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S10.E05: Andi Et Les Beaux

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Brian -- Likable and cute, but that silent pouting around in the kitchen was a red flag for me.


A big one.  He's a nice guy but Andi should've sent him home.  Cooking together, without a celebrity chef there to coach them, was as mundane and real-life an experience (not even a "date") as we've seen on the show, and it went horribly.

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Bachelorette is doing some really strenuous product placement this season.  First, the movie that led to the cooking sequence and, second, these hair product commercials with both Andi and a couple of former Bachelorettes.  Not sure if anyone noticed that the hairstyle, which was nothing more than a trumped up ponytail and certainly not worth any huge endorsement, was the hairstyle she wore on a later date.


Frankly, this is the deal with the show this season.  It's almost becoming an infomercial anymore.

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If Andi's hair continues to be whatever that was I'm going to have to throw out the old standby "production obviously hates her".


Which will be great for me because I loved both sad sack Ben and JP's seasons and I don't think production would've spit on them if they were on fire.

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Andi and Brian are clearly not a match.  He went pouty in the kitchen, and she couldn't come up with any small talk to draw him out? No, "You don't seem to be enjoying yourself… do you normally cook a lot?" "Oh, what do you normally do for food?"  They are so not a couple.


Codi is clearly sticking around for the drama.  Andi has zero interest in him.  My hubby thinks he looks like baby Jack from The Incredibles.  


I can't believe Andi liked Nick's 'poem'! It was crap-tacular!


Andi's approach to the drama was weird - she was very probey.  I think she might be feeling a bit insecure, which doesn't make a ton of sense at this point, since none of the guys have dropped out cause they aren't interested. 

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And I really doubt he gave up his baseball career so he can start a family even though he hasn't even had a girlfriend in 5 years. He probably got cut or sent to the minor leagues. (Was he even MLB? What team?)


After being drafted, baseball players generally progress through these minor league levels:

Rookie Ball - A - AA - AAA (sometimes they skip this step) - Major Leagues


Josh got stuck on the single A level and performed poorly there for four minor league seasons. His statistical history reveals he quit because he wasn't good enough.


He went pouty in the kitchen, and she couldn't come up with any small talk to draw him out?


Good point. It takes two to create awkward silence. Complaining about the other person is weak, since she played a role herself. I guess she expects the guys to come at her with all sorts of romantic overtures, but that's not the way life goes forever. Maybe during the initial dating stages, but outside of this show, she's going to be sorely disappointed if she expects any of these guys to continue to throw the romantic kitchen sink at her.

Edited by Superpole2000
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Poor Marquel!  I was hoping he would stay and Cody would go.  There was such a big contrast between Patrick's and Marquel's exit speeches.  Patrick: "She really missed out on somebody GREAT when she let me go.  Everybody tells me I've got great characteristics for being a husband.  Too bad for her, she missed out on someone awesome like me, " etc., etc.  Marquel: "I'm nobody special, but I want to find love."  Me to Marquel:  YOU ARE SPECIAL!  I really sympathized with Marquel, but I couldn't help having a sneaky feeling his good-bye speech was sort of an audition for being the Bachelor.  Not that he wasn't sincere, but Sean had a good-bye speech about looking for love, too, and he ended up being the Bachelor.


Brian was very awkward.  I think he's very competitive so that when he's forced to do something he's not good at, he shuts down.  He also might have been concentrating on doing a good job at food prep so wouldn't look like a total loser at cooking.  I'm kind of like that and it's hard to just let go and enjoy the moment, and not care whether or not you're doing something well.


I didn't realize JJ was the main instigator.  I did wonder if Andrew had really said that.  Cody was going on drunk when he was picking his fight with Nick.  Such a stupid fight, he might as well be a bachelorette.  I'm pretty sure Andi was told to keep him so there could be more drama with Nick.  (Nick, don't be such a pouty baby about group dates!)

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I could barely listen to him after they were talking about tennis and she was laughing at the idea that he would beat her even though he said he didn't play. He said, "Are you saying that because I was a second-round pick?"



Especially since I think the reason Andi was laughing at the idea that Josh could beat her at tennis is because according to her US Weekly "25 Things You Don't Know About Me", she actually wanted to be a professional tennis player at one point and was home schooled for a period so she could practice.


The fact that we heard the story from JJ, who's an instigator, and Nick, a B.S. artist in his own right, cast suspicion on it.



I think JJ told Nick the story and Nick told Marquel when they were all hanging out that there was something he knew but he didn't want to tell him to upset him. I don't think Nick ever claimed that he heard Andrew make that comment. The entire thing came from JJ. 


Josh...I can't make up my mind about this guy...is he perfect or playing it perfectly?  He's gorgeous, he's saying he's not a player and it taking his time to find the right girl. The chemistry is clearly off the charts. Yet he's convinced that Andi could be it so soon? I don't honestly know how Andi doesn't pick him in the end.



My thing with Josh is that he does nothing for me personally but I don't dislike him either. However the show is about Andi "finding love" and my thoughts and opinions about him aside, I think it is fairly obvious she's very into him. And in fact I feel like some of her "doubts" may just be played up as to not make it obvious how much he's her favorite. Although she is an attorney so it is possible she really is trying to pick holes and get at the truth of who he really is. Either way, like you said, they do have great chemistry, they look good together and they're from the city so if she does pick him, who knows, it might work.


