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S10.E12: Every Mayflower Has Its Thorn

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8 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Luann never legally changed her name after she/Tom married so no need to change it back after the divorce.

Sonja calls people inviting Quincy to Morgan events and her accompanying her minor daughter to said events as her still being included/wanted in that family. LOL She will twist stuff like this to fit her narrative until her dying day!

Are you sure it was Dorinda because I thought it was Bethenny, who then had a slew of Wesson Oil jokes about Sonja from it.


  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

Ok, it was Dorinda, thanks for the correction. I still stand by what I said, that Sonja doesn't miss the man, she misses the things from her marriage to Morgan.

3 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Supposedly he is worth 50M!  Not Morgan money, but more than Sonja Morgan money!  

I'm not so sure he is worth that much but I also think she knew all his money would go to Avia when he dies, Sonja is looking long term, not just a few years. LOL Sonja wanted someone with big/old money, like Harry/his parents have. 

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, BloggerAloud said:

I feel like Dorinda constantly nitpicks at Sonja because of 1. an intense dislike of her and 2. to keep the spotlight off of her own problems.

Yep.  Doris is messy and a drunk and I believe she dabbles in other substances (not the only one I presume).  She is high off of viewer praise for her bon mots.  I think she is a nasty drunk and apparently loves to stir the shit behind your back while being nice to your face.  Except Sonja.  She thinks she is better than Sonja.  Personally, I prefer an in your face bitch.  Then I know what I am dealing with.  I wouldn't trust her with anything.  So what if Sonja puts her daughters crest on her shoes?  It is Quincy's crest too, not only Old Man Morgan's.  If she did this and never had kids with him I would side eye it but she will always be a part of the Morgan family via her daughter.  I agree she does the legacy no favor by requiring a snatch guard.

  • Love 10
13 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Hmmm... in the car Lu said that the polo player suggested they put her bags in her room. Now Lu is telling all of them that her bags were in her room on the third floor.

Luann was drunk and is consciously not telling us what was said

The Polo player suggested Luann tea bag him in her room

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

Unpopular opinion here but I don't see the big deal with Ramona and the party. LuAnne wasn't very nice to anyone last season who dared criticize Tom. She said they were all jealous and desperate. She excluded people from the wedding. Then when it all blows up, she expects ride or die loyalty. Nope. 


Also I cannot stand how LuAnne talks about the arrest like it's an amusing anecdote. She's lucky she's rich and white because if anyone else slipped out of handcuffs and threatened to kill the arresting officer they wouldn't live to tell this amusing little cocktail party anecdote. 

Exactly. what Ramona said was true - she and Tom did date - Luann did know about it as there were pictures of Ramona with Tom in the NY Post and Luann didn't feel she needed to mention it to her "friend" Ramona that she was dating Tom

Luann was not loyal to her NY friends and HW castmates when she purposely did not invite them to her wedding (with the exception of Dorinda) Luann chose instead to invite HW's from other franchises to her wedding - making it clear she didn't consider the NY HW's her friends.

Tom threw a birthday party/NYE party - information not unknown to Luann as she insisted on wearing 3 dresses for her wedding - one for the wedding, one to celebrate NYE and one to celebrate Tom's birthday.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

Bethenney herself is the daughter of wealthy and somewhat famous horse trainer. She like to pretend that she is the little match girl who found a way to market and sell her matches barefoot in the snow so successfully that she turned it into a global branding powerhouse. However, Bethenney went to boarding school and always ran in a wealthy crowd. She had enough connections to get on Martha Stewart's Apprentice - where she had to admit she knew the son of one of the judges. Her name recognition and social connections help get on this show. And this show gave her a platform to launch a product and become successful. You have to be as dumb as Sonja to have a platform like that and NOT make money. Sure, Beth had a good idea, but lots of people every day have good ideas. Beth had enough cash, education and connections to launch her idea Compare her to Heather and what Heather managed to do on her own. Bethenny is no Heather or even a scrappy street fighter entrepreneur like Ramona. She was born on third base and wants to cling to the idea that she hit a home run. 


VERY successful and VERY famous horse trainer. Upper echelon.

He won 11 Grade 1 races, more than any trainer in North America.

Frankel's barn won at least $10 million eight times.

Frankel's barn won 93 races and $11.7 million the year before he died 4th in the nation when he was sick, battling cancer. 

Frankel won 3,654 races from 17,657 starters and his horses earned $227,947,775, second all-time on the money list to D. Wayne Lukas.

