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S20.E07: Power of Veto #2


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If Fessy's one of the best friends Kaitlyn's ever had, she must not have that many great friends.

How can that guy stand yelling so much? His voice must be totally shot. Rachel is a good sport about this. She got an easy app.

The guy playing Magnum PI (the new version) looks like Fessy.

And Haleigh is sporting a Raven mini-bun look at the veto ceremony.

Kaitlyn is fake crying, there's sort of a smile trying to break out but she suppresses it to shed her fake tears.

I wonder if anyone is ordering Swaggy C T-shirts.

  • Love 4

That was pretty great.

The veto comp was super easy, so it surprised me that the two nominees did so poorly. 

Rachel's Yell punishment was actually really hilarious. I laughed at the entire thing. But poor girl was startled in the middle of the night for this. 

Swaggy gets backdoored and everyone from Kaitlyn's alliance is pissed, to no surprise. She screwed her own alliance for...what? 

Jody appeared for literally no reason at all. They certainly weren't needed, but I guess they just really wanted to promote that fake app for the veto. I did chuckle at RoboCody, though. 

  • Love 8

I like Swaggy.  I think he is a young man who is somewhat naive about the ways of the world and about himself.  He reminds me of other young men that I know.  He'll hopefully learn something positive about himself from this.  I can't stand Tyler- I hate people who take over another person's game because that other person is weak and easily manipulated.  Kaitlyn is a very messed up young woman.  I feel sorry for her, but I am also irritated that she couldn't see what Tyler was doing.  She craved his attention and validation so much that he was able to use that need to make her go against her alliance and her own best interests.

  • Love 7

Well the anticipation building throughout the whole episode was awesome. That was great.

Cody was totally happy to be back and into the veto competition.  I did get a laugh out of Brett saying he might leave Winston for Jess.  I could totally imagine Cody being all "Uh huh. so you're the guy attached at the hip to the other guy?  Way to be a beta, dude."

Did Winston know how to follow the hints in the clues at all?  Can't remember when I saw some choke that hard.

Having said that, Tyler should have eased up. Way to look like a threat.

Everything about Rockstar annoys me. The name. The look. The freaking attitude.

But oh yeah, Kaitlyn is absolutely fruit loops. Namaste. 

Edited by vb68
  • Love 16
17 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

If Fessy's one of the best friends Kaitlyn's ever had, she must not have that many great friends.

Well, with her amazing attitude and easier to see through than cellophane persona I doubt she could really get to the point of friendship with many people.

But, hey, bravo for 'standing up for yourself' but it would have been better had people known you weren't just being a bitch to someone in your alliance. Instead of blubbering how about a quick verse of "You Don't Own Me" or a simple. "I'm running the game not you. (Bitch would be optional here)" Empowerment is fine; but people knowing WHY is even better. Maybe they'd understand.

And again the inequity of the apps. So you laugh and get berated by some fat guy every couple hours. It's no eat 15 metric tons of fake ham that's for sure.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 6

The best part of the episode was picturing Mike Boogie sitting on his couch, crying about repeatedly being called old.

55 minutes ago, rockibirdi said:

  I can't stand Tyler- I hate people who take over another person's game because that other person is weak and easily manipulated. 

Isn't the entire point of Big Brother manipulating people to get to the end and then get their vote though? I like Tyler and think he's playing a great game so far. He's doing what's best for his game and he's not being an asshole about it. I mean, are people supposed to stop strategizing and playing the game just because another player who signed up to voluntarily play the same game is easily manipulated? 

I'm so glad I recorded this episode so I could fast forward through Jessica and Cody. Still loathe them and her stupid cat ears. Go live happily ever after just stay off my tv set.

  • Love 23

The yeller could have zeroed out.  He's middle aged, obese and probably has high BP.  What a way to have to make a living.  I prayed every time he yelled so not all that enjoyable.

So now for the votes.  Does the house have enough to get rid of swaggy or will he live to sing another day?   I'm pretty sure the Tyler lovers will all do Tyler's bidding but will that be enough?

