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Season 6 Discussion


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7 hours ago, Fouts said:

I'm curious about something regarding Jay.  Why did he fret so much in front of the camera about getting married so young if he knew it was all part of a grander scheme to stay in the country and screw around-- with his poor bride on the financial hook for him?  I find this story particularly upsetting, but maybe it's just too close to home.  (Our daughter found evidence of cheating husband on his phone, and he broke her phone in response.  When he was supposedly back to faithfulness, he used MY computer--without my knowledge--where he saved his password on his Facebook page.  Later I happened upon it and saw all the women he'd been trolling on his messaging there.  When we pointed this out, he threatened to call the police on me for invasion of privacy.  So happy they're divorced now.)

I wondered about that too.  Maybe Jay's TH was filmed after the fact, like most of them are.  The producers have them talk as if it's in the moment, when it's really often way post.

Jay is nothing but a scheming foreigner, using insecure Ashley.  He very well knew how all this works.  That she'd not only bring him into the U.S., but that she'd be on the hook for him financially for 10 years, and that he'd have rights to stay in her house.

When the racist wedding comments were coming in on her page, I thought.....wonder if Jay & his mom are the ones posting this, so that he doesn't have to do the big wedding, but gets a trip to Vegas instead.  They never did try to identify the commenters, nor report it to police, who could have helped identify via IP addresses, etc.

Jay is going to get nastier by the day, a la Luis, as others have reported.  My guess is, he'll turn on his charm when he needs to, to keep Ashley just this side of hooked.  While he Tinders away, lying to everyone he meets.

Unfortunately, she can't get this annulled, as it's been well documented that they've already had sex.  And that she willingly and enthusiastically brought him here.  She was not forced, nor was she coerced.  I think this, too, was part of Jay's plan.  Get on this show, so that it's all there, recorded.  Good job Jay.  Welcome to the U.S., you piece of sh*t.

  • Love 23

Coltee and Larissa are both eating real good at Mama Debbie's.  I'm assuming Larissa buys those outfits in Vegas?  She looks good in them now, but will soon need to invest in some Spanx I'm thinking... (Coltee too, and a man bra).  

Eric is literally aging before our eyes. And does he ever shampoo his hair or brush his teeth before filming? I always feel like he smells and has bad breath. What is the attraction for Leida? I don't get it. I realize she's a self absorbed bitch, but is she stupid too?  She *apparently* comes from wealth and status and a burgeoning medical career.  So why has she hooked onto looser Eric?  No looks, money or prospects and a bevy of daughters that annoy her.  She is not in love with him.  It makes no sense unless she gets her kicks by being a bitch 24/7 and he's the perfect victim.  

Ashley and Jay -  After that tacky Elvis wedding and the depressed ride back in the limo.... I'm surprised production didn't arrange for the loony friend to be following behind on her scooter yelling and gesticulating. I don't feel bad for Ashley.  She is too foolish for words.  

Steven and Olga seem to be the only real couple in the bunch. Although much of their story is set up too.  How did he pay for his trip to Russia?  And then there's the ring.  He's 20 with no education or job?  It's a set up in terms of production flying him there and funding his stay, but their unfolding story is real.  Olga is real. Her friend is real. Steven's immaturity is real.... and scary.

None of the others are particularly interesting.  The Hairy Family Kalani is nowhere near as much fun as the Family Chantel.

It's interesting that many conversations are held in restaurants, nail salons, etc., where I'm assuming they get permission to film and an extra is primed to ask questions.  But there's always the tricky issue of editing.  Bits of conversations and reactions are obviously tacked together and not occurring in the order they're filmed.  

  • Love 14
19 minutes ago, Sterling said:

Unfortunately, she can't get this annulled, as it's been well documented that they've already had sex.  And that she willingly and enthusiastically brought him here.  She was not forced, nor was she coerced.  I think this, too, was part of Jay's plan.  Get on this show, so that it's all there, recorded.  Good job Jay.  Welcome to the U.S., you piece of sh*t.

I’m not sure, but having sex in the marriage doesn’t mean Ashley can’t get an annulment. Especially if Jay set up Tinder accounts right after the wedding. That’s pretty good indicator of “being frauded.”

I think what damned Danielle’s annulment was the repeated filing/withdrawing of annulment papers and the passing of too much time, where she was trying to get her man back. With all that, the consumation didn’t help.

  • Love 18
11 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

I don’t understand why Leida’s wealthy family cannot come for the wedding?  

Because Leida's family is not wealthy. They might be middle class, but she has made up this "wealth" from whole cloth. 

10 hours ago, renatae said:

Kolini, you need to find a different occupation than Chief Handwringer Over Kalani's Life. It's not all about you. Although the timing stinks, there's nothing to be done at this point, and this is not The Greatest Tragedy Ever. Please, you two, grow up and get therapy. You are not a couple, and your relationship is completely messed up.

