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S03.E08: Six Thanksgivings

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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Whoa whoa, whoa.  I'm almost 100% certain Zack didn't get his phone until the 90s.  Good Morning Miss Bliss started in the late 80s, but there's no way he had a cellphone in that first year.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

1989. Pretty sure he had it all of Saved By The Bell proper.

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1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I mean it was an okay episode but lately I’ve just been noticing that the timeline of this show is taking me out of things a lot. Like I thought Kevin broke his leg after Valentine’s Day because wasn’t it after Rebecca and Jack had their big fight and he got over   drinking?but he had the crutches now and it’s November. I mean maybe it wasn’t and the time of that was different..  but I’m lost. 

Kevin broke his leg playing football some time in the fall, so him having the cast on Thanksgiving makes sense. Jack died roughly two months later, on Super Bowl Sunday, and Kevin got the cast off before the funeral.

William and Jesse add absolutely nothing to the story. I understand that both actors are very good and the show wants to feature them, but there was too much going on in this episode already. Why not do a web extra or something like that, and leave them out of the main show?

1 hour ago, Armchair Critic said:

What kind of phone was Miguel talking on with his ex wife when he walked into the Pearsons? Back then I only remember car phones.

I think cellphones were around in the late 90s, but they were much bulkier. Miguel's phone looked like a BlackBerry, a little ahead of its time.

 I agree that Miguel's kids are assholes, especially since they are older than the Pearson kids. They were in their 20s when their parents divorced and in their 30s when their father married Rebecca.

The Vietnam story is not interesting to me, and Jack's pretty-boy hair keeps taking me out of it.

Randall in his underwear is the kind of pretty I don't mind seeing, but the election storyline still blows.

I loved Deja giving out extra cookies at the soup kitchen, and Annie's teddy bear/iPad/Pilgrim Rick hat setup for Kevin.

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I agree with everybody assessment with William.  He was a fine edition and a intriguing character but let him RIP.  

To the posters who pointed out the silent cracker barrel recon, THANK YOU!!  Thst flew past me.  Also, does cracker barrel deliver? If not, that means Toby placed an order, left the house, and returned all the while Katiegirl was dropping gynecological knowledge.  Unless Toby used grubhub or something equivalent

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It was a so so episode but with a lot going on. Jack and the necklace was kind of uneventful. I’m bored with Randall and the election and their drives to Philadelphia. I’m from Philadelphia and even I don’t care about it. So, I guess the “her” that Tess doesn’t want to see is her future girlfriend/ wife? Maybe, I’m streching. Kate & Toby were kind of meh. All in all, kind of boring. Happy Thanksgiving y’all.

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Wow, Miguel's son is even more of a dick to Miguel than season 1 Kevin! I admit, I didnt like Miguel very much in season one, but the guy has grown on me. He really does try so hard to be a good step-dad/grandpa/husband, even knowing he will always live in the shadow of his dead best friend. What dicks his kids are apparently. I did love him standing up for Rebecca, and Rebecca standing up for Kevin's movie and its Rotten Tomato score!

I loved William, but I am over him showing up in random flashbacks. The beginning of his relationship with Jessie was well written and acted, but...we already have a billion characters and plot lines and time periods on this show, we probably dont need another. 

Nikki is a real mess. I am starting to think he ends up committing suicide, and doesn't actually get killed by the VC. I can get him being suspicious of the civilians in Vietnam, as it was a war where it was hard to tell civilian from enemy in many situations, but that no excuse for him to be so cold to a child. He is clearly, deeply messed up. Not even a Jack speech can help!

Annie setting up the big bear for Kevin and Zoe, so Kevin could be Pilgrim Pete was adorable. Annie is so freaking cute. 

I actually liked Kate for the most part this week, mainly because she was actually trying to help people, and not just complaining about her supposedly awful life to any random person within hearing distance. Toby is, as always, super Extra, but with the new context, I am more alright with that. 

