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S10.E17: Ship Happens

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1 hour ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I waited all season for THAT footage of the boat ride with CAMERAS shut off? Not even any audio????? Fuck that! LAME!

There was a little but of audio, you hear Bethenny say "why does he have knives?" which I'm guessing is when the captain cut the anchor off the boat. But likely they can't use certain parts of the audio just like they can't use film if there is a threat of being sued. Lets say a camera smashed Luann is the head, they are not going to show footage or audio of that. Something probably happened that was worse than the women being thrown around a bit. Or maybe Tinsley is right and everyone is just overreacting. 

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10 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:


Forced Luann to apologize to her, and then when Luann wanted Dorinda to look inside at her OWN behaviour, became defensive and angry.  Holy, holy shit.  She is a maniac.

I used to be such a Dorinda lover too.  It's crazy.


I've been a Dorinda fan too and I agree with all the conclusions about her aggressive issues when she's drinking, however, how much of this is due to edit? Recall the seasons where it was Ramona who got the crazy, aggressive, what's wrong with her  edit? Then, there was Sonja who was seriously out of control with her drunken behavior.  She wasn't even invited to the Berkshires, it was so bad.  So, is this just Dorinda's season to get the edit?  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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In what world is Dorinda living in?  La La land?  On WWHL last night, she brushed off her drinking problem telling Andy she was shutting down that accurization.  O.k. Until the next time you are screaming and slurring like a wild woman.  Easy on the lipstick, you looked like a clown.  Does she think people don’t have eyes?  Honestly.

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I work in the Property and Casualty Insurance industry.  Lawsuits for perceived damages happens all the time for less.  Negligence would have to be proven but 9 times out of 10 things are usually settled out of court.  

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Just now, Gem 10 said:

In what world is Dorinda living in?  La La land?  On WWHL last night, she brushed off her drinking problem telling Andy she was shutting down that accurization.  O.k. Until the next time you are screaming and slurring like a wild woman.  Easy on the lipstick, you looked like a clown.  Does she think people don’t have eyes?  Honestly.

I think Dorinda is exhibiting the classic denial that many addicts experience. And, like RHJUNKIE pointed out, she has moments where reality breaks through and then the denial kicks in again. 

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10 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

What a gastrointestinal adventure this vacation has been. All this talk about peeing, pooping, vomiting. Yuck! 

There was such a build up to this boat trip from hell and it was such a let down they didn’t show much. Glad they are ok but....still. And I don’t think they had PTSD because they were drinking and dancing like fools when they got back to the house. 

Carol this called it Post Traumatic Disorder...left out stress.  Is this right?

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39 minutes ago, coops said:

How exactly could the housewives sue Bravo for what happened on the boat and hope to remain on the show? Wouldn't that condemn them to a firing or at least a lifetime of bad editing? 

They're not suing Bravo!  Like I said, just Google it!

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Carole cut off Bethenney because she texts too much? She is cold. 



She also needs to stop chewing with her mouth open.  It's disgusting to watch.


I doubt she chewed like that in front of Lee Radziwell, headscarf chic or not. (Hi, Evelyn!)

Sonja yelling at Tinsley as if the choppiness is all her doing?

42 minutes ago, b2H said:

Here's what I don't get:  the house manager (and even Tinsley) said this happens every day around 3p.  So why did they feel the need to abandon the island immediately?  Does this condition last the rest of the day, and into the night?  Why not stay until the next day or until the waves pass?  They're at the Equator - light lasts long into the night, even at that time of the year.  I wouldn't be surprised if this was done to create the drama, but they over-played the hand here.

Exactly! And did Lu ever find her phone? Why did they rush them into the water for an hour and a half ride right then? The captain must have been talking to production and assured them that he is out in that weather all the time and could get them safely home but that passengers sometimes couldn't take it. Hope those producers lost their lunch and the contents of their bowels too. 

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11 hours ago, ryebread said:

RunniLu uses the loo to poo.  It's right behind the table where they're having breakfast. Does her bidness, steps out, and leaves the door open.  

