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Love After Lockup: Life After Lockup

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Sarah looked nice in her black satin blazer-sophisticated and professional (although she's a waitress, whatever); so who does she glom onto? A slight, effeminate looking black guy dressed like a toddler. Does she have a type or what? And her idiot friend with the underboob top is cheering her on.

Also, is wearing a rosary as a necklace a fashion thing in the jailbird community now?

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3 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

Sarah looked nice in her black satin blazer-sophisticated and professional (although she's a waitress, whatever); so who does she glom onto? A slight, effeminate looking black guy dressed like a toddler. Does she have a type or what? And her idiot friend with the underboob top is cheering her on.

Also, is wearing a rosary as a necklace a fashion thing in the jailbird community now?

In my dreams Sarah completely breaks all ties with her husband and goes on to get a good education and a job that will support her and her daughters...but it's not looking good 

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 M Michael is such a hypocrite saying he loses interest in a woman who's not "loyal." Who does he think he is? And he's definitely not all that!

Clint's mother looks so familiar that it's driving me crazy. Where have we seen her before? Sorry if that was discussed earlier; I'm way behind. Her house is lovely. And as someone said earlier, Clint looks like he was taken out of the dryer too soon and not even hung up to drip dry.

Edited by renatae
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I got a friend to watch last night’s episode, she’d never seen it before. Her observations as a newbie are hilarious.

There’s no way in hell that woman is 47 (Angela) If she’s 47 then I am 16.

Did he get dropped on his head as a baby? (Clint) Look at his little nubs for fingernails. Man, he’s nasty. It’s making my skin crawl just watching him.

Lacey is trash. And by trash I mean a big Glad bag that’s full of vomit and human waste. And maggots, mustn't forget the maggots.

That skinny girl (Cheryl) has issues. She’s too skinny, she isn’t accepted by her future mother-in-law. That guy better run, and run fast.

Pregnant chick, boring as watching paint dry.

Black couple, why don’t they just call it a day and go their separate ways?

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9 hours ago, Maybeitsme said:

Okay I know this was all scripted to make Brittney the ultimate victim but come on now ..

Terrible childhood for sure but running away at12 and being taken advantage of by a 30 year old predator having babies that where given away and somehow that is ALL  on her mother?

And even so, I can't believe they never tried to find their missing daughter,  but who really knows 

 She still ended up in prison and i don't think it's fair to lay it all on mommas doorsteps knowing she's there to try to be better now

She went real low with this storyline imo

Last week Brittany said they were on vacation. She left the hotel for 2 days and came back and her parents were gone. So, yes, I blame the parents for abandoning her in a strange state with no way to get back home and didn’t seem to care at all about her. Who does that?!?! 

9 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Well, he appears to have teeth?

That’s true. I was impressed with Michael’s tooth-brushing regimen. He does the little circles like the dentist always says to do.

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Here is the thing with Brittney, IMO. Her story is probably sad and awful, but this ALL feels like an elaborate setup to keep the LAL check rolling in. None of this feels even mildly authentic and real.

Her estranged mother just coincidentally wants to come and help with the baby while a camera crew is there?  Come on now.

And Brittney just coincidentally needs to confront her mother about things from like 20 years ago right now?  She can't do it any other time but when a camera crew is on the scene?  It was all too delicate and painful to talk about years ago, but now she is so compelled to talk about it in front of a national viewing audience? Pfffffffffffffft.

She isn't going to let her mother bully her.....huh?  What scene did I miss where that came out?  

It just all feels like such a desperate reach for drama because they are boring.  And the ridiculous build up......like "oh my mom might get mad" "ohhh, you know how mom is, don't go at her too hard"

Britney's mom was likely a shit mom, but I didn't see any indication that she was going to fly off the handle.  It was a total fizzle.  

Even if the moment was real, it was pretty boring.  So far, their storylines have been both boring and inauthentic.



