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S15.E04: Momma Knows Best


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I didn't know that this was half a Station 19 episode. Seriously, at least 10 minutes of a 42 minute show was taken up by Dean, Andy, and a little bit of Warren. So, what, is Maggie going to cheat on Jackson with Dean? Or will she wait until after Jackson and her break up? I guess this is a pretty good sign that Maggie/Jackson is doomed, even temporarily. 

Well, at least the Meredith/John stuff didn't go anywhere. I didn't think Josh Radnor was very effective in the role, but I'm kind of scarred from not just Ted Mosby but that asshole he played on Rise. I need Radnor to play an entirely new role where he isn't a pompous jackass. 

Ok, I'm sorry, but that kid who was freaking out about his mom has every right to....but he was grating on my last nerve. What an annoying little kid. He wouldn't stop freaking out about anything. No wonder his dad wanted to protect him! He didn't want to deal with Whiny McWhinerson. Ok, maybe my kid tolerance tonight is very low. I'm usually more open to it, but I wasn't having the kid's shit tonight. 

So, are they REALLY still hinting toward a Deluca/Meredith relationship? This episode had Deluca glancing longingly at Meredith

Oh, and Maggie tells Meredith, to nobody's surprise. 

Meh to the Owen/Amelia stuff. Not sure how I feel about the Alex case. 

A big surprise to Link being a connection to Jo's past as Brooke. 

All these heavy-handed hints at a Meredith/Andrew relationship are equal parts hilarious and horrendous. Just a bad idea all around. And the writers are being about as subtle about it as a stampede.  I see no logical reason as to why Meredith, widowed mother of three, would go for a twenty-something 3rd year (?) resident as her Next Great Love. Andrew Deluca has been floundering around the show for the past three years, and I don't recall him and Meredith interacting much if at all until very late in season 14. He dated Maggie, had a crush on Jo, and the girl he loved fled to work for Meredith's best friend in Zurich. So who told the powers that be that he is suitable to be the central character's love interest? As if the dream with them in bed together in the premiere wasn't cringe-worthy enough. I'm just really bothered by the idea of it all. What happened to this show? 

Of course Maggie told Meredith about Teddy, I don't think she has any other friends outside of the so-called Sisterhood. 

I missed Tom Koracick. He should be in every episode. 

Meredith's date was ... okay.  As soon as they said Josh Radnor I knew it wasn't going to last.  Everyone's shock at her wearing makeup was far too heavy handed.

I don't watch Station 19.  Is Andy always such a Mary Sue?

Bailey really hasn't come to terms with Ben's new career. She shouldn't be telling his house mates that having him go in first is a waste of his surgical abilities.

Did Maggie really break HIPPA rules by telling Meredith about Teddy's pregnancy?  I thought the confidentiality covered everyone at the hospital. If you couldn't tell anyone, how would you ever have team meetings?

I liked Owen's mother coming to give Amelia advice.  (I thought Momma Hunt didn't like Amelia.)  I especially like the "building a boat" analogy.  I'm going to steal that one.  But I think one month grounding is too hard especially since Betty admitted to smoking weed.

2 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

All these heavy-handed hints at a Meredith/Andrew relationship are equal parts hilarious and horrendous. Just a bad idea all around. And the writers are being about as subtle about it as a stampede.  I see no logical reason as to why Meredith, widowed mother of three, would go for a twenty-something 3rd year (?) resident as her Next Great Love.

I don't think Meredith needs another Great Love this soon. But I wouldn't mind her having some love in her life and in her bed.  It's lonely when your soulmate is gone (and you know some people will never accept anyone else being good enough for her).  The Nathan storyline was far too soon and too messy.  Deluca fits in there as a temporary relationship nicely.  Better him than Linc anyway.

13 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Did Maggie really break HIPPA rules by telling Meredith about Teddy's pregnancy?  I thought the confidentiality covered everyone at the hospital. If you couldn't tell anyone, how would you ever have team meetings?

She absolutely did....Teddy is not, nor ever was Meredith's patient..and Teddy explicitly told her Doctor not to tell anyone. Yes you can discuss patients cases among other medical personnel as long as care is being provided to them and you are a part of their care team...but Teddy has long been discharged from the hospital

I liked this one. I'm pretty much only still here for Alex/Jolex/Jo and even though there wasn't much from the third thing on that list, the other two delivered.

As brief as they were I liked the Jolex scenes and I liked that Justin Chambers made me believe them. I've always loved Jolex and Camilla always sells that relationship, but in the last couple of seasons I did not always get that feeling from Justin Chambers. I don't entirely hold it against him as the material has been lacking at times. Plus after so many years I don't wanna blame the actors for phoning it in sometimes. Anyways, I really like JC's performance this season. Case in point, it was quite cute how Alex snuck up to Jo in that last scene. Or the way he keeps smiling at Jo. You can see that he's absolutely in love with this woman. Jolex works really well for me this season and I'm glad.

I was intrigued by the ending. What's the link between Jo and... well Link. Obviously a love triangle is a possibility, but I don't think that's where this will go. And Jo could definitely use more people - actual friends - on the show.

I also liked Alex's story a lot. What he did was super wrong, but knowing the character it made a lot of sense and as long as it doesn't become a habit, I have no problem with his way of helping this patient. I also liked that it was a fat, practically grown up kid this time. Alex with the little ones is cute of course, but I like when they mix it up a bit. I'm here for Alex's chief story. So far I really like it.

