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S13.E07 She Said/She Said

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4 hours ago, Thumper said:

Huh.  I didn't notice what she was wearing.  Maybe she didn't want to appear too "to the manor born" as she served?

She took it too far. As usual. Kelly is a little tone deaf. She was wearing a very 'distressed' sweater (looked like it was moth eaten, there were literally holes all over it) and a big stupid beanie with a pom pom on the top. she didn't take it off while they were preparing food WHY WASN'T EVERYONE IN HAIR NETS!!!!!!! I was so entranced by this I didn't even look for gloves, I don't think they were wearing gloves either, though the woman who was supervising them  did ask them to wash their hands and put on aprons. I'm not a fan of kids on these shows, but this time it was nice to see Jolie thank her mother for the experience in a genuine manner, and suggest that they volunteer there again. I get Kelly 'dressing down' for the occasion, but she seemed to think that this meant dressing up in her version of homeless. 

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14 minutes ago, queenjen said:

i thought we did see that? This whole argument was a sh!tshow. The only person that used the word (abusive) was Emily to Kelly. Kelly was the one who came closest to misrepresenting the spirit of that conversation when she gave Emily the rundown. I think Shannon is particularly upset because at the time they were all talking about Shane yelling at Gina, she made a comment about Shane's behavior being something that she has gone through with David. She immediately realised the consequences of saying that and added the rider that she is interpreting what is being told to her through the lense of her own nasty marriage.

I don't know if Tamra saw this as an opportunity to wind Shannon up or if she did it subconsciously. Tamra has been rolling her eyes about Shannon's neediness for a while now. I think she was doing it last season too. Tamra seems about to crack in general. She's genuinely frightened for Eddie. Eddie doesn't look like he's being easy to live with either: he was really nasty to her in the car with Ryan last episode and this episode, she's even more afraid because he's stopped taking the recommended heart medication. IRL, it's not looking good for Eddie, so I do get Tamra being all kinds of messed up. And needing a friend. Shannon is definitely not bringing Tamra any casseroles, so Tamra seems to be craving Vicki's attention. Despite the fact that Vicki said vile things about Eddie in the past. Since she broke her foot, I think Tamra's world has been shook. But her reality tv instincts are still intact and Shannon is the easiest to wind up by a country mile. Shannon is definitely so self involved she hasn't seen Tamra's decline or the shift in their friendship: Tamra needs support now, Shannon just needs to wake up and give it to her, because i don't want to see a Vicki/Tamra redux, Shannon is actually a lot better value on a girls' trip these days.

I cannot believe that i am beginning to kind of like Kelly Dodd. Hell hath frozen over. And no sign of her brother or her mother again this episode. We haven't seen them all season (not that I want to), I'm wondering if there's been some kind of falling out, because Kelly blathered continually about how close they all are etc.

I’ll not sure when but Kelly said her mother was back in Arizona and doing fine.

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I can’t believe there have been 7 eps. I knew it was going to be a snooze when everyone kept saying how funny the season was that it would be boring but this is beyond what I imagined.

Edited by biakbiak
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It's another 'To Be Continued'!

Someone in the editing team seems to believe that we need to be informed that this is a series and not a one off documentary after 13 seasons. And RHOD just ended the same way.  

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13 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Yeah, she was confused.  Thought it was stripper golf.

I'd bet they didn't get past the 6th.

Ooh, strip golf!  Like that Ashley chick on So Charm Savannah was playing last season.


13 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I don’t know why anyone would be afraid of Shane.  Other than Tamra, they’re all bigger than that tiny twerp.

Thought it was funny when Gina and Emily were leaving to have their talk and Gina said something like, “Let’s go aggressively.”


Because the creepy little twerps (who're often also religious) are the ones who disappear their wives, and sometimes kill their children & themselves when there's no way out.  Why yes, I DO watch too many true crime shows - why do you ask?  ;-)


11 hours ago, TexasGal said:

I was going to say she was dressed to play tennis, but I like your answer better!

Yep.  She’s all about the hustle, I’ll give her credit for that, but I don’t blame Shannon for not agreeing to use Tamra’s gym or one of their trainers.  EVERY session would be filmed and I’m sure Shannon is not down for that.