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I think that they have milked all of the drama they can out of this particular group of idiots 

Sarah picks up some random dude in the bar, and her girlfriend thinks she just met her soulmate. These two have an EQ of 15 year old high schoolers 

Why do these heart to heart meetings all take place in a public park?

Angela is still wearing that ugly ring. 

So, Megan's a "singer" now? Huh. Forehead doesn't like flawed women? The irony is strong in this one 

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11 hours ago, RealReality said:

How cringe is it that Sarah is trying to prove she is a badass by kissing another skinny ugly man while her friend watches and the Uber driver tries to look away. 

LOL, who paid for these ill advised tattoos?  Chane doesnt have a chob!

Tlc or MTV or whatever network is putting on this shit show!

Everybody 's living 'high on the hog'!

Marcellino is looking a bit hot to me.  Lol I wonder if he's any good at his gambling game?

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13 hours ago, RealReality said:

Tina should 100% kick Cheryl out of her house.

This desperate set up by Britney and Marcelino.  This all feels so contrived.

It really does, and not just Brittany and Marcelino.  

This clusterfuck between Sara/Michael/Roco/Megan positively reeks of bullshit.  Everybody wants to suck off the reality TV teat and I'd be willing to bet some hard-earned money that these chucklefucks got together between seasons to engineer their own bogus story lines.  

We're supposed to believe this "friend" (aka former drug selling buddy) met Megan "My Queen" one time and caught feelings for her?  And here he is, ready to claim her whilst Michael still bilks other women out of money and they clamor to have him at their sides.  Ugh.  Not buying it.  More like Sara/Michael/Megan put their pointy  little heads together and offered their buddy Roco a cut of the WeTV payday if he'd join them in this manufactured bullshit.

Angela and Tony?  Good gawd almighty, take some acting lessons if you're going to try to pull this shit off.  There's no way that Snaggletooth tossed him out of her house, no matter how she tries to spin it.  I can hear her gravelly voice telling Tony, "Ya know what, Tony?  We could pretend that I throwed your ass out fer cheating and won't let you back in. We'd get some more easy money to buy more booze and smokes!"  I've seen middle school productions with better acting than this shitshow.  Ugh.

Brittany and Marcelino...yeah, zero fucks to give about your childhood tales of woe, Brittany.  Have we ever even been told just why she ran away from home at 12?  I can't recall and don't care enough about her to research it.  After seeing above, she was arrested for assaulting her mother, nothing would surprise me.  She can take her snoozeworthy family and disappear from my screen any time now (and take those hideous hand tattoos with her).  

Josh and Cheryl...Clearly only got back together to be included on this season.  He was blasting her on social media and posting about how batshit crazy she was...yet conveniently decided to give it another shot right before filming began.  Yeah, sure, Josh.  While I don't for one second doubt that Cheryl's crazy is real, I think you were both so desperate for that easy WeTV payday that of course you decided to give it another shot (at least whilst the cameras were rolling).  Ugh.  They can exit stage left, too, with these fake shenanigans.  

I can't even with Lacy and Chon/Chane.  I'm pretty sure John was supposed to be their hook for inclusion in this season, but then Chon fucked up and landed back in prison before he could fully play out his role as trying to win the hosebeast known as Lacy.  Ugh.

The only couple I can accept has at least a root of honesty is Clint and The Goddess.  That shit's real, they were arrested, she went to jail (again), and it's all playing out during filming.   At least there's reality with these two dumpster fires.  

I think this might be one of those shows where they all need to be one-and-done to avoid this type of fuckery.  No chance to "create" a scenario for the next season and just keep fresh stories going on each season.  Give them their paychecks for their season and show them the door.  

On a superficial note, Clint seriously needs to quit chewing on his nails, otherwise he's going to run out of nail and be gnawing off his actual fingers.  It reminds me of an old Stephen King short story I read where a guy had to chew his arm off.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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13 hours ago, RealReality said:

Dude, that is NOT your house 

I had the same thought. Do you pay the note, Tony? Is your name on the mortgage or the deed? Do you pay any bills?