The rest for me is just there tbh. I don't dislike any characters or stories right now, but I also don't really care. Wish DeLuca would get a real story though. He's sweet and not to mention a real hottie, so I'd like to see him being used better. Speaking of DeLuca, was this story about his dead mother real? Because it sounded real, but how can she be dead, when it was only 2 seasons ago that Maggie called her when Andrew was in the hospital? The writers should do a better job at preventing such inconsistencies, especially when it wasn't that long ago.

Edited by GSMHvisitor
22 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Ok, I'm sorry, but that kid who was freaking out about his mom has every right to....but he was grating on my last nerve. What an annoying little kid. He wouldn't stop freaking out about anything. No wonder his dad wanted to protect him! He didn't want to deal with Whiny McWhinerson. Ok, maybe my kid tolerance tonight is very low. I'm usually more open to it, but I wasn't having the kid's shit tonight.

Oh, no. It's not just you.

This kid sounds like he's on the verge of puberty and yet gets treated/acts like a six year old!

Edited by JNM5505

I'm torn about Maggie. I know HIPPA is a huge, huge thing and that breaking it is a massive deal. But at the same time she's being asked to keep a huge secret that will blow up on someone she loves and with each passing day that fall out is growing. Amelia and Owen are getting more solid by the day. They are parenting the two kids together very well.  As all four of them grow more stable, the more of a mess it will be when the truth comes out. Teddy is putting Maggie in a horrible position. As a doctor, Maggie professionally obligated to keep confidence even it she doesn't like but as a *person* I understand why she is struggling.

good episode, Bailey showed a little bit of toughness, I miss how tough she acted in the first few seasons,  I don't know if I will like link talking to Jo, she needs to tell him asap that Alex is her husband, I want their marriage to work because I like them both, I think Mer should go on another date with that guy, I cant seem to connect with station 19, ive only seen one  episode, I wanted to like it, it didn't happen but I am watching it again to see what happens with the kid. 

1 hour ago, Trillian said:

I hope Teddy finds out, successfully sues Maggie and that Maggie loses her licence or at least faces disciplinary action. Because that was totally beyond the pale for a professional

whoa! someone really doesn't like Maggie, but you are right she needs to face something but not be fired over it

I'm watching the first few minutes of the Station 19 part of the crossover, and Max running away and falling into the storm drain with that firefighter jumping in to save him was totally stolen from Hell and High Water, the episode of ER when Doug Ross saved a boy from a storm drain, in a flood.

Edited by LexieLily
53 minutes ago, anna0852 said:

I'm torn about Maggie. I know HIPPA is a huge, huge thing and that breaking it is a massive deal. But at the same time she's being asked to keep a huge secret that will blow up on someone she loves and with each passing day that fall out is growing. Amelia and Owen are getting more solid by the day. They are parenting the two kids together very well.  As all four of them grow more stable, the more of a mess it will be when the truth comes out. Teddy is putting Maggie in a horrible position. As a doctor, Maggie professionally obligated to keep confidence even it she doesn't like but as a *person* I understand why she is struggling.

Same. Maggie is in a tough spot. Tougher than Arizona when she was messy with secrets. I am sure Maggie will have some blowback on spilling Teddy's secret cause *drama*.  But as far as the many secrets spilled and laws broken by doctors on this show over the years - sometimes over even more minor conflicts and potential drama - I can't get that worked up solely cause it is Maggie spilling the secret.

Maggie is in a lose-lose position with knowing Teddy is pregnant by Owen while also watching him start back up building a life/relationship with Amelia. IMO, just because it was Maggie spilling doesn't make it the most egregious action to ever happen on this show but obviously mileage varies. Then again, I haven't forgiven Alex for beating the shit out of Deluca even though it seems like that has been pretty glossed over and made to be ok, especially seeing he has been promoted to interim chief. Different strokes. 

Jo knows Linc? Huh. 

Imma continue to pass on watching  Station 19 so no crossover event for me. Anyhow, I already got my fill of that with the One Chicago crossover last week. 

1 hour ago, JNM5505 said:
On 10/10/2018 at 10:11 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Ok, I'm sorry, but that kid who was freaking out about his mom has every right to....but he was grating on my last nerve. What an annoying little kid. He wouldn't stop freaking out about anything. No wonder his dad wanted to protect him! He didn't want to deal with Whiny McWhinerson. Ok, maybe my kid tolerance tonight is very low. I'm usually more open to it, but I wasn't having the kid's shit tonight.

Oh, no. It's not just you.

This kid sounds like he's on the verge of puberty and yet gets treated/acts like a six year old!

You two, come have a drink with me. I felt bad (just a little) at how much I was hating on this kid in my head. His wide eyed, open mouth “duh” expression throughout the entire episode was just so bad. Not sure if the kid can’t act or if that’s what the writers intended, but it was very distracting. And yeh, the dad was treating him like a 5 year old too. 

21 hours ago, JNM5505 said:

Oh, no. It's not just you.

This kid sounds like he's on the verge of puberty and yet gets treated/acts like a six year old!


I thought he was written and/or acted as though he had some sort of intellectual disability. I guess I just assumed that from the way he was portrayed.