I get so confused about who's on what side.  Anybody have an idea how the house guests will vote?

  • Love 2

Even Cody and Jess who I rooted for all last season and on TAR couldn't save the first half of this episode. The comp was so tedious I had to fast forward through it. Though I will admit Jodi's statue had the best quotes about a quick exit and disliking Dan Gheesling. She takes a lot of ribbing...they really, really should ask her back someday and give her a chance to actually play this time. Anyway, it was fun to see Cody and Jess meet their clones.

Speaking of clones was Wayne Knight not available and they sent in a Newman clone to be the yeller?

The second half was great as Katlyin began to unravel and word spread about what was afoot. After listening to Tyler pompously boasting in the DR how he was running things I am glad to see people have started to get his number. The last thing we need this year is another Paul who dictates everything until the final episode...that does not make for fun viewing.

"Can I get a hug?"


That was priceless...damn Kaitlyn if you are ever going to have any hope of riding the Fessy train this was a hell of a way to go about it.

Sam had more airtime when she was a robot and has become eclipsed. Not sure why she and Bayleigh aren't making an effort to bond with people (other than the Swaggy showmance). A final word on airtime....we are fast approaching the point where Victoria who would disappear for entire episodes had more screen time than Angela who looks like this season's dud casting ala Matt from last year.

Edited by North of Eden
2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

If Fessy's one of the best friends Kaitlyn's ever had, she must not have that many great friends.

How can that guy stand yelling so much? His voice must be totally shot. Rachel is a good sport about this. She got an easy app.

The guy playing Magnum PI (the new version) looks like Fessy.

And Haleigh is sporting a Raven mini-bun look at the veto ceremony.

Kaitlyn is fake crying, there's sort of a smile trying to break out but she suppresses it to shed her fake tears.

I wonder if anyone is ordering Swaggy C T-shirts.

Rachel was an excellent sport and showed good humor.  Hopefully this will up her trending.  She's currently #3 on Jokers, for whatever that's worth.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, rockibirdi said:

Kaitlyn has made it possible for the "cool kid" side to steamroll over her former alliance, and maybe her, too.

I think quite the opposite.  The core four of Level6 are now a solid block to come after and there are plenty of the "rest" to take them out there  including Tyler and Kaycee who are the outliers of Level6.  The only thing other than one of the Core4 wining the HOH that would prevent that is one of the Clueless Three of the other alliance. 

Both "lees" (Hay-lee and Bay-lee) have shown some game smarts so they will put the eviction behind them quickly and Bay will play it for sympathy.  The only ones who would come after Kait-lee and/or Tyler by association for vengeance would be the dumb ones who don't know how to play the game.  Sourpuss Self-Rightess Rockstar, Totally Clueless Scottie and Even More Clueless Fessy.  And I'm sure Hay-lee can manage to manipulate Fessy enough to keep him sort of on track.

Kudos especially to Hay-lee for her handling of Krazy Kait's reveal to her.  Hay-lee knows how to play the game unlike Sourpuss Rockstar.


2 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

And again the inequity of the apps. So you laugh and get berated by some fat guy every couple hours. It's no eat 15 metric tons of fake ham that's for sure.


Well it is Fessy's fault for choosing a crap app with HAM in the title.  He got what he deserved.  The crap apps aren't meant to be equal any more than the power apps anyway.  They are just a way for production to get some funny video filler for the TV show it seems.  And the Crap Appees get some airtime which BB probably wants because they weren't trending at all so they need to showcase them.


1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

Isn't the entire point of Big Brother manipulating people to get to the end and then get their vote though? I like Tyler and think he's playing a great game so far. He's doing what's best for his game and he's not being an asshole about it. I mean, are people supposed to stop strategizing and playing the game just because another player who signed up to voluntarily play the same game is easily manipulated? sica and Cody. Still loathe them and her stupid cat ears. Go live happily ever after just stay off my tv set.

This a thousand times over.  A zillion thumbs up to you!  This is the whole point of the game.  The indoor trashy version of Outplay, Outwit and Outlast.  You sign up to be the only one of two standing in the end you better damn well play the game or it is on you. 