I know!  I couldn't believe she did that.   Maybe she wanted to give Tinsley a nice whiff.  For someone with so much "class" she could use some lessons in basic courtesy.

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Now I realize everything is scripted.  Luann and Dorinda hugging and kissing each other the morning after the big drunken blowup.  I wanted to vomit.  Dorinda couldn’t have been nastier, and Luann forgave her so quickly?  Why doesn’t she just put her in her act already and call it a day.  That should make for an interesting show, lol.

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7 hours ago, Juneau Gal said:

Is Adam contractually obligated to look like a giant ass in every Coupon Cabin commercial or does it just come naturally? 

I hope the next guy Carole dates is an actual man.  I don't care how good the coffee is that this man/child serves, he's a putz. 

3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

They got sick because they were drinking before getting on that boat. 

Some people, just get sick on boats, period. And some, can drink on board, all the live long day and never have an issue.

But with these gals, it was a perfect storm of alcohol, food, sick stomachs to begin with, fear and choppy seas. Perfect storm.

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This happened how many months ago? I am shocked and seriously disappointed that none of these women entrepreneurs developed a fashion line of luxury life jackets for the women who yacht crowd since then. Faux fur, sequined, faux alligator/leather. Big opportunity missed. They could be shilling the crap out of that right now.  Sonja? Skinny Girl? The Countess? TruLife Jackets? 

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7 minutes ago, ryebread said:

I hope the next guy Carole dates is an actual man.  I don't care how good the coffee is that this man/child serves, he's a putz. 

Some people, just get sick on boats, period. And some, can drink on board, all the live long day and never have an issue.

But with these gals, it was a perfect storm of alcohol, food, sick stomachs to begin with, fear and choppy seas. Perfect storm.

It's true about how some people don't handle rough waters well.  Granted, we didn't see the entire thing, but, I tend to agree with Tinsley on this.  And, I suppose it's a matter of experiences that causes one to panic or become ill in rough waters.  I've been on some really choppy boat rides over the years and I think it's what you are used to. I never found it that upsetting.  Panic can incite panic in others. But, I will say that I absolutely believed that the ladies were terrified and sick.  Maybe, production was looking for a little drama, but, I think they got more than they bargained for. 

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8 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

And of course Sonja is swimming with her tag still attached so she can get more when she eventually consigns her bathing suit.  Also, Jesus.  Who wants to wear a bathing suit after Sonja.  Bleh.

I was wondering whether or not Sonja left that plastic film thing on the inside of the bathing suit bottom along with the tags.  Maybe she thinks that protective film is to prevent camel toe?   

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35 minutes ago, ryebread said:

I hope the next guy Carole dates is an actual man.  I don't care how good the coffee is that this man/child serves, he's a putz. 

Oh yes, forgot to mention the scenes from next week - really excited to see Adam return with his vocal fry in full effect.


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12 hours ago, dosodog said:

Yeah.  That commercial with Vicki and Tamra would have been much better if Vicki had been hit in the head when Tamra was shooting. 

Speaking of commercials, when I turned my t.v. On for the news this morning, there was Heather DuBrow & Terry hawking their vitamins.  Don’t they have enough money?

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3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I've been a Dorinda fan too and I agree with all the conclusions about her aggressive issues when she's drinking, however, how much of this is due to edit? Recall the seasons where it was Ramona who got the crazy, aggressive, what's wrong with her  edit? Then, there was Sonja who was seriously out of control with her drunken behavior.  She wasn't even invited to the Berkshires, it was so bad.  So, is this just Dorinda's season to get the edit?  

