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For someone to be a womanizer, don’t actual women need to be involved? If he had available women he wouldn’t be hitting up potential brides overseas. He does look better, I’m impressed he got rid of that dent but he still looks older than 40. He needs to work on that meth mouth next. 

Ashely should start a gofundme for a vibrater if she’s so hungry for the D. Heck, I’ll buy her one outright if she kicks jay to the curb.  But in one scene she’s was balking at how much sex Jay wants.  Is she really only 30 and has a 17 year old?  A lifetime of bad judgement. 

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I haven't had a chance to watch the tell-all yet but I have been reading all the hype about it.  It occurred to me that when the public rakes any of these cast members over the coals their defense is always something along the lines of "don't believe everything you see on TV/reality TV isn't really reality/you don't get the full picture from 4 minutes of edited footage."  So how come when a roomful of these pseudo reality "stars" get together - who presumably know all about the wonky editing and smoke and mirrors of "reality" TV - that logic doesn't apply to their "costars" and they proceed to trash each other based on "4 minutes of edited footage?"

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18 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

And, actually this is Steven second Go Fund Me.  The one I saw on Reddit he was begging for money to go visit Olga in Russia.  I guess he pocketed that money.  I would not be surprised if he waited for filming to start  and the show paid for his stay in Russia.  After all that was the bulk of their storyline. 

According to https://rapidvisa.com/k1-visa-requirements/  Steven has to have an income of at least $16,460. to bring Olga to MD on a k-1 visa (amount apparently differs by state), and if you don't have that income, assets can be used to make up part of the deficit--but that was a complicated formula that I didn't care enough about to pursue.  So while it's nice that Steven doesn't need a co-sponsor for Olga, earning $16,460 a year, while commendable for a young man who apparently never earned that much in his life, shouldn't be out of the question for anyone who is planning to support a family.

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2 hours ago, not you again said:

Well in my opinion, the only reason he didn't go from trying to leave the country with the baby to actually leaving the country with the baby is he found out at the embassy that he wouldn't be allowed to do so.

He appeared to have every intention of doing so, and as a PP said Olga's very obvious relief when he told her she could keep the baby (just typing that gets my hackles up) it seems this was not made-up drama in Olga's mind.

A baby was born to two parents, both of whom obviously wanted to be with their son.  Since the parents live in different countries, conversations were had about where the baby should live.  Sometimes parents don't have these conversations, because often and unfortunately a father will not want to be raising a baby alone in a country without its mother

I still give Steven a lot of credit for wanting to be a part of his child's life with such fervor, and even moreso for his yield when he realized he couldn't/shouldn't be the baby's sole guardian during the visa wait.

Steven never "tried to leave the country with the baby" or "gave Olga permission to keep her baby." 
Right before he proposed to her, he:

  • surrendered his position in the disagreement about where Richie should live
  • said she should really keep Richie for now until she gets her visa because a baby needs his mom
  • said he'd been thinking about it a lot and that he knows it's the right thing to do 
  • said that he felt like an ass for trying to convince her otherwise and admitted his mistake.

Her relief at that moment.. most likely due to the fact that this ongoing conversation was over and the decision was made and mutual. 

And now the two of them look happier than pigs in shit. 

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32 minutes ago, gingerella said:

I'm sorry but this simply is not true. When I lived in Southern Africa region nearly all the households were female-headed and men went around impregnating women and being proud & loud about their abilty to get a woman pregnant but it was totally not expected that they would step up and actually be a parent, let alone give anything monetary to raise said child(ren), and most didn't. In fact, most kids I knew didn't know who their fathers were. Sure preachers preached 'family values' of a two parent home but those were/are 'Christian' values and didn't take into account the current social norms. Not saying I approved of that, but that's how it was. In other regions of Africa at that time, men were responsible fathers, just not in the region I was in. So no, it's not everywhere.

What specific culture was this?

I know there are deadbeats everywhere. And more than typical in impoverished areas. But no expectation at all?

