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S07.E16: I Don't Like the Sound of Your Voice

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No doubt they all took a weed edible pre flight. 

Brittany can’t abstain from booze for one week- what’s she going to do once she gets pregnant?! She must really love to drink because alcohol will cause her stomach pain to worsen. ( I read a blind item that her medical issues were preventing her from making appearances) . 

Ariana bugs the crap out of me, but sometimes she says wise comments that surprise the hell out of me. 

Katie is about as fun as a wet blanket. She needs some counseling. 

Was Jax actually watering down a cocktail meant for Brittany? 

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Interesting how many people think Tom should have given Katie the upgrade. Is it because she's a woman?

It was a short flight and aside from the goodies Scheanna ate and drank while Tom seemingly slept the whole time, the section wasn't at all luxurious and he probably could have used the bit of extra leg room more than she did and to chill a bit after the stress and excitement of the opening.

Katie needs to shut the fuck up, get therapy, get a real fucking job and go to the bloody gym. The purpose of this trip was for the Toms to have one last bit of debauchery before they have to go back to the bar and work their asses off. No one else cared that Scheanna and Tom got lucky. Stassi even used the time to work on her manuscript. What the hell does Katie do all day besides get high and drink? She has issues. Even James has a career he's invested in. Lala is making crap films. Ariana has her own interests. I like how when she thinks Tom is doing something ridiculous, like buying the motorcycle, she lets him know her opinion, but like she said with the bike, I'm not telling you to not do it. I bet Katie doesn't have two dimes to go in halfsies on a house.

Tom has an awful lot of growing up to do and hopefully this will help him. There's no way Sandoval wouldn't put him in his place if he did anything to ruin this great opportunity. He's not as stupid as he pretends to be, ergo, cacophony, but he's been extremely unmotivated and hopefully this is the push into adulthood he needs. Katie better watch out. If he gets to grown up he may question his choice of a wife.

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13 hours ago, Steph J said:

I'm no James fan, but good God does he ever have shitty parents.

I think James would benefit from joining Alcoholics Anonymous.  He would be able to meet and make friends with people who have his best interest at heart and whose mission is to stay sober, so he won’t be tempted to drink.  There are AA groups who plan/do really fun activities outside of the meetings.  I know of one group who have dances, with a DJ, every Saturday night, and the place is always packed.  Many of the participants are around James’ age.

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So we have another trip/vacation with these chucklefucks (I will never not use that word and picture the VPR group)-another time in Mexico where they will again embarrass themselves.   Everyone seems so concerned about traveling with Kristen, who, admittedly, is a wackadoo when traveling (and every other time), but perhaps they should also be wary of Katie.  The clips shown when Schwartz said she ruins every vacation were kind of spot on!  

Katie just seems very needy and very sad.  I don't know - one day, you're a waitress at a locally popular bar/restaurant, living off a small salary and hustling for tips.  A year or two later, you're a reality TV "celebrity", where people recognize you on the street, ask you for photos and selfies, and are pulling in a lot more money than you ever were before - what the fuck do you have to be needy and sad about? 

Your husband, who, also had no direction or career path now "owns" a percentage of a trendy bar/restaurant that has his NAME on it!!  Give me a break with the "you don't pay attention to me" bullshit!  Which would you rather?  To be in the same place you WERE or where you are now?  You bitched for years that Schwartz had no ambition, blah, blah, blah, and now, he's actually working and trying to make his way and you're still bitching?  So, he can't sit around the apartment cuddling and "bubba-ing" you 24/7, because he's trying to make a career, finally?  People grow, people mature and he's working for you both - it's called marriage - be supportive and be happy or move on!

When I watch this show, I sometimes would like to see into the future about 10 years from now.  There's a good chance that this show won't be on TV any longer, and these people will be replaced by the next "new" thing.  Some of them will be able to transition out of the limelight and do okay, others won't.  Katie, I think, is one of those who won't do okay.  Sandoval is another one.  Scheanna and Jax also won't be able to handle their fall from popularity.  Stassi and Ariana will probably be okay, as will Lala (even though I can't stand her).  Schwartz will be okay, because he just seems to mostly roll with whatever life deals him.  The rest, I'm kind of on the fence about how they will deal, and truthfully, not that concerned about them.

