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Yolanda Hadid: My Love, My Lemons, My Lyme Disease.

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The problem that I see, is that even had Lisa looked at it, I don't know she would understand what she was looking at or for. Like what type of test was done and, MOST IMPORTANT IMO, where was the test done? Was it a reputable lab and/or a reputable Dr.? JMO

It was probably just a sheet of paper with each their names an = and 120 point font LYME DISEASE!

  • Love 13

I would feel the same because it doesn't mean she hasn't been wallowing in the attention and at best willfully exgeratting for more attention. I like nearly everyone else on this thread and the housewives believe she was ill. What, how, etc. is questioned because of the way she tells the stories (which can easily be proven to be innacurate) and spreads bullshit science.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 15

She posted a new pic of her new haircut. . .    https://www.instagram.com/p/BBVpAsOIs2O/?taken-by=yolandahfoster

Those look like some brand new highlights to me and the roots don't seem as apparent!!  Especially when you compare it to the pic she posted wanted to know what to do with her hair.  


Wait maybe one of her friends came over to "HELP" her and happened to have some organic hair color.

Am I the only who wonders why she wears a down vest indoors?  I mean if she is missing her fuller breasts why not wear a padded bra? 

  • Love 7

I don't get what she wants people to DO for her.  Bring her fruit baskets she won't eat unless it's full of lemons?  Walk the dog she doesn't have?  Clean David's apartment, which he probably already contracts with a cleaning service to do?  Grocery shopping for groceries she doesn't eat?  Do her laundry - all whites with hot water and bleach?  Those are the kinds of things friends can do to help a sick friend, but Yo doesn't need anyone to do that. 


If she means come over with an extra latte and gossip, she needs "real" friends for that, not Hollywood friends, and she's been clear that these Ho's are just Hollywood friends.  Except for Brandi who brought her one cup of coffee once during the 9, 11, 18 months she wasn't walking.

It seems when someone comes over she can't wait to tell them how tired she is (unless of course it is Erika) and then she and Erika think it appropriate to talk about things that are negative.  If Yolanda is so sold on this Lyme Disease diagnosis why does she care what others are saying?  For the amount of time she has spent with doctors she must know that if doctors can't agree why would her friends Hollywood or otherwise?


Yolanda waves around a manilla envelope, Lisa declines to look at the contents.


I think LVP was sparing Yolanda the close up and then 100 blog sites dissecting what was written.  I don't think LVP has ever doubted the diagnoses, I think she is suspect of timing.

God, with all her 'weekly' treatments, I wonder what her total treatment bills are a year.  I say treatment because what she does is not 'medical'.  No wonder she and David called it quits.  It's too bad she doesn't add a Psychiatrist to the list of her 'weekly's' because she needs one quite badly. 


If many of us find it exhausting to watch her for a limited time on the show, can you imagine what it must be like to live with or be her family? 

I wish just one of the women would have the courage to say, Yolanda we enjoyed working with you but all you are about is either not feeling well or your kids' modeling careers or absent David.  Need to broaden your scope.  Yolanda was all over LVP for her focus in trying to open PUMP and not paying well of course,Yolanda, enough attention.  Of course that would have been the day designed to paint pictures for her Gigi's apartment.  This would be painting pictures by people the kid doesn't know for the most part.  I will say she and David have gotten better about not forcing the others to pay homage to David when they arrive at the annually mandated dinner party.  The only one she has enough energy to give once a year.  Of course when she does, she is hands on all over it because only Yolanda can set the perfect table and create the perfect masterpiece.


This will sound like it was written by a strong supporter of Yolanda, which it is not.  I have wondered over the past few days how we (including myself) would feel if it turned out that Yolanda suffers from an advanced case of Lyme disease made worse by toxins from leaking breast implants?

It would change the way she has presented herself and I think this is a pretty big "if" at this point.  I do believe Yolanda has decided the only cure for these maladies is her being credited with bringing awareness.  There is a slippery slope in all of this-what happens the day public opinion is swayed that she gave into junk science?  Will the masses be doubting her credibility or see her as a victim?  At this point she seems oblivious to any skepticism regarding her condition.

  • Love 8

I think the document said "Bella and Anwar have Lyme's Disease.  Signed Epstein's mother".


