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S05.E15 Reunion Part 1 2018.07.19

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Liz's twitter comments are exactly why you have to be careful with what you say to your friend's partner on behalf of them. Friends are obviously acting in the best interest of each other but if it were easy to walk away from the relationship unscathed and with no remorse, Liz would have done so already. It's a hard lesson for Naomi to learn but the extent to which Liz took it, basically calling Naomi a liar and cutting her out of her life is quite harsh.  I don't believe for a second that Naomi made up those things.

Reading that article about Patricia distancing herself from Thomas and Ashley, anyone know what she's talking about? She said it was being litigated but I don't believe it would be the rape claim against Thomas because she it was something that both Thomas and Ashley did so both of them were involved. 

I didn't mind Cam talking so much about motherhood because that was her experience this season. Her interactions with the rest of the group was limited and her ability to insert her opinions wouldn't be from someone who was actually part of the experience in any fashion. 

I do think Craig overall has a good heart, but I hope he's genuinely seeking help for his behaviours and his understanding of unconditional love. I can have love for someone without being in love with them. I can see the good in someone and love them enough to want to see them happy and healthy and would give my emotional support to them in their journey but those behaviours doesn't make one obligated to continue to be in love with someone who is not providing them with what they need in a partner. Believing that you behave and do whatever you want because true love will overcome it is a very distorted view of love - one that is selfish and inconsiderate. Craig feels like he overlooked things about Naomi because he loved her unconditionally but you can see that it's because of his blase attitude toward life. His grievances are never all that bad to him because just looks for activities to distract him. What gets me about Craig is that he's acknowledged so many bad behaviours of his (which I think is hard to do for many people) but still insists that he's the best thing to ever happen to Naomi, lol. 

Cam calling Kathryn a victim is a bit of a stretch given that Kathryn's own behaviour has influenced the issues she has experienced in her life, however, based on the Patricia interview and many being in agreeance with what Cam said, it seems that despite Kathryn's work to turn her life around, Thomas has sabotaged her chances of earning second chances from people until now. Supposedly lying about her sobriety and who and how she was spending her time. To my understanding, he had full custody so her passing her drug tests weren't the only requirement to seeing her children, but it also required the lenience from Thomas to do so (or may be I've misunderstood his custody rights). I know some people question Kathryn today but I believe that she's changed for the better and that her story right now is a good redemption story. I also think Cam's emotional state may have also been triggered by her own feelings of guilt for how she has treated Kathryn in the past and now feeling like her lack of relationship with Kathryn in the past was attributed to what she now feels were lies to isolate Kathryn from the group. 

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11 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

As I said, it makes sense to me, someone that sews, that he's storing his projects without pillow forms in them.  He said he had 20 when Cam came over.  That would take up a ton of room if he stored them with forms in them.  Also, as I said, he showed Cam a bolster that appeared to display beyond beginner skills.  He's also picking out his fabrics and using more than one in a project.  If he was a woman no one would be making fun of his sewing.

You are so right.  My brother is the one who sews in the family and received both our grandmothers and our mothers sewing stuff.  Threads, buttons, zippers, and other whatnots.  @breezy424 - It's great having someone do your alterations for you and whip up curtains, no?

9 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

The season before last, Cameron was already saying that she didn’t think she wanted kids at all.  She didn’t like the whole idea of pregnancy and birth.  That season and this season makes two.

Well she was right and did not have a great time.

58 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

I will admit I don't get Cam's resistance on having a child.  I just don't get it.  But that's me.  Childbirth isn't all that hard.  But that's me.  I also can't relate to not immediately bonding with your child.

I, like Cam, found pregnancy and childbirth to be the worst experience of my life and vowed it would never, ever happen again.  I still have nightmares of running around the hospital parking lot with my sister and brother chasing me to get me inside.  If they hadn't drugged me to high heaven I would have chose death, I am not kidding.  I also have nightmares of being told I am pregnant and wake up screaming.  At baby showers I sit in a corner and shut the hell up.

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11 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Reading that article about Patricia distancing herself from Thomas and Ashley, anyone know what she's talking about? She said it was being litigated but I don't believe it would be the rape claim against Thomas because she it was something that both Thomas and Ashley did so both of them were involved. 

Luzanne is contemplating suing Thomas and Ashley for harassing her.