He was on top for so long that Julio Canani, another California-based trainer, nicknamed Frankel "Presidente" in admiration.

In 2003, he won 25 Grade 1 races, a single-season world record.

He never won a KY Derby. He came from very meager beginnings and his parent were caterers not in the horse biz. He did not start on 3rd base like Bethenny. 

I knew of her father through circles of friends of friends so on Day 1 with the poor little match girl "doesn't have parents" "orphan" trick I was like "ummmm No."  She was totally born on 3rd base, or at the top of the stretch if you will. I am 100% sure she inherited from him, and/or Brynn. She was pregnant when he died. 

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, zenme said:

The shoes though? Too much.

I thought her insistence that they were "her family" was a bit of a stretch.  Yes, technically they were family, but they are her daughter's family.  That is to me, a difference between being widowed and being divorced in this case.  I mean, my husband's first wife remained very close to his mother after their divorce, and I think that is awesome, really, but I cannot imagine her wearing his monogram, crest, tartan, you name it, simply because they have a daughter in common.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
  • Love 17
15 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Yep.  Doris is messy and a drunk and I believe she dabbles in other substances (not the only one I presume).  She is high off of viewer praise for her bon mots.  I think she is a nasty drunk and apparently loves to stir the shit behind your back while being nice to your face.  Except Sonja.  She thinks she is better than Sonja.  Personally, I prefer an in your face bitch.  Then I know what I am dealing with.  I wouldn't trust her with anything.  So what if Sonja puts her daughters crest on her shoes?  It is Quincy's crest too, not only Old Man Morgan's.  If she did this and never had kids with him I would side eye it but she will always be a part of the Morgan family via her daughter.  I agree she does the legacy no favor by requiring a snatch guard.

Right!  My God Dorinda acts as though Richard Medley was in fact Hannah's bio dad, when she was pretty much a grown kid when Richard came into her life.

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, chewycandy said:

Cool, and I still believe it’s unfair to decide she is strictly materialistic, with no other side to her. 

Have we really seen another side to her on this show? Her very main story line on her first season was telling us every chance she got about her former time in the high life. She has yet to stop and move on to anything else.

I will say, in her defense, that the fact that she can't film with her daughter could be a reason for this. For example, Ramona is a hardcore piece garbage to pretty much everyone she meets, but she is actually endearing when she's with her daughter. With those few scenes, we are reminded that she's not completely awful.

  • Love 5

If Slurinda is honestly waiting for Sonja to apologize about being a source for PageSix, then she needs to plug her own leaky hole and take the tabloids off of her speed dial. Bethenny said during the Murder Dinner from Hell that something that she had only told Dorinda (regarding her Carole situation) ended up in the press. I believe this is what Bethenny was referring to in the preview for next week and will be fleshed out then.

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

Cool, and I still believe it’s unfair to decide she is strictly materialistic, with no other side to her. 

I respect that you think Sonja is more than a scammer but I believe differently. After I read what/how she did to the movie studio, the threats, the lies, the games, I realized she was like this from the get go. IMO, Sonja married Morgan because of his bank account and his name, not because she was in love with him, the man/person. This is a woman that refused to came back to their home when he was sick and needed her, she stayed in Europe instead.

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

I think the correct term for what Lu dined on while en prison would be un sandwich bologna a la moutartde. ;-)  

I find Sonja's slavish obsession with her lost glory days to be irritating at times, but it certainly no less delusional than all these other heifers who only have access to "fame", cash, "prestige" to all be off the backs of someone else's labor. Shit, even Old Man Morgan didn't really do anything to make his money or collect his accolades. That was all generations ago. And yes, I get the concept of old money and the "prestige" of not having to dirty your hands to make it yourself. However, if we are going to pick on Sonja for clinging to a past. We should pick on all of them.

Bethenney herself is the daughter of wealthy and somewhat famous horse trainer. She like to pretend that she is the little match girl who found a way to market and sell her matches barefoot in the snow so successfully that she turned it into a global branding powerhouse. However, Bethenney went to boarding school and always ran in a wealthy crowd. She had enough connections to get on Martha Stewart's Apprentice - where she had to admit she knew the son of one of the judges. Her name recognition and social connections help get on this show. And this show gave her a platform to launch a product and become successful. You have to be as dumb as Sonja to have a platform like that and NOT make money. Sure, Beth had a good idea, but lots of people every day have good ideas. Beth had enough cash, education and connections to launch her idea Compare her to Heather and what Heather managed to do on her own. Bethenny is no Heather or even a scrappy street fighter entrepreneur like Ramona. She was born on third base and wants to cling to the idea that she hit a home run. 

