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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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3 hours ago, allienc said:

My 15 year old is transgender and that is why the gender stuff is such a soapbox for me.  So even though Tyler is a moron and is probably just trying to sell his ugly clothes, I'm still glad to see any store of any kind that doesn't have "boy" and "girl" sections.  Your daughter is lucky to have you as a mom - it's not an easy road to be gender nonbinary of any type.

OT, but I wanted to say way to go being an awesome mom to a trans teen and for obviously having read up on the right stuff. I'm a 30+ nonbinary person and, luckily, have supportive parents, too. Wish there has been more info for them out there when I was growing up!

Kinda raises my opinion of Tyler that he's speaking about not gendering the Tierra Reign clothes and why. 

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23 hours ago, allienc said:

I can't believe I'm saying this and it will never happen again, but Tyler has one good opinion.  Just the one, but still.  

Ugh, I agree with Tyler about something. *Uses brain bleach to pretend it never happened*

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16 hours ago, Cephalosapien said:

OT, but I wanted to say way to go being an awesome mom to a trans teen and for obviously having read up on the right stuff. I'm a 30+ nonbinary person and, luckily, have supportive parents, too. Wish there has been more info for them out there when I was growing up!

Kinda raises my opinion of Tyler that he's speaking about not gendering the Tierra Reign clothes and why. 

Except that the clothing is gendered — at least 1 month ago. 

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On 1/4/2018 at 4:36 PM, CofCinci said:

Dinner date?  Hmmmnnnn....

Also, she took Tyler off her IG bio.  

Those crow's feet! 

Those deep creases in her fivehead!

I can't stop staring. I can't stop enlarging the photo to confirm!

I can't believe she looks so much older than she is. Damn!

Too bad she doesn't invest in eye cream and indoor sunglasses. ?

Did Santa run out of coal in their neighborhood and handed out fuchsia hair dye instead? Maybe she should dip the ends instead?! Just my two cents.

We all know why she looks older. She didn't even hide her cigarettes & lighter on the outside table during their trip to see Carly. (Trying to get my mom to quit smoking; zero judgement for those of you that smoke. Promise!)  B&T prob didn't want Carly driving with them for fear of possible second hand smoke...along with the 273844 reasons others of you have shared), but every time I see a new photo of her, I am aware that I am simply securing my seat in the ginormous hand basket to Hell.

Edited by Bridget
additional snarkiness
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9 hours ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

I think it means he's desperate to sell clothing and is using the term 'transgender' as a catch phrase. This dude is learning nothing IMO. Why not hire a transgender employee to advise them? I'd take him much more seriously.

Thank you. 

He will throw out whatever he can to get attention to his dwindling business. True gender neutral clothing allows both sexes to wear the clothes comfortably and without any difference in how they are designed. Just a month ago he suddenly decided that stack of clothing that was made long ago and has been sitting there collecting dust, is designed for both sexes? Nah! 

@Bridget I noticed the crow's feet, too. Cate is a smoker of cigarettes and weed. That shit is making her look older than she is.

Edited by GreatKazu
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On 1/5/2018 at 11:50 AM, CofCinci said:

Did she make that during arts and crafts at rehab?

The link to Tyler is gone and whatever she said about being married to him. Also, they aren’t posting about each other and have been distant. 

I am guessing not, based solely on the fact that it includes the correct use of "their." ?

(It also looks like a template for the "All About Me" posters that are usually created in Kindergarten. Typically, it is whomever Student of the Week is & there is a heated and ongoing debate in education about those posters: do they promote the "me me me" personality early on or is it a way for kids to express themselves and feel special when they share their poster?)

Question for the parents and/or medical professionals (or both) on the board:

I am wondering if gum is OK for a three year old? On her poster, Nova lists it one of her favorite foods, along with steak. She's probably been "eating gum" well before she turned three. Gum + a toddler appears to scream "choking hazard" to me. Isn't it also bad for her jaw or teeth? I doubt C&T enjoy sugarless gum.

