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S09.E13: Grilling Me Softly

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5 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

How the holy fuck do people buy $700 worth of food? I don't spend that in a month, including going out to eat, and I eat a lot and spend obnoxious amounts on high-end vegan cheeses!

And I'll bet no one even took a bite of those gigantic steaks!

This was all pretty boring, but I could watch Camille notifying Teddi all night long that her face "is right here."

That rolling billboard of a camper must have been pretty embarrassing for these high end glampers. It would have been for me.

Edited by renatae
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6 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

“I wanna be friends with people who are easy to get along with”, says Erika.... ERIKA!!!! With a straight face she uttered those words!  After seasons of being prickly with people she uttered those words!

I do, however, like Erika Jamoboree and wish we could keep her instead of Erika Jayne!

As long as you kiss her ass and never question anything she doe or says, those kinds of people. 

She was more likable tonight than she has been since season one. But why does she eat with her fork always in the air? It really bothers me. Is it akin to pinky in the air while drinking tea, classy? 

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Meh.  They grocery shopped, they camped, they grilled.  I do all that myself.  It's more fun for me to do it than watch it.  I expect more from Beverly Hills. 

I do appreciate a good charcuterie board, so that was nice.  Other than that, it just isn't what I tune in for. 

Also, I don't even like Dorit, but I think it's ridiculous that they don't all just let the PK comment go.  I think they are all just working a drama angle that doesn't involve them, so that they can keep their own stuff hidden.  With the exception of Kyle and Dorit, of course.  I suspect Kyle resents Dorit a little for the situation, and the eventual loss of her friendship.  Conversely, Dorit keeps asking, "Why is Lisa mad at me now?"   It's a fair question.  They seemed to fine for weeks after the puppy thing.  I wonder if she knows Kyle threw them all under the bus in her confrontation with LVP, or if she is trying to figure out if she did. 

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11 hours ago, TexasGal said:

I find it hard to believe that anxiety ridden, hypochondriac Kyle drank those beer pong cups after those balls had been on the ground.  Were they all disinfected before each throw?!

Dorit: She’s given me a fait accompli.  

TexasGal:  WHAT?  An ultimatum?  A...something else?!  <drink>

You drink for your own cup. Not the one the ball goes into. Those are filled with water. At least that’s how my college kids play it now. 

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16 minutes ago, Adira said:

I haven't been a fan of Camille's lately with all her mean-girl antics, but she is spot on about Teddi!  The problem with Teddi is that she states her opinions as if they were facts.  "It was deliberate." "It was malicious."  She acts like she KNOWS what other people's motivations are and what they are thinking - people she barely even knows!  She's lecturing Dorit on what DORIT'S HUSBAND is thinking/feeling.  It's asinine.  

Except, I think she was spot on about PK.

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9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I'm not loving Denise much, especially with all the sex talk.  I'm not a prude, but, this woman has teenage daughters.  Teenage daughters who are either watching the show themselves, or their friends are.  It's extremely embarrassing to hear this type of conversation when you know her daughters are going to be mortified tomorrow in school.

And the fact that in her talking head, Denise didn't even think to mention that her daughters would be embarrassed, just that Aaron will probably be pissed off, it just made me not like her so much.

Not to mention the fact it lost shock value about 15 years ago when it was the MO of the "Sex and the City" character Samantha.

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I am not going to tune in anymore to watch these hags delve into their kinky sex habits. Camille and Denise are trying a little too hard to be oh so cool and open about this. And I agree with comments about these women discussing their sex lives when they have teenage daughters. Can you imagine your mother discussing blow jobs, prostate massages, happy endings, having sex every morning let alone discussing all of this on a TV show?  I watched this off and on so did Rinna eat or just sit off to the side? And will they ever stop bringing up LVP and saying all of this is her fault and she could just come back to the group? Sure she could if she wanted to walk back into the lion's den and be eaten alive.

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7 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

Erika chowing down on cheez whiz, and pumpkin pie any day of the week

We saw Erika taking one tiny bite of pumpkin pie filling with whipped cream - no crust (was that slo mo?), one bite of a cracker with canned cheese....  In one of Erika's earliest episodes - she met Tom for lunch at a restaurant and made some proclamation about always having dessert....and she had one bite (that we saw, anyway).  Yep, she's just a regular gal.

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Most of these women speak as if they know what’s going on - especially LVP - it’s just that Teddi actually does read them pretty well. Funny that Camille should have a problem with it, given that her crazy dinner party guest once actually made declarations about other guests’ futures. 

Camille may be partly targeting Teddi just to stir the shit and hold her spot on the show - I’d keep Teddi over Camille because I enjoy the kind of stirring that happens when somebody dares to tell the truth.