I don't thinks it's a bad edit. We've been seeing this Dorinda since her first season, but the difference is that it's making its way to a more central part of the NYC storyline. First season, she went after Heather, she's been literally up in Sonja's face and making nasty comments about Sonja because of her sexual choices, she's gone off on Bethenny in front of people who are strangers to her. In her drunken state, she's stabbed herself and broken things. We've already seen cast members accuse her of doing cocaine and partying hard and fast with John. What really becomes storylines are the things that become recurring all season long which incite drama. In the past, Dorinda has often squashed her bad behaviour fairly quickly but this time around, she's showing herself AND it's being talked about which means it's going to get more airtime.

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55 minutes ago, Jel said:

I like both Carole and Bethenny, and I agree with your assessment that Carole got fed up, and, dare I say, changed. (As in, she no longer wanted to respond to Bethenny immediately/ be at her "beck and call" (I don't see it exactly that way, but no matter) among, I'm sure, other things). But having said that, I think Carole is in some ways ghosting Bethenny, and then when Bethenny asks about it, Carole says something like, "I don't know what you're talking about, I haven't changed, etc". I also think she's projecting when she says Bethenny is gaslighting her because in this way, I can see Carole doing that to Bethenny.

Because I like Carole, I assume it's because she doesn't want to hurt Bethenny's feelings and because she just doesn't like confrontation. I understand that, but I think the adult thing to do would be to just flat out tell Bethenny that despite the fact that they have had a years-long close relationship, on and off the show, she doesn't feel the same way about her anymore because of X,Y and Z. And that she's not really interested in mending any fences.  I find her looking to the viewers for agreement (via blog posts, etc) comes off a little bit defensive, and a little bit manipulative.

If she wants to end the friendship, that's, of course, her right. I don't think anyone can fault her for that. But be honest, Bethenny hasn't changed, she was like that from day one, Carole has changed, in that what was once acceptable to her is no longer. Just be a grown up and say so.

I ultimately don't see it that way, either. There's just always been talk about how Carole was "under" Bethenny. I think Carole is her own woman and makes her own decisions. 

I also agree with your points. Carole should just come right out and say to Bethenny that she can no longer deal with the "high alert" nature of friendship with her. 

Edited by Mozelle
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1 hour ago, coops said:

How exactly could the housewives sue Bravo for what happened on the boat and hope to remain on the show? Wouldn't that condemn them to a firing or at least a lifetime of bad editing? 

And what could possibly have happened on the boat that was sue worthy? I mean, we saw Carole vomiting, Sonja declaring she peed herself, shit streaks on the floor and the maid scrubbing Lu's mattress...So, there was more? and it was worse?  

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Dorinda had a tag on her brown sundress too. 

Was Dorinda still drunk in the morning or did she start drinking when she woke? I’ve heard the rumors that she indulges in a certain white powdery substance, but I doubt she smuggled it into Columbia and I don’t see her scoring some on the trip. That leaves booze and perhaps she took some Xanax or something with it. 

At one point Dorinda half jokingly told Luann the two of them should go away for their own “ 21 day get away”(rehab)- is that the start of her recognizing that she has a problem? 

I wonder if Carole knew this would be her last season and deliberately separated herself emotionally from needy Bethenny? 

That water was choppy, but for world traveling women that all own ( or have owned) coastal homes and have traveled on yachts, I thought their response was extreme. I’m sure it was uncomfortable but come on.....( lifelong boater here)

They sure had plenty of clean ice at the vacation house ( we saw Bethenny laying on it) but some of them didn’t appear to be very careful about what they ate and drank so Montezuma’s revengewas inevitable. 

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1 minute ago, SweetieDarling said:

And what could possibly have happened on the boat that was sue worthy? I mean, we saw Carole vomiting, Sonja declaring she peed herself, shit streaks on the floor and the maid scrubbing Lu's mattress...So, there was more? and it was worse?  

