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S03.E17: R&B

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Wow. I’m glad they acknowledged Randall and Beth’s comparisons to Jack and Rebecca but a lot of awful things were said in that fight. Both threw down some guantlets and hard truths that they might not be able to come back from.

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I pretty much only cared about their current fight.

Her anxiety attack line may just be enough to help him recover from the voicemail. They’ve both said terrible things in anger so neither of them can blame the other completely.

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I mean Beth is Rebecca. Randall is Jack. If anything this episode proved that. The show is so Pro Jack even his mistakes Saint him and that was becoming very bothersome and to me they are doing the same with Beth. 

I remember  writing in these forums the night of the season 1 finale and reading that quite a few people were saying Rebecca was the worst ever for choosing to tour with that group over her family.  

I kind of wish Rebecca and Beth had more scenes together to explain this situation better to each other.

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Geez Randall, driving all the way back to Philly?  Go in the basement to Kevin's old bed.  It was nice to see William for a bit, and young Randall, I could watch that kid all day.  I loved Beth's wedding dress, they both looked super happy.  All in all the episode didn't really flow and as others have indicated, some clunky writing.  

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I don’t think Randall is a bad guy, but I think he has an inflated view of himself and his abilities. He wants to save everyone/everything he cares about, but in doing so, he starts crushing/steamrolling those he should be closest to. 

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I love teenage Randall but he is... a lot. The way he was all smiling and like "I'm gonna marry her" after Beth said she never wanted to see him again was creepy. And there was a major fail on the part of the writers. Why was Beth obsessed with nachos and Ginger Beer? Give her a Pittsburgh food obsession. Maybe she likes a greasy burger from the O or Primanti brothers sandwich or something more local and right down the street from Carnegie Melon.

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2 minutes ago, shouldbedancing said:

Why was Beth obsessed with nachos and Ginger Beer? Give her a Pittsburgh food obsession.

So the story line would be something Randall could make easily at home so we could see he ate the best chips out of the nachos. 😉 But I get what you're saying, I would go for the Primanti Brothers.

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Why the heck isn't Randall sworn in yet?  He's swamped with the work but he can't even be officially doing city business.  He could work from home until he's officially on the council, do whatever reading needs to be done to start to get up to speed. 

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Even as a young man, Randall was So over the top, like the whole 1st Date thing, he was going to write a check for the meal?!  And then taking his Mother along on their date at the Mini-Golf course!  Rebecca realized how awkward that was but she had coddled Randall his whole life.  I did like the scenes of their wedding...Beth looked beautiful. 

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8 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

Why the heck isn't Randall sworn in yet?  He's swamped with the work but he can't even be officially doing city business.  He could work from home until he's officially on the council, do whatever reading needs to be done to start to get up to speed. 

I'm still annoyed that they've screwed up the timeline in these two episodes alone. According to Kate, baby Jack has been in the hospital for six days. But according to all the other evidence, it seems like it's been weeks. Which is it, show?!?! Six days or a few weeks? 

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I loved this episode, but it was so obvious to me that the writers think it is the actors' tour de force. It was like a setup for an Emmy grab. And that is OK. They ARE great actors, but for some reason (especially with the next episode being the last of the season) I feel like nothing has actually happened this season. 

1. Kate had her baby

2. Randall and Beth had a big fight

3. Kevin found Nicky and lost Nicky and began drinking

And now we wait until October 2019? 

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Loved the episode. While I can understand the frustration that nothing was really resolved, I loved knowing more about how the two met, what shows they like, etc. 

I guess I saw very little wrong with how young Randall behaved. And I think it is very nice that Randall saw his mom every Sunday. I will take that over all of the other shows where teens are constantly insulting their parents.

Anyone know anything about the school they attended? The name does not ring a bell to this Canadian. 

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25 minutes ago, shouldbedancing said:

I love teenage Randall but he is... a lot. The way he was all smiling and like "I'm gonna marry her" after Beth said she never wanted to see him again was creepy. And there was a major fail on the part of the writers. Why was Beth obsessed with nachos and Ginger Beer? Give her a Pittsburgh food obsession. Maybe she likes a greasy burger from the O or Primanti brothers sandwich or something more local and right down the street from Carnegie Melon.

It's so strange from a twenty-first century adult perspective, where a date is always a swipe away! I get that Randall was eighteen, and of course thought his crush was "the one," but after you've dated awhile, you go on enough so-so first dates (and great ones!) that don't go anywhere that it becomes normal, and  bad dates...well, there is no way you would consider going out again, much less proclaim you're going to marry the person! As an adult in 2019, you have hundreds of potentials dates at your fingertips, and I can't imagine being so certain a date was "the one" that I'm hung up on them after a terrible first date!