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12 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

Here’s an article (I think this isn’t necessarily the most reliable source, but it’s the only one I’ve seen):



I don’t know enough about HIPAA to ascertain if what they’re describing is an actual violation, but it’s at the very least trashy and sketchy. So, you know, typical Ashley behavior. The details about the army of supporters she’s trying to amass and the fake accounts is juicy. I’d be curious if anyone here who has experience in the medical field has any thoughts.

It is probably an actual violation. It's an adolescent nonverbal patient who does not appear to be emancipated and has a parent who does not appear to have consented. We know where Ashley works. Ashley disclosed a name, which coupled with the other info, is probably personally identifiable health information. She seems to have screwed up, but who knows  what comes of this considering Thomas' reach.


Regardless, there are possibly state privacy laws that Ashley might have violated too.

Edited by HunterHunted
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9 hours ago, MatildaMoody said:

I always feel like Kathryn is trying to recreate a look from the Grand Ole Opry. Like she is channeling a vintage Loretta Lynn or Tammy Winnette. Her reunion looks always seem like she is playing dress up, in the most fun way possible. The problem is that the costumes always end up wearing her. I personally think that she is a stunning woman, who still hasn't figured out the best way to showcase her natural features. I also think that it's another thing that points to her feeling so completely out of her element among most of these folks. Having been surrounded by people who were so much older than her for so long, has to make her feel the need to hide behind "a look" and I suspect her social anxiety doesn't help either. 

Agree completely. She doesn't seem 100 comfortable in those beautiful clothes --yet. I don't like her posture a lot of the times, she hunches over, her spine isn't ramrod straight, she doesn't seem strong in them. "They wear her" is a perfect description. I think she loves fashion and I'm actually very impressed with the risks she's taken with some of her outfits...that takes a lot of balls. I'm sure it's natural to want to fit in, especially in a hostile environment, but she has no qualms putting on something a little avant-garde for this Ann Taylor crew. I give her a lot of credit for that.

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6 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

Here’s an article (I think this isn’t necessarily the most reliable source, but it’s the only one I’ve seen):



I don’t know enough about HIPAA to ascertain if what they’re describing is an actual violation, but it’s at the very least trashy and sketchy. So, you know, typical Ashley behavior. The details about the army of supporters she’s trying to amass and the fake accounts are juicy. I’d be curious if anyone here who has experience in the medical field has any thoughts.

Interesting article! Thanks for posting it! That chick is so weird!!! Ashley reminds me of a Lifetime movie villain. The way she "posed" with her patients is so uncomfortable. If I was a parent or child of one of those patients, I would be furious! Do your job, you wing nut, not make videos about your personal life while you're on duty! She's unhinged.

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16 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

And I wonder if Cameron realizes that some mothers are not safe to be around their children. That's why others step in and protect them.  Kathryn has admitted that she wasn't fit during a certain time, so why are you sucking up so hard?

Cameron is sucking so hard because every one else is now madly in love with Kathryn including the grand dame Patricia. Cam doesn't want to be left out of the group. I'm kind of sick of them all kissing Kathryn's ass. She was an addict. She's cleaned herself up and is trying to stay that way. Now it's time to move on from that drama. I hope it doesn't continue next season.  She has a lot to make up for, and has admitted she is does not have the bond with Saint that she should have because she was too busy drugging and partying after he was born. 

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31 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I'm kind of sick of them all kissing Kathryn's ass. She was an addict. She's cleaned herself up and is trying to stay that way. Now it's time to move on from that drama. I hope it doesn't continue next season.  She has a lot to make up for, and has admitted she is does not have the bond with Saint that she should have because she was too busy drugging and partying after he was born. 

Exactly. It’s great to see her putting her life back together and FINALLY being the mom those poor kids deserve, and yes, she was just a kid herself when she got knocked up twice, but I’m not too into the huge pedestal the cast has suddenly placed her upon either. She also is incredibly self-centered, and acted just as scary and unstable as Ashley back in the day too; I don’t think her crazed past behavior was strictly fueled just by age and/or substances.

Honestly, I think half of the sudden outpouring of goodwill for Kathryn is in response to just how insane Trashley has been acting towards her.

That being said, Ashley making videos like those at her job and sending them to strangers?! Yikes. That was so awkward and uncomfortable to watch. As a teacher, I know we could get fired immediately if we filmed our students like that and sent the videos to strangers; how could she not realize that might jeopardize her career? I’m shocked that she’s *that* idiotic...sorta...

