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S27.E11: Week 9: Finale

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I feel like people are assuming Bobby is just some dumb country DJ, but he spent the vast majority of his career hosting our local Top 40 station here in Austin, and did a damn good job of it. Austin may be in Texas, but we're also the most liberal city in Texas, and he was far, far from being some dumb hick. He was so beloved by us, that TONS of people who didn't even like country tuned in to our local country station just to follow him. He has an enormous following. Millions of people grew up with him, and listened to him every day on their way to work, school, etc... I'm not surprised he won. He's had a very devoted fanbase LONG before DWTS. He's one of Austin's hometown heroes. 

Edited by Italian Ice
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I had the same reaction to this win as the "non DWTS" one in 2016.  Just stunned.  Knew it "could" happen but had enough faith that it wouldn't.  I had never heard of Bobby before.  I just don't get it.  He doesn't even seem that likeable.  At least Joe admitted he wasn't a good dancer and acted astonished that he kept moving on.  This guy actually acts like he deserves it over the ones who were legitimate dancers.

Edited by Palomar
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This is the second time in two years that I feel asleep before the votes were tallied and woke up to an unpleasant surprise.   I need to start mainlining coffee! Bobby should not of won.  He should of came in fourth at best.  I hope that he gets a horrible "untrained, no experience" singer to mentor on AI and I will throw all my votes* to that singer for the same reason that he wanted people to vote for him.   That doesn't even make sense but it makes me feel a bit better.

*and no, I won't vote for A.I contestants because I don't watch the show

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5 minutes ago, Italian Ice said:

I feel like people are assuming Bobby is just some dumb country DJ, but he spent the vast majority of his career hosting our local Top 40 station here in Austin, and did a damn good job of it. Austin may be in Texas, but we're also the most liberal city in Texas, and he was far, far from being some dumb hick. He was so beloved by us, that TONS of people who didn't even like country tuned in to our local country station just to follow him. He has an enormous following. Millions of people grew up with him, and listened to him every day on their way to work, school, etc... I'm not surprised he won. He's had a very devoted fanbase LONG before DWTS. He's one of Austin's hometown heroes. 

I think Bobby continued to play top 40 music with the occasional country-ish song thrown in -- and that's why people followed him to the country station.  IMO, Bobby saw an opportunity to move further in the music industry if he switched to country....even though it was not really his preferred genre.  He's an extremely ambitious man.

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18 minutes ago, Italian Ice said:

I feel like people are assuming Bobby is just some dumb country DJ, but he spent the vast majority of his career hosting our local Top 40 station here in Austin, and did a damn good job of it. Austin may be in Texas, but we're also the most liberal city in Texas, and he was far, far from being some dumb hick. He was so beloved by us, that TONS of people who didn't even like country tuned in to our local country station just to follow him. He has an enormous following. Millions of people grew up with him, and listened to him every day on their way to work, school, etc... I'm not surprised he won. He's had a very devoted fanbase LONG before DWTS. He's one of Austin's hometown heroes. 

I understand Bobby was extremely successful in his field and beloved.  That is not the point. It sounds like he has had a great career and congrats on that. The point is that for those of us who appreciate the dancing on the show and like to see the deserved best dancer win, he was not that.  It's just disappointing to a lot of us that this came down to a popularity contest.

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I actually laughed out loud when they announced Bobby as a winner.  The look on the other contestants'' faces was pure comedy.  It kind of was a fitting end to a craptasic season.   Probably (for me) the worst winner since Banana Man (Helio) but since I didn't care for any of the top 4 that much, I can't muster up enough interest to really care.  Milo's freestyle was the highlight for me last night.  Evanna (sp?) - her freestyle was okay, but her red socks or slippers or whatever she was wearing was very distracting.    Don't know if I will watch another season or not.

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12 hours ago, Kid said:

And the sad part is that I do not believe Sharna ever won before and she should have in those prior seasons.  Not in this one.

Also, why are they turning Erin into a bimbo???  

