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S13.E01/E02: Why Do We Have to Move?/Where's the Flyin' Lion

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After accepting a job in St. Petersburg, Jen, Bill and the kids travel to Florida to find a perfect new home, but with specific needs and two curious kids, house hunting isn't easy; the family grabs a sweet treat to celebrate Jen's birthday.

Original US air date 2018.10.09


Do you think the kids are over being filmed? I know the production team must be coaxing this behavior so we have something worth filming but I often wonder if the kid use the words they do, so they will be dismissed from their dog and pony show or "job". I don't recall Will or Zoey ever saying poopy or farts this much.....and especially at the table! These kids are pretty smart and I think they are not just "being kids"?

  • Love 4

I think this show has run its course.  TLC, Bill and Jen may think this is entertainment but not to me.  Who wants to watch two spoiled brats run amok and test their parents at every turn?

I don’t think Aunt Barbara will be around that much (if she’s smart) unless the TLC money is that good. Remember Bill is a salesman, enough said.

The kids are not cute or adorable anymore due to their bad behavior.   The novelty of “little” has worn off.  If you want to see a quality family of little people watch “7 Little Johnsons”.  Those children are respectful and taught good manners and care for each other.

I’m out,  enjoy.


  • Love 19
18 minutes ago, outtahere said:

The kids are not cute or adorable anymore due to their bad behavior.   The novelty of “little” has worn off.  If you want to see a quality family of little people watch “7 Little Johnsons”.  Those children are respectful and taught good manners and care for each other.

I love that family, especially the dad.  He’s authoritative in a plainspoken way without being scary or overbearing and the kids seem to respect him because of it.  Bill and Jen would do well to watch and learn.  Bill needs to curtail the constant stand-up comedian routine and Jen needs to communicate with the kids in a more confident way.  This “please” crap ain’t cutting it.  It sounds nice, but when the kids are acting out as egregiously as they are (and in public!), something isn’t working.  They still have half a chance with Will, but Zoey is much more headstrong.  They’ll regret not taking a harder line with her in another 10 years.  Girls can be so much harder to teach respectful communication than boys.  Ask me how I know, haha. 

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 9
24 minutes ago, outtahere said:

I think this show has run its course.  


I haven't seen the episode yet since I'm on the West Coast, but yeah, I think they're done after this season. Bill and Jen are getting slaughtered on TLC's Facebook page. Even people who stated they're normally huge fans couldn't believe they allowed Will and Zoe to disrespect someone's house like that.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, SuzyLee said:

WOW.  These kids are going buck wild.  If I had acted like that as a kid, I wouldn’t be alive to post this comment right now.  My life as I knew it would have ended somewhere between helping myself to snacks from a complete stranger’s kitchen and climbing onto the kitchen table to rest my filthy shoes on their tabletop (I see you, Will).  It kills me to hear Jen request that Will and Zoey “come back here” and behave themselves, complete with “Please!”  I grew up in the 80s, not during the 40s.  Parents had chilled out considerably by then, but still.  Hell to the no.

Are we long lost sisters? Not only am I “word!”-ing your whole post, but I do with most of yours. My mom was the same way, grew up in the 80’s too. Never was I allowed to ever act like that. Options were not given, what she said went. Period. 

  • Love 7

I love 7 Little Johnston’s and looking forward to their return. One thing I’ve always liked about several LP families on TLC is they don’t accommodate their house because they’re little. They want the kids to get used to average height stuff like counters because that’s how the world is built. Then I go to hearing Bill bragging “we need an elevator, small counters, etc.) and it just gave me the ughs. 

Another reason I haven’t enjoyed this show the last season or two is Jens favoritism of Zoey. They make sure Zoey is the princess of their world. She is not going to handle criticism as she matures, thinking she’s just as perfect as her parents have told her she is. I feel bad for the girl. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Calibabydolly said:

Do you think the kids are over being filmed? I know the production team must be coaxing this behavior so we have something worth filming but I often wonder if the kid use the words they do, so they will be dismissed from their dog and pony show or "job". I don't recall Will or Zoey ever saying poopy or farts this much.....and especially at the table! These kids are pretty smart and I think they are not just "being kids"?