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Why is that disabled child under the Ravenal Bridge? I see some benches in the background but it seems loud and a weird place to take a kid. But I'm not from Charleston, so it could be the most popular picnic grove evah. Instead, it just seems like Trashley's way of showing off how connected TRav is. Sometimes social media is ridiculous. People lose their minds to show off and this is Exhibit A.

I think that Fitsnews is a local SC site and they are usually on top of all the TRav/Katherine drama. I've read some of their stuff before. And the trolling is what Ash does. That's why that Luzanne woman wants to sue them. Trolling is probably what TRav expects as part of their agreement. 

If you watched those videos posted upthread with Pat she mentions that she was suspicious of how "syrupy sweet" Ash is. That video is a prime example.

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1 hour ago, Sun-Bun said:

Exactly. It’s great to see her putting her life back together and FINALLY being the mom those poor kids deserve, and yes, she was just a kid herself when she got knocked up twice, but I’m not too into the huge pedestal the cast has suddenly placed her upon either. She also is incredibly self-centered, and acted just as scary and unstable as Ashley back in the day too; I don’t think her crazed past behavior was strictly fueled just by age and/or substances.

Honestly, I think half of the sudden outpouring of goodwill for Kathryn is in response to just how insane Trashley has been acting towards her.

That being said, Ashley making videos like those at her job and sending them to strangers?! Yikes. That was so awkward and uncomfortable to watch. As a teacher, I know we could get fired immediately if we filmed our students like that and sent the videos to strangers; how could she not realize that might jeopardize her career? I’m shocked that she’s *that* idiotic...sorta...

Thank you so much for this Sun-Bun! I two hundred percent agree! Yes, it’s wonderful  that Kathryn has matured and *finally* is doing right by her kids and staying sober but...she had/has serious issues, not just addiction! 

She didn’t bond properly with her kids-much more so Saint. This is very serious stuff. He will have issues from that, it’s not a mild blip. She has often shown an emotional detachment I found quite concerning. The nanny reported bad parenting by Kathryn back then. 

So for everyone to be kissing her ass now and putting her on a pedestal is disconcerting. Yes Thomas did a number on her but she was loony without him too. And she had no empathy for Jennifer’s sick baby...chilling. She is self centered and narcisstic. Let’s please not suddenly make her a saint (no pun intended, ha). 

I do wish her well and hope Kensie and Saint thrive. 

Ashley is vile in every way. 

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Kind of ironic that Ashley was waiving her nursing card around to make people believe she is an actual nurse- now she could theoretically  lose her license if those videos did in fact violate HIPPA. What an idiot. 

Social media and patient care should never cross paths in my humble opinion. (Nurse for over 35 years). 

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5 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

(Nurse for over 35 years). 

Same here. Retired!  but I did a lot of work for Hospice and in their training they also go over privacy. She’s going to get her comeuppance.  A disgrace to our profession. 

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12 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

Here’s an article (I think this isn’t necessarily the most reliable source, but it’s the only one I’ve seen):



I don’t know enough about HIPAA to ascertain if what they’re describing is an actual violation, but it’s at the very least trashy and sketchy. So, you know, typical Ashley behavior. The details about the army of supporters she’s trying to amass and the fake accounts are juicy. I’d be curious if anyone here who has experience in the medical field has any thoughts.


That's not only a "questionable" HIPAA violation, it's a blatant one.

I'm in healthcare for a living, and literally yesterday I had to take a legal compliance course on HIPAA.  A patient's name, likeness, etc., can NEVER be used.  Period.

In my company, posting a video like that is a fire-able offense with legal consequences, including hefty fines.

It'll be interesting to see if/how she wriggles her way out of this.  The only thing she could have/should have said is "This is my friend x, not my patient".  Then, her defense could be that she honestly made friends with this person.  Nope, she used this poor defenseless patient as a prop.  Wow.

Edited by Sterling
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2 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Why is that disabled child under the Ravenal Bridge? I see some benches in the background but it seems loud and a weird place to take a kid. But I'm not from Charleston, so it could be the most popular picnic grove evah. Instead, it just seems like Trashley's way of showing off how connected TRav is. Sometimes social media is ridiculous. People lose their minds to show off and this is Exhibit A.