Also, doesn't he work at a motel? Can't he shower there? He probably reeked. You could see the sweat on his upper lip when he was begging for a shower.

There was something about the cavalier way Shane asked if John was dead that really bothered me. Like, I know he's the competition or whatever, but for one, that's Lacey's fault for keeping him around (and I maintain that if John weren't locked up she would cheat on Shane with him. Shane probably knows that too, on some level), and second, he's still a person. He's an addict and his issues are sad.

When Josh told his mom that Cheryl was stranded and Mama Josh shrugged "Okay," I died. Did Cheryl only take her one kid with her? What about the other two? And Tina seems unpleasant but if anyone living in MY house said "tell me what time my fiancé's supposed to be home, how fucking stupid," I'd kick them out.

12 hours ago, Maybeitsme said:

Terrible childhood for sure but running away at12 and being taken advantage of by a 30 year old predator having babies that where given away and somehow that is ALL  on her mother?

I think so, honestly. The abuse by the 30-year-old is on the 30-year-old, but Brittany was in the position to be abused by him in the first place because her parents just left after she ran away. She was 12. Her parents are required by law to take care of her at 12. They didn't. Did they report her missing? Look for her? I can't imagine not panicking if a 12-year-old in my care were missing for days.

Also, isn't Brittany's mom an alcoholic in recovery? I don't know if she's working the 12 steps but if she is, one of them is making amends to the people you've harmed, and I absolutely think she should make amends to Brittany and the rest of her children, and that means facing up to what sounds like the chaos in the home led to.

You can tell that Mama Clint is the more soft-hearted one and Papa Clint would have washed his hands of Clint long ago if it weren't for his wife. When Clint told him Tracie had been arrested and Papa Clint scoffed, I howled. (Also, Clint looks older than parents in the face. His father has white hair but his father's face looks younger than Clint's. You can't tell me Clint hasn't done meth.)

Sarah appears to have a type, and that type is dusty skinny dudes. Michael is trash.

I literally said "YAY" out loud when Angela's sister showed up because I knew she was going to lay down some truth, and she did not disappoint. "Love always wins." "That's a crock of shit." I LOVE HER, give her a spin-off.

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Is this what I stay home on Friday nights for?  This shit was boring.  I mean, I still have comments and all but it was boring.  

Love how Cheryl says in one breath that she's going to be fake and pleasant to Tina and in the next breath gets all passive aggressive and snappy wit her.  Never change, Cheryl.  You'll never learn.  Please eat a sandwich and consider sending your child to Virginia Beach, where Lacey's dad runs a daycare for children of skank mothers who chase after prison dick.

Chane is a total dimwit.  So Chon is out of the picture because he's in prison?  Does he not remember how he met Lacey?  I mean, I get he's not the sharpest tool in the shed but they've only known each other for like 3 months, right?  Did too much tattoo ink go to his head?    And of course he and Lacey got their named tatted on each other "down there."  Please.  Lacey was going to get Chon's name tattooed on her but only got the "J"?  Um, why?   Did she have to go home to get a dictionary to see how to spell John?  

Clint looks like a meth-ed out rat.  Are his parents supporting him and My Goddess?  Because I can't imagine how he holds down a job with the taxing schedule of driving My Goddess around with her crack and then constantly attempting to bail her out of jail.  

Of course the wee leprechaun (Michael) doesn't go for cheating (or chee-un).  At least not for anyone but himself.  Does he even know what "loyal" means?  He doesn't want someone that's loyal because for all her faults (and there are many), Cabbage Patch Sarah was loyal.  And continues to be (because she's a dipshit.)  I wonder what excuse MeghanMyQueen is going to have for Mike calling Miss Miami when she sees the show.