Edited by jcbrown
autocorrection is not always useful
21 minutes ago, jcbrown said:

I thought he was written and/or acted as though he had some sort of intellectual disability. I guess I justvascular that from the way he was portrayed.

Yeah I assumed he was Autistic especially with the hiding that's something that kids on the spectrum do for comfort.

I loved Alex tonight he went a little rogue but he got the job done. He's not OCD Bailey or calm and cool Richard. Or even a blustery Owen. He is Alex and he is going to do everything he can for his patient even if he doesn't play by the rules.

I'm amazed Maggie lasted this long. Also technically telling Mere could be considered a consult. At least until Amelia and or Owen overhears them talking about it.

I'm actually looking forward to seeing Andrew/Mere. I always assumed they hired him with a romance with Mere in mind. He is a really good guy Mere deserves that. Even if its just a stepping stone on her journey.

15 hours ago, Pepper the Cat said:

I am no expert on Blind Dates but it seems to me "I'm a widow with 3 children" should be something you mention right away, so that if your date does not like children the date can end right away.

I missed how this blind date came about.  Did it involve the woman from last week's episode? Generally, a mutual acquaintance tells one about the other and provides the contact info.  It would seem the person being set up might say something like "no single parents" or the person doing the set up would say "she's a doctor and  a widow with three children".

I have to assume that kid was intended to be on the spectrum because there is no other explanation for how infantilized he was.

I couldn't be bothered to care enough to get suckered into the blatant grab for ratings this "crossover event"; nothing about Station 19 interests me, and the terrible, bland characters sucking up time during the episode did not change that.  So, sorry-not-sorry, I guess I'll have to live not knowing if Max made it out of that storm drain alive.

Glasses' brief appearance tonight was a sober reminder of how insufferable I find him at all times, and I still cannot buy that HAOG would find him at all interesting (of course, I also cannot buy that Jo would have ever slept with him, no matter how drunk she was, so whatever). #projection

I don’t have much to say here other than I don’t like cross over events.  They are basically a blatant ploy to get people already invested in one show to watch another.  Zero interest in Station 19.


How I met your Meredith? Nope. If they brought in this guy to make us more amenable to Delucca, it worked.  No to Josh Radner....


Jo knows Linc...I’m going to be honest.  Jo isn’t my favorite character.  I don’t hate her the way people hate Maggie.  I just have no interest in her or plots concerning her. In addition, her pairing with Alex has made him less interesting to me.   


However I will play possible links to Linc:

He’s related to her abusive ex but he’s the good brother that she sort of liked 

He was also homeless and they met in a shelter.  

They dated in med school.

He’s part of an underground resistance to help people flee abusive relationships.

9 hours ago, skermac said:

whoa! someone really doesn't like Maggie, but you are right she needs to face something but not be fired over it

I don’t dislike Maggie, at least, not until I saw this episode.  But I loathe the breach of professional ethics.  Even without HIPPA, as Amelia said, “it’s an oath” .  They wrote her like an idiot who didn’t understand, at this point in her career no less, the sacred nature of her requirement of confidentiality.  This was not a consult - there was no medical reason connected to her treatment of Teddy, to tell Meredith.  I’m a lawyer, and many of my friends are lawyers, and we’ve all had to carry some pretty big secrets of our clients from time to time.  It comes with the job and you suck it up.  If you are put in a personal bind by the secret, the ethical way to handle it is to find someone unconnected to the case or the people (someone who then owes you a duty of confidentiality) and discuss with that person on a no-names basis.  And then you suck it up and stay quiet.

I also concede I’m getting too worked up about a soap opera of a show :)  

6 hours ago, elle said:

I missed how this blind date came about.  Did it involve the woman from last week's episode? Generally, a mutual acquaintance tells one about the other and provides the contact info.  It would seem the person being set up might say something like "no single parents" or the person doing the set up would say "she's a doctor and  a widow with three children".

That probably did happen, but that wasn't Meredith's blind date. It was a guy with the same first name as her blind date who was at the same restaurant for his own blind date. *eyeroll*  Her original date probably knew and was fine with her being a single mom, but she blew him off.

Ha, we got not one but TWO discussions about HIPAA in one episode! And an LVAD reference!

The most surprising thing about Maggie telling Meredith that Teddy's pregnant is that she managed to keep it a secret for more than a day. Sorry, Maggie, but HIPAA is applicable at all times, not just when it's convenient for you because you don't have a personal relationship with someone. No, it's not easy, but as Amelia said, you took an oath. It is part of your JOB to respect your patient's privacy. Of course, this is the same person who was mad at Jackson for not breaking doctor patient confidentiality to tell her that her mom had cancer so she clearly doesn't give a shit about HIPAA if it involves someone she knows.

I just can't bring myself to care about Amelia and Owen. I do like Betty (although I wish they would give her more of a storyline beyond being an addict) and I loved that she opened to door immediately after slamming it to apologize because Leo was asleep.

Owen's mom was awesome too. So you don't know if you two are a couple but you're just raising two kids together?

ETA: Meredith told Amelia that she didn't have a picture of her lunch date because Cece "wants people to meet how they meet in real life, with no preconceived notions." But Ted Mosby had a picture of his date which is why he recognized her at the bar.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
24 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

but as Amelia said, you took an oath.

