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S11.E02: Things Are Going Southampton

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39 minutes ago, Steph J said:

I am dying at Dorinda quoting Tyler Perry.

I knew it had to be golden. The fact that they didnt show it or have Dorinda read it out loud to Ramona, told me it was going to be hilarious. Even funnier was both Beth and Lu saying "we LOVE Tyler Perry but come on its Tyler Perry" 😂😂😂

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49 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Dorinda is an excellent example of a dry drunk. She's exhibiting all the same behavior without even drinking. Awful. 

She is raging inside because nobody is kissing her ass.  Luann should not let her off the hook.  She’s been 100% wrong.  Lu would be a fool.  Let Dorinda stew in her own juices.  She has to learn she can’t always be right.  Poor John.

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59 minutes ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Dorinda's had ONE incident in 13 years? Lmao I can think of 6 drunken blow ups since she's been on the show, one of which included her screaming, "I LIVE BY THE SWORD, I'LL DIE BY THE SWORD!"

Pretty sure she meant it was the one time that she and Luann were involved in something acrimonious.  

50 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I have realized why I said that I thought Barbara belonged on RHNJ -- if you close your eyes and just listen, at times, Barbara sounds EXACTLY like Dolores Cantania.

Ronny from Watch What Crappens said she looks like Sloth from The Goonies.  I think she looks like Ethel Merman in her older years.  Wonder if she's shooting for a solo show featuring construction...maybe a collaboration with Bethenny doing design?

19 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

Bethenny's silver muumuu... Holy Dorothy Zbornak.

With her hair pulled back severely she looked really rough in this episode despite full make-up.  Whoever posted that Teen Witch GIF was spot on about that denim bedazzlement.  It completely read 80's - 90's teen entertainment.

At least the blondes are having a good time in contrast to the brunettes who gather to stew in vitriol.  

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Dorinda and Luann are BOTH pathetic old narcissistic drunks.  Their is no winner in this fight.  They are both heinous people. 

I do have to give points to Dorinda.  Sending that Tyler Perry quote was really shady.  It was a great way to give lip service to Luann's demanded apology while saying I couldn't give two f**ks about you or giving you an apology.

Edited by movingtargetgal
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1 hour ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Put Barbara on RHONJ. Sheesh is she rough. She doesn’t have good clothes and  walks like Spanx wrapped around a bulldozer. Her home interior is TJ Maxx Christmas clearance. And boy is she laying it on Bethenny and Luann pretty deep, Barbara knows the way to their hearts.

I was going to say a linebacker with boobs, but spanx wrapped around a bulldozer works as well. Plus it seems like she was trying way too hard. I hope she's one season and done.

Half the reason I watch the show are for glimpses of Bethenny and Luanne's Hampton homes and Dorinda's Berkshires mansion. Barbara's house was just tacky. Hire a decorator woman! You can afford it.

1 hour ago, Kiki777 said:

Tinsley looked cute in her tennis outfit.

Bethenny's silver muumuu... Holy Dorothy Zbornak.  However, she does have great style when it comes to interior design.  That rental property is to die for.

I think I can see why she blows up at Luann this season.  If it's about Lu being so full of herself I'm here for it.

Soooo Dorinda is happy to be left alone so she can drink right?

*small voice* I think I'm liking Ramona this season so far.  She is amusing and speaks the truth in that odd way of hers.

Luanne needs to be taken down a notch, or several. I'd hang out with Ramona. 

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26 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:

I thought the opposite. I thought the group with Luann seemed to be having a good time and genuinely happy that Lu was doing okay at that point. Whereas with the blondes it just seemed weird and dull. They barely sit down and Ramona hops up to cruise the bar and Sonja, Dorinda and Tinsley are just left there looking uncomfortable. Both Sonja and Tinsley looked like they wanted to be across the street and Dorinda just seems to be oozing angry vibes even when they’re not talking about Luann. Dry drunk indeed.

That's how I saw it too. Blondes more fun? Don't think so. 

But I do hated the way the brunettes had their hands all they their hair at that restaurant. Gah! So annoying.

This episode was a bit slow.