That "girls night out" with Cabbage Patch and Emmy looked pretty sad.  Does Cabbage Patch not have any other friends?  Did Cabbage Patch say something about looking like a MILF?  Girl, I'm all about feeling confident but . . . well, she was like a sexy sack of potatoes to me.  Definitely trying too hard.  And yeah, I'm sure Mike is going to be so very jelly.  Let me roll my eyes into next week.   Listen, Cabbage Patch - -turn off his damn phone already.  

Britney and Marcelino.  Boring.  Why are they in every show?  

Angela is a complete dumbass.  Does she normally leave her car unlocked and with the windows down?  And who do think is knocking at your door early in the a.m.?  Probably not someone with a big cardboard check, girl.  When Tony is begging to be let in to use your bathroom, it's very simple.  You tell him NO, he can go call his prostitute friends.  Bad enough he's lying and cheating on you, Angela, but he's also likely to be banging these pros.  Worry about your health.  But of course she lets him in and puts his stupid rings back on.   Her sister is right -- Tony will be back in Angela's smoke-infested bed by end of the day.  Clearly Donna Faye got all the brains in that family.  Love wins all or whatever Angela said IS complete bullshit.  Donna Faye absolutely has Tony's number (as does basically everyone but Angela) and I'm here for it.  #DonnaFaye2020.   

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On 1/19/2020 at 6:24 PM, John M said:

So, in the context of Andrea and Lamar's discussion, are we not going to address the fact that for decades the LDS church was, as official doctrine, racist as all fuck against black people. I know as far as official church policy they claim they aren't anymore but they basically called black people evil for decades so that seems relevant to Lamar's hesitance to join the community.

Three months ago, I was at the Apple store picking up my new laptop. A very cool, young black man, Apple employee, was helping me with the transaction. It is a work laptop and the paperwork had an ID address. I work remote in a different state. We stated talking about the culture up there, and I told him I tried for 2 years but couldn’t fit in. (white, blonde, female-no preconceptions on Mormons)

Community was majority Mormon. I am not. Superficially, they are very friendly people, but if you are not in, you are out. He told me that he played college football. While playing games in UT, there were many occasions when those nice, friendly UT players would make racist remarks, 1 on 1, while on the field when no one else could hear.  One person’s disappointing story. I wish I didn’t believe it. 

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1 hour ago, Persnickety1 said:

It really does, and not just Brittany and Marcelino.  

This clusterfuck between Sara/Michael/Roco/Megan positively reeks of bullshit.  Everybody wants to suck off the reality TV teat and I'd be willing to bet some hard-earned money that these chucklefucks got together between seasons to engineer their own bogus story lines.  

We're supposed to believe this "friend" (aka former drug selling buddy) met Megan "My Queen" one time and caught feelings for her?  And here he is, ready to claim her whilst Michael still bilks other women out of money and they clamor to have him at their sides.  Ugh.  Not buying it.  More like Sara/Michael/Megan put their pointy  little heads together and offered their buddy Roco a cut of the WeTV payday if he'd join them in this manufactured bullshit.

Angela and Tony?  Good gawd almighty, take some acting lessons if you're going to try to pull this shit off.  There's no way that Snaggletooth tossed him out of her house, no matter how she tries to spin it.  I can hear her gravelly voice telling Tony, "Ya know what, Tony?  We could pretend that I throwed your ass out fer cheating and won't let you back in. We'd get some more easy money to buy more booze and smokes!"  I've seen middle school productions with better acting than this shitshow.  Ugh.

Brittany and Marcelino...yeah, zero fucks to give about your childhood tales of woe, Brittany.  Have we ever even been told just why she ran away from home at 12?  I can't recall and don't care enough about her to research it.  After seeing above, she was arrested for assaulting her mother, nothing would surprise me.  She can take her snoozeworthy family and disappear from my screen any time now (and take those hideous hand tattoos with her).  