I don’t know about the overfilmed part, but when my boys were 5 and 7, there was a lot of “potty” humor going on and they weren’t on tv. I think that part is normal for their age.

Edited by Eureka
  • Love 15

Wow... this episode showed how bratty and disrespectful both these kids are and how Jen and Bill enable their kids to act so badly.   The disrespect shown by all of them was horrible.    Jen and Bill should have never taken those kids in the houses.   Then on top of that after Bill corrected Will for taking the peanuts, he turned around and ate some.  

How could Jen’s mother not realize she had the flame too high.   The pan was smoking!

I think I’m done with the show.    I like 7 Little Johnston’s. 

How old is Will?    At least 7?   He acts like a 3 year old.  A kid at 7 should not be running in and out of closets.     If I were those realtors, I would be freaking out. 

  • Love 9

Have Bill and Jen ever said why they prefer two-story homes? They're constantly making an issue about stairs, you'd think the obvious solution would be to live in a single story house. Part of me thinks it's an ego boost for Bill to brag about his elevator. 

Where did Aunt Barbara come from? Are the other relatives no longer willing to play nanny? 

On a more positive note, Will's speech is so improved. Even though they add the subtitles, I can understand him easily. I also thought his "I can't stop loving pasta" was hilarious. The struggle is real. Zoe washing dishes like a well-seasoned housewife was cute as well.

  • Love 11
44 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Have Bill and Jen ever said why they prefer two-story homes? They're constantly making an issue about stairs, you'd think the obvious solution would be to live in a single story house. Part of me thinks it's an ego boost for Bill to brag about his elevator. 

Where did Aunt Barbara come from? Are the other relatives no longer willing to play nanny? 

On a more positive note, Will's speech is so improved. Even though they add the subtitles, I can understand him easily. I also thought his "I can't stop loving pasta" was hilarious. The struggle is real. Zoe washing dishes like a well-seasoned housewife was cute as well.

2 story houses are more common, and they are generally cheaper. My dad was a building contractor and said that 2 story houses were much cheaper to build because the footprint was smaller. I'm disabled and live in a ranch house. I've been looking at other houses, and all that I can see for sale are 2 story or split-level houses. Very very few ranch style houses. 

Plus, I think a lot of people like beautiful staircases. They do look nice. 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, ShaNaeNae said:

I love 7 Little Johnston’s and looking forward to their return. One thing I’ve always liked about several LP families on TLC is they don’t accommodate their house because they’re little. They want the kids to get used to average height stuff like counters because that’s how the world is built. Then I go to hearing Bill bragging “we need an elevator, small counters, etc.) and it just gave me the ughs. 

Another reason I haven’t enjoyed this show the last season or two is Jens favoritism of Zoey. They make sure Zoey is the princess of their world. She is not going to handle criticism as she matures, thinking she’s just as perfect as her parents have told her she is. I feel bad for the girl. 

If there is one place, just one place in the whole world where you can relax, and not have to struggle, it should be in your own home.  I do not blame them one bit for wanting to modify their home to their comfort.

The Klein-Arnold kids are still acting up, and even as wild as they were, I did see a tiny improvement from Bill and Jen in talking sternly to them.  Not one crying tantrum from Zoey.  More improvements are needed though.  Will definitely does not act like a 7 year old.

I watch the Johnstons, but I cannot stand Alex.  He's a brat.  

Edited by Honey
  • Love 12

It’s really hard to tell how old the kids are. Based on their behavior, I would have said around 3! When in reality I know it’s around 6 and 7. My kids are 8 and 5 and there is no way they would behave like that in someone else’s home! Not to mention, if that’s how your kids act, get a babysitter before looking at houses. I know they have enough money to afford one! 