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My husband, who is not a watcher of this show but knows a few of their names, asked if Stassi had a boob job when he saw her in the green TH dress. He was shocked when I said she had actually had a reduction.

He also asked me when he saw Adam which of the Tom's he was dating haha. I told him both Tom's were in long term relationships, but he didn't believe they were relationships with women. 

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14 hours ago, Thumper said:

Maybe I'm cynical, but I thought Beau's dinosaur moment was a bit too much "look at me, look at me!"  (Knowing he would be filmed.)

Maybe, but he is the only thing that makes Stassi tolerable to me, so will take it.

14 hours ago, Thumper said:

The HAT BOX!!!!!   LOLOL!

AND the flat iron!

Also, Katie - ultimatums rarely ever work.

Edited by lizajane
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I was thoroughly amused by the Toms on the bike – I just kept thinking I was watching a scene from Dumb and Dumber, haha.

Brittany, how hard is it for you to abstain from alcohol? I get voluntarily abstaining while your friends are all drinking and having fun and especially while being on vacation but be difficult she was medically instructed to avoid it. It’s side-eye worthy that a 1-2 week cleanse was so hard that she didn’t even try to abstain.

Lala is a liar, fake thug and absolutely using her grief as an excuse for acting like a garbage human being. If you can acknowledge your behaviour is due to grief, then it’s up to you to find appropriate ways to manage those emotions properly. You don’t get to use people as punching bags and then use your father’s death as an excuse for you not being yourself. Raquel is not her friend that it makes any sense why she would want to put up with Lala’s behaviour and she shouldn’t have to. And Lala wanting Scheana to lie for her…maybe that would make sense if there wasn’t actual footage of her stupidity. It would serve no purpose for Scheana to lie in the short-term only to be found out long-term and potentially damage the trust her employer has in her to be fair and honest with them when they ask her about what’s happening around the restaurant.

If Katie was upset that she wouldn’t be able to hang out with Schwartz on the flight, then why did she ask to trade spots with him? She’s such an angry, entitled person. I understand that it’s hard to not see your partner during a huge change in their life (and yours too) but I have no sympathy for Katie when it was just a few seasons ago that she was insulting Schwartz about his lack of commitment and professional aspirations. Now that he’s found something that he’s passionate and excited about and requires a lot of time to make happen, she’s making him feel bad as though it’s entirely his job to figure out their relationship. Why can’t Katie come with ideas or make plans? Why can’t she stay up a little late so then they can hang out when he comes home or get up early before he goes to the gym and have breakfast together or do gym and breakfast together? She wants everyone to figure out everything for her. Other than filming and doing mandatory shifts at Sur, what the hell is she doing with her time? She’s certainly not working actively on her blog.  For all her talk about Schwartz being lazy, Katie is lazy AF. Schwartz also handled the situation extremely poorly. It’s disconcerting that their arguments also dissolve into a playground pissing match. They do not know how to communicate and it seems they tried to convince themselves that trying to avoid arguments is the best solution to their poor communication. 

Random thoughts: Ariana looked really pretty at the Tom Tom opening. Does Carter do anything besides lounge on Kristen’s couch? Does James know what ‘absolutely no drinks’ means? Does he think 1 or 2 is so negligible that it’s practically 0?

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Regarding upgrade-gate... how did Katie not know that Tom's seat had been randomly upgraded until she boarded the plane?  Was she not with her husband when they checked in or when they were boarding the plane? 

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21 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

Regarding upgrade-gate... how did Katie not know that Tom's seat had been randomly upgraded until she boarded the plane?  Was she not with her husband when they checked in or when they were boarding the plane? 

Delta boards by classes, but if an upgrade is awarded during the boarding process, the passenger doesn't know that until their ticket is scanned.

Here's the additional thing for me:  Katie complained to Tom about how, because he took the upgrade, they weren't sitting together and didn't spend quality time together for the flight duration.  How would that have worked out if he'd relinquished his upgrade to her?  She wouldn't have been sitting with him anyway.  This is a fine example of her irrational rage.  There was no way she wasn't going to be ticked off and angry about something.

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Katie’s attitude toward the first class seat assignment was ridiculous.  The flight was 2.5 hours long and it looked like he slept very uncomfortably on that flight.  I love to fly first class, but that was a pretty lame looking first class cabin/experience.