But then that leaves...Nick. I still love him! I can't help it, I think he and Andi are so cute together and I don't mind that he's kind of pouty on group dates. If he's really liking this girl, I can see where watching her pay attention to other guys could be irksome. And I'm sorry, but Codi IS mockable! Can't blame him for that. I'm on the Nick train and I'm not getting off :)



Without question Nick was being kind of a brat during the day portion of the group date but I sort of understood his irritation, especially as someone who came into the show skeptical that the process could work. I think Nick's attitude was just that the whole thing was kind of stupid and that he didn't see how standing around, making fools of themselves, all the while they're not saying a word to the woman they're supposed to be falling in love with made any sense. Yeah not the most fun attitude to have but I get it.


As with the drama during the night portion, just like last week, I felt that the guys were the ones attacking Nick and why I refused to see him as the bad guy. Cody and company clearly started the conversation intent on basically using it to tell Nick he's so smug and awful for daring to think he has an amazing connection with Andi. And then because he remains calm and refuses to engage their nonsense, that makes him even more smug because he should have I don't know, apologize for thinking he is a frontrunner and listen to their criticisms and say "thanks guys for enlightening me to this horrible part of myself..." Whatever. 


I also liked his "whatever" shrug attitude when Andi tried to grill him about the situation. I also laughed when she asked him if he would tell her if they were married and again with a shrug, Nick goes, "yeah I guess..." I just feel like Nick refused to engage in the unnecessary drama these guys were trying to stir up and I don't blame him because the whole thing was stupid and contrived.


In the initial previews for the season, it showed Nick on the evening portion of the date telling Andi he was crazy about her. But they didn't show that, just the drama parts.



This and that editing is what made the poem or whatever thing he read for Andi seem so awkward and random because it looked like one second she was grilling him about the drama going on with Cody and others and then he just whips out a piece of paper and starts reading this thing. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I agree with those who have said that Jj is making trouble on here.  I think it's no coincidence this was his second time trying to smear Andrew.  I mean think what you want of Andrew but I don't blame him for being frustrated.  He pretty much told Andy he wanted out and the drama was making it hard to be into participating.  Kind of like "you're not worh this aggrevation".  I was not suprised to see him go.


I was shocked that she chose Cody though.  I have not seen anything that indicated she and Cody have any sort of connection.  The certainty which she applied to ditching Andrew, Marquel, and Patrick could not also be applied to Cody?  And honestly, ditto for Dylan, I was shocked she kept him over Marquel.  But I think she just saw Marquel as a guy buddy.


Nick totally gives me the creepy stalker vibe.  Is this actually part of the attraction for Andi?  His pouting and jealousy is overboard if you ask me.  He seems like the kind of guy that is like "don't look at my girl", and who won't want her to wear short skirts because that's flaunting herself, and won't even take her out in public so she can be only "his".  I don't get the attraction but I guess he is doing those aggressive things she likes. 


I think the guy she did the rapel line with is her best bet at this point (Marcus?).  Brian is great but the two of them are not happening.

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I really like Marquel, and

I'm disappointed that he's going to be on Bachelor in Paradise (according to Reality Steve).


I also like Brian, and

I'm kind of surprised he doesn't make it to the Final Four.


If Josh doesn't want to be known as an athlete, perhaps he should identify with his current profession rather than "Former Pro Athlete." He may not have a lot of say in it, but it's all he talked about.  What do you do with yourself now, Josh?  


I don't find Nick at all appealing.


Mostly, I'm just glad they're moving on to Venice, so I don't have to hear Andi say "Mar-say" again.

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Precisely.  Marquel went down a notch or two in my opinion due to how he handled it.  It goes without saying that spewing racial slurs is unacceptable under any circumstances, but accusing one of doing so without any concrete evidence is unacceptable and no laughing matter either.

Bunky, were we watching the same show? ;-) I couldn't be more impressed with how Marquel handled the issue with Andrew. Compare it to Cody going off on Nick about calling him thankful--WTF?! Marquel was nothing but calm, direct. He didn't say "you said this" but "If you said this," this is why it's hurtful. I already loved Marquel, so perhaps I'm biased, but the way he handled himself tonight, my respect and admiration for him just went through the roof.

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I don't necessarily dislike Andi as the Bach/ette, however, I find this season particularly boring.  The guys are nice and okay, but noone is really standing out for me.  I kind of liked Marquel, but he is gone now.  Nick just seems whiny and pouty to me.  Not just because of the group date situation, but he seems like he could be like that in a number of situations.  I think he seems attractive to Andi right not based more on his elusiveness, and his ability to keep focused on her, etc.  But in the real world I think he would get on her nerves over time.


Josh is okay, and clearly a frontrunner, but I am not wowed by him either.  I would like her to have more time with Chris, as they haven't shown much of him lately.  

Bunky, were we watching the same show? ;-) I couldn't be more impressed with how Marquel handled the issue with Andrew. Compare it to Cody going off on Nick about calling him thankful--WTF?! Marquel was nothing but calm, direct. He didn't say "you said this" but "If you said this," this is why it's hurtful. I already loved Marquel, so perhaps I'm biased, but the way he handled himself tonight, my respect and admiration for him just went through the roof.