Its been my experience that single story houses are more common in FL so they shouldn’t really have any trouble finding one. Then again, I’m sure I’ve never looked around in their price range...

  • Love 7

First of all, my parents would never have taken me looking at houses at that age. Second, if I, or any of my siblings acted like that my parents would insist that they hold our hand. We would never have been given the freedom to be in another room without them in that situation, much less on another floor. Third, a stern warning from either of my parents was enough to reel us in. Don't touch meant "don't touch".  No matter how cute, discipline has to start early.

But I was also raised back in the old days of spanking. I can't say I remember spankings altho I know I got them. After that, at a certain age, a stern look worked. Kids want to know boundaries. They need to know boundaries.

"Time out" was decades away. <sigh>

I'll leave it to the reader to judge what works. Also, some children respond to different ways of discipline. Parents have to learn that. Most do fairly quickly. Clearly, The Little Couple has not.

Note to Bill: You aren't doing your children any favor by laughing at their antics (and in some cases - encouraging them).

  • Love 16

In this episode it was clear that Will and Zoey are very aware of the camera. Will actually said "look guys" a couple of times. I think a lot of Will and Zoey's bad behavior is excitment because they are being watched and showing off for the camera. I have a feeling that they are calmer and better behaved when the crew isn't around. I hope so...

As attentive and loving as Bill and Jen are, they won't pull the plug on the show even though it is having a negative effect on their kids. I guess the money is worth the price to them. I think that they are making a big mistake. 

Edited by Libby
  • Love 13

I know they already bought a house (mansion) in FL, so watching this real estate focused show was kind of boring.  The houses (mansions) they looked at were stunning, and drool-worthy, but Jen and Bill’ constant negative dialogue about the style, the size, the levels/no levels, how much retrofitting they’d need to do, really got on my nerves.  To each their own, and buy or build or rehab as you can afford, but I just don’t get this couple. If an elevator is a must for the family’s physical needs, LOOK AT ONE-LEVEL HOUSES!  it is not a normal feature, or even a popular upgrade to have a flipping elevator in a house.  If having custom kitchen and baths to accommodate your family is an absolute, and apparently money isn’t too much an issue (for these folks based on the house they ended up with), why not build a custom home? Or look at more modest priced homes and put the extra money into the rehab?  Looking at multi-million dollar houses means high end, over the top kitchens and baths.  You’re going to pay top dollar for a place with state of the art appliances, counters, fixtures, cabinetry, lighting, flooring THEN RIP IT OUT??  Just build for goodness sake.


I was also annoyed by the kids’ behavior in the houses too. Running amok in public isn’t cute anymore once they are school age.  Bill and Jen just keep encouraging it by not discouraging it. I am over Bill’s “heh-heh, ain’t that funny” attitude toward the fresh acting out, and Jen will never get teenage Will & Zoey to listen/respect her with all of her passive mealy-mouthed “please’s” and silly questioning, “UhOh! We don’t have food out side of the kitchen, do we?”


 And while I may be crucified here, I still think Will has some developmental issues. It wouldn’t be surprising if he had more issues beyond his physical condition. He is a cute kid, he has a very lovable character and his speech is definitely improved.  He just has some delayed social behavior. He acts much younger than 7 IMO.  He’s closer to a 3 or 4 yr old.

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, BusyOctober said:

I know they already bought a house (mansion) in FL, so watching this real estate focused show was kind of boring.  The houses (mansions) they looked at were stunning, and drool-worthy, but Jen and Bill’ constant negative dialogue about the style, the size, the levels/no levels, how much retrofitting they’d need to do, really got on my nerves.  To each their own, and buy or build or rehab as you can afford, but I just don’t get this couple. If an elevator is a must for the family’s physical needs, LOOK AT ONE-LEVEL HOUSES!  it is not a normal feature, or even a popular upgrade to have a flipping elevator in a house.  If having custom kitchen and baths to accommodate your family is an absolute, and apparently money isn’t too much an issue (for these folks based on the house they ended up with), why not build a custom home? Or look at more modest priced homes and put the extra money into the rehab?  Looking at multi-million dollar houses means high end, over the top kitchens and baths.  You’re going to pay top dollar for a place with state of the art appliances, counters, fixtures, cabinetry, lighting, flooring THEN RIP IT OUT??  Just build for goodness sake.