I think that Fitsnews is a local SC site and they are usually on top of all the TRav/Katherine drama. I've read some of their stuff before. And the trolling is what Ash does. That's why that Luzanne woman wants to sue them. Trolling is probably what TRav expects as part of their agreement. 

If you watched those videos posted upthread with Pat she mentions that she was suspicious of how "syrupy sweet" Ash is. That video is a prime example.

I did not watch the video as each time I've ever tried to open Fitsnews, my laptop goes bonkers.  I just got it back into good working order so I'm avoiding sites that have given me trouble in the past!

I am no fan of Ashley's by any means but given the description you've provided here, I'm quite certain that the park you're describing is Mount Pleasant Memorial Waterfront Park, located adjacent to (and under!) the Ravenel Bridge.  While I have no doubt that Ashley may very well have chosen that location to remind everyone that she's Thomas Ravenel's girlfriend, the park itself is stunning, still relatively new (9 years old) and a great place.  When friends are in town, I always work in a visit to Waterfront Park to go along with other great Mount Pleasant attractions like Patriots' Point, Boone Hall and Shem Creek.  It has a Visitors' Center, an outbuilding that houses an exhibit on the Gullah history of Sweetgrass Basket weaving (One woman there has a basket of hers displayed in the Smithsonian!), a fabulous children's playground, a cafe, gift shop and its crown jewel, a gorgeous pier that stretches nearly a quarter mile into the Cooper River with stunning views of downtown Charleston.  While I'm still hoping Ashley's on the next flight back to California, I can't fault her for bringing anyone to Waterfront park.

A website and a video for those who may be interested:

Mount Pleasant Pier - Charleston County Parks

YouTube Video - Mount Pleasant Memorial Waterfront Park

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I liked Shep a lot this season.  OMG, he cracked me up when the guys were tuxedo shopping and they were talking about how Ashley said it would take $5000 to pay her off and send her away and then Shep was pretending to be TRav and said...what in tarnation!!!  The guys were all cracking up over that and I'm still laughing about it.

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12 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Reading that article about Patricia distancing herself from Thomas and Ashley, anyone know what she's talking about? She said it was being litigated but I don't believe it would be the rape claim against Thomas because she it was something that both Thomas and Ashley did so both of them were involved. 

It's the Luzanne Otte situation. Luzanne has retained counsel and sent cease and desist (cyst and decease) letters to both Thomas and Ashley. Considering that Luzanne isn't a public figure, she'll probably have an easier time proving defamation.* I don't know about damages though and I don't think anything has been formally filed. However given the lawyer's letter, I can see why Patricia has opted to stay away from Thomas and Ashley.

*Public figures have to prove that false statements were made maliciously.

Edited by HunterHunted
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29 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

I'm quite certain that the park you're describing is Mount Pleasant Memorial Waterfront Park, located adjacent to (and under!) the Ravenel Bridge.  While I have no doubt that Ashley may very well have chosen that location to remind everyone that she's Thomas Ravenel's girlfriend, the park itself is stunning, still relatively new (9 years old) and a great place.  When friends are in town, I always work in a visit to Waterfront Park to go along with other great Mount Pleasant attractions like Patriots' Point, Boone Hall and Shem Creek.  It has a Visitors' Center, an outbuilding that houses an exhibit on the Gullah history of Sweetgrass Basket weaving (One woman there has a basket of hers displayed in the Smithsonian!), a fabulous children's playground, a cafe, gift shop and its crown jewel, a gorgeous pier that stretches nearly a quarter mile into the Cooper River with stunning views of downtown Charleston.  While I'm still hoping Ashley's on the next flight back to California, I can't fault her for bringing anyone to Waterfront park.

A website and a video for those who may be interested:

Mount Pleasant Pier - Charleston County Parks

YouTube Video - Mount Pleasant Memorial Waterfront Park

I am interested, thank you for posting!  I am visiting Charleston soon and I will add to my list!  Thanks!