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10 hours ago, princelina said:

 I thought she said it was a guy in New York?

I did not miss VDP at all, and thought the camping trip looked like fun.  PK's apology text looked okay, Kyle seemed fine with it, and Teddi and Rinna need to quit trying to make it a thing.

I guess there must really be a VDP dog spinoff coming - previews show LVP doing the kitchen reveal tone of those Johns.  I never even heard of them before this season and now they're everywhere - but I don't need to know them because I won't be watching that one.

I was talking about both comments.

While rock climbing, she said she used a strap on with the ex - I didn't necessarily think she was just talking about Kelsey. Even the comment about massaging the prostate with a guy she had a 3 year relationship in NY. I don't think she's new to this - she was Lala. There's is nothing wrong with this type of play but I don't think Camille did it because she's into it as opposed to doing it to bag a guy with money.

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It's always seemed to me that folk who talk boast all the time about their sexual antics possibly aren't really getting much at all.  It's the quiet ones having the fun between the sheets.

If only these ladies realized how much younger they look without the ridiculous hairstyles and one pound of fake eyelashes on each eye.  It would've been entertaining to see more of them in the glamper tents accommodations and actually getting themselves ready for the day without a glam crew. 

I wonder what they did with $700 worth of food? None of these ladies actually eat.  Did they leave it for the bears  or give it to the massage lady?  

LVP would not have joined them on this trip even if best buddies with everyone. Glamping definitely not her thing dahling.

Anyway it made a nice change from all the puppy and PK drama which has been done to death this season.

The RHONY can fight and rage with the best of 'em, but they get over it.  And they tell you to your face.  The BH ladies talk in riddles.

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11 hours ago, Door County Cherry said:

It is.  It's why I had to laugh at Rinna when she said "It's like glamping."  There's no like about it.  It is glamping. 

Technically, they are.  But she never said she actually paid for the happy ending massage.  And she didn't say where she got it. It could have been somewhere where sex work is legal. I doubt she faces any legal repercussions. 

I'm more concerned with what kind of establishment she went to because low cost massage parlors can be a hot bed of sex trafficking.  

I like pie but I hate pumpkin pie. 

So this was my kind of episode.  I didn't feel the urge to fast forward once.  All the fights were minimal and didn't last long.  I don't like a lot of 'reality' drama which is probably why I'm usually a first-season-only viewer of a lot of Bravo shows before things get really deep and personal. 

Lisa cracked me up with her cracks about not messing up the plastic in her face during massages.

The sex talk was great because of all of the reactions everyone had to Denise's confession.  Those were just great moments, especially when Teddi asked Denise if she watched and Denise, shocked, said "no" forcing Teddi to point out how silly it was for Denise to think that was crazy. I was a little surprised how few of the woman had heard of the prostate massage technique.  

Dorit's spread eagle was probably the most I've ever liked Dorit. 

Only Camille made me roll my eyes a bit.  I get that she thinks Teddi shouldn't interject her opinion and she might be right some of the time but when you're all sitting around a table talking about stuff---that's probably not the time to enforce that rule. 

This was my kind of episode too. Rinna had me laughing at her comments. She had such a look of RELIEF when she first saw the tent. I also laughed at her plastic comment and knew LVP wouldn't have gone on that trip even if she were BFF's with everyone in the group - put her near the open grill or 2 seconds by the fire place - her face would go Picasso

Camille on the bus - Denise isn't coming to my wedding because she's filming and can't change the dates. Errrrr....whatever Denise is off filming...they aren't going to change their schedule for Denise so she can attend the wedding of a co-worker that doesn't hold an apple. Speaking of Denise - I didn't realize she had so many projects that were in the works while she was filming RHBH.

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29 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Most of these women speak as if they know what’s going on - especially LVP - it’s just that Teddi actually does read them pretty well. Funny that Camille should have a problem with it, given that her crazy dinner party guest once actually made declarations about other guests’ futures. 

Camille may be partly targeting Teddi just to stir the shit and hold her spot on the show - I’d keep Teddi over Camille because I enjoy the kind of stirring that happens when somebody dares to tell the truth.

Camille is SO thirsty. She’s literally been on every season of this franchise, doing anything to get back on camera. She’s as bad as TMCFR. It seems like she wants to be back but for some reason Andy won’t go for it. I’ve always wondered why.

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2 minutes ago, BluBrd47 said:

Camille is SO thirsty. She’s literally been on every season of this franchise, doing anything to get back on camera. She’s as bad as TMCFR. It seems like she wants to be back but for some reason Andy won’t go for it. I’ve always wondered why.

Andy has said they’ve asked her to come back full time every year, but she has always declined for one reason or another.

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18 minutes ago, 918lux said:

Andy has said they’ve asked her to come back full time every year, but she has always declined for one reason or another.