Nice to see the teen Big 3 actually getting along for their last Thanksgiving with their dad. I guess the speech from Randall was supposed to tie together our many Thanksgivings over many time periods, to which...mixed results. 

Randall and his political story is just such an annoyance. Yeah, this job is clearly a favor for Beth, and everyone knows it. Randall is basically acting like this is just a lark,something fun for him and his family to do, while his campaign manager is actually taking this shit seriously because, oh yeah, this affects real, actual people, who might actually vote for Randall because they expect him to help them, not just move along to his next midlife crisis. His manager is about five seconds from leaving, and I dont blame him. He has real experience, that is being ignored for a person who clearly has none in this field. 

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Annie running into Miguel’s arms and exclaiming “Grandpa!” is only time I've cried all season. It took the Pearson kids being jerks, Miguel’s children being despicable, an entire backstory centered around Facebook, and Jack dying for me to get to this point. But here we are. 

When we first saw grownup Tess, I think many people assumed the “her” was Deja because it was the same episode where her mother left her with the family forever.  I was distracted by her becoming a social worker and figured that was the connection because Deja’s story inspired her. Now I’m wondering again if the Her IS Deja. 

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2 hours ago, Earmuffs Mom said:

My DVR said the episode’s title was “Six Thanksgivings,” not “18,615” so that hepled lessen the confusion of the multiple storylines. 

Miguel’s adult children suck. Why invite him if you can barely stand him (despite Miguel’s pity invite excuse)? If they’ve been estranged for the better part of 20 years, why bother?

My Hulu and all the other guides on the Internet said the episode's title was "Six Thanksgivings" as well.

Agree that Miguel's adult (acting like children) children suck.  The look on Amber's face!  The hostility from the son.  I'm so glad that Miguel stood up for Rebecca and set the record straight.  They were probably brainwashed by their mother all those years, which is why they had the cell phone call argument at Jack's house.

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3 hours ago, ShadowFacts said:

Miguel for the win!  Toby's Cracker Barrel dinner wasn't bad, either. 

One thing wrong - there's only like one Cracker Barrel in NJ - and it is on the opposite end of the state from Alpine - it's probably a 90 minute ride. Would've been easier for Toby to head into the city than go down the turnpike on Thanksgiving!

So, Miguel's kids were in Scarsdale - this is the first time the geography has made sense. Alpine is only like 30 minutes from there.

3 hours ago, bettername2come said:

1997, so a cell phone is a possibility. My dad had a very thick flip phone at the time. And if Saved by the Bell has taught us anything, it's that cell phones have existed since the 80s.


So February of 97 or maybe 96 the Valentine's Day thing happened and then in 98 Superbowl Sunday Jack died. I feel like in season 1 the Big 3 were 15 and I know they were 17 when Jack died.

My mom had a cell phone in like 97 or 98 - not a flip phone, though. Her's was around that thick, though.

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The William and Jesse story was a waste of time, unless we really need to know that Jesse was a coke-head and crack junkie.  The time spent on these two budding romancers would have been better spent on Kevin, still in Vietnam with his bat-eating girlfriend Zoe, looking for a turkey dinner.

I am interested in the Vietnam story.  I need to know what happened to Nicky.  I thought the actor did a great job tonight.

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This show is kind of losing me. 

I do not care about Randall’s election storyline it’s idiotic and boring. Lots of ff when he comes on. Except I did not ff him in his underwear that was amazing lol.

Vietnam is boring me. Something needs to happen it’s being too dragged out.

I missed Kevin.

Miguels kids are really weird and childish like how old are they supposed to be. First off he didn’t get with Rebecca til like 10 yrs after. Second my dads wife and her adult kids really annoy me and are def not my cup of tea but being adult you be fake nice. It’s not like Miguel beat them as children chill the fuck out.

William is dead..enough with him being on the show. I never really liked him when he was alive but atleast he interacted with interesting characters. Him and Jessie were a total snoozefest.