There better still be cake. We were promised cake.

Oh, dear Gawd, not the fucking CAKE!!!  Either someone will break off a bow and enrage Heather Dubrow, or they'll disrespect the cake & throw it at each other, causing Soggy Flicker to come out of hiding and throw herself on the floor after regaling haranguing everyone with cakegate for the eleventy billionth time.


10 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

I am really having a hard time getting thru this season.

Vicki= I will NEVER forgive her for Brooks and cancer scam bullshit.

Tamra= As someone else said upthread she has chosen Shannon to go after this season. Rinse & repete.

Shannon= Girl you in danger, Tamra &'Vicki  are coming for you.

Kelly= Looks like she looses her shit next week, did someone leave her at the Costco food court with a hot dog and soda yet again.

The two newbies and their rugrats I don't want to watch and FF thru those scenes.

This show used to be a fun escape from the Monday work grind and now it escapes me as to why I want to watch this anymore.

I know why.  You could easily quit the Real Housewives, but you just can't quit US, your PTV Housewives peeps!  Or maybe I'm just projecting my own issues, like Shannon Beador.

Edited by walnutqueen
fixed spelling
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7 hours ago, bosawks said:

This episode made my long for it to be over so Southern Charm Savannah could start.

That’s not good.


Totally agree.  

5 hours ago, Marley said:

What is wrong with Steve that he’s with someone like Vicki. 

thirsty bird.jpg

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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5 hours ago, Jets4274 said:

I agree that Kelly's choice of attire to feed the homeless was a bit too "let me be on their level" with the bum hat and holes in the pullover but I do applaud her as a mom.  Can see that she and her daughter (who looks just like her) have a great relationship.

That's exactly what I thought she was doing as well.  Ironically, I would imagine that her moth eaten sweatshirt retailed for $195.

Her spiel about how she was raised, not being spoiled, doing for others...

...I get the distinct impression that was all forgotten as soon as she scored a high-dollar husband.  Kelly strikes me as just about anything but altruistic.

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4 hours ago, ivygirl said:

That was sad. And they kept zooming in on the drinks.

I generally like Eddie. Sorry to see that he’s not taking every step he can to manage his health. I get being averse to meds, but this is such a serious situation.

This storyline sort of highlights to me how fixated some people become about exercise.  Of course some is necessary, but sounds like Eddie is someone who went overboard to the detriment of his own health, and can't look beyond the fact that he can't do what he was doing.  Tamra mentioned on WWHL that this (AFIB) is not an uncommon occurrance in cyclists.  

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So Shannon is upset that somone used the word "abuse" when describing her marriage?  It's as if she is more embarrassed that anyone would think that she was being abused (they do think it), than be willing to prevent it from happening to someone else.  Abuse doesn't have to be physical Shannon.  I think both of the Beadors were abused; Shannon emotionally (perhaps physically as well), and David was abused by decibels.

I think her reaction to this whole conversation is very odd.  

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6 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Shannon has always been high maintenance but Tamra needed her to film, so, Tamra was fine with it.  Vicki’s back.  Now Vicki doesn’t need Kelly and Tamra doesn’t need Shannon.

Eddie’s off his medication and drinking martinis.  Sigh.

Emily, when you have to explain her husband is dry and sarcastic but he’s funny.  He’s not.

 I think Shannon’s going to be pissed when she sees Tamra’s mother kind of siding with David and Tamra agreeing.

Next week looks promising.

Eddie shouldn't be drinking if he wants to live past 55. Also take your beta blocker. You'll get used to it.

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6 hours ago, TexasGal said:

I was going to say she was dressed to play tennis, but I like your answer better!

Yep.  She’s all about the hustle, I’ll give her credit for that, but I don’t blame Shannon for not agreeing to use Tamra’s gym or one of their trainers.  EVERY session would be filmed and I’m sure Shannon is not down for that.

There better still be cake. We were promised cake.

I started changing my lifestyle in regards to food and exercise right about the time Shannon did last year.  I am also an Aries.  So I believe I relate to Shannon.

There is no way in God's green earth that I would subject myself to Tamra on this.  No way at all.