This season was really bad.

yes sharna was runner up 3 times but never won

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6 minutes ago, Palomar said:

I understand Bobby was extremely successful in his field and beloved.  That is not the point. It sounds like he has had a great career and congrats on that. The point is that for those of us who appreciate the dancing on the show and like to see the deserved best dancer win, he was not that.  It's just disappointing to a lot of us that this came down to a popularity contest.

I don’t even care if he wasn’t a great dancer. The premise of the show is to vote for your favorite, so if he got the most votes he deserves to win.

My issue with his win is that he was obnoxious and a poor sport. His win sadly reminded me of Chick Hick’s win in Cars. LOL

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I admit that some of my Sharna disdain at the moment probably isn't fair and is about Bobby, but I can't even bring myself to be remotely happy for her.  Part of it is I don't like her fake feminism shtick, which has nothing to do with Bobby.  Feminism, awesome.  Fake feminism, nope.  And I've never been able to brush off her Nick Carter defense.  I also didn't like how rude she was online to some of the people that had genuine gripes with Bobby...and by that I don't mean the people that said "you suck".  I mean brought up legitimate concerns that Sharna could have entirely ignored instead of being snarky back.  So yeah, having a hard time being excited for her.

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55 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Despite Keo losing....at least he's officially placed higher than Gleb? That's always a plus. 

I think the easiest answer to Bobby winning is that the results skew toward viewer votes, rather than judges votes. I would even guess that it's about 60%-40%, if not 75-25. I don't think the judges scores matter at all. They could have given Bobby all 0s and he still would have won.

Funny thing about the Alexis/Alan no-mance is that it didn't even help them. They likely would have gotten to the finale and still would have placed fourth if they continued the brother-sister angle. 

Either way, I am very proud of Milo and Evanna for delivering awesome freestyles. I liked Evanna's a bit more because she didn't need umbrellas and she just danced, and it was awesome. I loved Milo's freestyle but it could have used less props. 


I agree with you on all points. 

Keo really blew me away this season. I always felt he had potential but never had the right partner to show it all with, but even I had no clue this much creativity and skill resided inside of him. He turned Evanna into a skilled dancer, a true ballroom star in a way I've rarely seen a male pro accomplish during a full season.

Despite a rocky start and humble beginnings, every week they worked harder on getting better, stronger, and more impressive. I am definitely okay with the fact she ended up topping the ladies' group as number 1 in the end, I believe she earned it the hard way and since she couldn't snatch the win, at least she'll have that. 

I found her freestyle to be so well balanced with her natural quirkiness and charm and actual dance ability.

The lifts were outstanding, and now I will forever regret that they didn't give them an Argentine Tango. I was hoping that they would get that dance at some point but alas...and the Tango was one of their best dances too. Evanna seemed quite comfortable in the air with Keo as her rock base, heh. 

Keo said when she first let him hear the song he immediately agreed that it was a song he could see her in, that it was a perfect match, and I agree. I wish they hadn't sung it live...I mean come on, it's Björk people, you play her song and let the amazing wash over us all. But the choreography, to me, could have been from any hit Broadway production, Keo killed it and hopefully this won't be a one and done finale appearance. 

Placing higher than Gleb should be a goal for all male pros. He really makes me miss the days of Louie and Alec and Jonathan and my little Irish devil Tristan and Jonathan. 

Alexis and Alan's ploy always reeked of such desperation to me, because she just couldn't click with enough voters. I really could have believed that Alan was acting like a sort of big brother to her, giving her guidance and encouragement and support. But love? Romance? Not a chance. 

I agree that the viewers vote just swamped the judges scores even more than usual this season, that's how JP got his shocking exit despite being the highest scored all season, especially the last two episodes before his exit. 