The relationship between these two makes me actively uncomfortable. Its weird. 

46 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

I still can’t with the fact that someone named their kids Kolini and Kalani.  

It reminds me of Larry, Darryl and Darryl. 

15 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

None of the others are particularly interesting.  The Hairy Family Kalani is nowhere near as much fun as the Family Chantel.

Family Kalani makes Family Chantel look like the von Trapps. 

  • Love 17
On 12/22/2018 at 3:27 PM, sasha206 said:

Yes, his voice to me is the ultimate turnoff.  And he kinda of has a "duh" face to me.


On 12/23/2018 at 9:27 AM, CSS.MD said:

That’s insane. I thought I misread.

How many law graduates are willing to ditch a possible career in law to be a real estate agent?!

The work is annoying as HELL.

I used to help my parents meet potential tenants interested in their appartements/condos downtown (in addition to their regular proper agents who would demand a commission—I did it commission-free to repay my parents for my tuition).

IDK if it’s because I’m a misanthropic introvert but to me it was a CHORE.

I’d rather help a litigation lawyer do research/draft paperwork and deeds or whatnot. It’s a more steady/sure income too.

I have two master of science degrees and I flip houses and landlord. It can be very rewarding. 

  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, brillia79 said:

I’m not sure, but having sex in the marriage doesn’t mean Ashley can’t get an annulment. Especially if Jay set up Tinder accounts right after the wedding. That’s pretty good indicator of “being frauded.”

I think what damned Danielle’s annulment was the repeated filing/withdrawing of annulment papers and the passing of too much time, where she was trying to get her man back. With all that, the consumation didn’t help.

I was basing the sex after marriage comment on the Danielle/Mahamit storyline.  He had sex with her one time after marriage, which she had shared with someone, and they said that he did that to avoid annulment. 

Danielle never could prove Mahamit "frauded" her.  All her binders, all her printouts, all the soshul media.....didn't help.

Nor was Molly able to prove anything about Luis.

Just because someone is cheating, the U.S. government isn't going to then revoke papers.

Ashley willingly, openly, on camera, brought him over here.  She's toast.

Edited by Sterling
  • Love 5
40 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

Coltee and Larissa are both eating real good at Mama Debbie's.  I'm assuming Larissa buys those outfits in Vegas?  She looks good in them now, but will soon need to invest in some Spanx I'm thinking... (Coltee too, and a man bra).  

Full disclosure:  I'm not one to talk about weight.  But I don't wear skintight midriff tops with asymmetrical bands cutting into my tummy a la Larissa.

She's put on weight since her arrival.  Seems she's enjoying some of Debbie's bith stew and homemade pizza and 200 hot dogs.

  • Love 13
30 minutes ago, Sterling said:

Full disclosure:  I'm not one to talk about weight.  But I don't wear skintight midriff tops with asymmetrical bands cutting into my tummy a la Larissa.

She's put on weight since her arrival.  Seems she's enjoying some of Debbie's bith stew and homemade pizza and 200 hot dogs.

Yup.  I think it's easy to put on weight in the USA but I'm sure she will soon figure out where to go for healthier food.  Incidentally, I think I'd gain weight if I moved to any foreign country because I'd want to try all of the foods that I wasn't used to eating!  Even when I was in Britain I gorged on the scones and biscuits!

If I was Kalani's mother or father, I'd slowly start cutting financial ties.  Kalani is capable of working.  Asuelu can do something once he gets his legal paperwork.  All parents watching this show should take note of this story and realize that Kalani's attitude is what happens when you don't raise your children to be independent and self-reliant.

It was much less fun watching for me last night because I didn't participate in the live chat.  But I was multi-tasking and baking/wrapping at the same time.  Happy Holidays to everyone!

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Sterling said:

I wondered about that too.  Maybe Jay's TH was filmed after the fact, like most of them are.  The producers have them talk as if it's in the moment, when it's really often way post.

Jay is nothing but a scheming foreigner, using insecure Ashley.  He very well knew how all this works.  That she'd not only bring him into the U.S., but that she'd be on the hook for him financially for 10 years, and that he'd have rights to stay in her house.

When the racist wedding comments were coming in on her page, I thought.....wonder if Jay & his mom are the ones posting this, so that he doesn't have to do the big wedding, but gets a trip to Vegas instead.  They never did try to identify the commenters, nor report it to police, who could have helped identify via IP addresses, etc.

Jay is going to get nastier by the day, a la Luis, as others have reported.  My guess is, he'll turn on his charm when he needs to, to keep Ashley just this side of hooked.  While he Tinders away, lying to everyone he meets.

