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Season 2 Discussion

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On 9/3/2018 at 12:26 AM, trimthatfat said:

When one of the daughters hugged Darcey after the fight, I couldn’t help but think she’s probably had to comfort her mom many times over the years over guys.

I'm thinking it is not comforting her as much as siding with her so that she stays in Darcey's good graces.  Such emotionally unstable people can attack others who don't agree with them all the time.  

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3 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

I'm thinking it is not comforting her as much as siding with her so that she stays in Darcey's good graces.  Such emotionally unstable people can attack others who don't agree with them all the time.  

Reminds me of Molly and her older daughter.

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Haven't read anything about the following, but I may have missed it....when I heard Angela "talking" to Michael and ordering him to Take It Easy on HER.....after he asked her to quit snapping at him.....all I could do was to imagine Angela as a Man talking to a Woman like that.  She is so over the line.  Rude and horrid.  She seems to think that he may not be Man Enough to "handle" her.....you can see it in his eyes that he is holding back big time, and that she probably really does NOT want to see him "acting like a Man".   He would most definitely put a STOP to her rudeness to him. She would not like that.  She keeps telling us that she is rethinking her relationship with Micheal -- Micheal, on the other hand, is Closing His Eyes and ONLY Thinking of 'Merica.  In every interview he mentions Angela AND America. They go hand in hand for him, and he's not going to let her off the hook until he's safely back in the US of A.  I have my popcorn out watching with bated breath on this hot mess.

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4 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Jesse has way too many hair clips

I thought it was head band, and I was thinking I’ve never seen a guy wear a head band

Edited by Mainer
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11 hours ago, Mainer said:

I thought it was head band, and I was thinking I’ve never seen a guy wear a head band


I thought it was one of these zig zag headbands.  I used to wear the first type.  Back in like 1998.  And I'm female.

And the only other guy I've seen wear a headband is Jeremy Roloff.  And that isn't helping Jesse's case.



Edited by Cementhead
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27 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

So I got up this morning and as is my custom, I looked through the local Met Foods flyer to see if anything I need is on sale: and what do you know? I'm thinking of buying a box of the Beef flavor and inviting @Drogo over for dinner.



If it's 5 boxes for $5, you COULD invite the rest of us, too!!!  LOL.

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On 9/6/2018 at 2:43 AM, HappyDancex2 said:

darcearoni would take her obviously placed logo sweatshirt conveniently tied around her waist and got off my screen.  Her kids deserve better.  Hell I deserve better.

Im kinda excited to see what monstrosity Tarik comes up with in the wardrobe department.  Just when I thought his Tut tank and hunter hat wasn’t ridiculous enough he really committed to something truly hideous and beyond comprehension.  It’s 2018, that takes some talent to shock IMO.  I’m holding out for some neon or feathers.  Yaaaassss!

LOL and LOL.  Just awesome comment.

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I wonder if Tarik is putting us on with his frippery.  He is a realtor by trade and a rapper by avocation, and there are pictures out these showing him in business wear and business-casual. He must know the difference. Maybe he’s being outlandish to get noticed and/or launched into a comedy career. Every week I joyfully await his and Big Ang’s fashion moments.

I had Roni in the pantry, and heading out shortly for a piece of carrot cake. Next up on the list, elastic-waist pants. I feel deprived as the Canadians because I can only find Beef, Chicken, and Wild Rice in my local stores. However, I can be confident I’m getting all the basic food groups, except chocolate. The Chicken, for example, has 22 ingredients. Within the top 10, salt is #3, sugar is #4, autolyzed this and hydrolyzed that are #5 and #6, and MSG is #8.  Manufactured on shred equipment also used to process crack...I must admit I'm old enough to remember when the first RaR commercial came on on my parents' B & W TV with the dial controls. "Started out where cable cars play their song, now tried at home before very long..." 