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37 minutes ago, Italian Ice said:

I feel like people are assuming Bobby is just some dumb country DJ, but he spent the vast majority of his career hosting our local Top 40 station here in Austin, and did a damn good job of it. Austin may be in Texas, but we're also the most liberal city in Texas, and he was far, far from being some dumb hick. He was so beloved by us, that TONS of people who didn't even like country tuned in to our local country station just to follow him. He has an enormous following. Millions of people grew up with him, and listened to him every day on their way to work, school, etc... I'm not surprised he won. He's had a very devoted fanbase LONG before DWTS. He's one of Austin's hometown heroes. 

That's great that he had this following, etc.  But I don't think he sold himself well on DWTS for those viewers that didn't know him.  So many contestants are unknowns and become really liked as they go through this experience.  I don't feel he fell in that camp at all.  He just was not someone I enjoyed watching, listening to, etc, etc.  I just wished he would go away.  

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1 hour ago, katha said:

With ratings declining, none of his competitors probably having a strong enough fan base and also not appealing to the main demo like he does...here we are. A broader general audience rallying behind a stronger dancer might have derailed such an outcome in earlier seasons, but with less participation the possibility of a voting bloc taking over is also bigger.

I also think his voting bloc was able to take over because there wasn't one clear-cut winner between Milo and Evanna so that vote among the more regular viewers of the show was being spread out.

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15 minutes ago, SHD said:

I understand that it's always been largely a popularity contest. But when the dancing doesn't factor into it at all, they may as well just line up celebrities every week to stand there for two hours and tell people to vote for their favorite person.

People always vote for their favorite person regardless of the dancing. It just happens that this season didn't have anyone that was a strong dancer combined with a strong personality. The good dancers were nice enough but I thought it was pretty clear they weren't connecting to the audience as stars have in the past. Maybe that is just a byproduct of the show going down hill. 

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13 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Pick which person shares your expression when Bobby was announced the winner. I'm Evanna.

Seriously, nobody really looks happy.

Keo: "Well that happened..."

I'm not entirely shocked. Once JP was eliminated I knew that was that.

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I’m angry about the hate that Bobby is getting. I really feel bad that it’s turning into bullying and that’s not fair. I thought that people were better then that. I didn’t even know who he was going into the show. Viewers have been bitching about getting ringers and people with dancing experience on the show for years. Now, finally someone with no dance experience wins and everyone bitches and whines that it’s not fair. There’s no pleasing people. This show has always been a popularity contest and in some way it probably always will be. This is a entertainment show. If you only want dance experience then watch World of Dance.

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31 minutes ago, Beatrice said:

People always vote for their favorite person regardless of the dancing. It just happens that this season didn't have anyone that was a strong dancer combined with a strong personality.

I don't think that is true at all. I think Milo was a strong dancer with a very strong personality.  Mileage and all that, but Bobby didn't win because the other dancers didn't have personalities.

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14 minutes ago, spanana said:

People with no dance experience have won plenty of times.  Plenty of times.  This is not new to Bobby even though he seems to think it is a brand new thing. Difference is most of those other people with no dance experience had some semblance of talent.  But Bobby has this weird idea in his head that he is the only one who ever made it that far without a lick of dance experience.  Blatantly false.

Also it's not remotely bullying to talk about being upset at a win on DWTS on a message board.  Or acknowledging that said person that won is short on talent.  Bobby is a grown man who went on a show where he would be judged on his dancing, both by the judges and the audience.  If teenagers as young as 14 have been able to handle it over the years, then so can Bobby.

Where you run into problems and what might count as bullying is where hate is sent directly to a person and while I'm sure Bobby is getting plenty of that, some of what he is gotten is in response to so-called jokes and "hate" he himself has dished out.   So Bobby as much as he pretends to be 100% innocent and calls everyone against him haters, is also getting a disproportionate amount due to words that have come out of his own mouth.  Did he really think celebrating JP's ousting was going to cause him good will to any fans but his own? I think some of the Bobby "hate" would die down if he owned up to his own role in a lot of this.  Okay, he sucks as a dancer but I'm more aghast that he sucked as a person all season and got rewarded for his suckiness and immaturity.

