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S10.E21: Reunion Part 2

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4 minutes ago, nexxie said:

As you already know, “No Contact” can be a beautiful thing!

I guess I must be a terribly cold person because if necessary, I can cut off a family member if they're truly stressing me with some kind of drama! I'm too fk'n old to be putting up with manufactured theatre to entertain someone's emotional needs! I found out the political leanings of my college roommate and BFF of 40+ years and we barely speak; BD's & Xmas since 2016! Ifeel like I never knew the person! ;-)

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20 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Dorinda pretending she wasn't heckling is so freaking deluded. They all think we are so stupid. None of us viewers love these people, or are on a dream team with them, we won't co sign on their delusional bullshit.

And even Ramona chimes in and says: “it was very mean spirited,” to Dorinda during all the over-talking at that part of the conversation. I mean, Ramona, you set this Dream Team thing up- did you FORGET for a minute? 

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20 hours ago, scoobie1 said:

An interesting thing about their shouting match was this:

Bethenny :  And I wasn't all those things last year?  Did I suddenly become all those things you say I am?   

Carole then said something like well, I did sort of see it or something like that.  Please stop Carole. Just stop with that.  You didn't give a crap that Bethenny was the same person last year when she was whisking you away here and there.  You were just fine with her personality until you weren't.  Bethenny is the same person she has always been.  


Same thing goes for when Heather and Carole were together this season. She says Heather was the smart one and had Bethenny's number from the start. Heather who was already her good friend for 2 years prior on the show. Carole who has eyes to see Bethenny's return to the show - The Bethenny Crying Season.

Carole doesn't listen to her friend Heather, nor does she apply what she witnessed with her own 2 eyes. Then the Dumb Fuck - says to herself Whelp, I'm going to pursue a friendship with Bethenny by telling her I had a wet dream about her and stay stuck to her Season 7, 8 and 9 - on and off season

Note to Carole:


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47 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Not that Beth isn't quick on her feet, I didn't think saying "you're welcome" to a sarcastic "thanks" evidence of it!

But didn't she do it while flipping through some papers while at the same time listening to Carol read stuff off her phone?  That interjection of the sarcastic "Thanks" and Bethenny's "You're welcome," without missing a beat in the listening and paper flipping, cracked me up.

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3 hours ago, Ki-in said:

His Dr's should have known about the side effects of treatment and recommend a sperm bank.  Tom Green who was 28 when diagnosed was directed to a sperm bank, I can't understand why Anthony didn't go unless he was in some deep and serious denial. Apparently testicular cancer has a high survival rate if caught early. From Tom Green : Once I understood the diagnosis. Dunn said that I would have to have my testicle removed. He explained that testicular cancer was the most common type of cancer in guys between the ages of 15 and 35. He also explained that I wasn't going to die. If caught early enough, there's a more than 90 percent cure rate for testicular cancer. 

Carole was a widow at 35 and had time to grieve and move on and have kids if she wanted. 

There is no shame in not having kids. There shouldn't be shame in wanting to not have a career and wanting to be a mother and take care of children.

Carole had options open to her that most women can't dream of or afford.

She can't play the you're nothing because you were a sahm and tell people (like her mother on camera) she's fine with no kids then act appalled when she is pointed out as having none.

Pointing out that she doesn't have kids isn't insulting her, it's a fact.

My BFF of a thousand years is childless and NOT by choice. I was glad when she met a woman her age who was childless because my friend had just had a late term stillbirth and this was it for her chances and her fertility. The new friend could relate to her on a level I just couldn't. I was there for my friend talked held her hand cried with her but as a mother I just couldn't give her the perspective on life she needed at that time. 