Tamra would just make remarks that wouldn't be helpful and she would use the workouts as a weapon against you down the road.

Personally, when I watch her be supportive of Shannon in her lifestyle change, I don't find her supportive at all.  Tamra lectures and rolls her eyes and comments in her talking heads about Shannon and food.

Focus on Vicki's ass this season and leave Shannon alone!

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48 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

So Shannon is upset that somone used the word "abuse" when describing her marriage?  It's as if she is more embarrassed that anyone would think that she was being abused (they do think it), than be willing to prevent it from happening to someone else.  Abuse doesn't have to be physical Shannon.  I think both of the Beadors were abused; Shannon emotionally (perhaps physically as well), and David was abused by decibels.

I think her reaction to this whole conversation is very odd.  

Shannon's probably still touchy on the word "abuse" after Vicki tried to shame her about it two seasons ago.  Of course, now Vicki agrees that "abuse" is a strong word...always reliably hypocritical, that one.

However, this whole multi-episode arc of fighting over who characterized Shane's comments how is beyond tedious; it is now firmly in the realm of Beverly Hills level of beating a horse to death over minutia.  I hope the previews pan out and we get some good fighting going; it's been a while since a newbie busted out threats of physical violence. LOL!

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4 hours ago, queenjen said:

WHY WASN'T EVERYONE IN HAIR NETS!!!!!!! I was so entranced by this I didn't even look for gloves, I don't think they were wearing gloves either, though the woman who was supervising them  did ask them to wash their hands and put on aprons.

I wondered the same thing about the hair nets.   I did see them put on some gloves before they served the food.  

Tamra has been saying in her THs how unsupportive Shannon is of her problems, so I'm not surprised that Tamra finally went off on her.  It was all going to boil over at some point!

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This is the second ep this season I have watched and I do not recall much about it besides them playing drunk golf for a couple holes and Kelly's moral exhibitionism  at the soup kitchen. I did find it amusing that those bums got a fancy breakfast, not just eggs, grits, and some sort of bread. 

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6 hours ago, queenjen said:

i thought we did see that? This whole argument was a sh!tshow. The only person that used the word (abusive) was Emily to Kelly. Kelly was the one who came closest to misrepresenting the spirit of that conversation when she gave Emily the rundown. I think Shannon is particularly upset because at the time they were all talking about Shane yelling at Gina, she made a comment about Shane's behavior being something that she has gone through with David. She immediately realised the consequences of saying that and added the rider that she is interpreting what is being told to her through the lense of her own nasty marriage.

I must have missed the part where Gina said that bit but if that's the case, then she seems to have been truthful in her recount of what she felt happened at that table after Emily had left. She even copped to the fact that she didn't deny the possibility but also wanted to point out that it could be something completely innocent. It's hard to account for the entirety of the conversation because I'm not sure we saw it all but I'm pretty sure that the word 'abusive' either derived from Emily's interpretation of what Gina said happened at the table after she left, OR at some point after Shannon's comments, one of the women specifically asked whether she thought it possible that Shane may be abusive like David (which may not have been aired) which is what spawned Shannon to clarify and point out she could definitely be projecting her own experiences onto Emily. Though I assume if someone did at any point use the word, production would have shown it so that they would have a culprit.

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3 hours ago, Coffeewinewater said:

We did. She definitely said that Shannon realized she was projecting . I actually thought Gina did a good job explaining the conversation.  Emily was the only person that used the word abuse.

I agree. Emily inferred "abuse" all on her own. Which makes me wonder if this is a sore subject/something that's come up before. 

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7 hours ago, ivygirl said:

That was sad. And they kept zooming in on the drinks.

I generally like Eddie. Sorry to see that he’s not taking every step he can to manage his health. I get being averse to meds, but this is such a serious situation.

My husband is in actual afib and has been for a few weeks, like Eddie. Hes on meds but still drinks sometimes. Hes not going to stop either. His life is perfectly normal and nothing has really changed. Hes gettting a cardiac catheterization Thursday and will get cardioversion some time this fall after we ge back from Europe. I dont  understand refusing the meds in this situation. Its the main reason my husbands life is pretty normal. You have to find some sort of middle ground in situations like this and I dont think Eddie is there yet.

