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Season 2 Discussion

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12 hours ago, AZChristian said:

We spend every Sunday night feeling a little guilty about watching this train wreck . . . but it's the best comedy show on television.  

BTW, I was heartbroken when Grangela refused to eat that plate of snails.  I LOVE escargot.  

Yes, but are you sure you'd like them with Ortega salsa instead of garlic butter? I was feeling like you until the big reveal.

ETA: Those things were huge! Reminded me of Moon Maid and her Giant Escargot from the Dick Tracy comic strip.

Edited by renatae
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30 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Correct me if I'm wrong here. If Karineee is preggers then it can't be Pole's, right? They have been apart for months, then she lies and said the preg test was negative. I'm not sure what she's up to but it's shady AF. 

This is exactly right.  I think it's why she's insisting on a baby.   Pole isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.   She could probably convince him a pregnancy only lasts 6 months..

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Ricky was a sight to behold wearing a sweaty do-rag, camo vacation casual, and a granny fanny pack. How could Melissa resist this hunk of burnin' American cliches? Ricky should chalk it up as an expensive vacay to Columbia. The online fantasy is just that..a fantasy. Melissa is not obligated  to spend more time with Ricky just because he was willing to spend the money to come see her. It was incredibly rude for her to show up over 2 hours late, but she probably thought that Ricky wasn't stupid enough to wait around for over 2 hours to see her. Go figure. 

Karee-kee eye-rolling at almost every poorly translated message from Gramps Pole while shopping for every cleaner know to man is indicative of their future. He'll be at home burping babies, and cleaning away the bad thoughts. Meanwhile,  Karee-knee will be heading to the club, smoking the bad stuff, gyrating to latin pop, and offering $5 bj's in the men's washroom. 

Tarik, total class. Meets the parents with Elmer fudd baseball cap in hand, a King Tut wife-beater, and shorts. Tarik, and Ricky  would make fast friends.  If my future in-laws were losing their minds over God, I'd take a second, perhaps third look at entertaining marriage with someone who has beliefs so different to my own.  Hazel wants to get out of poverty, and her parents seems be okay with Tarik's lack of God-loving to allow it to happen. My heart goes out to Hazel. I'm not sure she can win either way. 

XXXXL Ang slapping Michael in the dress store in front of another woman was disgraceful. She is fat. However,  he could have used different words to soften the truth. Perhaps he needs some Azan 101 lessons and go with: 'She's big, a little bit.'  However, this does not excuse her behavior.  First of all, she was sexually aggressive towards Michael upon meeting him the first day, and now she's assaulted him in public. She shouldn't get a pass for that behavior because she's a woman. 

May this be the last season that we are subjected to Darcey whine, pout, and ugly cry over Jesse.  He's not worth it.  All Jesse does is belittle, gaslight and give the silent psycho death-stare treatment. 

EDIT: I completely forgot about the Jon, and Racheal. I only watched that segment to see cutie patootie Lucy.

Edited by Barbara Please
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2 hours ago, CafeAuLait said:

Darcy's ass is dysfunctional.   She has emotional issues that run far deeper than any of us know.  Somewhere in life someone convinced her she's not worthy of love and she does everything to get it from whatever young boy toy wants to give it to her.  I can't see the desperation.  She's not physically unattractive, and seems to be financially stable  So, WTF?  Why put up with any shit from Dutch Boy or any other man?  I sure as hell hope her daughters use her as a good example of a bad example when they start dating.  

Ricky, the Latin Keenan Thompson (Bueno Hamburgesa, anyone?) is pitiful.  How any man can be that stupid is beyond me.  Then again, I spent many years in the military and I saw it time and time again.  Dumb ass GI's getting played by the buy me drinkee girls outside the gate  

Which leads me to dumb fuck in the P.I.  Tarik may not have rock star good looks but Hazel is no prize either.  There are many, many women in the Philippines guys would cross the street to look at closer - Hazel is not one of them.   Good on Tarik for sitting through that six hour seance in a language he doesn't understand.  My ass would have been exit stage left when ol boy started rolling on the floor.  "Fuck that, Hazel, I gots to go."