I think Camille doesn't want to play the 'game' of being a housewife so being a 'friend' of gives her a pay cheque, gives her some camera time, her level of involvement of the women is less contractually driven and what she has more control over when the cameras show up at her door.

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6 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I think Camille doesn't want to play the 'game' of being a housewife so being a 'friend' of gives her a pay cheque, gives her some camera time, her level of involvement of the women is less contractually driven and what she has more control over when the cameras show up at her door.

I don’t blame her. She doesn’t need the money. Camille can be fun and likable, but it’s almost like sometimes she forgets she’s on camera. I don’t think she wants to get all the backlash she got season 1, yet sometimes she reverts back to season 1 Camille. 

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2 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

After they left the grocery store, someone said “are we all pitching in”. Teddy yelled back “yes”. Just struck me as odd, you invited them camping, you limited what their choices could be and you wanted them to pay too.

I hate Teddi but I have no problem with this, especially because everyone was individually putting what they wanted in the cart. If it wasn't $700 I might just say Teddi has to suck it up. But it was $700 of mostly garbage which we all know Teddi wasn't going to eat. If I were doing a trip like that, we'd all split expenses too so I have absolutely no problem with the expectation that everyone would chip in. 

Also with regard to Teddi, I tend to think Camille is right about her however, I do think Teddi had a point about Camille calling LVP instead of texting about the wedding. Texting is way too informal for that kind of conversation. Granted, Camille never said she was going to text or ask Teddi's opinion. I just thought it was worth noting that her advice isn't always useless. 

All of these women give their two cents without solicitation and generally no one cares. Erika and Rinna constantly impose their opinions on other people's lives so i'm not sure why Teddi's feet are being held to the fire. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the entertainment factor of it but...hypocrites. That's all. 

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I love that they did something other then scream about Lisa the whole episode and it gets called boring but Lisa remolding her kitchen while bitching about Kyle and Dorit is the height of entertainment ...lol good god.. this is what this show used to be them going on trips and laughing and having a good time and maybe a little fighting it was never constant fighting I'm glad we had a non dog issue episode for the first time in 13 freaking episodes praise the baby Jesus and bring on more of the same please

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10 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

Next week preview: It looks as if John Sessa is LVP's new pet. I literally get an angry disgusted feeling  whenever my eyes clap on to his frozen face and watch him robotically walk around in his extra small tight shirt that is opened too much exposing his white hairless chest. 

Isn't that funny how that happened? He's with her constantly but (he didn't tell her ANYTHING about talking to Teddi about doggate until way after the fact? I mean it is her company and all)  just add him into the drama to get his face out hoping that Vanderpump dogs gets its spinoff things click into place when you just sit back and think about it. Honestly at this point i could give a shit anymore but its beyond obvious that Lisa has lied about her involvement in this whole mess or maybe Bravo is just making it a little more Obvious this season who knows but I'm so glad this episode took a break (for the most part) from this shit

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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2 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

We saw Erika taking one tiny bite of pumpkin pie filling with whipped cream - no crust (was that slo mo?), one bite of a cracker with canned cheese....  In one of Erika's earliest episodes - she met Tom for lunch at a restaurant and made some proclamation about always having dessert....and she had one bite (that we saw, anyway).  Yep, she's just a regular gal.

Who knows? I have no reason to doubt she eats what she says. And what would be the point of taking 10 minutes to show her eating all of it? 

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3 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

After they left the grocery store, someone said “are we all pitching in”. Teddy yelled back “yes”. Just struck me as odd, you invited them camping, you limited what their choices could be and you wanted them to pay too.

Probably a table for one in this one....seeing myself out. 

As they left the grocery store it was Erika who asked if they're all pitching in.  While at the checkout counter one of them was standing next to Teddy while she was handing over her credit card and asked the same thing.

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3 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

After they left the grocery store, someone said “are we all pitching in”. Teddy yelled back “yes”. Just struck me as odd, you invited them camping, you limited what their choices could be and you wanted them to pay too.

Probably a table for one in this one....seeing myself out. 

But, I am sure Bravo picked up the tab for the groceries. Just like they picked up the tab to rent the rv. Oh, I meant Teddi's husband's rv--like he really owns that Skyline monstrosity.

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44 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Who knows? I have no reason to doubt she eats what she says. And what would be the point of taking 10 minutes to show her eating all of it? 

I bet Erica eats more than any of these women, which means she eats a somewhat normal amount of food and does not starve herself. I read some interview with Rinna and she said she is constantly hungry. No kidding. If you never, ever eat--you would be hungry. She seriously looks so scrawny.

