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S37.E01: Appearances are Deceiving


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35 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

What made it so funny to me was the way the list of names just kept going on and on and on. It reminded me of that episode of The Simpsons where Sideshow Bob keeps getting hit with the rakes. At first it’s kind of funny, then it’s just dumb, then it’s so dumb that it becomes funny again, then suddenly it’s hilarious! Does anyone remember all the names he listed? He got to one that had “tushie” in it and I just lost it! 

The George Bushie of Tushie

  • Love 5
On 9/26/2018 at 8:31 PM, LadyChatts said:

I've always thought it was funny that Probst just pops out of nowhere when there's a medevac.

While normally amusing, this time was more interesting.  Apparently the sequence of events was along these lines:

  • IC. 
  • Davids lose and head off to their boat to return to their camp.
  • The boat leaves the island with the challenge beach.
  • The weather started getting rough. 
  • The tiny ship was tossed.
  • Pat gets injured.
  • The boat returns to the same island they just left, so medical can check on Pat.
  • Evac chopper is called.
  • Peachy runs in from the challenge site.
  • Pat gets evac'd.
  • Remaining Davids re-embark the boat and head back to camp more carefully.


11 hours ago, ghoulina said:

The puzzle choice was well made. But I was a bit puzzled (pun intended) as to why Christian and Lyrsa chose to have the Goliaths climb the netted tunnel. That looked fairly easy, to me - especially for more athletic person. I would have had them climb through all the ropes. I think that might have been a bit of a challenge for the big, wrestler guy.

I think the logic was that the tube looked rather small, so it'd be tighter and thus harder for both of those large Goliaths to get through. 

Plus, part of a wrestler's job is climbing through ropes on a regular basis.  That would not have slowed John down in the slightest.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, SVNBob said:

While normally amusing, this time was more interesting.  Apparently the sequence of events was along these lines:

  • IC. 
  • Davids lose and head off to their boat to return to their camp.
  • The boat leaves the island with the challenge beach.
  • The weather started getting rough. 
  • The tiny ship was tossed.
  • Pat gets injured.
  • The boat returns to the same island they just left, so medical can check on Pat.
  • Evac chopper is called.
  • Peachy runs in from the challenge site.
  • Pat gets evac'd.
  • Remaining Davids re-embark the boat and head back to camp more carefully.

Thanks for this rundown. That makes sense. But now I've got that song going over and over in my head... "If not for the courage of the fearless crew, the Minnow would be lost, the Minnow would be lost." God I loved that  show.

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, simplyme said:

To be fair, the editing was done in such a way that we're *supposed* to dislike the Goliaths. The quotes they chose, the expressions they focused on, the music they played when the Goliaths got on board vs when the Davids did-- production did almost everything they could to make the Goliaths out as arrogant favorites and the Davids as the scrappy underdogs.

This is what makes the theme so excruciating for me, even beyond the "As a David, the sun finally came out for a few minutes" stuff.  I don't like this over-the-top editing telling me who to like.  As the Project Runway forum once knew (I haven't seen PR in years, but the Korina battles were something) I am very suspicious of an overly negative edit, especially.  Let me decide what I think of people, show.  It just makes me want to push back when you're pushing me.

  • Love 8

I don't think the editing was that blatant.

I'm so weary of this cliche, Actually you're *supposed* to hate that person whenever someone states that they like or do not like something.  People like what they like and adults can be trusted to overlook the editing.

It seems evident that there were popular people and unpopular people on both teams already. 

It's not like there is something inherently unlikeable about the privileged.  Like another poster wrote, what about bandwagoning in sports, and that's just one example.  People love people from privileged backgrounds all of the time, in politics, in sports, in Hollywood, etc.  Also if people automatically loved the underdog or the non-privileged then a lot more economic policies would be in place to lift them up.

In Heroes vs Villains, the editing actually called the contestants villains and some of them were the most popular players.  We've all hated protagonists and loved villains and vice versa when it was justified.  It happens.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 5
On 9/26/2018 at 9:31 PM, Rachel RSL said:

Really enjoyable first episode. I have high hopes for this season!

I really love the self-professed nerds. Those are my peeps! I could have done without all the sob stories but maybe now that they’ve got them out of the way, we won’t have to hear about them anymore. The only one I’m not crazy about on that tribe is the lawyer (Nick?) who wanted to name alliances. I’m fine with him going. I can’t believe that guy got injured on the freaking boat ride back from the challenge. What a shitty way to go. 

See, this is one of the first times that I didn't hate the sob stories, I guess because they were all sharing at once and we didn't get one single talking head from any of them being jerks about something that someone else shared. They all seemed moved by the other people's stories and it had a genuine feel to it.  Maybe because they were still in the first few days where I'm sure you're still adjusting to the reality of the conditions and in such misery from the rain.