I can see both sides on this... I think he got a bit upset over something that he didn't know happened for sure.  He really should have addressed it immediately, and without other guys around.  But when he did address it, at least he was clear, to the point, and gave him the benefit of the doubt, and then let it go.  

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Without question Nick was being kind of a brat during the day portion of the group date but I sort of understood his irritation, especially as someone who came into the show skeptical that the process could work. I think Nick's attitude was just that the whole thing was kind of stupid and that he didn't see how standing around, making fools of themselves, all the while they're not saying a word to the woman they're supposed to be falling in love with made any sense. Yeah not the most fun attitude to have but I get it.

Thank you - I get it too!  If I were in his shoes, I would have been not only irritated with the premise of the group date but also by how cheesed out the rest of the guys were getting about it.  Is it the right attitude for a show that is based upon such things?  No.  But I actually kind of liked him for it. 


Andi needs for Josh to define what "not dating for five years" actually means.  Because I would easily interpret that as a whole lotta whoring around but not being in a relationship with anyone.  And I get that cheating means different things to different people but his story about the girl kissing someone randomly once and how that sent him into a tailspin of not trusting anyone sounded a bit over exaggerated.  Maybe for some home schooler who only had one girlfriend in his life but I don't think that one incident suddenly opened up Joshies eyes to the big bad world. 


I would like to clarify that Patrick said that "many people, not just WOMEN" have told him he would make a wonderful husband.  Which I took to assume that many men want to marry him as well! 

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I was impressed with the way Marquel handled the situation with Andrew. However, I felt he should have spoken to him in private.   It makes me extremely uncomfortable when someone is accused of being a racist, homophobe, bigot or bully without tangible evidence.     

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Is consider her pronunciation incorrect...or merelyrepetitive?


It was close enough.  The "r" in French pronunciation comes from the throat, and sometimes doesn't even have an "r" sound.  In this case it would kind of sound like "Makh-say" (and even the "kh" sound is not one that everyone can make).

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But really--Cody? Marquel was great, and Patrick was a real "glue guy" with an easygoing air about him, and Andi chose the guy who said "homey" about 14 times in one sentence??


Speaking of Cody -- button your damn shirt, dude.  I don't want to see your undershirt peeping out any more than I would want to see Andi's bra showing through her blouse!

It was close enough.  The "r" in French pronunciation comes from the throat, and sometimes doesn't even have an "r" sound.  In this case it would kind of sound like "Makh-say" (and even the "kh" sound is not one that everyone can make).

Well, to be fair, Andi doesn't speak French, even though she took it in college -- which simply means that she hasn't kept it up over the years since college.  Heck, I first took German and  Russian in college, and I'm still struggling with both of them almost 35 years later (especially Russian) -- and I have kept them up over the years -- so I'll give her a pass on not having a native-quality pronunciation of "Marseilles."

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I found it interesting and a little telling that Andi insisted on getting involved in the guys' drama. I have a feeling she's the kind of person who is unable to let a confrontation go down without her. A good quality in an attorney, maybe, but I don't know how I'd feel about it outside the courtroom. It's a very different approach than previous Bachelors and Bachelorettes have taken with regard to house drama. I kind of thought that when she realized that the guys weren't ready to spill and that she was basically going to have to emotionally blackmail them to get answers (except with Cody), that she should have dropped it.


I also thought it was interesting and strange that she kept asking about the drama. I felt like she wanted to hear that it was about her in some way. Like that they were fighting over her or something and that is why she insisted on knowing. But really, in a situation like that even if it were real life, it wasn't like the guys were trying to keep a secret from her or "not communicate" with her. It didn't involve her and wasn't any of her business really. Especially when she was asking the guys who it didn't involve. They weren't even part of it so why should they interfere? Thats just being gossipy and, like you mentioned, in previous seasons whenever the contestants complain about the house to the lead it is usually interpreted in a negative way. But her whole, "would you tell me what was going on if we were married" bullshit really kind of pissed me off. He should have responded with, "if we were married, would we be in a mansion with X number of other guys attempting to date you and fall in love?" 


I mean really Andi, get over yourself. 

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I think this season's group dates have been the Best in the History of the Bachelor (said a la Harrison). Normally, to me, the group dates are a throwaway segment in between the one-on-one dates that I typically enjoy, but this season has been the opposite. This might have to do with these snooze-worthy one-on-ones with Dylan and Brian. Jeesh! But on the group dates, these guys--aside from sulky Nick--are really giving their all to have a good time without any fear of embarrassment. I thought that Boyz II Men date was the best, but this mime date just might top it. I was cracking up during the entire street performance segment. They didn't care that people were looking at them like they were crazy or they were making babies cry (probably over-dubbed)--or their bros back home are going to no doubt never let them live this down--they were fully engaged, giving their all! That's awesome! Maybe I don't understand what Andi is looking for, but I'm truly not understanding the appeal of spending an entire day/evening with someone who's a complete bump on the log, but because they manage to croak out a few sentences when the rose is on the table, they get it. And then someone like Marquel who is an absolute blast on these group dates, who cracks you up every time you have one-on-one time, who is a genuine sweetheart, and is totally hot to boot, you're not even going to give him a chance for a one-on-one to see if it will progress beyond the friend zone?! What the--?! God. I know I keep harping over Marquel. I understand that everyone has different tastes, but she really DID seem to enjoy her time with him, so I truly don't understand why she didn't give him a chance. It just boggles my mind.