I eat red meat maybe 1-2x a month. Would any pediatrician ever encourage a diet of red meat regularly enough for it to become a fave food for a 2.5 year old?

It also made sad to see she doesn't appear to have any playmates other than her relatives who aren't even her age. Zero mention of going to the park or engaging in anything like coloring, painting, dance/music or anything interactive, like "helping mom cook" or "playing Candy Land at Grandma's house. 

She loves "reading" (but she did not mention Carly under the What I Love section.....hmmmmm), but not reading WITH her mom or dad. It makes me sad to think how neglected she is, as many of you have pointed out. She does not even love "school", probably because she would like to see her parents from 9-5.

Kids are brutally honest, and perhaps I am overanalyzing this (story of my life - haha!), but it is official: her parents suck at parenting. We can add her tell-all poster to the growing list of reasons she does not speak much; who the hell would she even talk to?

Edited by Bridget
additional snarkiness
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I don't let my kids have gum at all. And they're 9, 7, and 6. I'm pretty strict with sugar sometimes; gum is the worst offender. And yes, a child of her age would be more likely to swallow it. Not a good idea, IMO. 

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On 1/5/2018 at 1:03 PM, ginger90 said:

In a normal situation, I would see this and think , oh how cute. And she is cute, and so is the sign, but what's sad is these pictures lately of Nova aren't the norm. So, perhaps something has changed, which hopefully is real, and not just for pictures. (Of course it includes a plug for their clothing. I wonder if the fall line is out yet?)


You can order that sign on Etsy.

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21 minutes ago, Bridget said:

she did not mention Carly under the What I Love section.....hmmmmm

Ha!!!!!!!  That’s probably why C&T think they need another baby, this one they will train better to worship Carly.

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Has anyone else noticed that Tyler doesn’t have any friends?   We’ve seen a few of Catelynn’s female friends from time to time, but not a single male buddy of Tyler’s.  Ever.  There was his female best friend who gave a toast at the wedding, and Tyler hanging out that one time with someone’s toothless cousin, but no male friends.  No watching a football game, not helping him with all of the construction and updates to his houses,  not out having a beer or playing golf or whatever.   I think that’s weird. 

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4 minutes ago, Emmierose said:

Has anyone else noticed that Tyler doesn’t have any friends?   We’ve seen a few of Catelynn’s female friends from time to time, but not a single male buddy of Tyler’s.  Ever.  There was his female best friend who gave a toast at the wedding, and Tyler hanging out that one time with someone’s toothless cousin, but no male friends.  No watching a football game, not helping him with all of the construction and updates to his houses,  not out having a beer or playing golf or whatever.   I think that’s weird. 

I’ve noticed that as well. The toothless cousin belonged to Catelynn, too! In fact, during the 16&P episode, the friends that appeared in the show were Catelynn’s friends.

Maybe many of the men in Michigan are apart of the “STFU Tyler” culture. Lol.

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20 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

I’ve noticed that as well. The toothless cousin belonged to Catelynn, too! In fact, during the 16&P episode, the friends that appeared in the show were Catelynn’s friends.

Maybe many of the men in Michigan are apart of the “STFU Tyler” culture. Lol.

How many men in their circle would share Tyler's love of Marilyn Monroe memorabilia?

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1 hour ago, Emmierose said:

Has anyone else noticed that Tyler doesn’t have any friends?   We’ve seen a few of Catelynn’s female friends from time to time, but not a single male buddy of Tyler’s.  Ever.  There was his female best friend who gave a toast at the wedding, and Tyler hanging out that one time with someone’s toothless cousin, but no male friends.  No watching a football game, not helping him with all of the construction and updates to his houses,  not out having a beer or playing golf or whatever.   I think that’s weird. 

Tyler is a Narcissist.  They don’t have friends. 

