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Jenny & Sumit: Slumdog Thousandaire

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11 hours ago, RealReality said:

I don't remember the subject of marriage coming up.  I think it was just that Jenny was coming here and the friend was shocked.  It's possible, based on what I remember, that he thought sumit was going to bring Jenny over ans just shack up with her......and thought it was a terrible idea.  

Okay, I watched Season 2 of The Other Way and I learned a few things:

Yes, Sumit clearly said, when he was meeting his friends for drinks, a couple of times that "I am marrying Jenny."  followed by "That Jenny?" He then mentioned a few more times that he wanted to marry her, then his friends spoke to the camera, saying:  When you marry, you come from the same community (caste), the boy is older and no love, the marriage is arranged.  So I guess they were in on it!!!

I still can't believe how stupid Jenny was:  Yeah, Granny, a 30 year old underwear model is really into you!  He lies about his name, he lies about his identity then he lays the biggest whopper:  He is married.  Jenny, get on the first plane outta there and pray your kids will let you live with them until you find a job and apartment.

I also learned that Tiffany actually wore a non cold shoulder shirt when telling her mom and sibs all about Ronald.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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11 hours ago, RealReality said:

True, but it's possible that family sumit waited until the crew was gone for the showdown.  Very smart of them and very sad for me 😞

I'm also annoyed about Jenny and sumit because sumits wife never had a chance. 

They never had a chance to develop their feelings....and if not passionate love at least a love borne out of respect and shared experiences.  

Because everytime wife sumit did anything mildly annoying she'd be compared to Jenny the saint....who......thousands of miles away....was the perfect woman who would never, ever do whatever wife sumit was doing that was irritating.  

He thinks Jenny is an ideal mate?  Sure she is, when you can show up once a week, shop, have a few meals and clip old lady toenails.  Of course Jenny seems ideal when sumit doesn't have to spend 24 hours a day with her and can spend a day or two here or there or can get off the phone.  

Wife sumit never stood a chance and that relationship never had an opportunity to grow and blossom.  Jenny and sumit aren't in love in the way adults are....they love each other the way two kids at summer camp fall in love.  

We don’t know what kind of husband he was to his wife, he may have treated her very well, or been indifferent or even cruel to her. He’s been married st least two years, working and secretly corresponding with Jenny, I suspect while he’s supposed to be working or at those Internet cafes before or after work. It appears from his conversation with his friends he never told them he was still in communication with her after that first visit she made to India.

I hope we get some statement from his wife  or TLC. She deserves to have her side told or if she prefers to stay silent, I can understand too. But viewers need to know if production knew in advance or exactly when they knew or what they knew. If Sumit is a scammer fine, but I want to know viewers aren’t getting scammed by producers. I’m done with the franchise if that turns out to be the case. 

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5 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Maybe the producers like pairings in which one person is already married to someone else.  We've had Ricky, Rebecca, and Summit.  Any others?  For whatever reason, it is not too unusual for this show that someone is already married.

Maybe TLC was inspired by WeTV's Love After Lockup and the Michael/Megan/Sarah saga and decided to sink their fangs into this story line.  

Did Ricky tell the TLC crew he was married?  I can't quite remember if he told them or if he admitted it after the episodes were done filming but the tell all was still to tape.  

What a blow Jenny will be dealt when she has to relive the invasion of her apartment on the tell all 😄 (I'm already giggling at the prospect).

Edited by Persnickety1
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10 hours ago, RealReality said:

I think that the willingness to step out on his wife publicly and humiliate her on national TV and then say he'd rather be in jail than married to her (on national TV) creates a rebuttable presumption....for me ..that he is a shitty person who cares little for her feelings.  

I'd love to hear from his wife.  Right now I'm solely team wife sumit.  

I agree that his behavior shows little or no regard for her feelings and therefore his performance as a husband (and ultimately as a person) is a major fail. I only meant how he treated her in their daily lives and in the 2 years since they married. 