Tyler is playing really well now though he is tethered to a piece of dynamite right now having to babysit Krazy Kait for his alliance.  But damn I love me a good player like this.  Plays THE GAME and isn't mean about it either.  People like Tyler are few and far between on BB.  Kudos to him so far.

And yeah a zillion thumbs up about Cody & Whats-her-name too.  And please do NOT bring back anyone else from that last horrible regular season either.  A plague on all their houses.  This cast is way better than any of them.


1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

I get so confused about who's on what side.  Anybody have an idea how the house guests will vote?

Votes are always tricky but what we have seen of the groups so far:

Level6:  Winston, Angela, Brett, Rachel (these are the core four) as well as Kaycee and Tyler they added to make it a group of 6 but they are the outliers.

The other alliance with the silly name I can't remember:  Swaggy, Fessy, Hay-lee, Bay-lee (though "informally" with Bay because Swaggy wants people to think they aren't a couple or some delusional reason like that, haha), Rockstar.  And of course Krazy Kait who just got her alliance card torn up.

Scottie seems to work with Swaggy's group and probably is an official member at this point post his best bud Steve leaving. 

Tyler seems really close to Sam and possibly a bit close to JC as well though JC is the closest to a true floater I guess.

Winston, Swaggy and Krazy Kait can't vote tomorrow night.  (She only votes in case of a tie anyway). 

Sam has two more weeks to use her "power" also remember.  (And if she doesn't use it tomorrow it WILL be used either by her for her or someone of her choosing or the default 4th evictee next week so next week will be tricky with the strategy or it could go to someone she wants out).

PS:  Dear Winston.  I like cats.  You are dead to me.

Edited by green
  • Love 10



Kaitlyn:  Hi, I'm Kaitlyn.  I'm 24.  I'm a fan of essential oils, meditation and the backdoor.

Ummm...... is this Craiglist personals?

Those POV descriptions were lame.  It should have been something like:




     Likes:  Mooching. 

     Dislikes:  Basic Hygiene, Paying for Stuff.


     Likes:  Crying, Using Fruit as a Weapon. 

     Dislikes:  Not Crying.


  • Love 5

Oh FFS. Those two are like a pesky rash you can't get rid of. I liked the robot sound effects they put on him though.

Kaitlyn said one of her favorite things was the backdoor. At first I was shocked they let her say that during primetime. Then about 20 minutes later I realized she meant the BB game strategy.

Poor Fessy. It was like Kaitlyn was holding him captive in the HOA room. Fat lot of good it did for him though.

Ditto comments upthread, the Yell Reviewer wasn't much of a punishment. Plus he was channeling Sam Kinison's act.

Kaitlyn can't even do a convincing fake cry when she knows pretty much the whole house has her number. She is a nutbag.

Buh, bye Swags. You crashed like the Hindenburg.

  • Love 8

Rockstar’s *CBF when Chakra Con said Swiggy’s name made the entire ep.

Speaking of Chakra Con, her faux weepy sadness as she let Swiggy know that his game is likely over with the backdoor nom was nothing compared to the woe is me sniveling she had going on in HOH. Only she could make the probable end of someone’s game into a tragic tale all about her. 

Loved Rachel and her genuine laughter each time yeller guy showed up to yell. 

*CBF = cat butt face is the resemblance to a cat’s behind that occurs when someone is less than pleased. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

"Cody. Nice to meet you."
"Cody. Nice to meet you."
"Cody. Nice to meet you."

Did Cody-Bot get stuck in a redundant protocol? 

I think Cody was making pre-emptive strikes against getting hugged by extending his hand to shake and using that mantra.  I noticed a few people hugged him at first, and he seemed to physically recoil.  The servomech  noises as he was swiveling his head cracked me the hell up.  Again.


1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

The best part of the episode was picturing Mike Boogie sitting on his couch, crying about repeatedly being called old.