Big Ang has a good heart and just wants to be loved.  All the men in her hometown have probably visited the well at least once and they are not going back.  She better hope the thing with Mike works out cause no man I know would want to be with a woman who spits food in their man's mouth.  I have nightmares behind that shit and I wake up thinking I'm puking. That was about the nastiest thing I have ever seen on TV.  I can only imagine the carnal antics between those two in the den of passion.  Her mooing like a lost heifer and him getting who knows what shoved into his mouth.  Gawd, I just had that puking nightmare again.

Sparky and Kreeny will never come to fruition.  She is too young and immature to sustain a meaningful relationship and he is just fucking weird.  I envision her coming to the States, getting her papers, then dumping his ass like a bad habit to be with her next internet crush.   If Sparky thinks she is going to be or has been faithful to him he is sadly mistaken, with his momma's boy ass. 

OMG. So much word. And you are so, so funny!

I will give this to Angela, though, she clearly spent some time learning a few Nigerian phrases. Also, she said she'd try whatever was put in front of her, but what she did with the snail was gross and ridiculous and low, low class. I've had those African snails. She could have just gulped it down; the bite she took wasn't too big for that.

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I love this show. And scold myself because I do. However--and this is true--after the marathon viewing last night, I had a dream about these people. Tarik and Pole were in it, but I can't remember what they were doing. However, Jesse and Darcey were madly chasing me, armed with restaurant silverware. While it wasn't exactly a nightmare, I was relieved to wake up. These two I can't stand and usually mute their sequences, so it figures they'd be the ones after me. 

Jon isn't the brightest tool in the shed, but he looked sweet when he was holding baby Lucy. Tarik and Jon are both goofy and should hang out at the pub together and play darts. Ricky is beyond hope if this story is halfway true. Angela just wants a good looking man, and Michael just wants a green card. He's going to put in some hard time to get it. I'm afraid Pole is really as odd as he comes across.

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58 minutes ago, Lesia said:

100%!!  I am astounded that there isn't more reflection by some of these Americans, seeing the poverty, what these people have to deal with on a daily basis! 

Absolutely! One look at those living conditions should be enough to raise suspicions that this relationship isn't simply based on true love. And not even in a sinister "man trap" way, but in a pragmatic way. At the very least it should smack them into reality and prompt them to have a very frank and open discussion about what their foreign partner's expectations are for the relationship. Do they expect money to be sent back every month to their family? If so, how much? Do they understand how much the American person makes each month, not only in terms of $$$ amount, but in terms of purchasing power and living expenses? But silly me, it would take maturity and honesty to have that conversation, and would require diverting way too much blood from the genitals to the brain, so it's not going to happen.

Similar argument for Hazel's church service. Personally, I would have found it fascinating to sit through, but you can bet that it would have been followed by a LONG conversation with my beloved about what our expectations were for the religious aspect of our relationship, especially regarding any future children. A shrug and a brief "whatever makes her happy" is not nearly sufficient.

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3 minutes ago, Cherpumple said:

Absolutely! One look at those living conditions should be enough to raise suspicions that this relationship isn't simply based on true love. And not even in a sinister "man trap" way, but in a pragmatic way. At the very least it should smack them into reality and prompt them to have a very frank and open discussion about what their foreign partner's expectations are for the relationship. Do they expect money to be sent back every month to their family? If so, how much? Do they understand how much the American person makes each month, not only in terms of $$$ amount, but in terms of purchasing power and living expenses? But silly me, it would take maturity and honesty to have that conversation, and would require diverting way too much blood from the genitals to the brain, so it's not going to happen.