As for the bar opening, the fact that Sandoval got Katie a helmet was incredibly sweet.  As others have mentioned, Ariana wasn’t seen moping around because Sandoval wasn’t giving her attention.

I actually like Sandoval and Ariana.  I think they kind of balance each other out.  Further, I have on more than one occasion looked up where Ariana’s outfits are from.  She has cute style.

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4 minutes ago, b2H said:

Delta boards by classes, but if an upgrade is awarded during the boarding process, the passenger doesn't know that until their ticket is scanned.

Right but they were seated and settled when Katie was boarding the plane so they clearly hadn’t been together before boarding.

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I am no fancy-pants and have flown first class only once in my life (well, 4 times if you count each leg of just one trip, haha!), so don't go by what I think, but other than offering more space, Scheana and Tom's seats looked not much better than coach. 

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48 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

Regarding upgrade-gate... how did Katie not know that Tom's seat had been randomly upgraded until she boarded the plane?  Was she not with her husband when they checked in or when they were boarding the plane? 

Exactly - I smell producer driven drama.  They probably paid for the upgrade and made Tom get on first to film that.

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I would actually question how much actual "work" Schwartz & Sandoval put into Tom Tom.  OK, a photo op of their "sweat equity" pretending to do physical labor.  Useless drunken ramblings at any design meetings.  Then months and months of perfecting 12 cocktails that don't involve endangered tiger's milk and an eleventy billion dollar frozen 6-shot machine.  Yeah, Katie - your husband was using the TomTom excuse to go hang out with his One True Love.

55 minutes ago, lizajane said:

Also, Katie - ultimatums rarely ever work.

Except, when it did.

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2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

You seemed to have missed much of the derision in my comments. Of course she didn't learn how to be hard from the 12 Black kids in her school. That's my point. Lala just wants to blatantly steal from Black culture without giving a good goddamn about Black culture or the people of that culture. She traffics in bullshit and stereotypes. She's all surface. "Thug life," "Imma drag dis bitch," and " I'm not tryin' to catch a case." She's in Halloween Black people drag. She only cares about the elements that are most stereotyped and "sexy."

It's obvious she didn't learn this mess from any Black person. I can't even explain it away as something she picked up from Black popular culture from from her youth because the work people were putting out during that period was far more nuanced than Lala's nonsense. I can only conclude that she sat around only watching American tv and movies from the 70s and 80s because her interpretation has more in common with blaxploitation than the much more nuanced depictions of the Black experience in the 90s.

When she talks about Tupac, it's clear she doesn't know anything about him. She thinks she gets her "hood" sense of self from Tupac. Would this be the same Tupac who studied ballet and loved Shakespeare? Or perhaps it's the Tupac who talked about systemic racism and police brutality? I'll thank her for her ten cent tour of Negropia and the Black experience. She can please see herself out.

The more I see of her, the more my Black ass wants to expose every last bit of her bigotry and fakery to the general public. And it is bigotry and privilege when someone thinks they can try on a culture like a pair of shoes and discard it when it becomes inconvenient. The next time she opens her mouth about "beefin'" or her other faux foolishness, I want no quarter given. Cancelled.

You're better than me. I want her to cross the wrong one and get dragged. She's shoved someone and aggressively pointing her finger right up in someone's face, her fake ass needs to be humbled. Maybe I've noticed it so much this season because she's spent so much of it being mad and aggressive but I've become so unnerved by her behaviour because I've felt the same thing about her behaviour - she's appropriating her idea of what black culture is in an effort to intimidate and she attaches adjectives like thug and hood as if she's trying to make herself look like this cool ass black chick in a white woman's body. It's been disgusting to watch.

Edited by RHJunkie
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46 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

Katie’s attitude toward the first class seat assignment was ridiculous.  The flight was 2.5 hours long and it looked like he slept very uncomfortably on that flight.  I love to fly first class, but that was a pretty lame looking first class cabin/experience.

As for the bar opening, the fact that Sandoval got Katie a helmet was incredibly sweet.  As others have mentioned, Ariana wasn’t seen moping around because Sandoval wasn’t giving her attention.