I don't think Yo has Munchausen.  More and more I think this was calculated (miscalculated) as she knew her marriage to the king was crumbling.  There was a prenup in place, so to get more money, claim some sort of disability where she is unable to earn a living (plus get public sympathy).  Could also have been a ploy to keep the king from leaving earlier.   Once she gets her settlement, my magic ball with special crystals from the dollar store says that she'll have an amaaaaazing (tm Mauricio) recovery.  She'll try to spin that into a lifestyles show, showcasing her home remedies and natural lifestyle, featuring lemons and all her quack friends.

Edited by hoosier80
  • Love 14

After declining to look at the tests, Lisa will probably echo Mo's words about not discussing the kids' health - I guess we'll see next week.

Yolanda's kids are publicly figures-not because of who they are related to-but because they are all paid models signed with agencies. So once Yolanda let it slip or maybe it was intentional she can't put the genie back in the bottle.   


My guess is Mohamed is probably complicit in talking smack about Yolanda and the Lyme Disease.  With all the experimental treatments and Yolanda's tendency to exaggerate there is just a wealth of material out there.  We only know the public stuff.  I believe Yolanda probably told Mohamed the non-Gigis have Lyme Disease and he filed it away with Ken assaulted Yolanda file.  I doubt he would ever mention it to LVP because he took no stock in it.  I also think this lovey, dovey combined family stuff has far more to do with making things pleasant for the kids rather any real desire to spend time with Yolanda.  Of course, I feel like once Anwar finishes high school and moves to New York, there would be no reason for Yolanda to remain in LA.  Her kids are there and the Lyme specialist-what more could she ask for?   

I'd guess that the vest gave her some padding for protection after the surgery, yet didn't bind.

She lays in bed what kind of protection would she need?  It is not as if she is playing tackle football.

  • Love 11

Since Yoyo is the most special snowflake out there, she would be that unique person who is able to stretch the syndrome til her kids reach social secuity ages.

That being said, I think that she is just a spoiled hypochodriac, at this moment.

And she revels in her sicknesses, real or imagined.

Now I wish there was a "love" button. Not just a "like".

  • Love 4

She posted a new pic of her new haircut. . .    https://www.instagram.com/p/BBVpAsOIs2O/?taken-by=yolandahfoster

Those look like some brand new highlights to me and the roots don't seem as apparent!!  Especially when you compare it to the pic she posted wanted to know what to do with her hair.  


Wait maybe one of her friends came over to "HELP" her and happened to have some organic hair color.

Yah, I don't get this with WoFo.

There is organic make up...ask Shannon Beador. Is there organic hair color? I'm sure there is, or some type of organic materials you can use to highlight. Why doesn't she just let her hair go? It looks very dark under that salon blonde, so I would think she would just go natural. If it's gray, that seems to be hip again these days.

While organic solutions might not give you that perfection she is accustomed to, if she is truly serious about ditching toxins but wants to continue with make up, dye and nail color, go organic!! You are in CA, easy access to those products.

  • Love 3

I'd guess that the vest gave her some padding for protection after the surgery, yet didn't bind.

Speaking from being s/p mastectomy with 32 node resection....the thought of anyone bumping into those puppies...yowza. If Yo is truly shocked about people questioning her, she is clearly not reading her social media responses. I know this was filmed months ago but people have been speculating about the veracity of her claims since last year.

  • Love 6

Speaking from being s/p mastectomy with 32 node resection....the thought of anyone bumping into those puppies...yowza. If Yo is truly shocked about people questioning her, she is clearly not reading her social media responses. I know this was filmed months ago but people have been speculating about the veracity of her claims since last year.

I think Yolanda see/reads what she WANTS to see and not what is actually written AND/OR she calls them "ignorant/uneducated" and lets her supporters go at them. JMO

  • Love 8

When she said "how about helping me?" I couldn't believe how ungrateful she revealed herself to be. She's a very wealthy woman who doesn't need to work ever again, she has domestic staff, she's got Daisy the lymesploiter, she spares no expense on her medical treatment, yet she feels as though people could reasonably be expected to be doing more for her?!

LOLOL...I learn so many new vocabulary words here!