All these other heifers struck it rich at the alter.

Countess Luann - obvious

Carole - almost as obvious - clings to her own prestigious last name like velcro. Only successful book based on her experience with semi famous husband and prestigious connections. She even mentioned once in a conversation that she would never give up her last name as part of a marriage deal.

Dorinda - Yes, may have loved Richard, but still seems to traffic in the industry of Widowhood and a monopoly on personal loss and suffering seven years later.  She has as not changed name either because the name holds some prestige and notoriety  in NY. Beth even commented that Dorinda was trying to hold on to that when she made a fool of herself while drunk with Beth's Puerto Rico contacts. Dorinda won't marry John because deep down she finds him repugnant and can't believe he is the best she can do now. 

Jill - for old time sake-  What the hell would she be without Bobby and his money? Didn't she clerk at a men's store before meeting him? 

Tinsley - Not sure who Topper Mortimer was or it, Can't be bothered to find out, but she sure as hell is holding on to that Palm Beach name -even now that there is a second Mrs. Mortimer in the mix/

So, after all that, my only point is why give Sonja shit when all of them are essentially clinging on to past names/connections/grandeur/glory that only a lottery of birth or marriage helped them fall into? None of those ladies is really where they are due solely to their own scrappy hard work and grit. 

I see Sonja as essentially harmless. Why not let spin in her own whirlwind of delusion. If Dorinda is convinced that she has the high ground on personal grief and loss, why not ignore her?

Count me as one who sees Bethenney's friendship with Sonja as a calculated move. Not only has she burned through everyone else for the moment, but Beth needs to work on her PR. Being the protector of poor harmless Sonja is a means to an image rehab. Although, notice how biting and cruel she is about Sonja in the talking heads? By being pathetic, B is the alpha bitch and feels secure hanging with Sonja. Shades of Jill liking Beth because she was the underdog...until she wasn't. It's why Beth hated Heather from the beginning. Heather was the real deal - business savvy, success. loving husband, cute kids. Beth could not outdo her on any score. So, she hated her and and had to go after her. Sad! 

This one of my main issues with Bethany. Agree 100% and u referenced the little match girl fable. swoon :) 

  • Love 12
14 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Yeah, I thought that whole obligation to call when a former husband is seen plotline was a little insane.

I didn't see the need either.  IF I did care, I would think it would be more appropriate to tell a former spouse about seeing their ex than say telling a friend you tried to hire her ex boytoy.  I don't think either was necessary.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Have we really seen another side to her on this show? Her very main story line on her first season was telling us every chance she got about her former time in the high life. She has yet to stop and move on to anything else.

I will say, in her defense, that the fact that she can't film with her daughter could be a reason for this. For example, Ramona is a hardcore piece garbage to pretty much everyone she meets, but she is actually endearing when she's with her daughter. With those few scenes, we are reminded that she's not completely awful.

If I were on the show with her, I’d probably too get frustrated like the other HWs, but as a viewer I’ve seen that she can be warm, genuine, speak about her feelings, be forgiving and ask for forgiveness. Beth doesn’t think she has a mean bone, Lu and Ramona have been protective of her, and the hug with Lu speaks for itself. Agreed about the daughter. 

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, shirazplease said:

The opening segment with Luann's dulcet tones and Dorinda's low voice juxtaposed with the next scene featuring B's nonstop staccato barking was nearly enough to make me turn off the TV.  I mean it was jarring.  And I about 3/4 of a bottle of wine in me!  I LOATHE her.

Did you hear how she screamed at Sonja to not keep the tissue paper? The camera was right in front of her, I’m surprised the operator didn’t drop it, lol. 

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, mwell345 said:

Then I'm a sucker too, because I agree.  I think Bethenny feels something for Sonja - and I think she was genuinely bothered by how Sonja was being frozen out by the others.  I don't think Bethenny would ever feel the need for a showmance - her place on the show is cemented until she feels like leaving.    Bethenny isn't going anywhere unless she wants to.  

I also get a sense this season that Sonja is trying to change the public perception of her from drunken party girl to someone more serious, and perhaps that is part of the reason why she seems to have distanced herself from Ramona.  