Ya know what I don't know enough to know why he didn't, couldn't, wasn't told to shoot off into a cup. Maybe the doctor forgot, maybe it wasn't an option for him, I don't know I'm not an oncologist, I didn't have access to his medical records, I wasn't in on the appointment to discuss his options & he didn't call me at 12AM to talk about his fears. Maybe his cancer was too far along that he couldn't or that it wouldn't matter, maybe he felt his life was over, maybe he too busy trying to battle the cancer and wasn't concerned about having kids. Maybe, maybe, maybe, why ,why, why, I don't know, we don't know. What we do know is that he was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 1989 he died in 1999 after a 5 year battle with another diagnoses of cancer that had metastasized after an apparently brief remission from the testicular cancer. Obviously his body was in the process of failing him for most of that 10 year span.


The card Carole played was "Fuck you for bringing up that aspect of my life. It doesn't matter that I've spoken about, it's not for you to bring up or use against me in this manner. How the fuck dare you" A perfectly valid argument and she was perfectly right to do so. Pointing out a fact can be insulting even if one doesn't mean it to be.  Just insert any life choice word and the sentiment still rings true. It would have been right for Aviva to play it when Carole tried to "shame compare" her for not working outside the home. It would be right for Beth to play it if they were bringing up her fiasco marriage to Jason to make a point. Yes it's a fact and yes Beth can be insulted that it was brought up.

Carole also has herself to blame, as would anyone of them, because she is a well known figure and she also chose to put her life on TV to be chewed up and spat out.

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20 hours ago, bagger said:

So then Carole should Ben ok with Bethenny talking over her. What’s good for the goose Ian good for the gander. 

I think I agree with you, but need to ask are you speaking Dorindish? Martinese? VodKlish?

Hope you know I'm just kidding

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13 minutes ago, CatMomma said:

I tried.  I really tried to see Carol's side. 

Nope.  Bitch.  You weren't bullied.  Were you run off social media because of your skin color? Did everybody from your social circle gang up on you and constantly put you down to the point where you considered suicide? Oh,  wait... A rich white woman said some mean things to another rich white woman. Bethenny sat and took it like a champ.  Never even uttered the word "bully" while they all went at her. 

Carol is a writer. Words have meaning. 

I have more to say,  but I am too angry to say more. 

 I don't think Carole was bullied when they have both been trading blow after blow after blow. Neither one tried to disengage or put a stop to it they both wanted the other to say they were wrong but not demand that of themselves..

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30 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

But didn't she do it while flipping through some papers while at the same time listening to Carol read stuff off her phone?  That interjection of the sarcastic "Thanks" and Bethenny's "You're welcome," without missing a beat in the listening and paper flipping, cracked me up.

And what I find amusing is that we know Bethenny and Ramona will get past this latest debacle and start fresh next season until one gets under the other one's skin again.

Those two have always had a crazy dynamic, but I admit I find it rather enjoyable.

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1 minute ago, Persnickety1 said:

And what I find amusing is that we know Bethenny and Ramona will get past this latest debacle and start fresh next season until one gets under the other one's skin again.

Those two have always had a crazy dynamic, but I admit I find it rather enjoyable.

I do not know how they get over what each has done and said to the other. For real, they are professionals with each other. 

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31 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think I agree with you, but need to ask are you speaking Dorindish? Martinese? VodKlish?

Hope you know I'm just kidding

And here I've been racking my stroke-addled brain trying to figure out the identity of "Ben" and "Ian" bwahahahaha

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Carole was surly at the Reunion from the start. I am happy that she is leaving even though she was able to call out Bethenny and Andy. After hearing the explanation, the argument between Bethenny and Carole was about everything and nothing. Both knew who they were dealing with and were happy to do so as long as it worked for them and reality TV. I wonder if Carole considered quitting RHNY during the summer break and gave up the pretense/friendship then. Bethenny can be exhausting too so there is that. Telling your boss that he is full of shit is justification to be fired. So long Carole. Take your tacky outfits with you. 

I do think that Bethenny has something on Andy Cohen. As the expression goes, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

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48 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:


Same thing goes for when Heather and Carole were together this season. She says Heather was the smart one and had Bethenny's number from the start. Heather who was already her good friend for 2 years prior on the show. Carole who has eyes to see Bethenny's return to the show - The Bethenny Crying Season.

