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I hate all these people and yes, I will keep watching because I hate them.

Pole is so creepy and gross. Karrine is a trooper because, ew.

Woman from New Mexico, Rachel? I understand she’s had a long flight and traveling with a baby (all her choice), but after all these filtered to death, boobs pushed up to the heavens photos she’s sent her “soulmate,” for a year and whining to her friend about how bad she thinks she looks, and she shows up plain faced in a wrinkled sweatshirt? I mean, he brushed his teeth on the street and made her ride the train, so I guess it evens out.

Tarik looks like a poor man’s Todd Bozeman. And because he fetishized an entire race of women, I hope that girl is a catfish and takes him for every dime he has. Dumb ass. 

Two things I really didn’t need to see: Jon’s vomit and Jesse’s no-no special place jiggling around in his underoos. Oh and that ugly bible purse. So three things. The straps still had the plastic on them. Those are the cheap, ugly bags people used to sell out of plastic tubs in front of the train station. It’s a nice gesture I guess, but she could’ve bought a similarly or lesser priced bag without the scripture.

Edited by charmed1
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The Paddington Express is a 15-20 minute train ride from Heathrow. Not very taxing. Not like schlepping your bags on the bus that takes 2 hours to get anywhere in central London or hopping the Piccadilly line for an hour's tube ride and then hauling the bags.. Really easy to connect to most of London from Paddington. Maybe Jon doesn't have a vehicle and couldn't afford a return ticket. Cab fare to his home, sure.

Although I wouldn't want to stay with some dude I haven't met.

Few people look good after a long-haul overnight flight.

No one needed to see Jon vomit on the street - nerves, alcohol, who knows.

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I think Karine is definitely on some poor quality street drugs. She’s dead behind the eyes, bad skin, puffy, and not even a little giggly or joyful. The sex toys are definitely for web cam activities. I wonder what poor road she’s gone down since Paul left her. She’s so young. She could have found a better way out of her situation. 


ETA: does anyone remnever the movie, “Hostel,” where at first the foreign girls at the Hostel are smoking hot but as the story unfolds and the reality of the situation becomes obvious the lead character sees them nor they are: strung out, drug addicted, and completely devoid of soul. 

Edited by Lambie
I got forgot my main point
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I don't get the whole getting off a plane to meet your "beloved" looking like something the cat drug in!  Actually, they get on the plane looking like hell.  Loved the big hole in Angie's faded leggings?. On an international flight FFS!

I do a little math, figure out getting close-ish to landing.  Go to lav,  wash my hands, check teeth, brush hair, freshen lipstick, powder nose.  Long flight?  Change to fresh shirt from my carryon.  That's when I'm not even meeting a soul!

But then, I'm funny that way.  Hygiene & all.  Most of our 90 "stars" look like they would be a little rank on a good day.

As someone upthread pointed out, Jesse looks like he smells "musty".  His luggage looks skanky, too.  I cringed last week when he tossed his duffel bag into the wet gutter in NYC.

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Memo to Darcy: Someone who is your true love and soulmate isn’t criticizing you about everything you do, including the way you breathe. I know it’s too late now, but do you really want your daughters to think that love means having to change in order to be the person HE wants you to be? Jesse is a narcissistic, immature bully; he’s verbally and emotionally abusive and he can’t seem to find clothes that fit him, which is kinda a theme of this show.

Does Rachel have a job? I can’t seem to recall, but I hope she does because I don’t think my tax dollars should be going toward a 32yo woman who is too stupid to not know about this new thing called birth control. I also believe John has suffered too many concussions. Does his trash picker career have any possibility of advancement? Wonder what the next level up would even be. That being said, color me shocked that they do actually separate trash for recycling. All this time I figured (and have read) that separating is a big scam and all the garbage gets tossed out together. John looks like someone that was sent down from Central Casting for a serial killer role.

Tonight’s final comment is for Angela. Please ask your hairdresser from Episode 1 how I can copy the camo paint job on the cabinets in her beauty salon. 

ETA—What has prevented Rachel from hiring a private eye to find out about Jon’s past? 

Edited by Auntie Anxiety
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For the sake of her daughters, Darcy needs to get over her high school crush on this abusive, misogynistic, condescending, controlling asshole.  Jesse has some serious psych issues that he shouldn't be dumping onto other people.

The photos Angela was sending to her Nigerian bf looked like they were taken in 2005.