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What does Josh do for a living? I could see where people may be impressed by how far he got in pro ball from 17 years old--on the other hand, he got far, but he also washed out. If that was his lifelong dream and everyone growing up thought he'd be a star, that probably hurts.


Andi seems dazzled by his great looks and that he was an athlete. But did he go to college? I think I remember he's a salesman now, but I could be wrong. If Andi wanted to be a tennis pro--and her family apparently is very well off--and she's used to getting what she wants--this thought isn't very clear, but I think she thinks very highly of herself and is very easily convinced other people aren't good enough for her (hence, the "I would have only given 4 of these guys my phone number IRL comment).


Josh fits her "type" of very handsome and athletic and they make a great looking couple. But I don't see her with him for the long haul if she can't brag about what he does for a living.


That said, with him being from Atlanta, too, and since they seem to have such strong chemistry--no one else comes close--it's hard to imagine her not choosing him.


Re JJ. If you thought someone said "She's choosing the black guys" or maybe it was "She's choosing the blackies" -- which sounds nearly indistinguishable from "black guys", and you weren't sure--why wouldn't you think--whispered at the RC--that Andrew said "black guys"?  No one says "blackies". That's not what he would have said for a slur. I thought Marquel and Andrew handled it well, but I'm sorry Marquel wasn't more skeptical about what JJ told him.


I don't particularly like Andrew, but I don't believe for a minute that he said "blackies".


Marseilles was gorgeous and Venice looks even better.

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I think this season's group dates have been the Best in the History of the Bachelor (said a la Harrison). Normally, to me, the group dates are a throwaway segment in between the one-on-one dates that I typically enjoy, but this season has been the opposite. This might have to do with these snooze-worthy one-on-ones with Dylan and Brian. Jeesh! But on the group dates, these guys--aside from sulky Nick--are really giving their all to have a good time without any fear of embarrassment. I thought that Boyz II Men date was the best, but this mime date just might top it. I was cracking up during the entire street performance segment. They didn't care that people were looking at them like they were crazy or they were making babies cry (probably over-dubbed)--or their bros back home are going to no doubt never let them live this down--they were fully engaged, giving their all! That's awesome! Maybe I don't understand what Andi is looking for, but I'm truly not understanding the appeal of spending an entire day/evening with someone who's a complete bump on the log, but because they manage to croak out a few sentences when the rose is on the table, they get it. And then someone like Marquel who is an absolute blast on these group dates, who cracks you up every time you have one-on-one time, who is a genuine sweetheart, and is totally hot to boot, you're not even going to give him a chance for a one-on-one to see if it will progress beyond the friend zone?! What the--?! God. I know I keep harping over Marquel. I understand that everyone has different tastes, but she really DID seem to enjoy her time with him, so I truly don't understand why she didn't give him a chance. It just boggles my mind.


During the first few episodes. Andi kept mentioning the guys who she thought were "hot."  It seems very important to her that a man be aggressive as well and willing to make a move on her.  She kissed a lot of guys in this episode.  My conclusion is she wants a hot guy who's going to constantly put the moves on her.  He also must "step up" and adore her and focus all her attention on her, so as not to be lumped in the same category as Juan Pablo.  It seems shallow, really, but I suppose I wanted some of the same things when I was still in my 20s.  As an aside, she finally resigned her job, so it's not like she's serious about her law career, either.

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I'm on the Marquel-is-awesome Bandwagon now, but I wouldn't want him to become the Bachelor.  I'd hate to see him go on the downward spiral from seemingly nice guy to 100% douche that so many previous ones went on (Jake, Ben, JP, take your pick...).


By the way, had anyone heard of Ben Fields, the singer for Andi and Josh's date before?  I liked the snippet of the song they played, not the usual Bachelor cheesefest.

Edited by tek75
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Jillybean, with regard to the Brian spoiler, after watching their date last night, I'm actually not surprised by that.


Watching Nick's reaction last night to that group date, it makes me wonder how he would have handled if he had been on the "strip" date. Maybe we would have seen someone finally flat out refuse to do something and would have been interesting to see if Andi would have sent him home because of it. The other reason I think Nick's attitude was partly the whole miming thing and not just being on a group date is because he was on the basketball group date and he seemed all in as all the guys.


So I don't think his feelings were just about being on a group date and not having Andi pay him all the attention. I really think he just thought the entire thing was stupid which apparently Sean Lowe tweeted during the show something about "Unnatural. It's the Bachelor" which I guess fair enough. But I think his attitude was in line with someone who seemed skeptical of the process from the beginning. Also JP tweeted that he just didn't see the Nick is arrogant thing when all the night drama was happening. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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If a guy sulks a bit and has a hard time when taken out of his comfort zone to go rappelling down a building or skydiving or performing badly in public or whatever other stupid things they do on this show, okay. If a guy sulks and has a hard time when he is out of his comfort zone because he is in a kitchen, it's time to let that guy go. You can presumably avoid the more out-there tests of one's comfort zones in day-to-day life; all houses have kitchens.

