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S01.E02: Reentry

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The passengers from Flight 828 find themselves under government scrutiny as they struggle to resume their lives. Michaela is forced to confront the fact that Jared (J.R. Ramirez) is married to her once-best friend, while Ben tries to help a fellow passenger reconnect with his son. Cal is approached by an obsessive stranger, as Grace and Olive disagree on whether or not to reveal a devastating secret.


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The shadowy figure out to kill all the passengers from Flight 828 is, I can't lie, a little too much for me. These people have to figure out the supernatural mystery AND be stalked at the same time?!

I actually quite liked Michaela's subplot with her best friend, even if the best friend is clearly going to be collateral damage and the lie about her going to say no to the ex-boyfriend is going to blow up spectacularly in everyone's face. But I'm cheering for Michaela and the best friend to continue rebuilding their friendship (could not give less of a crap about the ex-boyfriend). Michaela and the ongoing therapy appointments could go either way--I enjoyed the scenes tonight, but I could see them dragging in the future.

Oh Ben's wife, it is not going to be nearly that easy.

I almost cheered when Ben just decked the weaselly jewelry store owner's son.

Cal is one creepy and annoying little kid. Olive is definitely my favorite of the kids.

The writers continue to write these people as if they showed up a year ago, not a week ago. Michaela breaking down is like the only piece of emotional realism here!

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Well, this episode sort of lost me. Lost 2.0. When writers build mysteries into shows they have to know when they are writing the script the solutions to the mysteries and not build mystery after mystery and never provide answers as the show moves along. Ok give it time, this is only the second episode. But this seems the direction this show will go. Plus, the characters and their stories are not even interesting. They are stereotypical caricatures and real dull. And nothing really happens except cliffhangers to lure the audience back. 

What's with the music they are hearing and what's with the shadow man? This show does not know whether it is The Twilight Zone, Lost, or the X Files. It's another show that will drag it's feet when the premise was really good and it could have been a made for TV movie. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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Sometimes, I wish shows would go a more unpredictable route. I really could do without the obvious Michaela getting back together with her ex plot that they're leading into. I'd much rather see Michaela make amends with her best friend and have Michaela truly move on from her ex. But seeing as she was gonna accept his proposal and that, for her, was only a couple of weeks ago, I guess we'll see her best friend getting hurt. 

So...what is Grace planning to do about the person she's currently seeing while she's also now sleeping with her husband again? We don't know how Grace met her lover or even when they started dating. They're keeping this whole thing so ominous and I can't decide whether it's because they simply hadn't cast the actor or actress in the role yet, or if they're intentionally trying to be misleading. I still don't think we got a confirmed gender for the lover, though I wasn't paying full attention to the episode. 

I'm still ok with the mystery plot. It's fun for now and it's nice to see more passengers showing up to intertwine with Ben and Michaela. 

Olive is great. Cal is underdeveloped for me, or I simply don't care about him. 

And now we have a Shadowy Figure. Ok, great. Seeing as the woman in the last scene was killed as she was spouting off government conspiracies on the TV, are we led to believe that this whole thing IS connected to something government-related?

I'll have to rewatch this weekend to get more answers.

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I still don't think we got a confirmed gender for the lover, though I wasn't paying full attention to the episode. 

I'm pretty sure that's correct. Because this forum had been speculating about it last week, I tried to pay attention, and I'm pretty sure there was no gender referenced.


I'm still ok with the mystery plot. It's fun for now and it's nice to see more passengers showing up to intertwine with Ben and Michaela. 

Agreed. I would watch an hour a week that is just these people sitting around drinking coffee and bonding over their shared crazy trauma (and how nutty the world has gone!).

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I tried poking around the Internet to see if any of the writers had backgrounds with family members who were MIA or even just deployed in military service for a time, but I didn't come up with anything. That's what it reminds me of. (I had a boyfriend in Vietnam, and in the 90s I heard the story of a Korean War MIA POW whose wife had remarried after he was legally declared dead—he was surprisingly cheerful about it—said he survived by thanking his guards and torturerers everyday too.) 