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The thing about the unconditional love comment that Craig made is that, unfortunately, I've known people from age 25 to age 65 utter the same nonsense about love being unconditional.  It's  one of those cliches that sounds good, but should be obvious to anyone how stupid and naive an idea it is. Alas, it's still pronounced  by a lot of people.  The only proper context for that belief is in regards to babies and minor children.  With that being said, I find Craig to be the most interesting guy of the bunch.  Yeah, he's unfocused and a bit of a jerk, but he has shown himself to be of many talents and interest.  He enjoys gardening, cooking, sewing and apparently CAN hit the books for more intellectual matters like studying for the bar.  We didn't see much of that side of him, but he just recently passed the bar, so it must of happened.  He also cares for his cats.  At Shep's BBQ, he was apparently the only one who had a clue on how to BBQ and handle food!  He's also into real estate and is currently doing some major remodeling of the house he is currently living in.  So he is acquiring (or already has) some carpentry and/or construction skills.  What have any of the other "men" on this show shown any interest or talent in other than  cruising bars, drinking and partying?  If Craig can get his head straight and focus, and with a little more maturity under his belt, I think he could be a good partner to someone.  Heck, what woman wouldn't want a man who cooks and can fix things?  And he's not bad looking either.  I find him the most attractive out of the bunch.  Shep did look a bit striking on the reunion, but during the program, I find him to be quite milquetoast in looks, hence I didn't even try to watch that spinoff show of his.  No  charisma.  The same with Austin.  Whitney is just an odd character that is just there.  He has nothing to offer.  But I guess him being some producer or something with the show is why he's on it.  

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14 minutes ago, DelicateDee said:

  Whitney is just an odd character that is just there.  He has nothing to offer.  But I guess him being some producer or something with the show is why he's on it.  

Whitney actually created the show.  It was his idea to have a show about his group of friends in Charleston, and he pitched the idea to Bravo.  He's not on it much because he's behind the scenes a lot, plus he mostly lives in California.


Edited by Sterling
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42 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

I forgot for the moment that Whitney was the creator/producer - since he and Patricia have cut ties wih TRav, is it safe to assume he's been fired from the show?

Andy won't say definitively.  I listen to Radio Andy on Sirius, and he only said that Thomas will not be on the reunion.  We obviously heard Andy read that statement this week about Thomas' allegations, and it was brief.

A caller asked:  If Thomas ends up not ever coming back, what about Ashley?  And Andy kind of laughed and said something about how "great" she is (I'm sure he means for t.v. drama sake).  I took that to mean that Ashley could end up staying on the show.

Would be interesting though, as Thomas' biggest friends and allies have always been Patricia and Whitney, but Patricia has now seen Thomas for who he really is, and she & Whitney have blocked him.

I need a life.  :)

Edited by Sterling
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In the preview for part 2 of the reunion, it looked to me like someone (Shep?) was explaining how Thomas said something rude to Patricia and that's why they were done. I can't remember the exact words, but that's the impression I got. I wonder if Thomas really did say something truly awful to Pat or if that's just a convenient excuse to be rid of him now that these allegations have surfaced.

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4 minutes ago, Vandy10 said:

In the preview for part 2 of the reunion, it looked to me like someone (Shep?) was explaining how Thomas said something rude to Patricia and that's why they were done. I can't remember the exact words, but that's the impression I got. I wonder if Thomas really did say something truly awful to Pat or if that's just a convenient excuse to be rid of him now that these allegations have surfaced.

Ashley and Thomas posted one or two Lon rambling IGstories saying shit about Patricia.

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12 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Ashley and Thomas posted one or two Lon rambling IGstories saying shit about Patricia.

Those two are fools making each other act even more foolish!  If it’s true that Patricia and Whitney have blocked them from their social media then that’s a big deal because both used to be so tolerant of T-Rav. Amd now both seem to be much more on the “side” of Kathryn. I didn’t see that coming — and I LIKE it. Good to see that even those formerly close to Thomas are capable of drawing a line when it comes to his behavior. 

Edited by RedHawk
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On ‎7‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 5:53 AM, Gem 10 said:

She’s getting on my nerves also.  Going over to Craig’s house, sitting down and immediately questioning him every which way.   Plus, is she the ONLY woman that had a baby?  You would think so, the way she carries on.  How about having three kids without an epidural or any drugs?  Then, you can complain, lol.

In her defense, having her daughter was her storyline this season and Andy was asking her questions about it.  What was she supposed to do, ignore him?  Also, childbirth isn't a competition.  

I think Craig deserved everything coming at him.  That boy aint right.   He needs some serious therapy.

On ‎7‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 6:45 AM, Major Bigtime said:

Yes, typical response of an alcoholic or addict who is still using. Trust me, I know this.

Why does everyone keep insisting Katheryn is still using?  She's been randomly tested for a year and hasn't failed a single test.