I'm going to bet they'll argue that Bravo put them in harm's way by insisting they leave now to meet a filming schedule, that they hadn't fully vetted the boat charter service, that standard safety measures weren't employed (life jackets? Were there any, and if there weren't, they have a point about that) and the damages they suffered were largely emotional. "Post traumatic disorder" dontcha know ;)

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2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I interpreted it as Bethenny not being able to stand Tinsley kissing Carole's ass about the fashion.  I'm not judging Tinsley, she admires Carole and she seems innocent and nice about it.  But it made Bethenny's jealousy go up like crazy.  It's like their bragging about their friendship in front of her after she lost hers -- again, I think Tinsley was just being herself but Bethenny didn't like it.  Bethenny is also probably jealous of Carole's connections to the Kennedys blah blah because they mentioned Lee Radziwill and it was just "too much" for her.

Great take. I wasn't sure what to make of that exchange, but this all makes sense. I would just like to add that while I believe Tinsley was innocent of trying to run it in B's face, Carole, of the twisted knife in your back, was fully aware of what she was doing.

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15 minutes ago, Mozelle said:

I ultimately don't see it that way, either. There's just always been talk about how Carole was "under" Bethenny. I think Carole is her own woman and makes her own decisions. 

I also agree with your points. Carole should just come right out and say to Bethenny that she can no longer deal with the "high alert" nature of friendship with her. 

She should be more direct, and so should I, btw. I am much more like Carole than I am Bethenny --  never want to hurt someone's feelings either.  It's a lot easier for me to dispense the "shoulds" than live by them.  I appreciate Carole's good intentions, understand that she was also feeling hurt, but just wish she'd be more direct instead of stringing Bethenny along. Ironically, I think Bethenny could handle a direct cut much better than Carole's feelings-savings approach. 

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31 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

Dorinda had a tag on her brown sundress too. 

Was Dorinda still drunk in the morning or did she start drinking when she woke? I’ve heard the rumors that she indulges in a certain white powdery substance, but I doubt she smuggled it into Columbia and I don’t see her scoring some on the trip. That leaves booze and perhaps she took some Xanax or something with it. 

At one point Dorinda half jokingly told Luann the two of them should go away for their own “ 21 day get away”(rehab)- is that the start of her recognizing that she has a problem? 

I wonder if Carole knew this would be her last season and deliberately separated herself emotionally from needy Bethenny? 

That water was choppy, but for world traveling women that all own ( or have owned) coastal homes and have traveled on yachts, I thought their response was extreme. I’m sure it was uncomfortable but come on.....( lifelong boater here)

They sure had plenty of clean ice at the vacation house ( we saw Bethenny laying on it) but some of them didn’t appear to be very careful about what they ate and drank so Montezuma’s revengewas inevitable. 

you don't bring sand to the beach and I can sooooo see her asking a houseman to get her some.  I'm thinking its not taboo there.    

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Dorinda triggers all my growing-up-with-an-angry-alcoholic-father emotions. I could never be in the same room with her after she'd had a drink (she claimed that drunken tirade at Luann was after one drink, I think, though I could be wrong), much less after she'd had however many more she had by the time she finished the evening. I think she was still feeling the effects at breakfast, which is why her "apology" to Lu was more "you did me such an injury/how could you treat me this way" than "I'm sorry I blew up in your face." She needs help.

I've been on a boat of about that size in choppy seas. It's not pleasant. Flinging yourself around and screeching, however, won't make anything better.

These women and their tags left on clothing. That's a really low rent thing to do, in my opinion.

Who's to blame for the disintegration of Carole and Bethenny's friendship? My money, based on the episodes so far, is both of them.

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11 hours ago, Jets4274 said:

Watching Dorinda on WWHL on her best behavior, she's in serious denial about her drinking problem.  I don't understand how she can watch herself on TV at the Miami dinner with Bethenny or in Colombia with Luann (amongst other times) and not want to hide or at least admit to having had at least a drink too much in those instances.  And she looks a mess every time with the slurring and lipstick smeared all over her face.  If she can make excuses for her nasty behavior while sober, I wonder what it will take for her to recognize that she should seek help.   

Did you see the CC when she was apologizing to Luann (the 2nd time), and whispered "maybe we can find a 21-day program to go to together".  I'm paraphrasing a bit, going from memory.  So at least in that brief moment, she understood.