Given that Charming's family has twins and cancer to deal with, the person who keeps calling his wife on the phone should probably give them some real space. 

Since Lourdes and Detective Ex-fiancé don't have any kids, and since Lourdes just confessed to feeling like an "imposter," that marriage bond seems pretty shaky.

The blood on the TV screen while the victim's interview of her suspicions was airing was very effective.

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Don't believe in Clarke's Third Law. But a character invoking it is supposed to leave it open to a handwaving natural explanation. Already forgotten who wasn't too pleased with the way God was doing things. Always good to have characters notice what's going on, makes them more like people. 

The guy invoking rights didn't say anything about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar, or the horse is already out of the barn. We should count our blessings I suppose. 

Cal's guardian angel is not the one who shot the woman, I'm sure. 

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 I'm assuming Mystery Lover is someone we have seen or will see and when they're revealed the implication will be they got together with the Mom deliberately because they had fore knowledge the plane would return.  50/50 odds Shadowy Murderer is Mystery Lover. 

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1 hour ago, stealinghome said:

The shadowy figure out to kill all the passengers from Flight 828 is, I can't lie, a little too much for me. These people have to figure out the supernatural mystery AND be stalked at the same time?!

I should hope so.  The "Family of Stereotypes and Endless Love Triangles" bores me to tears but the people trying to figure it out and the nasty who killed the "Conspiracy Lady" are the only things interesting about the show.  More mystery and stalking please.  Less endless soap opera triangles of the bizarre kind.


1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

And now we have a Shadowy Figure. Ok, great. Seeing as the woman in the last scene was killed as she was spouting off government conspiracies on the TV, are we led to believe that this whole thing IS connected to something government-related?

Last week I said we needed a conspiracy nut on the plane and look what happened to them.  I was hoping "Conspiracy Lady" would solve the mystery too.  Instead her death just kind of validates the conspiracy.  Is "Guy With Glasses At Round Table Security Meeting" in on the killing since he wanted the 20 rounded up and locked away?


54 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I thought the shadow figure in the picture was Cal unknowingly picking up on the his mother's involvement with someone else through whatever power he picked up or twin connection.

And I thought it was suppose to be his dead grandmother watching over him or something.  But after the last scene maybe it is the stalker/killer instead.

Cal's teenage sister is the only remotely semi-interesting member of that lame family as in she is the only one with an iota of common sense.

Edited by green
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57 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I thought the shadow figure in the picture was Cal unknowingly picking up on the his mother's involvement with someone else through whatever power he picked up or twin connection.

Am I missing something that made it seem more sinister or something other than that?

I thought so, too.  Especially since the figure was standing right behind mom. 

But now that posters here have suggested it could the the stalking/killing shadow, I'm less certain.

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3 minutes ago, izabella said:

I thought so, too.  Especially since the figure was standing right behind mom. 

But now that posters here have suggested it could the the stalking/killing shadow, I'm less certain.

Or maybe they are one in the same like Maverick just suggested above.

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4 days !!!  Only 4 days have gone by since they landed.  Are they kidding ?
That means they let them go 1-2 days after they landed.  Seriously, WTF ?
Hell, with 191 people on board the interviews would have taken more than 4 days.  They spent 8 hours interviewing just these 20 people the next day after the plane exploded, and that wasn't even anything supernatural.  Come on -- they traveled through time with no explanation as to how or why.  They would be locked up and poked and prodded by scientists for weeks if not months.

Conspiracy lady is also the no sodium lady on the plane (when the flight attendant was handing out peanuts).
Conspiracy lady decided to talk to the press -- guess she doesn't fear the "national security" repercussions -- she was on the big TV in Times Square, and on the TV in the Stone's kitchen, and the TV at the cancer clinic. She was hitting all the news channels.

He is risen, he is not here.   Cult-lady spots Cal on the street and decides that's the time to start quoting part of a variation of Matthew 28:6
I guess we are going full on God-mode, which explains why "The Pope weighs in on Flight 828" that was seen on the TV crawl.

