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S09.E05: The Proof Hurts

Message added by Door County Cherry

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5 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

LVP said they were going to set up a home visit with the new owner and asked Dorit for the new owner's name; She said that Dorit said she'd have to get back to her, and never did. Before she could follow up, LVPD got the call from the shelter where Lucy had been dropped off.

I think the only truthful thing Dorit has said about this whole thing is that they got a puppy from LVPD. The rest is up for grabs.

How much time went by between asking for the new owners contact info and the dog showing up at a shelter? Why didn’t LVP remind Dorit of her contract and demand she return the dog immediately? If there’s been a lot of lying regarding the dog, it’s not just on Dorit’s part.

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15 hours ago, Otherkate said:

I got choked up at the Umansky scene in the hotel. But, man, all my parents did was drop me off and leave. I think actually we did go out and get a garbage pail and some hangers? That was pretty much the extent of it. 

I drove myself and my dad stuck some money in my account so I could buy what I needed and then my mom came out the next day to bring what wouldn't fit in my car and for lunch.  If there were tears I didn't know about them.

14 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

I feel Erika has outgrown that house.  So, stuffy.

She should be living in a fab high rise penthouse fully staffed in the middle of BH.

That Chapel room....dreadful! 

Erika Jayne....would never! She is too cool for The Valley.  😎

Neither Erika's current house nor Beverly Hills are in the valley.  Kyle's new house is in the valley.

2 hours ago, Jel said:

At some point reason and logic must start to factor in. It must, right? Sometime?

LOL!  What show are you watching?  Not this one.

2 hours ago, missyb said:

I just cannot follow the who said what and who said it first  and who set who up drama. D0n't care anymore. All guilty. And frankly, my head cannot follow it anymore. Teddi was told ( not by LVP), kept it to herself until filming began. Blizzard is a young WEHO , hollywood kid who wanted to get noticed and talked about. Wore his working for VPD as a badge of honor and immunity from all.  If Lisa did want it out there and then changed her mind, she communicated that to VPD employees and they decided to do it anyway.

Dorit never accepts responsibility for her spin on a story. Never in the history of her time on the franchise. But it is clear, all cast members are tiring of LVP's cheeky little jabs. I get that. It is tiresome and ruffles feathers. 

Lastly, has no one commented that both Harry Hamlin and Denises husband were married and divorced from Nicolette Sheridan ! And no one on screen commented on that !

Rinna mentioned it previously.

52 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Oh, ffs already - just put all the friggin' texts out there, Teddi!!  If you have them, not edited or deleted, and have the corresponding messages pulled from the other person's phone - just show them!!  

This is not Wikileaks, nor is it a court hearing.  She's acting like this is a Law and Order episode and she's going to pull out the final bit of incriminating evidence before the last "da-dum" sound. 

She's going to play this for such high fucking drama, just to prove her relevance and importance to the show.  

It kind of seems manipulative, huh?

I'm not sure I agree with Teddi's definition of true facts.

I LOLed at Erika or Dorit acting like Teddi discovered some cute little cantina and brought them to it on the horse ride.  I'm pretty sure it was just the basic Sunset Ranch lunch ride.  I wonder if they bought the Groupon.

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14 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

LVP just wanted to expose the Puppy Dumpers 

(In my post, I highlighted everyone's name so that, in case you wanted to skip past the dog thing, you would see I have other things to post about.  I'm not really on anyone's side, and I think they're all wrong assholes, except for the new housewife, CanWe MakeThis DogThing Stop? (She's German).

I tend to disagree with the above post.  If LVP just wanted to "expose the Puppy Dumpers," she would have (or should have) just said so, and, ironically enough, it wouldn't be such a storyline.  

I tend to look at the puppy thing the way I view driving under the influence--one person can take an action--say, driving home from a party with too many cocktails in them--and if they get home safely, it is a non-issue, but if they accidentally hit and killed a kid who was running out into the road for a ball, the same action is now vehicular manslaughter.  If Lucy had been euthanized, this would be a hot topic in my mind, but she wasn't, so, case closed.  Dorit did something dumb and irresponsible with a dog.  Lisa probably should never have given her that dog.  Does it even bear mentioning?  

3 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

Thanks to LVP and Ken the season is crap.

