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S03.E13: Something Is Rotten in Denmark

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Cary takes all the ladies to Copenhagen, Denmark to visit her relatives. The trip instantly takes a turn when D’Andra gets into heated arguments with both Kameron and LeeAnne. The drama continues when Brandi’s plan to get LeeAnne to admit she called her an alcoholic goes terribly wrong in the middle of a Michelin Star restaurant. Stephanie tries to broker a peace treaty between D’Andra and LeeAnne, and after a concert given by Cary’s cousins, Brandi confronts LeeAnne head-on about the accusations.

Airs November 7, 2018.

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22 minutes ago, enchantingmonkey said:

And Andy was sitting in his office laughing diabolically while you type that!

I'll thank you to address him with his proper title: "Satan Andy",

Now hand me a fucking crucifix & rosary, while I prepare to battle the wanna-be anti-christ.  Nevermind, I just tossed his doggie some treats.

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"Pretending to be an alcoholic" is the worst idea ever.  

She is sooooooo messed up during the dinner fight. Her face is a drunken everything!   The weird eye moments and lip movements.  Like she's trying to follow, but wondering if she should do another shot.

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9 minutes ago, whydoievencare said:

Kameron is masterful at stirring up shit and then sitting back as if she's done nothing but be a fabulous friend.  I've seen other people act that way - all they do is deflect:  "you're yelling at me", "you're being very aggressive", etc., etc.  They never address what the actual complaint is.  And they always drive the other person absolutely bonkers with their ultra reasonable tone of voice.  Unfortunately for D'Andra, it's like responding to a troll online - the troll is the only one having fun.

Yeah, I can only half-follow these arguments, but Kam is on my last nerve.  Her "woe is me,"  over-enunciation, and weird lip movements annoy. (I know that is petty, but it bugs!  lol).  Also uber-pale.

Liked Brandi's dress at the dinner.   Too bad her "drunk" plan didn't work out!

LeeAnn and D'Andra's over-dark hair and dark eyes are scary.  Elvira-like.

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I'm team D'Andra on this one tonight.  Really Kam?  You've been attacked when you were the one who told your mother in law about D'Andra.  Oh but she's your best friend.  Listen Miss Valley Girl, you stirred that pot.  And Miss sophisticated Dallas socialite prefers french fries.

Drunk Brandi was a fail but at least she called Leanne out the next day.  She did call Brandi an alcoholic.

That's all I got.

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2 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

Kameron is masterful at stirring up shit and then sitting back as if she's done nothing but be a fabulous friend (because she told you she is).  I've seen other people act that way - all they do is deflect:  "you're yelling at me", "you're being very aggressive", "tell me exactly what I've said" (although when they are told they never accept what they've been told as possibly true) etc., etc.  They will never address what the actual complaint is.  And they always drive the other person absolutely bonkers with their ultra reasonable tone of voice.  Unfortunately for D'Andra, it's like responding to a troll online - the troll is the only one having fun.

And that's why the rest of the gals should keep a big black dildo in their handbag!!

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On 11/5/2018 at 12:39 PM, nexxie said:

Subtitle: Ugly Americans Strike Again

(Can’t wait!)

This is SOOOOO embarrassing. Actually, as soon as I heard "Where's Copenhagen?" I thought, Houston, we have a problem. (I had to learn world capitals in grade 6, didn't everyone else? ) It was nasty when the two were fighting but prior, the ditzy one didn't like the no-fries 'menu' of the world class restaurant. (Do they HAVE to show up for dinner to get paid?) I found that I also couldn't watch Potomac Housewives when they went to France and behaved like imbeciles. Hopefully these host countries will realize the drama is often amped/ faked for viewers. BUT, when the women reflect they truly do not have much knowledge, it's not a good representation. Oh - the atlanta housewife who says, I love when everything is in Chinese, it just reminds me of Tokyo. Seriously??BTW - How do these women keep these rich men around? I don't get the attraction (especially when it involves marrying these gals). 

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Brandi's plan for getting drunk and confronting LeeAnne was in other words a normal night out for her but with an excuse.  She most definitely has a drinking problem.  No one but she is feeding into public opinion when she continues to get wasted on camera at practically every outing with the girls.  She was already bombed enough by the time they went to dinner.  

D'Andra is just annoying and not fun to watch anymore.  She's become Mama Dee Jr.  Didn't think I would ever warm up to LeeAnne but I'm starting to like her more.  And Stephanie has quickly become my favorite. 

I wish there was a switch to turn off Kameron's accent.  I can't stand hearing her talk.