Grace's "friend" is named Alexa, who sometimes acts up according to Olive -- is Grace having an affair with an Amazon product ?

Could Cal possibly be a little more whiny about his Legos ?  Man, that kid can't act.

Was this episode sponsored by the movie 'Frozen' ?  They certainly said the phrase 'let it go' enough.

Would they really leave an 18 year old kid in charge of a jewelry store ?  Alone ?   I think he was hired by the jeweller's son specifically to take the fall on the robbery.
Seriously, no security cameras in a jewelry store ?  Really ?

So much for Conspiracy lady -- killed by the CIA/NSA/shadowy figure, for talking to the press maybe ?

Plus, how did Conspiracy lady get such a nice house and car from ?  She appeared to live alone.  Unless she prepaid for maid service for five and a half years her house should be filthy.

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

And now we have a Shadowy Figure. Ok, great. Seeing as the woman in the last scene was killed as she was spouting off government conspiracies on the TV, are we led to believe that this whole thing IS connected to something government-related?

Was the shadowy figure possibly from some sort of shadowy government organization ?  Does the shadowy figure smoke -- some sort of smoking man, perhaps ?

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This episode was alright.  It was watchable.  I still felt for the two main characters.  I liked the daughter bringing her brother's stuff out of storage, even though the son was a tad bratty over the Legos.  I'm glad we got to know about at least one other passenger from the plane.  

I still don't find it interesting that the voices/music/mind messages conveniently lead the characters to find the solution to the crime of the week.  If this is the format/formula of the week, it wore out its welcome last week.  This is a bigger problem for me and makes me less invested in this series.

The personal "mysteries" weren't intriguing enough to deserve the dragged-out process.  Like whoever the mother was romantically involved with.  Enough with the secrecy.  The lie about coming back to give back the ring to the cop fiancé was unnecessary. 

Not a huge fan of the violent murder at the end.  Why was up with the woman's evil smirk?

Edited by Camera One
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If the Shadow Man turns out to be the smoke monster from Lost, I will cut a bitch.

I'm glad that they didn't waste any time explaining that the storage unit belonged to the mom's friend because in the very short time before she admitted that, all I could think about was how a teenager without a job would have been able to pay for a storage unit without her mom knowing.

When Grace claimed she was shy about her body because she's five whole years older than Ben, I thought it was going to be revealed she was pregnant and trying to hide it from him. Since they got naked at the end of the episode, I guess not.

Although I don't need to see Michaela in therapy every week for the rest of the season, I liked that they included it this week because we need to see some of the major repercussions of trying to jump back into your life after a five year absence. As she said, she has lost all the people who she would normally talk to about how she's feeling (the girl who died in the car crash, her boyfriend, and her best friend). No wonder she feels alone. Even without any of the other stuff (having to see her ex and her BFF at work every day, knowing that her brother's wife is with someone else, trying to get back to work, hearing voices), that alone was a huge loss. If you lost your boyfriend, your best friend, and your mother all in one fell swoop, that would be a giant hole in your life and your heart.

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In last week's pilot, in the opening scenes at the Jamaican airport, Micaela's voiceover described each of her family members, and she told us that Ben and Grace were still madly in love after X number of years of marriage (coupled with a quick shot of them kissing and giggling). In this episode, Micaela says to Grace, "I know your marriage wasn't perfect, but..." Well, which was it? Were they happily married before, or not?

Speaking of the voiceover, it's disappeared, and that's fine. 

I am beginning to not like Ben at all. He's quite petulant. I guess I give him points for helping his fellow passenger deal with his jailed son, and of course Ben saved the day, but there's something about him - I don't trust him.

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Frankly I'm glad they added the Shadow Killer, so it's not just soap opera and Finding God. Though if it was a God responsible, it would be hilarious if it was a Hindu or Hawaiian or some other non-Christian God.

Michaela needs to find another expression besides pouting bitch face.

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Would they really leave an 18 year old kid in charge of a jewelry store ?  Alone ?   I think he was hired by the jeweller's son specifically to take the fall on the robbery.
Seriously, no security cameras in a jewelry store ?  Really ?