Edited by Marley
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I didn't need any of the scenes between Jesse and William or Jack and his brother about whom I don't give two shits and the goddamn necklace.

Randall's treatment of Jae-Won was so unbelievably rude and dismissive.  Randall in his underwear, though, was deeeeeeelightful.

I'm so confused by Miguel's kids.  Did they think Miguel had an affair with Rebecca or something?  As Miguel said, they married ten goddamn years after Jack died and Miguel and Shelley's marriage ended, and it strains all the credulity that his fuckwad of a son would be so pissed about that; therefore, the only reason I can conjure is that he and his shitty sister think Miguel and Rebecca had an affair.  I think Rebecca and Miguel should've taken turns punching his son in the face.

Yay Tess!

Annie, as always, is the best.

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3 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

What kind of phone was Miguel talking on with his ex wife when he walked into the Pearsons? Back then I only remember car phones.

I forget the show timeline exactly, but if the big 3 were seniors in HS, it would be fall of 1997, correct?  I had my first cell phone in 1994. It was a brick that was about 2 inches wide by 7 inches long. I think there were early flip phones by 1997. 

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I couldn't hear Randall's last line: "If that is the only way I can get into your university then...." Then what?

Last week they included sexual abuse and now Tess is gay and an adopted grandchild. Why does everything have to be included in the show? What's missing? 

I can't believe only one episode left in this season. It doesn't seem like much happened. Will they end with that same cliffhanger of Randall and Tess going to visit somebody? 

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I loved the brief moments of the teen Pearsons all giggling and good naturedly teasing Randall. Often in the flashbacks, we will see two of the three of them getting along, but all three of them at the same time is a rarity.

Well, now I can see why the Pearson kids don't like Miguel. What a Debbie Downer! I get that he was having a rough time because it was the first Thanksgiving after the divorce but sheesh. Maybe finish yelling at your ex-wife on the phone BEFORE you knock on the door of the home you've so kindly been invited to? And don't leave the table in a huff just because the Pearsons aren't fighting? Teenagers don't care about your inner strife. They care about you being a grump at their Thanksgiving dinner.

Miguel annoyed me even more when he first claimed that Shelly was turning his kids against him and then he said it was because he was never there for them. Uh, if you weren't around, then where do you get off blaming your ex for turning your kids against you? You just ADMITTED that it's your fault but you still want to act like the victim.

Wow, Toby's son thinks that Rebecca stole Miguel from Shelly? WTF? Jack and Rebecca were still married when Miguel and Shelly got divorced, so how did Rebecca steal Miguel from Shelly? Toby's son is a dick. If you're going to invite someone over for dinner, the very least you can do is NOT BE A DICK. If you can't control yourself for like an hour of polite dinner conversation, then maybe it's best if you just don't invite Miguel to come. Miguel telling him to STFU and not be rude to Rebecca was awesome.

Hahahaha, of course Randall has a color coded recipe binder and I LOVE IT.

I liked that Kate told Tess she had nothing to be embarrassed about just because Toby saw her with a box of tampons or pads. Girls need to be taught that having their periods isn't gross, dirty, shameful, or embarrassing.

Uh, how long was Kate upstairs with Tess that Toby had enough time to ruin both the cranberry sauce AND the turkey and then get tons of food from Cracker Barrel (either by driving there or ordering from Postmates/Caviar/UberEats before she even came down to the kitchen?

7 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

There were cell phones in 1997/1998. I got my first Nokia in 1999 and I wasn’t the first kid in my class to get a phone. Everyone didn’t gave one but many adults did. 

I remember when I went to visit my sister at college around that time and lots of students had cell phones. My sister had bought her own (mostly because she knew my parents would never pay for something as extravagant and unnecessary as a cell phone) so it couldn't have been THAT expensive. My sister and I were not the kind of college students whose parents gave us an allowance. We had to do work study to pay for part of our tuition and we also had additional (non-work study) jobs to pay for extra expenses. Keep in mind this was a decade before the first iphone came out so if you got a regular cell phone, it wasn't that expensive.

