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On 9/17/2018 at 11:53 AM, BooBoo6456 said:

Oh and also, if you wanted to drive down a road that was a short cut,they would stop you with automatic machine guns. Someone assasinated the president, and that started fighting within the country. Thank God the company my husband worked for flew all the expatriates home. Never been so happy in my life.

A lot has changed changed in algeria over the last 40 years. My husband is algerian (and yes, we did a 90 day fiancé visa!) and I’ve been to visit his family there multiple times within the last few years. The people have always been warm, friendly, and welcoming. I don’t cover my head, and I’m as white as it gets, so I do stick out, but no one has made me feel unwelcome or uncomfortable. The biggest issue I had was when strangers would try to kiss my baby! A lot changed after the the civil war in the 90’s.


And I’m a Christian and have never been pushed to convert by my husband or anyone else in his family. I think Marta’s profession and the fact that she’s an unwed mother would be seen as more problematic than her faith would be!

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I had to laugh when Marta said Daya wasn’t answering her texts because he was “busy” then she showed her badly cracked cell phone screen with three rows of red angry face emojis. Sure, Marta, he’s not mad at you! 

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17 hours ago, gavinmac said:

She said she didn't want to talk to him. He could have just given her some space, gone out for a few hours, waited for her to calm down and be ready to talk. Instead, he asked her "So, you're saying you want a divorce?"  Then he's angry that she says she wants a divorce.  As far as I'm concerned, he's the weirdo for saying "So, you want a divorce" during their first newlywed fight.

I could be wrong, but I thought that she had said previously that she wanted a divorce, and when he said that, he was reiterating what she said.

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11 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

So now Big Ang is going through her "1, 2, 3 Lies My Cull..." thing and she's getting to the blow job..."the secret so painful I haven't told anybody."  Eye roll.   She said that this was in the past before they met and she wasn't that serious and he copped to it then,  how is this the third lie unless this is yet another made up moment for TV?   Then she gets all bug eyed and crazy and accuses of him something that he basically agrees to to avoid a bigger confrontation?  

I'm getting the feeling that Ang is the producer plant and had no intent to ever propose to him and My Cull just got blindsided.  She could at least leave him the hat.

The first 2 "lies" are her stupid face on his phone and the instagram follows.....these aren't even lies. 

I'm changing my vote....both of these guys are terrible actors.  They are both in it.  Gah

To her, the "lies" were that he told her he would put her pic on his phone, and he would stop following those 1,000 women.

11 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

So I did a little snooping, the condo she shares with her sister is a 3 bed 1.5 bath worth about 150K - I actually read on this forum that the sisters don't even own said condo, their dad does. So it leads me to believe that all of Darcey's clothing,shoes & handbags are knockoffs and she and her sisters are squatters   or they spend every last dime they make on House of 11 on themselves with their very expensive taste. No way both sisters could have Darceys two girls and Stacey's 2 boys live there full time

Didn't I see on this thread somewhere (or maybe the one for the last show) that House of 11 was permanently closed? Or was that a joke screenshot that someone created?

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I was just on Paul’s Instagram page and he appears to be a different person there.  He seems to have an actual sense of humour re his Reynolds wrap suit and the photos of himself in Karines wedding dress.  Also they appear to still be together and happy.  There were efforts to hide her belly in photos but I don’t actually think she’s even pg.  There was a photo of himself with his Mum with a breast cancer placard and he said they would be marching together as a family in October.

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10 hours ago, magemaud said:

I had to laugh when Marta said Daya wasn’t answering her texts because he was “busy” then she showed her badly cracked cell phone screen with three rows of red angry face emojis. Sure, Marta, he’s not mad at you! 

To me it looked like she was the one that sent the angry faces plus the text that said "What's your problem" because he hadn't responded to her in a while. That's a good way to get a response from someone. 

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It’s really nice that we all get to live and be entertained by all there drama and none of it effects are lives? we just get the benefits and laughs❤️? they provide the entertainment week after week!!

Edited by Mainer
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17 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Per the Jon/Rachel/Lucy:   Yes she bugs me more and more each week:  "It's not fair we are kept apart!!"  Well go find a dude in New Mexico, Arizona, Texas or Southern California if this bemoans you so much.  

