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Carole Radziwill: She's a Real Princess!

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On 9/5/2018 at 11:30 PM, Jel said:

Today she's tweeting about how Bethenny makes money off girls she age shames and skinny shames. This from a woman who keeps herself so thin she cannot donate blood. 

The age shaming thing to me is weak sauce. I also hate the name SkinnyGirl, but I don't recall Carole ever having a problem with it until now. If she thought the brand name was fat shaming she probably should have said something before she started jetting around on all those Skinny Girl dollars. 

After tonight, I think Carole is just not that bright. 



  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Jel said:

Emaciation, cigs, and no pants?  SkinnyGirl looks a lot healthier by comparison.

When was this picture taken?

July 19th, 2018

2 hours ago, Rap541 said:

I'm just amused that Carole needs to express on social media how she has a new bestie and how she loves her new bestie so much! 

I wonder how long Cassandra will last?

For as long as Carole can milk it.

  • Love 9

I always find it interesting how people on the internet seem to go into overdrive when bashing a particular celebrity, but in the long run, they're only continuing to keep that person they loathe so much in the news, in the Google line up, and so on. Any press is good press for these ladies. If people don't like someone, probably the best way to get a dig in would be to stop talking about them, that way their name stops being at the top of the almighty search engine lists. Just an observation, though like everything, YMMV.

Edited by gingerella
  • Love 4

Yeah, the reunion show just aired and apparently there's one more episode of lost scenes to go so I think people are still allowed to post about Carole without being chided for living in the past. I mean, no one complains when chat gets slow so someone posts that one picture of Bethenny from three years ago wearing Bryn's pajamas. 

Edited by Rap541
  • Love 11
9 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Yeah, the reunion show just aired and apparently there's one more episode of lost scenes to go so I think people are still allowed to post about Carole without being chided for living in the past. I mean, no one complains when chat gets slow so someone posts that one picture of Bethenny from three years ago wearing Bryn's pajamas. 



  • Love 5
On 9/6/2018 at 12:16 AM, Jel said:

I appreciate your respectful disagreement. *I* think she works at it, if you don't that's ok with me :)

I don't care if she donates blood or not, just saying that the reason she gave is because she doesn't meet the weight requirement. And that I think she is intentionally keeping herself very thin, and in doing so, and being a celebrity, in her way she's contributing to the skinny bs that haunts women and girls, too. My opinion only.

I've always kind of thought this myself, but not wanted to comment on it. She constantly drinks diet coke, and even though she always talked about a junk-food diet before the marathon, it sort of seemed like she was just not "into" food -- so she probably did eat junk food, but not very much of it.

I have spent my fair share of time in contexts where dieting is considered a bit gauche and uncool, but all the women are rail thin by some amazing stroke of metabolism. A pretty common approach to food is not being interested in it, along with coffee and diet coke.

I remember that vodka, cucumbers, and butter joke, because that really, honestly sounded like the kind of combination someone with an eating disorder would think up. I know someone who was anorexic who used to get a huge kick out of having nothing but gin and olives in her kitchen. (I've also spent a lot of time around women with eating disorders.)

ETA: I am not saying Carole has an eating disorder. I just suspect that she works at her weight.

Edited by Frances
  • Love 6

 I’m honestly a little bummed about nu Carole. 

Liked her for the most - part-writer girl, boho style, chill vibe, dry wit. She had her noxious moments i.e. Aviva face grab, horrible treatment of Jules, Siamese twinning her bff of the season, and her trying to convince us she doesn’t know how to order eggs.  

But man, nu Carole was just wrong on all levels this season. Most obvious and shallow, was her “fashion” including her hair.

Do you think it was her attempt to mirror Tinsley? Adam dump? It can’t all be blamed on her enlarged hippocampus and/or evil Bethenny, right?

Going from her little house on the prairie dress in Montana (?) to thinking she looked good wearing those green fishing lure earrings and her goth/vintage/ weird dresses.

She seemed softer earlier and now a mix of Leona Helmsley & Joan Crawford.

Her whole persona was dark, aggressive, mean and weird. Was she going down last season and I missed it.

Jeez, Smoking and chain mail socks. Didn’t see this coming.