Let's see if Amelia keeps that same energy when she's all cuddled up with her new Instagram family and teddy drops that bomb and Owen does something Oweny and distances himself... Then she nay be harping that her sister knew a nuke was gonna go off in her life and kept quiet... Of course the real solution here is for teddy to be a grownup and talk to Owen.. But ah well

What an absolute bore fest! Is it a prerequisite for every main character to "make a connection" with a child at one point during their job at the hospital? That was the worst (child)patient ever and while I don't watch the other show, I hope he died in that drain. I was actually kinda assuming/hoping a car or ambulance would hit him as they watched him run off. Anyway, Maggie with that child or the father was nothing special and just absolutely boring. Maggie and blabbing about Teddy was even worse. The firefighter should count himself lucky that she didn't accept his invitation for dinner because if he expected a cool, self-assured, independent woman who cares for/empathizes with children then he'd be in for a rude awakening.

How was Meredith's makeup that much different from normal? She looked fine but not stunning in this episode or hideous in others. I guess I could have bought maybe one of the newbies (an intern maybe) being surprised at her scrubbing up nicely/putting in more effort in her appearance than usual, but it was what, 3 people being stunned and her friends all guessing she had something special due to her appearance? Please. As for the date, I actually kinda liked the guy as someone she could date (not love of her life material though) about halfway through the date. Too bad about the kids thing.

I liked Alex and the college boy, but that was very predictable. Don't know why Webber was so shocked by it? Does he not know Alex at all?

Don't care about Jo (and like someone else said, her relationship with Alex made him less appealing to me as well), Link or their connection.

Isn't Amelia the teen brat's foster parent? Or guardian? What is this "I don't know what my role is"-stuff? Clearly, she's got no business fostering or raising children. Owen also sucked in this episode, but then he usually does in my opinion.

Nice to see Owen's mom again, but not a big fan of her giving Amelia advice. Amelia should just give up on the foster/parenting/mentoring thing because she's clearly not cut out for it and should actually be disqualified by CPS. Has the actress who plays Owen's mom lost quite a bit of weight since her last appearance? She looked a lot smaller but not in an unhealthy way, unless they put a three inch layer of makeup on her face to compensate because she looked nice.

I don't care about Deluca at all, I would even prefer Carina if she was given some proper material over him. However, was her reaction to his "have you heard from papa?" and "You're a great sister" one that indicated history repeating itself and "papa" is already dead but she wants him to have a chance to say goodbye like the story he told about her and his mother?

47 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

ETA: Meredith told Amelia that she didn't have a picture of her lunch date because Cece "wants people to meet how they meet in real life, with no preconceived notions." But Ted Mosby had a picture of his date which is why he recognized her at the bar.

I also thought that was odd until they realized they were meeting up with the wrong person. It's very likely all four weren't set up by CeCe, just Meredith and OtherJohn, and that John and NotMeredith were set up by someone else/dating site. It is odd how he apparently knew absolutely nothing about her (or NotMeredith, since he never mentioned anything about contradictions) so probably a blind date through friends or another matchmaker and not via dating app.

11 hours ago, hookedontv said:

You two, come have a drink with me. I felt bad (just a little) at how much I was hating on this kid in my head. His wide eyed, open mouth “duh” expression throughout the entire episode was just so bad. Not sure if the kid can’t act or if that’s what the writers intended, but it was very distracting. And yeh, the dad was treating him like a 5 year old too. 

I am with all of the above. I kept expecting them to explain that he has some disability, because he looked around 12 but was acting like he was 5---I mean a kid that big hiding in an ambulance that way and under the desk is either a really big 5 year old or an older kid with some condition. It was weird they never clarified what his disability is. If he wasn't meant to have one, then it was just horribly written.

Other points:

* I don't watch Station 19 but was glad that Dean person was interested in Maggie since I can't stand Maggie/Avery so there is hope. I'm fine with her being in a relationship that has some spark and to me Dean person had more spark than Avery/Maggie has ever shown

* I set up my DVR to watch Station 19 in case the cross over was a storyline I wanted to follow. Once I realized it was following the boy, I hit delete. Not interested. And the acting from the main Station 19 character is terrible, so double not interested.

* For a minute there I thought Bailey's husband has some surgeon role with the firefighters--because that's the only way Bailey's outburst makes sense.

* Owen's mom being called in by Amelia kind of cracked me up. That kind of stuff is fun.

15 hours ago, GSMHvisitor said:

I liked this one. I'm pretty much only still here for Alex/Jolex/Jo and even though there wasn't much from the third thing on that list, the other two delivered.

As brief as they were I liked the Jolex scenes and I liked that Justin Chambers made me believe them. I've always loved Jolex and Camilla always sells that relationship, but in the last couple of seasons I did not always get that feeling from Justin Chambers. I don't entirely hold it against him as the material has been lacking at times. Plus after so many years I don't wanna blame the actors for phoning it in sometimes. Anyways, I really like JC's performance this season. Case in point, it was quite cute how Alex snuck up to Jo in that last scene. Or the way he keeps smiling at Jo. You can see that he's absolutely in love with this woman. Jolex works really well for me this season and I'm glad.