Yep.  Lisa said that, when John Sessa came over to her home to complain about the dog, her ultimate reaction was, "I don't care if Donald Trump knows."  So...Sessa told Blizzard and Blizzard told Teddi.  Who cares?  If Donald Trump can know, then why can't Teddi?

Then shit got totally muddy (again) when Kyle and Dorit came to Villa Rosa and neither Dorit nor Lisa could get their shit straight about who said what when.  Dorit says that Lisa called her and told her that Teddi knew.  LVP, after some time, says it was a text, but that LVP herself didn't know...?  And we saw LVP on camera "tell" Dorit that Teddi knew for what looked like the first time in the limo ride on the way to Kyle's hot dog party in epi one. 

I would never and could never deal with Dorit or LVP in real life.  Clearly, they are both lying about what was said about the dog.  Say what you will about Bethenny Frankel (and there is a lot to say!) but she would have cleared the situation right up in about 15 seconds.  These two, talking around and around things, do my head in.

Everybody just tell the truth and we can move on.  I am not going to be able to move on from LVP and her fuckery until she tells the god's honest truth.  The whole scene with John Blizzard was clearly set up so that Lisa could get Blizzard to vouch for her.  Everything he said was stilted, contrived, and there was also a pause, as if he was going, "line!"  

I didn't see WWHL last night, but what are the value of these Texas if we don't get to see them?  And why didn't Lisa know she was right prior to Ken going to Texas and retrieving the Texas?  Why did Lisa need the backup?  I know if I am not lying about something.  My husband doesn't need to jump in at the eleventh hour and tell me, "hey!  You're not lying!  I hopped a flight to Dallas-Fort Worth and I brought back the Texas to prove it!"  That seems...odd.  

So, yes, I want this dog thing to die, but as long as we're being bullshitted, I'm going to mention it.  

Teddi is not innocent in this.  In fact, the whole thing makes her look like a scuzzy liar who lies.  I can't believe how petty it appears she is being to set up a scene with Blizzard where he can produce the dog and Teddi can be there to vouch that it looks like Lucy.  Bitch...don't you have people to hold accountable?  Go back to that.

And Teddi, you are really making a transcontinental call to Kyle to talk about this dog stuff when she has enough on her mind?  You are a trifling bitch, honey.  

Erika...the entire house of cards is starting to crumble.  Not much left to say there.

What was up with that convo after the horseback riding about how they manipulate their husbands?!?  Honey, I will manipulate every person in this world, but when it comes to my husband?  I am going to respect him enough to say my piece and he will either agree or not.  Buttering him up in the way the three witches were describing seemed kind of...sexist?  I don't think Kyle looks at/feels that way about Mauricio at all, and I have to give her credit for that.  

Denise...not that she's a witch, but, I think she's smoother than she perhaps would like us to know.  I don't think her husband is hot, and I don't think he's smart.  Eight is the number of infinity?  No, it's not, and you can miss me with that numerology bullshit.  How about this?  Are y'all compatible?  Do you have chemistry? I guess if they have sex every day, they do on the surface, but what happens in 10 years?  Chemistry stilll going to be there?  If so, fuck the number eight, and do this thing.  If not, no number is going to save you.

As for Rinna, I know this is going to get some people to think I am nuts, but...she is an acquired taste, and now that I know about her and her crazy, I just can't quit her.  She is totally fucking nuts.  "Hey, let's get a garden hose!  So that I can hose down a garden that I have never in my life tended to, cause I have a black thumb, but I can make a garden hose look sexual because I! Work! It! Baby!" Will never be wrong to me.  She is totally fucking nuts, and way too stuck on this dog thing, and she's horrible and conniving and gross, but I will tune in for her.  Can't say that about too many others. MMV.

Edited by LibertarianSlut
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24 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Of course Lisa could have done something - giving her a pass makes no sense if the dog is really a concern.

What could she have done more than she did? Other than sue for breach of contract? We don't even know if Lisa can do that as their Bravo contracts prohibit them from suing each other for any reason.

She asked Dorit for the new owner's name and contact information, Dorit wouldn't give her a straight answer. It seems that there wasn't a large time gap between Dorit telling Lisa and VPD getting the call from the shelter. Maybe a few days. Lisa made sure that Lucy was retrieved from the shelter as soon as possible. That was the only thing she could do at that time.