Edited by JennyMominFL
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9 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

 I think Shannon’s going to be pissed when she sees Tamra’s mother kind of siding with David and Tamra agreeing.


Lest we forget how Tamra acted when Jeana Kehough dared to say that there might be another side to the Tamra/Simon divorce.  She got wine thrown in her face and a "cyst and diseased" letter.   

2 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

My husband is in actual afib and has been for a few weeks, like Eddie. Hes on meds but still drinks sometimes. Hes not going to stop either. His life is perfectly normal and nothing has really changed. Hes gettting a cardiac cathetrization Thursday and will get cardioversion some time this fall after we ge back from Europe. i dont understand refusing the meds in this situation. It the main reason my husbands life is pretty normal. You have to find some sort of middle ground in situations like this and I dont think Eddie is there yet.

I hope you get good news on your husband's condition soon.  

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This franchise seems to be dying a slow death...the Wives are just so boring.  Part of the problem is that the new Wives are not interesting in any way, shape or form.  Get rid of poor Gina and off-putting Emily.  I hate to say this, but maybe bring Alexis back.  Perfect foil...but now divorced and it would seem maybe bigger breasts.  Let Laurie come back as Friend Of.  Her vapidness never gets old.  Maybe even bring Jeanna back as a Friend.  Anything to make me want to watch this show again.

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32 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

My husband is in actual afib and has been for a few weeks, like Eddie. Hes on meds but still drinks sometimes. Hes not going to stop either. His life is perfectly normal and nothing has really changed. Hes gettting a cardiac catheterization Thursday and will get cardioversion some time this fall after we ge back from Europe. I dont  understand refusing the meds in this situation. Its the main reason my husbands life is pretty normal. You have to find some sort of middle ground in situations like this and I dont think Eddie is there yet.

I wouldn't drink alcohol with a-fib. He shouldn't.

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4 minutes ago, bosawks said:

I'm at the point where I am now pro-Kelly.

And that says more about my opinion of Tams and Vicki than it does my opinion of Kelly.

Me too. I despised her in her first season, but am anxiously awaiting her fight with Emily next wk (it better not disappoint). In the highly unlikely event that Kelly were to connect a punch , would we be able to tell if Emily has a fat lip? 

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Tamballs and her trailer trash mom:  "Poor David" - and YES Tamballs you agreed with your mother. 

Now let me get this straight - the two of you harpies think it is perfectly okay that AFTER Shannon generously agreed to a reduction to $22,500, David then says "and take the utilities out of my name" - instead of saying it at the time of the $30,000.  Oh, and how funny that Shannon didn't know you paid for water.  David controlled the finances.  If Shannon lived in apartments before marriage, she may not have known this.  Most apartment buildings pay for water and garbage and calculate it into your rent.  I wouldn't be surprised if Shannon had said it almost as a joke and Tamtrash changed the inflection.

Oh, and frankly Tamtrash, why should anyone ask about Eddie -- you're out in Mexico, on a golf course and drinking with the girls on a regular basis.   You aren't confined to your home looking after an invalid.  I've no doubt you report on Eddie's progress at every outing in response to some question or another.  Why is a special phone call necessary?

And as a golfer (and not even an average one at that), I found it kind of irritating that these dimwits think that they can waltz on to a golf course and play?  They obviously didn't even bother to check the rules of play - uh, Kelly?  Once you're on the green, the little stick comes OUT of the hole so you can putt.  I can only think they made arrangements with the golf course ahead of time to have the tee times for two hours booked - because otherwise other golfers would either have reported their behavior or requested to play through.  In fact, most courses I know require that each player have their OWN set of clubs - sharing clubs would not work and would slow the rate of play.  

I agree with the poster above who said that they never got beyond 6 holes.  I'm not all that good, and it takes me about 1.5 hours to play 9.  

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Why does Steve not allow Vicki to be herself? I feel like she is stifling part of her personality for the sake of a man/relationship/ring. Vicki is known as the whoop it up girl. Let her have fun and be her authentic self, even if she was a complete shit about Brooks and covering up the cancer. Just my two cents about their relationship.