I was also annoyed by the kids’ behavior in the houses too. Running amok in public isn’t cute anymore once they are school age.  Bill and Jen just keep encouraging it by not discouraging it. I am over Bill’s “heh-heh, ain’t that funny” attitude toward the fresh acting out, and Jen will never get teenage Will & Zoey to listen/respect her with all of her passive mealy-mouthed “please’s” and silly questioning, “UhOh! We don’t have food out side of the kitchen, do we?”


 And while I may be crucified here, I still think Will has some developmental issues. It wouldn’t be surprising if he had more issues beyond his physical condition. He is a cute kid, he has a very lovable character and his speech is definitely improved.  He just has some delayed social behavior. He acts much younger than 7 IMO.  He’s closer to a 3 or 4 yr old.

Will also has a food addiction.  They need to nip it in the bud now!  Little people who carry a lot of extra weight just exacerbate health problems, especially on the joints.  Jen is a doctor, she should know this.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, BusyOctober said:

I know they already bought a house (mansion) in FL, so watching this real estate focused show was kind of boring.  The houses (mansions) they looked at were stunning, and drool-worthy, but Jen and Bill’ constant negative dialogue about the style, the size, the levels/no levels, how much retrofitting they’d need to do, really got on my nerves.  To each their own, and buy or build or rehab as you can afford, but I just don’t get this couple. If an elevator is a must for the family’s physical needs, LOOK AT ONE-LEVEL HOUSES!  it is not a normal feature, or even a popular upgrade to have a flipping elevator in a house.  If having custom kitchen and baths to accommodate your family is an absolute, and apparently money isn’t too much an issue (for these folks based on the house they ended up with), why not build a custom home? Or look at more modest priced homes and put the extra money into the rehab?  Looking at multi-million dollar houses means high end, over the top kitchens and baths.  You’re going to pay top dollar for a place with state of the art appliances, counters, fixtures, cabinetry, lighting, flooring THEN RIP IT OUT??  Just build for goodness sake.


I was also annoyed by the kids’ behavior in the houses too. Running amok in public isn’t cute anymore once they are school age.  Bill and Jen just keep encouraging it by not discouraging it. I am over Bill’s “heh-heh, ain’t that funny” attitude toward the fresh acting out, and Jen will never get teenage Will & Zoey to listen/respect her with all of her passive mealy-mouthed “please’s” and silly questioning, “UhOh! We don’t have food out side of the kitchen, do we?”


 And while I may be crucified here, I still think Will has some developmental issues. It wouldn’t be surprising if he had more issues beyond his physical condition. He is a cute kid, he has a very lovable character and his speech is definitely improved.  He just has some delayed social behavior. He acts much younger than 7 IMO.  He’s closer to a 3 or 4 yr old.

Bill actually said last night that it was a waste to buy a place with a newly renovated kitchen just for that reason.  I got the impression that the houses they were looking at last night were just for the cameras and not really places they were thinking of moving into.

As for elevators in homes, where I live in MD, they're an option found in newly built houses in our area.  

  • Love 8

Wow! Watching 2 hours of this family was EXHAUSTING!
I wondered if maybe Will would be better behaved..NOPE! Zoey seems to be following right in his footsteps. I too, would never have been able to act like them. I've watched kids as a career and the first thing they learn are manners and respect. They were taught to respect my things and the toys and books I had for them. Very rarely did I have issues with any child I watched. I can maybe think of two or three times I had to put a toy away for a week because one of them didn't play with it nicely. I rarely had to give timeouts either. I got down to their level and with a firm tone told them if they did something again, it would be timeout time. It's how I was raised.