I totally agree, and I would like to add that if you go to the majority of the general twitter feeds, the sentiment is the same.  Which tells me that although he obviously had a large fan base to give him the win, he certainly is not regarded as America's champion.  Sometimes you go out into other places in the internet on these things and you find a 50/50 response, well not with this one.  Clearly there are enough people that did not get behind him either by his dancing or his personality.  

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11 minutes ago, spanana said:

Okay, he sucks as a dancer but I'm more aghast that he sucked as a person all season and got rewarded for his suckiness and immaturity.


Tell the truth. 

I am 1000% in agreement with you. His behavior all season was frankly atrocious to me.

He wasn't root worthy, he wasn't the average joe working hard to try and master something that didn't come naturally to him, imho, he just fooled around and wasted a lot of time and had a bunch of people willing to vote for him. Does he want a cookie for that? 

He won the popularity portion of the contest, based on how the votes stack up, which on this show means you win the whole thing, no disputing that. But I am not going to feel bad that a man who has used much of his time on this show to disparage others, to whine and complain and pout like a child because he was actually asked to "dance", you know the thing he signed up to do, is getting backlash that resembles much of the same he gave out freely when he wanted to put others down to build himself up. 

What's the old saying, don't dish it out if you can't take it, Bobby's a prime example of that. He made his bed way back when by turning off a lot of viewers before he won last night, imo, outside of his voters. 

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26 minutes ago, spanana said:

I don't think that is true at all. I think Milo was a strong dancer with a very strong personality.  Mileage and all that, but Bobby didn't win because the other dancers didn't have personalities.

Maybe it's the show then. I'm just not seeing the same buzz around the interwebs as I have in the past with some contestants.

32 minutes ago, TroopinFairy said:

I’m angry about the hate that Bobby is getting. I really feel bad that it’s turning into bullying and that’s not fair. I thought that people were better then that. I didn’t even know who he was going into the show. Viewers have been bitching about getting ringers and people with dancing experience on the show for years. Now, finally someone with no dance experience wins and everyone bitches and whines that it’s not fair. There’s no pleasing people. This show has always been a popularity contest and in some way it probably always will be. This is a entertainment show. If you only want dance experience then watch World of Dance.

I agree and I think it's part of the reason I'm trying to find some good or explanation. But, no people are not better than that. At least not in the times we are living in now.

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I'm not going to argue that Bobby didn't work hard.  I think you can be a bad dancer and have worked really hard because some people just aren't naturally talented.  So a sucky person can practice for 10 hours and a person with natural talent can practice for 2 hours and the natural talent person will get more out of those 2 hours than the sucky person with 10.  But I also don't believe that Bobby was working harder than everyone else...as again, he wants us to believe.  I get annoyed when even my faves try to play the "we worked harder than everyone else" card, because nobody ever really knows that.  Talk about yourself and leave it at that.  I also don't care that his schedule was so busy.  That isn't an excuse.  Everyone else has things going on too.

Where Bobby goofed around was in some of his live performances.  Him breaking out into flossing or his own choreography (not in the freestyle where it was planned, but at the beginning of the season) was rude since he took his partners art and disrespected it.  Or him breaking character before a dance was over.  DWTS is a weird thing and that it shouldn't be taken too seriously, but also you have to keep in mind that the pros are using this show as a way to showcase their own talent and choreography and it is their art form and livelihood.  It's not cool to mess with your partner's art.

But anyway, my issues with Bobby are based on words that came out of his own mouth and actions I witnessed.  It's not necessarily because I don't think he worked hard.  But I also think Alexis, Milo and Evanna worked just as hard.  As did Nikki, Nancy, Danielle, Mary Lou, JP, John, Tinashe, Demarcus etc.  Unless I'm being blatantly told someone isn't rehearsing, I'm just going to assume that they are doing what they need to do in the studio.

