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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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34 minutes ago, TeenMomAngerMgmt said:

I don’t believe this cockamamie story for one second. She’s trying to deflect from her own abuse allegations. 

I don't either. If this was the case, she would have ran to the courthouse with her attorney and filed an emergency order of some kind. 


If Jenelle was recording the call like she claimed, she would have blasted it all over social media.

Yes. Her typical way of handling things. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 14
9 hours ago, druzy said:

Grammar police alert:  Where the hell is the apostrophe on that shirt???

Major pet peeve of mine. For reals.


We know they had the shirts made, so let's place our bets:

1. Are the schools in NC not that well and the shop employee spelled it wrong?


2. Did Dumbass David insist that an apostrophe wasn't necessary? 


Worst of all though? Maryssa having everyone know who HER "dad" is! 

Edited by Bridget
Grammar is important
  • Love 15

I am with you @leighroda if I got a phone call like that I would be in the car quick smart.


From memory the custody agreement specifically mentioned that Barb & Janelle were the only people allowed to physically discipline Jace so I am assuming that reasonable physical discipline is allowed in NC. Something more has to be coming down the pipe for the swamp dwellers they are trying way to hard to shut everybody up and throw suspicion elsewhere. They are getting more desperate by the day the C&D's came out only a few days before this report and I have no doubt the Janelle is the one who sold the story. They miss a custody weekend with Jace even though Janelle fought so hard for guaranteed access time.  It is suspicious to me that only the first page is was released so there are no details of what was said to the the police. We have Janelle's version from Raddar but I want to know what Jace said when the officer attended and if he listened to the recordings before the report was closed.


Nice try swamp donkeys but no dice


Edited to add, bet she got a beating after the call when she identifies herself as Evans we all know that UBT owns her arse now and she better make it clear that she is an Eason

Edited by crazychicken
  • Love 15
6 hours ago, leighroda said:

I don’t believe this new story one bit. So Jenelle believes that Jace is in danger... but goes ahead and goes to Disney without a care? I’m not a mom but I feel like in her shoes (ok I would never actually be in her situation) if I got a frantic call not only would I call the police but I would be on my way there and they better hope the police get there first because I’d be coming for someone hurting my child. This is the second or third time that we know of Jenelle contacting the police with false information in a attempt to make Barb look bad... she is probably trying to build a case for herself thinking if the police show they had to investigate so many times that it’ll look bad for Barb... but she’s the one who looks dumb. 

Even if she released the recording she claims to have I wouldn’t believe it, it’s way too easy to splice audio, and Barb has yelled plenty of times on tv to be recorded yelling, so it would take much more than an audio recording for me to believe anything.

Exactly!! Disney would be the last thing in my mind, competition or not. 

  • Love 12

I've assumed that he did have thyroid cancer, which is low risk as cancers go, but still scary.  Getting his thyroid replacement levels right when he seems to be (a) nuts, (b) using drugs, and (c) likely not too terribly cooperative or honest with doctors about any of this is probably not happening - it could actually be a factor in how nuts he is.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Mkay said:

Someone posted this on twitter. 


So, I really don’t want to discount anyone’s experience with cancer... but all of us probably have more than a 10% chance of having any given type of cancer... tbh 10% is pretty good odds... I’m at higher risk from walking outside and drinking Diet Coke. 

Im not an expert by any means, but I am a nurse so I do have some knowledge... 2 radiation treatments seems suspect to me, I’m not sure that it’s a one and done thing.  I have no idea what his treatment plan is so I’m not saying it’s impossible or that he is definitely lying, but in my experience radiation is done in small doses over a period of time, for example my mom had radiation  for endometrial cancer, in her case the radiation was more palliative than treating the actual cancer, so she was not on a high dose to try to cure anything, the hope was just to shrink it enough to make her more comfortable as she passed... she had treatment daily for 10 days. Maybe if it was to treat and residual cancer after the thyroidectomy they could do it in 1-2 doses.