ETA: Poor Jae-won. He is just trying to do everything within his power to help Randall defeat an incumbent and he's being undermined by two people who don't know what the hell they're doing or how to run a campaign. I hope he stays, but I also hope that Randall and Beth seriously rethink their attitudes. Do you want to get your way or do you want Randall to win?

ETA2: Beth was so busy insisting that they NOT do what Jae-won suggested and Randall was so busy taking Beth's side that no one thought to suggest the easiest solution, which would be taking a picture from the other side of the table so that Randall would be photographed serving food but none of the people there would have their faces shown. Or they could have takent a picture of Randall back in the kitchen where the food prep was done. Or they could have taken a picture of Randall with the head of the church. There were plenty of options that would have satisfied Jae-won's photo op as well as Beth's desire to protect the guests' privacy.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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8 hours ago, Kira53 said:

If my memory serves me this is the third Thanksgiving episode in three years.   I wonder if there’s any other TV show that was able to have three very different thanksgiving episodes in there first three years?  They really packed a lot of Thanksgivings during many decades and every major character was featured in a important Thanksgiving in their life.  Amazing writing feat in an episode that is less than one hour.

"Friends" had a very different Thanksgiving episode every season for ten years. People still watch marathons of all the Thanksgiving episodes on Thanksgiving day. 


Regarding the Cracker Barrel run, I could swear I also saw Popeye's boxes, which would be two different restaurants delivering or him driving to. I found that whole scene very unrealistic and cliche. 

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6 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Nikki is a real mess. I am starting to think he ends up committing suicide, and doesn't actually get killed by the VC. I can get him being suspicious of the civilians in Vietnam, as it was a war where it was hard to tell civilian from enemy in many situations, but that no excuse for him to be so cold to a child. He is clearly, deeply messed up. Not even a Jack speech can help!


5 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

I am interested in the Vietnam story.  I need to know what happened to Nicky.  I thought the actor did a great job tonight.

I had been thinking of suicide and that still might happen, but this episode made me think he does come around to Jack's way of thinking, and ends up dead as a result, causing Jack much guilt.  He's a mess not just because of not knowing who the enemy is and fearing everyone is the enemy, but as the other soldier said as they were eating, he's not OK, he's had to stuff peoples insides back in and sew them up.  He's barely 20 and that's a real tough thing, I believe it would mess me up mightily. 

I also thought the actor was really good, in fact, all of the acting tonight seemed right on. 

5 hours ago, Pallas said:

Motorola Star-TAC, introduced almost two years before Thanksgiving 1997. 

I had that phone, but I couldn't pinpoint the year if my life depended on it.  I only had it for emergencies and I barely ever used it.  The good old days. 

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9 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Many girls get their periods at 10

I was about a month past my 11th birthday. My mom was 10. Developing early is common in my family so we got talked to about puberty early. 

Miguel's kids are assholes and entirely too grown to act like they did. Steal your father? When they married ten years after your parents got divorced when you were in your 20s? And your mother is remarried too? Sit down and shut up. (The little boy was adorable though. So is Annie.)

I could get with Popeye's for Thanksgiving!

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4 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

I also thought the actor was really good, in fact, all of the acting tonight seemed right on. 

Yes, last week someone mentioned that Nicky looked like Ernie on "My Three Sons," and I see that all the time now, which makes his character all the more heart breaking. 

 Miguel's ex sounds just awful to me. Having had a husband who couldn't hold a job for more than a few weeks before making me call in and quit for him, I can never side with women who are mad at their husbands for working hard. I'll always appreciate a good provider.  Then for her to keep her children from their father? No wonder her son turned out to be a jerk.

Toby made me laugh out loud with his stepping in the turkey story and Annie made me burst into tears when she cried out "Grandpa!" and ran into Miguel's arms. God bless the little children with no tired old grudges.