Edited by eatsleep
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35 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

For someone to be a womanizer, don’t actual women need to be involved? If he had available women he wouldn’t be hitting up potential brides overseas. He does look better, I’m impressed he got rid of that dent but he still looks older than 40. He needs to work on that meth mouth next. 

Ashely should start a gofundme for a vibrater if she’s so hungry for the D. Heck, I’ll buy her one outright if she kicks jay to the curb.  But in one scene she’s was balking at how much sex Jay wants.  Is she really only 30 and has a 17 year old?  A lifetime of bad judgement. 

Her 17 year old must be mortified.  Her child is closer to Jay's age than Ashley!  So gross, so weird, and I sure hope she isn't a local 17 year old on tinder.

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2 hours ago, Drogo said:

... but he didn't, because he's a shitbag deadbeat who thinks money and diapers grow on trees in Oliver's mother's big country and Kalani didn't ask because she probably knows Asuelu has two settings:  Uncontrollable Tears and Finger Guns.  

I laughed so hard my abs hurt.  Part of it is from the workout session I did yesterday.  I blame you for this excruciating pain.

33 minutes ago, Mothra said:

According to https://rapidvisa.com/k1-visa-requirements/  Steven has to have an income of at least $16,460. to bring Olga to MD on a k-1 visa (amount apparently differs by state), and if you don't have that income, assets can be used to make up part of the deficit--but that was a complicated formula that I didn't care enough about to pursue.  So while it's nice that Steven doesn't need a co-sponsor for Olga, earning $16,460 a year, while commendable for a young man who apparently never earned that much in his life, shouldn't be out of the question for anyone who is planning to support a family.

Enter.....Nicole.....Exit....Money for a "hair accessories shop."  

Also exit....brains, common sense, and a vacuum cleaner with a French fry attachment.

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2 hours ago, not you again said:

Well in my opinion, the only reason he didn't go from trying to leave the country with the baby to actually leaving the country with the baby is he found out at the embassy that he wouldn't be allowed to do so.

He appeared to have every intention of doing so, and as a PP said Olga's very obvious relief when he told her she could keep the baby (just typing that gets my hackles up) it seems this was not made-up drama in Olga's mind.

I think it was real, too. When Steven talked about taking the baby, Olga shed real tears and they flowed freely.  It was very much a scream-at-the-television moment!

Steven seemed to think nothing of ripping a newborn from his mother's arms.

As I see it, viewers have always been a little skeptical of fake story lines, but we really lost our trust after some bonehead at TLC made the decision to hire Ricky and then protect his fake story line (that he incorporated his daughter into... as in teach your kid to be a con.) According to TLC, Ol' Ricky decided that he wasn't ready to date because he needed to attend to his daughter and teach her more cons.  That was very insulting to us as an audience. They should have called him out on his sh*t on camera because THAT'S television!

Just glad I don't have to watch Ricky get that smarmy fake sad look on his face every time he got caught hurting a woman. You could just see that slow wheel turning in that dim bulb of a head of his as he was thinking, "Uh oh. Woman mad. Time to look sad now. Cameras on me. Yaay!"

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3 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

His boobs are bigger than I thought.  He totally gives me the creeps and it has nothing to do with his moobs.

Oh my goodness.  Really. Is he taking estrogen or something? Wow.

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On 1/7/2019 at 1:30 AM, Hannah94 said:

I just watched the first season (for the first time). I am now watching the second season. I know this is way late to the game, but I couldn't find a thread to discuss this. Is this a joke? The 40 something year old woman with three teenagers dating the 20 something year old in another country...she seems to be 100% mentally handicapped. Wasn't sure if anyone here watched the first or second season. I am scared.

No - this is not a joke. Well - it kinda is given the hours of amusement it provides for us viewing public. 

