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"The View": Week of 5/27/2019

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15 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Here's the thing (not trying to sound like Whoopi) if a conservative woman who's job involves talking about her conservative beliefs is a talk show guest then of course those beliefs are going to be brought up.  As Meghan repeatedly reminds us it's her job her talk about politics. What is a talk show host supposed to talk about with Meghan?  

She expects the late night hosts to soft-ball it, but God forbid one of them politely questions her on some of her positions. Never seen a "political analyst" get so offended over late night hosts asking them questions. Furthermore, plenty of Republicans have appeared on late night shows and even when the questions get somewhat tough, they don't throw hissy-fits.

ETA: @Coffeewinewater right after I hit 'submit reply' I see we made very similar points, lol. 

Edited by Alexis2291
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5 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

She expects the late night hosts to soft-ball it, but God forbid one of them politely questions her on some of her positions. Never seen a "political analyst" get so offended over late night hosts asking them questions. Furthermore, plenty of Republicans have appeared on late night shows and even when the questions get somewhat tough, they don't throw hissy-fits.

ETA: @Coffeewinewater right after I hit 'submit reply' I see we made very similar points, lol. 

Well, you will be pleased to know, I agree with you.😁

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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20 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Here's the thing (not trying to sound like Whoopi) if a conservative woman who's job involves talking about her conservative beliefs is a talk show guest then of course those beliefs are going to be brought up.  As Meghan repeatedly reminds us it's her job her talk about politics. What is a talk show host supposed to talk about with Meghan?  

Praise her father?

16 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I don't think David Letterman was as cool with John McCain canceling 15 minutes before the show as he tried to pretend he was.  He also needs to lose the beard.

Yeah, it was strange to hear a guest tell a less than fawning story. Meg was beaming anyway. 

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19 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Yeah, it was strange to hear a guest tell a less than fawning story. Meg was beaming anyway. 

Did  you think so? I thought she seemed very wary of what he might say. 

14 minutes ago, GiveMeSpace said:

Hold up? I was in the other room-did Meghan say she talked like a redneck?

Yes, because she [hey, Secret Service, I'm just repeating what Meghan McCain said on The View]...

Because, when talking about the  possibility of impeaching Trump, Meghan McCain said  something like, "I must say, if you're going to take this kill shot, Democrats, you'd better not miss. You'd better hit his jugular, and if there's even a finger still moving at the end of it, you're going to ruin your chances in 2020, so you'd better do this well, if you're going to do it, and my faith in Democrats..."

At that point, Whoopi (who'd been trying to cut her off since about the time Meghan said "2020") finally managed to break in to say that Meghan did not mean that literally.

Meghan confirmed that and apologized. Whoopi explained that some people watch just to catch them up and twist moments like that. 

Meghan then said  she was being metaphorical. She added, "I'm a hunter and a shooter. I'm sorry if that if that metaphor's wrong, and I talk like a redneck -- so sorry."

Joy then offered, "If you're going to swing, you'd better hit the ball," and Meghan thanked her. For once, she seemed genuinely appreciative of Whoopi and Joy's assist. 

Edited by General Days
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33 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

As far as her insinuation that late night hosts are one-sided and it's harder for conservatives yadda yadda, even if we were to assume that was true (and I don't think it is), wasn't this the same woman who just went after Elizabeth Warren for not going on FOX News yesterday?

Good point! She is the one who is always saying things should apply to "both sides", so she shouldn't be afraid to go on shows she sees as "liberal."

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Love Dave. Not crazy about the beard. I guessed he was joking about the facelift, but he must have a reason for that huge beard. He is still recognizable imo

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1 hour ago, GiveMeSpace said:

If Joy had said this, Red Neck Valley Girl would have thrown her to the wolves screeching that Joy was suggesting violence against the president.

lol MM has done that to Sunny. Sunny said something about Trump needed to be taken outback and get beat up.

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9 minutes ago, falltime said:

lol MM has done that to Sunny. Sunny said something about Trump needed to be taken outback and get beat up.

ooh! Meghan says, more than once "I dont like DOUBLE STANDARDS!"

Yet what she said today was a thousand time worse.

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1 hour ago, 17wheatthins said:

People, Meghan is not here for your shenanigans! 


Meghan has all the features of a beautiful woman  . . . . .  why then does she just look hard and bitter.   Couldn't be because she is hard and bitter . . . . . . could it? 😈

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I hate that I know this but...