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1 minute ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

What could she have done more than she did? Other than sue for breach of contract? We don't even know if Lisa can do that as their Bravo contracts prohibit them from suing each other for any reason.

She asked Dorit for the new owner's name and contact information, Dorit wouldn't give her a straight answer. It seems that there wasn't a large time gap between Dorit telling Lisa and VPD getting the call from the shelter. Maybe a few days. Lisa made sure that Lucy was retrieved from the shelter as soon as possible. That was the only thing she could do at that time.

As I posted above, LVP could have (and should have) reminded Dorit of her contract and demanded she return the dog immediately. It’s not right to let some negligent people off the hook, but not others.

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Then how did you know to and why did you text her Teddi knows? If NO ONE told you that Teddi knew? So Lisa pulled a thats so raven and magically knew that Teddi knew without her telling anyone to tell Teddi or being told that Teddi knew? lol Lisa just admit you knew and MOVE THE FUCK ON ....Let this die its now becoming super annoying 

For REAL JFC LVP you did it just own it. CHRIST.  Like you know how this could all have been  avoided? Tell Dorit to her face (as she requested in the Bahamas) you are upset that she gave the dog away, that it was NOT okay, that your partner and everyone at LVP Dogs is LIVID,  she put you in awkward position as an advocate for dogs and now her good friend has dumped not one but two dogs unceremoniously.

What not to do tell your two Johns that they can *all* get their revenge via Teddi, but don't let it lead back to her/them. 

Teddi absolutely is an asshole for acting like she was an innocent lamb drawn in by the Evil LVP, she gleefully participated and only too late realized what an asshole she would also look like. 

It's unfortunate because they were friends and I like them both, and the REAL ASSHOLES Dorit/PK are essentially let off the hook entirely while Lisa losing every friendship she has to preserve that one. Wonder what PK has on her/Ken and their business, because it's never made sense to me that she's friends with either of them, much less getting their gross try hard asses on the show.  

Denise continues to be awesome, I don't think she's like Teddi though, I liked Teddi but she is wound tighter than a MF and was pretty abrasive and awkward. Denise is laid back and chill.  Not to say she can't be corrupted by being a cast member. I think of her like Carol from NY a relative normal down to earth person who is amazed at all the drama, though Carol always thought she was better than which is why it was fun when she went full cheesy housewife last season. Denise has done a good job of siding out of the dog drama, even though she herself has strong feelings about animal welfare. 

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1 hour ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

Since Dorit didn't tell Lisa until after it happened, Lisa's hands were tied. She wouldn't have been able to get the dog returned or screen the new owner. Per California law at the time, pets were considered property. Once Dorit gave Lucy away, Lisa couldn't do anything about it. It was a matter of luck and a microchip that Lucy got back to VPD at all.

If she was even given to a new owner and not just dumped at the shelter by Dorit.

1 hour ago, nexxie said:

Of course Lisa could have done something - giving her a pass makes no sense if the dog is really a concern.

You are right Rosiejuliesmom about California law. If Dorit did give the dog to a new owner LVP couldn't have asked for the dog back. But... Lisa could have done something more.

Lisa having found out about it the next day could have asked Dorit for the person's phone number and checked on the dog.

She could have told the person and assured her to please call VPD if there is an issue, "we'd like to help you in any way" and request that if it doesn't work out VPD would gladly take it back and add "without repercussions nor liability" if Dorito told the new owner about the $5,000 penalty she, Dorit, agreed to.

We also would have known if Dorito actually gave it to someone or had it dumped. If Dorit wouldn't give up the phone number LVP would likely know something was fishy. LVP & VPD would have had a win and avoided the the mess we see now.

Dorit and LVP didn't stick to the rules. This is the result.

Edited to add: Rosiejuliesmom I just saw your post that Lisa said she did ask. If so, I don't know if Dorit wanted to get the woman's permission to give out her phone number first (like I would do) or if Dorito was being evasive. Mmmmm... Even then I'd probably give her the number and apologize to the new owner explaining Lisa's deep commitment to her adoptions.

Edited by Giselle
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13 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

I don't watch WWHL, but the guy behind the bar is Brandon McMillan.  He is a famous dog trainer with his own TV show called Lucky Dog, where he rescues dogs from shelters and trains them for their new family; often someone with specialized needs. (It is my Saturday morning CBS feel good show).