I get hearing you have any type of cancer is scary, nobody wants to hear they have it even when it’s a treatable kind, I don’t really fault any concern... but what I don’t get is that this was at least 5-7 years ago, and it seems like he was successfully treated... again 10% chance of relapse are pretty good odds in my opinion. I read that his sister responded on twitter that it was cancer and he had it removed and several nodes and is on synthroid ( I can’t find the tweet so it might have been deleted) it’s definitly possible that it was cancer but none of those details really proves or disproves he had cancer, synthroid is used to treat hypothyroidism, so while it can help with cancer that’s not it’s primarty use. And we have around 600 lymph nodes in our bodies, so anytime there is even a risk they usually remove some in the area in question (in this case the neck/throat) again could be cancer but could be preventative. Lymph nodes help protect us from sickness so I personally would like to have as many as possible but removing some is not the end of the world. 

In conclusion, I don’t know if he had cancer or not, and if he did I guess yes he is a survivor... BUT I still think it’s deplorable to be throw it around at this point for attention or sympathy. How about if it was that big of a concern usOmg his experience and notoriety to bring awareness or help others who are dealing with it instead of just randomly throwing it out to win an arguement.

  • Love 8

When my sister had thyroid cancer and had her thyroid removed, I'm pretty sure she said the radiation was to make sure the thyroid was completely gone, not to treat the cancer.  And the lymph nodes were probably removed to ensure the cancer hadn't spread, which I think is customary.

Seems to be a bit of a drama queen, our UBT.  

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Fosca said:

When my sister had thyroid cancer and had her thyroid removed, I'm pretty sure she said the radiation was to make sure the thyroid was completely gone, not to treat the cancer.  And the lymph nodes were probably removed to ensure the cancer hadn't spread, which I think is customary.

Seems to be a bit of a drama queen, our UBT.  

Yes, this. My mom had thyroid cancer 15+ years ago. She had surgery to remove it followed by one intensive radiation iodine treatment. She could not be around kids for several days after the treatment because of the high radiated iodine dose. That is probably what he had.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Are the shoes UBT wearing supposed to be like that? His toes seem to be overhanging. Get bigger shoes you fucking Sasquatch: 

ubt feet.jpg

I didn't even notice that, I couldn't get past Jenelle's fucking winter formal/chola mall photos with my homegirls/I guess I'm a cheer mom toe point. 

You're not fucking modeling active ware. Calm yer tits, Jenelle!

Edited by Enya Face
Shade +1
  • Love 17
13 hours ago, MaggieG said:

"thats not good chances"

My eyes are bleeding! I caaaaaaan't with this guuuuuuuyyyy!

We need a meme of Roxanne with these words so we can post it for these special occasions, just like the one meme of Kail tweeting several emojis and letting the world know she is going to bed because she is mad as hell. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 16

One of my good friends had thyroid cancer too. They removed the thyroid, and I think she had some radiation as well. It's been several years so I can't remember. She's perfectly fine now though. She just has to take synthroid daily which is just a pill. I have to take synthroid daily too for my hypothyroidism, and I'll have to take it for the rest of my life. It's really not that big of deal though. The synthroid pill, not the cancer. But I would think if you had to get cancer, this might be the type since it seems to have a high cure rate and you don't have to do chemo. 

So in summary, yes, UBT is just a drama queen as well as his idiot wife.

  • Love 7

Thought this morning...it seems most people who've overcome some serious health scare are so thankful and grateful for their recovery. They like to educate and just overall seem more calm.  Why is David wanting to "fuck people up" and so angry?

It's also rich of him calling out fame whores. If you want your life so private, then stop posting on public social media and only share your life with those close to you.

  • Love 16
20 hours ago, Fosca said:

When my sister had thyroid cancer and had her thyroid removed, I'm pretty sure she said the radiation was to make sure the thyroid was completely gone, not to treat the cancer.  And the lymph nodes were probably removed to ensure the cancer hadn't spread, which I think is customary.

Seems to be a bit of a drama queen, our UBT.  