The irony is that many of the Americans on these shows are really poor or just getting by, and can't really provide much in terms of the American Dream to these foreigners.  That's one reason why they can't attract a partner locally, because financially they have little to offer.

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55 minutes ago, Azanscrazyhair said:

This is exactly right.  I think it's why she's insisting on a baby.   Pole isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.   She could probably convince him a pregnancy only lasts 6 months..

 It’s going to be a 9 pound premature baby.

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Hazel didn't fall on the floor, weep, speak in tongues. It did not seem as if the Spirit was upon her. Tariq mentioned her parents being so affected, but not Hazel. Maybe she'd like to go to a regular, non Pentacostal service, where she can sit demurely in a pew, sing hymns, place her envelope in the plate and go home in time to make her hubby a big plate of chicken wings and crochet while he watches the game. Or take the kids to the park. To Hazel, Tariq's pleasant home and what we would call an average middle class lifestyle will seem like utter luxury. She seems so sad and resigned. If they marry I hope Tariq is kind to her. I think her expectations are pretty low, and some comfort and kindness would mean a lot. I see it as more a Matt and Alla scenario.

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2 hours ago, sconstant said:

I actually thought I heard her start to say the word “quick” before she thought better of it.   Anyone else hear this?

I heard that too!  Also noticed that when asked about "chemistry" in last week's episode, Rachel had her hand over his in his lap and nudged him to give the "right" answer when he hesitated.

It was awkward when Jon declared Rachel to be "the prettiest woman in the world".  His sister basically said "what about me?".  Abby, stay in your lane!

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Rachel keeps saying they have chemistry, I guess if she keeps saying it maybe ole knucklehead will believe it.  Gosh, how my mind has shifted after 1 season of Pole & Ka-reeny - these two misfits deserve each other, she is what 21 and wants stuffed animals and a baby, he is a 34 year old convict who actually wanted to prevent a fire this time... Her begging pluueaasseee Pole just annoyed me to no end, I really do wonder if she is pregnant. 

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2 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I really do wonder if she is pregnant.


I saw on another thread that she is but got in trouble for posting a photo of her baby belly because it broke the 4th wall of the show  


If she is I hope that he insists on DNA test. If they cannot afford it they can go on Maury. (Sort of kidding) 

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17 hours ago, Honey said:

What's up with Lucy's forehead?  Did Jon drop her on her face?


Jon's Sister is a bitch.

Apologies if someone else already commented on this (I haven't read all the way through), but Lucy's forehead redness is a common birthmark known as an "angel kiss". It's due to dilated capillaries near the skin's surface, and usually fades out by the time the child is 2 years old.

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4 hours ago, Oldcrone said:

I can just hear Darcey and Meester singing "Babe...I've got YOU babe" all the while knowing babe is the new word for asshole. 

Oh how I wish I had Darcey's photo-shopping skills and could superimpose her and Jesse's heads on that picture of Sonny and Cher wearing their shaggy fur vests. 

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17 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Greasy Kriny's mercenary side is starting to show as she rushes Fire Station Pole to get married fast, and immediately jumps to the topic of having a baby right after they apply for a license. Candidly, she admits that this baby will be tasked at birth with keeping the parents together, stop them from fighting, and force Pole into a lifetime commitment. "Puh-leeeease," she begs Pole. who reluctantly sorta agrees, but talks to mom first, who conceals her horror and wisely reminds him of his inability to support himself. OooPSie.

And this is why I love this show. Next up, we discover that Greasy Kriny is lazy, slovenly, messy, childish, and left to her own devices, would live in filth, buried in poop emoji pillows, unicorn rubbish, cheap country fair plushies, and Disney theme dildos. Pole, who can't support himself, has a moment of clarity: "She can't take care of herself, how will she take care of a baby?" Cue scenes of Kriny sleeping in and listlessly rolling in bed while Pole tidies up her childish accessories so that the floor can be seen again. The sink is completely full of dirty dishes. The overflowing drier linen trap could cause a fire, and this is Pole saying it, he should know, I take his word for it. He complains that she shops like a 12-yr old, letting him do everything and take all the decisions even as he doesn't understand the language. Looking bored, she carelessly bumps the shopping cart on store displays, and won't get off social media to pay attention to the world. She mimes "I dunno" to every question he asks her. And like a lethargic, yet defiant teen, she whines that he's controlling, acting like her dad, and suddenly the age difference is an issue. Maybe there is some truth to the suggestion that she is addicted to something.