Unfortunately, she can't get this annulled, as it's been well documented that they've already had sex.  And that she willingly and enthusiastically brought him here.  She was not forced, nor was she coerced.  I think this, too, was part of Jay's plan.  Get on this show, so that it's all there, recorded.  Good job Jay.  Welcome to the U.S., you piece of sh*t.

You can have your marriage annulled after having sex!  She can get it annulled to protect herself and children. If Jay wants a green card/citizenship out of this marriage then he has to follow certain laws.


If he has been cheating then he loses his meal ticket.

He frauded her.......but, we have been telling her!  I won’t shed a tear because she looks and acts slow.


You have all your wedding guests telling you not to marry this guy.


Then she eloped in another state! Nice!


Bye, Mrs. Skinz......enjoy it while you still can!

Edited by Dance4Life
  • Love 7
15 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

I hope everyone who thought Fernanda was an immature brat and totally unready for marriage last episode is now eating crow after listening to her very mature, responsible apology letter and discussion with Jonathan. I was impressed by her ability to be humble and take one for the team for both of them. And for the record, I was impressed by Jonathan’s ability to see things from her perspective. His realization deserves a gold star, too. 🌟 


No, still childish IMO. If a tearful apology letter is the big guns she pulls out now, what is she going to do when they have an actual adult problem in their marriage, i.e., one that's not a totally losing your shit meltdown when the spouse comes home 45 mins late? 

A bj and a promise never to mention again would have been the more reasonable solution.


15 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

I don’t understand why Leida’s wealthy family cannot come for the wedding?  

Aren't they protesting the wedding bc they don't approve?


15 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

When all is said and done, I’m Team Colt.  The rest of the men can learn something by watching him (not his body, though).

He honors his family members 

He is respectful to everyone

He speaks calmly and purposefully 

He appears to be mindful of how he spends his money.  He is not easily manipulated to spend money he has not budgeted for (travel tickets,sofa,car,apartment,clothes, wedding venue) no matter how pouty his fiancé gets

When his fiancé threatens to leave, he follows up with a search for one way tickets.  Notice how sweet Larissa became once she saw threats did not work.   

Colt established control in the relationship the minute he did not cave in to Larissa’s demands.  

But allowed his male cousin to verbally drag Larissa through the street? Respectful?


12 hours ago, juicyfruit said:

Jay had it planned from the start. He created the Tinder account the night of the wedding and when she finds out he states that he'd like to see her make him leave now that they are married?  He totally knew she was on the hook once the papers were signed and he was free to do as he pleased. Shady with a capital S.

Which makes me wonder, could she have recourse for an annulment?  "He frauded me!"

She's NOT on the hook if she divorces him now. He won't get his green card if she tells INS she is divorcing him. He needed to wait about 2 yrs til he had that green card in hand. 


12 hours ago, Eme said:

Olga is leagues above him and he needs to get a grip and realize that soon.


Right. I think once Olga gets to the US she will be very driven to build a good life for herself. And Steven will be sick with jealousy and terrified she will cheat on him while she's out and about living her best life and no longer tied to the baby 24/7.


9 hours ago, Inuksuk2010 said:

Probably because they are so glad to be rid of her... can't imagine having a daughter like her helps the family reputation much, maybe they are afraid she might try and go home with them. 

Prbly considered un-marriageable now in her country. Even she admitted last night her divorce is a big embarrassment. 


6 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I agree. I think Leida has done a lot of dumb things and ruined her chances of having any kind of life in their social circle at home- her family wanted her GONE. They flew here to make sure Eric wasn’t running a human trafficking ring or something on behalf of their grandson, and they went home, sick of Leida’s BS. They may have been willing to keep Aless but I doubt Leida would let him stay. Especially because of how it “looks” to 90 day viewers, not so much her attachment to him. 


So funny! (But I do suspect she is really attached to Alless. He's so freaking cute!)


4 hours ago, Sterling said:

Unfortunately, she can't get this annulled, as it's been well documented that they've already had sex.  And that she willingly and enthusiastically brought him here.  She was not forced, nor was she coerced.  I think this, too, was part of Jay's plan.  Get on this show, so that it's all there, recorded.  Good job Jay.  Welcome to the U.S., you piece of sh*t.

Nowadays ppl get annulments based on deception. Not sex. But she doesn't need an annulment. She just needs to file for divorce and not go thru w/ the green card process. 


15 hours ago, Adeejay said:

 I don’t know what to make of Kalani’s mom being afraid that Kolini would call off her wedding if she found out Kalani is pregnant again. I think I am missing something, because I had no idea that Kalani was under age and that Kolini was her legal guardian.

She said her father would call off the wedding. Still ridiculous as she is 30 yrs old but he is paying for it I guess.

Edited by eatsleep
  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

You can have your marriage annulled after having sex!  She can get it annulled to protect herself and children. If Jay wants a green card/citizenship out of this marriage then he has to follow certain laws.