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re: Crying baby - I highly doubt Marquel made the baby cry, or even made it a bit scared or unhappy.  I say that because the baby's mother was right there and I have no doubt that if a strange mime was coming toward my baby and my baby didn't seem to like it, I'd give the mime the 'back off' signal and get my baby out of there right away.  Instead she stood right there and let Marquel approach in stages, there was plenty of time to prevent him from getting too near the baby if she was worried about the situation.


From Andi's remark I suspect the baby was more likely giving Marquel a WTF look, and Andi was just joking around and making the situation seem worse than it was.  Kind of like when a person says something stupid in public and some passersby gives them a dirty look.  All of a sudden the story becomes funny with jokes about how "I thought that little old lady was going to hit you with her cane when you said that!"  The situation seems funnier when the 65 year old woman who walks just fine becomes a little old lady with a cane, and a dirty look becomes a near attack from someone who is unlikely to be able to actually hurt anyone.



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It was Amal who said the slur right? 


I really can't stand Andi.  I truly think she won't pick someone suitable for she has Hollywood stars in her eyes.  I couldn't believe she already quit her job with the show still running.

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Also JP tweeted that he just didn't see the Nick is arrogant thing when all the night drama was happening.



I find this interesting because in numerous interviews, Juan Pablo made a point of saying he wasn't goint to watch Andi's season. 

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What does Josh do for a living?

He's got a B.A. in Business from University of Georgia and works as a Financial Services Rep for Capstone Financial.  Kind of a salesperson, but for financial products & services.   It's not a joe-job, and he's been with them almost 2 years. 

Edited by leighdear
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And then someone like Marquel who is an absolute blast on these group dates, who cracks you up every time you have one-on-one time, who is a genuine sweetheart, and is totally hot to boot, you're not even going to give him a chance for a one-on-one to see if it will progress beyond the friend zone?! What the--?! God. I know I keep harping over Marquel. I understand that everyone has different tastes, but she really DID seem to enjoy her time with him, so I truly don't understand why she didn't give him a chance. It just boggles my mind.


This is why taste is SO subjective. If I were Andi, I'm not sure Marquel would have made it this far. I found him to be far less funny than he thinks he is, much cornier than he thinks he is and I found the outfits to be overly loud and stand-ins for a personality. Out of politeness and because I'm making a TV show, I would have entertained him, much like Andi did. He's probably a nice enough guy but I would know instantly that he had no chance with me and sent him home. 

Edited by PetuniaP
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Oh sorry I meant JP that's married to Ashley, not Juan Pablo. 


Btw, there are two interesting deleted scenes on ABC.com from this episode. One, is Chris Harrison coming in to talk to the guys while Andi is on her 1 on 1 date with Josh and basically suggests to them that the bromance thing is all well and good but Andi is the goal. Interesting right, especially with what would come later with all the "drama" with Nick. Yeah I'm sure that was producer manipulated. 


The second scene is Nick, Josh. Marquel and JJ sitting around discussing the possibility of Brian getting a rose during his 1 on 1 date with Andi. JJ is the one who talks the most during that scene, along with Josh and they're all pretty much stating that Brian being a nice guy would not matter if Andi is just not feeling it with him. Which is nothing bad but I just find it interesting that for all the Nick is so arrogant, he thinks he's this huge front-runner, he actually says very little throughout that conversation.


Oh and in the first deleted scene, Andrew points out Nick and Josh being very close and Nick, in a talking head admits to it being weird that Andi is off with someone he's friends with but that he won't let it bother him because if there is something real between him and her then that's all that matters. Yeah, super arrogant that one. 

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JenE4 said:  ...someone like Marquel who is an absolute blast on these group dates, who cracks you up every time you have one-on-one time, who is a genuine sweetheart, and is totally hot to boot, you're not even going to give him a chance for a one-on-one to see if it will progress beyond the friend zone?! What the--?!...[Andi] really DID seem to enjoy her time with him, so I truly don't understand why she didn't give him a chance...


Andi might have a distinct type that Marquel doesn't fit.  She might prefer white men, and that doesn't make her racist.  (My own mother recently pointed out to me that all of my serious boyfriends and my ex husband all fit the same mold:  over six feet tall, burly, thick dark hair and at least some facial hair.  I honestly had never noticed that before...) 

Andi also seems to prefer athletic types, and Marquel looks athletic to me, so athleticism itself isn't enough.  I think the deciding factor is a hint of aggressiveness, possessiveness, and/or douchiness.  I haven't seen any of that in Marquel.  However, I've seen hints of aggressiveness and douchiness in Josh, and more obvious signs of possessiveness and douchiness in Nick.

It's like Jillybean said:


During the first few episodes. Andi kept mentioning the guys who she thought were "hot."  It seems very important to her that a man be aggressive as well and willing to make a move on her.  She kissed a lot of guys in this episode.  My conclusion is she wants a hot guy who's going to constantly put the moves on her.  He also must "step up" and adore her and focus all [his] attention on her, so as not to be lumped in the same category as Juan Pablo...

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I could see where people may be impressed by how far he got in pro ball from 17 years old--on the other hand, he got far, but he also washed out. If that was his lifelong dream and everyone growing up thought he'd be a star, that probably hurts.