Me too.  Which is why she was so harsh with Sonja about Tipsy Girl.  She was actually hurt.  She knows Sonja's failings but overlooks them for the most part.  I think one of the reasons Dorinda has a hate boner for Sonja is Sonja can actually stop drinking while I think Dorinda needs it as soon as she wakes up.

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

I pride myself on almost my entire wardrobe coming from consignment and thrift shops--and I get compliments aplenty! Cha-ching!

OMG Spoiler



She confirmed her breakup with Scott! LOL I just hope it was filmed! 

I will have to watch WWHL.  *I* wanted to break up with Tinsley over her conniption over the eggs and wedding dress.  I would think that would freak out a lot of men.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:


Carole - almost as obvious - clings to her own prestigious last name like velcro. Only successful book based on her experience with semi famous husband and prestigious connections. She even mentioned once in a conversation that she would never give up her last name as part of a marriage deal.



What last name should Carole use?  Radziwill is her legal name.

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, DrivingSideways said:

Ramona is always and forever a queen.  She was cracking me up.  Why exactly does she owe Luann anything?  Ramona is nuts, but Luann has always been dismissive and condescending to Ramona.  Ramona has her own history with Tom.  Why the hell does she owe Luann an explanation for anything?  I doubt Luann or Bethenny would give her the same consideration.  Bethenny only leapt in to support Luann because she's still pissed that Ramona tore her a new one on the phone a few episodes ago.

I also don't see the big deal with the photo.  They all posed for it.  And were FILMING a TV show.  Why is Ramona's responsibility to make sure Luann's optics for her legal situations are right?  Maybe if Lu hadn't gotten embarrassingly, violently shitfaced and threatened to kill the cops, she wouldn't have to worry about what people post on Instagram?

Dorinda came hard at Sonja but she's right.  It's pathetic that Sonja is still trying to trade off of the Morgan name.

Lu and Bethenny are just trying to cobble together a reunion couch and will take pathetic Sonja to fill it out.  The others barely notice these three are there.  I'm enjoying the dynamics this season.


Everyone's glass is empty except for Bethenny's and that looks like juice not wine. I remember them pouring drinks after the photo was taken. Her court case was still open when she posed holding up a glass of wine for Jennifer Lawrence on WWHL

Luann is lucky she wasn't sitting where Carole or Ramona are as right behind them are shelves of wine bottles on display.

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Exactly.  While I do question her love for her ex, I've never heard her say an ill word about him.

Never.  She has always talked about him better than he may have deserved.  Or not.  He may have been a peach but I am guessing not really.

2 hours ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

I would so order an Old School as long as I could have spicy brown mustard instead of yellow.  And if Lu doesn't get a mustard and/or bologna endorsement out of this then I don't know America.

And Lu had better be on her best behavior round these parts.  I hear the jails in Philly give cheese sandwiches with no condiments.  Palm Beach is fancy with the bologna.

I would much rather get Philly's sammie!  I have never liked bologna.  I would have flung that off and had a mustard sammie if I were housed by Palm Beach.  Or traded my bologna for a smoke.  HA!

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Just for the record, I DON'T think Ramona owes Lu anything. She knew Tom before Lu. But then don't come around, "Our friends sustain us, I have been thinking about you so much, I'll do anything for you, blah blah blah" and then turn around and say, "eh, I don't see the big deal. We're not even really friends."

Pick a lane.

In Luann's room, Ramona started her schpiel about how our friends sustain us...and then she added to Luann and I'm just getting to know you better.

Luann and Ramona have never been particularly close on the show. The one time I remember Luann and Ramona together - was when Ramona invited Luann over to her apartment for hair extensions and to tell her that Tom gave his ex girlfriend an expensive gold bracelet for Christmas.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, ButterQueen said:

What last name should Carole use?  Radziwill is her legal name.

And Morgan is Soja's legal name. I don't care what last name Carole uses. My point is that she clings to that name and even past life as a journalist because of the prestige it brings her. As I wrote, she told Heather or someone she was on a double date with that she would never give up Radziwill - even if she got married again. Why? Because of the prestige it brings her.  If her last name were Smith or Toffelmeier or Clapfish she would be pretty happy to revert to her maiden name or take on a new one. She and Anthony did not even have kids in their very short mariage. Yet, almost 20 years later, she still hangs on to it. 