Edited by Tuneful
Thanks a rot, want some Roni now
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I love all my 90DF Rice-A-Roni buddies! It's enough to bring tears to my eyes. My Four Cheese flavor is burning a hole in my cabinet, just vibrating with excitement in there.

I will be serving it with salmon, though, because omega 3s.

Editing to add that I will be cutting the salmon on the bias, of course! 

If I had anything made out if mesh, I would wear it, but alas, a tank top will have to do. A white one, natch.

Edited by RedBagWithMakeup
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42 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I saw some single serve cakes at the grocery store, not a fan of carrot cake, whilst I was trying to make up my mind what to buy, my eyes wondered over to the Hostess rack where low and behold, Ding Dongs were on sale. Did you know that they now have white chocolate ones ?

Omg! I think we all need an intervention because this is sinking to terrifying lows of chemical laden crap, lol! 

Actually this would be an appropriate snack, since all the cast members are Ding Dongs.

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Oh the things I do for internet strangers who are smart, funny, and like to snark on silly people, like I do.  I had a lovely meal planned, roasted chicken thighs and cacio e pepe, oh and green beans because vegetables matter.  Now that's shifted until tomorrow so I can instead eat some (tasty) salt rice and some cake.

At least I'm going with the microwave cup of my four cheese because I'm fancy, and I won't have to deal with leftovers.

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I just couldn’t stop myself from my single serve chicken microwave cup of RR last evening. The salty deliciousness and the chemical aftertaste made me wonder why this doesn’t have its own level on the food pyramid. Now I’m just two clicks away from putting Twinkies on my shopping list. Carrot cake seems much too healthy.

REMINDER for anyone who has nothing better to do at 8pm Eastern. Bring your grey steaks (hacked on the bias, of course.....I worked in a restaurant, so....), your RR, and your non-alcoholic drink (as per Herr Jesse’s strict orders) and come on over to the hilarious live chat. No extra “likes” if you end up marching out just as the meal is served.

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15 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

and come on over to the hilarious live chat.

Ok, where am I going for the live chat? 

I have never been on any live chat site before and tonight is the start of Rosh Hashana but I would love to chat it up with all my PTV friends and the never ending stream of snark.

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31 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I just couldn’t stop myself from my single serve chicken microwave cup of RR last evening. The salty deliciousness and the chemical aftertaste made me wonder why this doesn’t have its own level on the food pyramid. Now I’m just two clicks away from putting Twinkies on my shopping list. Carrot cake seems much too healthy.

REMINDER for anyone who has nothing better to do at 8pm Eastern. Bring your grey steaks (hacked on the bias, of course.....I worked in a restaurant, so....), your RR, and your non-alcoholic drink (as per Herr Jesse’s strict orders) and come on over to the hilarious live chat. No extra “likes” if you end up marching out just as the meal is served.


14 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Ok, where am I going for the live chat? 

I have never been on any live chat site before and tonight is the start of Rosh Hashana but I would love to chat it up with all my PTV friends and the never ending stream of snark.

It's the RiceARoni thread!

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Do I get extra bang threads for going out in inclement hurricane weather to buy the Roni?  I settled on cheddar broccoli and it was $1.18 which is outrageous!!  LOL.  I also did not look at the ingredient list....something this spectacular doesn’t need to be made from whole food products.  I already made a big pot of soup so this will pair nicely.  I know this because I’ve gone to restaurants and can cut my soup on the bias y’all.


how do you pronounce ximena?

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On 9/5/2018 at 10:53 PM, Kangatush said:

25 flavors my friends, not to mention the fine types of pastaroni.


 Do you remember the old Rice-A-Roni commercials where the protagonists were always given a choice between potatoes and Rice-A-Roni  as a side dish? When I was in college, one of my housemates had never eaten it so he decided to make rice-a-roni for the very first time. He bought a box of Rice-A-Roni.... and a 10 lb bag of potatoes.  He had gotten it into his head that rice a Roni was made with potatoes by hearing that commercial for so many years but never really paying attention to it.  He was very surprised when he started to read the instructions on the box. 