I think that they are living together is great , because now it is real life and not the fantasy. A stunning sexy photo online of an exotic foreign beauty, whom you chat with and seems super sweet is indeed exciting and a promise of a wonderul romantic life. You visit and go on a few dates and both are on their best behavior so you propose. Now it is real. Kriny is nothing special. She is really lazy, she is really immature and he hit the nail on the head that she is like a 12 year old.  Pole seems to be very organized, likes a clean house, at least understands what being an adult entails. Now I think he is getting to know the real Kriny and I almost feel sorry for him. She is simply awful, not the Brazilian fantasy woman.  They are so very mismatched.

As for Hazel wow I kept thinking about the camera crew, I think with the production there are usually 4 people in tow. How were they getting up those steps and into that tiny apartment to film? You really see how very poor these countries are and why these women will take anyone who will take them to America. Even a lower middle class life here is so far superior to their living conditions in Philippines and Nigeria.  I don't mind Tarik, yes the dumb shirts and hat, but he seems like a nice and decent man with nice looks. Again he does not know Hazel at all. I doubt she is as lazy as Kriny is though, man what a piece of work.

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3 hours ago, sconstant said:
4 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Why do I think Jon's and Rachel's first night was a let down.  That he couldn't get his equipment working.  

I actually thought I heard her start to say the word “quick” before she thought better of it.   Anyone else hear this?

I thought she started to say "it was quite nice" then changed it to "very nice."

Edited by magemaud
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1 hour ago, Barbara Please said:

Ricky was a sight to behold wearing a sweaty do-rag, camo vacation casual, and a granny fanny pack. How could Melissa resist this hunk of burnin' American cliches? Ricky should chalk it up as an expensive vacay to Columbia.

Ricky, that camo is a no-no, especially in places like Colombia. I’m surprised his wise tweener daughter allowed him to pack that outfit. He shouldn’t leave home without her, since she seems to be the brains in that organization. And from the preview for next week, looks like Ricky did some research and logged on to PlanBColombianProstitutionWhore.com. Ricky, your daughter would tell you to put your passport and any other valuables into a safe before “entertaining” the newest love of your life.

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1 hour ago, Dobian said:

The irony is that many of the Americans on these shows are really poor or just getting by, and can't really provide much in terms of the American Dream to these foreigners.  

Yep. Mohamed thought he was going to be living large in the U.S., then came here to a wife who couldn’t afford a running vehicle nor utilities. Hazel has two living parents. She has a home, dirt floor or not. Tin roof or not. Tarik could hop on a bus, travel 4 hours north of his own home and find young women in the Nation’s Capital who don’t even have that. Tourists come and are shocked to see people actually living on the streets. But American homelessness and poverty is always explained away. They don’t have it that hard. They must’ve done something to deserve their situation. Or they can just get in some program that will solve everything. Reality is many of us are just a paycheck away from poverty ourselves and it’s easier to “other” them than to face that reality. 

Speaking of Hazel’s parents, her mother stated that Hazel’s father was not religious, but he had a lot of “vices” before she converted him I suppose. It seems she has the same expectations for Tarik. 

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The thing about Michael saying that Angela was fat is that she had been referencing it herself when trying to tell him why she didn't want to look at the clothes.  However, she cloaked it in other language and then was upset when he was very straightforward and used the word fat when speaking to the shop worker.  I myself am fat, but generally reply "yes, I know" if/when someone says it to me.  I would never hit someone for saying it.  Her faked indignation, after telling Michael that she didn't want to look at clothes because they might not fit, etc., was too much for that situation.  It's like 'nobody will know I'm fat/a jerk/rude if I don't mention it.'