Further, she has done nothing really noteworthy since her glory days of being a correspondent or writing her book on her widowhood. Weren't we and/or the girls on the show sort of snarking that she was bringing up her correspondence work as a reason why Bethenney should have picked her to go to Puerto Rico?  Now, she can't even motivate herself to finish a cookbook with her BF or do a fluff piece for Cosmo. Can't even take a business call without chomping on popcorn.

Look, I don't really care  why any ofthese women keep or don't keep their names. I don't even really give a fig if they are desperately trying to hang on to someone else's glory, wealth, fame, prosperity.

My only bone of contention is giving Sonja shit about it when ALL of them do it in one form or another. I just got no patience for hypocrisy.  :-) 

  • Love 14
5 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

I didn't see it as disdain so much as genuine astonishment and dismay at where she'd landed. After she described biting into it (and she was saying that she was going to eat it) and biting the mustard packet "like a dead fish", her next line is just how pathetic and sad she realized it all was and how she was in that low moment. And hey, I haven't had a bologna sandwich in decades either - the kind she's talking about anyway which is a piece of bologna slapped between two pieces of white bread (with a mustard packet thrown in) - so I'd probably comment on it as part of my self-mocking retelling of the story too.

In terms of Ramona. I don't think she owed it to Lu, particularly, to not go to (or want to go to) Tom's party, I think she owed it to all of woman-kind to not go to Tom's party given what an asshole he is. No woman should want to go to his party, be seen with him, or even acknowledge his existence. And given that Ramona had just given a big speech of how women should stick together and support each other?...  Luann is correct Ramona has a very deep Fear Of Missing Out with a side of just wanting attention. She knew that if she did go to the party she'd get all sorts of attention as the "friend" of Lu's who was there. People would be buzzing all over the place and she would love that.

Luann was incredulous that they gave her a bologna sandwich, which according to Luann she hasn't had one in over 40 years. Her description of biting into the sandwich and biting the mustard packet like a dead fish cracked me up.

Luann, how long has it been since you've had a dead fish hanging out of your mouth

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Have we really seen another side to her on this show? Her very main story line on her first season was telling us every chance she got about her former time in the high life. She has yet to stop and move on to anything else.

I will say, in her defense, that the fact that she can't film with her daughter could be a reason for this. For example, Ramona is a hardcore piece garbage to pretty much everyone she meets, but she is actually endearing when she's with her daughter. With those few scenes, we are reminded that she's not completely awful.

Isn't the premise of this show to showcase wealthy women living the high life?  Or building a brand?  She's had failed "Sonja" lifestyle brands for sure, but she has been shown to try to build a brand and we've seen her charitable efforts and causes (marriage equality).

I can't fault her for going back to her former life and connections. It's as much a part of her as Carole's former journalistic experiences, Tinsley's former "it girl" status, Lu's Countess.  While Sonja is embarrassing in many ways -- the constant sexual references -- I do think she has a certain charm.  I also think she's smart enough to recognize that her hanging onto the past is sort of her "grey gardens" persona that is her RHONY hook.  She plays that up.

I don't fault Dorinda for being offended at the comparing divorce to death.  I don't fault Dorinda for being annoyed by Sonja.  I do fault her for going way over the top with the slut shaming and for her going after Sonja about whether or not she's still a "Morgan."  Dorinda may not like Sonja, but she's as much a Morgan as Dorinda is a Medley.  In fact, I would be willing to bet when Sonja was a Morgan, she was very charming, very likeable in those social circles.  I wonder how well Dorinda, with those very hard edges, fit in with Richard's pact.  Maybe she hid the nasty much better.  

  • Love 16

Ramona might have a leg to stand on regarding Tom, if she didn’t immediately fawn all over Luann, touting the great virtues of loyalty and friendship and supporting your girlfriends.  Ramona prides herself on being a great friend and uplifting other women, but she’ll throw that over in favor of a hot party with juicy gossip.  Look how she keeps inviting Missy to events!

  • Love 13
1 minute ago, sasha206 said:

Isn't the premise of this show to showcase wealthy women living the high life?  Or building a brand?  She's had failed "Sonja" lifestyle brands for sure, but she has been shown to try to build a brand and we've seen her charitable efforts and causes (marriage equality).

Yes, that was the original hook, but now it's let's watch a group of unstable women act a fool.