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14 hours ago, Toonces464 said:

And I'm sorry but the trio of shirtless Val/Artem/Gleb is starting to remind me of the Two Wild & Crazy Guys plus one.

Oh, thank you for this - I only wish I had thought of it. :-)

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I didn't have a dog in this race, but was leaning toward Evanna based on her getting the judge crummy treatment. So I actually voted my five online votes for her. I haven't been a Milo fan, but I will say his freestyle was one of the best ever on this show, I'd actually watch it again. Of course he was going to win after that.

Then the four were standing there waiting for the winner's name. And ... the winner was announced and I started laughing and laughing and laughing like I haven't laughed in decades. I never did hear what was said at the end because I was laughing so hard. I laughed all the way through credits. I only stopped laughing (but still doing small gaffaws) after turning the channel so as not to watch The Good Doctor.

So thanks, show, for that.

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Personally I don't think Bobby came across well on the show. In the beginning I thought he seemed enthusiastic but by the end he just seemed to make excuses for not being as good as others. Non-dancers have won this show in the past, so I'm not sure why he seemed to think he was an anomaly. The difference was those non-dancers usually ended up being pretty good and learning a few things. Bobby may think he was dancing, but Sharna was doing wonders choreographing around his flaws and keeping his dancing to a minimum. I know Joe was stiff as a board, but at least you could tell he was a bit embarrassed to stay on so long. I think he admitted being relieved to be voted off because he knew he didn't have the skill. Also in a season when we had a blind contestant, Bobby constantly complaining about his zero dance experience was just annoying. Bobby isn't the first to have a busy schedule on the show either. I remember Normani flying back and forth from Asia when she was on the show.

Idk Bobby's win just put a really bad taste in my mouth. I don't care about the best not winning. I was rooting for Evanna and Milo, but technically Juan Pablo was the best this season. I rooted for Normani but was happy seeing Rashad win. It's the fact Bobby barely improved and in the finale did minimal dancing. Sharna has been one of my favorite pros for a long time too. I've wanted her to win for so long, but I'm not even happy for her because I'm just annoyed by this win. I have a hard time seeing anything appealing about Bobby unless you already followed him from his radio show. I'll admit I tend to dislike radio personalities though. I can only think of 2 radio stations where I don't mind the hosts. Most of the time radio hosts irk my nerves.

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2 minutes ago, bealled said:

Personally I don't think Bobby came across well on the show. In the beginning I thought he seemed enthusiastic but by the end he just seemed to make excuses for not being as good as others. Non-dancers have won this show in the past, so I'm not sure why he seemed to think he was an anomaly. The difference was those non-dancers usually ended up being pretty good and learning a few things. Bobby may think he was dancing, but Sharna was doing wonders choreographing around his flaws and keeping his dancing to a minimum. I know Joe was stiff as a board, but at least you could tell he was a bit embarrassed to stay on so long. I think he admitted being relieved to be voted off because he knew he didn't have the skill. Also in a season when we had a blind contestant, Bobby constantly complaining about his zero dance experience was just annoying. Bobby isn't the first to have a busy schedule on the show either. I remember Normani flying back and forth from Asia when she was on the show.

Bobby also doesn't seem to be aware that Nyle DiMarco won.  No previous dance experience.  Primarily a model and I think he dabbles in acting, so mostly a model who wasn't used to this sort of thing either.  Plus of course the additional challenge of being deaf.  Nyle certainly wasn't the best dancer his season.  I was rooting for Paige, but Nyle had enough talent where a win wasn't crazy or unexpected.  Not to mention the various athletes with no prior experience, though I know Bobby doesn't count that since he considers being an athlete experience.  I'd argue it depends on what sport we are talking about.  Athletes have advantages, but advantages aren't always equal to prior experience.  It usually just means better conditioning, often a work ethic, and experience in knowing what it's like to be coached.