And if Shannon is getting 30K a month, why can't she find someone to fix her hair?!?

Not liking the two new housewives.
I can understand Tamra's feelings about Shannon not asking about Eddie. Shannon is all wrapped up in herself. I get it, but you still gotta be a friend to others.

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7 hours ago, queenjen said:

She took it too far. As usual. Kelly is a little tone deaf. She was wearing a very 'distressed' sweater (looked like it was moth eaten, there were literally holes all over it) and a big stupid beanie with a pom pom on the top. she didn't take it off while they were preparing food WHY WASN'T EVERYONE IN HAIR NETS!!!!!!! I was so entranced by this I didn't even look for gloves, I don't think they were wearing gloves either, though the woman who was supervising them  did ask them to wash their hands and put on aprons. I'm not a fan of kids on these shows, but this time it was nice to see Jolie thank her mother for the experience in a genuine manner, and suggest that they volunteer there again. I get Kelly 'dressing down' for the occasion, but she seemed to think that this meant dressing up in her version of homeless. 

This was the point I was trying to make, queenjen. It was “homeless chic”! I bet that holey pullover probably cost 500 bucks!!! 

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I know when a franchise is on its last legs when I have rewound the DVR 5 times because I either fell asleep, was doing something else or was using it for background noise. It’s definitely not grabbing my attention any more.

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This version of the Housewives is losing me as a fan.  Hope they're all going on a vacation soon - that usually sparks things up.  But right now it's pretty boring. They just overreact and make mountains out of molehills.

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5 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I know why.  You could easily quit the Real Housewives, but you just can't quit US, your PTV Housewives peeps!  Or maybe I'm just projecting my own issues, like Shannon Beador.

Me too, Shannon... I mean, walnutqueen! This was both an annoying and boring episode. (Bore-noying?) Commenting and reading here keeps me attached. Otherwise I don’t need to watch Tamra screeching, Vicki pretending to be innocent, endless screeching about misunderstandings, and bore-noying toddlers. 

I did like the segment with Kelly and Jolie. It did actually seem genuine. 

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12 hours ago, Fiero425 said:

If recently, those are kinda old episodes! Andy's on Hiatus, probably sucking up to the Hampton crowd he lives among! ;-)

Yes,  but by the time they appear on WWHL the filming for the season is practically over so who knows what's going on with those two currently. 

I have another theory on what is going on with Tams and Shans. Tamra said that Eddie and David are still friends. Maybe Shannon is deep down resentful of that and is not asking about Eddie or acting concerned because she's pissed off at Eddie about the friendship. Not going to Tams for guidance on working out and diet is another way of Shans showing her underlying resentment. 

Also, Shannon has been self centered, spoiled brat since season 1. I'm just wondering why it took Tamra so long to grow tired of it.  Shannon getting up from the table and crying "you don't know what I go through everyday" and storming off is the Shannon we all know and have seen before. Nothing has changed with her. 

What ever their issues are they need to sit down face to face, one on one, and let it all out instead of this passive agressive BS. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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8 hours ago, queenjen said:

She took it too far. As usual. Kelly is a little tone deaf. She was wearing a very 'distressed' sweater (looked like it was moth eaten, there were literally holes all over it) and a big stupid beanie with a pom pom on the top. she didn't take it off while they were preparing food WHY WASN'T EVERYONE IN HAIR NETS!!!!!!! I was so entranced by this I didn't even look for gloves, I don't think they were wearing gloves either, though the woman who was supervising them  did ask them to wash their hands and put on aprons. I'm not a fan of kids on these shows, but this time it was nice to see Jolie thank her mother for the experience in a genuine manner, and suggest that they volunteer there again. I get Kelly 'dressing down' for the occasion, but she seemed to think that this meant dressing up in her version of homeless. 

All I could focus on was her wearing a warm knit hat while standing right over a steam table!  Was she trying to make the most of the free steam to avoid paying for this month's facial?  She just looked so hot and sweaty that I felt vicariously uncomfortable the whole time she was serving food.

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1 hour ago, Carolina Girl said:

Tamballs and her trailer trash mom:  "Poor David" - and YES Tamballs you agreed with your mother. 