Did anyone else notice that when Meghan used that metaphor about the democrats going after Trump and that they better not miss and they will mess up the election if even a finger is moving that is EXACTLY what Bethenny said on Watch What Happens Live a few weeks ago in regards to Lisa Rinna trying to take down Lisa Vanderpump.

It was almost verbatim, imo. Yikes!  

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34 minutes ago, 17wheatthins said:

I just wanted to use that stunning picture. I intended to make it my profile pic but it’s too big!!

It’s size 12.

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11 minutes ago, Miss Slay said:

I hate that I know this but...

Did anyone else notice that when Meghan used that metaphor about the democrats going after Trump and that they better not miss and they will mess up the election if even a finger is moving that is EXACTLY what Bethenny said on Watch What Happens Live a few weeks ago in regards to Lisa Rinna trying to take down Lisa Vanderpump.

It was almost verbatim, imo. Yikes!  

So plagiarism?    Or whatever it is called when stealing another's words verbatim? 

Hmmmm, where would MM get an idea like that?  

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3 hours ago, GiveMeSpace said:

Hold up? I was in the other room-did Meghan say she talked like a redneck?

If Meghan saw a redneck walking toward her, she'd probably cross the street. It's clear from her sweeping generalizations about "red state people" that she doesn't have a clue. You're rich and privileged, Meghan. Accept it. 

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1 hour ago, 17wheatthins said:

I just wanted to use that stunning picture. I intended to make it my profile pic but it’s too big!!

Cant it be cropped down?

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On 5/30/2019 at 10:39 AM, atlantaloves said:

Hey Whoopie, that three week hospital stay used up your insurance money for your lifetime, you can't get any more coverage honey, you are toast.  She is so stupid.....she will never understand how insurance works, but let me tell you if she had medicare like I do, she would be frigging dead. THESE RICH PEOPLE REALLY KILL ME. 

Abt the insurance, is she denied benefits across rhe board, or just for any stuff pertaining to the many multiple diagnoses on this particular incident. 

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Tamme:  I was just being sarcastic, I am sure she has unlimited coverage, but she acts like she should get her money back that she pays into insurance. I would think that her three week stay and nearly dying was well over a million. In other words, she got her money's worth and needs to shut the hell up.

Edited by atlantaloves
goofed up
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I thought David Letterman basically put Meghan in her place. Things are different now. As a talk show host you can't be a middle of the road no offender like Carson in the current climate. If Letterman was still on the air, he would not have treated her with kid gloves either.

Edited by merriebreeze
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7 hours ago, Alexis2291 said:

Poor Meghan, always the victim. Silly me to forget how hard Conservative women have it in life because those stupid late night hosts are so mean! Be nicer to Meghan, late night hosts!

Didn't her appearance on Colbert go OK? 

She needs to be on Fallon in one of his silly skits. But that would bomb since she has no sense of humor. Some of his guests lip synch..  Maybe she can lip synch "I'm Proud to be an American" surrounded by American flags and guns?

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2 hours ago, atlantaloves said:

Tamme:  I was just being sarcastic, I am sure she has unlimited coverage, but she acts like she should get her money back that she pays into insurance. I would think that her three week stay and nearly dying was well over a million. In other words, she got her money's worth and needs to shut the hell up.

The doctor wanted her to have some contraption at home when discharged  that insurance wouldn’t ok and she mentioned she could buy it but  others couldn’t. Sorry don’t remember  if it was for lungs or what.  No way she had her bill at that point unless she had no insurance, then you get wheeled by the business office before leaving. 

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22 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

The doctor wanted her to have some contraption at home when discharged  that insurance wouldn’t ok and she mentioned she could buy it but  others couldn’t. Sorry don’t remember  if it was for lungs or what.  No way she had her bill at that point unless she had no insurance, then you get wheeled by the business office before leaving. 

It could have been a spirometer. Some insurance covers it for home use. Others only do for lung transplant patients, citing “inadequate “ evidence it would help with other disorders. Whoopi would fall under “other”.

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This week was a snooze. No Ana, no guest hosts, short segments...the dynamic between the four of them is kind of tired.

it was interesting seeing that clip posted above with Sara. Seems like ages ago already!