I like the David tribe, even if the computer guy is far too nerdy for my taste. The show made a very clear point of showing how exhausting he must be by ff'ing his apparently endless talking head about the slide puzzle. But he and the nerd girl are kind of cute together. 

I forget her name, but the chick with the long dark hair on the Goliath tribe appears slated for villainy. Also, she's not as cute as she thinks she is. And I'm not sure what the older black woman is thinking regarding her interaction with her tribe. If you're going to be bossy, you'd better be working too (see Pat on the other tribe). Standing around giving orders is a surefire ticket to Loser Lodge.


I totally understand how Pat could have injured his back.  It's no joke being on an outboard motor boat in rough seas.  And, if a wave lifts a boat into the air, that boat will often just slam down back on the water (and hitting water can be like hitting concrete).  I could feel his pain through the t.v.  I totally understood that he did not want to seem like a quitter (Jeff and the producers hate quitters...unless they think they make great t.v.).  I did appreciate that Jeff told him that nobody would think that and the medic was the one making the decision for him to leave.

ETA: this reminded me of yet another ham-fisted Probst moment. The guy is lying on the ground, barely able to speak, obviously very upset to be leaving, and Probst is standing over him going "you said an artery would get cut off tonight, did you ever imagine that artery was going to be you??"

Like, really? Why not just reach down and rub some sand in the guy's eyes while you're at it. 

Edited by ljenkins782
  • Love 15
10 hours ago, simplyme said:

My favorite thing about Carl is from his cast bio:


Why do you think you'll "survive" Survivor? 
I feel that I can outwit, outlast, and outplay everyone else.


LMAO! Carl seems like he'll be hilarious. He probably won't ever say much, but I expect his faces in the background to consistently entertain me.

19 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

And I'm not sure what the older black woman is thinking regarding her interaction with her tribe. 

She's an older, black, woman who is used to being the boss; she never stood a chance. She would have had to completely fake an entirely different personality to have any hope of making it.

  • Love 8

I keep thinking that someday, the "theme" will be "Old Skool Survivor," the twist will be "no idols," and they'll actually go someplace else.

Here here! The worst part of every season for me is hearing the THEME underscored over and over by Jeff. So very annoying and ridiculous as clearly every human has a mixed bag of stuff inside him or her. Even when I kind of like the theme--ie. the generational divide which actually interested me--I still hate that the point is driven home ad nauseum. Makes me wince iin annoyance.

Agreed, idols are as plentiful as weeds and as easy to find. That's just annoying. Why-oh-why didn't the guy just shove that rock down his pants and keep searching along with the other two? Unless one of the girls spotted him as he found it, there's no excuse for sharing the news. People keep doing that and it almost always comes back to bite them. NEVER tell anyone that you have an idol, no matter how much you think it might strengthen your alliance with them.

I've wondered for years how interesting a snowy/cold environment would be. No bikinis, just slugging it out with the environment. Maybe not as much fun as we think. There is something great about the viewer being taken on tropical vacations every season. 

  • Love 6

Hi Everybody :) 

lurked here last season , decided to join the conversation this season as shows are funner when you have folks to talk about them with :)

Overall great first episode. Several things that I loved specifically

- 90 minutes without trying to jam two eliminations into it was a great way to introduce everyone. I noticed that so many different folks got their own talking head , but I didnt count. cool to know everyone got to say something. 

- interesting contrast between Pat and Natalie. Pat asked his team who had building skills, then took the lead as he was confident in his abilities  . Natalie seemed like she tried to take the lead because she was insecure in her ability to contribute physically.  In both cases their decision to make themselves a leader was noticed by their tribes but Pat's leadership was more accepted because of the results , where as Natalie didn't create tangible results so it seemed like she may have created more resentment. I do respect that Natalie did her best to bring her strengths to the build, she feels her leadership is the most valuable thing she has to contribute so she tried to lead. 

- I think I'm going to love Christian, unless I end up hating him lol. I know folks like him in real life and they are some of my closest friends, folks that I can go PURE nerd on and they match me word for word, with their own enthusiasm and nerdyness. My only hesitation is I got the briefest impression that he might be somewhat 'in character' when he was doing his talking heads. either way I think Im going to enjoy him on screen 

-Mr Wrestler and all his names; It like , hes a bit pompous , but hes self aware about being pompous , which makes it charming . His self awareness was great and I got a good vibe from him. Remember Debbie who always had a different job title for her talking heads ?   I think it would be great if they used those wrestler names during his talking heads like 

Johnny ' Tushie' Mondo onetime then  Johnny ' America' Mondo the next time and on and on . ( I dont remember the exact names )


Regarding the theme, mixed feelings. I find many of the themes forced and dont add much . I thought it was funny when Jeff 'randomly' picked two folks to ask about their backgrounds to help us understand the division. I did wonder how that would play out if he had asked Christian about his background compared to Allison, 


looking forward to the season so far,  

  • Love 14

So far Carl is the standout for me.  Thanks @peachmangosteen for posting that blurb from his bio.  LOL 

The edit was predictable; it should get interesting after the teams scramble.  I can see a couple of giants who may rise to be favorites. 