Tarik: "This girl I have only ever texted with would make a great mom to my daughter."

Ricky...words fail me.

Paul: Relationship stability through regular medical testing!

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1 hour ago, Lambie said:

I think Karine is definitely on some poor quality street drugs. She’s dead behind the eyes, bad skin, puffy, and not even a little giggly or joyful. The sex toys are definitely for web cam activities. I wonder what poor road she’s gone down since Paul left her. She’s so young. She could have found a better way out of her situation. 


ETA: does anyone remnever the movie, “Hostel,” where at first the foreign girls at the Hostel are smoking hot but as the story unfolds and the reality of the situation becomes obvious the lead character sees them nor they are: strung out, drug addicted, and completely devoid of soul. 

I have got to see that movie, then, to gain a better understanding of what might be going on with Karine.  If her excuse for the way she looked goes beyond her having just gotten out of bed with no time to apply makeup, a touch of lipstick, or comb her hair, then it's got to be something else.  Her appearance, as well as her affect, have changed considerably since last season- which, according to the timeline, is about four months.  

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8 hours ago, PityFree said:

Karine looks different. In a bad way.  I can’t figure out why.

Maybe she's gotten some fillers, Botox or both?

I never thought she was remotely attractive to begin with, so I might be biased. Between her terrible dye job (application and color!) to her fried hair to that God awful frosted magenta lipstick she rocked all of last season, I don't understand the hype about her looks.

Her entire face also looks really puffy to me, like the way many of us have looked after having wisdom teeth pulled. I doubt dental work is the cause of her new look, but something has also caused her skin to break out and it looks horrible! She should have skipped the request for unicorn slippers and asked for some Oxy Pads!

Sorry if someone else already answered this; I’m only on page one of the snark and I’m enjoying every single post!!

Edited by Bridget
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3 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:


If you just thought of this, you have my undying respect...very funny.  Well played.

(And isn't it, "Our Father, WHO art in heaven..."?  Is this a southern version?  Serious question)

Edited by OldButHappy
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3 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Maybe Jon doesn't have a vehicle and couldn't afford a return ticket

He has a job and lives at home at his Mommy's house.  I don't see how he can't afford a ticket. He could have met Rachel at the airport, then they take the Paddington Express together. He knew she had a baby with her, it was a dick move in my opinion. 


2 hours ago, Snewtsie said:

“She’s not my grandma. She’s my future wife.”

Loved his friends! I hope we see them again. 


1 hour ago, Bridget said:

She’s gotten some fillers, Botox or both. Her face looks puffy to me

Karine is only 22. I doubt she's starting that already. She's too young for wrinkles or sagging skin.  She looked greasy and dirty to me. I just loved those patterned black tights with the super short shorts. Ugh.

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5 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Did Jon just puke up his drink? Gross

I'm wondering why he just happened to have a toothbrush with him! Is this a regularly occurring episode in his life? 

Also, Rachel claiming she's got no money for a hotel or a flight home. I just can't with her. Jon should have been at the airport, but producer driven or not, her level of stupidity bothers me so much. Can you imagine how she'd be responding if she was in a non-English speaking country?

Who doesn't take emergency money with them, even when dashing to the drugstore? I always have cash with me in case the credit card machines are down or if my own cards get declined as a result of a bank's system being down. (This has happened to me before! The bank was offline on a Fri night and all members' cards were declined until Monday afternoon.) Especially in the case of needing to pick up an RX,  I like to have a plan B.

WHAT first time traveler gets on a flight to London without at least two back up plans, both of which should include a credit card with a zero balance for emergencies? I'll bet she bought an adaptor plug for her phone, but didn't have a credit card or at least £100 in cash for taxi fare, one night in a cheap motel, a meal or two, or even coffee to get over her two hours of sleep.

(Insert Chandler Bing voice here: "Could she mention the 2 hours of sleep more often?)

I always arrive with at least the equivalent of $100 USD in local currency when I travel abroad. I also travel with cash when I fly domestically as it makes certain things easier, like grabbing a snack or tipping sky caps (ahem, Pole) and bell hops.

Oh wait. Logic being used again. I hate when that happens.

What was with Rachel & Jon not being in agreement about the length of time they'd been communicating? He said he'd sent photos for one year, yet the rocket scientist corrected him and insisted it was 1.5 years. He then said "yep, yep" and then she said, "Yeah, I'm tired." So weird.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

He has a job and lives at home at his Mommy's house.  I don't see how he can't afford a ticket. He could have met Rachel at the airport, then they take the Paddington Express together. He knew she had a baby with her, it was a dick move in my opinion. 