I think Yo has always felt that she is several notches better than the other wives.  Many of her own talking heads are about how true, empathetic, wise, strong, etc. she is.  If you have to constantly say it, you're trying to convince yourself of it.  When Yo first came on the show, I thought she was indeed the breath of fresh air this case needed.  Now, I'm kind of scared of the next thing she'll say or do.

  • Love 8

For the love of God can somebody please pacify this woman by using their energy to go and take care of her?

Help her get dressed. Wash her hair. Bake her a cake, or pick up a bag of almonds, or better yet lemons. 

Take care of her fan mail. Pre- program her favorite TV shows to record. Put her medications in alphabetical order.

Buy her a therapy puppy. Train it.  Read her a bedtime story.

At the very least bring her a casserole, for crying out loud.

What kind of Hollywood friends are these people?

Edited by Happy Camper
  • Love 15

IDK what good looking at whatever papers WoeYo produced could have done. Just from reading a few things I know testing for Lyme is not reliable. It is negative, then positive, there are false positives and false negatives. I would rather not look at a minor's private info. If their Father says they are fine, I would believe him since their Mother has, well, whatever she has and a fluid relationship the truth. IMO

  • Love 12

Well, as stated somewhere else, I think Lisa should have ripped opened the envelope and read the diagnosis.  Unfortunately,  Lisa wouldn't understand them.  None of them would.


But in my imaginary world of calling out Yo, the 'clinical' diagnosis would have come from one of Yo's quack doctors and Lisa would call her out on it.  As well as the clinical diagnosis of the non Gigi's having suppressed immune systems due to Yo breast feeding them while having silicone implants.  And then Lisa goes into why this is all BS.  Yo would have no response because she wasn't prepared and verbally stumbled.


I know.  I'm terrible.  But she has this quack doctor in charge of  her medical care as well as her two children.  Someone has to do an intervention with her and Mohammad is the one.  I think he's just biding his time.  The girls are in NY and Anwar will be gone soon as well.  He did have David but David flew the coop.  I would love to be a fly on the wall and hear the conversations between Mohammad, his children and David when Yo isn't around. 


I'm not saying the kids didn't have Lyme but can you imagine how screwed up it is for them?  Mom is a freakin whacko but they love her.  She's their mom. 

  • Love 9

I think the document said "Bella and Anwar have Lyme's Disease.  Signed Epstein's mother".



Hilarious!  And probably pretty close to the truth!


I wouldn't put much stock in any documents that she produced.  It's easy enough to make something look official when it's actually total bullshit, and I have no doubt that Yolanda would do that.  Personally, in her shoes, if I really was so ill, the last thing I would be using my energy on would be providing evidence in an effort to convince anyone that I, myself, or my children truly had a diagnosis of any kind.  Who the hell cares what people think?  If I'm ill, and 2 of my kids are suffering too, then I pretty much have my hands full with things that actually matter.  The fact that she would even go to the trouble tells me that her priorities are clearly elsewhere.  Not that this is news, by any means!  I think that's been apparent for quite awhile.

  • Love 11

What LVP should have done was rip open the envelope with one hand even as she got her phone in the other and called up a doctor friend while Yolanda had to sit and listen to LVP breaking down whatever docu-lies Yolanda is trying to spin. 


And what is really pathetic is if everything was on the up and up, what kind of parent does camera time for her children's health issues like that?  If she was perfectly healthy in every other way she still would be once sick individual. 


I think in this day of too much information though she is setting those kids up for a huge fall.  Especially Bella since it seems she has decided that crackpot Mom has hit the fame ladder running with this.  There are already so many cracks in Yolanda's stories and chronologies and now with the added element of her kids, something is going to give.  Yolanda can scamper off to privacy and re-group and still has the implant leakage to fall back on.  Bella?  A lackluster teen career as model and rider derailed by a DUI.  Maybe her current b-status it-girl popularity will weather that storm.  But unlike the Kardashians, this family of famewhores does not have an entire network financially invested in them.  And other than Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks how many models have truly jumped into pop culture that goes beyond the model scope?  Even Chrissy Teigen (sp) is more of a Barker's Beauty with lines on the Lipsync show and that isn't riding a huge wave of ratings hidden on Spike as it is.