 I’m kind of surprised that Jesse and Darcy didn’t buy some potatoes to make their Rice-A-Roni, too.  Those two are as airheaded as my roommate was.

Edited by PityFree
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34 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Do I get extra bang threads for going out in inclement hurricane weather to buy the Roni?  I settled on cheddar broccoli and it was $1.18 which is outrageous!!  LOL.  I also did not look at the ingredient list....something this spectacular doesn’t need to be made from whole food products.  I already made a big pot of soup so this will pair nicely.  I know this because I’ve gone to restaurants and can cut my soup on the bias y’all.


how do you pronounce ximena?

heh-me-nah  It wasn't until I got here that I learned it was spelled with an x.  I was listening to the episode instead of intently watching it, so I figured it was spelled with a j.

I'll give you weather credit.  And bonus points for cutting your soup on the bias.  That's too advanced for me.  I'm just happy when my soup is a nice grey.

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On 9/8/2018 at 4:06 PM, the-grey-lady said:

You know, reading about Tarik's mesh shirt/tank top combo was so different than actually seeing it.

Is he auditioning to be in a Right Said Fred video?

It would have been so much better, imo, if he'd left off the wife-beater.  With his dark skin, the mesh would've been less noticeable, maybe even looking like a textured short-sleeve shirt.  And who wears undershirts in a tropical country?  Was Torgo afraid of catching a chill?

I was watching the apparently endless reruns of this episode just now and was struck by the specifics of Jon's story about his fighting.  His recounting of the most serious fight, the one that got him thrown out of university, has always struck me as shifty.  I listened closely to it tonight for the first time, and here's the gist:  He alone was fighting a group of guys who were making rude remarks about women.  These men "felt like they could say anything" about or to women because they were a crowd.  He ended up punching many, if not all, this crowd of opponents.  So he wasn't only fighting for the honor of ladies, he was fighting a crowd of men, seemingly all alone.  It's miraculous that he was able to inflict grievous bodily harm, what with the number of opponents he was facing.  You'd think some of that army would've pinned him down while the rest of them beat the shit out of him.  How on earth could this mass of pugilistic antagonists have allowed him to get in a blow that would ?blind? one of their own?

A story that requires this much justification tells me that it's not just a lie but such a lie that uncovering it would reveal that the truth is exactly the opposite story.  Leaving the ladies' honor out of it, it sounds to me as if Jon and his friends beat up either a single guy or a smaller group of guys, and Jon's bloodlust carried him into near-murderous realms.  And that he's damned lucky he didn't go to jail.

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Getting to watch the scene again right now and Darcey is a grade A nag.  Jesse was right....she gets that look in her eyes and she has to do something for the camera that says "I am a good mom."


I just made the roni and they made it wrong.   You add the water ,bring it to a boil and then cover it ,lower to simmer for 15 minutes.  I didn't see her cover it....she kept stirring it like risotto.   Which is why when she plated it looked like a congealed mess of cream of wheat. 

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4 minutes ago, puppytoes said:

The word “love” is being thrown around too much.  Also is that a real diamond that John gave Rachael’s?

No way that is real...it’s a rather large diamond and would be super expensive! Unless it’s a family heirloom I think it might be cubic zirconia maybe?

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10 minutes ago, MoodyGirl said:

No way that is real...it’s a rather large diamond and would be super expensive! Unless it’s a family heirloom I think it might be cubic zirconia maybe?

I agree.  It looks like it was at least two carats and there is no way he could afford a ring that large.

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Ricky must have a lot of money - kids to support, himself to support and thousands of dollars to send to women he meets online. Er, prospective wives.

I would like to know these folks' definition of 'love'. These folks from other countries are mainly strangers. They may love the idea and the fantasy of them, but they are real people.