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On ‎7‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 11:51 AM, slowpoked said:

Why can't she complain about her own experience about childbirth? I didn't know pregnancy/childbirth is some sort of competition where the only ones who had it the hardest can get the trophy award of complaining and look down upon other women and dismiss or minimize their own very personal experience.

I can't like this comment enough.   I'm so tired of mommy competitions.  Everyone has their own experience and is entitled to talk about that experience.  

On ‎7‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 12:14 PM, Gem 10 said:

Because, complaining about for almost two seasons is a bit much .. that’s why.  It’s getting a little stale and boring.  

Wow, that must've been the longest pregnancy in history if she's been complaining about it for two seasons, considering she was only pregnant this season.

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On ‎7‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 3:33 PM, MrsWitter said:

I think that’s totally fair. I find it interesting, but I can understand why some might find it boring (although, I’d rather watch Cameran talk about breast feeding than Austen pretend to make beer).  Not referencing you Veda, but I haven’t liked the tone in some of this discussion that Cameran is complaining too much or doesn’t have the right to complain unless she’s had a certain number of children or given birth a particular way, or somehow by complaining she is acting like she’s the only woman to ever be a mother. I find that attitude really damaging, but finding her boring? That doesn’t bother me. I do agree that she and Whitney have a weird and appealing chemistry and I do like her “Greek chorus” role too.

Totally agree.  There's a reason so many women who need help don't reach out for it and it's the attitude described above.  It's very harmful to mothers and should be called out when seen.  I loved that Cameron isn't painting motherhood as some peachy, perfect picture because it's not.   Essentially telling her to shut up and deal because she hasn't "earned" her right to feel whatever she's feeling is really messed up.

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On 7/19/2018 at 10:18 PM, annewithaneee said:

I'm glad Cameran apologized and also made no qualms about Ashley's awfulness. That said, I have a couple issues...

Again, why is the cast very ready to reiterate Ashley being Satan's baby and completely hold back on Thomas? Supposedly the gag order was lifted for the reunion, and most of the cast members are rumored to be completely unwilling to film with him ever again (assuming he doesn't get fired, which Bravo had better do). While I think it's great that Cameran blatantly called Ashley horrible, she and all the non-Kathryn folks should have said that Trav is a nasty, nasty little gremlin of a man. Shep was probably grossest -- you like most things about Thomas? First of all, "accused rapist" may be only one of his labels, but it should take up a lot of real estate regarding one's overall character. And also, how can literally anyone stomach being near that dude and continue to keep up the illusion that there's basically anything likable or redeeming about him? 

Also, Cameran's speech while heartfelt and sweet had a bit of a gender-swapped "as the father of daughters..." feeling to me. I don't think having a baby would, at this juncture, suddenly make you understand that Thomas is an abusive heap of trash. Having eyeballs does. 

In no way am I defending Ravenel, however, the accusations against him are just that.  Allegations as yet unproven or admitted to.  Conversely, Ashley is on film spewing her nonsense.  These are people who are likely still fairly shellshocked by all of the horrid stuff surrounding Thomas, and may still be having difficulty believing it.  Part of me understands that.

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On 7/19/2018 at 10:49 PM, Duke2801 said:

I thought she said she had obtained them “unnaturally.” Aka: boob job. But maybe I misheard. 

That is what she said.  Them there are definitely bolt-ons.  They're pretty, but I don't need to see that much of 'em in high def.

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1 hour ago, lezlers said:

Why does everyone keep insisting Katheryn is still using?  She's been randomly tested for a year and hasn't failed a single test.

I don't know if she's sober or not, but alcohol doesn't stay in your system that long. She could be drinking and still pass a drug test if it was the next day. Having said that, I think it's more likely that she's taking Xanax or something similar. If so, she needs to be careful. She can get addicted to it or other meds she is taking. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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On 7/20/2018 at 12:27 AM, RedDelicious said:

Cam's apology was very heartwarming but the crying was a little much for my cold black heart. 

I have always cringed at crying like that, especially when I see no water.  Her eyes were glassy, and I believe she meant what she was saying, but the actual crying jag seemed a bit forced to me.

On 7/20/2018 at 2:11 AM, breezy424 said:

And...where's Whitney?

If he's not there, he doesn't have to answer questions about Thomas does he?  Seeing that he had such a reduced on-camera role this season, he was probably not required to attend.  Convenient.  Same with his mother.