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16 hours ago, renatae said:

I agree. I think her problem is she knows they won't fit, so that's why she said she didn't want to try them on. But I don't see any hope for this relationship as she balks every time he suggests any adaptation. She's her own person and intends to stay that way. Any adaptation to be done, she expects to be done by him. He does not want that, so they will constantly butt heads.

ETA: She needs to be more respectful of his culture, though. Too bad she doesn't seem to have brought anything to wear except those atrocious cleavage baring shirts. I think that's the biggest reason people are staring.

Great post!

They're also shocked at the sight and sound of a loud pig on stilts.

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2 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:


If she is I hope that he insists on DNA test. If they cannot afford it they can go on Maury. (Sort of kidding) 

They can call Grangela - she must have Maury on speed dial.


43 minutes ago, gingerella said:

I've worked all over Africa - West, East and South - and one thing that's fairly common is the notion that if a person, man or woman, is fat it means that they are wealthy and thus can eat as much as they like. I remember being slapped on the ass by a local woman who was like an aunt to me, and she said "Ow! You're getting fat!" as if she'd handed me the best compliment in the world. My heart sank, and even though I knew she meant it as a positive compliment it still meant I was 'bigger a little bit' than I had been previously so it still means FAT as we take it to mean here, not a a compliment. Cultural norms and differences are many, and Big Ang aint never gonna fit into the Nigerian construct of what marriage should be/look like. As Michael's mother said, "I want her to obey my son." That right there is the number one rule, and she's never gonna do that. As for the dress stuff, she could have had a gorgeous boubou made out of local material that would have made her look like every other larger sized Nigerian woman, and they are many, I've spent enough time there to see that firsthand. The fact that she has issues with her being overweight - let's not quibble, she looks obese by medical standards - and kept telling Michael "I'm not that big", "I'm not fat" was bizarre because, Angela hon, you ARE fat, and I'm overweight myself right now. Does she own a mirror?!?


As for Jesse and his stupid ass pizza etiquette, 'Yo, you fucking douchebag, we fold our pizza or we dont fold our pizza, but we do NOT EVER eat it with a knife and fork you moron!' If he wants to bully someone into eating pancakes the Dutch way, fine, but back the fuck away from New York City pizza you asshole.

Micheal wanted Big Ang to cover up the big boobs. She knows she's overweight. She just doesn't want other's commenting about her weight.  BUT, she's ok with commenting on how Mike is chunky but Mike can't say shit.

Darcy needs a good therapist and not Dutch boy and TLC.  Dutch boy should shut the fuck up about the pizza (which I missed and will have to check the comment).  Even though in Europe its acceptable to eat pizza with a knife and fork, over in Canada and the USA we use our hands.  New Yorkers even fold.  Dutch boy wouldn't go to a sushi restaurant in Japan and tell them how to eat sushi would he?? Oh yeah he would.

Tarik and Ricky need to learn how to lower their expectations and find women back home.

Pole wants a Madonna in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom.  He's made his bed with Kreeny, I hope she takes him for a good ride when she's in the States. He deserves it. He'll be left with mama.  It's a win win situation.

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Darcy and Jesse need to get off my screen ASAP. Whether this is real or for show they need to stop and get away from each other. He's a controlling ass, she's a whiny simp. I'm done with the both of them. I felt sorry for her for awhile, now I just can't. I want them to both just go away.

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3 hours ago, Dobian said:

The irony is that many of the Americans on these shows are really poor or just getting by, and can't really provide much in terms of the American Dream to these foreigners.  That's one reason why they can't attract a partner locally, because financially they have little to offer.