Natalie is not long for this game.  Too old, too big and too haughty (edit anyway) to make it past the first boot which is always the easy out.    

Edited by Wings
  • Love 2
9 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

This is what makes the theme so excruciating for me, even beyond the "As a David, the sun finally came out for a few minutes" stuff.  I don't like this over-the-top editing telling me who to like.  As the Project Runway forum once knew (I haven't seen PR in years, but the Korina battles were something) I am very suspicious of an overly negative edit, especially.  Let me decide what I think of people, show.  It just makes me want to push back when you're pushing me.

This is my problem with Survivor these days. It's that we don't get to learn who these real people are. Instead, we get characters. Save a very few cases, I am prone to liking people that editing tells me to hate and disliking the Great Guys. 

Wanting to get to know these people is why I had zero problems with the group talking about their backgrounds. I mean, they're stuck in that tiny space in a downpour. That's exactly the opportunity to share stories and get to know each other as human beings.

People say they want to get to know the cast, then complain if that actually happens. And, no, not everyone's life is petit bourg banality. A lot of people, especially those from working class or immigrant backgrounds, have been through shit. I have zero problems with them talking about it, because that's what makes people who they are. Thoss aren't "sob stories." They're real fucking life for a lot of people in this world. 

  • Love 12
21 hours ago, princelina said:

Also - compare Pat's bossiness building the shelter (as a construction worker) with Natalie's (a publisher?). I'd have no trouble with him in that situation, but in my mind I'd be telling her to take a seat.

Same. One thing I've always hated in a leader is reluctance to do the very things you're asking your employees/followers/soldiers/etc to do. Pat was barking out orders,but he was busting his butt right along with everyone else. Natalie just stood in the shade, given condescending suggestions with a stank look on her face. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Trepis said:


-Mr Wrestler and all his names; It like , hes a bit pompous , but hes self aware about being pompous , which makes it charming . His self awareness was great and I got a good vibe from him. Remember Debbie who always had a different job title for her talking heads ?   I think it would be great if they used those wrestler names during his talking heads like 

Johnny ' Tushie' Mondo onetime then  Johnny ' America' Mondo the next time and on and on . ( I dont remember the exact names )


Johnny Mundo is actually one of the wrestling names - generally used when he was with Lucha Underground. Real name is John Hennigan but the majority of his wrestling names are Johnny Something - Nitro, Morrison (ala Jim Morrison), Mundo, Impact etc. There's the listing in his thread on here or you can check is wikipedia page.

  • Love 2
23 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

I must express considerable disappointment with JP in the season opener last night.

Once again, his attitude seemed to be so extremely condescending to the audience. He spoke about this TV show in a way to make it seem as if it was the most significant human achievement ever!

He must be hanging around Gordon Ramsay now.

1 hour ago, cujo said:

Johnny Mundo is actually one of the wrestling names - generally used when he was with Lucha Underground. Real name is John Hennigan but the majority of his wrestling names are Johnny Something - Nitro, Morrison (ala Jim Morrison), Mundo, Impact etc. There's the listing in his thread on here or you can check is wikipedia page.

found that list, thank you. some of those names are hilarious . I hope he does more lists on the show, 

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I kind of agree with a lot of Jeff's speech.  I really do think it is (one of) the greatest shows ever.  I really do think it is a fascinating human experiment.  It didn't bother me at all.  

I do actually kind of like this theme. I could do without the constant inane, forced references to it, and imo I felt the editing was rather unnecessarily furthering the division, but as you pointed out that could just be in the viewer's eyes. I do wear glasses. ;)

And it's the first episode, but so far there are some promising cast members. I may dislike most of them by the end (who knows?), but I thought there was a decent range of personalities for once for Survivor.

Edited by simplyme
Added comment on cast
  • Love 7
On 9/26/2018 at 11:09 PM, HeShallBMySquishy said:


Hoisted by my own petard is definitely a common expression, but it really is no surprise that they felt the need to subtitle that. Especially in a world where an alarmingly-high number of adults don't seem to know the difference between "would have" and "would of," or "lose" and "loose"; a world where "casted" is still thrown around as past-tense to "cast," when it hasn't been used since Old English; a world where a one-syllable four-letter word needed to be dumbed-down even further ("bae"), because I guess four letters is just too much.