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Did anyone catch Barbara saying something about having power of attorney during Lu's manic episode? I'd be interested to know when Lu signed that document, as well as over what exactly Barbara had power to make decisions. If it was prior to Lu's break from reality (which I assume it was), that'd mean that Lu knew she was headed in a bad direction and couldn't be trusted to make rational decisions. 

Also, can we talk about how ridiculous rich people's problems are? One thing I have to say about growing up decidedly middle class, I've never encountered a situation in which the solution to the problem was to sue my own mother. Of course, I can't even imagine stepping foot on the lawn of Bethenny's rental property let alone inheriting a beautiful home like Lu's in Sag Harbor, so what do I know?


Also (likely party of one)  Luann can shove her sniggers about somebody quoting Tyler Perry right up her ass. 

I mean, that's fair, but I have to admit that Tyler Perry would not be the first person I'd think of regarding deep and meaningful quotes. That's not to discount the hardships he's endured, obviously, but I would likely guffaw if someone I'm in an argument with started dropping Tyler Perry quotes. 

Edited by Stinger97
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3 hours ago, Steph J said:

I am dying at Dorinda quoting Tyler Perry.

It still doesn't top the shade when Gamble, from Real Housewives of Melbourne, apologized to Janet with this quote “love and hatred are sisters on the same golden coin.” The women all thought it was thoughtful and sweet only for the show to cut to Gamble's talking head where she revealed that the quote was from the sage wisdom of Ron Burgundy of Anchorman.

You've got to love the ironic hypocrisy of Luann laughing about Dorinda getting apology lessons from Ramona. When Luann let Ramona coach her in apology to Carole about being sorry she called Carole a "pedafile."

Edited by HunterHunted
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1 hour ago, Stinger97 said:

but I would likely guffaw if someone I'm in an argument with started dropping Tyler Perry quotes. 

Oh, I'm sure for many people (especially anybody who missed him on Oprah) that's the understandable reaction: Perry = Madea (watch his appearance on Oprah,  and that would likely change, imo):

But when it comes to Luann (given how often these housewives insist they are SO MUCH MORE than their edit, so much more complex than their performance on the show!) it's beyond rich watching Luann dismiss a man who overcame what would likely break her,  and who achieved success Luann can only dream of (what step is that,  Lu? Step fuckteen?) And even if Luann doesn't have a clue what Perry survived, by virtue of what Luann does for a living, she's in no position to snigger at anybody else's wisdom, imo. That ship sailed the minute she signed her Bravo contract. 

Edited by film noire
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1 minute ago, HunterHunted said:

You've got to love the ironic hypocrisy of Luann laughing about Dorinda getting apology lessons from Ramona. When Luann let Ramona coach her in apology to Carole about being sorry she called Carole a "pedafile."

And Lu was literally asking everyone how to deal with Dorinda’s text. Like all these women talk about each other to each other!

Barbara sucks. She clearly invited both Dorinda and Ramona, she even mentions it to Lu when they were eating at Bethenny’s she then doesn’t clarify when Lu calls Sonja which is especially ridiculous because she could have just invited her at dinner and then she expects Sonja to tell Dorinda that she can only come if she calls Lu and absolutely no mention is made of explicitly uninviting Ramona.. Even if it was production who had invited everyone it was on Barbara to do the uninviting not have Sonja do it and passively aggessively day just being Tinsley. 

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3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Team brunette was busy cracking up like fucking wisdom can only come from one place. It wasn't from Deepak Chopra, Martin Luther King Jr., Confucius, Gandhi, or Oprah.

On the one hand if someone who I was in a fight with sent me a quote text I would probably not stop laughing but it was interesting none of them actually addressed the substance and meaning but just the Tyler Perry of it all. Would they respect it more if she wrote “anonymous”?