But, if he really did fizzle out at Single-A ball, he didn't really get that far.  Single-A is about the only place a team would put a 17-year old, unless they were really, really good.  I'm sure Josh was better than most players on his school teams, but that may be a function of medium-fish-small-pond.  


And he whole spiel about how his girlfriend "cheated on him" by kissing another guy because other girls told her how many women were obviously throwing themselves at him?  I don't know whether to roll my eyes or say "kudos" for playing Andi like a violin.


I agree with Zahdii and Jillybean, Andi is high-maintenance, and had a very definitive view of what she looks for in terms of masculinity that is assertive, attentive, and bordering on aggressive.  Remember her trip to the gun range with Juan Pablo last season?

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I'm glad she ditched Andrew, but I was sad for Patrick. Something about him I liked.


Me too. I just wanted to ruffle up his hair--it was always so slicked back. 


I did not like Andrew at all but I believed him when he denied saying that word. He seemed completely taken aback by it and he was much more defensive about the hostess number situation.


It bugs me when Andi does that knowing smug Grumpy Cat face. Like with Brian, calling him out on not grinding on her in the kitchen or finding the sexy in frog leg frying.


Cody is a cartoon, homey. My friend thinks he looks like a troll doll and the only reason I can fathom why Andi is keeping him around is because she thinks there's a jewel in his tummy.



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I think most people have a "type", it's just that they might not be consciously aware that they do.  I like good looking men.  Give me Brad Pitt, Matthew McConaughey, Patrick Dempsey, Kyle Chandler and Jon Hamm.  The problem I am having with Andi is that she specifically said that athletes are her achilles heel, and yet, here she is falling for Josh.

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By the way, had anyone heard of Ben Fields, the singer for Andi and Josh's date before?  I liked the snippet of the song they played, not the usual Bachelor cheesefest.


I hadn't heard of him before either, but went to Youtube him first thing after the episode. I usually have no interest in the artists giving them private concerts, but he sounded refreshingly talented and reminded me of David Gray a bit. Seems he's pretty unknown though, and the song he played isn't even on Youtube, but some other nice ones are.


I'm a bit on the fence when it comes to Josh. I mean I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole personally, but Andi seems really into him and he does seem into her as well. Then again, he's trying a bit too hard for someone who's totally sincere. Going on and on about not being the typical athlete while he supposedly hasn't been on a date in 5 years. Now who here thinks a guy like him has been celibate for 5 years? Yeah, no one does. That only leaves the option that he's been picking women up in clubs all this time. Not really husband material IMO. And what is his current job??


Brian is strange. Seems nice, but the missing opportunities and then regretting it is getting old. I don't know if the kitchen segment was exaggerated, but who gets that moody just by being in the kitchen? I get being insecure about your cooking abilities, if you have none, but it's not that serious. You don't have to be good at everything, Brian!


I too like how Nick handled the BS drama. He didn't seem bothered at all and even apologised for upsetting Cody, but they kept harping on about it and Cody was all too happy to tell Andi. Can't believe she kept him. I don't like how Andi insisted on getting to the bottom of the so called drama and made such a big deal about it. Chris was such a class act not wanting to talk about it, yet Andi kept probing. Nevermind the fact that it was not even worth discussing, everyone who's watched this show knows that tattling just ends up biting you in the ass. Especially when it's about one of the favourites. And then she got all paranoid about Nick, when he didn't act like he'd done something horrible. Come on now, guys are always mocking each other. Boo-effin'-hoo. I'd be more concerned about that horrific "poem" and the pouting. Though I'd probably be pouting too in his place, since I hate performing in public and making a fool of myself. Call me serious, but I don't see the fun in such activities. At least he was real about it. He does strike me as a bit possessive though considering how early it is.


I don't think Andrew said "blackies" either and even if he did, there was no reason to bring it up at this point. JJ is getting on my last nerve. He really does seem like he's stuck in high school and not that I condone bullying in any shape or form, but he does seem like the type who would get bullied at school. Stirring shit and then not even owning up to it when it hits the fan... such cowardly behaviour. He seems less likeable each ep.


I'm gonna miss Marquel! He was the most handsome man in this whole sorry lot, and the funniest too. Intelligent and charming also. Stupid of Andi not to give him a fair shot. I'd watch him as the Bachelor over all the others this season.

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But her whole, "would you tell me what was going on if we were married" bullshit really kind of pissed me off. He should have responded with, "if we were married, would we be in a mansion with X number of other guys attempting to date you and fall in love?"

This bugged me too. I felt like Andi was drama seeking. I think she wanted to get her drama on. Maybe cry & accuse the guys of not being there for the right reasons or not taking it for reals. I never was big on her to begin with but I'm reaching that point in the season I either accept the crazy or start being disgusted by the it. Andi is disgusting me. Her licking her teeth with her mouth closed is bugging me. Her occasionally adding a k to the end of words ending in ing bugs me. (thinkingk) Her seeming need to be manhandled & kissed to be shown that she's liked bugs me.

I don't know Andi & I watch this show for pure entertainment so I don't feel that bad for being mean & ridiculous when it comes to the "lead". Increasingly I'm finding her self-important & too serious. I kind of want the guys to fully embrace the bromance & let Andi stew.