Sometimes there are glaring signs early on that you're wrong for someone. I'd imagine beth saying to never call her again was a big sign, as well as the smaller signs of her reluctance to commit, and the fact that they are both alphas. I'm glad that they have made it work, as no relationship is perfect, and it seems they've worked out well all things considered.

It just makes me wonder what would have happened if Randall had said, "you know, plenty of girls would love my romantic gesture! We're just obviously different in that way. No biggie; I'll ask out that cute girl in chemistry class next week! And maybe I'll take that 'don't overshare' advice to heart." I wonder if Randall and Beth both would be ended up with someone more suited to them if he hadn't been so persistent, and they'd both had a chance to date around to find a good fit. I'm absolutely not saying I don't like them as a couple, because I do, but it's interesting to see how they ended up together, because a lot of us would have walked away and never thought about it again!

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What I got from this is that I think Randall and Beth shouldn't have married.  At all.  That was the major flaw in this episode.  We got to see that they were together, but not why they were together, and, based on this episode, I wonder why they chose each other.  To me, while they are both good people, this episode shows that they were ill-suited from the start.

As to the "a lot, I'm with Randall on this one.  i have a relative who is described that way, with that phrasing: "a lot."  This person knows that is what is often said as a description, and such a description is hurtful...because the implication is that something is wrong with my relative.  This person is also single, and although we haven't discussed it at length, I think the "a lot" description has something to do with it.

In terms of Randall and Beth, I think they were set up to fail from the first date.  He was awkward, but she seemed to want to "fix" him from the jump.  If this episode was supposed to be enjoyable, it didn't really work for me.  I didn't know why they were together and kept thinking that they shouldn't have been.

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I don't see a problem with Randall's last proposal. He did it in the privacy of their own apartment. Going to a fancy restaurant is not particularly over the top. 

Not saying that they don't have problems but these are not issues that people can't overcome.

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It's so fascinating to me that neither of the Pearson brothers recognize their own power. Sophie had to point out to Kevin that he never has to choose, and Beth had to point out to Randall that he always gets his way. What's disturbing is that neither seems to understand even now. Kevin's immediate conviction that a lifetime of Zoe was worth not having kids rang so false to me. If things run true to form, he'll get Zoe and kids because that's how it works for people who don't have to make choices.

And Randall's failure to hear Beth at all early on was not even remotely endearing. Neither one of these guys can hear the word "no" and process it's meaning. Maybe adult Randall will have more of a clue, but based on the flash forwards we've seen so far, I'm not counting on it. Ugh. This show is becoming a chore to watch. At this point, if they just showed Toby and Kate raising their little button to manhood and Rebecca and Miguel getting together (because I love Mandy Moore and because Young!Miguel = rowr!), I would be more into it. I honestly used to get teary-eyed at some point during every episode, but this stuff is just too uncomfortable any more. 

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6 minutes ago, memememe76 said:

I don't see a problem with Randall's last proposal. He did it in the privacy of their own apartment. Going to a fancy restaurant is not particularly over the top. 

Not saying that they don't have problems but these are not issues that people can't overcome.

I guess the last proposal wasn't really over the top. It was more that Beth had told him she wasn't ready to get married and he kept asking her. It felt more like he was trying to wear her down than anything else. 

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It’s gotten to the point where I watch clips and read comments rather than sitting through the show. I watched the fight on twitter and thought Beth was way too harsh. “And you let me do it.” The Hell? You’re blaming HIM for your choice? And since I’m irritated that dance met nothing to Beth so far as we viewers knew until two episodes ago, I’m not convinced (she never watches it talks about it does anything else with it)...

his voicemail was angry and low. But her comment about his anxiety attacks suggested that she resents his weakness. And that’s... not just disrespecting a career choice. That’s unloving. That’s like saying you resent someone gaining weight or going bald. It’s much worse. Nobody sick would EVER want to feel a spouse was giving up life to be with them.

counseling would help...

but back to the show- I’ll watch at some point but I just don’t love this show anymore, and wouldn’t recommend it. The writing is contrived and unsurprising. I find the acting to go for the obvious too. It used to make me cry... I think perhaps it’s run out of steam 

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16 minutes ago, lucindabelle said:

It’s gotten to the point where I watch clips and read comments rather than sitting through the show. I watched the fight on twitter and thought Beth was way too harsh. “And you let me do it.” The Hell? You’re blaming HIM for your choice?

I don't think that she's blaming him for her choice.  I think she's blaming him for her mistake---the mistake that she made by marrying him.  It's easier for her to put everything on his being "a lot" instead of having to think about the fact that she's angry at herself.  There was that one line that she had about  not wanting to break in a new boyfriend after seven years and her reaction to the final proposal.  She just seemed to want to get it over with.    I think Randall didn't realize that they were ill-suited back then.  I believe that he genuinely fell in love, but I think Beth knew on some level that they were not a good match, even back then.  Her words and behaviors were very telling to me, and now we're seeing her anger at the fact that she didn't listen to herself.

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