I loved the message of the episode, summed up with Randall's essay saying it's not just family that impacts us but every single person we meet.  This was a great episode to me.

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9 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I didn't think of that. Well that would fit with "her" being someone we know...though ending up with her foster sister who then ends up in some mystery situation that makes Tess not "not ready" to see her is a little too soap opera for me.

I only assume Tess may have a crush on Deja. Doesn't mean Deja feels the same way but I wouldn't put anything pass this show. 

17 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:


Toby made me laugh out loud with his stepping in the turkey story and Annie made me burst into tears when she cried out "Grandpa!" and ran into Miguel's arms. God bless the little children with no tired old grudges.


I would love to see a reenactment of that with Toby doing a voice over. I think the actor could've pulled it off. 

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I can't complain about anything in this episode even though I was skeptical about having William in it again. I actually enjoyed the blues music playing during his and Jesse's scenes. I was feeling it. I understood Nicky's p.o.v. as well as Jack's with his heart overcoming anything negative he could've been clouded by in war, like Nicky was. 

Miguel's Thanksgiving was SO awkward and disrespectful towards Rebecca. But one shut-down from Miguel wouldn't change 20 years or so of resentment so I don't think that's realistic. 

Kate's talk with Tess was so sweet. I enjoy Toby and he reminds me of my friend's husband with so much of his personality. Unpopular opinion: I find him funny.

I didnt even mind Beth and Randall's political conflict. Jae-Won still kicking campaign butt. I appreciate Beth's perspective that people who are taking "handouts" may not wish to be photographed for the paper. Maybe instead though, they photograph Randall and his family in front of the building as a compromise? 

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9 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

The child may not be Chinese. Also children with disabilities or special needs are available for adoption regardless of gender. A woman I know just adopted her son from China, he has achondroplasia (spelling) dwarfism like her husband. 

The “one child” policy in China was eliminated in 2015- FYI. 

The child could be from anywhere in Asia that is open to the US.  China isn't the only country in Asia with international adoption.  We were looking at several countries including the Philippines (which requires a letter from your priest (!!) stating that you have regularly attended services for a year or more).  Then there are special needs kids.  "Special needs" could be something as simple as a cleft lip or palate.   

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I agree with everyone who's said that while the William and Jesse backstory is well acted, etc., it's not necessarily germane to anything else right now. Current-day Randall already knew very well that William and Jesse were a couple, and we viewers know, too. This new story would have worked better last season when William was still more of a main character. I appreciate seeing the two actors again, they're good, but it would've resonated more for me had this been done while William was dying. 

The Vietnam stuff - eh, whatever. So now we know the genesis of the necklace's journey from Vietnam to Jack to Kevin - a gift of gratitude from the child's mother to Jack. Maybe we won't even see that woman again. It doesn't seem as if she and Jack will have a romantic relationship, and judging from Nicky's view of the Vietnamese people, I don't see him getting involved with her on that level either! We know that Nicky dies, it's just a matter of finding out how and why - just like Jack. He's either killed or kills himself, and I guess the way he dies will be drawn out over the entire season. Or perhaps it'll be shown to us next week, but either way, it's just not something that's holding my interest. I feel bad for Nicky - he was a very troubled young man and experiencing the horrors of war was the last thing on earth he needed to have happen. It's sad and his demise just keeps circling back to Jack and how it affected Jack through the rest of his life.

I had a cell phone in 1997, two of them, actually. One was big and folded in half, and we kept that in the glove compartment in the car, and the other one was what was called a candy bar. It was about the size and shape of a Milky Way bar, perhaps a bit shorter. I carried that one in my purse.

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Regarding who "she" is in the future, I remember Toby saying that she wouldn't want him to be there, so I can't imagine at this point why it would be Tess's girlfriend.  But of course the writers may come up with some convoluted story.

Love Miguel.  I never disliked him from season 1.

The Kate/Tess scenes were the best., very poignant.