I think that is exactly why they hired that kid. Michaela mentioned that there was stuff in the locker that wasn't even on the list of stolen items, so the son of the jeweller had probably been stealing in various ways for a while. Then, he wants more, so he finds a patsy, leaves him to close  up one night and makes sure there are no cameras. He needs to be charged both with theft, but assault of the kid he knocked out. 

Interesting that the locker was in the same facility as the boyfriend's. 

It would have been easier for Olive to tell her mother about the stuff in her boyfriend's locker. I think Olive subconsciously wanted the news out. I think I heard Olive say that it was two years after the plane went missing that her mother tried to throw out their stuff. So that means that she's been storing it in the boyfriend's locker for 3 years? He's been in their life for a long while.

I'm going to give Cal a pass on being a bit whiny. He's undergoing chemo (which will wipe out most people), he's lost all his beloved items and his twin sister is now old enough to babysit him.  That's got to be tough for a tween. 

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I think my main issue with this show is the characters act like they don't really care about the craziness. So why should I care? 

Ben and Michela have no emotions about hearing voices, then no emotions when they help the people from those voices. Ben had one emotionless conversation with the Cancer doctor then they just dropped it like they were talking about the weather


BINGO. They really don't seem to be all that amazed by this...almost like it is a giant imposition, which I guess it is since it turned their lives upsidedown, but they don't seem to have any level of wonder or amazement about it. And, yes, I call BS only only being 4 days and they are back to normal lives....getting job back, driving around (those drivers licenses MUST have expired). They would have had weeks of medical tests and LOTS more interrogation, especially after the plane just randomly blows up after they randomly show up.

I get the structure-each week Ben and/or Michaela will help out one of the passengers with some problem. There were 20 people that showed back up for the explosion and now we will count them down...Ben, Michaela, Peds Cancer Doc, Violinist, Blabbermouth (or should I say DEAD Blabbermouth)...kinda figure the pilot is next. That leaves 14 episodes to go!

Some of the acting was really, really bad. I know it was supposed to be/seem uncomfortable, but the actress who played Lourdes was awful and the rest of that triangle is not much better.

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1 hour ago, kili said:

It would have been easier for Olive to tell her mother about the stuff in her boyfriend's locker. I think Olive subconsciously wanted the news out. I think I heard Olive say that it was two years after the plane went missing that her mother tried to throw out their stuff. So that means that she's been storing it in the boyfriend's locker for 3 years? He's been in their life for a long while.

I was wondering about the timeline on the boyfriend too.  I thought when Michaela overheard Grace talking on the phone, she asked who "he" was, but I could have mis-heard that.

I kinda like the voices/music and the characters following their intuition.  I don't care for the religious tones however - I didn't like that lady going up to Cal in the middle of the street saying "He is Risen".  It seems like I like this show more than a lot of posters here, but I haven't seen a lot of the other similar shows that are being referenced. 

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11 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I thought the shadow figure in the picture was Cal unknowingly picking up on the his mother's involvement with someone else through whatever power he picked up or twin connection.

Am I missing something that made it seem more sinister or something other than that?

My husband thought it was the "boyfriend" and I thought it was the same shadow we saw in the garage and also the shooter...

8 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I'm glad that they didn't waste any time explaining that the storage unit belonged to the mom's friend because in the very short time before she admitted that, all I could think about was how a teenager without a job would have been able to pay for a storage unit without her mom knowing.


3 hours ago, mertensia said:

Frankly I'm glad they added the Shadow Killer, so it's not just soap opera and Finding God. Though if it was a God responsible, it would be hilarious if it was a Hindu or Hawaiian or some other non-Christian God.

They were coming from Jamaica so maybe something Rastafarian :-)

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By the way, have we heard them mention anything about dealing with paperwork and lawyers. Something reminded me of the line in Castaway where a character says something like "We have a busy day tomorrow.....takes a lot of paperwork to bring you back to life". As mentioned above, if nothing else, their drivers licenses all expired.