11 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I still wanna know why there was shit on the floor and neither Ramona or Sonja seemed to be embarrassed in the least and just kept walking through it. 

Because stooping, let alone stooping to clean up their own feces, is beneath them.  We see that Ramona finally got a peon to do her packing.  Despicable human.

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2 hours ago, OFDgal said:

Yes to this!  She also needs to stop chewing with her mouth open.  It's disgusting to watch.  She's been called out on this numerous times on this board.  Why would she continue to eat like this.  Not very princessey.

They are all pretty disgusting when they eat. Beth laughs, her mouth wide open, with half-chewed food in her mouth. Lu and Dorinda grimace and bare the teeth on the side in order to dislodge the food wedged between their teeth and cheek. 

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3 hours ago, b2H said:

They were probably sicker than hell.

Here's what I don't get:  the house manager (and even Tinsley) said this happens every day around 3p.  So why did they feel the need to abandon the island immediately?  Does this condition last the rest of the day, and into the night?  Why not stay until the next day or until the waves pass?  They're at the Equator - light lasts long into the night, even at that time of the year.  I wouldn't be surprised if this was done to create the drama, but they over-played the hand here.

I was giving hard side eye to this as well.  I was trying to justify in my own mind, why they wouldn't leave sooner, or later.  Either those were an extreme example of typical conditions, or like others have said, it was edited and acted, to appear more dramatic than it was.

I thought Sawnya seemed to be the most upset by it all, which is ironical considering her vast experience with yachts, no?  Apparently she was only helicoptered in and out prior to this excursion.

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15 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Did you see the CC when she was apologizing to Luann (the 2nd time), and whispered "maybe we can find a 21-day program to go to together".  I'm paraphrasing a bit, going from memory.  So at least in that brief moment, she understood.

Dorinda wasn't that direct, but it was what she alluded to. She said "Let's go away for 21 days together" and Lu said "I'll go with you". I wonder if Andy brought it up at the reunion? It doesn't sound like he questioned what she meant on WWHL (I don't get the show) as she from what I have read here still claims she doesn't have a problem. What a great opportunity to pin Dorinda down, if Andy squandered it both during the reunion and on the live show. 

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2 hours ago, coops said:

How exactly could the housewives sue Bravo for what happened on the boat and hope to remain on the show? Wouldn't that condemn them to a firing or at least a lifetime of bad editing? 

I didn't research, but perhaps they're suing the folks who put the trip together?  I would imagine that Bravo used a travel service of some sort.

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3 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Dorinda wasn't that direct, but it was what she alluded to. She said "Let's go away for 21 days together" and Lu said "I'll go with you". I wonder if Andy brought it up at the reunion? It doesn't sound like he questioned what she meant on WWHL (I don't get the show) as she from what I have read here still claims she doesn't have a problem. What a great opportunity to pin Dorinda down, if Andy squandered it both during the reunion and on the live show. 

I was thinking Dorinda had a light-bulb moment during the trip that she's a nasty drunk who needs help esp. with her "21 days" comment.  But on WWHL she doubled down.   She doesn't have a problem!  She was on holiday!  Only had a couple!  

I don't think Andy wants to pin her down because drunk Dorinda makes for great TV.  

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5 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Dorinda wasn't that direct, but it was what she alluded to. She said "Let's go away for 21 days together" and Lu said "I'll go with you". I wonder if Andy brought it up at the reunion? It doesn't sound like he questioned what she meant on WWHL (I don't get the show) as she from what I have read here still claims she doesn't have a problem. What a great opportunity to pin Dorinda down, if Andy squandered it both during the reunion and on the live show. 

You're right, that was it.  It's exactly how I interpreted the comment.  I can't imagine what else it would be.

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7 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

It doesn't sound like he questioned what she meant on WWHL (I don't get the show)

I am in Canada and don't get the show either but I have discovered the WWHL podcast, not the same as seeing it, but it's pretty decent.

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