  • Love 14
10 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:



That's Rooney Mara, no? (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)

rooney mara.jpg


Mara's makeup was done by Pat McGrath, who has done a couple of shoots for Violet Grey, including January Jones (Betty Draper would be so proud of herself ;)


jones 2.jpg

Edited by film noire
  • Love 11
4 hours ago, film noire said:

That's Rooney Mara, no? (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)

rooney mara.jpg


Mara's makeup was done by Pat McGrath, who has done a couple of shoots for Violet Grey, including January Jones (Betty Draper would be so proud of herself ;)


jones 2.jpg

Now look what you've gone and done! LOL

Also, Pat McGrath is the whole damn truth. I'm so happy for her makeup line as though she's one of my family members lol.

  • Love 6

I'm so sick of Carole and her self-appointed role as the shaming police. She's the first one to call out someone for _____-shaming or bullying, but I seem to remember her doing a lot of voter-shaming and bullying a few years ago. She downright intellect-shamed Ramona on more than one occasion at that time. And by the way Carole, take it from someone who was adopted into a large Mohawk Indian family - they DON'T MIND BEING CALLED INDIANS. It's what they are. That's what they call themselves. It's insulting that you seem to think it's a dirty word.

  • Love 11
43 minutes ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

I thought it was entirely appropriate for the Coney Island parade.

Yeah -- when the parade organizers ask you to host as "Queen of the Mermaid Parade", you gotta be a mermaid -- for me, Lu gets the WTF award at this event. (She's the one I'd most expect to easily embody a gorgeous mermaidbut her costume fits badly, the chest and weird ropy/beading/ribbing thing is unflattering, the wrist guards, even the sunglasses aren't quite working -- WTF, Countess?  -- I bet her mermaid name is Evine :)

luann and son.jpg

Edited by film noire
  • Love 9
On 9/8/2018 at 8:32 AM, Mozelle said:

Now look what you've gone and done! LOL

Also, Pat McGrath is the whole damn truth. I'm so happy for her makeup line as though she's one of my family members lol.

I recently read (online) her number one make-up tip: apply foundation with fingertips, not sponges or brushes (the heat of your fingers gives it a natural translucent finish). As someone who wields make-up brushes with all the dexterity of an enraged Huck Finn painting a fence, I felt vindicated (vindicated, I tell you! ME AND PAT MCGRATH!!)

Judah Friendlander was Carole's King Neptune (eta: nice he got all dressed up -- is he wearing a Sawnja Showhizz garment under those shorts?)


Edited by film noire
  • Love 7
On 9/6/2018 at 8:31 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:


I want to be super sleuths like you guys when I grow up. How on earth do you find this stuff?

I hope the photo of Lizze Grubman and Bethenny is attached to this. Bethenny's boobs look better here. That is all.

ETA -well the photo isn't but you get the gist.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 3
On 9/6/2018 at 1:59 AM, biakbiak said:

It should also be acknowledged when passing judgment on Carole not being allowed to give blood, sexually active gay men still can’t easily donate. Giving blood has a lot of rules that has shit to do with actual health. I haven’t been able to do it in my adult life because of traveling that has nothing to do with my health.

I don't see these things as the same. I, for example, can't untravel to England for three months in 1980. That makes me ineligible as a blood donor because I might be carrying some prion disease that I could pass along to others. My exclusion is for the safety of the recipient. People who work hard to keep themselves so thin that they are excluded as possible candidates for their own health (vs. the recipient's) can change that. One is not within anyone's control, the other is.  But I'm not even saying I think she needs to gain weight so she can donate blood, what I am saying is criticizing a brand for its "skinny" promoting, coming from someone who is that skinny, is in-your-face hypocritical. 

(It's really not about the blood donating. I brought that up as a way to illustrate her own "skinniness".)

