.

A bunch more happened and Deavan posted this - 


Also, people think she looks pregnant in her YouTube video - 



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High waisted jeans do no one any favors.  I looked like that all thru high school in the 80s and there was no immaculate conception for me.  

For all the "Body positivity" bs on social media, there's a lot (or if I were Tania, "a lot a lot") of "her stomach area isn't concave enough for me, she must be pregnant!" comments out there.  Just a general statement, it doesn't apply to anyone here specifically, but it can apply to just about every picture of every woman ever on any social platform. So annoying.  

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17 hours ago, OoogleEyes said:

I forgot....how old is this child? Doesn't (or didn't) she go to school in the US? The rules of no biting, hitting, SPITTING, or pulling other children's hair is pretty universal, I'd think. Allowing her to be a free range brat is not doing her any favors. 

I can never figure out the timeline of these shows but I think Drascilla is currently five, so she's would be in kindergarten just now. She could have gone to preschool at a younger age but it's not required. 

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If Jihoon, who seems to be kind to animals as we see with that cute little puppy he has had really torn a hank of hair from that messy child why would Deavan "fight for the relationship" so hard? 

I keep having a scene play in my head of Jihoon walking down the hallway to get some water at 3am and that child jumps on him like Cato (think Pink Panther) and he is swatting at her to get her off of him...hair gets pulled.  I am giggling at the thought of that happening.


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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

If Jihoon, who seems to be kind to animals as we see with that cute little puppy he has had really torn a hank of hair from that messy child why would Deavan "fight for the relationship" so hard? 

I keep having a scene play in my head of Jihoon walking down the hallway to get some water at 3am and that child jumps on him like Cato (think Pink Panther) and he is swatting at her to get her off of him...hair gets pulled.  I am giggling at the thought of that happening.


This made me laugh out loud!!!  Loved the Pink Panther!!!!  

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So Jihoon pulled out  her hair just like he almost murdered her when she ran down the street. Just like the time her Aunt sold her into sex slavery. Drucilla was beating on Jihoon and other adults while Deavan and Elisha laughed about it. That poor kid will either die of small pox or end up pregnant and in jail at 13. 

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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3 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

So Jihoon pulled out  her hair just like he almost murdered her when she ran down the street. Just like the time her Aunt sold her into sex slavery. Drucilla was beating on Jihoon and other adults while Deavan and Elisha laughed about it. That poor kid will either die of small pox or end up pregnant and in jail at 13. 

Exactly, Deavan rewriting history... AGAIN.

jihoon says it happened at the school and he just tugged on her hair to show her that it hurts and that that's not nice.

Deavan's version is poor sweet little Dracula got up at 3am to get a drink of water, jihoon attacks her, pins her to the floor, tears a chunk of hair 3 inches wide from her scalp, then he hit Dracula and knocked Deavan to the floor when she tried to protect Dracula, grabbed the baby, locked himself in the bathroom threatening to kill himself and Tayeang.

Deavan is such a drama queen.... Yates and Leida both say that there's pictures of the abuse and they've seen them... I wouldn't put it passed Deavan to cut a piece of Dracula's hair, smear ketchup on her head to look like blood and use eyeshadow to make fake bruises on herself.

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7 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Exactly, Deavan rewriting history... AGAIN.

jihoon says it happened at the school and he just tugged on her hair to show her that it hurts and that that's not nice.

Deavan's version is poor sweet little Dracula got up at 3am to get a drink of water, jihoon attacks her, pins her to the floor, tears a chunk of hair 3 inches wide from her scalp, then he hit Dracula and knocked Deavan to the floor when she tried to protect Dracula, grabbed the baby, locked himself in the bathroom threatening to kill himself and Tayeang.

Deavan is such a drama queen.... Yates and Leida both say that there's pictures of the abuse and they've seen them... I wouldn't put it passed Deavan to cut a piece of Dracula's hair, smear ketchup on her head to look like blood and use eyeshadow to make fake bruises on herself.

Just like Laura did. Are they friends? If it really went down the way she said I will apologize. Abuse is never okay no matter how the child behaves.

5 hours ago, mmal said:

"I haven't spoken out? Because I don't care about the social media game . . . "

Who is this wacko trying to fool? All Deavan does is spew her verbal diarrhea and make post after post on social media about "abuse".

Hasn't spoken out?!?!? That is all this trick has been doing.

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9 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

tears a chunk of hair 3 inches wide from her scalp

So does Deavan understand the difference between a "chunk" of hair and a strand of hair?  And does she understand the difference between said strand being 3 inches LONG vs 3 inches wide?

She's exaggerates so much that I suspect it was a 3-inch strand of hair from the dog that was lying on the carpet when Jihoon picked it up.