Edited by Jets4274
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Brandi’s plan was pretty stupid, but at the end of the day, her antics were completely overshadowed by the fight amongst the “society” ladies.  Deandra definitely has an edge this season; however she’s spot on that Cameron and Leanne work off each other.  Cameron’s comment about her not calling Leanne about dress shopping was not an innocent comment.  It came complete with her pursed lips and nod.  I’d have responded as well (not as loudly), but I would have responded.


I’d love to take the baking class.   That looked very relaxing.

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I hate Kam. Why on earth would D’Andre call LeeAnne and invite herself to her wedding dress shopping, she is just ridiculous. And the fact that she didn’t invite her until 9 pm the night before and tries to play the victim indicates that LeeAnne is also Am asshole.

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Brandi : "I'm going to prove I'm not an alcoholic. By consuming all the alcohol in Denmark." 

Yea, that'll show her. I mean, I'm not about labeling people; but the very fact that she COULD consume that much and didn't see the inherent problems in it, makes me think there's definitely an alcohol problem there. 

I'm really over this LeeAnn/D'andra/Kam fight. All the she said-she said is giving me a headache. D'andra is allowed to be hurt by something, even if you didn't intend it that way. But I do think all the "alcohol" comments are getting blown way out of proportion and D'andra has been looking for reasons to take issue with LeeAnn since the start of the season. Kameron annoys the fuck out of me and just makes everything worse, with the way she butts right in but then refuses to acknowledge anyone else's side.

I thought the cooking class looked sort of fun; but the brewery? I thought they were going to get a tour or something. Not just sit around and drink more. I respect everyone's desire to travel in their own way, but as a viewer I'm always disappointed that they don't get out and explore more history and culture.  

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9 hours ago, MinorL said:

Brandi’s whole, “my adoption is not finished, so you can’t say I drink too much!” thing is really falling on deaf ears. All she talks about is drinking, and her plan of getting wasted was asinine. 

Right? I mean, what's worse - the adoption agency hearing rumors from some loud-ass woman that Brandi drinks too much? Or seeing footage of her knocking drinks back repeatedly? I know the adoption was likely final before the footage aired, but still. Talk about stupid. 


9 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

"tell me exactly what I've said" (although when they are told they never accept what they've been told as possibly true) etc., etc.

This was the part that drove me the most crazy. D'andra specifically said that she felt attacked when Kam and her MIL were lecturing her about how to behave in society. And Kam refuses to hear it. She refuses to believe she could ever do anything mean. And, here's the thing - I don't think she MEANT ill by it. I think, in her twisted mind, she believed she was helping D'andra out. But a good friend would not discount the other's feelings. You would realize that you hurt someone, regardless of if you meant to or not, and you'd apologize and try to be more careful in the future. 


2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Oh, Brandi. You are a drunk. You have proven that all by yourself with no help from anybody. Interesting confession about her drinking bottles of wine alone every night when her husband was never home. And she really thinks adopting a baby boy is what she needed to do? Band-Aid baby.

That confession made me very nervous. I was thinking - what if something happened with one of her girls, and she's passed out in bed with an empty bottle of wine? 

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I feel the need to defend Brandi. I drink quite a bit when I have a night out. I can imagine that the people I see only when I'm out could have a very wrong impression of me. These are people who don't see me the other six days a week when I am working in my very stressful and demanding job. I feel like that is what is happening with Brandi. She is being judged based on how she drinks when she is out for an evening or on vacation. It's not like she's ripped at a PTA meeting or something. 

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Rewatched this morning. 

Glass was broken last night and not by LeeAnne.  I'm not sure how I feel about that......Yay?

And she didn't go all horns on D'Andra when fingers were in faces and hair was grabbed.

She disengaged and left the room.

The pantyliner in my panties are also exhausted with D'Andra.  Diva brat.

Edited by dosodog
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I admit I tend to root for LeeAnne. I do not know why, but it could be that I probably would not watch this franchise if she was not in it. I just do not find the rest of the women that interesting. I have never liked Brandi. I do not mind Stephanie when she is not around Brandi. I did not mind last season D'Andra, but this season she is annoying me. Cary and Kam are just there for me.

I also, do not mind Kam. I think she is fairly harmless compared to the rest of the ladies. I think this fight between she and D'Andra is incredibly stupid. It felt like something minor that was blown way out of proportion. I do not think the "why didn't you call her" comment was innocent, but D'Andra seemed to be looking for a fight. 

I did like Xanax Kam.

Brandi, if you are so worried about being labeled an alcoholic when the adoption is not finalized yet, you may want to limit your on camera drinking. Her whole plan of drinking everything in sight just so LeeAnne would call her an alcoholic to her face was so stupid.