I was dying laughing the whole time.  The.  Whole.  Time.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, green said:

Tyler is playing really well now though he is tethered to a piece of dynamite right now having to babysit Krazy Kait for his alliance.  But damn I love me a good player like this.  Plays THE GAME and isn't mean about it either.  People like Tyler are few and far between on BB.  Kudos to him so far.

Yeah, I'm liking Tyler.  The funny thing, though, is that Kaitlyn, of the essential oils, crystals and "namaste", is a nervous wreck, and Tyler is all zen and calming her down. 

  • Love 16
6 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Thanks for reminding me that Kaycee is still in the house. Did we even see her last night?

No we didn't.

I think her or Angela might get the next crap app since they have gotten zero air time since Angela did the surf board competition and Kaycee ran around in the winged suit of many colors with the spinning dial attached.  You can't "trend" if no one knows you are on the show and it is a trending thing, not a negative vote against them.

Edited by green
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, green said:

I think quite the opposite.  The core four of Level6 are now a solid block to come after and there are plenty of the "rest" to take them out there  including Tyler and Kaycee who are the outliers of Level6.  The only thing other than one of the Core4 wining the HOH that would prevent that is one of the Clueless Three of the other alliance. 

Both "lees" (Hay-lee and Bay-lee) have shown some game smarts so they will put the eviction behind them quickly and Bay will play it for sympathy.  The only ones who would come after Kait-lee and/or Tyler by association for vengeance would be the dumb ones who don't know how to play the game.  Sourpuss Self-Rightess Rockstar, Totally Clueless Scottie and Even More Clueless Fessy.  And I'm sure Hay-lee can manage to manipulate Fessy enough to keep him sort of on track.

Kudos especially to Hay-lee for her handling of Krazy Kait's reveal to her.  Hay-lee knows how to play the game unlike Sourpuss Rockstar.


Well it is Fessy's fault for choosing a crap app with HAM in the title.  He got what he deserved.  The crap apps aren't meant to be equal any more than the power apps anyway.  They are just a way for production to get some funny video filler for the TV show it seems.  And the Crap Appees get some airtime which BB probably wants because they weren't trending at all so they need to showcase them.


This a thousand times over.  A zillion thumbs up to you!  This is the whole point of the game.  The indoor trashy version of Outplay, Outwit and Outlast.  You sign up to be the only one of two standing in the end you better damn well play the game or it is on you. 

Tyler is playing really well now though he is tethered to a piece of dynamite right now having to babysit Krazy Kait for his alliance.  But damn I love me a good player like this.  Plays THE GAME and isn't mean about it either.  People like Tyler are few and far between on BB.  Kudos to him so far.

And yeah a zillion thumbs up about Cody & Whats-her-name too.  And please do NOT bring back anyone else from that last horrible regular season either.  A plague on all their houses.  This cast is way better than any of them.


Votes are always tricky but what we have seen of the groups so far:

Level6:  Winston, Angela, Brett, Rachel (these are the core four) as well as Kaycee and Tyler they added to make it a group of 6 but they are the outliers.

The other alliance with the silly name I can't remember:  Swaggy, Fessy, Hay-lee, Bay-lee (though "informally" with Bay because Swaggy wants people to think they aren't a couple or some delusional reason like that, haha), Rockstar.  And of course Krazy Kait who just got her alliance card torn up.


I'm not sure Baileigh was part of FOUTTE. That alliance only had five members, hence the name Five Of Us Til The End. 

But I guess she's a member by association.

  • Love 2
37 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

I'm not sure Baileigh was part of FOUTTE. That alliance only had five members, hence the name Five Of Us Til The End. 

But I guess she's a member by association.

Right, that's why Green noted "informally" for her.

Honestly, I can't help but feel bad for Swaggy. I'm not saying that I like the guy at all, because I don't, but no matter who, that's a tough spot to be in. Blindsided in front of the world like that. He was so wrecked by it that I felt a little bad and I was expecting to be delighted by it. You remember just how young most of these people are and I just feel bad for them even with all of their immaturity. 

  • Love 4

That was such a nice edit they did for Kaitlyn tonight. I mean honestly if we have to deal with her crazy on the feeds then it should have been shown. This woman literally played the victim the whole episode and BB didn't even have clips to back up the claims she was making. BB playing up to some viewer's prejudices I guess. Shocker. 