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7 hours ago, mmal said:

"I haven't spoken out? Because I don't care about the social media game . . . "

Who is this wacko trying to fool? All Deavan does is spew her verbal diarrhea and make post after post on social media about "abuse".

Also, "I'm going to court and making sure my daughter is okay."

I guess Taeyang, Jihoon's biological child, an infant, is on his own to protect himself against his violent father.  Jihoon almost certainly had no parental rights whatsoever regarding Dracula, and he's not an imminent threat while he's living in Korea.  

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Does anyone remember when Deavan said that her attorney told her to stop talking about Jihoon and Drascilla's abuse so she was? Well, she forgot and has now given interviews. This one is 90 minutes long, I haven't listened to it, and I've been waiting for someone to summarize the video, but no one has yet. It's just a lot of comments about her continually changing her story, and people very angry that she claims Korea doesn't care about kids, which is why they wouldn't come when she called the police that night. 



I really hope that Yates and Leida have seen the pics and video like they say they have.... otherwise what they are doing to jihoon is horrible.

Leida was starting to backtrack a little yesterday when people pushed her for details of what's on the video and pics that convinced her that Deavan is telling the truth and Yates just hides behind it being a legal matter and he isn't at liberty to share that info.

Funny how they're all claiming it's a legal matter and they can't talk about it meanwhile they're ALL sitting there 24/7 TALKING ABOUT IT.... accusing jihoon of child abuse with all the gritty details but when it comes to Deavan's involvement they aren't allowed to speak about it or share the proof because it's a legal matter. 🙄

JMO and I hope I'm wrong but Yates looks like he fell off the wagon and is back to smoking meth, he's sweating like a pig, eyes as big as saucers and grinding his teeth just like he used to do when he was high as a kite.


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Jihoon posted a throwback photo, which caused some questions about whether or not it is real or a costume. In SK, men must serve two years in the military before their 28th birthday, and Jihoon did his service when he was 19 or so. The uniform is real, not a costume, and the gun has an orange tip because it was shooting blanks or rubber bullets. 




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2 hours ago, Christina said:

Jihoon posted a throwback photo, which caused some questions about whether or not it is real or a costume. In SK, men must serve two years in the military before their 28th birthday, and Jihoon did his service when he was 19 or so. The uniform is real, not a costume, and the gun has an orange tip because it was shooting blanks or rubber bullets. 




He's wearing a camo version of the unit patch for the 30th Mechanized Infantry Division.

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20 minutes ago, Dustbunny said:

Yes Deavan.... we know that lying is in your DNA 

I believe she meant NDA as in "Non-Disclosure Agreement" but as usual Deaven is more interested in being dramatic than actually making sense.



Jeez.... she's a mess and now she's living with the new boyfriend in CA so we need to start a pregnancy watch because you just know she'll be pregnant before the end of the year.

I wonder how long before the new guy kicks her dumb ass to the curb.... Hopefully he doesn't have any small pets for Dracula to toss around. 🙁

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Deavan's drama would be so much more enjoyable if kids weren't involved. She's been posting photos of her new man being fatherlike to her kids, along with photos of her new home. 



Then, Elicia did an interview with Yates on his YouTube Channel, which I haven't listened to, but it started a fight with Leida - 


When Deavan did her interview with Yates, she said that she didn't expect Leida to release the info she gave her about the "vile things" she is alleging Jihoon did to Drascilla. Leida felt hung out to dry and made the bad guy, so she tried to tell her side to Yates, a so-called friend she thought, but he didn't follow along and instead, allowed and supported Elicia's bad mouthing of her. So, now she is threatening to leak all the back information she has about Deavan and Yates, and says she can get all Yates' social media accounts shut down. She has not done so yet, because she's Leida and is getting attention from asking people is she should. 


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This drama is exhausting. Here are  few recent things- 

LIE-Duh's two cents. As you can see, it's just her continuing to say she is going to say something, but still not actually saying it. - 


Then we'll jump over to this Reddit post -


It’s best we know Deavan lied about her EX abusing her/domestic violence.

Original post by u/kickingyouintheface

So a user on the 90 Day Fiance Savage actually shelled out $60 to run 2 different background checks on Deavan's baby daddy. No criminal record of any kind in any of the States. No record of a restraining order, but more importantly, no record of any assault that would have prompted a judge to issue a RO. Then they looked Wayyyy back into his sm. When Deavan was pregnant in 2015 he posted a lot about how excited he was. The posts get darker until around 6 months after Drascilla's birth when he posted about how he was giving up. That nothing he did was good enough and he wasn't being allowed to have her. Believe me, I know this is a popular song for exes to sing but this sounds very much like what I'd expect from Deavan and Elicia. Just the fact that he's not the criminal she portrayed is is so fucked up. She slandered him Big Time. A whole ass youtube video on how abusive this guy was! If that's true I'd bet money she's really crying because she knows all this hate is just the beginning. And if she was lying she should be held accountable. Eta: and Drascilla will be 5 in September. I'm pretty sure she was either 4 years old when this season was filmed or she was about to be or turned 4 during or right before filming. So even more inappropriate for her to be drinking bottles and wearing diapers.