I actually like Sandoval and Ariana.  I think they kind of balance each other out.  Further, I have on more than one occasion looked up where Ariana’s outfits are from.  She has cute style.

I'm not a huge fan of either Ariana and Sandoval, but at times, Ariana does seem fairly sweet.  I loved that when Sandoval left their apartment, she kind of sighed and said "How quickly they grow up".  That made me smile!  

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51 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Right but they were seated and settled when Katie was boarding the plane so they clearly hadn’t been together before boarding.

56 minutes ago, b2H said:

Delta boards by classes, but if an upgrade is awarded during the boarding process, the passenger doesn't know that until their ticket is scanned.

Here's the additional thing for me:  Katie complained to Tom about how, because he took the upgrade, they weren't sitting together and didn't spend quality time together for the flight duration.  How would that have worked out if he'd relinquished his upgrade to her?  She wouldn't have been sitting with him anyway.  This is a fine example of her irrational rage.  There was no way she wasn't going to be ticked off and angry about something.

39 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I am no fancy-pants and have flown first class only once in my life (well, 4 times if you count each leg of just one trip, haha!), so don't go by what I think, but other than offering more space, Scheana and Tom's seats looked not much better than coach. 

Delta has a class of air that is an upgrade from traditional coach, which is called "Delta Comfort Plus" - it offers more leg room and free drinks and meals on certain flights.  That class also offers early boarding.  From what I was able to see, it appeared that was where Schwartz and Scheana were - not true First/Business Class.

Edited by njbchlover
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2 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Delta has a class of air that is an upgrade from traditional coach, which is called "Delta Comfort Plus"

I get a regular upgrade to that class - just had it on Sunday.  All it does is allow the comfort plus seats to board before the rest of the Sky Priority folks.  They just started this the first of the year, so I'm not awfully sure if it was in play when this scene was filmed.

It's not a pre-board or priority seating.  It boards after pre-board, first class/diamond and folks traveling with strollers, car seats, or active military orders.   Like I said, just did this on Sunday night.....   LOL!!!!!

Edited by b2H
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15 hours ago, Thumper said:

Maybe I'm cynical, but I thought Beau's dinosaur moment was a bit too much "look at me, look at me!"  (Knowing he would be filmed.)

Uugh I don't think I like him anymore.  Why did he do that?  And the dancing?  I also do NOT like his bowtie.  I am getting a weird vibe from him and that upsets me.

15 hours ago, albarino said:

Good point!  I forgot about that.  Around here we have a local 5K racer who shows up in the costume.  Funny 5K?  Yes.  PV?  Uh, no.

PV?  Do I want to know??

9 hours ago, Mazzy said:

Just watched the After Show or maybe just a clip (on Youtube), but Arianna talking about the dynamic between Lisa and the rest of the cast: yikes! "no matter how hard we try to improve she always wants us under her thumb" or something close to that. That's... a LOT. If Lisa sees that she may take issue with Arianna's candidness in sharing her opinion. Like Stassi pointed out: it IS called "VANDERPUMP rules"

Ooohhhh I mean - we all know that but I didn't realize that the cast has figured this out.  And that she would SAY it??  LVP will not like this one bit.

6 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I floved the dress Lisa was wearing at the opening.

I loved her dress so much, the sparkly cape - omg I want that!!!  I wonder where she bought that, I would break the bank for that.

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4 hours ago, esco1822 said:

I generally loathe Sandoval and his treatment of Katie but I thought it was cute and thoughtful of him to have a helmet made for her. I mean, the whole thing was ridiculous but I was glad to see him include her and be respectful of her position as Schwartz's spouse. 

Right. And it didn't just say, "Katie". It said, "Bubba". I thought it was very sweet. I bet he's a great gift giver, in general. 

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3 hours ago, Maurina said:

Ha!  Yep - they both were suddenly hit by the SAT-vocab stick - I also heard "contentious" and "deflecting" and "derogatory".

Katie always uses big words when fighting.  It's why I love her rants - the combo of the big words and her cadence.  