Josh and Cheryl...Clearly only got back together to be included on this season.  He was blasting her on social media and posting about how batshit crazy she was...yet conveniently decided to give it another shot right before filming began.  Yeah, sure, Josh.  While I don't for one second doubt that Cheryl's crazy is real, I think you were both so desperate for that easy WeTV payday that of course you decided to give it another shot (at least whilst the cameras were rolling).  Ugh.  They can exit stage left, too, with these fake shenanigans.  

I can't even with Lacy and Chon/Chane.  I'm pretty sure John was supposed to be their hook for inclusion in this season, but then Chon fucked up and landed back in prison before he could fully play out his role as trying to win the hosebeast known as Lacy.  Ugh.

The only couple I can accept has at least a root of honesty is Clint and The Goddess.  That shit's real, they were arrested, she went to jail (again), and it's all playing out during filming.   At least there's reality with these two dumpster fires.  

I think this might be one of those shows where they all need to be one-and-done to avoid this type of fuckery.  No chance to "create" a scenario for the next season and just keep fresh stories going on each season.  Give them their paychecks for their season and show them the door.  

On a superficial note, Clint seriously needs to quit chewing on his nails, otherwise he's going to run out of nail and be gnawing off his actual fingers.  It reminds me of an old Stephen King short story I read where a guy had to chew his arm off.  

Agreed 100% I would love 2 hr episodes  😊

But it should be 1 season per couple 

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14 hours ago, Maybeitsme said:

I can not think of one thing that would make Michael attractive to anyone and yet he makes a living it seems off women.  Don't understand that at all. Anyone?

I think Sarah nailed it when she said he picks girls with really low self esteem and makes them feel like the world revolves around them. 

15 hours ago, Kroliosis said:

Scrubs? Hmmm

what kind of therapist wears scrubs to work?

A physical or occupational therapist, especially one in a care home, would probably wear scrubs.

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1 hour ago, psychoticstate said:

Clint looks like a meth-ed out rat.  Are his parents supporting him and My Goddess?  Because I can't imagine how he holds down a job with

You must have missed the revelation last season that he's working in his parents' butcher shop or grocery store (whatever it is), after losing his 'hotel clerk' job during the big drug bust.

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15 hours ago, sempervivum said:

is wearing a rosary as a necklace a fashion thing in the jailbird community now?

Had to rewind a couple of times to confirm that is what I thought I saw. That guy and a rosary?  Madonna used the rosary as an accessory, but she has a connection to them. https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/music/madonnas-love-hate-relationship-with-catholicism-7754686  Would love to know the player Michael's connection? 

Gotta say, the more interesting part of this show is what is not addressed and we are left to speculate. That guy and a rosary. Virgin trolls smooth talkin' prisoner turns singer. Virgin's dad housing virgin and doesn't kick her ass out with her choice to hang/support rosary wearing ex con. Sarah spending a dime on that guy. Clint's parents (especially hi honey, mom) agreeing to be on teevee supporting their challenged son. They appear successful and this can't be a good look for their business (or them) in a small town (population was 34,122).  Angela the therapist(?) in scrubs. Dough boy Tony thinking he can act. Now that Josh said he is hooked on Cheryl because she is a mirror of his mother, will he ever free himself?  so many unanswered questions . . . 

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6 hours ago, OoogleEyes said:

I think that they have milked all of the drama they can out of this particular group of idiots 

Sarah picks up some random dude in the bar, and her girlfriend thinks she just met her soulmate. These two have an EQ of 15 year old high schoolers 

Why do these heart to heart meetings all take place in a public park?

Angela is still wearing that ugly ring. 

So, Megan's a "singer" now? Huh. Forehead doesn't like flawed women? The irony is strong in this one 

The friend also called him "Ludacris" which I found low key annoying.  Not all slim, short black men look alike.  I don't go around referring every young white man who is trying to hard "Justin beiber"

2 hours ago, Kangatush said:

I think Sarah nailed it when she said he picks girls with really low self esteem and makes them feel like the world revolves around them. 