I was intrigued by the ending. What's the link between Jo and... well Link. Obviously a love triangle is a possibility, but I don't think that's where this will go. And Jo could definitely use more people - actual friends - on the show.

I also liked Alex's story a lot. What he did was super wrong, but knowing the character it made a lot of sense and as long as it doesn't become a habit, I have no problem with his way of helping this patient. I also liked that it was a fat, practically grown up kid this time. Alex with the little ones is cute of course, but I like when they mix it up a bit. I'm here for Alex's chief story. So far I really like it.

The rest for me is just there tbh. I don't dislike any characters or stories right nowi, but I also don't really care. Wish DeLuca would get a real story though. He's sweet and not to mention a real hottie, so I'd like to see him being used better. Speaking of DeLuca, was this story about his dead mother real? Because it sounded real, but how can she be dead, when it was only 2 seasons ago that Maggie called her when Andrew was in the hospital? The writers should do a better job at preventing such inconsistencies, especially when it wasn't that long ago.

I agree with your whole post.  For all of the hate that Krista Vernoff has been getting, her perception and vision of these characters really matches my own and it seems like some of the actors agree and are responding to it.  Justin Chambers has seemed kind of bored for the last few seasons (and I certainly don't blame him), but definitely seems more "alive" and present these days.  I love the return of snarky Alex and ethically ambiguous Alex.  I don't love it when he's violent and out and out sociopathic, but his character has always been morally pragmatic and an "ends justify the means" kind of person and I"m glad that they have returned to that aspect of his character because I have sorely missed it.  I loved his back and forth with Richard and the tetherball vs. invisible bats with cell phones conversation, I think that pretty much sums up Alex's life experience and his behavior as a doctor and as a Chief. I have always loved the Richard/Alex dynamic and I hope that it will continue. I am enjoying his relationship with Jo and I"m glad that it seems like we will learn a little bit about her past and that she has a friend from BEFORE (dun dun DUN!!!)  I guess the tradeoff with Krista is the cringey sex dialogue, so I guess I'll have to deal with Jo yelling "Orgasms" in the middle of the hallway if it means that we get snarky Alex and Jo and funny and non-bitchy Meredith.

Speaking of Meredith, I agree that she wasn't that dolled up, but good lord the hair, makeup and wardrobe people have been doing her absolutely no favors for the past few years, so I am glad to see her stylish and pretty again.  Of course it helps that she is smiling and not sniping at everyone in her vicinity.  Somehow, I am completely open to all of her possible suitors.  I like DeLuca and a fling with him would be fine with me or even something more serious.  I agree that it a hot 20-something falling for a widow with 3 kids, not to mention all of the known SGH baggage, strains believability a bit, but eh...what on this show doesn't?  I don't find really find Linc attractive (ugh the Melrose Place hair is a big NO from me), but we don't know much about him yet and I think that they have decent chemistry.  At the top of the potential love interest list is Koracick since we probably won't get Scott Speedman back.  He is like the anti-McDreamy and I appreciate that.  They are both adults who have lived a life and experienced tragedy and I could totally see that working.  Bottom line for me is that Meredith as mother and super-surgeon has bored me to tears since Derek died (and I was bored to tears by MerDer for years before that) so I really want to see Meredith get out there, have fun and find love again. She is still young, she is still beautiful and also it keeps her away from Alex :)

Grey's crossovers really annoy me and this one was no different.  I don't care about Station 19 and beyond Ben, I don't care about those characters either so every scene with them was a complete waste of time for me.  I didn't watch Private Practice either and it took me forever to warm up to Amelia because I resented the fact that the writers seemed to expect me to automatically know her and adore her when she appeared on Grey's.  I like her much better now and I think that the teen and Leo are the best things to happen to her and Owen separately and as a couple.  Of course, I'm sure Teddy is going to come in and fuck all of that up, but whatever. 

All in all I am enjoying this season quite a bit.

49 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

 I loved his back and forth with Richard and the tetherball vs. invisible bats with cell phones conversation, I think that pretty much sums up Alex's life experience and his behavior as a doctor and as a Chief. I have always loved the Richard/Alex dynamic and I hope that it will continue. I am enjoying his relationship with Jo and I"m glad that it seems like we will learn a little bit about her past and that she has a friend from BEFORE (dun dun DUN!!!)  I guess the tradeoff with Krista is the cringey sex dialogue, so I guess I'll have to deal with Jo yelling "Orgasms" in the middle of the hallway if it means that we get snarky Alex and Jo and funny and non-bitchy Meredith.



1. agreed on above re the bats--that part of the episode was funny and a nice realistic throwback to Alex's hard upbringing. That's the kind of humor I like--it's real world as opposed to unbelievable silly (like when Maggie acts like a child and we're supposed to find it endearing; I don't.)

2. I get tired of the "inappropriate workplace conversation" thing that Grey's beats to death. The tell me when people are standing behind me line would have been better if Jo wasn't already talking in a really loud voice that the entire floor could overhear. Whether Richard was behind her or not, it's not a conversation she would have in that moment in that location.

3. Jo's back story is such a mess. Technically she should have plenty of friends since she went to med school and then hid in plain view. It would be funny if they knew each other because he helped fix her car when she lived in it. Because we really can't have enough "I lived in a car" references on this show (kidding).

Aside from the crossover stuff, I enjoyed this episode.