Yes, you are right.  Tarik seems to be doing okay, but he has to put his daugther's financial needs before Hazel or anyone in her family.  I wonder if he even knows that Hazel has a child.  Same with Ricky- he may send money to foreign women, but ultimately he has two kids to think of (and who knows- maybe alimony to an ex-wife?)

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39 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

Darcy and Jesse need to get off my screen ASAP. Whether this is real or for show they need to stop and get away from each other. He's a controlling ass, she's a whiny simp. I'm done with the both of them. I felt sorry for her for awhile, now I just can't. I want them to both just go away.

Amen!  Yes, real or for show, there's nothing "entertaining" about Darcey and Jesse.  All I get is a queasy feeling in my stomach.  They are sickening.

Hopefully, this is the end of their journey, as philosopher Jesse would say.

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2 hours ago, iwasish said:

I love it when someone tries to pass off a 9 pounder as a premie... with a straight face no less.

True story. My son was born at 35 weeks, 4 pounds, 7 ounces. In the nursery with him was another baby, also born at 35 weeks. 8 pounds, 14 ounces. Her mother and I would laugh about it. She'd be all "this is hilarious. look at my little premature baby!" while bouncing her little bruiser. It can happen! 

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22 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

I don't get Angela's problem with the clothes.  Nigerian clothes can hide a lot if you're self-conscious about your body.  Meanwhile, she's walking around in spaghetti straps.

Yes. I thought a lot of that clothing would have looked great on her, although I would not like the bright colours. But were I in Nigeria, I’d go for it. 

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10 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

D: You keep elbowing me.
J: No I'm not, why are you lying?

Who the hell answers "you're lying" when told they are elbowing? Jesse, the normal answer is: "Sorry I didn't realize." You can add this tip to your life coaching manual.

D: I'm not (lying)! But you're kinda going like that! (mimics) OK I'll just shuffle over here.

So Jesse, the conversation can stop right here, you don't always have to answer or escalate, You can say "sorry" again. Or "sorry I'll try not to do it again, come closer, love." You DO NOT answer:
J: I'm just sitting here stretching, babe. FUCK! It's always something with you!

D: Oh geez (contorts face) you're so RuuuuuuUUuuuude!
J: No... that's just REALITY!

Jesse, you mean YES that's just reality, because Darcey's right, it is you who was being rude.

They’re both azzholes but it’s exchanges like this one in the car where Jesse is acting like (a)the “crazy” one and (b) not like a man but a whiny teen girl .  He wants to believe he behaves better/more mature than Darcey but he doesn’t. He comes off as a controlling manipulative dickhead douchebag immature teen girl.

i hate them.

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21 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I believe all the drama between Darcey and Jesse is manufactured.  Grown folks just don't behave like that, especially in public.  Based on their looks, Stacie appears to be the before plastic surgery picture and Darcey is the after.  As a pizza connoisseur, Patrick Dempsey, Jon Hamm and/or Kyle Chandler couldn't drag me away from that hot, delicious pie, let alone the likes of Jesse.  

Darcey and Stacey both look like freaks. It’s the lips, I think. 

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How could I have forgotten Ricky's do-rag!  He's a nice-looking fellow, but he really did look ridiculous in his get-up.  I don't know if it was his clothes or the way he was striding along, but his persona shouted "tourist!"  His lies--or self-delusions--are so pathetic; doesn't he know we can see what he's up to?  Melissa is way, way above his pay grade, and I suspect she has several horny American men on her string.  Girl could earn a nice living that way without a whole lot of effort.

Kreeny's looks are so different--she looks tired and puffy and listless.  Paul seems to me to have some kind of OCD or at least extreme germophobia, and a lazy spouse who doesn't care about cleaning is not going to be a good match.  I think his mother is aware of his psychological problems and is very protective of him, and he knows he needs her to guide him because he can't trust his own instincts (which lead him to set things on fire).