So in short, no, I don't think anyone should be surprised that such a common expression needed to be subtitled. Le sigh.

The correct expression is actually not "hoisted up by my own petard," but "hoist by my own petard."

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Same. One thing I've always hated in a leader is reluctance to do the very things you're asking your employees/followers/soldiers/etc to do. Pat was barking out orders,but he was busting his butt right along with everyone else. Natalie just stood in the shade, given condescending suggestions with a stank look on her face. 

I think the issue with Pat was less the orders, although that was a part of it, and more the interesting metaphors he was using. There was one about a Nun and a few other slightly colorful ones tossed in there. That said, Carl was perfectly happy to talk alliance with Pat after the shelter building and everyone else seemed fine with him.

As for his sad good bye, while it is true that they had only been together as a tribe for 3 days, those are an intense 3 days. Toss in the fact that Pat helped them build a great shelter, seemed to be a nice guy and Was knocked out by a freak accident and I can understand why they were upset. There was the element of losing someone that they seemed to like and a hard worker. I would bet that many of them were thinking “That could have been me.”. I bet some of them would have rather lost Nick (Lawyer dude) then Pat. And they are already tired, wet, and hungry. All of that is going to ramp up their emotions. There would not be a good reason for a fake tearful send off at this stage in the game.

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I don't think the editing was that blatant.

I'm so weary of this cliche, Actually you're *supposed* to hate that person whenever someone states that they like or do not like something.  People like what they like and adults can be trusted to overlook the editing.

It seems evident that there were popular people and unpopular people on both teams already. 

It's not like there is something inherently unlikeable about the privileged.  Like another poster wrote, what about bandwagoning in sports, and that's just one example.  People love people from privileged backgrounds all of the time, in politics, in sports, in Hollywood, etc.  Also if people automatically loved the underdog or the non-privileged then a lot more economic policies would be in place to lift them up.

In Heroes vs Villains, the editing actually called the contestants villains and some of them were the most popular players.  We've all hated protagonists and loved villains and vice versa when it was justified.  It happens.

I agree with you. Last season we were told about Donathan's backstory and we were meant to sympathize with him. He became more of a jerk as the season progressed. Members of the Goliath tribe have also faced adversity you don't become a successful professional wrestler without starting at the bottom. Mike White has faced rejection before finding success.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Brookside said:

The correct expression is actually not "hoisted up by my own petard," but "hoist by my own petard."

There’s letters sealed; and my two schoolfellows,
Whom I will trust as I will adders fanged,
They bear the mandate; they must sweep my way
And marshal me to knavery. Let it work,
For ’tis the sport to have the enginer
Hoist with his own petard; and ’t shall go hard
But I will delve one yard below their mines
And blow them at the moon. O, ’tis most sweet
When in one line two crafts directly meet.

— Prince Hamlet, in Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 4

It only continues to be an "expression" because it's in Shakespeare.   Once upon a time there was a verb "to hoise" but that has turned into the verb "to hoist"  ( and a noun "hoist" also)over time.

The fossil word is of course "petard" and if it weren't in Shakespeare even fewer of us today would know it meant a bomb.

  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, ratgirlagogo said:

There’s letters sealed; and my two schoolfellows,
Whom I will trust as I will adders fanged,
They bear the mandate; they must sweep my way
And marshal me to knavery. Let it work,
For ’tis the sport to have the enginer
Hoist with his own petard; and ’t shall go hard
But I will delve one yard below their mines
And blow them at the moon. O, ’tis most sweet
When in one line two crafts directly meet.

— Prince Hamlet, in Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 4

It only continues to be an "expression" because it's in Shakespeare.   Once upon a time there was a verb "to hoise" but that has turned into the verb "to hoist"  ( and a noun "hoist" also)over time.

The fossil word is of course "petard" and if it weren't in Shakespeare even fewer of us today would know it meant a bomb.

And related to various French words related to fart, farting, etc.  (Sorry for the lack of propriety.)

  • Love 6
On ‎9‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 3:11 PM, MissBluxom said:

Mike White's role in that film was very limited but ... so what?  He played a most excellent role in that movie and, IMHO, his character was a great and very fullfilling role in that film. IMHO,  he did a wonderful job in that film and I truly enjoyed his performance - truly veryt much.  I fully expected that most of the actors who played a part in that film would have a brief word with Mike White and I think he may need to be reminded just how good he was in that role. He was actually much better than just "good". He really needed to hear just how great a job he did playing that part.