If he has been cheating then he loses his meal ticket.

He frauded her.......but, we have been telling her!  I won’t shed a tear because she looks and act slow.


You have all your wedding guests telling you not to marry this guy.


Then she eloped in another state! Nice!


Bye, Mrs. Skinz......enjoy it while you still can!

Ashley ain't annuling anything. She will eat the crap Jay spoon feeds her. Girl does not love herself. Got a friend just like her.  Married less than a year. Husband took out all their money from their joint bank account and opened a separate account in his name only. After a surgery, she was unable to work for three months. He declared it's HIS money now since she isn't working. My friend took him in when he had no place to live. In HER house that's paid for where they live now. She whines and cries about it to no end, but at the end of the day, she stay put. Mindfucking is a hell of a thing. 

Ashley's friends just better learn to listen and say nothing. Or else you lose a friend. It's very hard to watch. Jay will never be faithful, never intended to be. My guess is they will end up having an "agreement" in their marriage. Good luck to her, hope he doesn't bring home a disease. Im sure he's wonderful stepfather material. 

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, Cammi said:

Ashley ain't annuling anything. She will eat the crap Jay spoon feeds her. Girl does not love herself. Got a friend just like her.  Married less than a year. Husband took out all their money from their joint bank account and opened a separate account in his name only. After a surgery, she was unable to work for three months. He declared it's HIS money now since she isn't working. My friend took him in when he had no place to live. In HER house that's paid for where they live now. She whines and cries about it to no end, but at the end of the day, she stay put. Mindfucking is a hell of a thing. 

Ashley's friends just better learn to listen and say nothing. Or else you lose a friend. It's very hard to watch. Jay will never be faithful, never intended to be. My guess is they will end up having an "agreement" in their marriage. Good luck to her, hope he doesn't bring home a disease. Im sure he's wonderful stepfather material. 

Women who continually choose no-good men over loyal female friends...ugh so sad. (pssst, Ashley, chicks over dicks!)

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Sterling said:

I was basing the sex after marriage comment on the Danielle/Mahamit storyline.  He had sex with her one time after marriage, which she had shared with someone, and they said that he did that to avoid annulment. 

Danielle never could prove Mahamit "frauded" her.  All her binders, all her printouts, all the soshul media.....didn't help.

Nor was Molly able to prove anything about Luis.

Just because someone is cheating, the U.S. government isn't going to then revoke papers.

Ashley willingly, openly, on camera, brought him over here.  She's toast.

Non-consumation of marriage is only one way to get an annulment. But sex in the marriage doesn’t mean you can’t get an anullment.

Both Molly and Danielle started the process, but backed out and took back/kept trying to get back their men. At that point, there is no fraud. You knew what the person was up to, but stayed with it anyway.

Ashley’s biggest downfall will be her saying before that she doesn’t care if Jay cheats. 

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Steven, the US Embassy has rules. You can't just take your child and go back to the US.  Both you and Olga should have visited the Embassy so that everyone is in the same book and same chapter and same page.

Olga said she wasn't allowed to go into the Embassy because she's not an American citizen.  I wondered why she stayed in the park, because I would have been waiting right by the door, but somebody here said they had personal experience with this and they (or their husband/wife/somebody) couldn't even be on the property, and had to wait across the street.


10 hours ago, Fouts said:

I'm curious about something regarding Jay.  Why did he fret so much in front of the camera about getting married so young if he knew it was all part of a grander scheme to stay in the country and screw around-- with his poor bride on the financial hook for him? 

I think you answered your own question with the "in front of the camera."  It's a better story if he's hesitant but overcomes it because he's in love.


1 hour ago, Sterling said:

I was basing the sex after marriage comment on the Danielle/Mahamit storyline.  He had sex with her one time after marriage, which she had shared with someone, and they said that he did that to avoid annulment.

If there's anywhere near as much misinformation about annulment floating around as there is about common law marriage, there's a very good chance nobody knew what they were talking about.


56 minutes ago, lucy711 said:

Yup.  I think it's easy to put on weight in the USA but I'm sure she will soon figure out where to go for healthier food. 

My how things in the world have changed in my lifetime--from this episode, it looks like the place to go for healthier food is Russia.  Something about the scene where Olga and Anna were cutting up bell peppers charmed me.

  • Love 13
10 hours ago, monagatuna said:

I can see that. For her I think she could give or take practicing law, but I adore it. I don't see myself being a litigator or trial lawyer (although that is so intriguing and interesting), but I absolutely love my paper-pushing job. Being a realtor sounds hideously stressful (not excusing Jonathan's foibles, of course).

I agree.  I think litigation is interesting but far too stressful for me, though I enjoy research and putting together an argument.  

My mother always said that she hopes none of her children go into real estate because it is such a 24 hour job.  I think it has a large degree of flexibility too, but if you really want to make a go of it as a career you have to work a lot.