I can only assume that they were all declared dead at some point and next of kin got life insurance payouts etc and I gotta believe there would be a whole lot of lawyers running around.

I want this show to be good, but they better pick up the pace since not sure how many more boring episodes I can watch.

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25 minutes ago, AriAu said:

By the way, have we heard them mention anything about dealing with paperwork and lawyers. Something reminded me of the line in Castaway where a character says something like "We have a busy day tomorrow.....takes a lot of paperwork to bring you back to life". As mentioned above, if nothing else, their drivers licenses all expired.

I can only assume that they were all declared dead at some point and next of kin got life insurance payouts etc and I gotta believe there would be a whole lot of lawyers running around.

I want this show to be good, but they better pick up the pace since not sure how many more boring episodes I can watch.

The show is beyond a stretch. As you said, it is boring. There is no thriller/chiller aspect even though they are trying. The show is creating mysteries that don't even matter. I do not care what IS happening in the present as a result of what happened, I want to know WHY it happened. Maybe they will show WHERE they all went and where they were for five years. Were they abducted by aliens who gave them instructions and they are remembering where they were (the music etc)? Was ShadowMan an alien with a gun? 

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I wouldn't  be surprised if we found out the people on the plane were replaced by robots, because that is how they are acting. 

I don't really care about the shadow killer since I know he's not going to kill the off the boring family we're following around. 

Their shocks are not even exciting. Say what you will about Lost at least in the beginning their shocks were interesting and exciting. 

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I think this show has a lot of promise.  It's a funny thing ..... I have no problem accepting the fact that they disappeared for 5 years but when it comes to the way everyone has acted since they returned , that's going too far . You would think that the press would be all over them. They would be the biggest story in the world. I know it's been a whole 4 days and our attention span isn't what it used to be , but come on. I want to see more of how they readjust and the psychological effects. I'd imagine that if I went shopping one day and when I returned was told it was 5 years later it wouldn't just be "that's nice , what's for dinner ?"

I wonder which returnee will solve a crime next week ?

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13 hours ago, green said:

Last week I said we needed a conspiracy nut on the plane and look what happened to them.  I was hoping "Conspiracy Lady" would solve the mystery too.  Instead her death just kind of validates the conspiracy.  Is "Guy With Glasses At Round Table Security Meeting" in on the killing since he wanted the 20 rounded up and locked away?

She wasn't really a conspiracy theorist, she was just a fame whore.


2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

It would be boring to watch these folks poked and prodded for days, but a simple montage or line in the show, could have helped.

I disagree. The 4400 got a ton of drama out of the exemination stage.

Edited by Miles
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1 hour ago, AriAu said:

I want this show to be good, but they better pick up the pace since not sure how many more boring episodes I can watch.

This pretty much sums up how I feel about it. I know people are comparing it to LOST, but to me there is no comparison. LOST pulled me in from the pilot and didn't let go the entire first season. I cared about the characters and the mystery was compelling. This show is just so boring. Like nothing interesting is happening - at all. And having both sibling involved in a love triangle? I was really holding out hope the wife's secret was something else, but it doesn't appear so. As for those wondering about the gender of her new significant other:


the promo for next week involves Ben confronting a male "intruder", so I'm guessing that's the wife's new boyfriend

I really like Josh Dallas, so I hope the plot picks up and becomes more interesting - and fast!

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One tiny mention by a woman at the Round Table discussion:  Something like, "I want to know where the plane went for five years!"  Then dropped.  For me, this is the question I'm waiting for someone to answer.  I don't care about soap opera love triangle, I don't care about kid with cancer, I don't care about crime-of-the-week.  Answer the damn question, or give me an indication that the show is heading for an answer!

Edited by Lostinthehouse
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Answer the damn question, or give me an indication that the show is heading for an answer!

I don't think we will ever get an answer-Bermuda Triangle????? I guess they want it to be magical or mystical

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3 hours ago, kili said:

I'm going to give Cal a pass on being a bit whiny. He's undergoing chemo (which will wipe out most people), he's lost all his beloved items and his twin sister is now old enough to babysit him.  That's got to be tough for a tween. 