It's quite possible that Carole eats the recommended number of calories in a day for a woman her height and still stays that thin, there are always outliers. I believe PTV's own, Rosiejuliemom has identified herself as someone like that.  But I personally think, based on her age, the things I have seen her eat, and the way she eats, find that unlikely; she comes across to me as someone who works it. And even that is fine if that's what she wants to do, but don't shame Bethenny for promoting a skinnygirl lifestyle when she is living one herself. If I'm judging anything, it's her hypocrisy, not her status as a non-blood donor/greedy blood hoarder/blood bogarter ;)

  • Love 10

Watching S7 - Radzi refers to Heather as her "Best Friend". Not "One of my Best Friends".... so I guess Cassandra wasn't her bestie back then. I honestly find using the term Best Friend as a grown adult ridiculous. Sure, not unusual to have a friend you consider your closest friend, but I think it's a shatty term to use, as it lowers all your other friends. Be thankful you have a friend. Why the label? I get it when you're a kid. I don't get as a grown adult. Anywho - I'm guessing Heather is no longer Carole's "Best" friend, but she's a friend to roll out when people question "whatever happened to their friendship?" I'm guessing they see each other a handful of times, maybe, throughout the year... And honestly - I find Heather EXHAUSTING, so how Carole could spend copious amounts of time around her baffles me. Heather is always on, always loud, always has to be right, always competitive, always has to solve problems. I would think that would drive Carole nutty over time. But whatever. She has her list of "Besties" so we all know just how coveted Carole is. At least in some circles... not mine. Ha! anywhoodle...

  • Love 7
33 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

But, isn't the name SkinnyGirl more fat shaming than skinny shaming? As if her products are exclusively for skinny people or people desiring to be as skinny (emaciated, imo) as she is. 

Maybe? I honestly cannot keep up with all the various types of shaming and shaming-shaming that's going on these days. I recently read it's considered offensive by some to used gender based pronouns.  

Plus the whole idea that "shaming" people is so wrong. And the way the shame haters deal with that is by shaming the people who shame. And no one sees a problem with that?

  • Love 17
9 minutes ago, Jel said:

Maybe? I honestly cannot keep up with all the various types of shaming and shaming-shaming that's going on these days. I recently read it's considered offensive by some to used gender based pronouns.  

Plus the whole idea that "shaming" people is so wrong. And the way the shame haters deal with that is by shaming the people who shame. And no one sees a problem with that?

It's the same with "bullying". People calling the bullies names like "coward" or "thug" are, technically, bullying the bullies. And, to stay on topic, one could say Carole bullied Bethenny with her continuous accusations of being a bully.

  • Love 13
On 9/7/2018 at 6:51 PM, BodhiGurl said:

Who is Carole and Cassandra trying to prove their friendship to? Suddenly all these posts of them together or about each other? Why do they give a hoot who thinks what about their friendship other than themselves? Who cares what the RHONY audience thinks? Carole is no longer on the show... give it a rest already Yeesh. And all the declarations essentially of Carole accepting herself for who she is and how old she is and yet her face LITERALLY changed before our eyes because of anti aging botox/fillers/whatever the heck she did to her face. I watched some S5 episodes recently and the difference btwn then and now is startling... dare I admit I feel Carole had a unique beauty back then. She looked altered even then, but more natural than now... If she was truly accepting of her age and had no "shame" then why not stop with the fillers etc? I don't know who she's trying to fool or why they think this narrative is so important to get out. Lordt. They need to find a new hobby. Enjoy their lives of privilege and not give two f's about what people think...



Let's set a couple of things aside. First, it's not bashing and bullying to say that someone needs to have a best friend. It's not bashing and bullying to create a narrative that someone needs to have a best friend, even if that narrative is false. It's also not bashing and bullying to use that narrative as an explanation of why your friend started to distance themselves from you. Second, sometimes people just make up explanations for why things happened in the moment to explain it to themselves. The BFF comment might have been a bit exaggerated, but who cares? Children take labels like "best friend" super seriously -- it's like an occupation. Adults kind of throw that language around a bit more casually. All Bethenny seemed to mean was that there was something different about her relationship with Carole, and Carole seemed to be hanging out with Tinsley a lot. Carole latched on to this "BFF" and "thick as thieves" language and blew it up into something it didn't need to be.

But let's say Carole is right, and I'm wrong about the above. Let's say Bethenny actually slandered her by creating a narrative that "Carole's the kind of person who needs to have a best friend." Why on god's green earth is Carole going out of her way to prove Bethenny right? Carole makes no sense.