  • Love 2

Why is annulment the only option? The K1 visa is only for 90 days which means each couple has to put in a green card application once they’re married.

What happens if Ashley refuses to put in a green card application for Jay? I’m Canadian, not American, but it seems the sponsoring US spouse can just discontinue the legal paperwork instead of acting like it’s beyond their control. 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Sterling said:

Full disclosure:  I'm not one to talk about weight.  But I don't wear skintight midriff tops with asymmetrical bands cutting into my tummy a la Larissa.

She's put on weight since her arrival.  Seems she's enjoying some of Debbie's bith stew and homemade pizza and 200 hot dogs.

I can only imagine the weight gain creep when moving to the United States and not having any say in meal prep. I put on weight when I visit my parents for the holidays. I think Larissa did say something about Coltee not having to eat like a king when Debbie dismissed the breakfast she made because it wasn’t bacon, eggs and whatever.

I did lose weight in London. So much walking between meals.

  • Love 2

I could be mistaken, but I think that once you are married, the foreign spouse can apply for the green card on their own.  

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but it's my understanding that the American spouse has nothing to do with the green card.  Only the marriage itself.

Mahamit, if I remember correctly, applied for his green card immediately, and since Danielle was never able to prove fraud, he was allowed to stay.

Edited by Sterling
  • Love 1
14 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Colt/Larissa: was all of their stuff producer-driven?

Well, yeah.

Totally and completely.  And you know what else is?  Jay and Ashley.  When they were going into The Chapel of Love for Elvis to marry them, they were already married.  Ashley's engagement ring has one band.  The ring she was wearing at that point had two.  After The King wed them, she still had two.

I knew it I knew it I knew it about Steven.  Olga must be pretty desperate to be willing to forgive the shit he put her through and be happy to be engaged.  No question he learned at the embassy that he couldn't take Myson (thank you, brilliant poster upthread) to the US without Olga, so the turd fell back to plan B:  apply for her visa and ask her to marry him.  God damn, Olga is in for a great life with a guy who isn't bright enough to understand that his nefarious plots are stupid, yet follows through with them anyway.

I think Colt and Larissa will get married and everything will be fine; I hope Colt has been banking his pay for this show to help pay for a nice house.

Jay and Ashley will be fine.  It's all for show.

Jon and Fernanda:  don't care

I pray that Eric's daughters will not cave and come to this wedding.  But you know they will because the producers will tell them to.  Leida looked better with eyebrows, until she started lifting them in the middle.  I predict that Eric will be back in his lonely life once Leida has a green card.  Her family will support her while she tries to get into American medical school.

  • Love 6
59 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

somebody here said they had personal experience with this and they (or their husband/wife/somebody) couldn't even be on the property, and had to wait across the street.

I do, too, and I'm an American citizen.  My two friends and I wanted to protest outside the American embassy in Reykjavik two years ago, and we were not permitted to do that on the sidewalk outside.  We were directed across the street.  We didn't have burning tires or anything, just a 9x12 piece of paper each, handheld and not on a stick (it was a little impromptu).   Lots of Icelandic teenagers took selfies with us, though, so there's that.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Sterling said:

I could be mistaken, but I think that once you are married, the foreign spouse can apply for the green card on their own.  

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but it's my understanding that the American spouse has nothing to do with the green card.  Only the marriage itself.

Mahamit, if I remember correctly, applied for his green card immediately, and since Danielle was never able to prove fraud, he was allowed to stay.

Danielle had already filed the paperwork. If Ashley didn’t file the paperwork then Jay would have to find someone else to sponsor his green card. I’m guessing the key is whether any paper work has been filed.

2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

If there's anywhere near as much misinformation about annulment floating around as there is about common law marriage, there's a very good chance nobody knew what they were talking about.


I don't know anything about annulment, but hoo boy you're right about common law marriage. I hear it all the time, urban legends about people who happen to be roommates for a few years and suddenly they're married against their will. Wrong on every level.

Jay was maybe stupid for going for skinz right after the wedding, but Ashley is a little more stupider--no way will she let her man candy go. She was so close, too! She's already broken two engagements and canceled her wedding to Jay twice. You could have been free, girl! Now there will be man stink all over your word art and teacups.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, eatsleep said:

You're mistaken. The sponsoring spouse has to apply for a change of status and can easily say, "I've decided not to continue with the marriage and will not be be applying for the green card." The earlier in the process they inform INS about the divorce, the better. 

Ahhh....thank you for the correction.  Ashley is in for the ride of her life if she signs the docs for a green card for this a-hole.

  • Love 1
29 minutes ago, Owwwww ma leg said:

Danielle had already filed the paperwork. If Ashley didn’t file the paperwork then Jay would have to find someone else to sponsor his green card. I’m guessing the key is whether any paper work has been filed.