Carole doesn't listen to her friend Heather, nor does she apply what she witnessed with her own 2 eyes. Then the Dumb Fuck - says to herself Whelp, I'm going to pursue a friendship with Bethenny by telling her I had a wet dream about her and stay stuck to her Season 7, 8 and 9 - on and off season

Note to Carole:



Carol didn't say anything about Beth's awful behavior and venom until was directed towards her. Then the scales sloughed off her eyes enough to see the see the light of truth about Bethany but not enough to see her own complicit behavior . She still hasn't apologized or "owned" that.

When someone shows you who they are believe them. Carol saw Bethany in action and supported her and then was surprised when Beth turned her acid tongue on her one too many times. Please. Yes Beth hurt Carol but likewise Carol hurt Beth and both wouldn't, couldn't do a clean quick break due to the show.

They both have hurt each other and been vicious about it. I'm ready to give a thumbs down and dispatch both tired and worn gladiators.

13 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I do not know how they get over what each has done and said to the other. For real, they are professionals with each other. 

Exactly and they both want to keep that apple. They will just smile a little bigger with eyes a little wider and wait for the first blow. Then they rehash everything again from the first time they sparred umpteen seasons ago.

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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

When Bethenny returned the favor, Carole claimed Bethenny was "bullying her"

Which confirms that there were 3 1/3 (1/3 - Tinsley quietly mewling) people talking over Bethenny during Reunion part 1 which means a Bullying Pile On.

The Dream Team should rename themselves The Scream Team

All the hens contributed to the cacophony. As for the pile on that only happened because Beth "knows it all" and had/has an opinion on everybody and on every situation and will always try and have the loudest,  last and smart assiest word. She did it enough that they were all squawking "fowl." 

Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little cheep, cheep cheep, pick a lot talk a little more.....

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I have no idea what Carole's fertility is, sasha, but she put the childless status down to her husband dying and being infertilr, not because she herself was physically unable to concieve. If she is childless because Anthony died so even tho she wanted children, she kept herself on birth control because if Anthony couldn't have kids, then she wasnt.... then she was making the conscious choice to not have children. It's not the 1950s, if havin a baby was something she wanted then she could have done it. So unless she's infertile, she is childless by choice and doesn't get to be offended when it's noted she *chose* not to have children.

I personally don't have aNY issue if she's childless. I made the decision not to have children myself.

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15 minutes ago, Giselle said:

All the hens contributed to the cacophony. As for the pile on that only happened because Beth "knows it all" and had/has an opinion on everybody and on every situation and will always try and have the loudest,  last and smart assiest word. She did it enough that they were all squawking "fowl." 

Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little cheep, cheep cheep, pick a lot talk a little more.....

Bethenny is a know it all. But when questions were asked of her they all worked in unison to drown out her answers. Like it was a plan of attack. The kind that a team would come up with.

As far as her being a know it all in this instance, I too must be a know it all, because when a person asks a question of me about me or my thoughts or feelings surrounding any given situation, I know it all. Better than anyone else.

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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21 hours ago, charming said:

What this boils down to is Bethenny cut Carole to the red meat. She said that Adam was using her and was an operator. I think she probably said other things as well which I wish Andy would have asked about.

As Carol pulled away Bethenny continued her attacks and it all went downhill from there. Accusing her of not acting her age? Making snide comments about Red Scarf wanting Bethenny "first" and he only moved on to Carol because he was Tom 2.0.  Comments that she doesn't have a career? Come on, Bethenny is hitting Carol where she knows it will hurt the most.

I believe the break in their friendship started and ended with Adam. Carole invested a lot in that ‘boy’ and she defined herself as a desirable woman through that ‘boy’ and when Bethenny called him out she simply couldn’t cope. B called him a user and so on. Carole might act like the big feminist but the whole exchange regarding the red scarf guy was telling. She was bragging about him yet we saw him clinging to Ramona and then Bethenny. When B said she won the consolation prize it was the truth. Funny thing about Carole is that the men are the ones determining her self worth. Not the women on the show. 