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@Bridget no, 3 yr olds shouldn’t have gum (I’m a pediatric nurse) on top of the sugar it’s a choking hazard, if it were swollowed it wouldn’t breakdown and could block the airway. I’m sure there’s a ton of stories that everyone did it from the day they were born, and it’s probably not the worst thing, I’m sure I chewed gum as a child, but I was a child in the 80s-90’s we barely wore seatbelts.

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3 hours ago, MaggieG said:

Those pants! WHY?!

Unfortunately ugly-ass ruffle pants are a thing for little girls. My mother-in-law keeps buying them for Baby Birdee. When we put them on her, she just picks at the ruffles and looks at us like, "Why?!? Have I been bad?!?" I've just started using a seam ripper on the ones I can and turn them into normal pants. 

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This round of clothes on their site are marginally better than the first round.   At least none of these are active choking hazards (fringe that could be chewed off, feathers, etc.).    The pants are kind of cute, I guess?   Very over-priced.  

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16 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

You’re paying for the $8.00 custom box!

And the turd residue on that box.

From the link above:  "The source added that while in treatment, Cate detoxed from marijuana (which she admittedly used as a crutch for her anxiety) but that she is also sober from alcohol now, too."

But no help for her issues about giving up Carly. Alrighty then. 

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I really hope the Catelynn is really staying away from weed and booze (and maybe from Tyler, too).

On 1/8/2018 at 2:21 PM, ghoulina said:

I don't let my kids have gum at all. And they're 9, 7, and 6. I'm pretty strict with sugar sometimes; gum is the worst offender. And yes, a child of her age would be more likely to swallow it. Not a good idea, IMO. 

Yeah, when my three year old asks for gum I tell him "you can't have gum until you're twelve." Aside from the choking hazard and sugar, I don't want the mess that I imagine could come from a kid and gum (in their hair, on my floor, around my house, etc). EWW.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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On 1/6/2018 at 7:32 AM, CaliforniaLove said:

Sooooo, transforming into David Silver is almost complete? Cate should've commented "you are so precious to meeeee". 

"am I preeeeecious to you?" 

"Precious? *snort* I put that song in his trunk months ago!"


. . . I am so ashamed of myself right now.

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I really hope the Catelynn is really staying away from weed and booze (and maybe from Tyler, too).

All of these people need to just get the fuck away from each other. Butch going to rehab again. What will change this time? Cate claiming to be clean and sober. Yeah right. As long as she is around April, Butch, and Tyler, what are the chances she will change her life around? GOOSE EGG! Especially since she is still not working on the "Carly is my daughter" issue. Until she gets her shit together on that aspect, nothing will change. 

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23 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I really hope the Catelynn is really staying away from weed and booze (and maybe from Tyler, too).

Yeah, when my three year old asks for gum I tell him "you can't have gum until you're twelve." Aside from the choking hazard and sugar, I don't want the mess that I imagine could come from a kid and gum (in their hair, on my floor, around my house, etc). EWW.

Parenting pro tip: just come up with the most horrifying lie you can think of. I told them gum was made of boiled horse bones, but if I had to do it again, I'd kill two birds with one stone and tell them that the Tooth Fairy grinds up baby teeth into a paste and that's how gum is made. Would have stopped the tooth fairy questions, too.  

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29 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Parenting pro tip: just come up with the most horrifying lie you can think of. I told them gum was made of boiled horse bones, but if I had to do it again, I'd kill two birds with one stone and tell them that the Tooth Fairy grinds up baby teeth into a paste and that's how gum is made. Would have stopped the tooth fairy questions, too.  

That's the best advice! When I was a kid I was convinced that my mother could tell if I was lying by sticking out my tongue. 

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15 minutes ago, druzy said:

That's the best advice! When I was a kid I was convinced that my mother could tell if I was lying by sticking out my tongue. 

me too!!  Apparently my tongue "turned black" while I was lying.  Why I never looked in the mirror to verify this fact, I do not know.

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