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38 minutes ago, angelamh66 said:

I feel the need to defend Brandi. I drink quite a bit when I have a night out. I can imagine that the people I see only when I'm out could have a very wrong impression of me. These are people who don't see me the other six days a week when I am working in my very stressful and demanding job. I feel like that is what is happening with Brandi. She is being judged based on how she drinks when she is out for an evening or on vacation. It's not like she's ripped at a PTA meeting or something. 

Part of my judgement includes the numerous times we've seen her day drinking at home.  Since season 1.

And I still want to know why "Jesus Juice" got changed to wine in the 2nd season.  Her and Steph loved that phrase a lot and suddenly it gets dropped.

Who gets that shit faced drunk to make a point about not being an alcoholic?  

If you're concerned about rumors impeding an adoption, then why do you drink a bottle of wine with D'Andra for lunch, with shots and then around 9 PM show up at a public charity function, SWAYING because you're drunk.  If you're that concerned and you know the adoption agency might have an issue with you being publicly drunk, then stop having cocktails until the adoption goes through.

One can still have a bunch of fun just drinking water.......for awhile, until you've cleared any hurdles from bringing a baby into your home.

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Brandi's children were kicked out of their school after season one, due to her drinking. And part of the reason her husband was so mad at her back then was because he'd heard she went to a male strip club on camera, drunk, and was worried about how it would look to his coworkers. I don't know if Brandi actually has a drinking problem--maybe she really does only drink when she's on camera or out socially these days. But her drinking has already affected her family negatively and if she's worried about it happening again with the adoption, then she should stop doing it in public. And it's on her, not anyone else, to make that decision. 

I haven't liked Cary that much in the past, but I've come around to her this season and I felt for her in that restaurant scene! I also really liked her cousin's music, go figure. I don't know what the hell is happening in the preview, with her and Mark naked, though. I might change my opinion back after I see that... 

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1 hour ago, Misslindsey said:

I admit I tend to root for LeeAnne. I do not know why, but it could be that I probably would not watch this franchise if she was not in it. I just do not find the rest of the women that interesting. I have never liked Brandi. I do not mind Stephanie when she is not around Brandi. I did not mind last season D'Andra, but this season she is annoying me. Cary and Kam are just there for me.

Yup, I'm right there with you. LeeAnne is the only thing keeping this franchise interesting.

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11 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Wow. I continue to strongly dislike D’Andra, and she’s such a snob with her “back of the plane class”.  That’s right bitch, you’re no better than the rest of us. Too bad you couldn’t commit tax fraud on TV, nor had the personal funds to cover first class. 

And does anyone notice how aggressive and pissed she is in all of her talking heads?  For someone who pretends to have it all, doesn’t care what anyone thinks, and has a man who bangs her constantly, she’s one angry person.  And how does she spend all day running “her” company when her mother is still there?  She’s a dilettante and a prima Donna. 


D'Andra is seeming very panicked.  She is wound pretty tight, and we usually see that when a housewife is having problems in their marriage.  They are always nervous and looking for a fight.  It doesn't seem to be the case with D'Andra here, so what is wrong with her that we don't know about???  I assume there is more to the financial stuff, since she couldn't bump herself to front of the plane class.


11 hours ago, Jets4274 said:


I wish there was a switch to turn off Kameron's accent.  I can't stand hearing her talk.

Jets, I was SO with you - everything except for Kam's accent - I could listen to her all day!


2 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

I admit I tend to root for LeeAnne. I do not know why, but it could be that I probably would not watch this franchise if she was not in it. I just do not find the rest of the women that interesting. I have never liked Brandi. I do not mind Stephanie when she is not around Brandi. I did not mind last season D'Andra, but this season she is annoying me. Cary and Kam are just there for me.

I also, do not mind Kam. I think she is fairly harmless compared to the rest of the ladies. I think this fight between she and D'Andra is incredibly stupid. It felt like something minor that was blown way out of proportion. I do not think the "why didn't you call her" comment was innocent, but D'Andra seemed to be looking for a fight. 

I did like Xanax Kam.

Brandi, if you are so worried about being labeled an alcoholic when the adoption is not finalized yet, you may want to limit your on camera drinking. Her whole plan of drinking everything in sight just so LeeAnne would call her an alcoholic to her face was so stupid.

I just want to say I feel the same way - with all of your points!

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12 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I'm team D'Andra on this one tonight.  Really Kam?  You've been attacked when you were the one who told your mother in law about D'Andra.  Oh but she's your best friend.  Listen Miss Valley Girl, you stirred that pot.  And Miss sophisticated Dallas socialite prefers french fries.