Mike is famous for School of Rock, not so much for his acting role, but because he wrote it.  He is very talented as a writer, I enjoyed seeing him on Amazing Race because of his attitude - he really seemed to love it.  And I think he brings the same joy to Survivor. 

I know it's partly editing, but I hated Angelina immediately.  SHe gave that "AWWWW cute" look when she saw the David tribe, like they were children.  I say editing, because it's not like they actually looked much different than the Goliath team, as a group, there was no reason for her to have that attitude.  So, maybe I'm being manipulated into hating her, but it worked.  

The main difference between the two teams, that I saw, was that the Goliath team is composed of a lot of arrogant people.  

this session was reminding me of BIg Brother, trying to make final 2 promises right off the bat. 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, backformore said:


this session was reminding me of BIg Brother, trying to make final 2 promises right off the bat. 

Survivor has become increasingly like that over the years. I miss the old days when there was more of a focus on camp life and getting to know each other. But if seems like the scheming starts almost immediately. I guess everyone is worried that someone else will beat them to it, so they all just jump in the minute they get to camp. 

  • Love 3

Here here! The worst part of every season for me is hearing the THEME underscored over and over by Jeff. So very annoying and ridiculous as clearly every human has a mixed bag of stuff inside him or her. Even when I kind of like the theme--ie. the generational divide which actually interested me--I still hate that the point is driven home ad nauseum. Makes me wince iin annoyance.

Absolutely. I have never missed an episode of any season, but I might have to bail on this one if they keep ramming this theme down my throat. Enough!

As if listening to Natalie talk about how amazing she is ("literally take a bullet for me") wasn't bad enough, I just read their bios and boy, does she have a superiority complex. She mentions that people always think she is 10-15 years younger than she is, and I hate when people say this. I know when anyone asks me to guess their age, I always guess way below what I actually think, and I'm betting many other people do the same. 

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, Brookside said:

And related to various French words related to fart, farting, etc.  (Sorry for the lack of propriety.)

So “hoist by his own petard” translates to “lifted by his own farts”?  That makes me the happiest I’ve been since I found out “nunnery” was Elizabethan slang for a whorehouse.

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, Brookside said:

Can anyone explain Pat's godawful neck tattoos?

In case you are wondering why no one seems to be answering you. I think the answer is very straightforward. I doubt that anyone knows.

I doubt that very many people know much about tatoos. They may have seen some that they like. But to be able to tell their meanings or which kind of groups are affiliated with which kinds of tattoos, well ... I could easily be wrong. But I just don't think there are a whole lot of people who are very knowledgeable on that topic.

But I hope you find out. I'm not trying to be funny here. But I have to wonder if any of them may be instructions to medical professionals on what to do if he has some kind of medical emergency. I suppose that is pretty doubtful though. I can't see anything in his bio about him belonging to any kinds of groups that would cause him to get those tattoos.



Age: 40
Hometown: Cohoes, New York
Current residence: Watervliet, New York
Occupation: Maintenance Manager

Hobbies: Hunting, football, and boating.

Pet peeves: Cracking my knuckles.

Three words to describe you: Funny, hard-working, and loving.
What's your personal claim to fame?
Raising my children to be productive and outgoing people. 
Who or what is your inspiration in life?
My dad is my hero. He worked two jobs when we were young to support a family of six, while my mother was confined to a hospital bed from an accident. 
If you could have three things on the island, what would they be and why?
A picture of my wife and kids. They are what make me tick. That's all I need. They are my everyday motivation. 

Which Survivor contestant are you most like?
Cochran because he is a chameleon, like me. Hatch because he's a true-to-life person. 

What's your reason for being on Survivor?
My primary reason is obviously a million dollars, but being a young parent of three, the excitement of a tropical paradise is a thing I've never experienced. I've never really ever left New York state. 

Why do you think you'll "survive" Survivor?
My mental, physical, and emotional skills are unmatched. My dedication and determination are my strongest assets. 

  • Love 2

I've seen a few posts about Mike White's participation in School of Rock. I know he wrote the story as well as acted in the film.

Just want to mention that my favorite movie in which he acted was Zombieland with Woody Harrelson. The part that Mike played was truly memorable and very funny. If any of you are interested, I would recommend you watch him in that film. I think the time he is on screen is only about 5 minutes. But IMHO, it's a great scene.

For those of you who appreciate the weird and bizarre films, one of the earliest films he appeared in is called Chuck & Buck.


Do not watch this while there are children in the room. It is a very strange film and has a scene near the end that will cause many people to have a very negative reaction. Some might puke. Some might faint. But I should point out the people who will have the strongest reactions will be those who have homophobic tendencies. IMHO, it's not worth spending much time watching any or all of that film. I just want to point out that he is not just some simple white man with limited experiences. He wrote this movie and I think that must mean that he has had some pretty wild experiences in LA.