Will is out of control and I just can't with Jen's shrill voice asking them to please stop and counting to 3. You shouldn't have to count to three that much with a 7 year old. I wanted to pull my hair out that they took Will and Zoey house hunting. The kids constant screaming and running was making me nuts!

As great as this show once was, I'm out. I basically came to see if Will had changed and since he hasn't and neither has their parenting skills, I just can't with them anymore.

  • Love 14

Isn't Will almost taller than Jen?  Think about it, what if you're 5'4", average height for women, and your 7 year old is as tall as you, if not a tad taller.  That's has to be weird, and maybe she's scared to discipline him?  Just something that occurred to me last night.  And her incessant laughing, that has GOT to stop.  Why would she still be laughing nervously?  and the simple pronouncements: "We're moving, and it's going to be stressful."  "I'm leaving my job and I'm going to be sad." "We're going to have a lot to do when we move." Tell me something different!

Tell me something NOT OBVIOUS!!!!

  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, Lesia said:

Isn't Will almost taller than Jen?  Think about it, what if you're 5'4", average height for women, and your 7 year old is as tall as you, if not a tad taller.  That's has to be weird, and maybe she's scared to discipline him?  

Then that's something she should have thought about when becoming a parent.  My boys are both taller than me (they're teens) and I have no problem disciplining.  

  • Love 3

Glad to see the family is back.  I watch my 2 grandsons 3 days a week.  They are both boys, ages 3 years and 18 months.  I did think that Will and Zoey seem much younger than their ages, and they could very well be friends with my 3 year old.  Although, I can take my grand babies most places and if they aren't too tired, or they haven't been cooped up all day, they are pretty darn well-behaved.  So, it makes me wonder if Will and Zoey were sitting around doing nothing before they were taken out house shopping.  Was that their first time running and playing that day?  I don't know, but I think that Jen and Bill have a hard time disciplining them on camera.  I don't think they want to look mean to the viewers, and Jen is a perfectionist.

 Maybe the kids have figured out that when filming, they get to act up.  

Is nanny Kate still around?  Maybe she moved on to other children since Will and Zoey are in school full time.  The kids were much better at home when Nai Nai was visiting. 

Will does speak quite well now!  

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

When my kids were little, my warning voice always said, "I'm going to count to ONE."  

When I was a kid, all we needed was "the look" from either parent. Something just seems off with Jen, is she always this lenient because of cameras ? I just noticed that it seems the kids have more of a bond with Bill than her. I also agree that Will being 7 is too old for the shenanigans.  Can Jen even drive ? Last night they showed her climbing out of a big SUV, I just assumed she couldn't as she does not have good mobility with her neck.   

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, ShaNaeNae said:

Then that's something she should have thought about when becoming a parent.  My boys are both taller than me (they're teens) and I have no problem disciplining.  

Same! I'm 4'11", knew early on my boys would be taller than me, they were & are. I got the upper hand rather quick, knew if I didn't they would never listen to anything I said, would never be able to take them anywhere by myself. They are very respectful adult men, and they respect me ;)

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Lesia said:

Isn't Will almost taller than Jen?  Think about it, what if you're 5'4", average height for women, and your 7 year old is as tall as you, if not a tad taller.  That's has to be weird, and maybe she's scared to discipline him?  

I feel like Cesar Milan for saying this, but I think it isn't so much an issue of size as it is Jen lacking dominant energy. Think of all the barely five-foot Grandmas who can put the fear of God into adults, let alone kids. A large part of the problem, as others have said, is there's really no consequences to her threats. Zoe uses inappropriate language at the the dinner table, her "punishment" is she has to step away, so she goes off and plays with her toys then returns to finish her food. It doesn't impact the kid one way or the other. 