Drunk Brandi was a fail but at least she called Leanne out the next day.  She did call Brandi an alcoholic.

That's all I got.

The only thing that brandi’s Plan managed is to allow her to over inbibe like she prefers to do. I definitely don’t like her but she was downright odious this episode. The only person she amused was herself... she’s so clever.

i like Stephanie but there is no excuse for her level of ignorance. You don’t know where Denmark is why don’t you google a world map. I’m just saying it’s not like it’s a hidden destination. Her lack of curiousity is insufferable.

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1 hour ago, Panda Bear said:

Brandi's children were kicked out of their school after season one, due to her drinking. And part of the reason her husband was so mad at her back then was because he'd heard she went to a male strip club on camera, drunk, and was worried about how it would look to his coworkers. I don't know if Brandi actually has a drinking problem--maybe she really does only drink when she's on camera or out socially these days. But her drinking has already affected her family negatively and if she's worried about it happening again with the adoption, then she should stop doing it in public. And it's on her, not anyone else, to make that decision. 

I haven't liked Cary that much in the past, but I've come around to her this season and I felt for her in that restaurant scene! I also really liked her cousin's music, go figure. I don't know what the hell is happening in the preview, with her and Mark naked, though. I might change my opinion back after I see that... 

Thank you for the tea!  It is messed up for a private school to remove children for that reason.  I know, I know, they can do what they want, but.

How did that help the children in any way and why did they pay the consequences for their mom?

25 minutes ago, Lizzing said:

I would like to know why D'Andra's "fancy" going out outfits look like something Helen Slater's character in Ruthless People designed in 1986.  

It irks me to no end that anti-foodie people like Kam got to have Top Chef happen in her house, even if it was the abysmal Texas season.  Her going to a Michelin star rated restaurant (and Stephanie too, though to a lesser extent because she's not an affected bitch like Kam) is almost as painful as OC's Peggy 1.0 and her dumbass husband telling Susan Feniger to make chips & guac.  Not quite, but I could see Kam going there eventually.

And while I do like Stephanie more this season than in the past, her lack of intellectual curiosity is disgusting.  She can pull out her phone and look at a damn map of where she's going.  This "aren't I so dumb and cute" shit has got to stop.  Kelly Dodd should not be the standard bearer of cultural research, yet here we are. LOL!

I am NEVER going to look at D'Andra's clothes without thinking about Ruthless People ever again.  Please let that be on Netflix!  My only plan is to walk the dog today!

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2 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Thank you for the tea!  It is messed up for a private school to remove children for that reason.  I know, I know, they can do what they want, but.

How did that help the children in any way and why did they pay the consequences for their mom?

Good question! It is pretty harsh. The only thing I can figure is that it was a religious school and they didn't appreciate her calling wine "Jesus juice"? I think that's probably why she stopped using that term. 

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Kameron exhausts me.  She knew what she was doing with her mother-in-law and D'Andra during that cooking lesson.  She planned on coming for Brandi in a really roundabout way, and D'Andra is on to her.  D'Andra has not fully grasped what was going on in that conversation, but someone will figure it out eventually.  Her trying to play the victim was uncalled for.  In the words of Lisa Rinna, Kam needs to "own it."  Kam has teamed up with LeeAnn to try to bring Brandi down and D'Andra is caught in the crosshairs.  Seeing drunk Brandi trying to comfort Kam was interesting.  Wonder what the reunion will be like when Brandi finally sees what Kam and LeeAnn have been doing.  

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5 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

I feel the need to defend Brandi. I drink quite a bit when I have a night out. I can imagine that the people I see only when I'm out could have a very wrong impression of me. These are people who don't see me the other six days a week when I am working in my very stressful and demanding job. I feel like that is what is happening with Brandi. She is being judged based on how she drinks when she is out for an evening or on vacation. It's not like she's ripped at a PTA meeting or something. 

YES!!!!  I only go out like every 6-8, we stay local, and that's pretty much the only time people see me.  So in their eyes, I'm as drunk as a skunk, losing my ass on the video poker machines.  LOL.  

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3 hours ago, Lizzing said:

I would like to know why D'Andra's "fancy" going out outfits look like something Helen Slater's character in Ruthless People designed in 1986.  

Ha!  I don't even remember that but I know you are right :D

I am always surprised at how often they ALL do shots.  I feel that I outgrew that in my 20s - the desire AND the ability to do them without throwing up :D

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On 11/5/2018 at 3:39 PM, nexxie said:

Subtitle: Ugly Americans Strike Again

(Can’t wait!)


On 11/5/2018 at 3:13 PM, OnceSane said:

Airs November 7, 2018.