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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think I agree with you, but need to ask are you speaking Dorindish? Martinese? VodKlish?

Hope you know I'm just kidding

Rlmao! It’s my man hands on my phone. You got the gyst of it. It’s hard to screw off at work unless it’s on my phone and my fingers are too big.

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18 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

I have no idea what Carole's fertility is, sasha, but she put the childless status down to her husband dying and being infertilr, not because she herself was physically unable to concieve. If she is childless because Anthony died so even tho she wanted children, she kept herself on birth control because if Anthony couldn't have kids, then she wasnt.... then she was making the conscious choice to not have children. It's not the 1950s, if havin a baby was something she wanted then she could have done it. So unless she's infertile, she is childless by choice and doesn't get to be offended when it's noted she *chose* not to have children.

I personally don't have aNY issue if she's childless. I made the decision not to have children myself.

I understand your point; just saying that the choice to have a kid/not have a kid may not have anything to do with fertility and everything to do with the time and space you are in.  I don't know if Beth really slammed her choice or not or was simply trying to state that have separate interests.  

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I read What Remains on vacation a few years ago....good read, very moving story. However I could never get past NYHW Carole and her possibly embellishing her friendship with Carolyn Bassett. I think I remember her saying Anthony told her from the beginning he was infertile, I won’t swear to it! He’d already had cancer once when they married, that may have made him infertile. I could be totally wrong here, don’t flame me for being stupid! :)

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Interestingly, I thought the Carole/Bethenny Ex-Friendship Montage was more damning to Bethenny than it was to Carole.  I was left wondering if I had misremembered the extent to which Carole also talked shit about Bethenny, or if they just didn't show it.  I mean, ultimately it doesn't matter.  They both suck, and I continue to be Team Nobody.  Also, Carole looked like an emotionally-wounded koala in her reaction shots.

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12 hours ago, film noire said:

She absolutely has a career now.

I have plenty of friends (and myself) who would BLISSFULLY take Radziwill's "non-career" today. She has three books to her writing credit  (two within the last half decade) she's writing a new book, and her novel has been optioned again.  Just about every non-famous novelist, playwright, screenwriter, poet, short story writer,  and screenwriter would kill to wake up to that work situation this morning. And either Bethenny is too stupid to understand that it can take a writer years to write a book, or Frankel is  jealous of Carole's A-list "writer" life because Bethenny remains stuck in the low-rent gutter of trash tv. Maybe she thought Radziwill was her ticket to vacations with Cassandra Grey and lunch with Robert Evans. Maybe that's where all this sour, creepy shit pouring out of Frankel is coming from -- the reason she's reacting like a jilted lover, the distaff Othello of RHoNY -- she didn't get to manipulate and use Carole the way she had planned, and now Frankel is trapped in the world of trash tv that she was supposed to have left behind, years ago. Whatever the damn reason (because who knows what goes on in Frankel's mind)  it's made her look bitter and ignorant and small, because Carole has a career, now. 

I understand what you are saying about Carol's life output of work but... when I think of Carol, based on observing her for years on this show, the first adjective that pops into my head is lazy.  We have been shown many instances of her pushing off work, missing deadlines, lying about missing deadlines, proposing books, articles but not putting in work on the project. We never see her work.  We never hear her talking about working on things on a daily basis.  Carol seems to live for other things like being a wanna-be fashionista  and all-around Cool Kid.

Bethenny does know the work needed to produce a book since she's written a few.  Granted, they are low-end self-help tomes that could never be compared to What Remains.  However I do think they could be compared to the Widow's Guide in the bargain basement of easy to write, easy to forget tomes.  I don't remember what else Carol has produced since she has been on this show.

If you asked me what Carol's career was this decade, I would say poseur.

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16 minutes ago, ladle said:

Interestingly, I thought the Carole/Bethenny Ex-Friendship Montage was more damning to Bethenny than it was to Carole.  I was left wondering if I had misremembered the extent to which Carole also talked shit about Bethenny, or if they just didn't show it.  I mean, ultimately it doesn't matter.  They both suck, and I continue to be Team Nobody.  Also, Carole looked like an emotionally-wounded koala in her reaction shots.