Yeah, initially I was like "If this child doesn't stop whining about these Legos ..." but then I realized what he's going through and calmed down.

2 hours ago, meggonzo said:

I was wondering about the timeline on the boyfriend too.  I thought when Michaela overheard Grace talking on the phone, she asked who "he" was, but I could have mis-heard that.

I thought Michaela asked "Do I know him?" so I think Grace's new person is a man. And I found myself really bothered by the fact that Olive had to keep her mom's secret. I know it's only been a week, but it's unfair of Grace to put Olive in the position of keeping something that big from her dad. I don't blame Olive at all.

Where in NYC is Ben and Grace's two-story house supposed to be? Queens? Long Island? Staten Island?

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The music in the head for Ben and Adio's dad was the ringtone. Dad heard it so that he would attract Ben's attention and lead Ben to Adio and prove the tune was a sign and a wonder. And of course the other point was the tune was the thief's ringtone and his phone ringing would attract Ben to Adio's happy ending. 

God sent them to watch the plane blow up so they would be singled out.

There is no actual reason to think they went anywhere. They just jumped from 2013 to 2018. If they had gone somewhere they would have aged. They're the same age, they didn't go anywhere. 

Whatever the writers think they're doing, they are almost certainly going to contradict themselves and then pretend there are two (or more) factions working at cross-purposes. Otherwise we end up with a God who is an Idiot, which is anticlimactic.  (Well, technically a Manichean God and Devil could work, but nobody is a Manichean.) The story lines still won't make sense. If they stick with bad SF, they'll just rely on paradoxes somehow being "real." 

Ben straightforwardly pleading for his wife to come back to him and instantly taking up her offer to cheat on her current lover is both more forgiving than Sis, and more selfish. But in audience terms it makes him a cuckold, which is antiheroic. Michaela nobly denying herself is suffering heroine. I'm not sure how Olive feels about her dad, her twin or her step. She does look down on her mother, which I guess is just the Wisdom of the Young and Pure.

Edited by sjohnson
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  It seems like maybe they live in Queens-it wouldn’t really make sense for Michaela to have easily ridden her bike back and forth to that warehouse in the first ep from Staten Island, and the way Ben referenced Olive taking him to a storage facility “in Long Island”, made it sounds as if they’ve didn’t live in LI.


ETA-Sorry, I was typing as meggonzo posted, but I’m glad we agree, LOL! 

Edited by reallyjustjen
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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

If I knew this episode was going to be filled with so much angsty crap, I would have put a barf bucket next to my chair.   This episode was hideously bad.  I don't even care about any of the characters.  I am mostly annoyed by them.  The writers need to give me a reason to care about the characters, so far they haven't done that.

As for the woman that got her brains blown out at the end of the episode, that scene all on its own doesn't make up for the rest of this boring episode.

Yeah it didn't but it was a step in the right direction.  Well Except for Conspiracy Lady.  The first episode ended in a bang too.  Maybe we will have all episodes end in bangs in an attempt to make us forget the first boring 43 minutes of the episode that revolve around "The Family of Bland and Annoying Soap Opera People."

Also I wonder if Wunderkid accidentally blew up that plane with his set of secret powers he doesn't know he has yet.  Probably not because his eyes just went wide when it happened and not squinty evil looking and now their is Shadow Stalker out there instead.  But does he hear things too or just draw things?  Boring Dad asked Nice Doctor if she heard stuff but didn't think to ask his own son?


3 hours ago, AriAu said:

By the way, have we heard them mention anything about dealing with paperwork and lawyers.

Angst Cop's superior handed her a bunch of paperwork for work before she could go out and start carrying a loaded gun on the streets again.  But that was it.  And you know those greedy life insurance companies want their money back too.