Okay, but just not most the most hysterical housewife episode ever? I hope it wasn't just because of my new medicinal marijuana medication. LOL.

Kameron, who I can't stand really, killed it... Her gangster rap on the bus, her medicated goofy ass on the airplane, her going through her suitcase with Leanne, she can be really really funny. I almost feel like I have to like her now because she had me laughing so much.

Leanne is also hysterical... Her reaction to Kameron's suitcase, her facial expressions during the dinner,and I have to give it to her girlfriend held it together even when her best friend was about to slug her. her and her amygdala absolutely crack me up. 

the Dallas women get the Emmy for best comedy of the year.

Drunk Brandi was freaking hilarious walking into the elevator like some badass, stumbling around looking puzzled, then snapping her fingers like she was on "In Living Color" in 1990.

And Cary laughing about drunk Brandy was the best! ."yes, drunk Brandy come through! God she's so funny this season. And her comparing D'Andre to the buttons on a 747, with Kameron happily pushing each button saying what does this do what does this do, was spot-on and perfect and I love Cary forever now.

I had more to say, but I'm feeling a little goofy and I'm rethinking if I want to take this medication anymore.

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Kameron is at a Michelin-starred restaurant, in Copenhagen, and she wishes she could order a quesadilla?!

(Nothing against quesadillas, they are delicious)

I did enjoy Xanax Kam and watching her try to wrangle her luggage as well.  Also, those pink packing cubes, loved those, I may need to get some.

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I also think Stephanie has been awesome this season. I loved her " I need a shot of tequila and a hug "when she was getting into bed.

I also loves her calling out Brandy on her stupidest idea ever of getting drunk so Leanne would confront her.

Is it just me, or is Brandi's face really really really hard to look at? She makes these weird faces and her face does these weird things and it's kind of monstrous looking and scary. Sometimes, not often, she can look pretty, but only for a moment cuz the next second something will move and she will look like a terrifying monster again.

Forgot Leanne's I don't think Brandy's an alcoholic. I think she's a drunk. She's not sophisticated enough to be an alcoholic. LOL.

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40 minutes ago, SuzyQILoveYou said:

I also think Stephanie has been awesome this season. I loved her " I need a shot of tequila and a hug "when she was getting into bed.

I also loves her calling out Brandy on her stupidest idea ever of getting drunk so Leanne would confront her.

Is it just me, or is Brandi's face really really really hard to look at? She makes these weird faces and her face does these weird things and it's kind of monstrous looking and scary. Sometimes, not often, she can look pretty, but only for a moment cuz the next second something will move and she will look like a terrifying monster again.

Forgot Leanne's I don't think Brandy's an alcoholic. I think she's a drunk. She's not sophisticated enough to be an alcoholic. LOL.


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1 hour ago, SweetPotato said:

those pink packing cubes

I have red ones (from LLBean ages ago as a gift from someone). They do keep you very organized and it’s easy to find everything. They are not fun when customs decides to open them up to see what’s in each one of them and then you stand there with a mess (in front of the world) and say “Screw it” and just start grabbing everything and pushing it into where it can fit as you don't want to miss your connection. 

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7 hours ago, dosodog said:

f you're concerned about rumors impeding an adoption, then why do you drink a bottle of wine with D'Andra for lunch, with shots and then around 9 PM show up at a public charity function, SWAYING because you're drunk.

On national TV! She can't blame LeeAnne for that.

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Poor Brandi and her failed plan to get so wasted that Leanne would be forced to call her an alcoholic.  If she was so concerned that gossip about her drinking was going to jeopardize the adoption, maybe she ought to stop providing fodder for people. I believe Leanne when she said she's not calling adoption agencies and giving them the heads up. LOL  

Stephanie had second-hand embarrassment for Brandi. I think she'll eventually distance herself from that hot mess without anyone else's interference.

Kam said, "I could care less."  Pet peeve when that quote is wrong.  She admits she doesn't have an adventurous palette and there's nothing wrong with that. At least she's not a snob and pretentious about that particular issue. 

They didn't need to go to Denmark for a cooking lesson or beer tasting. I did like D'Andra's hair being tied back while they were baking (which is something I do when I'm cooking) because I hate seeing shows where women with long hair have it loose. I keep thinking of what might be falling into the food. Yuck.  

D'Andra continues to be bitter and argumentative. She needs someone to ask her, "Is that the hill you want to die on?" because she seriously needs to chose her battles more carefully. 

Were those records from Cary's cousin? I'm betting none of them have turntables at home. 

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D’Andra seems to be going through a big life challenge/transition possibly due to the emotional/spiritual/psychological shifts that happen in premenopausal years - I’d like to know more about what’s going on with her.

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