While I think we all had  some suspicions about his motives towards Jenny, it appeared that he treated her well and seemed to care deeply for her. 

For me, I’m torn between thinking Sumit is a louse, an all around crappy person or is he just a weak, spineless little man, who was unable to stand up to his parents, society and the women he is involved with.  I won’t even say he truly loved Jenny, other than as part of this fantasy life he led. You don’t treat someone you love that way. And if he  has no real feelings  for his wife, he has no excuse for humiliating and hurting her.

He needs to just go away. 

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1 hour ago, greekmom said:

That's the wife?!??!?! And he wants droopy face Jenny!??!?!

Well... there isn't any account for taste.

Remember, he stated in a talking head that he likes white women. So even a lovely Indian woman won’t be what he is attracted to in such a situation. He just couldn’t find a young attractive Caucasian to play along with his shenanigans and Jenny put enough starch in his cobra to make him happy. And I say that from the vantage point of a Caucasian woman, married to an Indian. However we are exactly the same age and met in the same grad school program....neither one married at the time.

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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I’m torn between thinking Sumit is a louse, an all around crappy person or is he just a weak, spineless little man, who was unable to stand up to his parents, society and the women he is involved with.  

Can't both be true?

I think they can. I think it's both. Perhaps Sumit thought that by being on a TV show, he could somehow finagle a way out of his arranged marriage so he could marry Jenny? By bringing an American TV show crew into the mix, maybe he thought his family and hers would back down? I'm trying to think like a Sumit here...he feels trapped in his own cultural norms and cannot find a way out, so he goes extreme - be on an American TV show with Jenny - and maybe something will give and he can finally be with his Granwife...?!?

Anyway, that's what I think happened. As to how Sumit treats his wife? That is a huge spectrum on an Indian cultural scale. It could be anything from cruel to delightful. And the fact that they've been married for TWO years? Well, there should be children by now, because that would be something both families would be harping about as soon as the wedding was over. So I find it difficult to believe there are no children unless he's sterile, or she is, or the wife just doesn't 'starch his cobra' enough to do the deed...That said, now that I think about it, Sumit had me when he originally said "nobody ever told me I was handsome", it made me feel like the dude has been shunned his whole life. And yet, his actual wife is quite pretty so...I'm sure she's uttered a compliment or three his way since they've been married, so that would make him a liar...and a scammer...maybe I need to re think my stance on Sumit!

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6 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

I hope this is okay to post, I'm not positive this is her but this is the picture going around

Sumit's Wife.jpg

Judging by the henna and jewelry, she was someone’s wife.  She looks to be dressed as a bride, although I’m mo expert in Indian wedding customs.  No way in hell I’d trade an attractive spouse for an old fool who looks like the lovechild of Droopy the Dog and Alfred Hitchcock. That may seem shallow, and Wife Summit may be a raging bitch, but Jenny doesn’t have much to offer.  She’s whiny, juvenile, needy and dumb as cabbage. No thanks!  

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2 hours ago, RoadFullOfPromise said:

Per the Frauded by TLC instagram, they have signed for season 2 of The Other Way, so...yeah.

Does this mean Jenny and Sumit will be back?  or does it just mean that there will be another season of the show.  I did google "frauded tlc instagram and sumit" and didn't see it.

I can't see a reason for them to be back unless they are doing a lot of 'splainin'.   I will be revolted if they are back and Sumit divorces his wife to be with Jenny. 

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On 9/18/2019 at 8:32 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

I do think she is emotionally stunted at age 12 though.  She puts too much of a romantic spin on EVERYTHING.  And a dramatic spin as well.

Her reaction to Sumit’s catfishing her as Michael Jones and her subsequently maintaining the relationship reminded me of Joe E Brown’s famous line at end of SOME LIKE IT HOT... “ Well... Nobody’s Perfect!!!”

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35 minutes ago, blubld43 said:

They're going to have to come up with a great story, to try to make it "okay" somehow that he's married. This sounds pretty damn cruel to his wife and any children they may have.