Sonja has never truly tried to build a brand. She has tried to make a quick buck off her name, but she never wanted to put in the actual work to do it and it showed.  She refused to listen to the advice of at least 3 (4 if you count Harry) people who have been successful at what she was trying accomplish. She decided that a group of "brand enhancers" (or whatever they called themselves) she found from who knows where were more knowledgeable than Bethenny, Heather, and Josh. Probably because that crew told her what she wanted to hear, which was that they would do all the heavy lifting and Sonja Morgan New York would be in Barney's and Bergdorf Goodman. This is not hyperbole, I truly believe Sonja thought she would be on the same level as Gucci, Versace, Hermes, Chanel, etc., overnight with little to no effort on her part.

Her charitable efforts in the LGBT community are non existent, imo. Her marriage equality rally speech that she hijacked from Simon and Alex was complete babbling nonsense and it was clear she just wanted to be fawned over by "her gays" and hear herself talk. 

  • Love 14
57 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

They’re “taking a break” and she said the decision to break up came before the wedding dress ep aired. 

Interesting! I had googled a couple of weeks ago to see if they were still together and the latest story I came across then was from May, when they were apartment hunting together. It doesn't bode well for their relationship that they have broken up twice since they first started dating. Hopefully Scott has come to his senses. 

Regarding Sonja wearing the family crest, does anyone know what it actually looks like? As far as I can see Sonja wearing deer on her slippers isn't a big deal. I have seen exactly the same type of slippers before, and it wasn't a crest, just a deer on the slippers.  I would imagine the crest consists of more than a deer? I loved Betthany's crack that her crest would be a nutcracker. That is why I can't quit Bethenny. 

Count me in on those who of tired of Dorinda's widowhood martyrdom.  As others have pointed out, she has been widowed longer than she was married. She could very well have been divorced by now, if Richard had lived. What I find interesting is that I read (though who knows if it is true) that Richard and Dorinda raised his two children after they married. I think they are in their 20s now? I don't think Dorinda has ever mentioned having step children, has she? I only remember her going on and on about how Richard's death affected Hannah. In any case I can't imagine his children are too impressed that Drunk Dorinda has their beloved father's name. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I think it's because she called her what she is:  a drunk. 

When Beth implied her and John were cokeheads a while back, she didn't seem that phased.  Maybe because she knew it wasn't true.  But I think Dorinda does not want to believe she's a drunk.  She can't stop drinking.  Won't stop drinking.  Blames drinking on her husband's death although I bet she tied one on many a time before that.  Deep down she knows she has a problem with alcohol and holds a grudge that Beth called her out on it publicly.

That's the only thing I can think of. Yet they seemed to bounce back from that and bond really well in PR. I don't know...could it really be the stupid Nutcracker "thank you" gate? She did seem to let people rile her up about that. Maybe it took awhile for the "drunk" comment to sink in? 

Bethenny and Dorinda are my two favorites, so I wish they'd get along. 

2 hours ago, zenme said:

I don't mind the signet ring. It was a gift. The shoes though? Too much.

Right. I don't care if she keeps her name. Her daughter has the same name. It's easier. The ring was a gift, fine. But she's emblazoning her shoe with the family crest in attempts to sell herself as something she's not. It's not the end of the world, but it's just another cringe-worthy act of a truly delusional woman. 

I don't think it was something Dorinda needed to call her out on, though. 

1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

There are places that sell books by the linear foot to decorators.

Ew. Letdown. 


1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I assumed she just wanted it all for herself. 

I'm sure that was at the heart of it. My comment was supposed to be sarcastic. 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

All these other heifers struck it rich at the alter.

Which is why they have limited success apart from Bethenny who, like you say, was no little peasant girl before she hit it big with skinny girl. The tragedy of someone like Sonja, however much I love her and however much I find her adorable, is that her biggest success in life was marrying a Morgan. There will be no 'back to where she was' for her. That was it, she hit the big time when she married him and now she isn't married to him all that lavish lifestyle is long gone. Maybe she'll get it back her her ex husband dies and her daughter inherits but most of the wealth and lifestyles these women have is all because they married someone rich. 

As for Sonja having the family crest on her slippers, honestly, who cares? I think Dorinda is at the point now where she hates Sonja so much every little thing about Sonja annoys her, so something that is a little silly or trivial is something which, in Dorinda's mind, merits getting commented on and talked down to about. The irony of the entire situation is that it's Bethenny who comes rallying to Sonja's defense when their whole feud started because Bethenny hated Sonja and so Dorinda wouldn't have Sonja at her house over the holidays. Fast forward a couple of seasons and Bethenny's playing the big hero by standing up to Sonja. Hey, B, you wanna be a real hero? Built a time machine, use it, go back and simmer down about the whole Tipsy Girl saga and you won't need to come riding in on a bright white horse every time Sonja gets in the neck from Doris.

