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  1. The difference is that the “evidence” against Colt is hearsay from Larissa and speculation from the audience due to his frugal spending. The evidence against Larissa is physical, such as police reports, photos, and videos of her behavior. And I do remember their interactions from when they first started off, thanks.
  2. If it’s not with Colt it’ll be with someone else. She is a manipulator who is willing to use self-harm to get people in trouble. That is a serious red flag and nobody should consider themselves safe from her vitriol.
  3. Piss poor gold digger because her mark has no gold, duh. Since when does anyone owe her shit? She’s a grown woman who makes her own choices. So honorable! 😂
  4. Of course Larissa started off laying it on thick and saying she was in love with Colt. They both said those things. Larissa is a liar and a user. Colt may well be one too. But nobody will change my mind that Larissa is a gold digger who lies about her intentions and absolutely sucks at it. 😂
  5. Larissa started this whole thing out saying she was in love and that Coltee was her soulmate, not that this was some transaction. She’s a piss poor gold digger and it didn’t take long for her true colors to come to light. I disagree that colt was hiding his intentions. Perhaps Larissa was too hyper focused on that green card to notice the red flags.
  6. They both have no business in romantic relationships until they get some serious therapy. So unhealthy and dysfunctional.
  7. Sorry, don’t buy it. It means you definitely don’t have money for $3000 Chanel’s. And her true colors are out now anyway. “Wives are the most expensive prostitutes”? Really? She didn’t talk like that before she arrived. She was the misleading one. She’s always been greedy and money-hungry. She’s just not very good at it.
  8. Except for the fact that he told her he didn’t have unlimited funds during their video chat. He explained that he couldn’t do the plane ticket change, not that it was a waste. I thought she was greedy and selfish during that conversation and she hasn’t done a single thing to change my mind. 😂
  9. I think she just heard what she wanted to hear. She knew he lived with his mom and couldn’t afford to change her plane ticket before she ever arrived. Two red flags that he was definitely not wealthy.
  10. You had originally stated that she somehow earned a prize for getting thrown in jail, but she was equally culpable for that mess. Her thinly veiled prostitution is a separate issue altogether. If she wanted money out of a relationship she should’ve found someone who had some.
  11. Larissa “deserves” absolutely nothing. Relationships aren’t about who can get what out of the other person. How quickly we forget that she gave herself self-inflicted wounds because she is just as involved in the drama as Colt is.
  12. I will cheer for Pedro if and when he leaves Chantel. She has inherited crazy from her family and needs to cut the cord. My view of Chantel has been completely soured ever since her idiotic tantrum of accusing Pedro’s sister of calling her a b**ch (which she did not) and proceeding to call the sister every insult she could think of. Chantel an absolute moron who has never grown up. I feel bad for Pedro, who has obviously gotten in way over his head with Chantel and her family’s dysfunction. Her family is constantly expressing anti-immigrant sentiments that are near or outright racist. They are appalling.
  13. Larissa has made it clear from the beginning that she demands to live above her means. Each episode is further confirmation of this. I don’t buy for a second that she’s a victim who was mislead about Colt’s income. She knew he couldn’t afford an earlier plane ticket, let alone a $3000 Chanel.
  14. Because it’s not conscious on her part. She thinks she wants him and that it will work out and be perfect but unconsciously she knows deep down that he will never really be available to her and she will never have to build the emotional intimacy that she fears, likely from past issues or trauma. (Trauma or unstable childhood relationships are usually where things like personality disorders stem from. She’s setting May up for the same dysfunction.)
  15. There’s always that possibility that Nicole is incapable of emotional intimacy and unconsciously she stays with Azan because she knows he is unavailable and therefore he is the safe choice for her. No risk, no pain.
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