There are still chances to pull it even if it's been filed. But better not to file it bc you may not catch it in time.

33 minutes ago, Owwwww ma leg said:

Danielle had already filed the paperwork. If Ashley didn’t file the paperwork then Jay would have to find someone else to sponsor his green card. I’m guessing the key is whether any paper work has been filed.

Thank you, this makes sense!!  And BTW, love your user name.  Off-topic, but My600LbLife is almost back on!

Edited by Sterling
  • Love 7

I still can’t believe that Eric the Haggard threw his kids over for the likes of Leida. It would have been bad enough, but for her? Does she have a magical vagina or something? I can never imagine pushing my kids aside for anyone, much less a spoiled, entitled poseur who will be looking for her next victim after she wakes up to the fact that Eric will always be a depressed underachiever who cannot provide all the niceties that Leida has come to expect.

  • Love 13
39 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I still can’t believe that Eric the Haggard threw his kids over for the likes of Leida. It would have been bad enough, but for her? Does she have a magical vagina or something? I can never imagine pushing my kids aside for anyone, much less a spoiled, entitled poseur who will be looking for her next victim after she wakes up to the fact that Eric will always be a depressed underachiever who cannot provide all the niceties that Leida has come to expect.

He is a real piece of work! There are so many unlikable characters this season but I actively hate this jerk. I grew up with a Lothario for a dad (and a fake-loyal stepdad; once my mom was done raising his kid, he moved on to his fifth wife) and while I personally don't have daddy issues in the traditional sense, I still feel jealous of those women who have strong father figures in their lives. I wonder what it's like to have an affectionate father-daughter relationship where you genuinely care about each other and are supportive of each other. Eric is a taker and he'll chase Asian tail at his daughters' expense forever. The fact that his middle daughter (I forget her name) still hopes he will come around really bums me out. There's still a chance for Jennica and she seems to have his number. And his eldest defended the middle daughter vehemently. There's still a chance for them all. Hopefully they see he's not worth wasting their tears on. Save yourselves, ladies! Eventually his flavor of the month will move on, and he'll be crying over your lost relationships until he finds a new playtoy. Don't be fooled. You can do a lot better. You have a good mom who loves you. Work with that and grieve what little relationship you had with your father. He's a lost cause.

  • Love 18
51 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I still can’t believe that Eric the Haggard threw his kids over for the likes of Leida. It would have been bad enough, but for her? Does she have a magical vagina or something? I can never imagine pushing my kids aside for anyone, much less a spoiled, entitled poseur who will be looking for her next victim after she wakes up to the fact that Eric will always be a depressed underachiever who cannot provide all the niceties that Leida has come to expect.

Every time Eric caves to another one of Leidas demands it gives her that much more power. Another win in her column in her mind. 

much as I’d like to see his kids boycott the wedding, I fear that if they do, Leida will give him a hard time if he tries to see them. It might be to their advantage to show up, ignore Leida and in the future make as many dad and daughter dates sans Leida as they can. If they shun him, it pushes him closer to Leida. Leidas goal is get them out of his life . Don’t give her the satisfaction. If Eric continues to disrespect them, they can cut him out of their lives later. 

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 2
20 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Eric vexes me to no end. So he had no control over how his daughter was kicked out of her own damn 'partment? I guess it was a dream I had when I heard him on speaker phone tell her to 'get her shit and get out.' Did he even give a fuck if she had somewhere to lay her head when she was cast out? Who am I kidding? Of course not. Father of the year offered to secure lodging for his 19 year daughter at a crack den motel.

Agreed, Eric is the WORST. But Tasha has a mother too who seems to be getting a bit of a pass in this whole scenario. Am I overlooking something -- why doesn't she stay with her mom temporarily? She does have that option I'm assuming -- it's not the Eric den of doom vs. a no-tell motel. Seems an obvious solution -- I mean if she were my daughter, she'd be staying with me and not with 8 other rando people in some (what my vivid imagination envisions) flophouse.

Edited by ChiMama
  • Love 8

You know whats been through a lot Fernanda? 

That couch.

Maybe you can spend some of that free time shopping for a new one.

21 minutes ago, ChiMama said:

Agreed, Eric is the WORST. But Tasha has a mother too who seems to be getting a bit of a pass in this whole scenario. I am overlooking something -- why doesn't she stay with her mom temporarily? She does have that option I'm assuming -- it's not the Eric den of doom vs. a no-tell motel. Seems an obvious solution -- I mean if she were my daughter, she'd be staying with me and not with 8 other rando people in some (what my vivid imagination believes) flophouse.

It's possible that her mom lives too far from work for that to be viable?

Eight other people though, why?  She was able to afford half the rent with her dad.  Why can't she find a situation with one or two roommates?