Thank you ! ! ! Could you hear me screaming the same at my TV Sunday night?  Puhleeeeese, "It's not fair"?!?!?!  What, are we 12 year olds?

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3 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

Didn't I see on this thread somewhere (or maybe the one for the last show) that House of 11 was permanently closed? Or was that a joke screenshot that someone created?

That was my post.  Not a joke screenshot.  If you Google "House of 11," that's what comes up.

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15 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

f anyone watches this back take a look at Michael on the beach.  I didn't notice this the first time but he looks OLD all of a sudden.  I actually started laughing.  All that inhalation of second hand smoke and whatever she is coughing up into his mouth has aged him 15 years in less than 2 weeks.  He looked fresh and baby faced at the airport.....he looks like he in his late forties now and his skin is getting worse.   Yikes

Gee, do we think he lied about his age?  I thought his maturity level was good for a young guy but in reality maybe his mature take on handling Big Ang is because he is older and wiser.   Didn't he introduce her to his friends and there was an older guy (Michael stated that the one guy was older) but maybe it was a lie and that Michael is the same age but still has a baby face.  Either way, Big Ang lied about her age too.

18 minutes ago, Mainer said:

It’s really nice that we all get to live and be entertained by all there drama and none of it effects are lives? we just get the benefits and laughs❤️? they provide the entertainment week after week!!

That should be our official moto.  Can we get cold shoulder tee shirts with that written on it?

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16 hours ago, milner said:

Don’t any of these couples ever discus finances?  Not for now but in their future life together?  In whatever country they live  only one will be able to work at least at first. Will they have enough to support themselves any children they have or may have plus payments to exes etc.  

 Also Jon has an enormous head. Lol

I posted that exact post a while ago...that is the question for the ages because every single one of these people flying to what ever country sing the same tune, "I'm spending all of my money to fly there, etc...the fiance to be thinks they have an endless supply of money then when they get to the US and has to share space with either the person's parents or roommates it's a shocker? WTF?  More proof that their conversations don't go beyond "I can't believe I'm/your here," and wondering aloud if there was going to be sex that night.

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5 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I posted that exact post a while ago...that is the question for the ages because every single one of these people flying to what ever country sing the same tune, "I'm spending all of my money to fly there, etc...the fiance to be thinks they have an endless supply of money then when they get to the US and has to share space with either the person's parents or roommates it's a shocker? WTF?  More proof that their conversations don't go beyond "I can't believe I'm/your here," and wondering aloud if there was going to be sex that night.

Money is one of the most important things they don't talk about before making the trip.  Don't they send each other pictures of where they live, of family members, or where they work?  It seems like the only photos they send are fuzzy closeups (so you can't see how fat they are) unless they've had bolt-ons installed, with lots of makeup, or, for the guys, topless pics so the women can see how ripped they are.  Don't they talk about the kinds of work the fiance could find in the US, or if the fiance will need to work?    How in the hell can you believe you've found your soulmate and the Love of My Life if you essentially know dick about them?  The foreign fiances assume the Americans are all rich, and the Americans assume the foreigners all want to fuck them till their ears bleed.  Most of the time, they're both wrong.

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3 hours ago, endure said:

I was just on Paul’s Instagram page and he appears to be a different person there.  He seems to have an actual sense of humour re his Reynolds wrap suit and the photos of himself in Karines wedding dress.  Also they appear to still be together and happy.  There were efforts to hide her belly in photos but I don’t actually think she’s even pg.  There was a photo of himself with his Mum with a breast cancer placard and he said they would be marching together as a family in October.

I have to say they both look normal and happy in that hiding pg picture. He actually looks kind of cute and she looks tons better. 

Edited by libgirl2
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16 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

So I did a little snooping, the condo she shares with her sister is a 3 bed 1.5 bath worth about 150K - I actually read on this forum that the sisters don't even own said condo, their dad does. So it leads me to believe that all of Darcey's clothing,shoes & handbags are knockoffs and she and her sisters are squatters   or they spend every last dime they make on House of 11 on themselves with their very expensive taste. No way both sisters could have Darceys two girls and Stacey's 2 boys live there full time

That's a lot of people in one condo. What's the deal with her ex? I wonder if that is where she is getting some of the $$. Didn't she own some sort of boutique? 