Doctors on this show have done so many unethical and/or illegal things, I just can't get worked up about it anymore. I'm just hoping Maggie telling Meredith about Teddy gets the storyline moving.

Speaking of unethical behavior, I enjoyed Alex's storyline for the Alex/Richard interaction. I've always enjoyed them together. Richard was right about Alex's behavior, but I had to laugh because on the scale of doctors (and Chiefs) behaving badly, this incident was maybe a 2 or 3. 

Linc and Jo knowing each other could be interesting, I guess. 

I like Owen's mom. 

I knew it wouldn't work out with Ted Mosby, but I liked Meredith on her date. 

41 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

3. Jo's back story is such a mess. Technically she should have plenty of friends since she went to med school and then hid in plain view. It would be funny if they knew each other because he helped fix her car when she lived in it. Because we really can't have enough "I lived in a car" references on this show (kidding).

I don't think its that weird.  The only real friend she had since she's been at SGH (I can never remember all the names this stupid hospital has had) was Stephanie and she nearly ruined that with her insecurity and skittishness, plus it pretty much got dropped when Stephanie left. She has really been kind of a loner and that matches what we've been told about her from before - she left her first boyfriend because she didn't feel she was good enough and made a clean break so he could go off to college.  So it wouldn't surprise me that she had a close friend from her med school days that she completely dropped when she moved on.  Either her husband made her drop all of her friends when she got married or she became friendly with Linc after but had to clear out and leave everything behind once she left her husband.  He didn't seemed surprised that she was working in a hospital so my guess is he knows her from med school.  I think it will get messier if they try to say that he is someone from her long ago past in foster care, etc. etc.  Also, please let the lived in my car thing die and never be mentioned again.  Please.

15 hours ago, anna0852 said:

I'm torn about Maggie. I know HIPPA is a huge, huge thing and that breaking it is a massive deal. But at the same time she's being asked to keep a huge secret that will blow up on someone she loves and with each passing day that fall out is growing. Amelia and Owen are getting more solid by the day. They are parenting the two kids together very well.  As all four of them grow more stable, the more of a mess it will be when the truth comes out. Teddy is putting Maggie in a horrible position. As a doctor, Maggie professionally obligated to keep confidence even it she doesn't like but as a *person* I understand why she is struggling.

I can understand her struggling with it, but if she can't keep her patients' information confidential, she has no business being a medical professional.  Or, at the very least, she should never treat friends, family members, friends of family members, people she knows, people who know people she knows, etc..  But it's not just Maggie: HIPAA is sacrosanct in real life; on this show, it's always been more of a suggestion that few characters have followed.

13 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

I enjoyed tonights epi.. Maggie was in a tough spot and I knew eventually it would come out.. Of course like Gabby in Chicago fire some ppl will hate anything Maggie does no matter what.. I thought dean hanging around was funny.. And that was a good first date.. Until it wasn't.. Was there a preview for next week.. If so I missed it 

I don't care for Maggie as a character, but that has nothing to do with my opinion on her actions here.  If she cannot abide by the requirements of HIPAA no matter what, she has no business being a medical professional.  Same goes for pretty much every other character on the show, though.  Grey's has never been particularly good about following medical confidentiality regulations.

11 hours ago, Emily Thrace said:

I'm amazed Maggie lasted this long. Also technically telling Mere could be considered a consult.

No, it couldn't.  Not when the woman who is no longer her patient isn't even aware of it.

1 hour ago, Evie said:

Doctors on this show have done so many unethical and/or illegal things, I just can't get worked up about it anymore. I'm just hoping Maggie telling Meredith about Teddy gets the storyline moving.

Same here.  It's not worse cause it's Maggie doing it this time and I also hope it gets the ball rolling since Teddy's been MIA the last few eps. 


1 hour ago, Evie said:

Speaking of unethical behavior, I enjoyed Alex's storyline for the Alex/Richard interaction.

This made me cackle. It's also true. 

1 hour ago, Deanie87 said:

I don't think its that weird.  The only real friend she had since she's been at SGH (I can never remember all the names this stupid hospital has had) was Stephanie and she nearly ruined that with her insecurity and skittishness, plus it pretty much got dropped when Stephanie left. She has really been kind of a loner and that matches what we've been told about her from before - she left her first boyfriend because she didn't feel she was good enough and made a clean break so he could go off to college.  So it wouldn't surprise me that she had a close friend from her med school days that she completely dropped when she moved on.  Either her husband made her drop all of her friends when she got married or she became friendly with Linc after but had to clear out and leave everything behind once she left her husband.  He didn't seemed surprised that she was working in a hospital so my guess is he knows her from med school.  I think it will get messier if they try to say that he is someone from her long ago past in foster care, etc. etc.  Also, please let the lived in my car thing die and never be mentioned again.  Please.