Didn't think Karine would show up for her wedding to Pole. Guess that silvery suit was his good suit. Her poor mother - knowing her daughter isn't marrying for love. And geez, the relationship is a bit doomed until both of them learn a common language.

Hazel, do you really think Tarik is your way out of poverty and a better life in the US? He can't be the best that has come around. There is still some funny business with your 'ex' and that needs to cleared up.

Maybe Jon has changed or wants to change. He was on his best behavior for Rachel and Lucy. What happens next? Will Rachel see how he turns when he gets angry? Will he become violent with her? I was worried on the clifftop that his anger might kick in. He wasn't thinking of marriage until Rachel arrived? Maybe it is just the Christmas time and everyone is in some sort of holiday spirit. Two weeks with someone does not give you a clear picture of your beloved.

Jesse and Darcey, if you do have a soul connection/twin flame connection, there are stages and no you don't reunite until both of you deal with your demons. Maybe you are entering the separation stage - runner/chaser dynamic. Or you thought a twin flame thing was a romantic way to sell your relationship. Twin flames/soul connections require change of *both* parties.  Split, go your ways, love each other without need or expectation. And Jesse, put your shoes away. And buy your own designer stuff. It is not working and both of you bring out the worst in each other.

Angela, your dream dude is exploring his options. And Green Card possibilities.  Having a kid with him? I don't think so. He will be very surprised to see how you really live in the US. Enjoy the rest of your trip to Nigeria and go home.

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Jesse was being a huge drama queen about calling the police and security, but I'd be pissed too if someone went and put their feet on my shoes. I have no doubt Darcey threw the shoes at him, probably not at his head, but I believe she threw them towards him, she was totally lying when she claimed she threw them on the floor. 

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4 minutes ago, Lambie said:

I don’t even know what to say about Ricky and giving this other woman money and not letting her know that he wasn’t there for her but she’s totally on board as long as it gets her to America. His poor, poor daughter. Her father looks like a stupid, horny asshole. That chick is like the woman on Seinfeld: she looks totally different depending on the light. I can’t tell if she’s pretty or not! 

She's really pretty. And Ricky looks like Shrek. 

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I wish Angela had the presence of mind (stop laughing) to open herself up to trying on some Nigerian garb.  For her tragic fashion sense it would allow her to blend in more easily (stop laughing) and it would really suit her figure.   I'm not sure if anyone would look bad in some of those dresses or separates....truly stunning.  No one is asking her to go back to Georgia and wear it to the Smoke Shop.

Ricky solidifies "producer plant" role for me.  He has a perfectly nice Colombian gal with big boobs who is willing to do a clam exchange for the ubiquitous Life is America and he fulfills his role of  " I HAVE TO CONFESS.  I'M LIVING A LIE" storyline for the 2 weeks.   He doesn't owe anything to Boltons.   He sent her money, she met him and ghosted him.  Lesson learned.   It's not significant as a relationship to mention it to PlanB.   Made up storyline IMO.   That way he can go back single and start over again.  He really should move to a region with more ladies of his type.  He needs a Pao with her cureeerear.

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1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

Ricky seems to prefer Melissa more than Ximena; which I find interesting, because I think Ximena is more attractive.  I can't help but wonder if it's because Melissa is younger or if it's the thrill of the chase.

I agree that Ximena is pretty.  Melissa is the one with the boobs out right?

10 minutes ago, Owwwww ma leg said:

I am an Australian immigrant (now  us citizen)  who married an American and so I do not come from a third world country. 20 years later I’m happy just living an hour west of Tricky Ricky and his dicky. What I want to scream to some of these people is that America isn’t Hollywood, the streets aren’t paved in gold. I know it’s easy for me to say, because I have never seen such poverty around the world and I don’t understand the lifeline America offers but Michael your life in Grangelas trailer is going to be awful. She bought your ring from a pawn shop. It will be a struggle. Karine, hold on for real love. Paul is a control freak and look to Annie if you want a feel for your lifestyle. These aren’t pretty woman type scenarios. Most of them see you as a trophy not a partner. I love to snark and I relate so much, but sometimes it just ain’t worth it. Yeah I know only someone truely privileged could say that. Maybe if I was in their shoes grangela would be worth selling my soul for a better life

My family came over from Sicily and had no preconceived ideas other that hard work and education and you can be anything you want.  The family that was left in Sicily thought that money should have flowed freely and they still do.  They have better benefits over there.  We send baby gifts, wedding gifts but that's about it.