I agree.  I think I've said before that Megan has probably been incidetally taught to think very poorly of herself.  

It doesn't help that she is smug and unlikeable, but I think she probably has low self esteem. 

Michael probably also picks "pretty girls" who are all grown up.  It would be better if Michael weren't part of avaiana's life at all, IMO.  At this point she is so inconsequential that she doesn't deserve a visit or even an answered phone call from her father.  That's part of her life lesson about her worth to men.  Later, she will learn that unless women aren't shit unless  "are loyal" but don't have the right to ask for anything.....even basic respect and consideration.  

So, "pretty girl" aviana has a good chance of growing up thinking that she deserves a "Michael" type.  

Michael is a worm, but Sarah is worse because she can see what having Michael in and out is doing to her children.  She should cut him out, and frankly she should cut out most of Michael's family, who seem to carry water for him. 

There is probably a decent aunt, uncle or cousin who doesn't have much to do with Michael who Sarah can reach out to. 

Edited by RealReality
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Note to Michael: Tina Turner asked "What's love got to do with it?" Not Aretha Franklin.

I'm confused about last week's call that Lacey made to the police saying, "I'd like to know if you have an inmate in there?" and they gave her info? On what planet does that happen? I didn't think jails would freely give information to any random caller. 

Brittany is getting as big as a house.

Michael the tough guy referring to women as bitches. Lovely. I'm not buying the whole soap opera nonsense with these people. It reminded me of the Progressive commercial that's like a soap opera with Susan Lucci. Michael using the "you were with my homeboy" as the excuse as to why he's so upset that he talks to others. He's a lowlife, cheater and always has been and will continue to play all these women and more. As Judge Judge says, "If you hitch your wagon to a bum..."

Lacey is upset because with Chon in prison, there won't be the two guys fighting over her and providing all kinds of drama. 

So Cheryl is three miles away and Josh tells his mother that she's four blocks away? Yay new math.

Clint's mother believing Tracy would get clean was her first mistake. Is mom on drugs? She's crying and brokenhearted? What? Clint looks like he comes from a very nice home and he looks like a strung out addict himself. His parents should tell him to go make a life for himself somewhere else. Who the hell needs this shit?

This show has gotten boring AF. A sit down conversation followed by a sit down conversation followed by a sit down conversation.... shark. jumped. 

Edited by configdotsys
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6 hours ago, Kangatush said:

I think Sarah nailed it when she said he picks girls with really low self esteem and makes them feel like the world revolves around them. 

I think you graduate from a person of low self-esteem to brain dead once you discover that the guy that makes you feel like the world revolves around you cheats on you, lies to you and ignores his kids. Again and again and again.

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26 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

I'm confused about last week's call that Lacey made to the police saying, "I'd like to know if you have an inmate in there?" and they gave her info? On what planet does that happen? I didn't think jails would freely give information to any random caller. 

It’s public information. My local small town newspapers prints the name, age, crime committed, date it happened. And, online, there’s an “In Custody” to click on. Same thing, name, age, crime, when it happened.

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18 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

It’s public information. My local small town newspapers prints the name, age, crime committed, date it happened. And, online, there’s an “In Custody” to click on. Same thing, name, age, crime, when it happened.

There is a police blotter here too and online information. I'm talking about an individual, unknown person-- who could be anyone-- calling a police station, asking for an inmate by name and being given that information. That is very different and does not sound kosher to me. 

14 minutes ago, hoosiermom said:

I would think Michael won’t be able to continue his scamming of women now that this has aired. Of course, there will always be bird brains who think they are Michael’s one and only true love. I think Megan and Sarah are stretching this out to be on TV. I don’t think either one care about him.