You sound just like my sister - who is now addicted (she started watching with me last summer while we were at my family’s vacation house). She knew nothing about the Tell All (thought last week was finale) and called me today with glee in her voice when it popped up on her DVR. She thinks it must be staged. I told her she underestimates how many Americans are willing to humiliate themselves for a chance to get on TV. It’s pathetic for them, but great for us! You must check out Nicole and Azan. Danielle and Mohammed 2.0. I’m explaining On Demand to my sister so she can catch up.

Oh - and don’t miss Love After Lockup. IMO - it may even be better.

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3 minutes ago, Jennifersdc said:

No - this is not a joke. Well - it kinda is given the hours of amusement it provides for us viewing public. 

You sound just like my sister - who is now addicted (she started watching with me last summer while we were at my family’s vacation house). She knew nothing about the Tell All (thought last week was finale) and called me today with glee in her voice when it popped up on her DVR. She thinks it must be staged. I told her she underestimates how many Americans are willing to humiliate themselves for a chance to get on TV. It’s pathetic for them, but great for us! You must check out Nicole and Azan. Danielle and Mohammed 2.0. I’m explaining On Demand to my sister so she can catch up.

Oh - and don’t miss Love After Lockup. IMO - it may even be better.

I am already addicted to the dumpster fire known as LAL, lol. That is how I ended up hearing about 90 DF. The first season had normal couples and was kinda sweet. Then I see Danielle's episode and it is a golden heap of glorious trash!

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7 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

This is getting really ridiculous!  I am responding to this comment because it is the most recent but many people here have said that he was trying to leave the country with the baby.  Yes, he did say that he thought he should take the baby to America but he NEVER tried to take the baby without Olga knowing.  No matter what you think of his plan - what we SAW was a PARENT discussing custody of a child with the OTHER PARENT!   And again, no matter what anyone thinks about his qualifications to parent or what is the best situation for a newborn it is up to his parents to decide what THEY want to do.  Painting him as some sort of international child smuggler/kidnapper is really jumping to conclusions. 

Whether or not he was committed to Olga is a separate question.  He should have been up front about her visa but even if they decide they do not want a relationship with each other he still has rights to see his child and they would still have needed to come to some sort of custody agreement.  You can't just say you THINK he will be abusive in the future and therefore he should have no right to ever see his child again!

I agree with both of your points and I can actually understand his reason for not applying for her visa, it would be 

him sponsoring her so of course he should be cautious about it, he just should have been upfront with her about it.

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2 minutes ago, RealReality10 said:

I like dumpster fire TV, is this show also.on TLC?

It’s on WE (wannabe TLC). Get on it. See Golden Heap of Glorious Trash. I’ll be using that fabulous little nugget in the future. Thanks Hannah!

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6 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I just saw a TLC update that Kalani had to take a break from the Tell All every two hours to breastfeed her child. Hasn't she ever heard of bottling her milk so that her sister could feed Oliver back stage instead of holding up the entire production? #HighMaintenance

Now, I've got two kids and another on the way so I understand that they gotta eat, but did anyone else find it strange that she would just whip one out on international television? She didn't have a little burp cloth or anything to put over that thing?

Of course, she was standing there fully exposed on a cold day in front of the Statue of Liberty so knowing how confrontational she is, I figured she must have something to prove.

Nothing wrong with a woman breastfeeding in public. She sure isn't shy though.

Also noticed Jay giving her sly looks... probably wondering if she was on Tinder?

I can’t believe her sister hasn’t taken fatherhood so seriously that she became the first dad to lactate.  

Why can’t they just consider her an aunt and not a “ dad” to Oliver. In most cases when the dad is absent, a grandfather or uncle steps in as the male figure, never heard of an aunt taking that role. 

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On 1/7/2019 at 2:25 AM, Eagle Woman said:

If you hadnt of been so unkind to Larissa, she might have given you some makeup tips, she is a natural beauty.

You mean the Larissa with the dead tooth, and the bad skin?  Yeah, I don't see any natural beauty.  She gross.  Inside and out.

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On 1/7/2019 at 11:53 AM, Drogo said:

Here.. watch Asuelu.