Now let me get this straight - the two of you harpies think it is perfectly okay that AFTER Shannon generously agreed to a reduction to $22,500, David then says "and take the utilities out of my name" - instead of saying it at the time of the $30,000.  Oh, and how funny that Shannon didn't know you paid for water.  David controlled the finances.  If Shannon lived in apartments before marriage, she may not have known this.  Most apartment buildings pay for water and garbage and calculate it into your rent.  I wouldn't be surprised if Shannon had said it almost as a joke and Tamtrash changed the inflection.

Oh, and frankly Tamtrash, why should anyone ask about Eddie -- you're out in Mexico, on a golf course and drinking with the girls on a regular basis.   You aren't confined to your home looking after an invalid.  I've no doubt you report on Eddie's progress at every outing in response to some question or another.  Why is a special phone call necessary?

And as a golfer (and not even an average one at that), I found it kind of irritating that these dimwits think that they can waltz on to a golf course and play?  They obviously didn't even bother to check the rules of play - uh, Kelly?  Once you're on the green, the little stick comes OUT of the hole so you can putt.  I can only think they made arrangements with the golf course ahead of time to have the tee times for two hours booked - because otherwise other golfers would either have reported their behavior or requested to play through.  In fact, most courses I know require that each player have their OWN set of clubs - sharing clubs would not work and would slow the rate of play.  

I agree with the poster above who said that they never got beyond 6 holes.  I'm not all that good, and it takes me about 1.5 hours to play 9.  

let me fix that for you:  as a human being....

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1 hour ago, bosawks said:

I'm at the point where I am now pro-Kelly.

And that says more about my opinion of Tams and Vicki than it does my opinion of Kelly.


1 hour ago, SweetieDarling said:

Me too. I despised her in her first season, but am anxiously awaiting her fight with Emily next wk (it better not disappoint). In the highly unlikely event that Kelly were to connect a punch , would we be able to tell if Emily has a fat lip? 

Hey, I'm not counting Kelly out on that showdown.  "I'll fucking KILL you" Emily may be bigger, but I think Kelly could take her down.  Kelly's scrappy, and seems like she could cut a bitch just as easily as punch her out.   :-)

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11 hours ago, MinorL said:

Tamra’s so cold. When she was saying all that stuff about “when you have a husband you have a good relationship with,” etc, it was a total dig at Shannon. It would probably be easier to just tell Shannon that she wishes Shannon would ask about Eddie or come to her for training than being a passive aggressive asshole. 

Maybe next season, should the show survive this one, Tamra's relationship will not be as great and it will be a giant karma sammie.  I understand her issue with Shannon about her lack of interest in Eddie's issues, everyone seems to have a friend who is more about their own problems, but Tamra needs to say something rather than just punish Shannon.  Tamra's mom needs to stfu.  She and Tamra really didn't sound like they were talking about a friend.  If I heard that type of conversation about me by a supposed friend they would no longer be my friend.  And really Tammy Sue's mom?  Your son's will never have to worry about paying anyone 22K a month.  

I haven't liked Kelly and I am not sure I do now, but I am looking forward to her interaction with Shane.  He is quite bitchy isn't he?  Not in a sit next to me bitchy but his personality seems horrid.  I also liked her taking Jolie to the shelter and her honesty about downsizing.  

I couldn't believe how high their BAC levels were and the fact none of them seemed to be aware that .08 considered legally drunk.  

Really didn't like this episode. 

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9 hours ago, bagger said:

I myself am living for Kelly. Her blinders are off about vicki and she’s not afraid to say whatever pops into her head.

on a different note who is the brunette in the background?

So is it Emily who threatened Kelly's life?  

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2 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Me too. I despised her in her first season, but am anxiously awaiting her fight with Emily next wk (it better not disappoint). In the highly unlikely event that Kelly were to connect a punch , would we be able to tell if Emily has a fat lip? 

I find myself staring at her mouth wondering if she did that on purpose.  It makes her look like a mouth breather.