I don't think it's that weird either, and I think med school is the most likely explanation. I'm just saying (poorly) that they way they write her, there's no telling whether this is consistent with past descriptions or totally off. She should know a lot of people from medical school; it's the hiding part of last year's storyline that made no sense (esp when we realized bad ex is a well known medical professional). Agree on the car--though that would make me laugh while rolling my eyes. Linc! you were the best at fixing my car!!  (ha)

8 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Let's see if Amelia keeps that same energy when she's all cuddled up with her new Instagram family and teddy drops that bomb and Owen does something Oweny and distances himself... Then she nay be harping that her sister knew a nuke was gonna go off in her life and kept quiet... Of course the real solution here is for teddy to be a grownup and talk to Owen.. But ah well

Teddy's being an immature dick doesn't absolve Maggie of breaking HIPAA confidentiality laws.  They can both be in the wrong (and are, as far as I'm concerned), but only one of them (Maggie) is actually breaking the law.  She's certainly not the first to do so on this show, but that's no excuse.

Since Linc seems so much further along in his career than Jo is (and, frankly, looks older), I'd find it really hard to buy that the two of them were classmates at either Princeton (I believe that's where Jo went for undergrad) or med school.  Logic has never been an overriding factor in any Grey's storyline, though, so I won't be surprised if that's indeed their connection to each other.

Maybe Link was senior resident while Jo was a student. They could have still crossed paths while she was in med school, it doesn't mean they were in the same class.

As far as Maggie goes, she's in an impossible position. I 100% get that violating HIPAA is a very very very bad thing. But she is literally watching a time bomb ticking and her sisters life. Yes fine, not biological sister but at this point she and Amelia consider themselves sisters emotionally. And with every passing day The Fallout is going to get bigger. And it's not just Amelia's life that's going to blow up. It's Owens life and Betty's life and Leos life too. It's not like Maggie sought out this information. By the time she put the pieces together she was already Teddys doctor and couldn't have bowed out of treating her. She can't unring the bell of knowing this.

I'm getting more and more ticked at teddy as more and more time goes by without her speaking up. It's Owens kid too. She might not be legally obligated to tell him that she's pregnant but ethically and morally she absolutely does. As she knows dang well what a terrible position she's now put Maggie in. Actions have consequences. Teddy and Owen got sloppy with birth control and now Teddy's pregnant. Maggie broke HIPAA and will now probably face a volcanic Amelia, a pissed-off Teddy and whatever sanctions Chief Karev can muster up from the hospital. Which probably won't be much all things considered. Amelia and Owen took in two kids and have committed to raising them. Which means now the blowback has to consider Leo and Betty as well. It's a huge mess and as a viewer I'm looking forward to seeing how it shakes out but as a person I would want to gouge my eyes out rather than be a participant.

Edited by anna0852
6 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

Jo's back story is such a mess. Technically she should have plenty of friends since she went to med school and then hid in plain view. It would be funny if they knew each other because he helped fix her car when she lived in it. Because we really can't have enough "I lived in a car" references on this show (kidding).

As a battered wife though her husband would have kept her isolated its a pretty standard part of the abuse. So she might not have a lot of pre Seattle friends left. I do think Linc ties into that part of her backstory though. The he new her on medical school. Didn't he saw where he graduated from in the premiere?

13 hours ago, dmc said:

However I will play possible links to Linc:

He’s related to her abusive ex but he’s the good brother that she sort of liked 

He was also homeless and they met in a shelter.  

They dated in med school.

He’s part of an underground resistance to help people flee abusive relationships.

Linc called Jo “ Brooke”, so he knew her “before”.

Minor nitpick-when Deluca was looking for the boy (and not real well since he was just looking down the hall and not into rooms and under things), the boy crawled out from under a gurney and ran the other way. A hospital employee saw him, but didn’t call to Deluca or go after the boy.

I must say, this episode surprisingly hit me in the feels. Alex’s story about how he didn’t call an ambulance when he was a kid reminded me of the time when I was in second grade and choked on something. I couldn’t breathe. My mom called an ambulance, and I remember once we got to the hospital I apologized about the cost of the ambulance. Alex’s storyline really did affect me, and I’ve never related to Alex before tonight. It was a lovely surprise.

I used to work at a practice that treated children with autism, so I immediately deduced that the child must be on the spectrum. Otherwise, his behavior makes no sense and is horrendous writing. On the other hand, maybe they didn’t want to hit us over the head by coming out and saying that he is on the spectrum. I don’t know.

For me, what’s frustrating about Maggie breaking HIPAA is that there will be no repercussions. I know; I’ve been watching this show since day one. However, if this had happened on a show like ER, it wouldn’t have bothered me as much because I know there’d be consequences. This just makes me roll my eyes. I say this as someone who likes her, btw.

Edited by PepSinger

Maggie is the worst. She’s really awful. She’s unprofessional and so immature. HIPAA IS A THING.

That story was not nearly compelling enough to make me tune into the ridiculousness that is Station 19.


4 hours ago, anna0852 said:

As far as Maggie goes, she's in an impossible position. I 100% get that violating HIPAA is a very very very bad thing. But she is literally watching a time bomb ticking and her sisters life. Yes fine, not biological sister but at this point she and Amelia consider themselves sisters emotionally. And with every passing day The Fallout is going to get bigger. And it's not just Amelia's life that's going to blow up. It's Owens life and Betty's life and Leos life too. It's not like Maggie sought out this information. By the time she put the pieces together she was already Teddys doctor and couldn't have bowed out of treating her. She can't unring the bell of knowing this.

She could easily ignore it. Teddy has made no indication that she is going to involve Owen at all, and for all Maggie knows, Teddy could have chosen to terminate. If she can’t handle sensitive information, I feel she has no business being a doctor, let alone head of cardio.