He is well aware of how traumatic a shelter can be for a dog.

I love Lucky Dog.  I tear up when he gives the dogs over to their new families because you can tell he really gets attached to some of them.  So sweet.  Why couldn't he have been on WWHL when Dorit was there? That could have been interesting.

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21 hours ago, langford peel said:

Do you really think so? 

I think they hired Teddi because of her famous Dad. For that reason and that reason alone. Or alternatively for that and the entertainment value of her husband setting up Kyle for a massive burglary. Those are the only possible reasons for her vapid talentless presence.

That is my guess as well.  No one knew that she even existed before this show.  Unless you were a HUGE Mellencamp fan.  

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16 hours ago, ChitChat said:

That's funny because I've had cats most of my 50+ years, and not a one of them ever went after the toilet paper!  I don't think they ever noticed it.   

I noticed when Rinna was taking her walk with Denise, she made a comment that she'd rather hear about Denise's engagement rather than doggygate.  I have no doubt that Rinna wanted to talk about it, but maybe Denise didn't take the bait.  For all of the ones on the show that say they don't want to talk about it, they sure do talk about it a lot!  Rinna needs to shut her pie hole.  She's the biggest shit stirrer of them all. 

I thought so as well.

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39 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Denise...didn't mean to call her a witch, but, I think she's smoother than she perhaps would like us to know.  I don't think her husband is hot, and I don't think he's smart.  Eight is the number of infinity?  No, it's not, and you can miss me with that numerology bullshit.  How about this?  Are y'all compatible?  Do you have chemistry? I guess if they have sex every day, they do on the surface, but what happens in 10 years when he is in his 30s and she is going through menopause?  Chemistry stilll going to be there?  If so, fuck the number eight, and do this thing.  If not, no number is going to save you.

Denise's husband  isn't in his 20s right now.  He's definitely at least mid-40s.  I'd wager they are close in age.  I'm sure I could google it, but I'll just let his skin and grey beard inform my guess.

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11 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Lisa having found out about it the next day could have asked Dorit for the person's phone number and checked on the dog.

That's what she did. She asked Dorit for the name and contact info and Dorit said she would get back to her. Her plan was to set up a home visit to make sure the dog was ok.  Before Dorit ever got back to her she got the call that the dog was at the shelter. 

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1 hour ago, Giselle said:

Although I'm  liking Denise I agreed with what they had to say about her. I love her observations and comments but she needs to bring it or she will be gone.

I love her being laid back and real. I realize she's has to find her place on the show and get her bearings concerning the women and their personalities but I hope in the future she will engage more.

I'd love to see more of her life.

There are a few franchises that have that one HW that seems quite normal relative to the crazy around them. Those personalities tend to only get stirred up in drama when their ability to be reasonable isn't appreciated because there's a requirement to choose sides.

Dallas as Stephanie. Atlanta has Cynthia (up until recently, I would have thrown Kandi in there as well), some will disagree but I think Megan and Heather both were kind of that for the OC, (both left on their own accord), NYC has Tinsley...it seems like BH is the only franchise that shuffles the deck a lot and seems to require everyone to pull their weight in the drama department.

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1 minute ago, langford peel said:

Exactly right and everyone who supports Dorito and Teddi’s Spin is letting Dorito off the hook. 

Because of their LVP hate. 

To this day she will not identity who took the dog to the shelter. Probably because she was the “reality tv personality” who brought the puppie to the shelter. 

People have lost the plot. Dorito is at fault here. Her sleazy lying ways have finally destroyed the friendship between Kyle and Lisa which was problematic anyway. Kyle just doesn’t get it. The reaction of the callers, the guy behind the bar and the other guest on WWHL all seemed supportive of Lisa and Kyle was getting pissed off. I don’t think she realizes how deep a hole she has dug for herself.

Nobody is letting Dorit off the hook - but LVP was also negligent in not holding to the contact and demanding the return of the dog. Nobody should be let off the hook. Two wrongs = two wrongs. 

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8 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

There are a few franchises that have that one HW that seems quite normal relative to the crazy around them. Those personalities tend to only get stirred up in drama when their ability to be reasonable isn't appreciated because there's a requirement to choose sides.