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Olga said she wasn't allowed to go into the Embassy because she's not an American citizen.  I wondered why she stayed in the park, because I would have been waiting right by the door, but somebody here said they had personal experience with this and they (or their husband/wife/somebody) couldn't even be on the property, and had to wait across the street.



That was me. It was at the American consulate in Milan. I needed a passport. We were stoppe by guards across the street and told only I could go in. He waited in a coffee shop

  • Love 1

1. Why didn't kalani and ansuelu do a Vegas wedding too?  She doesn't have enough time for a full retinue of bridesmaids and groomsmen.  

2.  Also, what kind of boat was that?

3. Why couldn't they have that bachelorette party at her sisters place?  It wasn't like they were going to a male strip club (I've been, they are hilarious) they just wanted to talk and have drinks.

4.  I don't drink, and I don't judge.  I don't like people who get huffy with me for.not.drinking.  though it has only.happened like once.

5. LOL @ leida being sad that she has no one at her makeup appointment.and the only person she can "talk to".is someone who is paid to be nice.to her

  • Love 6

I think I read here that Kalani is no longer Mormon. Judging by Lini talking about going out for drinks, I guess she is also no longer Mormon. 

I think most of Kalani's actions, (hooking up with a Samoan on vacation, getting pregnant by  Samoan, getting pregnant a second time by said Samoan man) are Kalani's passive aggressive way of getting back at her controlling dad.

  • Love 14
On 12/23/2018 at 7:05 PM, Adeejay said:

I find it interesting that in Indonesia, Leida had a whole team to do her makeup and take care of her and yet, the first time we saw her she had a mustache.  Not to mention, here she is in America with seemingly not a penny to her name.  Bitch, please!  Someone should probably tell her she sounds stupid saying, “gonna” and “wanna” in a questionable British accent.  

I don’t know what to make of Kalani’s mom being afraid that Kolini would call off her wedding if she found out Kalani is pregnant again. I think I am missing something, because I had no idea that Kalani was under age and that Kolini was her legal guardian.  “Asuelu doesn’t understand the concept of paying for a baby” said the sister of the unemployed woman who is pregnant and thereby absolving HER of any blame. 

I don’t believe Steven had any intention of marrying Olga. That SOB thought he could just abscond with his son, but the U.S.  Embassy told him otherwise. Hence the proposal. 

Kalani knows what she is doing "I told him it wasn't a good idea too" like she had nothing to do with what happened.  A total set up to play victim.

On 12/23/2018 at 7:32 PM, LilaFowler said:

Steven/Olga: he only ever talks about "my son" -- never anything about Olga. I think when he went to the US Embassy, it was to determine if he could leave the country with Ritchie without Olga's permission or knowledge. He was told no, so he proposed. He lied to her for months, what a scumbag. Olga is so vulnerable that she will cling to anything. Watching them makes me very uncomfortable.

Kalani/Asuelu: codependent, incestuous weirdness from her and her family. I don't like watching them either.

Fernanda/Jon: neither one is mature. I hope they wait a long time to have kids because the last thing they need in that house is another screaming, whining, needy creature.

Eric/Leida: she's a real piece of shit and so is he. They are perfectly matched and neither deserves better. She doesn't care if he ever sees his daughters again. Deep down he knows it but this is his "last chance at love." I would be done with him if I were his kids after seeing this. I wish Eric and Leida nothing but the very worst.

Ashley/Jay: I was laughing when she was bawling over his cheating. She was told that he was cheating months ago and didn't want to listen. In fact, she boldly proclaimed that Jesus Christ could tell her that Jay was cheating and she wouldn't care. Jay didn't even wait one day after returning from the honeymoon to start hooking up with girls on Tinder. She won't divorce or leave him, though. We know that she won't.

Colt/Larissa: was all of their stuff producer-driven? Larissa was so against living with Debbie for so long, then all of a sudden, she wants her to stay? Just like that, huh? I feel like it was all fake.

Larissa wants her green card.  Eye on the prize, girl!

Besides, if Debbie is there she doesn't have to.spend as much time talking to.colt.

On 12/23/2018 at 7:47 PM, Chickabiddy said:

Umm, yeah, Eric, you are not between a rock and a hard place, asshole, you are between your daughter and a psycho bitch wife to be. Despite all your protestations to the contrary, you have total control of the situation and can make a choice in favor of the girls you claim to love so much. Oh, but wait, you tearfully informed us that you’ve been doing for your children for 20 years, and now it’s time to do for you?  Newsflash: parenthood doesn’t just stop when you’re ready for it to end; it’s  an ongoing commitment. Just ask your dad, he seems to have given you money several times during your adulthood.

I don’t want to throw shade at Eric’s girls. They have enough going on without that, but why the fuckety fuck does Olga from a “poorer country with fewer opportunities” look cleaner and better groomed than all three of those girls? Although, I got to say the Tasha looks way better with the lighter hair. Talk about 110% improvement.

