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S10.E20: Reunion Part 1

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7 minutes ago, 12momine said:

I’m not sayin’ she’s a drunk but she sure is mean when she’s drunk.  Almost every time she got drunk on the show she got ugly and mean drunk. 

Her drunkenness used to be obnoxious, but funny. I can't remember the last time was she was anywhere close to funny. Really, stabbing yourself Dorinda?

  • Love 24
29 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

If Bethenny returns next season (and I think she will and she'll negotiate a huge salary increase to do so), she will find herself in another season-long feud with Dorinda and Ramona. She and Lu and Sonja will just freeze them out as much as humanly possible, though. Tinsley is a non-entity and brings nothing to the show, really... she should go to Friend status if she's asked back at all.


I was reading something about whether Bethenny will return next season or not (rumor has it that she hasn't signed her renewal contract yet, and they usually start filming soon after Labor Day - of course, this could all be gossip, speculation and unconfirmed reporting), and I'm kind of on the fence about it.  We've seen Bethenny in the throes of emotional upheaval in past seasons - I don't know if I can handle another season of her being a weeping, emotional, breaking down at every sideways glance, hot mess.

I also think that if she does return, the other women will be kinder and more gentle with her, given what has happened with Dennis, and that Carole will not be around to spearhead any mean girl behaviors.  

Without Carole, Bethenny will have Sonja and Luann firmly on her side, as evidenced in this season.  Tinsley plays at being Switzerland very well, and Dorinda will be forgiving.  Ramona will, of course, be Ramona, but even she, I think, will tread lightly.  Who knows who they will get to replace Carole (if they decide to), but that person will be too new to come gunning for Bethenny in her first season.

Edited by njbchlover
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The good news is that Dorinda's bruise-like highlighter just killed my curiosity about colored, space-age highlighters!  Yay, money saved!

The Dream Team just seems to be collectively deliberately obtuse.  Bethenny mocks everyone and everything in her THs, and that's a legitimate gripe - it gets old to be constantly being made fun of, even if the intention is fairly neutral or even good-natured teasing.  But comparing that kind of mockery to Ramona's own confrontations with Bethenny is just lop-sided.   And the thing with Dorinda's drinking at the end was awful.  Yes, they can all tell the difference between drinking and being drunk and being *a* drunk.  

The thing with Bethenny is that, at her best, she just calmly accepts whatever accusations they throw at her.  Yes, Heather, she's a know-it-all.  Yes, she's a bitch.  Yes, she's a labeler (and personally, I don't even see why that's such a horrible thing).  And she basically says, "So what?".  

But, if I were Bethenny, I'd be downright pissed at Luann for chickening out of this ordeal.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, wheresmypizza said:

Poor Ramona. She actually was managing to go toe to toe with Bethenny for a bit, for once. Then she had to go and punctuate it with the fake tits line. She's just a total spaz.

Carole really thought she was the Carrie Bradshaw this season, didn't she. New 'do, new décor, new clothes. She got the first clip in the credits, with the oh so uptown hailing of the cab. She's so cool and nonchalant with the much younger boyfriend and the 'deadlines shmedlines' attitude. So big for our britches, weren't we?

She may have thought herself as sharp and trendy like a Carrie, but came off ridiculous with the pajamas in the restaurant and weird clothes that were out of place for her age.  

  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

To me, the most obnoxious part of the reunion, and, there were plenty of obnoxious moments, was Ramoaner asking someone to move her purse and water for her.  How is it even possible to become that entitled?  Move your own water and purse, bitch.

I would have told her that those two things on the ends of your arms are called hands, figure out how to use them yourself!

  • Love 19
11 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I enjoyed Tinsley’s, “I can do this [hair] myself... I mean, I didn’t do this myself, but I can.”

Because it appeared to be a wig, something was way off with the ends.

i stand by my comment based on the preview clips that most didn’t look great.  I did like B’s dress, but not on her.  Will she ever learn her breasts shouldn’t be shown?  Not a good boob job.  Shocked she hasn’t had it fixed.  Hated Carole’s dress, liked Ramona’s but not on her.  Tinsley probably had the best dress.  Sonja was trying too hard again with the dress so short and the 3/4 done hair (why did the back of her hair look undone).

very bad attempts to go after B.  Andy as usual biased, though he did include the clip of B destroying Sonja (not without cause).  The clip of Ramona and B seems to show Ramona is right, B is still alone and (leaving Dennis out) she has destroyed all her relationships with men.

B claiming all of Ramona’s businesses fail ignores that she had been successful.  The other women weren’t wrong when they commented on the many skinny girl items that failed.  Sonja chiming in to back up B was just stupid.  She is SO up B’s ass that it’s embarrassing.

next year, B won’t be able to maintain the “friendship” with Sonja and Luann, she’s not capable of doing that.  And seriously, Sonja would work anyone’s last nerve.  Sonja is certainly working my last nerve with the mimicking everything B says.  She looks like a bobble head doll.

dorinda should have quit while she was ahead on the drunk thing.  B clearly didn’t want to say Dorinda has a drinking problem (and she seems to think that’s true), but Andy wouldn’t let it go.  And Dorinda, you have a drinking problem.  You weren’t drinking because your daughter moved out.

this has been painful to watch, thank god I started late and read everyone’s comments - I turned the volume down!