Schwartz is a dick.  He could have at least given Katie a pat on the shoulder when he was standing over her or something like that to just acknowledge her presence instead of outright ignoring her at TomTom.  I'm not saying he needed to stop what he was doing and have a conversation, but at least let her know that he sees that she's there and he's happy about it.  Then in Mexico the first thing he does is ask if she's been drinking -- I loved that the other girls pointed out that it wasn't cool.  And then once they get to their room he goes out on the balcony and starts shit with her.  But he's so nice and such a little puppy that it couldn't be his fault.  I can understand how it is enraging to Katie to be gaslighted like this and she has expressed in the past how upsetting it is to her that no one sees his bad deeds and thinks he's so great and all the blame falls on her.

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16 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Right. And it didn't just say, "Katie". It said, "Bubba". I thought it was very sweet. I bet he's a great gift giver, in general. 

I just thought it was random because it’s Sandavol’s bike and he is the one with the license and there is literally no way in hell he is taking her on a ride. 

Edited by biakbiak
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3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I just thought it was random because it’s Sandavol’s bike and he is the o e with the license and their is literally no way in hell he is taking her on a ride. 

Although I agree with you, I think he was just trying to be thoughtful and not leave her out. 

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2 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Although I agree with you, I think he was just trying to be thoughtful and not leave her out. 

Did he give Ariana one? He should have just gotten her flowers or something. 

Edited by biakbiak
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36 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I loved her dress so much, the sparkly cape - omg I want that!!!  I wonder where she bought that, I would break the bank for that.

Capes/dresses with capes/jumpsuits with capes are still in fashion so I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to find something you like in a range of colors and sizes for a fairly reasonable price.

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3 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

How many times did they utter "partner", "business partner" and "owner" during their "working shmoozefest"?

Remind me of their actual percentage in Tom Tom.

Dance, monkeys, dance.

As Lisa laughs all the way to the bank...

Apparently they've forgotten this is ultimately her circus and they are indeed her monkeys.  

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19 hours ago, rideashire said:

I feel bad for Scheana. It's obvious that she's desperate for a connection with someone and for actual affection and she goes about finding it in all the wrong ways. Every guy she's with seems annoyed by her. Yeah, she brings it on herself but it's still sad.

Of course Tom forgot to put gas in the bike.

Schwartz is a Golden Retriever in human form. When he was saying he loves gloves and goggles all I could think of is a dog that's over excited to do literally anything no matter how mundane.

I seem to recall when there was a group trip last season, she apparently was bombarding Rob with texts, phone calls, wanting to Facetime, etc. 

IIRC, he ended up pretty much telling her to leave him the fuck alone while she was on vacation and told her to go hang out with her friends.  

That's our Schaena Marie, definitely a Stage 5 clinger.  

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3 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

How many times did they utter "partner", "business partner" and "owner" during their "working shmoozefest"?

Remind me of their actual percentage in Tom Tom.

Dance, monkeys, dance.

Oh, good, a kindred spirit.  

I was watching this and thinking - "are the REAL partners, the ones that put in hundreds of thousands of dollars, who own 30% or 35% of this bar, sitting at home watching the show and saying 'oh PULEEEZE dudes.....'"

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Although I agree with you, I think he was just trying to be thoughtful and not leave her out. 

Can you imagine what Katie's reaction if he hadn't bought her one (even though the odds are slim to none that she would ever be in that sidecar)?

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35 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

I seem to recall when there was a group trip last season, she apparently was bombarding Rob with texts, phone calls, wanting to Facetime, etc. 

IIRC, he ended up pretty much telling her to leave him the fuck alone while she was on vacation and told her to go hang out with her friends.  

That's our Schaena Marie, definitely a Stage 5 clinger.  

When Adam said he was going to block Scheana on social media while she was in Mexico, I kinda thought he wasn't really kidding.

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11 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

As Lisa laughs all the way to the bank...

Apparently they've forgotten this is ultimately her circus and they are indeed her monkeys.  

I think they're all thinking of this opportunity as a first step toward bigger things for them, on their own, if they play it right and learn all of the important lessons from the experience.

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45 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

I seem to recall when there was a group trip last season, she apparently was bombarding Rob with texts, phone calls, wanting to Facetime, etc. 

IIRC, he ended up pretty much telling her to leave him the fuck alone while she was on vacation and told her to go hang out with her friends.  

That's our Schaena Marie, definitely a Stage 5 clinger.  