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1 hour ago, PinkFlamingo said:
12 hours ago, magemaud said:


To me it looked like she was the one that sent the angry faces plus the text that said "What's your problem" because he hadn't responded to her in a while. That's a good way to get a response from someone. 

You’re right. She sent Daya three rows of angry faces and now she’s surprised he hasn’t responded? 

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15 minutes ago, usernameG said:

That's a lot of people in one condo. What's the deal with her ex? I wonder if that is where she is getting some of the $$. Didn't she own some sort of boutique? 

I'm wondering if the sisters make any meaningful money whatsoever or just live off of their father and maybe some alimony from the ex-husbands?  House of Eleven is apparently gone, and the 90 Day Fiance money can't take them that far.

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5 minutes ago, lucy711 said:

I'm wondering if the sisters make any meaningful money whatsoever or just live off of their father and maybe some alimony from the ex-husbands?  House of Eleven is apparently gone, and the 90 Day Fiance money can't take them that far.

How old are Stacey's sons?  Darcey's daughters are still young enough to get child support from their father, but it must not be a whole lot if they all are forced to live in that tiny condo together.  Maybe Darcey doesn't have full custody?  Or maybe her sister doesn't?  If they have rotating visitation, I guess three bedrooms would cover it.

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Regarding money:  most of the Americans, except Rachel and Darcey, have sent money overseas. I cannot fathom sending money to someone I don’t really know.  Yet, it’s been a running theme on these shows.  I can see the foreigners asking and taking funds but what’s in it for the Americans?   

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1 hour ago, Mothra said:

How old are Stacey's sons?  Darcey's daughters are still young enough to get child support from their father, but it must not be a whole lot if they all are forced to live in that tiny condo together.  Maybe Darcey doesn't have full custody?  Or maybe her sister doesn't?  If they have rotating visitation, I guess three bedrooms would cover it.

I could be mistaken but I'm pretty sure I read online that Darcey doesn't have primary custody of her kids.  I think the girls live with their dad.  I don't know how often she sees them.

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1 hour ago, LGGirl said:

Regarding money:  most of the Americans, except Rachel and Darcey, have sent money overseas. I cannot fathom sending money to someone I don’t really know.  Yet, it’s been a running theme on these shows.  I can see the foreigners asking and taking funds but what’s in it for the Americans?   

I forgot about that!  Way to feed the impression that you're a rich American--even Nicole, who doesn't have a pot to piss in (literally, last I heard) sent money to Azan.  No wonder they think the streets are paved with gold and Donald Trump is Angela's bff.

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1 hour ago, LGGirl said:

Regarding money:  most of the Americans, except Rachel and Darcey, have sent money overseas. I cannot fathom sending money to someone I don’t really know.  Yet, it’s been a running theme on these shows.  I can see the foreigners asking and taking funds but what’s in it for the Americans?   

I think it's like when ppl adopt pets. That's how some of these American fiancees feel and act. They want that totally unequal, superior, capt-save-a-foreigner position in exchange for a docile, dependent companion to amuse them and be forever beholden. Not saying this is the case w/ all int'l relationships; only the exploitative situations where the foreigner primarily wants a come up.

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2 hours ago, LGGirl said:

Regarding money:  most of the Americans, except Rachel and Darcey, have sent money overseas. I cannot fathom sending money to someone I don’t really know.  Yet, it’s been a running theme on these shows.  I can see the foreigners asking and taking funds but what’s in it for the Americans?   

I guess you can say one good thing about Jon and Jesse, they didn't take money and Jon actually gave Rachel money for Lucy's day care. 

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5 hours ago, usernameG said:

That's a lot of people in one condo. What's the deal with her ex? I wonder if that is where she is getting some of the $$. Didn't she own some sort of boutique? 