Dallas as Stephanie. Atlanta has Cynthia (up until recently, I would have thrown Kandi in there as well), some will disagree but I think Megan and Heather both were kind of that for the OC, (both left on their own accord), NYC has Tinsley...it seems like BH is the only franchise that shuffles the deck a lot and seems to require everyone to pull their weight in the drama department.

I think that's because in BH everyone has to chip in in an attempt to make the drama seem less lame.

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10 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Denise's husband  isn't in his 20s right now.  He's definitely at least mid-40s.  I'd wager they are close in age.  I'm sure I could google it, but I'll just let his skin and grey beard inform my guess.

 Oh shit, you're right, he's 46.  I'm a dummy.  I could have sworn someone said he was 28, but I was clearly confused, and I guess that's also why I didn't "see" his hotness--I was looking at him as a 28 y/o this whole time!

PS he runs at DNA center.  How is a "triple tequila" good for your DNA?  If it is, can someone tell me so that I can have one ASAP (in the name of my DNA of course)?

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26 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

 Oh shit, you're right, he's 46.  I'm a dummy.  I could have sworn someone said he was 28, but I was clearly confused, and I guess that's also why I didn't "see" his hotness--I was looking at him as a 28 y/o this whole time!

PS he runs at DNA center.  How is a "triple tequila" good for your DNA?  If it is, can someone tell me so that I can have one ASAP (in the name of my DNA of course)?

This couple is all about hotness - or maybe it’s the cool factor. Check out the instagram pic of them leaving their wedding (edit - it is still on her instagram):


Edited by nexxie
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16 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Isn’t Denise’s new man a Reiki Master, Vedic Astrologer, Gigolo Dr. Moon to the heavily Alimonied Lonely Hearts of Malibu?

He was smooth....blah, blah, ah Ha, blah, blah, HA! ......the Stars say, we should get marry in 10 days!  🤩

I really have not paid any attention to this guy but when he was going on last night about marrying in 10 days when the ink hasn't even dried on his divorce papers, he gave me the straight up creeps!  Maybe Denise doesn't have a good picker.  I watched her reality show years ago and I liked her and her parents.  This new guy is just way too thirsty, big dick or not!

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5 minutes ago, nexxie said:

This couple is all about hotness - or maybe it’s the cool factor. Check out the instagram pic of them leaving their wedding (no longer on her acct):


They do photograph well...why do you suspect they took the pic off Insta though?  Trouble in paradise?

12 minutes ago, nexxie said:

It seems they pretended to let her off the hook - until they could punish her with public humiliation.

As they should. They deserved to be publicly humiliated and shown to be the puppy dumping scum bags that they really are.

Bravo is conspiring to cover up their shit since they didn’t show the creditors hazing them around the pool.

Maybe the only way to get it out there was in a sub rosa plot line approved and dictated by Bravo.

Realty need not enter into reality TV.

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2 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

There are a few franchises that have that one HW that seems quite normal relative to the crazy around them. Those personalities tend to only get stirred up in drama when their ability to be reasonable isn't appreciated because there's a requirement to choose sides.

Dallas as Stephanie. Atlanta has Cynthia (up until recently, I would have thrown Kandi in there as well), some will disagree but I think Megan and Heather both were kind of that for the OC, (both left on their own accord), NYC has Tinsley...it seems like BH is the only franchise that shuffles the deck a lot and seems to require everyone to pull their weight in the drama department.

The thing is is that those mentioned Stephanie, Kandi, and Heather while seemingly normal they also brought it in their own way their first season. Meghan was low key for the most part  until she stepped it up with her investigation into cancerscam and invitro.  

Realizing that we've only had 5 episodes, about a third of the way through the season with Denise, she has been pretty laid back, low key.  Still finding her place.

I like her, I still don't know much about her, I want to know more about her and I hope her story will be interesting. I hope she blooms and thrives while being true to who we seem to admire.

On the other hand. This is an entertainment show, escapism into someone else's life. If she won't share her life or isn't willing to have an unpopular opinion nor get into it if she has to, or ends up just being too boring or hidden for TV she most likely will be let go and rightly so.

I always have high hopes for a new housewife. I've been pleasantly surprised buy some, bored to death by others, and disgusted by a few.