I hope everyone who thought Fernanda was an immature brat and totally unready for marriage last episode is now eating crow after listening to her very mature, responsible apology letter and discussion with Jonathan. I was impressed by her ability to be humble and take one for the team for both of them. And for the record, I was impressed by Jonathan’s ability to see things from her perspective. His realization deserves a gold star, too. 🌟 

And why the fuck is Kolini bawling like a jilted lover when she found our Kalani is pregnant? It’s like she was holding out hope that Kalani would leave Asuelo at the alter for her....and now the pregnancy makes that wild dream impossible. And again with the “Asuelo did this on purpose just to stay in America.” As if he fucking sneaked up on Kalani with a fucking turkey baster under the cover of night. Something in that family just ain’t right.. And  I am so over the blaming, shaming and hating of Asuelo. 

Ashley, Ashley, Ashley, once a player, always a player. Girl, you should know better at your age. I bet the smug-o-meter at Natalie’s house broke the minute Ashley knocked on the door. Maybe next time Ashley won’t be so quick to throw  her friends overboard for a hot piece of ass...

Colt and  Larissa - Don’t care  and can’t be bothered. Though Debbie did admit he was a Mana’s Boy. That surprised me.

For now, I really hope Steven and Olga work out. That little bit of unexpected pleasantness between them let me forgo the second martini. ;-) Maybe Christmas did come early this year.  

Eric should really just tell her to go.  See if her parents send the money for the ticket.  

I love me some Larissa, I always find her hilarious.

On 12/23/2018 at 7:52 PM, Pondlass1 said:

I don’t understand why Leida’s wealthy family cannot come for the wedding?  

Oh, they "disapprove" which is all part of what she has given up for Eric.  Not that they just didn't want to be bothered or anything....

23 hours ago, PinkFlamingo said:

I am shocked... SHOCKED that Jay waited until the day after arriving back from Vegas to create a tinder account. 

That was surprising, not because I didn't think he was going to cheap but because I thought he would at least cool it for a few months.  I mean he doesn't seem like an attorney, he doesn't know if she has options.  It's just a dumb move.


22 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

I can’t believe that when Ashley found out Baby Skinz was peddling the D online she ran straight to Scooter Girl.  For all of the hair flipping and finger wagging she did of her on national TV we sure didn’t get a good scene of her choking down the massive slice of humble pie.

Dude it was very magnanimous of Natalie not to do a victory lap on her scooter.  

I kinda wish she had.

12 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

Anna, Olga's friend/Kate McKinnon doppleganger, has maybe the best kitchen we've ever seen on this show. Steven needs to take a look at that backsplash and then spin more bullshit about how he can afford a better life for "his" son couch-surfing in the States. That was a great backsplash.


I kinda thought Anna looked like Scarlett johanseen.

Her apartment is really nice.  Russia Airbnb?

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:


None of the others are particularly interesting.  The Hairy Family Kalani is nowhere near as much fun as the Family Chantel. 

I somehow managed to lose the paragraph I wanted to quote, but it was regarding scenes filmed in restaurants and nail salons & the tech asking leading questions:

Between manicures, pedicures and eyelash extensions, I am in the salon every couple of weeks.  They are great people but I have never had any one of them delve into my personal life. And with my eyelashes, I am laying there for up 2 hours!

It was just kind of odd how Mother Col-Tee and Brazilian Bride walked into the salon enemies, but after being counseled by the nail techs, walked out not only forgiving each other but Brazilian Bride can now come to Mother Col-Tee with any problems AND Mother Col-Tee is welcome to continue living with them!

I have no words for Disgusting Eric and the Fake Rich Bitch! Her moaning about how his daughters have stopped talking to her so she had to go do get trial make up done alone.  The youngest daughter must have gotten tired of her shit too, Fake Rich Bitch had to drag her son to the make up salon with her.

I  really believed that Steve had seen the light & realized Baby needed to stay with mama till I came on here. ITA, if he could get Baby out of Russia without Olga, he would.  Watching him lie in bed with Baby next to him, I thought that someone needs to inform him that Baby will not be this size for very long. How's he going to deal when Baby starts teething, gets sick and grows into the wonderful 'terrible twos'.

OMG! Those two sisters! You would think that THEY were getting ready to take THEIR marriage vows the  next day & it was discovered the other had slept with the best man & was pregnant.  The way she went crying to her friends, 'She's Pregnant!'.  Why would the wedding be stopped by the Dad or the Sister Dad because she's pregnant by the man she's marrying?! Has anyone ever explained the 'birds and the bees' to these women? We're not talking about 19 year olds. 

Either these people are doing this show & know the more drama they create, the more famous they'll become or they are a very sick group of people.

Edited by alegtostandon
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