I got the feeling that Cody's being thankful stemmed from a talk he & Andi had. As though they both acknowledged there was nothing there, but he's pleasant enough & knows the score so he can stay around & travel & have fun. I'd be thankful for that too. All the fun, none of the headache. It's probably not that simple, but I like the thought.

I don't like JJ. His reference to the old age date cemented that. Yuck. I don't get the Nick attraction either. He does nothing for me. In fact he's a turn off.

The biggest thrill for me this episode was the ad for Bachelor in Paradise. I actually applauded when Chris Harrison had the door shut in his face by Michelle Money I think it was. I'm so easy when it comes to the sleazy side of the Bachelor universe. Bring it on!

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I saw so many trailers of JJ and Josh going up against Andrew that I began getting pissed off at JJ.  How did I not see that when I was watching that episode?  *shrug*  So he starts this crap again with Marquel.  Quit it man.  Didn't believe for a second that Andrew said 'blackie'.  By the end of the episode, I felt Andrew's frustration and JJ can suck it.


When Andi was questioning Chris, she felt too close to anger for me.  If Chris had not revealed what the drama revolved around, I think it would have been very easy for her to turn.  She did the same thing with Nick and when he wanted to move on, she said he was trying to downplay it.  I kind of get it because I think anyone in that situation would be second guessing everything.  But damn, she does like the drama.


I still like Nick and I can understand those of you who don't.  He was a big sour-puss on the group date.  However, I do of respect his explanation of it.  He told the truth.  The sulking does nothing for your cause Nick.  And quit it with the middle school poems.  I'm keeping my eye on him.


The whole thing with Cody was silly.  Nick did nothing wrong with going to get Andi.  It's something that they all wanted to do.  The mocking comment (mock-com) was meant to be a joke.  When he realized Cody was offended, he apologized.  Why is Cody still here again?  Oh yeah.  Because she had to kick off the guy who was the real source of entertainment.  Andi, why are you kicking off our eye candy and entertainment?  I know they don't have any chemistry, but you're going with CODY? 


The date with Brian was weird.  The cooking part of the show was cringe-inducing.  Just so awkward.  I know he's out of comfort zone in the kitchen, but c'mon man, buck up.  I mean, really?  You get a one-on-one date with Andi and screw up that badly?  To me, he seemed soooo far out of his comfort zone, that he looked resentful.  I wondered if he experienced some weird trauma in the kitchen or something.  It's like he doesn't want to see where the food comes from.  It just magically appears behind a secret door.  Geez.  He was determined not to like it before he took his first bite.  And Andi spoke up just to save the date.   I don't understand why he couldn't have taken just one positive thing out of that experience.  I mean, not even one? 


Josh.  Josh would have been kicked off from first rose ceremony if I had anything to do with it.  But I don't.  Sooooo, okay, kick him off.  He's so full of shit it hurts my brain.  He hasn't dated anyone in five years?  Right.  *rolling eyes*  His explanation for why he left baseball was ridiculous.  You play baseball.  Then suddenly you realize that you can't have a family if you play baseball.  So you quit. Uh, huh.  The mime date should have been Josh's.  All the shrugs and rolling of the eyes would make it mandatory.  There is not one story or anything he's talked about so far that doesn't have a spin on it.  Spin it baby, spin it!  Also, can't get over the 'dramatic' leaning against the bleachers when he lost the basketball game.   Just makes me giggle.

Edited by Lindacht
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Just read that Andi officially resigned from her position in DAs office. She had been on leave, but decided to resign.  Does she think she will get a commentator job on TV?

She has the ugliest facial expressions with that frown on display constantly.  And the nose is obviously the result of surgery especially when next to her sister.

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I hope this show actually asks the bachelor/-ette "Would you date and marry a (fill in minority that they're planning to have on the show)?" Because, no, it doesn't mean you're racist if that's not your type but it would be kind of mean to bring on someone who is obviously "a type" that might have experienced prejudice in past dating experiences and set them up for disappointment.


Maybe Andi's dated African American men before, and maybe I'm stereotyping her based on her seeming politically very conservative to me, but...I'd be surprised if she had. So, Marquel may not have had a chance from the beginning. (Personally, while I'm not crazy about his fashion sense, I'd love to go on a one-on-one date with him because he's stood out as so much fun on the group dates and because I love his warmth with the guys. Also, his farewell--"I'm nothing special"...--awww, so much more appealing than someone who thinks they're "all that" and "she really missed out" as I've heard from several before. Humility is very attractive imo--but I don't think it is to Andi. I think she has kind of a "macho" type who she can look up to (at least until she finds out he's only human).


Oh and in the first deleted scene, Andrew points out Nick and Josh being very close and Nick, in a talking head admits to it being weird that Andi is off with someone he's friends with but that he won't let it bother him because if there is something real between him and her then that's all that matters. Yeah, super arrogant


That is good to know--and a great reminder of why not to go on reality television. They've made me dislike Nick from the edit, when he really might not be such a bad guy at all.


(Brian, on the other hand, their complete lack of communication in the kitchen when he had his meltdown over cutting vegetables really would have made me send him home. I know he seems like an attractive athletic guy --nice, if ultra-competitive-- and maybe, in that sense, her "type", but that? Was sad. If someone can't shrug it off in that very non-threatening situation (with his back to the camera no less), then he's just too generally uptight imo. I would have kept Marquel or Pat instead.