That makes sense, like I said I wasn’t sure, but it seemed suspicious... sadly these 2 lie so much that they could tell me the sky is blue and I’d question it.

  • Love 5
On 12/7/2017 at 10:26 PM, Christina said:

They think everyone is talking about them, everyone is conspiring against them, there is a huge group of people dead set on destroying them, and it is led by Barbara.

As long as they remain together they will continue to devolve, become more paranoid and delusional, and hopefully will only harm each other and not take the kids down with them. Part of it may be from the drug use, some of it from mental illness, and some of it is because they aren't very bright and cannot see the forest for the trees. 

UBT and Jenelle are really, really sick individuals and they absolutely feed off of one another and bring out the worst in each other. I put a lot of the blame for their active schemes against their "enemies" on UBT, but Jenelle is sick enough to go along with it all. This latest INSANE stunt to stage the 911 call reporting Barb for beating Jace is, well, INSANE. I could go on and on about how obviously fake it is, from Jenelle's amazingly calm demeanor while listening to every loving mother's nightmare unfolding, to her missing her subsequent visit with Jace to go on vacation. Barb should go to court and use this as evidence to get supervised visitation for Jace.

UBT and Jenelle are out of touch with reality. They actually sat down and concocted this batshit crazy scheme (the latest in a series) in hopes that Barb would be deemed an unfit parent and Jace would be handed over to them. Like, they seriously thought or hoped that that would actually happen. To make matters worse, Maryssa was almost certainly caring for Kai and Ensley while they were cooking up The Plan, probably while UBT at least was getting more and more cranked up on some non-marijuana drug.

He's already got Jenelle taking the lead on his "brilliant" nefarious plots, up to and including making fake 911 calls and false accusations of child abuse. It won't be much of a leap when he makes her tell some cockamamie story to the police when one of the kids is found dead on The Land, the victim of an unfortunate freak accident (with a totally plausible, detailed explanation provided by Jenelle which includes an alibi for UBT at the time of the incident).

Edited by TheRealT
  • Love 13

Jenelle really doesn't get how posting videos like that doesn't come off as "cute" for her family, even when it might for someone else's. For one thing, I can imagine UBT actually scheming to have her make and post a video of the boys being rambunctious as a preemptive cover for him using that as an excuse for future injuries. For another, in the grand scheme of real life, I don't think it's necessarily a big deal if kids are running around in their own homes in a diaper/underwear. Shit happens (hopefully not literally if they're only wearing a diaper), sometimes there are wardrobe malfunctions/emergencies, some kids like to be unclothed, etc., etc. However, I think most parents who are generally good about caring for/clothing their kids would think, "I don't want to post this video of my 3-y-o kid running around in a diaper online. In addition to the myriad other reasons, I am basically raising my kids to wear clothes and I don't want it to seem like I'm the shitty kind of parent who doesn't care about my child's basic care and grooming. [even though I'm not a public figure who has literally thousands of people looking at my SM]" Obviously, Jenelle doesn't give any of her parenting decisions that much thought.

  • Love 14
5 hours ago, crazychicken said:



The audio of the 911 call raises my bulldust meter even higher. Janelle is so calm and doesn't sound worried at all, UBT is close enough to hear but we can not hear any screaming that he is aparently recording on speakerphone.

Same...  I said this to someone on twitter, it’s so obviously a lie, when is Jenelle ever that calm, and she said her last name was Evans, we all know that bitch didn’t forget and slip her maiden name, my guess is she knew she had a better chance of being recognized by saying Evans... that’s probably reaching I’m not attached to that theory, but I do think it was a calculated move. 

Also, in my experience when people tell stories with a ton of uneccessary details it can be a red flag for lying... they expect that people are going to question details and so they give a bunch of details in anticipation... the whole “im calling you from my step daughters phone and Jace is on my phone and my husband is recording on his phone” nobody asked for a roll call of the phones and that really had no bearing on the issue at hand that she needed someone to go to her moms house, maybe in the investigation she would be questioned on that but in that moment that was an uneccessary detail, but she had it all planned out like she knew it would be questioned. 