If you want to see their exes, check out this article from their failed pilot “The Twin Life”.   Also, Darcey had tried to get on “Million Dollar Matchmaker”. It cracks me up to see how much facial work that both sisters have done especially the lips.  https://starcasm.net/videos-before-the-90-days-darcey-silva-reality-show-pilot-for-the-twin-life/

Edited by WeeklyLaugh
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58 minutes ago, WeeklyLaugh said:

If you want to see their exes, check out this article from their failed pilot “The Twin Life”.   Also, Darcey had tried to get on “Million Dollar Matchmaker”. It cracks me up to see how much facial work that both sisters have done especially the lips.  https://starcasm.net/videos-before-the-90-days-darcey-silva-reality-show-pilot-for-the-twin-life/

Good lord. They don’t even look like the same people anymore.

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1 hour ago, WeeklyLaugh said:

If you want to see their exes, check out this article from their failed pilot “The Twin Life”.   Also, Darcey had tried to get on “Million Dollar Matchmaker”. It cracks me up to see how much facial work that both sisters have done especially the lips.  https://starcasm.net/videos-before-the-90-days-darcey-silva-reality-show-pilot-for-the-twin-life/


I’d like to post my opinion on their pilot but I’m pretty sure I will get banded from this forum.  

Edited by LGGirl
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3 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

I guess you can say one good thing about Jon and Jesse, they didn't take money and Jon actually gave Rachel money for Lucy's day care. 


Hmmmm, I wonder why he'd do that? For those of you who don't have kids: childcare expenses are ASTRONOMICAL! When my two kids were in daycare, my daycare payment was bigger than my mortgage payment (and I live in a nice suburban home). And the way I interpreted it, Jon pays for her childcare completely and on an ongoing basis. 

I wonder if Rachel didn't panic when she discovered she was pregnant, tell jon she was considering abortion, and then allow jon to persuade her to continue the pregnancy, even tho she really couldn't afford a second child? So Jon feels a crushing sense of responsibility for Lucy? He NEVER mentions the other daughter, any excitement to meet her or any feeling of responsibility for her, tho he has just as much biological/legal connection to the older one as he does w/ Lucy. And Rachel never even attempts to pique jon's interest in the older daughter. (I find that beyond concerning!) Has she already decided to surrender full custody of the older daughter to the father?

I think Jon has found Jesus or embarked on some other profound spiritual experience that changed him and his values totally. I think he underwent some kind of transformative experience and might be a completely new person.

But how will she pay for daycare if/when jon eventually comes over as and is unable to work?

2 hours ago, WeeklyLaugh said:

If you want to see their exes, check out this article from their failed pilot “The Twin Life”.   Also, Darcey had tried to get on “Million Dollar Matchmaker”. It cracks me up to see how much facial work that both sisters have done especially the lips.  https://starcasm.net/videos-before-the-90-days-darcey-silva-reality-show-pilot-for-the-twin-life/


Cute how one of Darcey's daughters (younger one) looks exactly like her and the other daughter (older) looks exactly like dad.

Edited by eatsleep
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2 hours ago, WeeklyLaugh said:

you want to see their exes, check out this article from their failed pilot “The Twin Life”.   Also, Darcey had tried to get on “Million Dollar Matchmaker”. It cracks me up to see how much facial work that both sisters have done especially the lips.  https://starcasm.net/videos-before-the-90-days-darcey-silva-reality-show-pilot-for-the-twin-life/

That is insane to me! Almost can’t tell it’s them, WAAAYYYYY prettier before all the plastic surgery... omg!!


oh and D’Arcy seems to have a thing for long haired men

Edited by Mainer
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If Jon does manage to get to NM and can’t work, he can just stay home with Lucy and do daddy day care.   Maybe Rachel’s exe husband has an order that the oldest daughter can not be even mentioned in this show.  I wouldn’t really blame him if he did.

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8 minutes ago, Mainer said:

That is insane to me! Almost can’t tell it’s them, WAAAYYYYY prettier before all the plastic surgery... omg!!


oh and D’Arcy seems to have a thing for long haired men

I never would have recognized Darcey. Much better looking before the surgery.

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Re  The Twin Life....good god, that intro music.    Also, I'm so over Rachel pearl-clutching over open relationships, saying she "doesn't approve."  Okay? Is he asking you to be in an open relationship?  Is he supposed to apologize? Because you're so pure, Rachel.  Whatever.