I think Sarah will be in her 40s and still in the on again/off again loop with Michael. She'll use the "he's the father of my kids," excuse and the tired, "I want to save my family," claptrap. I think she cares about winning. He's the father of my kids so I'm higher up than you, bitch... is her attitude, spoken in street thug voice, of course. Anyone that he gets involved with will ensure that she steps up the calls and contact under the guise of "his children" when it's really just a way to tell the new gal, "I'm here and ain't going anywhere."

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50 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

There is a police blotter here too and online information. I'm talking about an individual, unknown person-- who could be anyone-- calling a police station, asking for an inmate by name and being given that information. That is very different and does not sound kosher to me. 

I think Sarah will be in her 40s and still in the on again/off again loop with Michael. She'll use the "he's the father of my kids," excuse and the tired, "I want to save my family," claptrap. I think she cares about winning. He's the father of my kids so I'm higher up than you, bitch... is her attitude, spoken in street thug voice, of course. Anyone that he gets involved with will ensure that she steps up the calls and contact under the guise of "his children" when it's really just a way to tell the new gal, "I'm here and ain't going anywhere."

Sadly, I agree.  And avaiana will end up in the same sad and pathetic type of relationship.  If Michael is around he may hypocritically preach to her that she deserves better, but he will have taught her that she really doesn't deserve anything more than a pathetic, disrespectful, broke, good for nothing man in her life. 

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14 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

I would think Michael won’t be able to continue his scamming of women now that this has aired. Of course, there will always be bird brains who think they are Michael’s one and only true love. I think Megan and Sarah are stretching this out to be on TV. I don’t think either one care about him.

I hope this is true. It's hard to believe that there really are THAT many women who are angling for the guy. He's barely literate, uneducated, has no job (and, it seems, no aspirations to have a job), and spends his time talking to and traveling to various women to get laid- until, as he describes it, his interest drops. Which happens if they act the least bit invested in him. His little speech about Roc and how "there are lines you do not cross" would have been funny, along with his complaint that Sarah gets into his business- if there weren't two very beautiful little girls who have him for a father. He has no idea of how to be an adult human; it's all about his carnal satisfaction and, like a dog, he lives purely in the moment. He is a disgusting human being and I can't imagine that there are two or maybe more women who think he is someone worth pursuing a "relationship" with.

I don't have much else to say about the episode except that Lacey and Shane's "makeup conversation" was totally scripted (how many times do we have to hear "I love you and I really want to make this work"?), Marcelino is annoying as hell (how selfless of him to not want to "add strain to the pregnancy" and to be there all the time with his kids rather than WORK?) and I really, really want Clint's parents' kitchen.

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15 hours ago, configdotsys said:

Anyone that he gets involved with will ensure that she steps up the calls and contact under the guise of "his children" when it's really just a way to tell the new gal, "I'm here and ain't going anywhere."

Well, that didn't even work when Sarah was just trying to scare off one person, Megan. What's she going to do now that she knows there's 2 or 3 (?) more? So far, she hasn't even contacted the other women whose names she found on the bank statements. And I doubt that WE TV is going to pay to ship her all over the US to have 'confrontations'.

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2 hours ago, ethalfrida said:

It is possible for Michael to not be that clear on who sang the song. His age group is not the one who follows  that genre. Tina was at least three generations back and the same with Aretha. Even Dr. Dre, Snoop are two generations after them.

True. But it was still funny to watch Michael make a stupid comment and laugh at him.

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I think the whole Michael/Megan/Sarah line is the most infuriating storyline here, again because there are children who are being used as pawns to continue the storyline. Sarah should cut her losses but she won't- because she is getting paid to talk big ("I DESERVE this!) as she sucks face with a virtual stranger at a bar. She won't cut Michael off because that would mean the end of the story and no more paycheck. It's disgusting.

As for Michael, he is obviously collecting enough TV and hanger-on cash to live in a hotel (a fairly nice one, as it were) and not think twice about supporting the two children he made or being a productive member of society. He is the epitome of entitled.  He can do what he wants; he doesn't have to answer to anyone; and here the show continues to feature him as he acts like a scumbag- and laughing all the way to the bank.  Cast members like this deserve to be cut off of the show and the payroll; but because it makes for good TV he continues to get airtime. 

