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First Looks: Upcoming Episodes

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Bethenny's apartment decor didn't do much for me.  It seems like it has very high ceilings, but few windows?  I don't know, it felt dull in there to me.


Carol is still with the chef, Ramona is on the prowl for a man, and Avery is embarrassed by her mother.  Was there a snippet of Bethenny calling out Luann for sleeping with married men and for being a cheater? 


I'm curious about the new Housewife, since I don't know anything about her.  She's a friend of Dornida's?

  • Love 3

B's apartment lay out is so not ideal. I don't think I have ever seen a luxury multi-million dollar apartment with the master bedroom literally right next to the front door entrance. No bueno. Love her closet, her kitchen and what little I could see of her master bath but that is mostly because I am a sucker for white marble. The rest is meh, but that could be mostly due to it being wall to wall neutral palette.  Didn't she have some skinny girl red accent piece by the door. I didn't see it this time. 


I don't remember Carol's boyfriend being so thin. Can't believe they are still together but I guess good for them [shoulder shrug]. I still have trouble warming up to that woman.


Dorinda looks good.


The thought of Ramona single in the city and on the prowl with her new titties frightens me but I gotta admit I feel like she could teach me a thing or ten about meeting new guys.  It is probably straight out of the 80's 90's playbook on how to meet eligible men, but I thought asking the guy next to her the bartender's name was cute and came across as organic.


LMAO at Bethenny's comment on Adam's parsley to the face video on his twitter page which caused her to unfollow him. My thoughts exactly. That was dumb as hell. 


Avery is such an amalgamation of her parents.  I look at her and see both Mario and Ramona's faces at the same time.

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I actually liked B in this first look. I hope she can keep up being likable all season but there were a LOT of tears in the preview. Her apartment feels like it should seem luxurious but doesn't work. And based on that balcony shot she's pretty close to the ground floor? Not ideal.

I see Carol still can't refer to herself as a woman. Did her boyfriend always look like a heroin addict? Yawn of a storyline there though.

Single messy Ramona and claws out Lu should be fun!

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I thought I read that Carole's boyfriend is vegan. Or it was assumed because he only tweets vegetable dishes.

I agree on Bethenny's apartment. It's very austere. Even Brynn's bedroom lacks warmth, which had to be very difficult to accomplish. Little girls' rooms are inherently sweet.

I still dislike Dorinda on Heather's behalf. And now the hag's friend has been added. Since HW's historically have positive edits the first season, with falls of grace on the second, it's going to be interesting. Bethenny practically called her an alcoholic. And we saw another dramatic slurring word salad replete with dramatic arms. I thank God that even though it looks to take place in a kitchen, Dorinda isn't spewing food as she rants.

So Dorinda's still with a man she can't stand. I'm sure Hannah's still controlling that relationship.

I'm glad Carole's blowing off Beth for the BF. I was irritated by the suggestion they may become BFFs.

  • Love 3

After groaning through Bethenny and fast forwarding through the new chick, I gave up and I deleted this preview as soon as they got to Ramona being an ass in the bar, making a gigantic thing out of not knowing the bartender's name.  Just freaking ASK HER.  Why whisper and guess and bug other patrons asking them?  God she is EXHAUSTING.  Everyone on this show is.


I then proceeded to delete the show from my DVR schedule.  I will monitor the snark here to see if the show is worth catching in re-runs.  I miss liking this franchise ... I want to ... but these women seem to have the stupidest issues of any of the groups of women on any of the franchises and I'm just over it. 

  • Love 1

"Do we want to see the ring?" Did one of them get engaged or just receive an extravagant piece of jewelry?

"See how beautiful she is, with the light?" That wasn't flattering light. That's what you look like when a police officer is holding a huge flashlight in your face, asking you if you've been drinking after he/she pulled your car over.

Swearing, slurring, sloppy drunk Dorinda again.

Bethenny paid all that money and ends up with a bedroom that looks like it's in a basement with those tiny windows way up by the ceiling.

  • Love 5

LuMan's deep voice, even in her tag line and in the preview at breakfast reading the newspaper headline I love her Patty and Selma voice.

I'm already exhausted of Carole setting a cup of her dogs actual shit on the camera store counter then sitting on their counter and having a full blown convo. Posing for pictures, bringing her dog in a store, dating someone much younger, etc etc etc she is a boundary pusher and it is her oxygen and she needs it and the attention to survive. Despise. She bugged me more than Bethenny and that says a lot.

She has 5 good summers left. Lee Radziwills sofa has more good summers ahead of it than Carole that thing is beautiful and nice to see it back.

The other NY how's? IDK. We'll see.

  • Love 8

After groaning through Bethenny and fast forwarding through the new chick, I gave up and I deleted this preview as soon as they got to Ramona being an ass in the bar, making a gigantic thing out of not knowing the bartender's name.  Just freaking ASK HER.  Why whisper and guess and bug other patrons asking them?  God she is EXHAUSTING.  Everyone on this show is.