Anyways, I felt for Swaggy C and I wasn't even a fan of his to start with but he grew on me during this week. Best of luck to the kid. 

  • Love 2

They didn't show Swaggy or Bay till the final minutes of the show. It seems they are pushing Crazy K for the Power App. Maybe, Swaggy and Bay will get the edit tonight but I was surprised that the episode was all from Kaitlyn's view. She could barely get through the veto meeting. Also, I'm not the biggest Cody & Jess fan but why invite them to host and not show them. It was very odd.

10 hours ago, vb68 said:

Everything about Rockstar annoys me. The name. The look. The freaking attitude.

^ I so agree. And many times, someone who dresses/looks/acts over the top like that really has a inferiority complex and that is their way to hide it. But I don't think that is the case with Angie (I'm sorry - I refuse to call her Rockstar). I think she honestly thinks her shit doesn't stink. And my reaction to that would be, "Why???"

  • Love 5

Kaitlyn is the worst HOH I've seen in awhile. She thinks she's so clever, but she's not. Every time she tries to deliver some BS to Fessy ("I picked you for Veto, but don't try to win"), he just becomes more and more suspicious of her. 

Then she straight up tells Haleigh her plan! I mean, nothing came of it....she was still able to go through with it. But I think she robbed us all of a bigger "wtf" moment. Plus, it just shows she can't keep her mouth shut. But the worst part of it was, she basically through Tyler under the bus along with herself. She's divulging her big secret to Haleigh, prattling on and on, and then it just slips out - "yea, and Tyler thinks....". Wait, why would Tyler think anything? Isn't he on the other half of the house? 

She's just a moron. 

And she can save all her tears while putting Swaggy up. Either you want to or not. Don't act like a martyr. If you wanna play, PLAY. 


It got a little tedious to watch, but I actually think it would have been really fun to play that Veto. I like solving those types of puzzles. Boogie going to the senior discount movie theatre was HILARIOUS. 

And I think it was smart of Tyler to pull Scottie off instead of Winston. Winston knows Tyler's with him and he ain't going home. That move might have curried some favor on the other side of the house. And, if anything, Scottie isn't locked into that Foute alliance. He's just a hanger on. So maybe Tyler could finesse him and swing his vote over to their side.....not that they really need it. 


I liked Jessica and Cody in the house, but they were bland as fuck as hosts. 


That Yelp guy needs to learn to use his diaphragm. Sounded like he was just SHREDDING his vocal chords. I was more concerned for him than for Rachel. (Or was it Angela? Sorry, I STILL can't tell them apart.)

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Did Rachel get them right? I don't remember hearing the buzz when she finished.

Not only did Rachel get them right, she had the second-fastest time; Tyler beat her out for PoV by only 20 seconds.


11 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

If Fessy's one of the best friends Kaitlyn's ever had, she must not have that many great friends.


Seriously - Special K has known Fozzy for what, all of 2-3 weeks now?


11 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I wonder if anyone is ordering Swaggy C T-shirts.

Other than Swaggy, you mean?  ;>


11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Rachel's Yell punishment was actually really hilarious.

I thought Rachel was being a helluva good sport throughout the whole punishment; I truly did love how her immediate go-to reaction for the yell attacks was to burst out laughing.


11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I laughed at the entire thing. But poor girl was startled in the middle of the night for this. 

I felt for Rachel on the “while you were sleeping” yell; looked AND sounded like she bumped the crap out of her head on the bed’s headboard when YellBoy startled her awake.


11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I did chuckle at RoboCody, though. 

I cackled as well - even though Production did draw that’un out a little too long.  The first couple of times were funny, though.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, vb68 said:

Everything about Rockstar annoys me. The name. The look. The freaking attitude.

You and me both. Ugh, I cannot STAND her. She might be my Bitch Eating Crackers this season. 

I don't care for Kaitlyn or Swaggy, but they're so ridiculous at times that they make me laugh and provide some great snark-worthy moments. RS does not generate such love-to-hate feelings from me. Not even close. 