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3 hours ago, TexasGal said:

@MrsWitter - if your experience has been anything like mine, you've lost count of the number of times you've had to make this correction.  And they probably supplied them all kinds of access to various buildings that said GW but there is still the Georgetown confusion.

(No shade to the original poster, this really literally has happened to me when people are holding my resume and I have to say, "no, not Georgetown.")

Completely, TexasGal! It’s sorta become just a habitual response at this point. 

3 hours ago, Giselle said:

Erica spoke of her life having something like 15 year chapters. 

The italianate house is all Tom Girardi and Mrs. Girardi got to choose from the items the decorator picked out for Tom's vision of a dwelling a successful lawyer of Italian heritage would have. I don't see Erica in it at all.

I think when Golum dies that chapter will be closed for Erica. If they still own the house she will sell the house. She feels empowered now, more so than when she first married him, and it will increase with his death because she won't have to answer to Tom as she has intimated at times on the show.

Because he's older and he has children I think she was smart enough to have set aside some money just in case. I see her in a more modern home or penthouse with a mix of feminine, classic and edgy pieces.

This is very illuminating. Thanks, Giselle. This sounds vaguely familiar- did she say it on the show or somewhere else (like her book)? Like most of the Housewives, I waver on Erika. I liked her at first (so many of them seem promising when they’re shiny and new!), but started to sour on her a bit. But I still don’t wish horrible things for her (that’s really reserved strictly for Dorit right now) so I like the vision you set up for her future. 

  • Love 2
36 minutes ago, langford peel said:

The morally corrupt Dorito is solely at fault and everything else is a smokescreen to cover her sleazy snail slime tracks.

This is exactly why we need more Camille. This nickname will do in the interim, but I can’t take it away from Faye. We need Camille to dub her something equally spectacular!

  • Love 8
23 minutes ago, langford peel said:

As they should. They deserved to be publicly humiliated and shown to be the puppy dumping scum bags that they really are.

Bravo is conspiring to cover up their shit since they didn’t show the creditors hazing them around the pool.

Maybe the only way to get it out there was in a sub rosa plot line approved and dictated by Bravo.

Realty need not enter into reality TV.

If LVP pretended privately that all was okay and then blindsided Dorit in public, she engaged in scumbaggery - or, as Erika would say, sniping from the side.

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16 hours ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

She might be on steadier ground than Rinna, who keeps attacking production and making noise about legal action.

Andy doesn't like it when the 4th wall is breached.

I imagine her mocking Catholics on Ash Wednesday last week and that photo of HarryHamlin sporting a T-shirt with a huge Swastika and her dressed as "Eva Braun - Biker Babe"  isn't going to win her any accolades from Bravo, either.  

Edited by Carolina Girl
Becauase a "T-shirt" is not a "TV"
  • Love 10
15 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

Rinna really has it out for LVP, for some reason. I'm not sure why, maybe because she's been in the industry much longer than LVP, yet LVP still remains queen on the show? Maybe because of the whole Munchausen's thing from a few seasons ago? Or maybe a combination of both, IDK, all I know is that it's obvious Rinna has it out for her. 

Maybe more consistently and with more roles but not longer.  LVP was in music videos in the early 80s and a child actress.  Rinna has it out for her because no matter how hard she tries to make her daughters a thing, LVP has gotten many more opportunities from HWs.  

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2 minutes ago, MrsWitter said:

Completely, TexasGal! It’s sorta become just a habitual response at this point. 

This is very illuminating. Thanks, Giselle. This sounds vaguely familiar- did she say it on the show or somewhere else (like her book)? Like most of the Housewives, I waver on Erika. I liked her at first (so many of them seem promising when they’re shiny and new!), but started to sour on her a bit. But I still don’t wish horrible things for her (that’s really reserved strictly for Dorit right now) so I like the vision you set up for her future. 

She said something like that on the show last night. Don't remember if it was in a "current conversation" or a flashback. I've never read her book.

She is a 40/60 split for me. I like some things about her but there is more that I dislike about her. A small bit of it is superficial dislike on my part.