If Dr. Klingfeldt is the one who provided Yolanda with whatever papers are in the envelope, I do wish LVP had opened them as she might have been able to go into the reunion with a little more ammo.  I hope if Yolanda is there and tries to wearily pontificate on her woes from her Ikea Cross of Martyrdom, someone brings up what a crack pot he is.  I hate to say this but it is a shame that Brandi is on Yolanda's side because she would be the one to really go all out on the attack.  Figures that heinous and hideous meet and become show besties.

  • Love 7

I think both of these young women are at a huge risk of being churned up and forgotten.  Just like so many of the hundreds that have a year or two of being in demand and then fade away.  Models in general, even those much more successful as models right out the gate have a very short shelf life.  Let alone those that want to make the leap to pop culture status that touches into just pure celebrity.  Esoteric looks like Bella have to bring the industry to them sadly.  That's not on Bella.  That is on the fact that the Barbara Palvins and Luma Grothes are still the new faces that manage to conform and stay individual at the same time (one reason why I am still baffled by the singular dead look that Kendall Jenner sports in pretty much every editorial I have seen --as a runway mannequin I get it -- as a print model not really)  Having a signature look that doesn't meld can make for a moments success but not a career's.  I think the jury is out for awhile on whether either of these women's look takes hold strong enough to still be in demand a year from now.  Or whether it can become iconic like Gemma Ward or Christie Turlington who still is getting well paid work.  I think Luma stands a chance of being the next big thing that lasts since she manages to be classicly beautiful and yet exotic and different at the same time.


But what I was really touching on it weird synergy that the Hadid girls and the likes of Kendall Jenner are doing well now but I am not sure how long it can last in an industry that may be superficial but is also incredibly unforgiving.  The attempt to be famous and be a famous model at the same time might turn the industry against them at the end of the day.  And there are plenty of deep entrenched aspects of fashion they have already rubbed a little wrong if the current run up to the various fashion weeks are true.  Bella is said to be incredibly unprofessional even as she is still in some ways Gigi Hadid's sister in the better paid gigs.  And Bella was known to be looking for a famous person to date long before Gigi got into the game.  In many ways what they have done has worked.  But Gigi was modelling a bit before the pop culture take over attempt.  Bella did not have much success in getting interest.  And many see them as reverse engineering the process.  Being famous which lets them spring board to modeling.  Actresses do it.  But they have something to fall back on. 


  The really sad thing about Bella is I think Bella has taken a back seat to Gigi in the Fame Game in her mother's eyes too long.  And it already has an affect on her and could for some time.  And hence the Lyme-aid to her mother.  I still find it almost tragically interesting that the two younger kids who have been said and seen to be pushed aside when Yolanda got the show and Gigi had just gotten the Guess Girl campaign are the ones to have Lyme and Gigi almost has an unspoken 'hell no' to that.


Oh and I'm not discounting or disagreeing with one thing you said by the way LIMOM, just clarifying where I see the mess that could be the Hadid's trying to ride the horse of celebrity and never realizing it is a carousel pony.

  • Love 6

It's obviously Yoyo's world, and we are mere mortals who should consider ourselves lucky to live in it.

She is obviously just a "topper". No matter what happens to someone else or what they do, Yo has/does it best, worst, most, least, hardest, etc. she has to "beat" everyone else to make herself feel superior. For someone who proclaims to focus on love, peace, and nature, Yo is just an extremely toxic person. I wouldn't want to be her "friend".

  • Love 9

I think both of these young women are at a huge risk of being churned up and forgotten. Just like so many of the hundreds that have a year or two of being in demand and then fade away. Models in general, even those much more successful as models right out the gate have a very short shelf life. Let alone those that want to make the leap to pop culture status that touches into just pure celebrity. Esoteric looks like Bella have to bring the industry to them sadly. That's not on Bella. That is on the fact that the Barbara Palvins and Luma Grothes are still the new faces that manage to conform and stay individual at the same time (one reason why I am still baffled by the singular dead look that Kendall Jenner sports in pretty much every editorial I have seen --as a runway mannequin I get it -- as a print model not really) Having a signature look that doesn't meld can make for a moments success but not a career's. I think the jury is out for awhile on whether either of these women's look takes hold strong enough to still be in demand a year from now. Or whether it can become iconic like Gemma Ward or Christie Turlington who still is getting well paid work. I think Luma stands a chance of being the next big thing that lasts since she manages to be classicly beautiful and yet exotic and different at the same time.