There is a four photo slideshow on this Reddit page. The photos won't embed here, so you have to click on it, but then you will see that Drascilla has a large bald spot in the area Deavan claims Jihoon tore out, and it has existed since day one. I've passed the point where I found Deavan annoying and obnoxious. She is now on my list of people who disgust me simply by breathing.

Edited by Christina
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how is it that all these idiots, without 2 nickels to rub together....are able to get constant plastic surgery, and apparently have attorneys available at all times.

I have lots of nickels, and would think twice before involving an attorney about anything...

and kids' needs take precedence over fillers and botox.

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Early on, during their first season airing, someone who claimed to know them and was suspected of being a production member, claimed that Drascilla got them kicked out of an AirB&B, which was rented by Sharp because they needed the larger space to film. Drascilla was so loud and unruly that the neighbors complained and called the police more than once, resulting in the owner kicking them out.

Someone on Reddit claimed to live in the same apartment building and said that they were repeatedly being written up because of how loud Drascilla and their dog, the one Drascilla threw or dropped, were being at all hours of the day and night. The eviction process was different than in the US because of the cash you have to put down up front and the way the rental contracts work, but the Redditor was adamant that they would be evicted ASAP. He or she also said that Deavan was incredibly rude and thought she was a celebrity.

I've believed all of it then and still do. In fact, I will probably believe anything negative said about Deavan because she is still intentionally leaking a photograph of Drascilla's bald spot and claiming that it was right after Jihoon tore her hair out. As you can see on the Reddit page I linked a few posts up, she has always had a few bald spots. The new leaked photo doesn't show any redness, blood, or swelling, just scalp. Her hair is fine and thin so the bald spots show easily when her hair is pulled back, and is probably why Deavan leaves it all wild looking. Someone once asked Deavan if Drascilla had alopecia but I don't remember if she responded. I do remember someone else who had it saying it could be caused by stress and can absolutely see that poor child being stressed on the regular by Elicia and Deavan.

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I occasionally hate look at ledia's page.  Today it seems she is fighting with Devan.  All these people are trash and it's sad that there are children and a baby involved.  Ledia fights with everyone and doesn't have command of the English language so I can't even tell if she's hating on Devan or Jihoon or Yates or what.  Apparently Devan is threatening her with pictures of Ledia in bed with another man?  It's probably true and Ledia texted her pictures of her sleeping around when they were BFFs.

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12 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Please tell me that Sharp won't be paying for the big Korean wedding?    That's such a waste of money.  

How many weddings do these people have?  They got married in the courthouse, then a traditioanl SK ceremony, now another one?  And it does seem sad now that 


they are no longer together.  I t would break my heart to see my son and another woman dressed in matching PJ's, er pretending to be the mom.


Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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Deavan and her mom are vile. After reading this thread I am appalled and disgusted. They are such garbage people and the fact that Deavan keeps finding a new daddy for her children is disgusting. Her unfounded accusations are being used to keep Jihoon and his family away from his son.  I hope Jihoon gets custody and keeps his child in Korea. He is better off.

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I bet once filming, and the checks stopped, that Deavan waved bye bye-bye to Korea forever.    My guess is Jihoon will never see his son again, unless he comes to the U.S. to see him.   That may be the reason behind the abuse allegations by Deavan and her mother against Jihoon, and the family, so they won't be allowed to come to the U.S. 

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15 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I bet once filming, and the checks stopped, that Deavan waved bye bye-bye to Korea forever.    My guess is Jihoon will never see his son again, unless he comes to the U.S. to see him.   That may be the reason behind the abuse allegations by Deavan and her mother against Jihoon, and the family, so they won't be allowed to come to the U.S. 

Sadly. I think you are right.  She is NOT boarding a plane for  very long flight so Jihoon can spend time with his son.  If Jihoon does come to the US, there will be many reasons and excuses why they can't be together.  Pure speculation, of course, but that family bugs me.

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On 10/14/2020 at 11:24 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

Sadly. I think you are right.  She is NOT boarding a plane for  very long flight so Jihoon can spend time with his son.  If Jihoon does come to the US, there will be many reasons and excuses why they can't be together.  Pure speculation, of course, but that family bugs me.

Add to the fact, Korea has a 2 week mandatory quarantine that costs between $1300-$2000 (per person) she won't be visiting Korea while the Covid situation is happening. 

JiHoon will need to find a way to get to the States if he wants to see his son. 

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