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1 hour ago, spanana said:

But I also don't believe that Bobby was working harder than everyone else...as again, he wants us to believe.  I get annoyed when even my faves try to play the "we worked harder than everyone else" card, because nobody ever really knows that.  Talk about yourself and leave it at that.  I also don't care that his schedule was so busy.  That isn't an excuse.  Everyone else has things going on too.

Where Bobby goofed around was in some of his live performances.  Him breaking out into flossing or his own choreography (not in the freestyle where it was planned, but at the beginning of the season) was rude since he took his partners art and disrespected it.  Or him breaking character before a dance was over.  DWTS is a weird thing and that it shouldn't be taken too seriously, but also you have to keep in mind that the pros are using this show as a way to showcase their own talent and choreography and it is their art form and livelihood.  It's not cool to mess with your partner's art.

I feel like Sharna did him a disservice with that freestyle. Obviously Bobby's not a great dancer, but we've actually seen him, you know, do some *dance moves* in other dances. But for some reason Sharna didn't have him do any dancing. It was really weird. I think she must have not thought they would win, because she could have dimmed some of the hate by actually having him dance a little bit in the freestyle. 

I missed the fusion dance rehearsals, where they walk into the studio and see the big posters of their best moves throughout the season. It's always really emotional and very nice. 

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33 minutes ago, TroopinFairy said:

I’d like to change my statement a little. I know that Bobby isn’t the first to win or be on DWTS with little or no dance experience. It just feels to me like he’s the first in a while.

Rashad Jennings won May 2017.

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this show is officially dead. this is the day the show has died. i am beyond disappointed with the outcome. i commend bobby for his hard work and dedication but he is no dancer at all. for him to win over milo, alexis, demarcus, tinashe, evanna, and juan pablo is such a huge joke. this was the most ridiculous season in the history of this show. it is nothing but a popularity contest. sharna deserved to win but not with bobby. she didn’t win with nick carter, charlie white, and james hinchclife but she won with bobby for her first mirrorball? WOWWWWW i cannot stomach this. this show has really lost it.

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1 hour ago, tessaforever said:

I feel like Sharna did him a disservice with that freestyle. Obviously Bobby's not a great dancer, but we've actually seen him, you know, do some *dance moves* in other dances. But for some reason Sharna didn't have him do any dancing. It was really weird. I think she must have not thought they would win, because she could have dimmed some of the hate by actually having him dance a little bit in the freestyle. 

I missed the fusion dance rehearsals, where they walk into the studio and see the big posters of their best moves throughout the season. It's always really emotional and very nice. 

I also think it was somewhat enhanced by the fact that Bobby's other dance was kind of a joke dance too.  It probably wasn't a bad decision for playing to his fanbase and getting the win, since goofy Bobby is what they like to see, but his cha cha wasn't much of a cha cha either.  It was an MC Hammer dance with some badly done cha cha moves.  So he basically did two jokey dances for the win.  I was more shocked the judges fell all over themselves to give his freestyle a 10 when there was next to no dancing from him in the number. Again, that might be them knowing that he would win even if given 6's.  Or even gave the Hammer dance 8's. 


Rashad Jennings won May 2017.

And in addition to Rashad, Nyle won Season 22 in May 2016.  Bindi won Season 21 in November 2015, and I don't consider her as having dance experience either.   Rumer won S20 and I'm not sure if people consider her as having experience or not.  I think there is this weird fallacy thing sometimes where every female is considered experienced if they have ever taken a dance class in their lives, but I can't honestly remember how experienced Rumer was or wasn't.  She certainly wasn't the best dancer in her season but she was good enough for a win.

Edited by spanana
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1 hour ago, tessaforever said:

I missed the fusion dance rehearsals, where they walk into the studio and see the big posters of their best moves throughout the season. It's always really emotional and very nice.

Yeah, when Milo was turning off the lights in the rehearsal room I realized there hadn't been any of those images of the couples that they usually have. It's a somewhat small thing but I definitely thought they should have still done it and I don't know why they didn't bother doing it, even if the finale was only one night.

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My wife watches this show - well, used to watch.