But what I was really touching on it weird synergy that the Hadid girls and the likes of Kendall Jenner are doing well now but I am not sure how long it can last in an industry that may be superficial but is also incredibly unforgiving. The attempt to be famous and be a famous model at the same time might turn the industry against them at the end of the day. And there are plenty of deep entrenched aspects of fashion they have already rubbed a little wrong if the current run up to the various fashion weeks are true. Bella is said to be incredibly unprofessional even as she is still in some ways Gigi Hadid's sister in the better paid gigs. And Bella was known to be looking for a famous person to date long before Gigi got into the game. In many ways what they have done has worked. But Gigi was modelling a bit before the pop culture take over attempt. Bella did not have much success in getting interest. And many see them as reverse engineering the process. Being famous which lets them spring board to modeling. Actresses do it. But they have something to fall back on.

The really sad thing about Bella is I think Bella has taken a back seat to Gigi in the Fame Game in her mother's eyes too long. And it already has an affect on her and could for some time. And hence the Lyme-aid to her mother. I still find it almost tragically interesting that the two younger kids who have been said and seen to be pushed aside when Yolanda got the show and Gigi had just gotten the Guess Girl campaign are the ones to have Lyme and Gigi almost has an unspoken 'hell no' to that.

Oh and I'm not discounting or disagreeing with one thing you said by the way LIMOM, just clarifying where I see the mess that could be the Hadid's trying to ride the horse of celebrity and never realizing it is a carousel pony.

I hadn't heard that Bella was unprofessional. I thought that she was a bit short..( for runway)

But then I still can't believe that Kate Moss became the icon that she is...

So anything is possible. Lol

Gigi has a look that is liked in the French houses and when I saw Bella pics from Chanel, I thought that she had good potential.

Anyways, Fashion and modeling is so fickle and so much is based on timing and connections.

Especially nowadays, when Kenner is chosen to represent Chanel (shame!)

Edited by LIMOM
  • Love 1

While it is true these girls (Jenner and Hadid) are beautiful, I truly believe they are hired as much, if not more, for their name as for their looks. There are thousands of girls just as beautiful and exotic looking but who do not have the public interest due to reality show notoriety. I'm sure designer houses hope that notoriety translates into free publicity, and ultimately more sales.

  • Love 6

So Bella is the Frank Stallone of the modeling world. These kids are all born into real wealth so they will be ok if they never work another day in their lives. If one of our kids were disabled they would have to apply for disability benefits where the documented proof requires more Dr Lyme sold me this ion generator so it must be true ( and the note from Epsteins's mother). Think back to that psychology class you had to take as a freshman....Maslow's hierarchy of needs. All their physical needs are meet so they have time to sit around and compare ailments. As I've stated before I do beleive that Yo may have another, as yet undiagnosed, chronic condition. The kids? Not so much. That transition to adulthood can be difficult and what better way to delay that then a hall pass for Lyme. I also find Yo's attempt to infantalize her children very odd. The snuggling with Anwar and the sick bed selfie with Bella. Are they being sick to meet Yo's needs? Sorry, I'm rambling or Lymesplaining.

  • Love 13

To my untrained eye I think Kendall Jenner is stunning.  Gigi has this thing that she does with her eyes that irritates me.  When she is at rest her eyes are quite narrow and slit like -like mom's.  I think years of practice has taught her how to have the wide eyed look without looking like she has been scared out of her wits or have her eyebrows arch way up.  I also think with Gigi and Bella they are at the top end of "sample sizes".  Gigi claims she is going to change the face of fashion because she has boobs, thighs and hips.  (Yawn) 


Mohamed seems bright and I would think after maximum exposure Gigi and event he non-Gigis would be better off launching their own products and empires.  Supposedly, Paris Hilton's various endeavors topped the $1.5 BILLION dollar mark.  I think the Hadids will be around the next ten years because they come from parents with huge egos-the only wrench in their plans is if any of them decide to have children.  We will probably see third generation modeling.  Designer sonograms might be their first launch.

  • Love 7

Yolanda needs a hobby or even better a job.

in the grand scheme of things, she is not that unique.

Many women her age experience the empty nest syndrome however most women are busy making a living, taking care of their aging parents.