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I'm starting to think that JJ (the "pantsaprenuer") may be the instigator on a lot of the drama in the house.  He's now been the main guy screwing with Andrew twice (the supposed phone number thing and now Race-Gate), plus he seemed to get the ball rolling on Cody's near-meltdown at Nick.


JJ has no chemistry with Andi at all (he recreated their lame "joke" date while miming), so I think he's trying to shoot down some of his weaker competitors.


I think he's a big phony.


My thoughts exactly!  Talk about a trouble maker.  I wonder what he's (and the other cast members) thinking while viewing the shows. 


I was thoroughly surprised Andi gave him a rose because I see nothing romantic happening between these two. 

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I hope this show actually asks the bachelor/-ette "Would you date and marry a (fill in minority that they're planning to have on the show)?" Because, no, it doesn't mean you're racist if that's not your type but it would be kind of mean to bring on someone who is obviously "a type" that might have experienced prejudice in past dating experiences and set them up for disappointment.


I always wonder about this, because every season there are a couple of "token" African Americans in the mix, yet they never get very far. It seems really unfair to put them on the show just for diversity, if you know they have no chance of making it to the end. I highly doubt every single lead on this show has been open to dating, let alone marrying, a dark skinned person. Now I'm not calling them racist, but everyone has their preferences. I think Andi's type is pretty obviously not Marquel, but I had hopes for her giving him a proper shot since we've seen her having fun and even flirting with him. She must've known from the beginning that he wasn't for her and decided to stop stringing him along now, because she would've had to give him a one-on-one otherwise.


Patrick's exit made him seem more clueless than arrogant. "Many people have told me I have good qualities for a husband". Yeah, your parents and women who are breaking up with you, I'd guess. Bet he's heard that "You're a great guy and any girl would be lucky to have you, but this just isn't working out" speech many times.

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And JJ's rose was so droopy. Too top heavy for it to stay upright. Was basically upside down within seconds of her putting it on him.
Also, the kiss he gave her after accepting the rose was weird. Seemed very animated.

Edited by woodscommaelle
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JJ readily admitted that he may have misheard, but Marquel chose to believe the worst.


My recollection is that it was only in his talking heads that JJ was shown admitting he may have misheard.  I didn't see him admitting that to Marquel. 


So it's possible that Marquel got "he said blackies," while we got, "he said blackies, or black guys, something something I was drunk but not that drunk."  And I think there's a huge difference between the two, and if it was the latter and they didn't make it more clear that Marquel thought it was the former, they did a big disservice to him by airing his reaction to something different from the "knowledge" that the viewing public had.

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I don't remember when he admitted possibly mishearing, but if I wasn't sure if someone said "blackies" ("blag-eze") or "black guys" ("blag-ize") which, whispered, could sound alike--and I've never in my life heard anyone say "blackies"--and I were JJ--I'd STFU.

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Bachelorette is doing some really strenuous product placement this season.  First, the movie that led to the cooking sequence and, second, these hair product commercials with both Andi and a couple of former Bachelorettes.  Not sure if anyone noticed that the hairstyle, which was nothing more than a trumped up ponytail and certainly not worth any huge endorsement, was the hairstyle she wore on a later date.


Frankly, this is the deal with the show this season.  It's almost becoming an infomercial anymore.


I'm pretty sure the hairstyle included "as seen on TV" Bumpits. Also, no hair brush.  That had to be the worst ponytail I've ever seen. I've seen my elderly neighbor doing yardwork in her bathrobe with better looking hair.

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I just google imaged Josh (down point in my life) to see if he was hotter than I thought. He just doesn't do it for me. Though appears his brother was drafted for the NFL. Like the real deal, unlike Josh.

I don't know if I am changing or what, but these shows don't hold interest like they once did (Trading Spaces-esque). I zone out as much as I pay attention.

The Josh date was paint by color Bachelorette. The cooking date was a snoozefest.

The best part for me was Marquel. He didn't tip my bullshit meter at all and I appreciated his honesty. And I felt sad for him. Based on comments, I guess he "should" know he's first viewed as black. But it struck me so wrong for him to have that realization and I thought delivered one of the finer messages this show ever has. He's a kick ass man who any girl would be lucky to have.

Edited by KnoxForPres
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It was close enough.  The "r" in French pronunciation comes from the throat, and sometimes doesn't even have an "r" sound.  In this case it would kind of sound like "Makh-say" (and even the "kh" sound is not one that everyone can make).

Not to mention people would be making fun of her for trying. I thought it sounded pretty good.

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He's a kick ass man who any girl would be lucky to have.


To be fair, we don't really know much about Marquel. We especially don't know how he behaves on a date. The only thing I can confirm is that I hate his pattern (mis)matching skills.

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To be fair, we don't really know much about Marquel. We especially don't know how he behaves on a date. The only thing I can confirm is that I hate his pattern (mis)matching skills.

Agreed. Even after posting I had the same thought and a hair of regret putting it that way.

But I likened it to a person believing they are putting their best foot forward. And then reality hitting them in the face. Like Peggy in Mad Men. He struck me as a pretty cool guy in those moments. And I liked his parting words. But absolutely, he may be a total asshole. He sold it well though, for me, in the bit we knew him. I lean towards the real deal.

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