That's her coy way of engaging in conversation with a strange man. She wouldn't give two fucks about the bartender's name if a woman was sitting next to her.

  • Love 6

Bolding mine.

"Do we want to see the ring?" Did one of them get engaged or just receive an extravagant piece of jewelry?

"See how beautiful she is, with the light?" That wasn't flattering light. That's what you look like when a police officer is holding a huge flashlight in your face, asking you if you've been drinking after he/she pulled your car over.

Swearing, slurring, sloppy drunk Dorinda again.

Bethenny paid all that money and ends up with a bedroom that looks like it's in a basement with those tiny windows way up by the ceiling.

Gasp! Only The Countess!

Will she be Mrs. Countless now?

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 2

I'm already exhausted of Carole setting a cup of her dogs actual shit on the camera store counter then sitting on their counter and having a full blown convo. Posing for pictures, bringing her dog in a store, dating someone much younger, etc etc etc she is a boundary pusher and it is her oxygen and she needs it and the attention to survive. Despise. She bugged me more than Bethenny and that says a lot.

She has 5 good summers left. Lee Radziwills sofa has more good summers ahead of it than Carole that thing is beautiful and nice to see it back.



Yes!  Menopause can play as much havoc with one's appearance as puberty does on the other end.  Carole is  over 50 now.   A lot of things can be said about Ramona, but the woman looks damn good for someone who is nearly 60.   Yeah, she's probably had some help but it doesn't look like anything major, plus her body is in very good shape considering her age.   It will be interesting to see how the others fare after another 5-10 years. 

  • Love 4

Did Bethany ask John if he was high for next week's epi? High on what is what I want to know! High on dry cleaning fumes or is he a coke head? Wonder if Dorinda hangs on to him because of her liking that shit?

On WWHL they showed a clip and BF asks John if he is high? Asks if he did some rails(coke)? So I guess she's going there.

I'm not watching this season but that clip looked crazy.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 2

On WWHL they showed a clip and BF asks John if he is high? Asks if he did some rails(coke)? So I guess she's going there.

I'm not watching this season but that clip looked crazy.

So, Dorinda and John are both drunk, Dorinda can barely speak and John and Bethenny are in a big fight about the Skinny Girl brand name. Bethenny tells John she can't have this conversation with someone wearing a Snoopy scarf so he pulls that off from around his neck. I laughed like crazy in Bethenny's talking head when she said something about John's looks."I really want a poster child for an amazing boyfriend just like you. You vision of loveliness. Prince Charles called, he wants you to fill in for him next week".  



  • Love 6

Bethenney has some pair of balls talking about people doing "rails."  If anybody gives off a coke head vibe it is that nasty POS. Skinny, nervous, combative, angry, can't hold a relationship just an all around nasty piece of work. Even it if is true how to you do that to someone on national TV? The man has a business for crying out loud. You know the producers got him liquored up and fed him  the info that these bitches were dissing him. They poked the bear and they got what they were looking for. John just said what everyone has posted here over and over again.

  • Love 18

Is there some New (Youngish) Girl handbook handed out to HWs by Bravo?  Jules is parroting the same bullshit as Meghan of the OC and Kristen.  None of these women are "elderly".  And, for the life of me, I cannot figure out why calling someone "menopausal" is used as an insult.  If a woman ages and goes through menopause, that means she's alive!  The alternative is death!  Hell, I look forward to menopause...maybe the acne will finally completely stop.  I strongly suspect these bitches who use "menopause" as an insult are the same bitches from middle school who shamed girls who started their periods at a younger age as "whores"; at least those girls had the excuse they were still tweens, not grown ass adults and ought to know better. 


Man, Dorinda did turn on a dime on John though.  Can't wait to see how that plays out, although with her increasing slurriness, I'm gonna need subtitles.

  • Love 13

I don't think it's unfounded, and I don't really care.  It matters not to me if they are recreational drug users in their free time.  They aren't flying my airplane, driving my taxi, treating me in the hospital, or teaching anybody's children.  Carole and friends like their pot, B likes her Adderall, and they all sure do like their alcohol. 


B is a bitter hag.  Frankel-y, she needs years of serious therapy to help her become a more relaxed, happy person who can enjoy the success she has achieved. 


I have more respect for John's dry cleaning business than B's so-called 'branding" of crap products no one is interested in and help no one with anything.  Or than the diet margarita idea she came up with, no one wants her products.  On the other hand, everyone yearns for a good dry cleaner.  He's not trying to squeeze money out of people by trying to come up with "disruptive" marketing techniques to fool people into thinking he's selling something desirable.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 17

In the second link, Bethenny obviously wants to drag Jules into agreeing that John was the villain in that skirmish, but Jules is trying to be Switzerland here and staying neutral. She's new in the group and I don't think she wants to join a coalition against John because she's friends with Dorinda. Jules is almost like a real friend! Who woulda thunk it? Bethenny got frustrated because Jules wouldn't immediately confirm that John was wrong and she was right. Jules just scored some points in my opinion for taking the high road.