  • Love 9
59 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Me too.  Which is why she was so harsh with Sonja about Tipsy Girl.  She was actually hurt.  She knows Sonja's failings but overlooks them for the most part.  

I agree with this. Wasn't B in tears when they had it out in her office about TG? I think she likely did feel betrayed by that. Later, she probably realized Sonja had been a bit duped herself, and wa able to let it go. 


38 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Luann was incredulous that they gave her a bologna sandwich, which according to Luann she hasn't had one in over 40 years. Her description of biting into the sandwich and biting the mustard packet like a dead fish cracked me up.

Luann, how long has it been since you've had a dead fish hanging out of your mouth

When did she and Tom break up?

  • Love 9

Just wiki'd Morgan's family tree and Sonja is in it.   

What I found funny was the Ron Chernow wrote a book about the Morgan Dynasty.  I'm surprised Sonja isn't saying that Lin Miranda is writing another musical and she's cast as the lead.  Her and Lu.  


John Adams Morgan (b. 1930) ∞ (1) 1953: Elizabeth Robbins Choate (1933–1998) (div. 1957); ∞ (2) Tania Goss (div.) ∞ (4) 1998: Sonja Tremont (b. 1963) (div. 2008)

John Adams Morgan Jr (b. 1954)

Chauncey Goss Morgan

Quincy Adams Morgan

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:


Right. I don't care if she keeps her name. Her daughter has the same name. It's easier. The ring was a gift, fine. But she's emblazoning her shoe with the family crest in attempts to sell herself as something she's not. It's not the end of the world, but it's just another cringe-worthy act of a truly delusional woman. 


OK, I had to go back and look at the slippers again since people keep saying that the slippers are emblazoned with the Morgan family crest. They aren't. Sonja actually says the deer is from the family crest. But it is just a deer. And looks like many other slippers I have seen with deer on them - both the whole deer as in this case, and the head of a deer in other slippers I have seen. There is nothing on the slippers that denotes Morgan, or their crest. 

One of my fav scenes was when Carole, Tinsley and Ramona were driving to the spa, and Carole said she could not wait to ask Lu about her arrest. Tins was aghast, and said it was too soon. Carole then proceeded to lecture Tinsley on how people in this situation want to be asked, not have the situation ignored as if it didn't happen (to paraphrase). Carole was totally oblivious to the fact that Tins is saying this as someone who had been arrested and gone to court. Carole is so dense sometimes, it is mind boggling. 

  • Love 22
13 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Regarding Sonja wearing the family crest, does anyone know what it actually looks like? As far as I can see Sonja wearing deer on her slippers isn't a big deal. I have seen exactly the same type of slippers before, and it wasn't a crest, just a deer on the slippers.  I would imagine the crest consists of more than a deer? I loved Betthany's crack that her crest would be a nutcracker. That is why I can't quit Bethenny. 


All the google results bring up crests with either a griffin, lion or dragon.  I don't see one with a deer.  (Yes, work is boring today, why do you ask?)

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, TexasGal said:

All the google results bring up crests with either a griffin, lion or dragon.  I don't see one with a deer.  (Yes, work is boring today, why do you ask?)

That is what I found as well, (one with a dragon) which appears to be the crest for the generic Morgan name. It appears as if maybe these Morgans have their own crest, but if they do I can't find it either. 

Maybe that is why Carole is wearing a dinosaur on her sweater - it is the Radziwill family crest? If she shops in the boys section of any department store (and maybe she does), she can find lots of those types of clothes. Just a FYI, Carole. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Wasn't B in tears when they had it out in her office about TG? I think she likely did feel betrayed by that. Later, she probably realized Sonja had been a bit duped herself, and wa able to let it go. 

It was Sonja who was in tears. But, yes, I think Bethenny was actually hurt and if that had been, say Ramona who'd done Tipsy Girl Bethenny would have got out a chainsaw in that office. You can tell she has always liked Sonja... though probably because she doesn't really see her as a threat, like someone else on here mentioned.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, coops said:

It was Sonja who was in tears. But, yes, I think Bethenny was actually hurt and if that had been, say Ramona who'd done Tipsy Girl Bethenny would have got out a chainsaw in that office. You can tell she has always liked Sonja.