Hazel's life seems so sad, and it shows in her face.  Like Kreeny, she is afraid her rich American boyfriend will forsake her, and she's eager to get some kind of guarantee he'll stick with her.  I think she didn't carry on in church because Tarik was there.  Her life in the US with Tarik would be heavenly for her--she doesn't even know how wonderful it would be.  I wonder if Tarik has talked to her about his daughter's special needs, if she has any idea of what that would mean for her role in the family, and of course I wonder if Tarik knows about her son.  I wonder how that little bundle of joy went over with her super-religious mother?  If they do get married, she's going to want to send money home to her parents, and I don't know how Tarik could refuse after seeing how they live.  It wouldn't take much in American dollars to make a big difference in Hazel's parents' lives.  Tarik is sort of an asshole, but I do respect his refusing to dissemble about his religious beliefs.

Stacey is right.  Darcey needs to learn to let things go, and so does Jesse.  They both have to have the last word in all their petty little squabbles.  And Darcey needs to stop interrupting, while Jesse needs to learn how to ask her to stop interrupting without putting her down.  Darcey also has this masochistic quality of inviting hurt, like asking Jesse (in front of Stacey) which twin is prettier.  What was he supposed to say?  And they're fucking TWINS.  Both of these guys, Jesse and Darcey, are painful to watch.  Darcey is the more obviously delusional, but Jesse isn't far behind.  And Jesse's desire to live in the US became all too clear in this episode, and it's not all that attractive.

I think Jon also has psychological issues.  His reaction to Lucy's fussing (it's stressful) was a warning Rachel should heed.  Even his hesitation at knocking at his sister's door--Rachel eventually had to do it--seemed odd.  I suspect he's subject to panic attacks.  Rachel is desperate, and it's showing and, again, not all that attractive.  Self-defeating, in fact.

I hope none of these couples ends up together.

Oh, Michael and Angela:  Women in Nigeria don't try on dresses out in the open market, do they?  Why didn't Angela go back with the saleswoman and try on some XL dresses?  Surely they could have found something to fit her--she's fat for sure, but I've seen fatter.  I'm sure there are fat women in Nigeria who need dresses.  And if they couldn't find a dress to fit, couldn't she have had one made?  It was clearly so important to Michael, and I think it would have gone a long way toward making up for her various insults to his manhood.

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5 hours ago, Dobian said:

The irony is that many of the Americans on these shows are really poor or just getting by, and can't really provide much in terms of the American Dream to these foreigners.  That's one reason why they can't attract a partner locally, because financially they have little to offer.

Exactly! I believe most of these people spend what little money they managed to save and/or drain their 401Ks, to visit and bring their fiancé to the U.S.  In Season One, I will never forget poor Aya sobbing hysterically, because Louis couldn't afford to buy her a $600 wedding dress. Not to mention David and Anna strapped for cash and living over a storage unit. 

Edited by Adeejay
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6 hours ago, KateHearts said:

There is something so vacant and creepy about the pauses where Jon says something and then just blankly stares at the camera with his mouth agape and his eyes bugging. I don't find him attractive at all- I think he's scary.


Hubby and I are clearly going to hell.  When he is on in his THs, hubby and I immediately look at each other and mimic his hundred yard stare. 

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8 hours ago, Dobian said:

I know someone who married a girl from Thailand in the late 90s.  He was around 40 and she was in her early 20s, very much like Tarik and Hazel and Pole and Kreeny.  He wanted the hot Thai girl (who was really just above-average like Hazel and Kreeny), and she was young and immature like Kreeny.  He had to pay the big dowry like David did with Annie on the other show.  They married,  moved back to the states, and had a daughter.  His wife went back home to Thailand after about four years and they divorced, and she never bothers with or communicates with their daughter.  He raised her himself and she just graduated high school.  That's how these things often play out.

My husband had a colleague who sent for and married not one but three Russian brides and each one divorced him after a year or so. He was 40's to 50's and they were all young. You'd think once would be enough. Sad.