2 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

The show is beyond a stretch. As you said, it is boring. There is no thriller/chiller aspect even though they are trying. The show is creating mysteries that don't even matter. I do not care what IS happening in the present as a result of what happened, I want to know WHY it happened. Maybe they will show WHERE they all went and where they were for five years. Were they abducted by aliens who gave them instructions and they are remembering where they were (the music etc)? Was ShadowMan an alien with a gun

Totally!  And I would so watch a series called "Alien With a Gun" over this any day.  "Each week watch Squeaky the Alien kill off another human on his plucky, single-handed quest to conquer earth."  Yeah, that's the ticket.


1 hour ago, Lostinthehouse said:

One tiny mention by a woman at the Round Table discussion:  Something like, "I want to know where the plane went for five years!"  Then dropped.  For me, this is the question I'm waiting for someone to answer.  I don't care about soap opera love triangle, I don't care about kid with cancer, I don't care about crime-of-the-week.  Answer the damn question, or give me an indication that the show is heading for an answer!


Everything you said.  Preach it!

Edited by green
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I would hate the whole "we get a second chance at being a family!" thing Grace immediately jumped to (and that Ben also picked up) less if she'd had actually said it to her other person. As it is, she is currently stringing somebody along in secret, which is the worst type of triangle (and I HATE love triangles, so she's got negative points from me now).

So far, Olive is my favorite, followed by Lourdes, then Cal's doctor, then Ben (but only because he's played by Josh Dallas). Michaela grew on me a little by a least trying to fake herself out of her love triangle.

Edited by kickingnames
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This show suffers from what a lot of these pseudo sci-fi shows do.  They zoom past the event that is the entire premise of the show, and do not actually show us the interesting aftermath.  They just kinda hand-wave past it, when in the real world, it would be a time-stopping event.  Instead, they plow through to whatever it is they plan to fill 10 or 20 weeks of show - in this case, it's a case-of-week involving the police officer and her brother.  It's really frustrating, and makes it hard to care.  Right now, it feels like this could be a "psychic finds the criminal" show, without any of the stuff about the people on the plane jumping 5 years into the future.  It could have happened with just a little plane turbulence with no time jump, so why bother with the time jump if they aren't going to make the world around them freak out about it?

Edited by izabella
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3 minutes ago, izabella said:

 Right now, it feels like this could be a "psychic finds the criminal" show, without any of the stuff about the people on the plane jumping 5 years into the future.  It could have happened with just a little plane turbulence with no time jump, so why bother with the time jump if they aren't going to make the world around them freak out about it?

You're right. They could've just experienced the bad turbulence, landed as normal, then start hearing voices that help them solve crime. Theres no need for the 5 year time jump if they don't care about writing for the aftermath of such a huge event. They could still have done their stupid triangles when we got to know the characters a bit more. 

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24 minutes ago, reallyjustjen said:

  It seems like maybe they live in Queens-it wouldn’t really make sense for Michaela to have easily ridden her bike back and forth to that warehouse in the first ep from Staten Island, and the way Ben referenced Olive taking him to a storage facility “in Long Island”, made it sounds as if they’ve didn’t live in LI.


ETA-Sorry, I was typing as meggonzo posted, but I’m glad we agree, LOL! 


If they were actually on Long Island, how/why did the NYPD (and Michaela) respond to arrest the jeweler's son?

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If they were actually on Long Island, how/why did the NYPD (and Michaela) respond to arrest the jeweler's son?

NYPD has jurisdiction on Long Island. Michaela probably responded because her brother was involved to help smooth over the process. The guy goes and visits Adio twice in one day and then finds the stash that night? These two seem to make all the impossible solves.

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Enjoyed getting a bit more of the other passengers this week, and hope that continues. I like street musician guy, and I am interested in hearing more about what they are all going through after coming back to their lives. So far, the show isnt blowing me away or anything, but it still has potential, and I am interested in knowing what is going on. Before, it seemed like it was definitely something supernatural, but with the lady talking about government cover ups getting apparently shot after she spoke on TV, maybe it really is some kind of conspiracy, beyond even what the Homeland Security people know? Or its a combination, and the government is hiding something supernatural, X- Files style? If an old guy smoking a cigarette shows up, every character better head for the freaking hills. 