Randall was being a complete jerk by forcing Beth's choices and ignoring Jae Won.  I really hope he loses because he didn't listen to his advisor and because the storyline of Randall Singlehandedly Saves Philadelphia is terrible.

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26 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Regarding who "she" is in the future, I remember Toby saying that she wouldn't want him to be there, so I can't imagine at this point why it would be Tess's girlfriend.  But of course the writers may come up with some convoluted story.

Love Miguel.  I never disliked him from season 1.

The Kate/Tess scenes were the best., very poignant.

Randall was being a complete jerk by forcing Beth's choices and ignoring Jae Won.  I really hope he loses because he didn't listen to his advisor and because the storyline of Randall Singlehandedly Saves Philadelphia is terrible.

Didn't they say we'd know by episode 9 who "she" is?  I also can't see how it could be Tess's girlfriend - maybe Tess's FIRST girlfriend (but one she still kept in touch with after they split).  Tess is in her 20s in the future episodes. How many people REALLY still see their first girlfriend or boyfriend in their 20s?  Especially someone they were "a couple" with in, what, fifth grade?

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Speaking of periods. How annoying that Toby was all flustered when telling Kate. He seems like a modern enough guy he'd simply say, "hey, your niece is having her period. I think she needs your help." It's so old-fashioned to have male characters go all embarrassed and fumbling when "lady things" are mentioned. Hate it, show. It's outdated!

I've liked and felt bad for Miguel since the beginning. Not easy being a late addition to a family, especially the Pearsons. I'm glad to finally see some of his back story and struggles. Agreed, the writers really overdid the "His own kids HATE him!" scene. It was ridiculous. As so many scenes are in this show, the point is hit with the subtlety of an anvil on the head. I feel like the writers have little confidence that their audience will get it if they use a more delicate hand. 

Personally I am invested in the Vietnam storyline and eager to see where they go with it. I suppose this show is too middle of the road to make it as dark as I would anticipate. It is network TV after all. 



Randall was being a complete jerk by forcing Beth's choices and ignoring Jae Won.  I really hope he loses because he didn't listen to his advisor and because the storyline of Randall Singlehandedly Saves Philadelphia is terrible.

Guy should quit immediately. He is not being allowed to do his job. I hope the story goes an unexpected route and Randall fails miserably at the polls rather than moving up the political chain to run for President some day. He is not good politician material, is too blunt, too unwilling to compromise, too honest, all of which are great person qualities but once you're in the arena, you can't accomplish your goal without bending and compromising.  Sad but true fact which I'm sure many idealist politicians have learned.

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10 hours ago, Kirkydee said:

I agree with everybody assessment with William.  He was a fine edition and a intriguing character but let him RIP.  

To the posters who pointed out the silent cracker barrel recon, THANK YOU!!  Thst flew past me.  Also, does cracker barrel deliver? If not, that means Toby placed an order, left the house, and returned all the while Katiegirl was dropping gynecological knowledge.  Unless Toby used grubhub or something equivalent

Cracker Barrel requires a minimum of 24 hours notice for these things - you cannot just call it in and go pick it up quickly.  It's not like a quick dinner to go.

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17 minutes ago, Rebky said:

Cracker Barrel requires a minimum of 24 hours notice for these things - you cannot just call it in and go pick it up quickly.  It's not like a quick dinner to go.

Look liked he ordered individual dinners and not a flown blown pre-prepared Thanksgiving meal.  

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1 hour ago, BonnieD said:

Speaking of periods. How annoying that Toby was all flustered when telling Kate. He seems like a modern enough guy he'd simply say, "hey, your niece is having her period. I think she needs your help." It's so old-fashioned to have male characters go all embarrassed and fumbling when "lady things" are mentioned. Hate it, show. It's outdated!

I agree. I watch this show with my 15 year old son and he didn’t quite catch what happened when Tess and Toby ran into each other so I explained it and he was fine with it. Didn’t need any euphemisms.