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3 hours ago, nexxie said:

Most of these women speak as if they know what’s going on - especially LVP - it’s just that Teddi actually does read them pretty well. Funny that Camille should have a problem with it, given that her crazy dinner party guest once actually made declarations about other guests’ futures. 

Camille may be partly targeting Teddi just to stir the shit and hold her spot on the show - I’d keep Teddi over Camille because I enjoy the kind of stirring that happens when somebody dares to tell the truth.

Something is off with Camille.

I don't think her personality has changed since season 1 - she was always bitchy and condescending to the other cast members. She came off as though she was all that and a bag of chips especially when she first came on the show - married to the biggest celebrity of the group.

Once she took on the Friend Of Status - she came off better on screen. Showing up in fabulous outfits and being sweet to all and staying out of the fray.

This season - I can't figure out why she is so mad. She doesn't look at all excited to be getting married. She doesn't even seem to be in love. I thought she had a very decent divorce settlement.

What's with the 1000% increase in negative comments about Kelsey? She shouldn't be this way so long after the divorce.... having had multiple relationships after...on the brink of her new marriage.

Is she competing in a Comment About the Ex Off with Denise?

Is anyone else also thinking it's bizarre for Camille to ask Kyle to be part of her bridal party? Doesn't Camille have any real friends? Aren't they going to show the wedding even if Kyle is just there as a guest? As I have said before I love Kyle for this show - but evil Bunny can't wait to see the Travelocity Gnome in a cap sleeved dress

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5 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Something is off with Camille.

I don't think her personality has changed since season 1 - she was always bitchy and condescending to the other cast members. She came off as though she was all that and a bag of chips especially when she first came on the show - married to the biggest celebrity of the group.

Once she took on the Friend Of Status - she came off better on screen. Showing up in fabulous outfits and being sweet to all and staying out of the fray.

I think the answer lies in your question.  When she's full of herself - as the wife of Kelsey or the wife of current guy - she lets her bitch flag fly.  When she's insecure - during the divorce and before current guy - she's more circumspect.

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5 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Actually, Teddi's husband does either own or leases it.  Skyline is the name of his company.

He could just as easily have rented it for the purposes of the camping trip and had it vinyl-wrapped with his logo and graphics.  Compared to the value of the "free" advertising he'd get on the show, that'd be a pretty small investment. 

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4 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

After they left the grocery store, someone said “are we all pitching in”. Teddy yelled back “yes”. Just struck me as odd, you invited them camping, you limited what their choices could be and you wanted them to pay too.

Probably a table for one in this one....seeing myself out. 

I totally agree. If I wanted a box of ding dongs or whatever on my camping trip, damn I am going to get them. I hated how she sort of dictated what they were getting and then made everyone chip in.

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2 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I love that they did something other then scream about Lisa the whole episode and it gets called boring but Lisa remolding her kitchen while bitching about Kyle and Dorit is the height of entertainment ...lol good god..

Not everyone likes the same things. Personally, I'm here for hair pulling, nail scratching, "That bitch said what?!" entertainment. Singing Kumbaya (literally) and soft little snipes around the campfire ain't my cup of tea. Bring on the drama or at least have Erika take a knee to the face on a loop because this was a snoozefest for me. 

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Booze, steaks and probably expensive toilet paper can add up quickly.

I just kept thinking about Skyline Chili when I saw the RV.  BTW,  why did they need a RV just to drive 2 hours and then sleep in glam tents?  I thought they would sleep in the RV.  It was just for advertising Edwin's business, I guess.

I was not shocked that the Beverly Hills gals would get the most graphic about sex.  The girls have to do what they need to do to rope those geezer Hollywood types.  Kandi from RHOA, can talk sex with style, but not these girls.  I thought Kyle, Rinna, Erika and Dorit were just embarrassed that Camille and Denise let the secret out about what they all do for love...well love of money.

Dorit started climbing that wall before he said "go."  Just a split second, but she cheated.  

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15 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

Did anyone else catch the commercial for “John Wick 3” tonight? They cut from RHOBH to Angelica Huston uttering the line, “All of this because of a puppy?” This was literally the first line in the preview. Then Keanu Reeves replies, “it wasn’t just a puppy.” 😂

If this is actual purposeful integration, it’s amazing (unlike last week’s RHONY).

Totally missed that thanks to the F/F function on my dvr which allows me to almost never have to expose myself to commercials. 

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14 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Not everyone likes the same things. Personally, I'm here for hair pulling, nail scratching, "That bitch said what?!" entertainment. Singing Kumbaya (literally) and soft little snipes around the campfire ain't my cup of tea. Bring on the drama or at least have Erika take a knee to the face on a loop because this was a snoozefest for me. 

Oh I’m all for some drama but 13 episodes of the same shit it’s beyond nice to have an episode that they actually seem like they like each other and arnt just doing it for the check lol 

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