At first I thought the shadow in the family was him picking up on his mom having a new boo, but maybe he can see the new smoke monster? He seems to be the only kid who was on the flight, so maybe that was something? 

I felt for the Stone siblings, and how they feel like strangers in their own lives. I liked Michaela a lot more, but I hope she eventually reconciles with her friend, and moves onto someone new, with less baggage. And Olive trying to tell her dad the truth about her moms new person made her officially the most mature person in the house. I get that its a weird situation, and it hasn't been very long, but putting it off is just making it more awkward. 

One of the news reports had something on the bottom scroll say something about the Pope commenting on the reappearance? Can we get more on that, please? Really, my big issue with the show now is that everything is so...chill. I get some angst from people, but I feel like this should be a much bigger deal, both to the passengers and their loved ones, and the world at large. Its only episode two, so I hope the get into it more. 

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Again, I'm quite unconvinced the US government is so competent that it could have locked down the passengers after the news broke they were back.

However I'm also convinced a simple phone call to the networks by Someone In Authority would lead them all to downplay events as much as possible. And the outright spooky elements, like the not aging, treated as merely a claim, not a mind boggling. But then, I tend to think of the news as mostly government stenography, with different viewpoints copying different factions. 

Part of the problem is that it's hard to show mass reaction without hiring expensive masses actors. And I'm afraid I agree with the producers that a lot of the audience wouldn't care about strangers on screen just to represent ordinary people.

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On October 1, 2018 at 11:45 PM, izabella said:
On October 1, 2018 at 10:44 PM, ParadoxLost said:

I thought the shadow figure in the picture was Cal unknowingly picking up on the his mother's involvement with someone else through whatever power he picked up or twin connection.

Am I missing something that made it seem more sinister or something other than that?

I thought so, too.  Especially since the figure was standing right behind mom. 

But now that posters here have suggested it could the the stalking/killing shadow, I'm less certain.

I was going to insist that the erased figure next to his mom in Cal's drawing was her lover, but, the way the zoom-in footage was repeated so many times, y'all might be right about it also being a shadowy or shady character. It's kind of interesting to me from a scifi standpoint and as an artist that the figure is erased, but I guess that didn't register with the general audience, so it's probably not


I HATE these Life Alert commercials! Here's some "insider" info. I used to work at an alarm monitoring center (fire, burglary and medical). Whenever a medical alert came in to the call center, NONE of the younger (under 30) call reps wanted to take those calls. They let the call sit in the queue until someone (who actually cared) would take the call. Fire alarms were always top priority, then medical and burglar alarms. We had one young guy who walked off the job after having to take a medical alert call and he just said " i hate fucking old people". I hope that kid ends up in hospice before he's 45. 




On October 2, 2018 at 12:18 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

I guess we are going full on God-mode, which explains why "The Pope weighs in on Flight 828" that was seen on the TV crawl.

Nah, there are lots of people in Manifest-world that are attributing the event to God, but I think Charming is supposed to speak for the writers when he refuses to buy into the religious possibilities--at least I hope so.



On October 2, 2018 at 6:54 AM, mertensia said:

Michaela needs to find another expression besides pouting bitch face.

I saw a smiling picture of her online, and she has one of those smiles that looks a little goofy and fun, which wouldn't fit with her character, plus, like many, she's more attractive without the smile.



On October 2, 2018 at 11:29 AM, icemiser69 said:

I am just waiting for a parallel universe angle to take place.

Now that would actually fit with everything we've seen so far. Bring it on!

Edited by shapeshifter
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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:


I saw a smiling picture of her online, and she has one of those smiles that looks a little goofy and fun, which wouldn't fit with her character, plus, like many, she's more attractive without the smile.


Really?  Mostly she just looks constipated.

This is veering hard into "doing good deeds" territory and no one is very charismatic.  

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Considering the month it's first few episodes are taking place in, here's to hoping for all your sakes (& mine if I watch this), that the main mythology will be a mysterious sci-fi - even maybe a slight thriller - lean and not theological. 

There's already a (new) show on TV with God's name actually in it if people are looking for that sort of thing.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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