On 7/20/2018 at 2:25 AM, For Cereals said:

It made her look like she’d been in an accident.

I thought the bleached blonde/red mess looked like she spilled the entire bottle of bleach on her head.

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4 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Same with his mothe

Patricia never comes to the reunion but she has said quite a bit about Thomas on SM so I don’t imagine Whitney or Patricia would have had a problem answering questions.

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8 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Kind of ironic that Ashley was waiving her nursing card around to make people believe she is an actual nurse- now she could theoretically  lose her license if those videos did in fact violate HIPPA. What an idiot. 

Social media and patient care should never cross paths in my humble opinion. (Nurse for over 35 years). 

I'm going back several years, but there was a show on Discovery Health (?) that was called something like ER New York or something like that.  One of the nurses that had been featured for a couple of seasons (and was very likeable and seemingly competent) posted a photo of the aftermath of an ER trauma room, following a patient that had been shot and I believe died.  If I remember right, the patient wasn't shown, just the totally trashed, bloody trauma room.  She was promptly fired from the hospital, I think by the end of the episode.  They actually filmed her crying and walking away from the hospital, talking to the cameraperson about what had just happened.  She was stunned.  I was too actually, but thought about it and understood.  She had evidently signed privacy contracts of some sort, and her post was a clear violation of it.

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7 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Because there are some people who believe every bit of gossip that Thomas (the drug abusing rapist) and his surrogates spew despite Kathryn getting substance tested 3 times a week for a year and never failing.

Actually, I have alluded to it, simply based on her on-screen affect, at times.  It probably is a prescribed med that is producing what I see.  I'm not a doctor, I'm a teevee-watching, chat site-posting human.  Much like the vast majority of folks here.

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53 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Actually, I have alluded to it, simply based on her on-screen affect, at times.  It probably is a prescribed med that is producing what I see.  I'm not a doctor, I'm a teevee-watching, chat site-posting human.  Much like the vast majority of folks here.

Honestly, I wasn't even obliquely referring to you. Kathryn has said that she has anxiety. Her affect has implied that she's on meds for anxiety. Those who think that Kathryn being on medication for anxiety invalidates her sobriety are unfamiliar with current best practices and recommended treatments.

As I've said many a time, I don't really like Kathryn. However, the strange campaign that Thomas and his surrogates have launched to irritate, needle, berate, and undermine Kathryn just rubs me the wrong way. The fact that Kathryn is on medication should not be held against her.

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With the ladies’ clothing choices on these reunions, I have taken the position that it is more important the outfit look better when one is sitting than when one is standing.  There are very rare moments during these events that women are standing.  These outfits almost always look awful because the stylists haven’t considered the whole time the wearer is only sitting.

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41 minutes ago, b2H said:

With the ladies’ clothing choices on these reunions, I have taken the position that it is more important the outfit look better when one is sitting than when one is standing.  There are very rare moments during these events that women are standing.  These outfits almost always look awful because the stylists haven’t considered the whole time the wearer is only sitting.

Exactly.  I recently re-watched several seasons of RHONYC, and in many of the reunion shows, the ladies' Spanx were clearly visible because their dresses were too short.  In this Southern Charm reunion, I actually liked all the "Ann Taylor" solid color dresses that most of the girls wore, as they looked basically the same sitting as standing.  Kathryn's was an unfortunate choice for many reasons, but the sitting vs. standing was definitely a factor.

Re:  Kathryn and possible continued usage:  I don't believe so.  I do believe she's under a psychiatrist's care, with prescribed meds, which as others have said, give her the flat affect.  In the episode where Danni and Chelsea were banging on her door, she later admitted to trying to self-stop those meds.  While Thomas forcing her to drug-test 3x/week is abhorrent, there is at least enough proof that she's not using anything not prescribed.

Edited by Sterling
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To steal a line from Clairee Belcher, Craig is nasty, wicked, evil, wretched, horrible, mean, and I hope he is never heard from again.


I was also terrifically amused when Craig was trying to emphasize the fanciness of the wall that defeated his butter knife and Chelsea just deadpanned, "It. has. studs." 


To get all superficial:

- Regardless of her personality, I loved Naomie's reunion look and would wear that every day if I could pull it off myself. It really emphasized her (in my opinion) lovely face. (on second thought maybe I should not go for that look haha)

- Kathryn would look so much better in simpler clothing too; if she shot for--and even fell short of--the Carolyn Bessette Kennedy look I think she'd look amazing. The white top and red pants she wore for the birthday party were simple without being plain and she looked great in that outfit.