I saw part of Four Weddings this morning when I was getting dressed to go to the gym.  The episode had an Indian bride who was in an arranged marriage.  She said the brides are are introduced to multiple potential spouses and can choose from them.  I  guess if you like the first choice, there are no others introduced into the mix.   Since the comment was made on another "reality " show,  I don't know how valid it is.  She was living in the US.   I would hate to think the bride thought Sumit was a great catch and then found our about Jenny.  yes, THAT Jenny.

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On 9/21/2019 at 10:24 AM, blubld43 said:

This means yes, Jenny and Sumit will be on again.

They're going to have to come up with a great story, to try to make it "okay" somehow that he's married. This sounds pretty damn cruel to his wife and any children they may have.

In my search to find that picture I came across a picture of Sumeat and Jennie and she had dark hair. 

On 9/21/2019 at 10:24 AM, blubld43 said:

This means yes, Jenny and Sumit will be on again.

They're going to have to come up with a great story, to try to make it "okay" somehow that he's married. This sounds pretty damn cruel to his wife and any children they may have.

There is no situation in which id find that "okay"

Even if sumits wife was "okay" with the arrangement, Id assume that it was because she is too scared to be shunned after a divorce and feels force into accepting geriatric THOT Jenny as a sister wife.  

And even if she was totally fine and accepting of it and had her own "Jenny" she surely didn't ask to be humiliated on national TV.

Her daughter is delusional to talk about Jenny having "fans" at this point.  Girl, GO HOME.

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13 hours ago, RealReality said:

There is no situation in which id find that "okay"

Even if sumits wife was "okay" with the arrangement, Id assume that it was because she is too scared to be shunned after a divorce and feels force into accepting geriatric THOT Jenny as a sister wife.  

And even if she was totally fine and accepting of it and had her own "Jenny" she surely didn't ask to be humiliated on national TV.

Her daughter is delusional to talk about Jenny having "fans" at this point.  Girl, GO HOME.

Totally agree. I can't wait to hear Scumit's explanations tonight.

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Barely anything with lying Jenny, and her loser boyfriend.  I bet if it wasn't for TLC money, that Jenny wouldn't be getting visas to India.     Sumit better watch his step, I understand the police don't play nice, and the jails and prisons are really bad.    However, in Sumit's case I wouldn't care a bit if he got his fanny thrown into jail for a few years.  It's despicable that TLC has featured two adulterers, when it was so easy to find online that Sumit is married.  

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Barely anything with lying Jenny, and her loser boyfriend.  I bet if it wasn't for TLC money, that Jenny wouldn't be getting visas to India.     Sumit better watch his step, I understand the police don't play nice, and the jails and prisons are really bad.    However, in Sumit's case I wouldn't care a bit if he got his fanny thrown into jail for a few years.  It's despicable that TLC has featured two adulterers, when it was so easy to find online that Sumit is married.  

If she had the tiniest bit of self respect Jenny would be gone home.  Scum meat deserves to be locked away whether by his family or the authorities.

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59 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Sumit's lying some more. How can his family have him "thrown in jail"? Private citizens can call the police in India and request that someone be jailed? I don't think so . Sumit's trying to gin up some sympathy for him and his geriatric Juliet. "I'll have to sneak out to see her". Feh.

What Sumit is saying his in laws will do is pretty common in India. He brings shame on his wife's family so they fake that he's a wife beater or something like that. Though they'd probably have to provide photos of proof, but it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility that they'd hit her to make marks and claim it was him. Shit waaaaay worse happens there on the regular. Mind you, it's not representative of all India or Indians, but this sort of thing can and does happen. That said, I would think that with Sumit's command of English and seemingly some education, he could make a case that they're lying because he doesn't want to be married to this lady. I cant get too worked up about him cheating on his arranged marriage wife. Adultery happens all the time here in the USA, why is it so appalling if it's happening on a TV show that is known for cooking up fake drama? I'm not surprised at all. I'm more disgusted with TLC for being part of this charade.