  • Love 19

Okay gang, let’s keep in mind that this show was filmed well over a year ago. Will is now 8 and Zoey just turned 7.  A lot of growing (maturing) takes place during that time.  That said, Will is immature for his age and still has food issues from his time in the orphanage. Maybe he needs to see a psychologist to help with this. For all we know, he may be seeing one. Will also seems to be the instigator of the wild behavior and Zoey follows him. Left to herself she may be a much calmer child. 

I went with my mom to another city to look at homes when I was 7 (Dad was being transferred and was still working so left it up to my mother to find a house). I looked at the homes along with my mother and behaved- I didn’t touch the belongings of others or leave my mother’s side while visiting homes. Ultimately my folks didn’t buy the house I really liked (something about the cost-I was a kid and not paying for the place) but the house they did buy is now my house! (I inherited it). 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, watcherwoman said:

Glad to see the family is back.  I watch my 2 grandsons 3 days a week.  They are both boys, ages 3 years and 18 months.  I did think that Will and Zoey seem much younger than their ages, and they could very well be friends with my 3 year old.  Although, I can take my grand babies most places and if they aren't too tired, or they haven't been cooped up all day, they are pretty darn well-behaved.  So, it makes me wonder if Will and Zoey were sitting around doing nothing before they were taken out house shopping.  Was that their first time running and playing that day?  I don't know, but I think that Jen and Bill have a hard time disciplining them on camera.  I don't think they want to look mean to the viewers, and Jen is a perfectionist.

 Maybe the kids have figured out that when filming, they get to act up.  

Is nanny Kate still around? Maybe she moved on to other children since Will and Zoey are in school full time.  The kids were much better at home when Nai Nai was visiting. 

Will does speak quite well now!  

I’m pretty sure Bill said they brought Kate along with them to Florida. Or it could’ve been somewhere else; TLC actually aired up to 3 episodes, or maybe 4 last night/early this morning (house hunting, the kids’ first experience playing with snow, a preview of this season, & maybe 1 more) & I admit I was dozing on & off some as I watched (screwed up sleeping, nothing to do with the show), so I may be attributing Kate going with the family to Florida when she could’ve gone somewhere else (like I fell asleep during 1 episode & woke up during an entirely different 1). But Bill definitely said Kate went somewhere with the family during an episode aired last night.

  • Love 3

Kate went with them to Vermont.  She looked very uncomfortable at the dinner table with the two families the last night!  The kids were misbehaving at the table and I think she wanted to step in but Jen and Bill were laughing about it so why should she interfere.  Kate got married and doubt she left Houston for those brats!

  • Love 8
15 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Have Bill and Jen ever said why they prefer two-story homes? They're constantly making an issue about stairs, you'd think the obvious solution would be to live in a single story house. Part of me thinks it's an ego boost for Bill to brag about his elevator

I can see them wanting less walking.  A ranch house can be a lot of walking around and a 2 story  with an elevator would be less walking and easier to cart laundry etc.

3 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

Same! I'm 4'11", knew early on my boys would be taller than me, they were & are. I got the upper hand rather quick, knew if I didn't they would never listen to anything I said, would never be able to take them anywhere by myself. They are very respectful adult men, and they respect me ;)

Sharon is that you?  My friend Sharon is about the same size and her husband was very tall like 6'5".  She had all boys and knew those boys would tower her by a young age.  She was like a drill sgt.  Loving but extremely firm.  

  • Love 4

I couldn't believe it when Will got those cashews out of the jar of the one house they were checking out. That was not cute at all! 

I feel like Bill is the more dominant one with the kids. I think Jen needs to stand her ground more with them before they get worse.

I still love their whole family though. The kids are adorable and I admire both Jen and Bill for how far they've come in life despite their size.

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, MsSilverSpecs said:

I couldn't believe it when Will got those cashews out of the jar of the one house they were checking out. That was not cute at all! 


And then, as someone stated above, Bill ate a cashew. As he was correcting the children for taking them, he ate one himself. Jen and Bill are absolutely disgraceful when it comes to discipline. Bill does exactly what he tells them not to do and Jen makes threats that she doesn't follow up on. How are the children ever supposed to take their parents seriously and learn proper behavior off of them?