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I was glad to finally see a scene between Kate and Tess. We've seen them with Kevin since the first season, but never Kate. Even Beth told Kevin she liked the way he treated her kids like people (or something like that). Seeing Kate with Tess made me feel like this is a real aunt/niece relationship.  I liked that Tess said "or girlfriend" like she was testing the waters as to how people would react to her coming out.  

I've been one wanting a Miguel backstory since Deja got hers and while we didn't get a complete episode at least it was something.  His kids were jerks (to put it politely).  Grow up Andy. Rebecca didn't "steal" your dad from your mom.  You were old enough when they divorced that you should have been able to figure things out for yourself even if your mom was trash talking Miguel.

I think Annie was my favorite between the bear/Kevin/Pilgrim Rick and having her run into Miguel's arms calling him Grandpa.  You could see the love on Miguel's face that "someone DOES love me."

edit: trying to delete my quote box but having trouble

7 minutes ago, Lisa418722 said:


Edited by Lisa418722
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As someone else mentioned, the StarTAC phone came out in 1996. It was my first cell phone that I got in 1998 (and it was intended to be a phone just used to call my mom).

I haven't forgiven Miguel for wanting to be Pilgrim Rick, so he still has a long way to go for me. The scene with Annie was sweet, though. I agree the dinner scene with his kids didn't seem realistic. 

Nicky's attitude towards the little boy evidently wasn't unusual from what I've read. 

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I liked this episode ok.  It was a little chaotic but a little different for a Thanksgiving ep.

I agree that I felt no need to go back and see William and Jesse.  That story is over and better left in the past.  I enjoyed the two of them in S1 but there is so much other story to tell now.

I also agree I dislike the Randall election story line.  Just not feeling it.

I also agree that Randall is handling Beth and Jae -won all wrong.  On the Beth front, I like the development because it is good to see the downside of the unwavering support they have for each other.  Usually that is a plus but in this case it isn't.  I do agree with her on the opportunistic pictures of politicians working at soup kitchens, etc.  They do come off as insincere.  And I liked the idea of Randall was doing this to actually connect with the people not just for a campaign photo op.

On the Jae-won front, I feel his frustration with Randall but also, I this he is also handling Randall wrong.  I know he is the campaign manager but he needs to collaborate and coordinate with Randall not just make decisions first and tell Randall about them after.  If he is at all experienced with election campaigns then he is should know a good manager doesn't make unilateral decisions.  So while Randall has some blame, in this instance I don't think the blame is solely Randall's, I think Jae-won is taking advantage of Randall's inexperience and his own personal resentment of Beth's involvement and isn't being smart about his own decision making.

I have always liked Miguel so I am glad that we get a little more peek under the hood.  Loved him standing up for Rebecca.  His kids are terrible and sounds like they blame him for the divorce or Shelly bad-mouthed him.  I don't think the Pearson kids are anywhere near as rude to him as his own kids were -- well except Kevin.  Kevin was rather an epic ass to Miguel.  But Randall went from being initially reserved to generally welcoming.  Looking back, I think S1 was a turning point for the whole family wrt to each other and Miguel.  Kevin and Randall's life-long rift was confronted and they started the baby steps to repair it.  Randall learned about William and Rebecca.  It just felt like they started to release some of that grief/anger/hurt that ripped them apart in the aftermath of Jack's death that had nothing at all to do with Miguel in and of himself, but in doing so,  it allowed them to finally let Miguel in.  And it seems like he really is all in, Annie wasn't the only one to greet him affectionately and call him grandpa.  Randall did as well.

That Tess revelation was.... whoa! But I loved how the scene played out.  I am glad they gave Kate some real face time with one of the nieces!

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1 hour ago, BonnieD said:

Speaking of periods. How annoying that Toby was all flustered when telling Kate. He seems like a modern enough guy he'd simply say, "hey, your niece is having her period. I think she needs your help." It's so old-fashioned to have male characters go all embarrassed and fumbling when "lady things" are mentioned. Hate it, show. It's outdated!