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 2

I was under the impression that Mike White directed SOR too, but he didn't, that was Richard Linklater.  Oops!  I did see "Brad's Status" on the plane last year though, and I ended up really liking it. Totally different than SOR but I thought it was thoughtful and well done.  He wrote and directed that one.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay

Another season of Survivor. Yay. Or not. For the first time, I fast forwarded through the annoying attempts by Peachy to explain the theme and tie it in to the current contestants. Whatever. I'm thinking of making a drinking game out of it though. I'd take a sip every time some one said  "As a David/Goliath...," but I don't want to die of alcohol poisoning. Suffice to say, I twitch every time it's referenced. I realize most of that is probably Producer influenced/forced, but knowing that doesn't make it any less painful to hear over and over again.


I also fast forwarded through the sob stories. While I started doing that on the family visit episodes for a few seasons now, I can't believe I'm having to do it on the first episode. This bodes badly. Even FF through Pat's tearful farewells. While I wanted to know what happened to him, I didn't want to hear from his tribe mates.  Glad to hear he recovered though.


Most of the Goliath tribe annoys me, even the usual eye candy. I forgot about who Hot Cop was until reminded here. While I dread enduring the future showmance, tonight's interactions were somewhat charming. I'm also surprised to learn Dan use to be fat. As a fat guy myself, who had one period of relative slimmer fitter health in college, I find this intriguing, especially now that he's gained fame for his looks.


I feel I should also be more enthused for Mike. However, I only know him from his Amazing Race appearance, and I don't recall him and his father being that well liked for their two appearances there. The same goes for John(ny) Whatever. While I found his list of names amusing, and he seems to be in on the self-depreciating humor, I suspect I'll have to enjoy him like I do most wrestlers: Seen, but not heard.


Despite being a nerd myself, I'm not enamored with any of the Davids either. I was amazed by how quickly Christian solved the slider puzzle. I was also somewhat dismayed by how much he felt he lost the IC due to the puzzle. Thanks to him, they nearly won despite the Goliath lead. They should probably keep him around for this skill alone. However, I'm not looking forward to hearing him drone on and on in future talking heads.


So overall, welcome back Survivor. I hope it continues with some unexpected surprises that have occurred in the last 2 or 3 seasons.


PS: Thanks to violet and green for the "The tiny ship was tossed." reference. I needed the laugh that erupted.

14 hours ago, backformore said:

I know it's partly editing, but I hated Angelina immediately.  SHe gave that "AWWWW cute" look when she saw the David tribe, like they were children.  I say editing, because it's not like they actually looked much different than the Goliath team, as a group, there was no reason for her to have that attitude. 

This didn't get talked about enough for me, because I could not believe she did that. I would say she looked at them with pity -- which is almost more insulting than looking at them like children. Talk about a complete and total lack of self-awareness. Sure, it was edited that way, but they can't edit things you don't do -- and unless they also released a litter of puppies next to the David tribe, her "aww" with the hand clasped over her heart was reserved for fellow contestants. The tone-deaf arrogance of that one shot will stay with me for a while.

  • Love 7

So, having just finished the first episode, um, Jeff, I can’t really tell, is there a theme this time around?

So sick of themes and so sick of Jeffy beating it to death.  That said, it’s a bit sad that they have resorted to casting the typical stereotypes:

Neurotic nerd (robotics guy), good looking young buck that Jeff creams his shorts over (Superman guy), generic blonde, bossy black woman (magazine owner), mute Asian female, hulking blue collar male (too bad about his back), young woman who thinks she’s hot but really isn’t as hot as she thinks she is (Angelina?).  

And Kentucky.  Why does it seem like CBS reality shows cast a disproportionate number of people from Kentucky?  Seems like there’s always someone with a hard luck story from Kentucky.  Are there ever any prosperous people in Kentucky that make it onto TV?

I guess there was a new “type”, the guy who called himself a “blerd”.  I laughed, never heard that term before.

I’m curious to see how the challenges play out and if there is always going to be a puzzle to balance it out.  They might as well have named this season Hot vs Not, Jocks vs Joes, Homecoming Court vs Band Geek.

On the Goliath tribe I actually don’t mind the guy who found the idol.  Looking at him, he’s supposed to be one of those guys that have everything easy in life and expect everything to always go their way.  But the way he was talking about how happy he was that he of all people found it made him seem a lot more humble.  The fact though that he apparently chose his alliance mates based on who he found hot is a negative however.  