36 minutes ago, Lambie said:

I hate Jesse, I really do. He’s a petulant and vain child. But when he said that, I really do you think Darcy has a drinking problem. She always is the slurring her words and her voiceovers. 

Gotta say, gun to my head, I am team Jesse AT THE MOMENT.  Darcy just won't shut the hell up EVER.  I hate people that interrupt and talk over and can't let anything go.  Pretty much drunks.  Right now the ball is in her court and she still looks like an idiot.  Jesse swinging with her sister would crack me up.  Getting my ticket for the train to hell.

50 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

I was worried on the clifftop that his anger might kick in.

I just got done watching a slew of crime shows of real deaths from women falling down mountains.  There is a lot of them.

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Rachel and Jon - I like them and I hope the fighting stuff was in the past and part of production drama.  I hope they are able to work it out so he can come to the US.  I thought it was funny when he knelt down to propose and she knelt too.

I can see Hazel still being in contact with her ex.  Tarik said tonight that they'd only been chatting online for a few weeks.  She in no way claims to be "in love" with Tarik.  She wants to marry an American.  Since they'd only talked online a few weeks and hadn't even met yet, I can see why she wouldn't completely ditch the local guy (if she hasn't).  If she decides to marry Tarik, I don't think she's going to cheat on him, but she's keeping her options open for now.  In her case, I think a decent home with the basics taken care of is what she's looking for.  Maybe she will turn out to want a more expensive lifestyle, but a lot of people who come from these circumstances just want a decent life, not streets paved with gold.

I don't think Michael realizes how poor Angela is.  In Nigeria, poor people can't dream of saving up and buying a plane ticket to another country, so he wouldn't imagine her being that poor.  And she likes to make things sound better than they are, so I don't think she's going to be honest about that either.  I don't think Michael sees Angela as a long term relationship.  I think he figures she will get him into the US and take care of him until he makes his fortune in business and then he will ditch her for a younger woman to have his children.

Paul knows more Portuguese than the earlier episodes led us to believe.  He's not going to change after the wedding no matter what he promises.  People rarely change, he's in his 30's, and he's already got what he wants.

Darcey and Jesse have the exact same fight every time they are on TV.  It's not even entertaining to watch.  TLC needs to ditch them or give them their own show,so I can avoid them.

Ricky, just how many woman are you sending money to???  And if you give her the money, she can spend it how she wishes.  He's got his nose all out of joint that she wasn't honest with him, yet he keeps lying to her.

Did I miss anyone?  The new couple is finally appearing next week???

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With the exception of Jon and Rachel, ALL the couples rub me the wrong way. 

Hazel wants in America with Tarik, yet she cringes at his touch.

How do I get in on the Ricky hand outs? I could use a few extra bucks. 

Karine, little too late, but when in doubt, don’t. 

I could only wish instead of flinging a shoe at Mister Meester (ty previous poster for this) that Darcey had a bag of hammers at the ready. 

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Damn it. I missed the live posts. All I have to say is Paul’s suit looked like it was made of cellophane and Darcy’s cry face was so scary, I had to look away. It looked exactly like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man’s when they first fried him with the proton pack.

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Why was Rachel in a full coat, hat and scarf in the coffee shop chat with her dad? And Jon in short sleeves? Were they just juxtaposed in one shot from two different streams, one hot room and one cold? (Not a serious question haha) That was all I could focus on from that conversation!

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