If Toby can inject Kate with hormones to conceive, he can chill about menstruation.

8 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

But Randall went from being initially reserved to generally welcoming.

After Annie ran to Miguel and said "Grandpa!" I thought it was very nice that Randall gave Miguel a man hug and said "How you doing, Grandpa?" Just a small thing but it was cute.

Edited by Empress1
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If I remember correctly Deja got a couple of text messages last night and they were shown on the screen?  I was too far from the tv to read them.  Can someone tell me what they said??  Thanks!

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7 minutes ago, abbey said:

If I remember correctly Deja got a couple of text messages last night and they were shown on the screen?  I was too far from the tv to read them.  Can someone tell me what they said??  Thanks!

From her mom saying Happy Thanksgiving, which Deja deleted, then eventually replied Happy Thanksgiving back at dinner.

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Jesse's British accent is the worst.  Please tell me that actor is American, because if he's British then I'm embarrassing myself.  But I can't stand it.  It sounds so fake to me.  (Not a Brit, so I wouldn't even know.)  

11 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

 Rebecca standing up for Kevin's movie and its Rotten Tomato score!

94 or 96 or whatever % on RT and it's not well received?  What a freaking douchebag that son is.

I've actually really enjoyed this season.  I don't really find my interest waning.

8 hours ago, MajesticMariposa said:

There's not. Next week is just the fall finale. This season is 18 episodes as always. 

Oh!  I didn't even know that.  I was wondering why so many people were saying that "This season is losing me" when it's actually ending next week (or so I thought).  LOL.  Thanks!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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15 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Jesse's British accent is the worst.  Please tell me that actor is American, because if he's British then I'm embarrassing myself.  But I can't stand it.  It sounds so fake to me.  (Not a Brit, so I wouldn't even know.)  

Correct, the actor, Denis O'Hare, is American, hailing from Kansas City, MO.

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10 hours ago, Marley said:

I do not care about Randall’s election storyline it’s idiotic and boring. Lots of ff when he comes on. Except I did not ff him in his underwear that was amazing lo

This! I've loved SKB since Army Wives and he's always been the perfect husband to me. I adore him.

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Thank you @Biggie B.... !

On a personal note, I was turning 16 in '98 and I had a friend who had a cellphone and I thought she was so freaking obnoxious.  She would use it while she was driving (and now I know how incredibly stupid that is) and she would answer it in the middle of movies in the theatre (and now I know how incredibly obnoxious that is.)  I think it was just to show everyone that she had a phone.  I remember being so mortified at her behaviour.  Like we're 16, we don't need cellphones (in the late 90's, LOL).  Oh boy have things changed.  Obviously it's great that we don't answer phones while driving or in the movies (most of us) but now my 8 year old nephew has his own iPhone (I don't know what functions it has LOL).  

I fell in love with Sterling on The People vs OJ.  He was so adorable as Chris Darden.  He's shockingly different as Randall (and a lot thinner frankly) and I still don't know how I feel about it.

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I HATE this political storyline so freaking much! There are so many other ways the writers could have had Randall try to make people's lives better. The logistics are too much to overcome IMHO - with the distance he's travelling, not really living there, no real connection to the district. Jae-won should have quit. Why was he doing the soup kitchen thing at the rec center if his goal is to win the Korean vote? I wanted to see more of that.
I found William and Jesse to be unnecessary. I'm with everyone else that wants William to just stay dead.
Mixed on the Vietnam story. I'm more interested in Kevin investigating than the actual flashbacks though.

I did like Kate, and I'm not normally a Kate fan. Finally, something that had zero to do with her weight or poor-me crap. It reminded me of the episode where she was the assistant and her interaction with the daughter. I would like to see her in that role more - maybe she can be a mentor or a big sister in some capacity.  Toby was so Toby, but he wasn't too bad.

WTF was with Miguel's kids? They suck. Annie FTW with the hug and "Grandpa!"

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