Edited by Frances
  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Frances said:


Let's set a couple of things aside. First, it's not bashing and bullying to say that someone needs to have a best friend. It's not bashing and bullying to create a narrative that someone needs to have a best friend, even if that narrative is false. It's also not bashing and bullying to use that narrative as an explanation of why your friend started to distance themselves from you. Second, sometimes people just make up explanations for why things happened in the moment to explain it to themselves. The BFF comment might have been a bit exaggerated, but who cares? Children take labels like "best friend" super seriously -- it's like an occupation. Adults kind of throw that language around a bit more casually. All Bethenny seemed to mean was that there was something different about her relationship with Carole, and Carole seemed to be hanging out with Tinsley a lot. Carole latched on to this "BFF" and "thick as thieves" language and blew it up into something it didn't need to be.

But let's say Carole is right, and I'm wrong about the above. Let's say Bethenny actually slandered her by creating a narrative that "Carole's the kind of person who needs to have a best friend." Why on god's green earth is Carole going out of her way to prove Bethenny right? Carole makes no sense.


But why does Bethenny care and take it to these lengths? ALL concerned on the show are children and need to GTFU! Bethenny does a good imitation of telling us something is or isn't important, but look at this drama; hitting 100+ pages after the season's over! Carole's made her mark here, there, & everywhere! Bethenny probably can't stand that even with satisfaction of Carole being let go! She looked so pleased; it was almost "Jack Nicholson" psycho-like! Put that face across from Batman and they wouldn't need to find pic of "The Joker!" I just SMH every time I see it! ;-)

Edited by Fiero425
  • Love 4
58 minutes ago, Frances said:


Let's set a couple of things aside. First, it's not bashing and bullying to say that someone needs to have a best friend. It's not bashing and bullying to create a narrative that someone needs to have a best friend, even if that narrative is false. It's also not bashing and bullying to use that narrative as an explanation of why your friend started to distance themselves from you. Second, sometimes people just make up explanations for why things happened in the moment to explain it to themselves. The BFF comment might have been a bit exaggerated, but who cares? Children take labels like "best friend" super seriously -- it's like an occupation. Adults kind of throw that language around a bit more casually. All Bethenny seemed to mean was that there was something different about her relationship with Carole, and Carole seemed to be hanging out with Tinsley a lot. Carole latched on to this "BFF" and "thick as thieves" language and blew it up into something it didn't need to be.

But let's say Carole is right, and I'm wrong about the above. Let's say Bethenny actually slandered her by creating a narrative that "Carole's the kind of person who needs to have a best friend." Why on god's green earth is Carole going out of her way to prove Bethenny right? Carole makes no sense.


YES - Carole makes no sense and made no sense during the reunion. 

She thought she was so clever, organizing and preparing her "Dream Team" with one goal in mind........to take down Bethenny.    She failed!



Edited by AnnA
  • Love 14
15 minutes ago, AnnA said:

YES - Carole makes no sense and made no sense during the reunion. 

She thought she was so clever, organizing and preparing her "Dream Team" with one goal in mind........to take down Bethenny.    She failed!



Oh...someone must have forgot to give us the memo that she was holding Bethenny "accountable." That's not what I thought accountability means, but I am not the kind of girl who is very, very, very sane and has a huge hippocampus.

I just remembered Teddi Mellencamp and her accountability coach business. Can't stop thinking Carole should send in her stellar resume. Or maybe she already did and the reunion was like an audition.

  • Love 7
53 minutes ago, AnnA said:

YES - Carole makes no sense and made no sense during the reunion. 

She thought she was so clever, organizing and preparing her "Dream Team" with one goal in mind........to take down Bethenny.    She failed!



That wedding dress makes the skinny girl look less skinny. Which I guess is good, because she looks skinny enough to wear her young daughter’s pajamas.

I never really realized it until now but our Carole really is a bit of a star-fucker, hanger on-er, Zelig type. No? She's nothing if she's not bffs/married to/sleeping with someone cooler or more famous or more successful than she. And is therefore cool via proximity. And the second you call her on it she's off to the next one. And I say that as someone who used to LOVE me some Carole and thinks What Remains is wonderful. She's just so aloof that you don't notice it right away.

  • Love 23
9 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Oh Carole!


IDK - it doesn't really look like Carole to me.  Where are the buck teeth she can barely keep her lips closed over?  Where are the close-set eyes?  Plus, her collar bones have too much meat on them to be Carole.