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Wait......what?!?!?   A poster on another board mentioned @90dayfiancetea on IG.  So I took a toddle over there and there's a video of Jesse and Antonio together!!!  Its more or less Jesse-the-motivational-speaker droning on about something and Antonio being his normal, agreeable self.

Why can't TLC give us "Jesse and Antonio - Bros before Hos"?  I'd watch.

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8 hours ago, lucy711 said:

House of Eleven is apparently gone, and the 90 Day Fiance money can't take them that far.

Can’t remember exactly but I think the screen cap was that some physical location (in CA?) of something had closed.  May not have been the total of what they were doing - e g they may still have a brand but sell thru others.  


She sure does have many hoodies to display and not sure she’d be so pushy about doing so if it were all dead and gone. 

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9 hours ago, Mothra said:

Money is one of the most important things they don't talk about before making the trip.  Don't they send each other pictures of where they live, of family members, or where they work?  It seems like the only photos they send are fuzzy closeups (so you can't see how fat they are) unless they've had bolt-ons installed, with lots of makeup, or, for the guys, topless pics so the women can see how ripped they are.  Don't they talk about the kinds of work the fiance could find in the US, or if the fiance will need to work?    How in the hell can you believe you've found your soulmate and the Love of My Life if you essentially know dick about them?  The foreign fiances assume the Americans are all rich, and the Americans assume the foreigners all want to fuck them till their ears bleed.  Most of the time, they're both wrong.

That’s because all they are interested in is dick or pussy. 

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On 9/18/2018 at 4:38 PM, iwasish said:

The previews crack me up, Jesse telling  his friend he’s going back to the US to break up with Darcy in person and Darcy saying he’s coming back and she’s expecting a proposal  or she’s done.

Which always rubs me wrong.  Why couldn't it be that she expects them to come to an agreement to be married or she's done?  But I hate the whole proposal industry.


1 hour ago, Eldemarge said:

Re  The Twin Life....good god, that intro music.    Also, I'm so over Rachel pearl-clutching over open relationships, saying she "doesn't approve."  Okay? Is he asking you to be in an open relationship?  Is he supposed to apologize? Because you're so pure, Rachel.  Whatever.

I'm not a fan of open relationships, if it means people who are committed to each other agree that it's okay to have sex with other people.  Of course if it works for them, then that's great--have at it.  But I don't want it in my own life because I prefer monogamy.

I'd certainly find it useful information even if the person I was considering being in a relationship wasn't asking me to agree to an open relationship.  It could be that that phase is behind him, but I'd want to know about it nevertheless because it says something, to me, about his character.  And Jon did mention some of his partners being married, which, again, if everybody is consenting that's fine.  But it's not something I want in a life partner, and it should be my prerogative to judge someone for it.

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10 hours ago, lucy711 said:

I'm wondering if the sisters make any meaningful money whatsoever or just live off of their father and maybe some alimony from the ex-husbands?  House of Eleven is apparently gone, and the 90 Day Fiance money can't take them that far.

What about Darcy's singing career?

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24 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Which always rubs me wrong.  Why couldn't it be that she expects them to come to an agreement to be married or she's done?  But I hate the whole proposal industry.


I'm not a fan of open relationships, if it means people who are committed to each other agree that it's okay to have sex with other people.  Of course if it works for them, then that's great--have at it.  But I don't want it in my own life because I prefer monogamy.

I'd certainly find it useful information even if the person I was considering being in a relationship wasn't asking me to agree to an open relationship.  It could be that that phase is behind him, but I'd want to know about it nevertheless because it says something, to me, about his character.  And Jon did mention some of his partners being married, which, again, if everybody is consenting that's fine.  But it's not something I want in a life partner, and it should be my prerogative to judge someone for it.

Yeah, he may be done with open relationships NOW because everything is new and exciting with Rachel. Fast forward a couple years and maybe another baby? Add in money issues, potty training, teething etc. we know Jon doesnt handle stress well and  suddenly  open relationships start looking attractive again.

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8 hours ago, lucy711 said:

I could be mistaken but I'm pretty sure I read online that Darcey doesn't have primary custody of her kids.  I think the girls live with their dad.  I don't know how often she sees them.

She acts like a noncustodial parent. Parents who are with their little darlings every day don't drool on them constantly.

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