Oh - Asuelu punching his own head is disturbing on second view. Maybe it’s to stop him from punching her. Honestly - if it was me, I’d probably be thinking about it.

The first time I’ve ever found Leida even slightly amusing is her reaction near the end.

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5 minutes ago, Honey said:

You mean the Larissa with the dead tooth, and the bad skin?  Yeah, I don't see any natural beauty.  She gross.  Inside and out.

Well Larissa didn't have a man willing to pay for her dental care.  But overall I think Larissa is so much prettier in the face than Fernanda, who I think has bulldog jaw.

You can fix teeth, you can see a dermatologist,* but man...that jaw!

However mileage varies, and the jaw doesn't stand out until they do a profile shot and then whoa!

* - I accept that none of this will happen until Larissa gets a job because I know Colt/Debbie aren't trying to pay for that!  She will be lucky if she gets on Colt's medical insurance!

Edited by RealReality10
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4 hours ago, not you again said:

Well in my opinion, the only reason he didn't go from trying to leave the country with the baby to actually leaving the country with the baby is he found out at the embassy that he wouldn't be allowed to do so.

He appeared to have every intention of doing so, and as a PP said Olga's very obvious relief when he told her she could keep the baby (just typing that gets my hackles up) it seems this was not made-up drama in Olga's mind.

He flat out said he wanted to take the baby. Many times. Regardless of whether he played it up for a story or not, the fact he would even consider stressing Olga out like (being portrayed in that way) that shows his character. 

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Ok I call shenanigans on the plane ✈️ incident. Larissa would never go out in public looking like that, they dressed her poorly to give more impact to her "dressing up for her enemies" storyline. TLC wanted to create some drama, I wouldn't be surprised if the cast was told to gang up on them. They wanted to recreate the Anfisa/Pao dynamic.

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The Tell All mostly reinforced my original assumptions about each couple’s personality disorders I mean traits. The only person I still like is Asuelo, who I will adopt as my permanent man-child so he can follow me around and say “SHHHH!” whenever someone annoys me. 

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7 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

More things I've learned on Social Media:

1) Johnathan recently declared bankruptcy

2) Leida only agreed to date Erik if he would agree to be on the show (this he admitted during a joint interview with a newstation)

3) Erik's ex-wife did an interview and said Erik drinks too much and is a womanizer. Ledia appartently called the Jenica dumb and slow and now and Jenica doesn't want to spend time there. The ex is not going to let Jenica go over there anymore. (Erik would have to take her to court to get custody, they only have a verbal agreement).

4) Leida tried to get a boyfriend to adopt her son before she came to the US so she could be kid free, and she didn't want her parents to raise him

5) Leida's son can't speak because she never taught him and he spent all his time with baby-sitters in Japan and they ignored him

6) Steve has a Gofundme account to pay for Olga and the baby

7) Larissa has two kids from two ex-boyfriends. One was adopted by an aunt, and the other is with her dad

8) Ashley has lupus

Jonathan declaring bankruptcy is actually sad.  He has a solid career and has worked presumably for many years.  Did he spend all of his money on Fernanda?  It seems like precious few people on this show actually have any type of appropriate financial resources.

I wonder why Leida didn't want to leave Alless with her parents.  And what about her ex-husband?  Was he completely unwilling to look after his own son.

Regarding breastfeeding... I did it.  I'm a big proponent of doing it in private or public.  I don't see it as sexual at all.  But hubby tells me that there is something attractive about it to some men because it is a sign of fertility and health in a woman.  And quite frankly, that makes sense.

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I just watched Tell All part 1 today. Why were Coltee and Larissa late?  Aren’t there direct non-stop flights from Vegas to New York?  Why was Coltee complaining that he was traveling all day?  They must have gotten off on the layover and missed the flight to New York. I don’t blame the other couples for disparaging Coltee and Larissa. If they could make it on time so should C & L. Rude couple. 