Not everyone has the luxury of worrying about mondane things like Yolanda and her endless pursuits of medical chimera.

Seriously, Yolanda does not realize how privileged, she truly is, IMO.

  • Love 5

I agree Snappy.  There is a new formula going on here.  And Bella adds a new ingredient.  In the first storming of the NY modeling agencies by Yolanda and her girls it was said that Gigi got interest and Bella got nothing but one comped photo shoot.  Jenner used her 'fame' to get in the door.  But the Hadids seem to be doing it even different in a slight way.  With Jenner it seemed to be the chosen field because she is pretty dim by all accounts since her parents pretty much folded on any attempts to educate her and her sister in their early teens.  Modeling was an accepted "famous' job that adds glamour and the sense of being elite that the Kardashian-Jenners so crave.  But Gigi and now especially Bella seem to not just be models thanks to fame connections, but then seem to be going in a circle that feeds on itself of being famous because they are models.  I think that is why I am wary of how successful they can be in the modeling field with that type of attitude.  Maybe the celebutant will truly make a long lasting niche in the field and it will be a mutually acceptable relationship.  But I think it is fraught with even more potential for the industry to turn on an individual as well as the simple fickle nature of what is in and what is out in pop culture. 


The jump from model to just "star" is even harder.   Cara Delevingne is by all reports as hungry for attention and hoping to spread across as many platforms of star making as she can.  And she isn't finding it as smooth as the initial burst might have led her to believe.  And yet she comes from being a huge even if in the moment model.  With Bella and Gigi and Jenner they are already known in some ways.  So transitioning past "just modeling" I have to think could be a lot tougher no matter how all over the place they are now.  Because they are already known if that makes sense.  It could be just like how Tyler Perry and Kim Kardashian thought her being in one of his movies for even a small role would build off each other's fame and make it huge.  Not so much.  People might already have them defined by what they had going into the modeling world.  Reality show Celebutant. 


Plus there is the slight oddity of how Bella's face will mature with the work she has had.  Many end up looking fine.  But I have seen some real odd looking faces thanks to have too much sculpting at too young of an age.  Some of the Russian Oligarch trophy wives I met last year had me worried their bodyguards would beat me up after the offense of letting my jaw hit the floor (have time?  find those Russian social media accounts that show the huge daily rose bouquets they receive and then look for the fur draped selfie -- do it where a spontaneous scream won't alarm anyone) .  I mentioned Christy Turlington in an above post.  Mainly because I saw a bit on her on an Italian television show about a Month ago as the pending shows in Milan had all things fashion being focused on.  Just seeing how her face matured from when she first started to being a true supermodel even before George Michael helped push that group into a level really not seen before or since in the fashion world.  And I'm pretty sure it was just nature.  I hate to sound like a broken record but people like Yolanda seem to think that a procedure done on a teen is going to "fix" something.  Well successful plastic surgeons get that way in good part thanks to repeat customers.  I'm guessing that it might be a good bet that whoever did Bella's work sees her as a long term investment.

  • Love 3

You can always tell a girl born pretty as opposed to one made pretty.

Christy did not have work done to launch her career. She was born this way.

Gigi was extremely photogenic as a young age. Her guess kids campaign was successful.

As far as the Jenner girl, her body is perfect for the runway, her walking and face did improve.

She comes out flat in print, IMO

The Calvin Klein campaign is good...

  • Love 4

Gigi was making a go of modeling before her mother's first RHOBH episodes aired, but the cultivated fame sure did help her end up where she is now. She's on the heavy side for a model though, and for all her talk about about how she wouldn't be losing weight, she did end up losing weight. Bella doesn't have the blonde hair blue eyed looks or delicate and exotic features that Gigi has, her body is no better and her head is large for a model. Bella would not have been signed to an agency if Gigi hadn't become an "it girl". Kendall has a more runway body than the Hadids, but her face is kind of blah, and she can't manage anything other than "dead eyes" in her print work.

  • Love 3

You can always tell a girl born pretty as opposed to one made pretty.

Christy did not have work done to launch her career. She was born this way.

Gigi was extremely photogenic as a young age. Her guess kids campaign was successful.

As far as the Jenner girl, her body is perfect for the runway, her walking and face did improve.