I don't care if she's a golddigger, to me it is a mutual compromise of security/companionship between two adults. I don't care if she wants to be Erica Jayne, you go girl, it's just not my cup of tea. I don't care that she has a glam squad even though I drag her for it. I do admire that she stands up for her self, that she seems to be able to make amends and start fresh with someone, but I just don't like the the way she can visciously snap at someone or be dismissive if she has legitimately hurt someone with her words. I don't like her coldness. I don't like that she left her kid.

But it's that thing about opinions and assholes, everybody's....

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

Did anyone else notice Erika commenting on her broken doorbell to Teddi? And she said something about everything in the house falling apart. Then there was that stilted conversation with Tom earlier in the season about tiles broken around the pool. I fear once Mr. Girardi passes (or leaves her or declares bankruptcy), Erika will be living in that house all Sonja Morgan/Grey Gardens style. Except she will definitely not be as funny or joyful about it all as Lady Morgan. I would die to see Erika duct taping some “pat the puss” shirts up as window coverings.

I think she would sell it.  That house and property will get GIANT bucks.  2 acres in Pasadena!  I can see her being much more practical than SM.

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Maybe more consistently and with more roles but not longer.  LVP was in music videos in the early 80s and a child actress.  Rinna has it out for her because no matter how hard she tries to make her daughters a thing, LVP has gotten many more opportunities from HWs.  

It's not LVP's fault that Rinna's daughters are unlikeable (...or is it? 😉)

  • LOL 21
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Frankly, I don't give a shit about the texts.  I don't care if Lisa instructed her employee/not her employee to notify Teddi about the dog.  Ultimately, regardless of texts or who told or didn't tell LVP what, the undisputed fact is that Dorito broke her contract by giving the dog to someone who then dumped it in a kill shelter.  That's all I care about and that's all these (mostly) petty bitches should care about.  Dorito is not a victim; the dog is.

Dorito can claim she just didn't read the contract but she's a business owner, no?  Excellent job at showing how professional and responsible you are, Dorito, admitting that you sign contracts you don't read.

Erika annoys me.  And I hate her house.  It's ridiculous, dark and ugly.  

Love Rinna's house and her garden really is lovely.  

The best scene of the night was Mauricio (or Mo, as Kyle calls him) curling her hair.  He was so proud of himself, it made me smile.

 Still love Denise.  Clearly after dealing with Charlie Sheen, not much fazes her.   If these BH Housewives eventually get to her, that will say a whole heck of a lot. 

  • Love 23
17 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

Am I having amnesia or wasn't it just last year that Erika was having several goes at Teddy and bringing her to tears, and Teddy and Dorit were at each other all season?  And wasn't LVP standing up for Teddy?  So it makes perfect sense to me that she would be happy to expose Dorit's puppy dumping. Until she saw the tide going against LVP and along came Rhinna and Erika giving her an out telling her it was a setup. At that point bells went off in her tiny brain and she saw a chance to get on what she perceived to be the winning side. At least in numbers. She really didn't gel with anybody but Lisa last year.

and I'dnever trust anyone who says they've never lied. 

I agree: a case of changing canoes in the middle of the lake.  We all know how that ends.   She must have been convinced that LVP  was leaving the show.  (Probably Rinna's idea, lol) She always seemed like a suck up to LVP with her gifts competing with everyone to be the favored one.  Who's the manipulator?    And when she claimed she NEVER lied, ever,  all I could think was "What a liar." Who says things like this about themselves other than a liar.   

Edited by tranquilidade
format problem fixed
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I thought the scenes with Kylie and her family was sweet.  She seemed truly broken up over her daughter going to college in D.C. (alllllll the waaaay across the country) what a sweetie. 

Crazy question, what is going on with Denise's chin?  Did she get some bad work done?  Was she in an accident?  Not that its bad but there is just something going on with her chin/lower lip that bugs me.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

 Oh shit, you're right, he's 46.  I'm a dummy.  I could have sworn someone said he was 28, but I was clearly confused, and I guess that's also why I didn't "see" his hotness--I was looking at him as a 28 y/o this whole time!

PS he runs at DNA center.  How is a "triple tequila" good for your DNA?  If it is, can someone tell me so that I can have one ASAP (in the name of my DNA of course)?

I have no doubt he can come up with something compatible from one of his many practices.

Message added by Door County Cherry

Posts should be about the show. They should not be about fans, fan bases or fan behavior of the housewives. 

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