Not only was it Sonja in tears, B kept saying meaner and meaner things as she was sitting their crying.

  • Love 13
8 minutes ago, coops said:

Which is why they have limited success apart from Bethenny who, like you say, was no little peasant girl before she hit it big with skinny girl. The tragedy of someone like Sonja, however much I love her and however much I find her adorable, is that her biggest success in life was marrying a Morgan. There will be no 'back to where she was' for her. That was it, she hit the big time when she married him and now she isn't married to him all that lavish lifestyle is long gone. Maybe she'll get it back her her ex husband dies and her daughter inherits but most of the wealth and lifestyles these women have is all because they married someone rich. 

As for Sonja having the family crest on her slippers, honestly, who cares? I think Dorinda is at the point now where she hates Sonja so much every little thing about Sonja annoys her, so something that is a little silly or trivial is something which, in Dorinda's mind, merits getting commented on and talked down to about. The irony of the entire situation is that it's Bethenny who comes rallying to Sonja's defense when their whole feud started because Bethenny hated Sonja and so Dorinda wouldn't have Sonja at her house over the holidays. Fast forward a couple of seasons and Bethenny's playing the big hero by standing up to Sonja. Hey, B, you wanna be a real hero? Built a time machine, use it, go back and simmer down about the whole Tipsy Girl saga and you won't need to come riding in on a bright white horse every time Sonja gets in the neck from Doris.

This whole Bethenny and Sonja romance is too funny. Bethenny is so transparent and conniving. She is cuddling up to Sonja as a means of attacking Dorinda, Carole and Tinsley. She keeps inserting herself into Sonja's stuff, like the family crest crap...do you think Bethenny cares about Sonja's use of a family crest in her fashion line? Of course not, but there she was inserting herself in the convo in her typical confrontational manner just to gang up on Dorinda. And, Dorinda is actually right in this issue...Sonja is not a "Morgan" anymore...she kept her married name but she is divorced and is not technically a "Morgan" anymore. Her daughter is a Morgan but Sonja was only a Morgan by marriage and that's been over for sometime. I would think she would have to ask permission to mass produce clothing with the Morgan family crest...but she's so delusional and nuts she probably thinks she is still married to a Morgan. Bethenny is really an awful person...flying around and distributing money and food to disaster victims helps to make her palatable to us but we see through her so called "benevolent" work...it's a great PR vehicle for her and Skinny Girl. Her behavior with these women is brutish and mean spirited. She's always looking for fight or a fight to pick with any one of these women. When she grows tired of her Sonja alliance who will she move onto for mean girl support? If I had to pick two people to shit can from this show, it would be Bethenny and Sonja...Ramona comes in a close third. 

  • Love 15
5 minutes ago, coops said:

It was Sonja who was in tears. But, yes, I think Bethenny was actually hurt and if that had been, say Ramona who'd done Tipsy Girl Bethenny would have got out a chainsaw in that office. You can tell she has always liked Sonja... though probably because she doesn't really see her as a threat, like someone else on here mentioned.

I agree that Beth has always liked Sonja. I also remember Beth bringing Sonja to her offices and to meetings with SG people to get a sense of how to run a business. Can't remember if this was in the toaster oven days, or Sonja's international lifestyle brand days. I think Beth also met with some of Sonja's people? Someone else here with a much better memory than mine may remember more/when.

I loved the scene of Sonja and Beth with the masks - hilarious! 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

OK, I had to go back and look at the slippers again since people keep saying that the slippers are emblazoned with the Morgan family crest. They aren't. Sonja actually says the deer is from the family crest. But it is just a deer. And looks like many other slippers I have seen with deer on them - both the whole deer as in this case, and the head of a deer in other slippers I have seen. There is nothing on the slippers that denotes Morgan, or their crest. 

Ahhh, okay. Thanks for the clarification. Then it really isn't a big deal at all. 

  • Love 1

I just don't buy Lu as an alcoholic. Between her admission of alcoholism and her trip to rehab, she's giving the judge what he wants to hear and see. In other words, it's good for her court case (4 felonies!) and I believe she will be drinking again once the case is over and enough time has passed, or someone else does something stupid and takes the spotlight off of her. She won't do jail time because of her admission of alcoholism and her "treatment centre" time., and her place in "NY society" Celebrities do this all the time, get caught with DUI or something else, go to rehab, not to jail,lather, rinse, repeat. Just my opinion, 

  • Love 9

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