P.S. Good gawd, may I never hear the word narrative again!

Edited by Anne Thrax
  • Love 3

OK, so Carole made a huge, big, woop-de-doo announcement on her twitter that she's signed with Verve -- and this is supposed to be her showing Bethenny she's got a career? 

Er, except . . . what the fuckety fuck is Verve?  Well, reading further comments, it's apparently some kind of agency -- and no, nothing about a job or career.  So why do this?  Seems premature & desperate to me.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 15
9 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

OK, so Carole made a huge, big, woo-de-doo announcement on her twitter that she's signed with Verve -- and this is supposed to be her showing Bethenny she's got a career?  Er, except . . . what the fuckety fuck is Verve?  Well, reading further comments, it's apparently some kind of agency -- and no, nothing about a job or career.  So why do this?  Seems premature & desperate to me.

I agree it's desperate. And hypocritical, but no surprises there. She knows a lot of people will assume that she landed a new job, so she's trying to create a narrative by implication. Signing with an agency suggests she's looking for new projects. Kind of wondering about two possible scenarios: One is that she just signed up with the new agency so she could make a big announcement and keep the drama going. The second is that she knew she was at loose-ends career-wise all along, and just constructed this huge drama with Bethenny to get her name in the media spotlight (and she doesn't actually mind that the press she's getting is negative).

  • Love 10
On 8/26/2018 at 10:00 PM, lunastartron said:

Carole has been a pretty perfect match for this cohort of women and the franchise at large precisely because she’s not a quinquagenarian “girl” who lay down with dogs and got fleas but, rather, a pig who’s reveled in shit from the beginning of her tenure on the show. 

Since her first season, she’s lobbed vile grenades at colleagues and acquaintances who have done her no ill  with all of the casual smugness and self-satisfaction of an especially puerile tween farting in an elevator. 

From more or less immediately ridiculing LuAnn’s immutable biological characteristics (“pumpkin head”; “I heard two male voices; one belonged to LuAnn”) way before any substantive conflict erupted between them to sneering that Dorinda’s boyfriend is “sweaty and misshapen,” she certainly hasn’t shied away from shaming others for their physical appearance. 

That would be despicable enough, but it takes a genuinely sick and malicious moral fiber (or lack thereof) to stage whisper “it’s hard to watch her eat” and “I don’t know about eating disorders but I know about denial” in front of a recovering anorexic let alone reference the near-fatal abuse a friend once suffered from a romantic partner in order to explain why said friend was unexpectedly more composed during a shared experience. Or, just as disgustingly, use the premature deaths of of a spouse and other loved ones to deride the pain of a former friend because she hasn’t personally endured losses of that magnitude.

Personality aside, Widow’s Guide was completed during Carole’s maiden season. For what has she been using the show as a platform since? Selling her “gently used” clothes on Poshmark, conducting seances on other reality cable programming to communicate with the spirits of friends who died two decades ago, and slinging donuts in the park. She certainly didn’t fulfill her contractual obligation to produce a second book per the terms of the deal on which the publisher also wouldn’t have come close to recouping the advance it paid for Widow’s Guide.

As for her erudition and intellect, Carole can sure pontificate about cultural and political topics ... just not intelligently if her grotesquely colonialistic and misinformed attempts to play white savior on behalf indigenous Americans is any indication (yup, plenty of Indians “above the third grade” apply that term of choice to themselves and aren’t served by a #richwhitegirl issuing prouncements about and/or policing “racial vanity”). 

Similarly, clutching one’s pearls about “misogyny” and “ageism” doesn’t have quite the same credibility after one has giggled “I didn’t know if she was adopting him or dating him” about a co-worker; speculated about the precise weight and figure of a recovering anorexic on national television; and rationalized that being called a “slut” is “hot” in order to defend an ally shrieking that epithet at the top of her lungs as well as contriving to sexually humiliate a common foe in every way possible. 

Like the thug in a cocktail dress that she is, she has turned on Bethenny and Andy on her way out not because of any moral awakening but because their own varieties of vileness are no longer in service to and convenient for her.


13 hours ago, lunastartron said:

LYLAS, @KungFuBunny. You’re too kind! I like to imagine said virtual applause accompanied by slur-bellows of “Jovani!” ? But truly: mostest thanks. 


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