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Another episode with Shannon still going on about weight issues but too lazy to even go for walks which is strange she has a dog that should be taken out for long walks twice a day (gets the kids to do it i bet)


Her food line is a complete rip off as well but I bet plenty of muppets will buy into it.


Tamara still judging people makes sense why her last name is judge and funny how Eddie backs the other guy which makes Tamara hush up.


LOL when I heard about Tesla battery running out it warns you how can you not see that it is no different to a car that uses other fuel sources.


This whole thing with Kelly and her daughter is awful and a complete work for the cameras it is really sad.


Tamara and that scooter is insulting to people who really do have mobility issues and you see Eddie with these health issues yet he doesn't go around in a scooter (she is also delusional regarding Eddie health there is no cure it is condition that needs be managed for life)


Tamara mum is great shes so down to earth and clearly a common person living in real world.


Vicki playing golf o my I can see real reason for this is a lot of business is done like this and she is trying to branch out otherwise I can't see why she would like it stuff like this she always says is too slow/dull.


That is so rube what they did when they went golfing that would not be tolerated at any golf courses I have been two you would lose your membership and big fine.


Emily for someone who is suppose to be part of legal system she doesn't appear to take in information in correctly the word abuse was never used but she used that any one i have ever spoken to in that system choose their words wisely based on facts.


These women are so dumb they get played by Tamara all the time she is always s**t stirring and twisting everything.

Edited by mon berg
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5 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I find myself staring at her mouth wondering if she did that on purpose.  It makes her look like a mouth breather.

She sounds like a mouth breather with that nasal voice.

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4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

The other real bitch here, IMO, is Emily. I get defending your husband, but she was apparently apologizing for his behavior the night it happened. Shane seems like a real dick; and covering it as sarcasm doesn't work for me. I'm sarcastic as hell. But I know that shit only works with people who know me well and get it. Also, what she said to Gina about her husband not being around? FUCK. YOU. 

I thought that was a low blow for Emily to say to her “friend” Gina. I could just see the hurt registering on Gina’s face. I understand why she began to walk away. She didn’t bring it up to Emily either; she took it fairly stoically. 

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I was shocked when Eddie said he wasn't taking his meds except for the blood thinners and he was proud saying it. Tamra didn't seem too concerned about it, either.  How stupid are these people?  When it comes to your heart, you don't mess around with your meds. Take them if you want to stay alive, you really don't have a choice , jeez. 

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I questioned something. Tamra’s Mom said that her boyfriend, the plumber, smoked pot. I was waiting to see if Tamra was going to ask her Mom if she tried it. 

Tamra may be taking the CBD (?) oil for healing, but pot usually makes somebody more mello. She should be doing the real thing. She doesn’t have to smoke. She’s in California and it comes in lollipops, gummy bears, brownies etc. She got more angry with every drink this episode. 

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10 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I was shocked when Eddie said he wasn't taking his meds except for the blood thinners and he was proud saying it. Tamra didn't seem too concerned about it, either.  How stupid are these people?  When it comes to your heart, you don't mess around with your meds. Take them if you want to stay alive, you really don't have a choice , jeez. 


It does depends which meds they are


a lot of dr in US will prescribe them to cover themselves which the way I read it is how Eddie was thinking because why would dr prescribe knowing you wont take it makes no sense at all.


I do agree with you I have family who work in health care not in US and so many medications are wasted because people refuse to take them because it may have some side effect which can pass over time but they wont give them a chance. (lots of people are in denial its not until they get so bad it can give them that wake up call even then still doesnt work)



4 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I questioned something. Tamra’s Mom said that her boyfriend, the plumber, smoked pot. I was waiting to see if Tamra was going to ask her Mom if she tried it. 

Tamra may be taking the CBD (?) oil for healing, but pot usually makes somebody more mello. She should be doing the real thing. She doesn’t have to smoke. She’s in California and it comes in lollipops, gummy bears, brownies etc. She got more angry with every drink this episode. 



CBD oil is much better then pot itself the whole point of it is so you get the properties for health reason.


Pot the real thing is not great for health reasons the only reasons it has that term slapped on it in US is because they know it was losing battle fighting it so used the option to tax it as such and smoking it is best form other methods you end up wasting so much of it.

Edited by mon berg
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