She comes out flat in print, IMO

The Calvin Klein campaign is good...

I think what made Kendall work is she has the wide set eyes and perfect shape face and of course the long torso.  Here is a side by side of Gigi and Kendall-not a fan of Kendall's lipstick and thankfully she is not doing the kissy-fish face:  https://www.google.com/search?q=kendall+jenner+and+gigi+hadid&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&rlz=1I7NDKB_enUS584&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjOzZ70_-DKAhXKuRQKHUcDAzkQ_AUIBygB&biw=1391&bih=700#imgrc=rOuZWnRHKUNptM%3A

  • Love 2

I think Yo sees modeling as a springboard to a rich husband.  As long as Gigi and the Other One marry rich, I'm sure Yo will consider them the Best Models Evah to catwalk.


Personally, I don't see that models have much of a shelf life unless they truly were supermodels at one time.  Even then, the public is fickle and on to the next best thing soon enough, if they ever even knew a model's name to begin with or cared. 

  • Love 5

It's interesting how all the OC wives wanted documentation of Brooks' cancer, and how he would slowly, reluctantly leak details of his medical history. Here's a PET scan from years ago. Here's an x-ray of questionable origin. Here are some notes from the doctor dontpayattentiontotheweirdspacingitsfine. 


Meanwhile, Yolanda is all but screaming "PLEASE LOOK AT DA OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS PLEASE AND REFER TO PAGE THREE LINE C-15 PLEASE" and no one wants to see them. I can't stand Meghan King Edmunds AKA Meghan P.I.--but it would be some damn good TV to hear her take on Yolanda's medical choices because I am absolutely certain she'd be like "I called and Dr. So-and-So studied under Dr. Such-and-Such who lost his medical license in 1987 and continued to teach under an assumed name at an unaccredited university. Also, if you would check the color coded tabs I've provided in this 3,000 page binder, you'll find evidence that the doctor's diploma was issued by a disgraced notary public who is now incarcerated at Iowa State Penitentiary. Upon establishing a pen-pal relationship with said ex-notary...."

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 18

her head is large for a model


Not Gigi and a too-large head? This poor child ...



 I can't stand Meghan King Edmunds AKA Meghan P.I.--but it would be some damn good TV to hear her take on Yolanda's medical choices because I am absolutely certain she'd be like "I called and Dr. So-and-So studied under Dr. Such-and-Such who lost his medical license in 1987 and continued to teach under an assumed name at an unaccredited university. Also, if you would check the color coded tabs I've provided in this 3,000 page binder, you'll find evidence that the doctor's diploma was issued by a disgraced notary public who is now incarcerated at Iowa State Penitentiary. Upon establishing a pen-pal relationship with said ex-notary...."



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And what is really pathetic is if everything was on the up and up, what kind of parent does camera time for her children's health issues like that?

Very pathetic, and kind of disgusting.


It does seem rather miraculous that GiGi is the only one who escaped the Lyme. Maybe Yo and the NGs should inject themselves with some of the superior one's blood or something.

  • Love 7

Neither of these girls need to model OR land a rich husband. They are set for life. I've never understood why Yo seemed so eager for them to do both, but it seemed to come from a genuine place of being concerned about money.

. Also, if you would check the color coded tabs I've provided in this 3,000 page binder, you'll find evidence that the doctor's diploma was issued by a disgraced notary public who is now incarcerated at Iowa State Penitentiary. Upon establishing a pen-pal relationship with said ex-notary...."

Ha!!! This was wonderful. You almost made me like Meghan King Edmunds for a moment.

  • Love 7
jaync, on 05 Feb 2016 - 10:12 AM, said:

Very pathetic, and kind of disgusting.


It does seem rather miraculous that GiGi is the only one who escaped the Lyme. Maybe Yo and the NGs should inject themselves with some of the superior one's blood or something.


Like Charlie Sheen's Klingon-clone quack?  Those 2 should get together and compare confabulated notes.

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Neither of these girls need to model OR land a rich husband. They are set for life. I've never understood why Yo seemed so eager for them to do both, but it seemed to come from a genuine place of being concerned about money.


Yo has some very deep insecurities about money, as well as about looks/appearance and image/status.  It's apparent in everything she does, and in what she strives for for her children.

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