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On 2018-09-28 at 2:12 PM, azshadowwalker said:

People say they want to get to know the cast, then complain if that actually happens. And, no, not everyone's life is petit bourg banality. A lot of people, especially those from working class or immigrant backgrounds, have been through shit. I have zero problems with them talking about it, because that's what makes people who they are. Thoss aren't "sob stories." They're real fucking life for a lot of people in this world. 

I’m most definitely a David and my sob story could rival the ones that were discussed on the show so, it’s not that I don’t get it. I am fully aware that this is “real fucking life” for a lot of people.  But, yes, these are sob stories. It’s simply a term used to describe when people are discussing the sucky things that have happened to them. And it’s something a lot of people have always disliked hearing about on reality shows. These are usually the same people who dread the family visits. I am one of those people. *shrug*  (Also, I can’t speak for others, but when I say that I want to get to know the cast, I mean that I want to know their names and which tribe they’re on and that they actually exist before the 4th episode, not that I want to hear about their personal lives.)

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On 9/27/2018 at 4:13 PM, Nashville said:

Well, the fact this is the very first contestant transport injury in 19 years and 37 seasons would tend to indicate it’s VERY much a  low-probability occurrence....  :)


I certainly don't doubt what you say.

But when I think about Pat and his life, I imagine that a serious injury will just about destroy his life. He seems to live from paycheck to paycheck and he must have a terriblly difficult time supporting his family. I think he said he has 3 young children and if he was put into a hospital for an extended period to cover his injuries, I would guess the total cost to compensate him would be at least maybe $10K or more. But, the effect on his family would be almost certainly a total destruction. I would guess they would lose their home and then what? Live on the street? Or in homeless shelters? I have only contributed money over the Internet to one cause in the past. But if Pat is laid up in hospital, I would seriously like to donate some money to his family.

But it doesn't end there for me. I'm left feeling enormous anger and resentment towards JP and CBS and I don't know just who all else to blame for the fact that he had to sign a contract that prohibits him from suing anybody to get any money. And ... how many millions of dollars does JP earn? How much money does CBS make from each show?

It's very wrong for me to preach that one of those orgs should be providing Pat's family with some money. For all I know, JP might very well be taking care of that or making other arrangements. But when something like this happens, it just seems so totally unreasonable for Pat to be left in the position that he has no recourse. He has no way to get compensation for his injury. No way to provide for his family. Oh, damn! I really don't know hardly anything about this situation or the legalities. But I'm just left fuming at the thought that Pat's family will have to suffer an enormous hardship now considering just how much money (so many millions of dollars) this show generates and I'm guessing that money usually goes into the ... well ... I have no idea where it goes and if someone else wrote a post that started like this one did, I'd undoubtedly call them a fool for shooting off their mouths when they had no idea what they were talking about.

Damn it all to Hell. I'm just left really angry about Pat and his family and I have no idea what I can do to help them and I'd really like to do that.

Edited by MissBluxom
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56 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

But when I think about Pat and his life, I imagine that a serious injury will just about destroy his life...

Damn it all to Hell. I'm just left really angry about Pat and his family and I have no idea what I can do to help them and I'd really like to do that.

Whoa, whoa! I think you started worrying and then assumed what you worried was true. Pat (and family, presumably) are doing ok. 

From https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/survivor-david-goliath-season-premiere-explained-1147071


Pat said he was hospitalized for three days before returning to Ponderosa, the location in Fiji where players are sequestered before and after production begins. Contestants who are voted out before the jury phase of the game eventually embark on a short vacation before returning to the United States; Pat was healthy enough to join his fellow castmembers on that trip. He told THR he was back to exercising a week after the accident. Upon returning home, Pat learned he had mild spinal deterioration, common for someone in his line of work as a maintenance manager. The accident may have aggravated his condition.

"I'm going through some physical therapy to help strengthen the core and my spine, and to get some muscles rebuilt around my back," Pat said. "There's some disc deterioration that we're going to work on. Other than that? I feel great. I'm almost at 125 percent. I never want to be [only] at 100 percent; I want to be better than 100 percent."

I'd also note that Pat said he grew up in a family that lived paycheck to paycheck, not that he necessarily currently did. (If so, I'd question how one could take the time off for Survivor.)

I can't imagine that Survivor contestants wouldn't have to have some sort of insurance coverage (I'm assuming CBS paid for) while they are playing that would cover his medical expenses, too. 

And finally, waiver or no, I believe Survivor has paid settlements for injuries before (like when the bacteria on the Brains beach in BBB2 ate some flesh and left scars. Oops.)

So I think you can sleep at night. It sounds like Pat may have got medevaced, but he still got a nice little vacation before coming home and is now at 125%!