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I don't dispute that his family, or his wife's, could trump up charges against him. Happens all the time, and certainly not peculiar to India. But he said "they'll have me thrown in jail". So, did they already come up with their story and bring the police into it? As you say, they appear to be at least middle class. Would they air their dirty laundry like that? I think spineless, gutless Sumit has been sent to his room without his supper, and told to "think about what you've done, mister!". I have doubt about his family, or his in-laws, would set themselves up to be gossiped about in that way.

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6 hours ago, gingerella said:

What Sumit is saying his in laws will do is pretty common in India. He brings shame on his wife's family so they fake that he's a wife beater or something like that. Though they'd probably have to provide photos of proof, but it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility that they'd hit her to make marks and claim it was him. Shit waaaaay worse happens there on the regular. Mind you, it's not representative of all India or Indians, but this sort of thing can and does happen. That said, I would think that with Sumit's command of English and seemingly some education, he could make a case that they're lying because he doesn't want to be married to this lady. I cant get too worked up about him cheating on his arranged marriage wife. Adultery happens all the time here in the USA, why is it so appalling if it's happening on a TV show that is known for cooking up fake drama? I'm not surprised at all. I'm more disgusted with TLC for being part of this charade.

The social consequences for a spouse who has been cheated on aren't the same here.  

And no one, in any country deserves to have someone say on national TV that they'd rather be jailed than married to you.  IMO, that's just shit behavior in any country and especially shitty when you're talking about a country where the woman is judged for the husband's infidelity. 

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2 hours ago, RealReality said:

The social consequences for a spouse who has been cheated on aren't the same here.  

And no one, in any country deserves to have someone say on national TV that they'd rather be jailed than married to you.  IMO, that's just shit behavior in any country and especially shitty when you're talking about a country where the woman is judged for the husband's infidelity. 

I agree. He may have been pushed to marry her, but he's had many choices along the way: the choice to lie to Jenny about being married, the choice to lie to his family about his new "job", the choice to lie to production...He also made the choice to speak negatively on international television about the woman he's married to. It's not about who he's in love with or what cultural differences there are-it's about respect. I'm sure the arranged marriage was difficult for him. He may very well not have wanted to do it. He did,though. If he'd told Jenny at the time then maybe she could've brought him over on the  K-1 THEN and saved a bunch of people a headache.

Dude's a spineless wimp and I have zero sympathy for him. 

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11 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I don't dispute that his family, or his wife's, could trump up charges against him. Happens all the time, and certainly not peculiar to India. But he said "they'll have me thrown in jail". So, did they already come up with their story and bring the police into it? As you say, they appear to be at least middle class. Would they air their dirty laundry like that? I think spineless, gutless Sumit has been sent to his room without his supper, and told to "think about what you've done, mister!". I have doubt about his family, or his in-laws, would set themselves up to be gossiped about in that way.

You bring up a good question about airing dirty laundry, and I think that yes, IF any of this is real, then perhaps they could be mad enough to air their dirt in public.

To be honest, I don't believe any of this 'story' anyway so I just can't get worked up over any of it. It's more like watching really bad acting most of the time, like worse than the worst telenovella. But to your question of whether the family really threatened him with jail? Let's put it this way - *if* Sumit does see Jenny on camera, it will - to me - be an admission that this entire charade is just that. Because if he really is married and if his in laws really did come to their apt and 'drag him home' then there is no doubt in my mind that they would also have him under constant surveillance and there would be no way he could 'sneak out' to see Jenny. Period, end of story.

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6 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Maybe it's weird but I find it strange that someone can be put in jail for cheating on his wife.  Sure cheating is awful, but surely there are more serious crimes around to lock people up for.

Or maybe not.

It’s not the adultery, it’s that the in law family would make claims that Sumit abused his wife and then it’s a he said/she said with no one defending Sumit.

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