I thought it was AT LEAST just as damning. This goes back to me thinking they were working from a script and Carole's "outburst" was part of that script. Because in the context of that it made no sense.

I'd look smug AF when Carole fumbled so badly and wasn't able to add lib as well.

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5 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I thought it was AT LEAST just as damning. This goes back to me thinking they were working from a script and Carole's "outburst" was part of that script. Because in the context of that it made no sense.

I'd look smug AF when Carole fumbled so badly and wasn't able to add lib as well.

I’ve been curious about these photos for years. Not that I’ve done an extensive deep dive on the subject or that I harbor any real doubts that she was close to JFK Jr and Carolyn, but this series of photos of them getting into that car together are literally the only ones I have seen of her with the 2 of them. It seems like every time  someone posts a picture regarding her friendship with them, it’s this same fairly non descript picture of the 3 of them standing around a black car. I’ve seen it so many times? Why this picture? Where they going someplace important? Was the day important? Was the location important? Why do these particular photos keep coming up?

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1 minute ago, FozzyBear said:

I’ve been curious about these photos for years. Not that I’ve done an extensive deep dive on the subject or that I harbor any real doubts that she was close to JFK Jr and Carolyn, but this series of photos of them getting into that car together are literally the only ones I have seen of her with the 2 of them. It seems like every time  someone posts a picture regarding her friendship with them, it’s this same fairly non descript picture of the 3 of them standing around a black car. I’ve seen it so many times? Why this picture? Where they going someplace important? Was the day important? Was the location important? Why do these particular photos keep coming up?

The wrong quote attached to your comment.

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On 8/29/2018 at 5:05 PM, Rosiejuliemom said:

Damn. Dorinda flat out saying that Lu only went to rehab to stay out of jail?

Pretty fucking savage and not entirely wrong.

Dorinda, not for nothin', but you learning about diversion (Yes! It's a real thing!) at this particular moment in your life seems...fortuitous. Your behavior has you on a crash-course toward Zsa-Zsa-ing a cop while you're enjoying a COMPLETELY NORMAL adult beverage experience. 

Is it just me, or has Dorinda always seemed more RHONJ than RHONY? 

Edited by heavysnaxx
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Just now, AnnA said:

There are only 2 photos and one of them does NOT include Carole.   It's Carolyn's sister (identified beneath the picture).   I don't know about the one with the profile.   It's hard to tell but I don't think that one is Carole either.m 

I think the caption is wrong.  Looks like the same person in all of them (well, all two of them--two of the four are duplicates), and it looks like Carole to me.  But I'm no expert.

That site gives me the creeps.

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3 minutes ago, AnnA said:

There are only 2 photos and one of them does NOT include Carole.   It's Carolyn's sister (identified beneath the picture).   I don't know about the one with the profile.   It's hard to tell but I don't think that one is Carole either.

Just saw that now, however that does look like Carole in the photos - especially the one in profile (as they're getting into the car), I thought Lauren Bisette was younger than Carolyn?!? The woman in those photos looks older... it's weird because it looks like Carole... maybe the person who labeled the photo got it wrong... *shrugs* Still not evidence of a BFF relationship with CBK... 

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15 minutes ago, BodhiGurl said:

my sweet lawd what is going on with Carole in those photos? If ever she looked memaw - there it is... yeesh. And she was only in her 30s.... Looks like family members hanging out - not best friends forever... ;) 

I’ve been curious about these photos for years. Not that I’ve done an extensive deep dive on the subject or that I harbor any real doubts that she was close to JFK Jr and Carolyn, but this series of photos of them getting into that car together are literally the only ones I have seen of her with the 2 of them. It seems like every time  someone posts a picture regarding her friendship with them, it’s this same fairly non descript picture of the 3 of them standing around a black car. I’ve seen it so many times? Why this picture? Where they going someplace important? Was the day important? Was the location important? Why do these particular photos keep coming up?