Edited by Mrs peel
Gotta love autocorrect “Tinseltown” instead of tinsley.
  • Love 10

Ummmm...I thought Andy was supposed to be neutral? Carol probably got canned for saying Andy was full of shit... (in next week's preview)

And wow, did he get testy when Ramona brought up Bethenny filming at Bobby's funeral. It seems that quite a few of the ladies agreed (Carol and Dorinda) that a funeral might have been the best moment for Bethenny and Jill to make up on camera. He did not like them saying that at all. He should have let Bethenny respond. Deep down, he probably knows it was tacky. Jill and Bethenny could have met another time and filmed the exact same thing.

  • Love 15
5 minutes ago, Miss Slay said:

Ummmm...I thought Andy was supposed to be neutral? Carol probably got canned for saying Andy was full of shit... (in next week's preview)

And wow, did he get testy when Ramona brought up Bethenny filming at Bobby's funeral. It seems that quite a few of the ladies agreed (Carol and Dorinda) that a funeral might have been the best moment for Bethenny and Jill to make up on camera. He did not like them saying that at all. He should have let Bethenny respond. Deep down, he probably knows it was tacky. Jill and Bethenny could have met another time and filmed the exact same thing.

Agree except on Carole getting canned.  I think she is totally over it and doesn't 'need' to put up with the bs of Beth and Andy.

  • Love 23

 Well, that hour went by fast! They are already 6 pages of comments and I think I already liked about 50 of them.  LOL!

Wow, they are sure piling it on Bethenny!  So far though, B's been keeping it cool.  She sure put Carole in her place "we'll call you when we need you" - Hahaha!  These women, though, all have the syndrome of not being able to see the log in their own eye while pointedly telling someone else about the straw in theirs.  It's really amazing, especially Ramoana.  Girl, you need to quit it!  Talking about you never say/said any mean things to Bethenny.  Then they show all the low down stuff you said.  Really, Girl!  Wow, wow, wow, just wow!  But at least she did say those things to her face, unlike the mumbling, side swiping, blog writing, two faced Radzigirl who says things under her breath and tells the other grown women before they sit down, "I got your back and I got your back and I got your back".  Dream Team.  WTH!  More like Mean Team.  How old is she again?

Well, can't wait for next week!  Oh, was it addressed why Ramoana's face was bruised (I know, Anti-skin care), but for real.  I thought Dorinda's face looked a little bruised also, the left cheek, as well as the upper part of her left arm.  Or she just had too much bronzer on.  

  • Love 21
46 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Is that what it was? It looked like a band aid to me. I was hoping someone could explain what the heck it might be for.

I didn't see it but have seen other tv personalities have half moon shape papers that decrease puffiness. 

Romona was full tilt harpie waving her hands counting on her fingers jumping up and  screaming at the top of her lungs. The continual talking at once by everyone on carols couch  was childis and desperate. I'm going to go back and read cc because I couldn't understand the mumbling.  Sonja would just say that sounds appropriate . 

  • Love 7
32 minutes ago, DelicateDee said:

What on earth happed to Carol?  She used to be one of the more sane ones. Recently her antics have been horrid. She used to possess an air of natural beauty inside and out. Now she looks like she has had way too much work done, her face doesn’t even look like her own, and she is just plain nasty. Something clearly happened.


Out of all of the house wives she was the one that seemed to have it together the most smart, accomplished, funny, beautiful, for the most part mature, and seemed to see people as they were. Now, she a mean, hot, mess. It’s pretty sad. 

  • Love 23
39 minutes ago, Ginger Wife said:

What on earth happed to Carol?  She used to be one of the more sane ones. Recently her antics have been horrid. She used to possess an air of natural beauty inside and out. Now she looks like she has had way too much work done, her face doesn’t even look like her own, and she is just plain nasty. Something clearly happened.


Out of all of the house wives she was the one that seemed to have it together the most smart, accomplished, funny, beautiful, for the most part mature, and seemed to see people as they were. Now, she a mean, hot, mess. It’s pretty sad. 

I’m watching this tomorrow but to speak to this... Adam met someone else,then dumped Carole. At the same time Bethenny stopped inviting Carole to her Hamptons house on weekends last summer because she was busy with Puerto Rico and Carole was not supportive. Bethenny thought she was honouring Carole’s need for space but Carole took it as B distancing, then flipped it and started gaslighting Bethenny instead. It was nuts.

bottom line - Carole lost her husband and two friends within 2 weeks 19 years ago. This season, Carole lost Adam and Bethenny at the same time nearly. I think Carole may have ptsd and this season triggered it. Eg. She ran a marathon her husband ran and checked his score too. I remember the first season Carole was on. All this time she’s been trying to get past trauma I think. Sadly, trauma just rests, it never goes away. I don’t like her but this is my unqualified thesis on Carole. I genuinely hope she feels better once this is all behind her. I wish the same for Bethenny.

  • Love 24
5 hours ago, blueiris said:

Dorinda is a sloppy, nasty, blackout drunk. How many drunk meltdowns has she had with food smeared all over her face dear gawd! The way she tried to toss it off tonight like yeah I drink but I was in a bad place hahaha gave her away. She knows it. And sorry girl the older you get the sadder it looks. AA is saving a seat for you. 

But she only ever has 2 drinks - what a crock. I think that is the biggest indication of full-on alcoholism that she can say that with a straight face. 

  • Love 19

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