Loved his friends! I hope we see them again. 


Karine is only 22. I doubt she's starting that already. She's too young for wrinkles or sagging skin.  She looked greasy and dirty to me. I just loved those patterned black tights with the super short shorts. Ugh.

Some of MTV's Teen Moms/Jersey Shore girls started messing with their faces and bodies in their early 20s, so I wouldn't put it past Karine to try something, especially knowing that she's going to be popping up on a TV series. 

Also, Brazil is THE place that many Americans travel to for plastic surgery or other cosmetic procedures as it's very inexpensive to have work done there compared to the costs in the US. 

Her airport outfit was totally fugly, I agree. Then she walks around with Pole on Day 2 with greasy looking unwashed hair and a "cleaning my house on a Saturday" outfit. I understand not everyone is into fashion, nor can they afford to shop or even have access to spots like Target or Old Navy. Karine could've gone to Target.com and sent Pole a list of the clothing she needed/wanted in her size instead of asking for freakin onesies and stuffed animals!

Am I the only one who thinks it would have been hilarious if she'd requested items from the maternity section?

It wouldn't have hurt him to bring her some Kerastase products and to also take her to a hair salon to chop off about six inches from her hair. She looks straight up unkempt. Surely there's a hair salon in the same city as an airport?!

Edited by Bridget
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9 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

If I traveled for day with a baby to a country I've supposedly never been to before and then find out I've been stood up at the airport and have to take myself, the baby, and my luggage on a train to meet the person who didn't show up at a train station I supposedly know nothing about, I would be ready to scream. This better be producer drama because Rachel is much too complacent to be real.  

Also, Paul finds out his five crates of sex toys, police documents, and fetish clothing are nowhere to be found, and he shrugs and rides off into the sunset with his Internet-cheating girlfriend. Oh, well.

There isn't enough valium in the world for this to be possible. 

Most of us would scream...if we didn't have a production team, 10 feet away, waiting to lend a hand.

9 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

How did Angie even get a visa? The listed visa requirements say you should supply bank statements/have enough money for your stay or at least have in invitation to visit by a Nigerian citizen who would take responsibility for you. It doesn't sound like she'd have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of, so why would the Nigerian government allow her to come there when it doesn't seem like she has the means to afford the basics?

Maybe Angie is holding out on us. Angie drives a luxury car, with leather interior.   Maybe Angie takes her mom's SS money, files as head of household, and takes all kinds of free money.

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9 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Hillbilly bra straps!! Mother and daughter. 

I said to my husband, "Is that a bra tattoo???"  On Scottie. Seriously. I thought she had a bra tattoo.  I will let myself out. :)

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10 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

More stupider question. Do the TLC producers know who is real? They must know, don't they?

They have to know. It costs a lot to travel to another country to film, book accommodations for the crew, and get permits for filming in certain locations. No way TLC is risking that much money for someone who may not exist. I think Ricky’s “girlfriend” exists, she just doesn’t look like the pictures.

I am still convinced that Rachel and Jon met before TLC. 

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9 hours ago, Mercolleen said:

What is up with the calendar in John's hallway with names and foil stars??? Who are Leighton, Ally, and David? Bradley? Paul? Oh how I wish it were Pole. 

Jon and his mother live in a tourist town. Some of the names on the calendar had a +1 next to it so I assumed they run a bed and breakfast or Air B&B.

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5 hours ago, zillabreeze said:

@Toaster Strudel.  Marry me now.  That's the funniest recap EVER.  

"Testicurlarly involved"  Will forthwith be proudly used in my vernacular.  But let's don't shun the importance of the penis as divining rod.

"Commandant Jesse" it is.  I am currently baptizing him in absentia with the most sacred dog bowl water. He certainly does consider hisself as keeper of all of the secrets that have escaped philosophers for eons.

When Sext Nigerian sees Meemaw Angie running towards him...my head played the theme from Baywatch as her ample boobage was aflappin' in slo-mo.  Pretty sure I was sporting a WTF face, too. 

Gotta hand it to Molly, she at least knows how to keep giant mammaries in an upright & locked position.  The 90 Day franchise should hire her as Breasticle Wrangler.  There is an immediate need.

I'm dead.

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One of the many things that really irked me that I forgot to comment is Jesse's hand on chest little bow to the waiter then as soon as said waiter left, his berating of Darcy.