10 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Isn't the entire point of Big Brother manipulating people to get to the end and then get their vote though? I like Tyler and think he's playing a great game so far. He's doing what's best for his game and he's not being an asshole about it. I mean, are people supposed to stop strategizing and playing the game just because another player who signed up to voluntarily play the same game is easily manipulated? 

Co-sign. If Kaitlyn wants to be an idiot and let herself get manipulated, I'm all for Tyler taking advantage. And I agree that I don't see him doing it in a sleezeball way. But he's looking for openings where he can control the game and get the best outcome for himself. Bravo, I say! 

I also think this all started because Kaitlyn was being jealous over Haleigh and Fessy. That was what caused her to vote with the other side last week....and she just kept on going. She's letting personal shit cloud her game, so that's on her. 

10 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

So now for the votes.  Does the house have enough to get rid of swaggy or will he live to sing another day?   I'm pretty sure the Tyler lovers will all do Tyler's bidding but will that be enough?

Tyler, Brett, Angela, Rachel, Kaycee, and Sam will vote for Swaggy to go. 

Haleigh, Fessy, RS, Bayleigh, and likely Scottie will vote for Winston to go. 

I can't remember who JC is siding with, but I think Foute? So if he votes for Winston it's a tie. Kaitlyn will break the tie and vote Swaggy out. 

Tyler MIGHT try to use saving Scottie as a reason to get him to vote with L6. Just to feel a bit safer. We shall see. 

9 hours ago, green said:

Kudos especially to Hay-lee for her handling of Krazy Kait's reveal to her.  Hay-lee knows how to play the game unlike Sourpuss Rockstar.

Yup. She handled that just right. She acted both indifferent and excited about Kaitlyn's possible plans, causing the latter to reveal more than she wanted. 


7 hours ago, Blissfool said:

I'm not sure Baileigh was part of FOUTTE. That alliance only had five members, hence the name Five Of Us Til The End. 

But I guess she's a member by association.

Bayleaf is NOT actually in Foutte. But they do have a few hanger-ons, Scottie would be another example. JC may be as well, but he's harder to peg. Kaitlyn basically ditched them, though. So do they replace her with someone to keep it five? Or will four work since you don't have to change a letter? 

12 hours ago, Callaphera said:

 "Worst coffee ever. ZERO STARS!"

Is "stars" a thing or are they just trying to make it "a thing."


10 hours ago, green said:

And the Crap Appees get some airtime which BB probably wants because they weren't trending at all so they need to showcase them.

Yeah. Definitely a Chris Farley rip-off.

10 hours ago, North of Eden said:

"Can I get a hug?"


 The only time this season I've  had any feelings for Fessie at all.  He definitely moved up in points for me with this one.

10 hours ago, green said:

And the Crap Appees get some airtime which BB probably wants because they weren't trending at all so they need to showcase them.

Excellent point, one I completely missed.



PS:  Dear Winston.  I like cats.  You are dead to me.

Amen to that! Green you are so trending with me!

7 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

 I just feel bad for them even with all of their immaturity. 

Nope!  Not for a minute, heartless wench that I am. Little fame whores  put themselves in that position supposedly knowing what they're in for, they get what they deserve.

  • Love 3

This was my favorite episode in I don't even know how long. Let me count the ways it brought me joy:

* Jody! I am a total Jody stan, so I've been waiting for their appearance on this ep since the houseguests started talking about it on the feeds Saturday evening. The robot noises in the DR were hilarious, as was Cody's utter lack of enthusiasm, as is standard for him.

* Tyler continuing to run the house, but largely managing to do so without pissing off the other houseguests.

* Rachel's awesome, good sport reaction to her crap app. Side note - was that the same guy they sent in to heckle during the HOH that Jessica won last year? The one where they had to hold what looked like Mickey Mouse's hand in front of them? 

* Boogie being called both cheap and old, repeatedly. <3

* Chris getting backdoor blindsided, with the bonus of Bayleigh's outstanding shock face.

  • Love 6

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