And Luann's voice sounds like she's just about on the brink of having something terrible tragic physically.  If she's still smoking, and I was her doctor, I'd strongly advise her to stop immediately or she's going to end up with throat or lung cancer. These women aren't too smart if they're all still smoking cigarettes and I've seen Dorinda, Jules and Luann all smoking. What good is it to put on a $900 dress and $100 a bottle perfume if you're going to end up smelling like a dirty ashtray filled with cigarette butts?

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 5

Is there some New (Youngish) Girl handbook handed out to HWs by Bravo?  Jules is parroting the same bullshit as Meghan of the OC and Kristen.  None of these women are "elderly".  And, for the life of me, I cannot figure out why calling someone "menopausal" is used as an insult.  If a woman ages and goes through menopause, that means she's alive!  The alternative is death!  Hell, I look forward to menopause...maybe the acne will finally completely stop.  I strongly suspect these bitches who use "menopause" as an insult are the same bitches from middle school who shamed girls who started their periods at a younger age as "whores"; at least those girls had the excuse they were still tweens, not grown ass adults and ought to know better. 


Man, Dorinda did turn on a dime on John though.  Can't wait to see how that plays out, although with her increasing slurriness, I'm gonna need subtitles.

I couldn't agree with you more!   Elderly!?!  She made another obnoxious comment about being thin too. I could be wrong, but I suspect production encouraged her to make those remarks, letting her think viewers were going to love it, all the while setting her up to be the cast's new object of ridicule.   She doesn't really fit in with the others  so I'm wondering if she is being set up to be the new Alex or Cindy in the group.  

  • Love 2

In a weird way, Bethenny is kind of like the Tamra of RHONY to me. They're both the abrasive, blunt and unabashedly-in-your-face backbone of their shows. And prone to teary-eyed hysterics. So basically born for reality TV. Also, they're both arguably saner yet more devious than their screechier counterparts (Ramona and Vicki), which makes them more divisive.

  • Love 6

I love everything about this current fight! Dorinda sitting around in her tank top all drunkenly angry at Ramona looked like a 1950's boxer after a fight. Who do you root for in this madness? They're all terrible but so entertaining. John is brave to bring up the skinny girl lawsuit, wowza. I would say his next move is to become BFF with her ex Jason but unfortunately I don't see Jason going for that.

I hate myself for liking Carole's leather shorts outfit.

  • Love 6


I don't think Bethenny has a clue that people don't always have to have an opinion.  Bethenny making special needs and ESL comments is not humorous just bitchy.

Not to mention judgemental, bigoted, ignorant and flat out obnoxious.



In a weird way, Bethenny is kind of like the Tamra of RHONY to me. They're both the abrasive, blunt and unabashedly-in-your-face backbone of their shows. And prone to teary-eyed hysterics. So basically born for reality TV. Also, they're both arguably saner yet more devious than their screechier counterparts (Ramona and Vicki), which makes them more divisive.

I agree but also think that in both cases their on screen personas are completely calculated for screen time and camera effects. Yes, those may well be their  real personalities though god knows how anyone could stand them for more than 5 seconds were that true..oh, wait...right... So it's a case of laughing all the way to the bank and screw the consequences. I also point out that both women are still on their respective shows in prominent positions and cashing big checks. My guess is that it's all a cynical choice to bump up either their brands or their bank accounts.


Okay, I know...duh.

  • Love 4

I don't think Bethenny has a clue that people don't always have to have an opinion.  Bethenny making special needs and ESL comments is not humorous just bitchy. 

Well, on a Bravo Housewives show, I kinda think having an opinion is part of the job.





Not just having an opinion, STATING that opinion, of course on a lame show like RHBH this season, supposedly it's supposed to get someone else to state your opinion for you.  I'll take RHNY ladies was of doing than any day, say it yourself!

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 2

I confess I laughed at Ramona's bbq outfit.  There wasn't anything wrong with it, but that flannel shirt made her look as bulky as a stevedore because of her huge new boobs she's so damned proud of.  No matter how tiny a person is, if they have big boobs and put on a flannel shirt, they will look like a barrel because it is not a fitted shirt that shows the small waist.

  • Love 2

Since Bravo has abandoned First Look in favor of sneak peeks I brought this over here.

Bravo had this pretty benign clip up of the "psychic" and Dorinda is buying it hook line and sinker  Ramona comes in late and true to form she can't keep help herself.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-8/episode-6/videos/the-wives-visit-a-mediumagain

Ramona just can't help herself.


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I love that Ramona literally doesn't think shouting "thank God!" after the psychic said Dorinda wasn't going to marry John, was saying something mean about John. That said bringing up Mario was also incredibly bitchy.

I don't understand how Ramona has lived so long without picking up basic social cues and just barreled into the room middle of the reading was like a three year old who got a new toy.

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