I mean what idiot puts up with that shit? Even for a 20 year old ass?!?  Darcy is not a bad looking gal, even with her flaws (drinking) she can land a decent guy in her age group that is fit and studly (I have seen some really hot men in their 50s) from the States who would treat her half as good. At least not put her down.

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I like the Englishman (I go for "short," but I also love the accent). So far he seems caring, and people can turn over the proverbial new leaf. 

I don't like the Misses Colombia and Brazil, Amsterdam Guy, or Nigerian Prince (Haha! I thought each one of his pals was better-looking!).

The Americans, male and female, are all Sad Sacks.

It is true that Baby Lucy is adorable (and I'm not a baby person!).

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5 hours ago, millennium said:

As a transgender woman, I am always dismayed by the "it's really a guy" jokes.   I have seen them in this week's episode thread, and last week's too.

There's a pernicious stereotype in popular culture that transgender people exist solely to deceive "normal" folks, to lure them into some kind of "Crying Game" scenario.  It paints us as perverts and liars and helps to fuel the kind of distrust and hatred that keeps us from finding jobs, housing or even a bathroom to use.

I'm sure deceptions do happen from time to time, but it's more the exception than the rule, no doubt because any transgender woman who pulls that kind of shit is taking her life in her hands.   For example:

U.S. Marine convicted of killing transgender Filipina

As with any stereotype, entire groups of people should not be tarnished by the questionable behavior of a relative few.   The rest of us, all of whom are harmed by that kind of negative stereotype, simply want to live our lives without being regarded as objects of suspicion, scorn or ridicule.

Thank you @millennium. Transwomen aren’t the masters of deception they are portrayed to be. I worry more about what Angela is hiding in her brassier (for some humor).


Not the same but in a similar vein-Also the discussion of some of the women being sex workers- many women right here in the USA are forced into sex work against their will. Who knows what the situation is for a woman who has fewer legal rights and resources in another country. I’m more likely to judge the horny fools who do have access to disposable income, leisure time and a variety of women in to meet in their country of origin than someone who’s doing what needs to be done to keep food on the table for their family (if that’s the situation). 

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Paul has no issue spending the night getting some Karine loving in the hotel but springs the pregnancy test on her the next day? Gross

Ricky and Tarik suffer from 'nice guy syndrome' they both left relationships where they claim the other party is to blame and feel they are entitled to a blow up doll as a reward. Kinda gross and not so nice. I am sure they could save the money for their children and find a lovely woman closer to home. But she wouldn't be as hot and as foreign so there is that.....I don't find any of these people likeable so far.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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10 hours ago, Real Eyes said:
10 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

Rachel's hair is looking a bit greasy, that and her sweatshirt is not the best look to meet a new man. But then again she is meeting Jon who is no prize himself. ERK, barfing????

I need to wash my hair daily.

Me too.  Even when I take long car trips my hair starts to look dirty but it doesn't do that during a normal day.  I think it must be the circulated air.  

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8 hours ago, seahag50 said:

I'm very close to 70 and Angela is closer to me than 52.  I want you all to promise me if I ever look like a bleached blonde hippo with a cold shoulder shirt on and boots with fringe you will kill me call it a mercy killing

I found her (almost transparent from being stretched too much) leggings more disturbing. 

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5 hours ago, OldButHappy said:

If you just thought of this, you have my undying respect...very funny.  Well played.

(And isn't it, "Our Father, WHO art in heaven..."?  Is this a southern version?  Serious question)

There are various versions, I think "Who" is most common.  The version on the bag matches the King James Version of the Bible. 

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If I just traveled for hours to another country and my supposed man couldn't even bother to show up to pick me up at the airport, I'd be booking a flight back home. Hell, I would have at least asked why before leaving. 

Why are Darcy and Jesse even together? There's nothing there.

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10 hours ago, PupCal said:

Shit man Angela coming down like a water buffalo in those previews.


Kind of like the way Nicole bombarded Azan the first time in person. Azan was like, "I knew it would be bad, but I didn't think it would be this bad."

And meanwhile... "Tickets to the rest of my life right here." 

Let's just hope some nice woman watching the show notices this sweet guy.

And meanwhile back in England... Jon a toothbrush in his pocket. 

Do these street regurgitation incidents happen that often?

And, buddy, next time can you aim for a trash can instead of just like wherever like a cat?