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4 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Yes, thank you!  I think far too often we give the 90 Day Fiances a break b/c they are from other countries and attribute everything to cultural differences.  I think there are also far too many "on the spectrum" armchair diagnoses.  Sometimes people are just sociopaths, socially uncomfortable, awkward, not intelligent.  

Asuelo's constant tears, and then his strange outsburst when there was arguing going on now makes me wonder if the Asuelo is violent and got fired b/c of an altercation with a female employee at the resort is actually true.

Early on, I felt embarrassed by him, for him, and sad for him.  After watching him for a while, I can see why the sister is freaked out by this union.  

Bingo.  If Asuelo was American people would be roasting him.  Also, he worked at a resort and encountered American and foreign tourists all the time.  I don't think he is as simple as people make it seem. 

Edited by lucy711
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3 hours ago, eatsleep said:
3 hours ago, gingerella said:

I'm sorry but this simply is not true. When I lived in Southern Africa region nearly all the households were female-headed and men went around impregnating women and being proud & loud about their abilty to get a woman pregnant but it was totally not expected that they would step up and actually be a parent, let alone give anything monetary to raise said child(ren), and most didn't. In fact, most kids I knew didn't know who their fathers were. Sure preachers preached 'family values' of a two parent home but those were/are 'Christian' values and didn't take into account the current social norms. Not saying I approved of that, but that's how it was. In other regions of Africa at that time, men were responsible fathers, just not in the region I was in. So no, it's not everywhere.

What specific culture was this?

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10 minutes ago, lucy711 said:

I wonder why Leida didn't want to leave Alless with her parents.  And what about her ex-husband?  Was he completely unwilling to look after his own son.

There is some speculation that her former husband married her as a favour.  Aless is actually the result of a relationship (or one night stand) she had in Japan and the wedding/marriage was just to legitimize her pregnancy.  That would be a believable explanation as to why he doesn't pay child support or see Aless.  

I'm guessing that Leida doesn't have the greatest relationship with her parents - they probably are soooooooooo done with her - and that she is probably worried they will turn Aless against her.

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Interesting that they film in New York.  I agree with whoever said that Larissa would not face ever let herself be filmed without makeup.  

But that's a pretty long flight, IMO, like 5 hours if you get a direct flight?  I'd wanna be comfortable.

I dont know why she even checked a bag at all.  UA has some funky luggage policies, but don't most airlines allow you a small roller bag and a purse/small backpack?  She should have split everything between the two carry-ons.  Especially since she could take up most of Colt's carry on space. 

She didn't need that much makeup since they had hair and makeup at the reunion.

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5 hours ago, Drogo said:

She probably knows Asuelu has two settings:  Uncontrollable Tears and Finger Guns.  In short, he's exactly the kind of guy Low didn't want for his daughters. 

Shit, even Terrible Little Steven arrived in Russia and immediately started spending most of his limited funds to get Olga set up with everything Richie would need. 

Asuelu couldn't understand why Steven wanted to hear 'thank you' because Asuelu never did anything for Kalani besides knock her up, so he's never expected to hear thank you from her. 

LOL at tears and finger guns.....I liked Ansuelu until the tell all. There is something definitely off about that guy. I also don't see any chemistry or genuine affection between him and Kalini. The whole situation is odd. 

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1 hour ago, lucy711 said:

Jonathan declaring bankruptcy is actually sad.  He has a solid career and has worked presumably for many years.  Did he spend all of his money on Fernanda?  It seems like precious few people on this show actually have any type of appropriate financial resources.

I wonder if he really did have a solid career.  It wouldn't surprise me if he is one of those guys that wants everyone to think he is rolling in the dough and then got into major credit debt that led to the bankruptcy?  

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54 minutes ago, RealReality10 said:

  Especially since she could take up most of Colt's carry on space. 

You'd be surprised how much room a 56D bra takes up in a carry-on. 

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12 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I wonder if he really did have a solid career.  It wouldn't surprise me if he is one of those guys that wants everyone to think he is rolling in the dough and then got into major credit debt that led to the bankruptcy?  