Edited by Libby
  • Love 15

Will seems to really push back at Jen. To just about everything she says. She could not get him to quit playing with his tablet or whatever no matter what she said. And when she mentioned that one grandparent lived in New York he said he wanted to move to New York. And Jen nervously laughed and said she would have to get a job in New York. Seems like a real disconnect there.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Libby said:

And then, as someone stated above, Bill ate a cashew. As he was correcting the children for taking them, he ate one himself. Jen and Bill are absolutely disgraceful when it comes to discipline. Bill does exactly what he tells them not to do and Jen makes threats that she doesn't follow up on. How are the children ever supposed to take their parents seriously and learn proper behavior off of them?

My parents always said " do as I say, not as I do."  That said, the children should not have gone house hunting with them.  I do think it was all for the show. I could have swore that last season, everything was set for them to move to Florida any minute.  Didn't Bill come back to Houston, to check on the house, after the hurricane last year?  I thought they had already moved to Florida then.

  • Love 2

What, I wonder, is a "coastal house"? I guess it's a house near the seashore, but Jen also mentioned "farmhouse coastal" which is a style I've never even contemplated. Maybe a wood-frame aqua-painted house with a big sea-foam green barn in back?

Our parents took us everywhere when my brother and I were that age, including to brand-new model homes and of course their friends' and relatives' houses. In the 1950s that was pretty normal. Of course my mom left us to play in the parking lot behind her favorite store while she shopped, so maybe that's not the best example of parenting.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Libby said:

And then, as someone stated above, Bill ate a cashew. As he was correcting the children for taking them, he ate one himself. Jen and Bill are absolutely disgraceful when it comes to discipline. Bill does exactly what he tells them not to do and Jen makes threats that she doesn't follow up on. How are the children ever supposed to take their parents seriously and learn proper behavior off of them?

He ate a cashew and smirked. Totally disgraceful.


I am a firm believer in logical consequences. If that were my child at that age, she would have (never acted that way, but) washed out that dish and we would have bought those people a new package of cashews. And my child would have worked off the cost with extra chores at home. You don't have to be big and scary as a parent to pull that off, either. 

They're not doing themselves or the kids any favors by letting them run amok. There are just no excuses, and I don't buy that it's just when they're filming. Jen would have something to offer the situations other than pointless counting and idiotic giggling by now! 

  • Love 13
12 minutes ago, Calibabydolly said:

I think Bill ate the cashew to hide the evidence. It was on the counter. You know the camera crew set that whole scene up because Will would take the bait.…..the food issues and all...he is being used like a puppet!

And that is just as bad.

Jen tweeted that Zoey is in the OR again.  I wonder what surgery she is having

  • Love 1
On 10/10/2018 at 1:49 AM, Mollysmom said:

2 story houses are more common, and they are generally cheaper.

In Florida 2 story houses are not common. Ranch style is what you will find here unless you are on canals, rivers, beaches. Then you will need to build up because of obvious flooding reasons.  I don't know why they had a 2 story in TX. 

Bill annoys me more than the kids do. And Jen with that laugh. 

  • Love 3

I am so glad I am not the only one bothered by Jen's laugh.  I saw all 4 episodes last night.  I had recorded the first one, and once I finished it, the next one popped up so I thought there were 2 episodes but after the second one finished the dvr served up 2 more.  It was enough to convince me that as much as I like the family I am ready for them to go to a 2 hour special each year.  I would like to think the children are better behaved at home off camera, but I think if that were the case they would behave better on camera when a parent corrects them.   I am glad they are  closer to their families in Florida; that has to be good for everyone.   I have spent a good part of my life in the Pensacola area, and I have no clue as to "farmhouse coastal."   I thought I would have more comments after 4 episodes, but I think anything else I might have said was already said better by someone above.

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