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4 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Well, that didn't even work when Sarah was just trying to scare off one person, Megan. What's she going to do now that she knows there's 2 or 3 (?) more? So far, she hasn't even contacted the other women whose names she found on the bank statements. And I doubt that WE TV is going to pay to ship her all over the US to have 'confrontations'.

If it's me, I'd call every one of those women and say, "Hi.  You don't know me, but I'm married to Michael ______.  I've been logged into his cash transfer account (sorry, I don't know the name of it), and I'm trying to track down all of the payments and deposits.  Can you please explain to me who you are and why you have been sending money to him?  Thanks . . . on behalf of me and his two daughters, who don't see ONE RED CENT from him.  Which is probably what you will get if you're stupid enough to hook up with him.  By the way, these records will become public during our divorce proceedings."  

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5 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Well, that didn't even work when Sarah was just trying to scare off one person, Megan. What's she going to do now that she knows there's 2 or 3 (?) more? So far, she hasn't even contacted the other women whose names she found on the bank statements. And I doubt that WE TV is going to pay to ship her all over the US to have 'confrontations'.

I was already a fan of the 3 pictures and then shuffling off screen whichever girl wasn’t in the upcoming scene. So, I’d really love to see the photos done “Brady Bunch” style with Michael in the center like Alice, looking up/down/diagonal... at all of his ladies.

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1 hour ago, KateHearts said:

I think the whole Michael/Megan/Sarah line is the most infuriating storyline here, again because there are children who are being used as pawns to continue the storyline. Sarah should cut her losses but she won't- because she is getting paid to talk big ("I DESERVE this!) as she sucks face with a virtual stranger at a bar. She won't cut Michael off because that would mean the end of the story and no more paycheck. It's disgusting.

As for Michael, he is obviously collecting enough TV and hanger-on cash to live in a hotel (a fairly nice one, as it were) and not think twice about supporting the two children he made or being a productive member of society. He is the epitome of entitled.  He can do what he wants; he doesn't have to answer to anyone; and here the show continues to feature him as he acts like a scumbag- and laughing all the way to the bank.  Cast members like this deserve to be cut off of the show and the payroll; but because it makes for good TV he continues to get airtime. 

I assume production is paying for the extended stay hotel because Michael is broke and they don't want to film "meganmyqueen brings Michael soup and goes through his phone" in the backseat of a car or from the homeless shelter. 

Michael can grin and skin right now, but this show isn't "real housewives" and so he has maybe another season, two if I'm being extremely generous.  After that, the checks stop because all his possible storylines have played out.  

Michael is married to a woman and dating another who is a "virgin"

Michael and girlfriend have sex

Girlfriend and wife find out about each otber

The girlfriend fucks Michael's friend

It's just....how many iterations of "Michael is a hypocritical worm of a loser" are going to be interesting? 

Honestly, after the Megan/Sarah confrontation......it's been a slow roll downhill for the threesome.  They can delay it a bit with the rock drama....the other women.....Michael in a silly ass hate....Megan's friends and dad grilling Michael....sarah idiotically admitting to paying his bills .....

But they can't get more than another two seasons out of this.  

He won't be smiling once the checks stop. 


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39 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

Well if dumbo Sarah gets his bank statements, maybe she could make withdrawals off that account if she could be smart about it.  I just don't think she has the mental capability to figure it out.

Was it a bank statement, or one of those cash transfer apps?  Hubby and I were talking about it, and his first idea was for her to sign on as him and transfer the money to a bank account . . . but if it wasn't an account he's already approved transfers to, the first thing that would happen would be that the app would send an e-mail to Michael asking if he had approved it.

This is just one more method of proving that Michael is scum.  And even incarceration wouldn't slow him down . . . ask Megan My Queen.

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