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Message added by Athena

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23 minutes ago, Conan Troutman said:

Jaime and Cersei dying together like that wasn't how I pictured it, but I liked it. Felt like an ending that made sense for Jaime, although a bit rushed (that's more on last week's episode though). 

I liked it too. Nice symmetry. Their love started the war. It is fitting they should die at the end in each other's arms. 

Jaime and Cersei. GOT's great romance. 

  • Love 19
1 minute ago, rozen said:

Agreed, this felt like Dany unshackled. The two people that constantly urged her to make concessions, at the cost of her own progress, are also the two people who betrayed her most deeply. She has no reason to take their wishes into consideration anymore. Instead, she prioritized her and Grey Worm's rage and dedication to executing Missandei's last words.

Was it awful and bloody and terrible? Yes. All wars of conquest have been. 

Yep, Dany listened to the one advisor she could trust, Missandei. Dracarys.

  • Love 22
7 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Kings Landing was a shithole anyway.

Yeah, I said it. 

Yeh personally I have no sympathy for them. How many times have we seen the people act horribly there, (beheding Ned) - the walk of shame? But I know D&D in the story will be horrified and will want everyone to feel that they have to take her out because she dared to act like any other man would.  Oh sorry, not the saintly Jon. Sorry.

  • Love 20
30 minutes ago, Lemuria said:

Pretty much the same way she got past all the NK's generals and a portion of his army in that relatively small Weirwood without anyone noticing her dragging the trampoline she jumped from.

This is what bothered me the most with this final season. Arya trained for years and could assume other faces. Why couldn't she have taken a face of Urine Greyjoy, for example, and came up to Cersei and shanked her? It doesn't make sense that she didn't utilize this during this episode, or with the NK.  They completely rushed through this last season and missed some crucial details. 

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, Yodabeesh said:

I was expecting him to snap her neck. There was just that one moment where he could have done it. But NOOOOOO... we couldn’t have that, could we?

That would have been satisfying to fans but not at all in keeping with his character. He has devoted his whole life to her other than going to fight the white walkers and then having victory sex w Brienne. He came back when he heard she’d be executed. He gave a whole speech to Brienne about it. I don’t like that he left her but he has loved Cersei since birth.

  • Love 21
18 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

So, what exactly has been the point of Jaimie having years of development and wanting to be a better person and getting with Brienne and all that stuff if he was just going to die the same person and in the same place he started in? What was the POINT?! 

What years of character development for Jaime? It was only in the season 7 finale that he finally decided enough was enough with Cersei and cut ties with her. His spine growth lasted all of, what, four episodes before it wilted again and he went back to Cersei. His coming North to have sex with Brienne was pure fanservice and nothing else. His book character was absolutely slaughtered for the show and it's a shame.

  • Love 14
5 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

And what an insult to the work Nikolaj Coster Waldau and Gwendolyne Christie who acted the shit out of one of the most 'shipped romances on the show. We watched them meet. We watched them hate each other. We watched them slowly like each other. We watched that liking and trust turn to love. And we finally watched them consummate their relationship. After all that we're supposed to believe it meant nothing to Jaime and Brienne was just the side chick? Fuck that.

Just isn’t a romance. More complicated. Etc. ibviously love there. 

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

What about the previous seasons made you think he wouldn't go back... Cersei's bullshit made Tommen kill himself... She cremated him and took over as queen and Jaime stuck around... Y'all think a roll in the proverbial hay with Brienne was gonna change that.. When she's carrying his baby??  Not liking how things turn out is not the same as character assassination or bad writing.. 

...and GoT is well known for avoiding the tidy happily ever after.  If they were, The Hound would still be helping a minister build things.  

  • Love 15
45 minutes ago, revbfc said:

Cersei: “Well I’m all for family getting together to poke each other, so I hope you and Sandor have a great time.  I’ll be downstairs.”

This was actually my favorite scene in the entire episode. 

As for all the rest, I say: "FUCK THIS SHOW."

I'll be here next week cuz I am exhausted and I just want this to end. I sincerely hate feeling this way. 

  • Love 15
1 minute ago, Pestilentia said:

So that incinerated corpse that Arya saw at the end there was the mom and child she tried to lead to safety? And that hand poking up that looked like the pommel of a charred Longclaw was just a hand and not a charred Longclaw? 


Am I the only one seeing these things?

It looked like longclaw to me too but that had to be the mom and kid, right?

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Pestilentia said:

So that incinerated corpse that Arya saw at the end there was the mom and child she tried to lead to safety? And that hand poking up that looked like the pommel of a charred Longclaw was just a hand and not a charred Longclaw? 


Am I the only one seeing these things?

If you’re suggesting that Arya was dead, I wondered the same thing. But it would be a very weird way for her to go. Goes after her final revenge list item, decides to be a better person, then spends about one third of the episode’s runtime dodging fire and falling walls only to die to ... fire and falling walls?

Edited by kieyra
Message added by Athena

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