When they were at the TomTom opening party,I thought I heard Adam say that he was going to block Schaena on all social media while she was in Mexico - can you imagine the meltdown if he actually did it?   😂

ETA:  I see Walnutqueen and I have the same thoughts about this!  I should read through before posting!!  

Edited by njbchlover
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47 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

When Adam said he was going to block Scheana on social media while she was in Mexico, I kinda thought he wasn't really kidding.

I totally agree.  

I immediately flashed back to that scene of Rob saying he wasn't going to respond to her any more and for her to play with her friends.  

Normally I would express surprise that she isn't learning, but...well, with *these* chucklefucks, it would appear none of them ever learn (which is why I love this tawdry little mess with every fiber of my black little heart).  

41 minutes ago, politichick said:

I think they're all thinking of this opportunity as a first step toward bigger things for them, on their own, if they play it right and learn all of the important lessons from the experience.

With the Chucklefuck Crew?


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Here is something I have learned from many years of marriage:  insulting and yelling at a husband while complaining he doesn't love you the right way/spend time enough time with you rarely leads to him wanting to spend more time with you and show you more quality affection.  

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19 hours ago, rustyspigot said:

Jax and Brittany need to go away. Jax (in the most monotone voice) Should we really be going on vacation when we are planning our wedding?

I can't wait for Brittany's stomach to explode in Mexico with her drinking alcohol logic.

And I'm guessing the Santa "danging" dream is actually a repressed memory.

What? What’s this??

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I never believed Schwartz ever really wanted to get married to Katie, the dramatic and overly done engagement "ask" notwithstanding.  She spend several years nagging him for a ring, and finally the ultimatum that if he didn't ask her in six months, she'd leave him.  I think it's a testimony to the ultimate laziness of Schwartz that he probably thought it would just be easier to marry Katie than have her leave him and make the effort to find himself a new girlfriend.  

I'm going to be interested to see how much time Schwartz spends at TomTom six months from now.  I think Sandoval will spend every evening possible there behind the bar, etc.  I haven't seen anything (and perhaps I've missed it) where Sandoval says anything about still working at SUR and handling the bar at TomTom and I don't think either of them have a manager position.   I think once the patina of ownership wears off, Schwartz and Katie will simply occupy a table with their friends, drinking for free, while Sandoval never loses his enthusiasm for being an "owner" and probably pulls Ariana behind the bar as well.  

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If my bf got upgraded to first class for a 2.5 hour flight, I’d be jealous but I wouldn’t be angry or clingy enough to not be able to sit with him. Now, a 15 hour flight? Then yeah, I’d be bitter. 

Katie just seems so fucking clingy. When I used to be in a relationship, I was fine with my boyfriend you know, having a job and ambitions and good things happening for him. And we saw each other at most 3 times a week because we lived almost an hour apart. 

No wonder I enjoy being single. I like having my space too much. 

Also that hotel’s decor looks tacky and like it’s made just for instagram influencers. 

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28 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

My philosophy is I want a man in my life, but not in my house.....

Yah, but what about all those jars that need to be opened? 😉

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4 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

You're better than me. I want her to cross the wrong one and get dragged. She's shoved someone and aggressively pointing her finger right up in someone's face, her fake ass needs to be humbled. Maybe I've noticed it so much this season because she's spent so much of it being mad and aggressive but I've become so unnerved by her behaviour because I've felt the same thing about her behaviour - she's appropriating her idea of what black culture is in an effort to intimidate and she attaches adjectives like thug and hood as if she's trying to make herself look like this cool ass black chick in a white woman's body. It's been disgusting to watch.

I probably felt the same way as you prior to Gayle King's interview of R Kelly. Now I just want someone to Gayle King Lala.

"Lauren. Lauren. You grew up in an upper middle class suburb of Salt Lake City, Utah. A suburb whose population had only 1% Black individuals. Lauren, you registered to vote as a Republican 1 month before the historic election of Barack Obama in 2008. However, you claim a great affinity to the rapper Tupac from very early in your life. Can you explain the seeming contradiction Lauren?"

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4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Although I agree with you, I think he was just trying to be thoughtful and not leave her out. 

Or he knew she would lose her mind if she weren't included in something that had nothing to do with her and so it was just easier to buy a helmet for her too.

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