- Craig looked bloated and nasty. Something is way wrong with him.

- Austen is such a no-op and his variations on the "durrr" face as reactions to the other cast members were killing me.

- I can't quit Shep despite all his failings. Dammit.



13 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I'm going back several years, but there was a show on Discovery Health (?) that was called something like ER New York or something like that.  One of the nurses that had been featured for a couple of seasons (and was very likeable and seemingly competent) posted a photo of the aftermath of an ER trauma room, following a patient that had been shot and I believe died.  If I remember right, the patient wasn't shown, just the totally trashed, bloody trauma room.  She was promptly fired from the hospital, I think by the end of the episode.  They actually filmed her crying and walking away from the hospital, talking to the cameraperson about what had just happened.  She was stunned.  I was too actually, but thought about it and understood.  She had evidently signed privacy contracts of some sort, and her post was a clear violation of it.

I remember this too because it was so surprising to a lay person like me that that would fall within its scope. It comes to my mind every time a HIPAA violation is mentioned.

That witch's video with the patient seems solidly within scope and I hope she gets completely legally clobbered for it.

Edited by Toodleoo
I had more to saaaay
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14 hours ago, lezlers said:

Why does everyone keep insisting Katheryn is still using?  She's been randomly tested for a year and hasn't failed a single test.

People whose friends dislike Kathryn continue to spread doubt like it's their job.  Like HunterHunted said, I trust the courts and the random drug tests over the word of someone with an ax to grind. 

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On 7/20/2018 at 11:18 PM, breezy424 said:

On another note, I don't think Kat was being treated like a martyr but rather they were recognizing that they just blindly took Trav's side without seeing what Trav's responsibility or contribution was to the situation.   Others may disagree....  


Totally agree with this. It’s what I loved about this season. The women accepted the power of sisterhood!  The men don’t seem to know what hit them. 

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2 hours ago, snarts said:

People whose friends dislike Kathryn continue to spread doubt like it's their job.  Like HunterHunted said, I trust the courts and the random drug tests over the word of someone with an ax to grind. 

It's sad to me that people still insist on doubting someone who has gone so far as submitting to blood tests three times a week in order to prove their sobriety.

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On ‎7‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 4:42 AM, Vandy10 said:

Craig lost me after watching the reunion. I hated the way he went on and on and on about how Naomie was making stuff up to "justify" breaking up with him and getting rid of the best thing that ever happened to her. Here's the thing, Craig-aka-douchebro-extraordinaire: No woman ever needs to justify her reason to you for breaking up, especially one that you're not married to and have no kids with. It was so, so gross to me that he kept implying she had to have a good-enough-to-him reason to break up. Um, no. If a woman wants to break up with you, that right there is good enough reason, period. That attitude of Craig's just hit a huge hot button of mine, so I don't expect others to be quite as turned off as I was. But I used to think both he and Naomie were acting terrible, but now I'm definitely leaning towards Naomie's side. She's still a little crazy, but he's just an ass.


As for Cameron, I find myself empathizing with her and relating to her so hard. We're of a similar age, both a bit (a lot) emotionally reserved, and both becoming mothers (well, soon for me and recently for her). I really hate that women are bagging on her for stopping breastfeeding or for having an epidural. I feel so lucky that in my real life I'm surrounded by mothers who are totally open and judgement-free about mothering. I don't know what I would do if someone came up to me in real life and told me I couldn't complain about anything I was going through until I birthed 3 kids without drugs. Someone probably wouldn't do that in real life, because the internet is a safer place to be mean, but I really can't think of anyone in my circle who feels that way and I'm so glad. I hope that by speaking out about these things, Cameron (and other mothers) normalize all the different, but valid choices, mothers can make today in the 21st century.

Bravo to this entire post!!!   I agree about Craig, too.  I don't get the people that are enamored with him.  To me, he's the worst gas lighter in the bunch.   And he think he's SOOOO smart, too, when his arguments are ridiculous.  His sense of entitlement (his insistence that Naomi have a valid "reason" to break up with him and his 'deadlines are arbitrary' nonsense are good examples) are absurd. He thinks he's just so smart and so charming that he can manipulate anyone into doing whatever he wants them to which is beyond obnoxious.  I can't handle him, even a little bit.

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