I saw the news about the winner, and honestly don't know who he was, and came here to check it out to warn my wife she may want to not watch the finale (she DVRs the show and then catches up with it later usually when I'm not around). I looked at our DVR through the app on my phone and didn't see the episode.

Turns out, she cancelled the series recording earlier in the season because BB kept winning over who she thought were more worthy dancers. First time she's ever done this with DWTS.

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I noticed that Indy Cars, James Hinchcliffe, and Becky Dalton (his fiance) all congratulated Sharna on her win...with no mention of Bobby Bones at all....on Twitter and Instagram.

Still SMH that she won that stlupid trophy with BB...and not with the partner who brought out the best in her.

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On 11/19/2018 at 10:09 PM, epc said:

 I think the judges - who have all been there since the beginning - must also be very disappointed in the results, and in what the show has become.  Too bad.

Then.....why the hell did they score Bobby's freestyle a 30? For crying out loud, that freestyle should have been scored no more than 8s, maybe even a 7 in there. The 10s the other celebs were scored did not have the weight they should have. Bobby's scores in this finale were absolutely worthless.

Edited by luvthepros
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I suppose it would have been too embarrassing for the show to have the winner never score above an 8 when everybody else was getting multiple perfect scores, or at least one perfect score. Juan Pablo had multiple perfect scores, too.

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13 minutes ago, luvthepros said:

Then.....why the hell did they score Bobby's freestyle a 30? For crying out loud, that freestyle should have been scored no more than 8s, maybe even a 7 in there. The 10s the other celebs were scored did not have the weight they should have. Bobby's scores in this finale were absolutely worthless.

Isn't it traditional for freestyles to get perfect 30s in the past few seasons? I swear, you could fall on your ass and they would still give you a perfect 30. If you think about it another way, by giving everyone a perfect 30, they even the playing field and put the result in the hands of the viewers. 

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I haven't watched DWTS for a total season or even a total episode in years and I have never voted.   It has always been a popularity contest and the judging for the most part is comical.  It stopped being entertaining to me when it started to become more about the pros than the contestants.  Many viewers vote more for them than the "stars."  I also sometimes just can't stand the music that they put to certain dances.  Watching Erin is like nails on a chalkboard.  I like Strictly better for many reasons, but mostly because I like the dance off format decided by the judges who are usually decidedly more technically critical than the gushing that you get from Carrie Ann.  I actually have yet to watch the final of a Strictly as I just started watching last year after watching Oti on Youtube from her previous season so I am not sure if the winner is decided by audience votes or what. 

Right now I am going to watch repeats of Danny and Oti on Youtube, find some of her dances with Keo and think about the days when I actually enjoyed DWTS. 

Edited by catrice2
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15 hours ago, Dancelove said:

I'm going to my happy place.  Reviewing the dances that actually were good over the seasons.  

My top 10 - 10 Dances 

1.  Jive - Jordan and Lindsay - season 26

2, Viennese Waltz - James Hinchcliffe and Sharna/Jenna -season 23

3. Foxtrot - Jr Martinez and Karina - season 13

4. Quickstep - Helio and Julianne - season 5

5. Samba -  JP and Cheryl season 27

6 Tango  Kristie and Mark  -season 6 

7 Waltz - Jennifer Grey and Derek- season 11

8 Cha Cha  Rashad and Emma season 24

9 Paso Doble  Mel and Maks season 5

10 Rumba-Rumor and Val  - season 20


My Top 5 Argentine Tango 

1. JP and Cheryl season 27

2.  Nicole and Derek season 10

3.  Gilles and Cheryl season 8

4. Jennifer and Derek  season 11

5. Zendaya Val with Maks and Anna season 16 


Top Salsa Dances 

JP and Cheryl  season 27  night 1 and night 9

Jordan Lindsay and Corbin season 26  Trio Dance 

Rumor and Val Disco Salsa season 20 

I love the Argentine Tango but I almost feel like it needs sub categories....I don't think the ones set to pop music should bein the same category as the ones set to real tango music.  I also like the ones that are more traditional than the ones that started to be mostly about the lifts instead of the flicks and the footwork.  I also like the ones that are passionate and/or tell a story.  In general, after going to a real Argentine Tango performance it is sometimes like comparing apples to oranges. 