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7 minutes ago, AnnA said:

There are only 2 photos and one of them does NOT include Carole.   It's Carolyn's sister (identified beneath the picture).   I don't know about the one with the profile.   It's hard to tell but I don't think that one is Carole either.


It is labeled with both Lauren and Carolyn’s names. It’s Carolyn in the photo.

I’m not posting to prove/disprove anything about a friendship between Carole and Carolyn, just in reply to KungFuBunny stating there are NO photos. I remembered these being posted in this forum, or TWOP, ages ago so went and googled them.

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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12 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I think the caption is wrong.  Looks like the same person in all of them (well, all two of them--two of the four are duplicates), and it looks like Carole to me.  But I'm no expert.

That site gives me the creeps.

We  should move this to the Carole thread.

Edited by AnnA
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2 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

It is labeled with both Lauren and Carolyn’s names. It’s Carolyn in the photo.

Im not posting to prove/disprove anything g about a friendship between Carole and Carolyn, just in reply to KungFuBunny stating there are NO photos. I remembered these being posted in this forum, or TWOP, ages ago.

I'm guessing KFB was referring to photos that showed a deep, close, BFF friendship...

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6 minutes ago, heavysnaxx said:

Dorinda, not for nothin', but you learning about diversion (Yes! It's a real thing!) at this particular moment in your life seems...fortuitous. Your behavior has you on a crash-course toward Zsa-Zsa-ing a cop while you're enjoying a COMPLETELY NORMAL adult beverage experience. 

Is it just me, or has Dorinda always seemed more RHONJ than RONY? 

Yes.  And this is why John doesn't seem like a mismatch for Dorinda.  There's nothing about Dorinda that suggests high society except for who she married.  Maybe that's completely unfair as I think she was successful before her husbands (real estate?).  But she comes off as rough-and-tumble chick who met her Prince Charming and faked being in his world until he passed and she was no longer having to carry out a pretense.


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In my humble opinion, no one is 100% good or 100% bad. (Life in general, not just housewives)

In this B/C saga (and can’t it end, soon, please) the same rule exists. Trying to pick one side, and only one side, is futile because for every tit there exists a tat. The editors posted a package that shows this.

We all may have personal preferences for one over the other, but to reasonably argue that this entire issue is all one person’s issue is a difficult (if not impossible) battle to win. 

They are both equally wrong. And, they are both equally right. My personal preference lies with B, but to watch this season and to say that she’s completely the victim would make me feel ridiculous. 

I USED to really like Carole, but to say that she’s been completely victimized is also impossible. 

IMO, reading the back and forth arguing about them is as frustrating as hearing them both try to prove their “rightness” on the show. 

Bring back the days of Ramona chastising Simon about coming to girls night. Bring back the days of Alex social climbing. Bring back the days of quipping “Zach Posen Paisley dresses.” Bring back the days of Lu thinking she’s pulled the wool over the viewer’s eyes by acting like she really lived the life she preached. 

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On 8/29/2018 at 8:37 PM, LilaFowler said:

He can't resist the promo that he gets for his company. All he has to do is string her along a little bit... she'll take anything...

I'm frankly shocked that Andy didn't bring this up as a potential explanation for the on again/off again relationship.  Or at least pretend that "Barbara from Tacoma" or whatever random viewer had written in about it. 

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1 hour ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

An excerpt further down the page of that blog post:  

Carolyn didn’t really wear much jewelry, but what she did wear was always tasteful and never overdone.  I’ve read about the friendship ring she had with Carole Radziwill and always wondered if it was one of the rings she wore on her right hand starting in ’98 or so.  It supposedly had an amethyst in it.

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2 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

And here I've been racking my stroke-addled brain trying to figure out the identity of "Ben" and "Ian" bwahahahaha

Just blame it on Apple auto-correct.  It might even be true!  The odds are ever with you.

Edited by Mrs peel
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