It's always been true on this show that HIPAA has been treated a more of a suggestion than an oath. Sure, no problem, unless it's super important then it's fine, spill your guts. I would be shocked if Maggie or anyone on this show experienced any blowback for breaking it.  What bugs me is that Maggie of all of them acted as if she had never heard of such a thing as an oath. The difference in competent, professional Maggie knowing she couldn't tell the boy about his mom against his dad's wishes and her unprofessional behaviour about Teddy 's condition was annoying. She apparently knows the rules but doesn't believe she needs to follow them, if she doesn't want to. As another poster said Teddy is not and has not made any indication that she intends to involve Owen in whatever she decides. I may think that's a mistake but it's her decision to make, not Maggie's.  

The "One Thing" was funny and I liked Alex for the first time in a long while.

15 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Ha, we got not one but TWO discussions about HIPAA in one episode! And an LVAD reference!

The most surprising thing about Maggie telling Meredith that Teddy's pregnant is that she managed to keep it a secret for more than a day. Sorry, Maggie, but HIPAA is applicable at all times, not just when it's convenient for you because you don't have a personal relationship with someone. No, it's not easy, but as Amelia said, you took an oath. It is part of your JOB to respect your patient's privacy. Of course, this is the same person who was mad at Jackson for not breaking doctor patient confidentiality to tell her that her mom had cancer so she clearly doesn't give a shit about HIPAA if it involves someone she knows.

I just can't bring myself to care about Amelia and Owen. I do like Betty (although I wish they would give her more of a storyline beyond being an addict) and I loved that she opened to door immediately after slamming it to apologize because Leo was asleep.

Owen's mom was awesome too. So you don't know if you two are a couple but you're just raising two kids together?

ETA: Meredith told Amelia that she didn't have a picture of her lunch date because Cece "wants people to meet how they meet in real life, with no preconceived notions." But Ted Mosby had a picture of his date which is why he recognized her at the bar.


Also, the whole mix-up started when Mer walked into the restaurant and said “You must be John.” Her name was never said out loud, which I thought was odd.

There was never any further introduction involving  “...and you must be insert real date’s name here_” nor did she ever introduce herself. 

As a single person (who is ready to write a book about the awful dates I’ve been on), I actually enjoyed Cece’s rule about no photos & meeting without preconceived notions.

I may or may not be wondering if matchmaking is a better option (and available near me) rather than utilize online services because I was screaming “yes!” at my TV when Ted Moseby mentioned the they’re/there/their thing. 

Edited by Bridget

Maggie shouldn't have told Meredith about Teddy. But why did Teddy go to SGMH in the first place?  She knows how incestuous that hospital is, she worked there herself. There are other hospitals in Seattle.

22 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

I have to assume that kid was intended to be on the spectrum because there is no other explanation for how infantilized he was.

Maggie told the father how deep in denial he was about his wife's condition. It's possible the parents infantilized the boy just because they are that kind of people.

14 hours ago, Efzee said:

Isn't Amelia the teen brat's foster parent? Or guardian? What is this "I don't know what my role is"-stuff? Clearly, she's got no business fostering or raising children. Owen also sucked in this episode, but then he usually does in my opinion.

Owen is the baby's foster parent. Amelia's role is unofficial, Betty's parents want nothing to do with her and I think she's too old for the system so she had nowhere else to go. Amelia recognize a kindred addict.

Teddy went to Grey-Sloane because at that point, she was looking for Owen and going to tell him about the pregnancy, but he wasn't there because he was at Alex and Jo's wedding. This was also why she initially accepted the position as interim chief. Then she went to Owen's house, Betty answered the door and said something about Owen and Amelia and "the baby"; Teddy leapt to conclusions and booked it back to Germany after telling Bailey never mind about the interim chief position.

At 15, Betty is not too old for the system, and it's probably where she should be, since Amelia has no wardship or guardianship rights and can't even sign a school permission slip, much less authorize medical treatment for her should it be needed. And, in fact, Betty should be on CPS/DCS/whatever they have in Seattle radar, since her own child is in the foster care system and she was doing some sort of visit with Leo when she met Amelia. She's a mother, but she is also a minor. In the real world she would be receiving services and probably in some sort of residential rehab facility so she could work toward reunifying with her child once she is an adult.

7 hours ago, statsgirl said:


Maggie shouldn't have told Meredith about Teddy. But why did Teddy go to SGMH in the first place?  She knows how incestuous that hospital is, she worked there herself. There are other hospitals in Seattle.


She went to tell Owen, and when she got medical treatment there, I think it was more of an emergency situation- or at least she thought it was.

15 hours ago, cryptaknight said:


At 15, Betty is not too old for the system, and it's probably where she should be, since Amelia has no wardship or guardianship rights and can't even sign a school permission slip, much less authorize medical treatment for her should it be needed. And, in fact, Betty should be on CPS/DCS/whatever they have in Seattle radar, since her own child is in the foster care system and she was doing some sort of visit with Leo when she met Amelia. She's a mother, but she is also a minor. In the real world she would be receiving services and probably in some sort of residential rehab facility so she could work toward reunifying with her child once she is an adult.

Damn, until this comment I totally forgot Betty is Leo's mom.  Thanks for this reminder

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