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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55 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Ricky and Tarik suffer from 'nice guy syndrome' they both left relationships where they claim the other party is to blame and feel they are entitled to a blow up doll as a reward. Kinda gross and not so nice. I am sure they could save the money for their children and find a lovely woman closer to home. But she wouldn't be as hot and as foreign so there is that.....I don't find any of these people likeable so far.

Bingo. And what better way to disrupt the routine of your very young, autistic child, than bringing some strange woman you’ve never even met, into her home. But sure, you’ve decided she’ll be a great stepmom based on her text messages and “hot” pictures. What a stupid bastard. I hope that sweet baby’s mother has primary custody of her.

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12 minutes ago, MsSilverSpecs said:

If I just traveled for hours to another country and my supposed man couldn't even bother to show up to pick me up at the airport, I'd be booking a flight back home. Hell, I would have at least asked why before leaving. 

Why are Darcy and Jesse even together? There's nothing there.

Jesse's promoting his coffee company, and at the moment he hasn't found anyone better to be with than... Jesse.

Darcy still sees him as some kind of an ideal man. She's confusing cruelty with strength.

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11 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

Rachel's hair is looking a bit greasy, that and her sweatshirt is not the best look to meet a new man. But then again she is meeting Jon who is no prize himself. ERK, barfing????

I understand that she was on a long flight traveling with a baby, but the baggy jeans and shirt weren’t a good look. This is the love of her life, a man she’s meeting for the “first” time, and she’s wearing what I did to paint a friend’s bedroom this weekend. Jon also could have stepped it up a bit. 

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Man, I missed John's curb-barfing, and have already deleted this episode! They'll probably show it again next week, though.

I don't think we'll see the reality of Kreeny's (love the nickname) life, the sordidness, the sadness. Pole apparently was to be her (unwitting?) mule bringing her web-cam accoutrements. Maybe the loss of them caused her glumness.

Jesse has all of Europe a train-ride in front of him, and he makes time with an insecure American cougar? He needs lessons from Lawrence Jamieson ("Dirty Rotten Scoundrels").

TWO of the men live with their mothers? All-righty, then.

The schlubbiness of both Rachel and Angela on disembarking their flights was...puzzling. I mean, not one lick of make-up?

And Grangela? Running towards someone is not a good look on you.

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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45 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

I can't snark on Jon for his job.  I respect anyone who works for a living, and I'm sure his job isn't easy.

Me neither - he HAS a job, at least.  More than one can say for Azan.


8 minutes ago, MsSilverSpecs said:

Why are Darcy and Jesse even together? There's nothing there.

I agree.  Within MINUTES of him getting into the cab she looked like she wanted to jump out the door.  Darcy, you said it yourself:  He belittles you.  That passive aggressive crap drives me nuts.  You are not 22 and "into head games" - he resents you, you are clearly unhappy with him.  Let him and his Flock of Seagulls haircut go home.  Alone.

I know it has been asked before, but who goes to a foreign land without a backup plan?  An empty credit card?  SOMETHING?

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Watching the second hour now because my husband was watching Fear the Walking Dead.

Angela is not Nicole, that's for sure. I think she's spent the majority of her life caring for other people. I didn't mind seeing her ailing mom on television because that's real life and that's her life. If her mom doesn't stay tethered to this world for long, it will be nice to have that video memory.

A big heart makes up for fried hair, in my book.

Angela has been unlucky in the love department.

She really seems to have a sweet and generous nature. I feel sad for her.

Just saw the Trump shrine... I'm speechless.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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9 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

Bingo. And what better way to disrupt the routine of your very young, autistic child, than bringing some strange woman you’ve never even met, into her home. But sure, you’ve decided she’ll be a great stepmom based on her text messages and “hot” pictures. What a stupid bastard. I hope that sweet baby’s mother has primary custody of her.

Tarik seems like a nice guy and I am sure he is but like @SAINTE-CHAPELLE said, you are really going to bring a woman into your home based on her hotness?  I would think twice before brning anyone into my home, even as a roomie renting a room.

Side note:  I am the sped teacher here and his daughter seems VERY high functioning to me, perhaps even misdiagnosed.  She was pointing at things, making a lot of eye contact and rides a regular bus.  (No short bus jokes from me I find those offensive) so I am wondering if she is, perhaps, just a bit delayed?

In Tarik's defense, he has shown more interaction with his daughter in this very short time than Nicole has, total, with May.