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Darcey and Jesse...don't care enough to comment. They are toxic, and her kids seem to know that she seeks love and validation in the wrong place.

Ricky and Melissa...so she's working as a nurse and in uni? Is she going for an advanced degree? She doesn't look older than 21, so does she even have the first degree, yet? He's a schmuck. His cousin was right that something IS wrong with this guy to fly all the way to Colombia.

Angela...I get being sensitive about one's weight, but wearing a slashed top, showing your bra, and wearing spaghetti straps when your size H breasts are on display doesn't scream modesty! I wasn't paying attention to what kind of fabric they were looking at. I assume it was ankara/cotton wax, which is gorgeous and flattering due to the prints and colours used. Naija men and their mums often like women who are not size twos. The width of the hips is important--especially when the woman is within childbearing age. Angela isn't the first plus size women to visit a market. Angela shouldn't have slapped him--even playfully. She's large up top but she's not that big on the bottom anyway. Ankara is great for masking those areas you consider problematic, too!

Paul and Karine. She's pregnant. She's pushing hard for them to start trying for a baby and for a wedding within 30 days. A baby will not mask the issues and stop the fighting. What a fucked up reason to have a child. Paul is obviously keeping his commitment, and her immaturity is showing. Out of all the Americans, he seems to be the one who is seriously committed. I mean--oddities and all--he did move to Brazil so that they could test drive living together instead of being disillusioned by 2 weeks of holiday sex, romantic dates, and being in a love bubble. Paul's mum was right that they're not ready for a baby. Babies require money and deserve stable parents who aren't using them to stop fights or be translators. 

Tarik and his stupid backwards hats. His fashion sense is pure comedy. I'm rooting for Hazel. Seeing her parents' living conditions was humbling. I kind of hope that Tarik and Hazel work out. His comments about not getting any the first night were side eye worthy, but he's still not like the schmuck that is Ricky. Ricky could only describe Melissa using words like hot, sexy, and beautiful. Nothing about her personality. Hopefully, he'll treat her right and be kind to her. She's one that I'd be game with sending money home to help the family. I will say that I love that Hazel wasn't ashamed to show where her parents live. I know many people who would've been ashamed and asked that they meet in public. I like that he got comfortable and didn't say anything rude and crass like some of the American counterparts on this series. Her parents are sweet and probably want better for their daughter like most parents. I can't knock it.

Rachel and Jon...Lucy is precious!

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11 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Ricky, that camo is a no-no, especially in places like Colombia. I’m surprised his wise tweener daughter allowed him to pack that outfit. He shouldn’t leave home without her, since she seems to be the brains in that organization. And from the preview for next week, looks like Ricky did some research and logged on to PlanBColombianProstitutionWhore.com. Ricky, your daughter would tell you to put your passport and any other valuables into a safe before “entertaining” the newest love of your life.

LOL at any ProstitutionWhore.com! Teresa would be proud.

Edited by renatae
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7 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I hardly ever write anything positive about Paul, but he at least wears a collared/button-down shirt and tie when meeting family and others.

Mommy probably picks out his clothes and packs up his bags...with some hair from her brush of course. 

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[Stacey's] more laid back, wise and agreeable nature

You have to love the irony: "I AM TOO laid back! AM TOO!  I brush your negativity right off my shoulders, STACEY!"

Lucy is the dearest, darlingest jelly bean I've ever seen. 

Jon's sister lives within walking distance with her multiple kids and Jon is STILL this ignorant about babies?

Also, who wears a King Tut wifebeater to meet the parents?

Color me surprised that snails on toothpicks in chile sauce is apparently a legit Nigerian party food and not just a producer-driven Fear Factor scene. There are recipes all over the internet. They're great in garlic butter, so why not?

Paul and Karine do not like each other. Liking is more important than loving. What does it take to give these people a clue?

Edited by IvySpice
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