Just looking at your list I realize how many seasons and dances I have missed. 

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Ok so I loved Bobby's freestyle. Whatever I thought it was cute and fun!

I was underwhelmed by Milo. Frankly I was for most of his dances. I feel like I just kept wanting to love his dances because he's such a great personilty, but most of them never really got there for me and the freestyle was no exception.

The best part of this finale was the other contestants reactions to BB's win. Alexis' jaw drop, Keo trying to stifle laughter, and Milo seemingly saying, "Oh no," all had me howling.

As a Sharna hater, I absolutely love that she finally won with a shitty dancer that was an asshole that she pretty clearly hated. Delicious!

When they announced BB as the winner, my mom literally said, "Holy fucking hell," lol.

The show has always been nothing more than a popularity contest, so I'm with @Callaphera on this season not being somehow different than any other.

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44 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Isn't it traditional for freestyles to get perfect 30s in the past few seasons? I swear, you could fall on your ass and they would still give you a perfect 30. If you think about it another way, by giving everyone a perfect 30, they even the playing field and put the result in the hands of the viewers. 

It seems that way sometimes, and they're definitely inclined to grade on a curve in the finale, but just over the prior four seasons:

S26: Adam/Jenna scored 28

S25: Frankie/Witney scored 38, Drew/Emma scored 39

S23: Jana/Gleb scored 36

David and Lindsay's perfect is the most comparable to this situation, and even at that he clearly lagged behind Bobby's juggernaut voting base (of course, it's probable Rashad was much better positioned to counteract it than Milo, Evanna, or Alexis this season).


1 hour ago, sinycalone said:

I noticed that Indy Cars, James Hinchcliffe, and Becky Dalton (his fiance) all congratulated Sharna on her win...with no mention of Bobby Bones at all....on Twitter and Instagram.

Still SMH that she won that stlupid trophy with BB...and not with the partner who brought out the best in her.

He really came on in one of the worst possible seasons...

I noticed that Meryl tweeted an immediate huge congrats to both Sharna and Bobby, while Charlie has been completely silent (unless he made a comment on an Instagram post that I missed).

Edited by lavenderblue
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3 hours ago, MikaelaArsenault said:

That comment by one person at the end "Bobby improved so much." Ummm….no he didn't!!!! Dancing with the Stars should be changed to "Jumping Around with the Stars."  The 30 score the judges gave Bobby for that stupid freestyle was an insult to Milo/Witney, Evanna/Keo freestyles.  Bobby did a lot of jumping around and running around the stage, while it was the other people in it who danced. I have never seen a celeb less interested in learning how to dance than Bobby. 

The voting system must be overhauled. Maybe have the voters voting, and then have the judges have more say when it comes to the semi-finals and finals portion of the show. IMHO, season 27 is going to be known as the worst season in DWTS history.

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I've spent the morning putting angry faces on all the DWTS on my facebook.  I know it accomplished nothing but it made me feel better.  In a few days I'll probably completely unfollow them, I always got news here quicker and better.

Did anyone watch Good morning America?  I'm curious how obnoxious BB was but don't really want to watch it.

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4 hours ago, spanana said:

 I think some of the Bobby "hate" would die down if he owned up to his own role in a lot of this.  Okay, he sucks as a dancer but I'm more aghast that he sucked as a person all season and got rewarded for his suckiness and immaturity.

I cannot possibly like this comment anymore than I do. He's a shitty person and it came across loud and clear in his behavior. That's why I bailed once he made the finale. And I'm thanking my lucky stars I didn't buy show tix I was considering  (Artem wait for me until next year!!!!!). 

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