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, simplyme said:

Whoa, whoa! I think you started worrying and then assumed what you worried was true. Pat (and family, presumably) are doing ok. 

From https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/survivor-david-goliath-season-premiere-explained-1147071

I'd also note that Pat said he grew up in a family that lived paycheck to paycheck, not that he necessarily currently did. (If so, I'd question how one could take the time off for Survivor.)

I can't imagine that Survivor contestants wouldn't have to have some sort of insurance coverage (I'm assuming CBS paid for) while they are playing that would cover his medical expenses, too. 

And finally, waiver or no, I believe Survivor has paid settlements for injuries before (like when the bacteria on the Brains beach in BBB2 ate some flesh and left scars. Oops.)

So I think you can sleep at night. It sounds like Pat may have got medevaced, but he still got a nice little vacation before coming home and is now at 125%!

That is very good to know. Thank you for posting that info.

3 hours ago, simplyme said:

I'd also note that Pat said he grew up in a family that lived paycheck to paycheck, not that he necessarily currently did. (If so, I'd question how one could take the time off for Survivor.)

Yeah, I imagine most people on Survivor are doing okay for that very reason.  We have a tendency to think anyone who talks like Pat and does manual labor is poor, but we currently have someone who talks and looks just like him painting the interior of our house for us.  Yesterday we paid him over $8000 for three weeks work and that doesn't include the materials.  I'm really glad Pat is okay though and I don't begrudge our 60 year old painter his due either, because if my husband or I had to climb those ladders into our dormer windows we would  be dead now.

Edited by JudyObscure
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10 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

We have a tendency to think anyone who talks like Pat and does manual labor is poor, but we currently have someone who talks and looks just like him painting the interior of our house for us.

A BIG stereotype that is often incorrect. And that they're unintelligent or arrogant. I can remember many seasons of SURVIVOR where someone was automatically hated because of how they spoke, or what they did for a living, but as the season went along, reading posts like "I thought I'd despise So-and-So, but I'm surprised that I'm growing to like him or her." Why is that a surprise? Because of a pre-judged, automatic stereotype?

  • Love 3
On 9/29/2018 at 4:18 PM, Richness said:

Another season of Survivor. Yay. Or not. For the first time, I fast forwarded through the annoying attempts by Peachy to explain the theme and tie it in to the current contestants. Whatever. I'm thinking of making a drinking game out of it though. I'd take a sip every time some one said  "As a David/Goliath...," but I don't want to die of alcohol poisoning. Suffice to say, I twitch every time it's referenced. I realize most of that is probably Producer influenced/forced, but knowing that doesn't make it any less painful to hear over and over again.


For the past several years now, I have avoided Survivor. I just got so tired of JP talking about the show as if it was the greatest thing the human race has ever created.

I can appreciate that it made a huge positive impact on his life. It must have been like winning the lottery and taking a large payout every month for the rest of his life.

But forgetting about JP and his delusions, this season looks pretty interesting and I'm looking forward to it. There are many people that I like very much and I hope do well.

I would even be willing to go out on a limb and pick the winner at this stage. I'd guess it will be the SWAT cop or the Public Defender that everyone seems to dislike. Why him?

I think we have seen several times how someone comes close to being evicted very early in the season and that scares them and they act very cautiously from then on and they go on to win the game. I just have a feeling that our lazy Public Defender has a real good chance this season.

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On ‎9‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 10:29 PM, ratgirlagogo said:

There’s letters sealed; and my two schoolfellows,
Whom I will trust as I will adders fanged,
They bear the mandate; they must sweep my way
And marshal me to knavery. Let it work,
For ’tis the sport to have the enginer
Hoist with his own petard; and ’t shall go hard
But I will delve one yard below their mines
And blow them at the moon. O, ’tis most sweet
When in one line two crafts directly meet.

— Prince Hamlet, in Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 4

It only continues to be an "expression" because it's in Shakespeare.   Once upon a time there was a verb "to hoise" but that has turned into the verb "to hoist"  ( and a noun "hoist" also)over time.

The fossil word is of course "petard" and if it weren't in Shakespeare even fewer of us today would know it meant a bomb.

A Big Brother crossover here - Haleigh on BB had to read all of Hamlet to the house guests over the summer.  Each time she had to read some more the house guests would gather around to listen to more of the play. A fun season and nice (for me) to get a Hamlet connection between the two.


@blackwing And Kentucky.  Why does it seem like CBS reality shows cast a disproportionate number of people from Kentucky?  Seems like there’s always someone with a hard luck story from Kentucky.  Are there ever any prosperous people in Kentucky that make it onto TV?

Mallory and her dad from The Amazing Race seemed prosperous.

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