Real estate can be very feast or famine, there is tons of competition and it takes a long time to get lifelong clients who will recommend you or want to use you for every transaction.

Maybe he reinvested in property and the value went up or down.  But he shouldn't be living paycheck to paycheck.

10 minutes ago, Drogo said:

You'd be surprised how much room a 56D bra takes up in a carry-on. 

LOL!  Colt's bra probably could be a carry on ;)

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Jonathan may have declared bankruptcy to prepare for his impending divorce. 


Eric being a drunk is no surprise - he always looks wasted or hungover. I wonder what his initial plan with Leida was for this show? Some sort of Green Acres/I Love Lucy/Overboard mashup with the kooky Indonesian Princess and the poor but brave and chivalrous war hero?

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5 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

Jonathan may have declared bankruptcy to prepare for his impending divorce. 


Eric being a drunk is no surprise - he always looks wasted or hungover. I wonder what his initial plan with Leida was for this show? Some sort of Green Acres/I Love Lucy/Overboard mashup with the kooky Indonesian Princess and the poor but brave and chivalrous war hero?

Those are great ideas, but it may not have gone further than "hey I can make extra drinking money!"

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2 hours ago, RealReality10 said:

Where is the tell all filmed?  

I assume NYC. 

Here's handy list of TLC tweets


2 hours ago, Hannigram said:

I just watched Tell All part 1 today. Why were Coltee and Larissa late?  Aren’t there direct non-stop flights from Vegas to New York?  Why was Coltee complaining that he was traveling all day?  They must have gotten off on the layover and missed the flight to New York. I don’t blame the other couples for disparaging Coltee and Larissa. If they could make it on time so should C & L. Rude couple. 

see link above to TLC tweets...flight cancellled etc (if TLC ain't lyin').  Note other people have commented on bad weather on the dates.

ETA: Another factor for lateness....Colt and Larissa spent 3 hours in the green room

Edited by MajorNelson
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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

I wonder if he really did have a solid career.  It wouldn't surprise me if he is one of those guys that wants everyone to think he is rolling in the dough and then got into major credit debt that led to the bankruptcy?  

I think his friends are all wealthy and there is a lot of 'keeping up with the Jones' going on with him.  I think he did have a solid career but has piss poor money management skills. One dry month and boom, bankruptcy. He reminds me of an EX I had, all his friends came from wealthy families, university fully paid for etc. He used his Student loan money on a leather jacket. 🙄

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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11 hours ago, Boofish said:

Instagram and Fashion Nova. She will probably never be on the cover of Vogue but the Target Spring collection mailer is not out of the question. I actually think Fernanda is pretty but someone said she looked like a sock monkey and now I'm questioning all my life decisions.

She reminds of the mascot for Red Dog beer (do they still make that?).

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8 hours ago, millennium said:

Forgive me, but hard-working people are being snatched by immigration officials and deported when they leave their apartments to buy a gallon of milk nowadays, but these 90-day con artists can move about freely and become social media sensations?   Something is seriously fucked up.

Indeed it is! THIS is where Immigration fails! No way even half of these fools should be given a greencard and allowed to stay. But.......Mo is still here and so is Luis etc, etc. 

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9 hours ago, Gobi said:

Just aim low.

Remember there were two Danielle lookalikes at Eric’s wedding.  That may be the caliber of the targets of his womanizing.  And remember his chunky best friend?  Perhaps a friend with benefits?

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9 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Because she's Kalani, and her brain doesn't work good.

I have been wondering if she is not (ahem) slightly "Low IQ" (trying to be PC here). 

Her decisions are all just weird/her sister seems to act more like a mother-keeper-nurse

Nothing about her husband seems too strange for her........and it seems contraception is beyond her scope.

And breast-feeding without cover on TV? Well, while it's 'natural', and I know I'm OLD.....I  felt uncomfortable for the crew etc. (It was a lot more discreet in my day) 

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