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I wonder what would have been the appropriate way for Dorinda to reach out the first time that would have made the great and powerful cabaret star Luanne happy? Groveling at the feet of the mighty stage star and begging  for forgiveness while kissing the ring?  It was a small first step in breaking the ice to see how she would react and boy howdy did she ever In the most snobbish countess way she could then running to each of the ladies to make fun of it.... wow what a freaking low class bitch thing to do ... lady you are above no one you have been arrested and put in jail you tried to rip off your own kids you had to be forced back into rehab 2 times you had a power of attorney taken out cause you were such a fucking mess and you blame everyone for you drinking other then yourself. How she can have that snobbish outlook at herself like she is the bright shining star that does no and has done no wrong is beyond me. It might have to do with her circle of yes men (friends) around her telling her how great she is without trying to hold her responsible for any of her actions .just my opinion 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
misspelled Cabaret
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2 minutes ago, bosawks said:

C'mon BRAVO you can't show that Ramona clip about Beth's Hampton house and then not really show me where this road is that crashes it's value.  I

IIRC,  there was a glimpse of the road from inside of the house.  I'm pretty sure when the cameras were inside, they panned around past a front window and I saw a car zoom by.  I thought to myself "there's the road Ramona was talking about."   If my brain is remembering it correctly, it appeared to be close to the house, but a shot from Google Earth would be helpful!

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7 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Luann isn't paying attention at all during those court ordered AA meetings she's (not) attending, if she thinks the 1 year no dating rule only applies to dating other people in AA.

Yea, I'm far from an expert, but that sounded off to me. Not dating, period, sounds more reasonable. It should go without saying that you don't start hooking up with people at your meetings. 

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23 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

It seems like Lu is going to let all the attention she got about her intervention/rehab/sobriety go to her head. I shouldn't be surprised. 

what is this them trying to "shield" Luanne bullshit and fracturing the group? This is a job for all of them if she cant handle being around her coworkers without relapsing on her own she doesn't need to be on the show and needs to go back to rehab to learn how to function in the real world with out drinking ...... Are they going to shield her forever because she "might" drink? it should be her who isnt invited to parties that are thrown for the show not the others I mean honestly  .... 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Yeah. But not so much for me. "Getting high off your own supply" in light of Dennis' OD 3 weeks prior wasn't funny. 

[I apologize, Alonzo! I was being totally sarcastic.] I agree; that “high” comment was very surprising. And not funny at all. I wonder how Dennis’s daughter felt about it.  

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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Does Barbara have a horn pendant to color-coordinate with every outfit? She had at least 3 different ones on this episode. I first noticed the big white one she wore to dinner, she wore a green one to go with her tucked-in polo shirt, and the one she wore to the clambake. Maybe she does belong in Jersey.

Edited by SweetieDarling
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7 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Tinsley's got Ramona's number.  If she hadn't mentioned anything, Ramona would definitely take that caviar back home and serve it to her other friends.  She may still do that.

Luann isn't paying attention at all during those court ordered AA meetings she's (not) attending, if she thinks the 1 year no dating rule only applies to dating other people in AA.

Ramona's jealousy over Tinsley's tennis form was palpable.  She is so transparent.

Bethenny's rental house is amazing.  Makes Builder Barb's look that much worse.


You are so right.  Having friends and family who "really work" the AA program, what Luann said is untrue.  I guess she goes to AA meetings for the coffee and donuts. 

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37 minutes ago, blueiris said:

20 years of AA here...the "one year" of no dating rule is a strong suggestion for all newcomers and it pertains to dating anyone - not just people in AA. That's because all new members are generally completely full of shit when we arrive. Its takes a good couple of years of actually working a program with a sponsor to start to figure things out. No one really follows the rule, but later we all wish we did lol! I've never her Lu use the word "steps" or "sponsor." "Working the steps" means you are actively working a program and a sponsor is recommended due to the newcomer being completely full of shit once again.

And to hear her blame her kids for her downfall is appalling. She was running all over NY looking for $6 million??? She forced her kids into this and is still blaming them. One of our slogans is - "the same man will drink again." So I don't think it bodes well for Lu or Dorinda. Dorinda was a nasty ass  

I saw this after I posted.  Thanks for explaining this better than I could.  

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1 hour ago, bosawks said:

C'mon BRAVO you can't show that Ramona clip about Beth's Hampton house and then not really show me where this road is that crashes it's value.  I want to know who's right!  I realize like all things HoWives the answer is they're both wrong, but I want drone footage of that house!

The interiors were fantastic.

Here is the listing for the house she bought..  Montauk Highway is pretty busy but the street view in Google maps shows it's pretty hidden.  Seems like she got it for a great price though.   Not a Bethenny fan but I agree she has a great eye for design.

Edited by Suckeredin
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