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4 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Man, I missed John's curb-barfing, and have already deleted this episode! They'll probably show it again next week, though.

I don't think we'll see the reality of Kreeny's (love the nickname) life, the sordidness, the sadness.

Jesse has all of Europe a train-ride in front of him, and he makes time with an insecure American cougar? He needs lessons from Lawrence Jamieson ("Dirty Rotten Scoundrels").

TWO of the men live with their mothers? All-righty, then.

The schlubbiness of both Rachel and Angela off their flights was...puzzling. I mean, not one lick of make-up?

Jesse could play Michael Caine's role and Jon could play Ruprecht complete with spontaneous curb barfing... does he cough up hairballs, too?

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7 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Memo to Darcy: Someone who is your true love and soulmate isn’t criticizing you about everything you do, including the way you breathe. I know it’s too late now, but do you really want your daughters to think that love means having to change in order to be the person HE wants you to be? Jesse is a narcissistic, immature bully; he’s verbally and emotionally abusive and he can’t seem to find clothes that fit him, which is kinda a theme of this show.

Exactly! I think of that movie Shallow Hal where Jack Black met Satan in an elevator and started people's outside's lining up with their insides. What would Jesse look like to her then?

Darcy's 'perfect man' will have many imperfections, but they will be in sync with her own. He won't mind the occasional argument in public because he'll be happy that she is expressing herself. And he will appreciate her for who she is, not only that, but he will admire her as a single mother, a businesswoman, and someone with a heart.

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10 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I think of that movie Shallow Hal where Jack Black met Satan in an elevator and started people's outside's lining up with their insides.

Shallow Hal is a movie that I’ve seen no less than 42,000 times, so I was sitting here like, “Hey, I don’t remember a scene of Jack Black in an elevator with Sat....ohhhh! Ha!” I see what you did there.

I’m still cracking up over Michael calling Angela his elder. Michael’s job is “online marketing.” Even funnier. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Michael wasn’t his real name. He even hesitated before he said it. His friend in the navy t-shirt is handsome. I wonder if he’s an “online marketer” too. He could definitely pull in better prizes than beauty supply store purses and MAGA gear or unicorn onesies.

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17 hours ago, Bridget said:

I have worn several fragrances by Chanel over the years, so I’m quite familiar with what the different bottles of each fragrance looks like. 

When Darcey was dousing the entire airport before Jesse’s arrival, she had a bottle of Chanel Chance Eau Fraiche in her hand. 




My guess is that there's a whole lot of this mixed with the slight smell of Chicken of the Sea and Summer's Eve.

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11 hours ago, MsSilverSpecs said:

If I just traveled for hours to another country and my supposed man couldn't even bother to show up to pick me up at the airport, I'd be booking a flight back home. Hell, I would have at least asked why before leaving. 

Why are Darcy and Jesse even together? There's nothing there.

The first time i arrived on London I flew in to Gatwick, which is further outside of London than Heathrow. I had to get to my friend in Putney in SW London. He was going to come get me, but London’s traffic was exceptionally bad that day. I had to take a train to  another train and then lug my luggage down the road for a half mile.  Londoners do this shit. They think nothing of lugging their luggage through the overground and onto the Tube. People travel an hour each way across the city all the time. We americans have no understanding of the public transport culture.  It might take my Best friend an hour and a half the get the few miles to Heathrow, longer to Gatwick. Sometimes he picks me up, but a couple of times ive arrived with a text telling me to take Gatwick express. Now i just use a car service.

For her first visit, he should have at least come to meat her at Heathrow to help her deal with public transport. Paddington is a great place to meet up with someone who lives outside of London when you are coming from Heathrow. Heathrow Express goes directly there.  It was her first time out of the country though. I would have gone all the way to Heathrow.

Edited by JennyMominFL
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2 hours ago, greekmom said:

One of the many things that really irked me that I forgot to comment is Jesse's hand on chest little bow to the waiter then as soon as said waiter left, his berating of Darcy.

I mean what idiot puts up with that shit? Even for a 20 year old ass?!?  Darcy is not a bad looking gal, even with her flaws (drinking) she can land a decent guy in her age group that is fit and studly (I have seen some really hot men in their 50s) from the States who would treat her half as good. At least not put her down.

Then after berating her, she tries to apologize, and he interrupts her as if even her apology isn't good enough for him! Then he's super solicitous, taking her hand, like, "Our love is God, let's go get a slushie."

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