I would be a little curious to hear this alleged recording David has, I almost don’t even want to say this on here and give them any ideas on how to stage it. It’s all so suspicious to me, but I’m curious at what point they started “recording” if it happened the way she says the recording would likely start mid conversation because who is just sitting there ready to record (ok silly question these fools are), also having Maryssas phone, sure they could have told her to hand over her phone right away, but again with the roll call it seems to me more that they gathered the phones and were like ok ready, let’s do this. If Jace is the one that called her she wouldn’t have had warning to set everything up like that, meaning the recording *should* start mid convo. 

I really hate that she makes me so paranoid that she’s lying that I feel the need to dissect every detail.

  • Love 13
18 hours ago, TheRealT said:

Jenelle really doesn't get how posting videos like that doesn't come off as "cute" for her family, even when it might for someone else's. For one thing, I can imagine UBT actually scheming to have her make and post a video of the boys being rambunctious as a preemptive cover for him using that as an excuse for future injuries. For another, in the grand scheme of real life, I don't think it's necessarily a big deal if kids are running around in their own homes in a diaper/underwear. Shit happens (hopefully not literally if they're only wearing a diaper), sometimes there are wardrobe malfunctions/emergencies, some kids like to be unclothed, etc., etc. However, I think most parents who are generally good about caring for/clothing their kids would think, "I don't want to post this video of my 3-y-o kid running around in a diaper online. In addition to the myriad other reasons, I am basically raising my kids to wear clothes and I don't want it to seem like I'm the shitty kind of parent who doesn't care about my child's basic care and grooming. [even though I'm not a public figure who has literally thousands of people looking at my SM]" Obviously, Jenelle doesn't give any of her parenting decisions that much thought.

We homeschool and I don't care much what my children wear throughout the day, as long as they practice good hygiene. Often times they stay in jammies or go shirtless. My daughter might just hang in her undies. She was also super late to potty train, as she's had some developmental delays. She switched to underwear about a week before her 4th birthday, and still had significant accidents for about another year after that. 

At any rate, my point is - yes, it's not weird or unusual for kids to run around in diapers/undies and they don't all potty train on the same schedule - BUT......I would never post pictures of them online in such a state. My SM isn't even public, and I still wouldn't, because I always think about how my kids might look back at that stuff and be embarrassed. I try to really think of them when I post pics OF them. But her SM is public. So millions of people can see this stuff. There are too many creeps out there. She needs to have better boundaries. 

And yes, WHY the fuck is David using a real knife for their little battle? Grab an empty paper towel roll like the rest of us, moron! One wrong move and someone's losing an eye. 

  • Love 20
On 12/9/2017 at 7:24 AM, AmandaUnbidden said:

But I would think if you had to get cancer, this might be the type since it seems to have a high cure rate and you don't have to do chemo.

I also think that if I had to get cancer, I would opt for thyroid, but beware of anaplastic thyroid cancer.  That one kills you with a quickness.

I have a friend who had thyroid cancer many years ago, and she had one radiation treatment, and had to swallow the radioactive material.  There's no good way to receive radiation, but the thought of swallowing it myself gave me a "yikes!" moment. 

  • Love 1

It’s actually not that bad. I had to administer it to patients as a nurse. The radioactive material is placed inside a capsule, so it’s just like swallowing a pill. The greatest hurdle is wrapping your mind around the thought of it. But it’s just like a pill, about the size of a multivitamin. Albeit, depending on the dose, you might have to swallow several capsules, but it goes down easy. 

42 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I also think that if I had to get cancer, I would opt for thyroid, but beware of anaplastic thyroid cancer.  That one kills you with a quickness.

I have a friend who had thyroid cancer many years ago, and she had one radiation treatment, and had to swallow the radioactive material.  There's no good way to receive radiation, but the thought of swallowing it myself gave me a "yikes!" moment. 

  • Love 8

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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