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MM is a hypocritical ass.  Surprise!  "Please don't flame me interwebz; I didn't mean for the Dems to actually shoot the man in the White House".  But when Joy said something metaphorically the other day, MM came for her!  I don't remember what it was she said, but I remember Joy saying "it's hyperbole (dumbass)".  

And of course Whoops had to explain that MM wasn't being literal because we libruls wouldn't get it.  RME. 

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3 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

The doctor wanted her to have some contraption at home when discharged  that insurance wouldn’t ok and she mentioned she could buy it but  others couldn’t. Sorry don’t remember  if it was for lungs or what.  No way she had her bill at that point unless she had no insurance, then you get wheeled by the business office before leaving. 

They don’t wait for you to leave they have a credit machine they wheel in your hospital room.  When my dad was in hospital they came in each day to ask if you wanted to pay part of your bill.  

Whoopie is right in some ways about insurance she just doesn’t explain it well.  Families should not have to go broke paying medical bills. 

Edited by tribeca
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12 hours ago, rickhurst3186 said:

Well, Megs again had to try to turn the spotlight on herself when she said to the talent producer who is leaving "You were my first friend here! You really were!!" And BTW, STFU Meghan. Ugh.

I was just mad that they had to acknowledge the talent producer on air. That's weird. What show does that? Have cake in the break room. Have a special dinner. If I'm The View's wardrobe assistant moving on to bigger and better things and they don't put me on live TV, I'm flipping tables!

11 hours ago, General Days said:

Did  you think so? I thought she seemed very wary of what he might say. 

I thought everyone was on the edge of their seat, prematurely cringing at what he might say next. "We don't speak ill of John McCain here, Dave."

11 hours ago, General Days said:

Meghan then said  she was being metaphorical. She added, "I'm a hunter and a shooter. I'm sorry if that if that metaphor's wrong, and I talk like a redneck -- so sorry."

Joy then offered, "If you're going to swing, you'd better hit the ball," and Meghan thanked her. For once, she seemed genuinely appreciative of Whoopi and Joy's assist. 

Does Joy want us to hit Trump in the balls?

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13 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I don't think David Letterman was as cool with John McCain canceling 15 minutes before the show as he tried to pretend he was.  He also needs to lose the beard.

It's SO fugly.

beard tattoos GIF by Beardbrand
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IIRC, the night McCain cancelled, Dave cut to the satellite feed of McCain with a make-up artist freshening him up before he was to sit down with Katie Couric, and the crowd gasped/screamed. He was pretty relentless for a while, but his point was that McCain was a good sport about it in the end (unlike Meghan, whose husband sends incendiary tweets after she acts poorly on talk shows).

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16 hours ago, ari333 said:

Dave owned MM and I loved it

 He owned her, big time!  If she’s still licking her wounds over Seth Meyers gently disagreeing with her, she could have never handled David Lettermen.  He is a kinder, gentler version of himself now, but back in the day?  She would have left- abruptly, and in tears......sigh

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I know he mentioned Kanye and my brain shut down did he talk about his show? I now realize that’s why he was on.   I watched the one with Ellen Degeneres and highly recommend it.  He has softened publicly still funny as Hell and was moved beyond words. As I was. 

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The fact that Tara & Ana will be on The View on Monday, two conservatives who can express their opinions without having meltdowns, is a nice contrast to what Meghan was telling Letterman.  Either of them could go on Seth Meyers or any late night shows, hold their own and perhaps enlighten the hosts on some views.

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13 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

I know he mentioned Kanye and my brain shut down did he talk about his show? I now realize that’s why he was on.   I watched the one with Ellen Degeneres and highly recommend it.  He has softened publicly still funny as Hell and was moved beyond words. As I was. 

He did talk about his show in the context of the interview with Kanye.  As usual, Sunny is the one who was prepared and watched the show.  He said Kanye and the other K's were very warm and welcoming.  He also said he didn't know anything about bi-polar and schizophrenia.  Not sure why the latter was mentioned.

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11 hours ago, bannana said:

He did talk about his show in the context of the interview with Kanye.  As usual, Sunny is the one who was prepared and watched the show.  He said Kanye and the other K's were very warm and welcoming.  He also said he didn't know anything about bi-polar and schizophrenia.  Not sure why the latter was mentioned.

Yes Sunny sees the movies, reads the books and  sees the play. 

I personally would like to see MM go through a whole show without reading her cards.  

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