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Season 3 Discussion

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In the thread for the previous episode and in this thread, several commenters have posited Nicole obtained the "right" police report, photocopied it, and brought the photocopy to Morocco - leaving the original behind. I did comment in the thread for the previous episode I thought Nicole probably just stopped by her local police department, requested a copy of her police report (without telling them what she needed it for*), and brought that to Morocco.

Since many people are still theorizing the original is back in Florida amongst Nicole's things, I did a bit of research on obtaining police reports, and it appears a person can, in most jurisdictions, simply stop by their local police department and request a copy (from my understanding, it's a photocopy!) of their police report and they'll give it to you (sometimes there's a fee, but some jurisdictions supply them free). But, according to what I've read about the documents needed for a foreigner marrying a Moroccan in Morocco, what is needed is a certified copy of the police report with a seal. You can't just drop by your local police station to obtain that; a form has to be filed and it takes 4-6 weeks for this certified copy with seal to be mailed to you.

I think it's likely Nicole didn't do (enough? any?) research to understand the difference between the two types of police reports, swung by her local police station, got the photocopy, and thought it was a done deal. IOW, what she brought with her to Morocco is possibly ALL she has. Furthermore, the certified copy with seal has to be requested from the U.S. (no one in the U.S can obtain it for her now that she's in Morocco), so the only way she can get it now would be to travel back to the U.S., request the correct type of police report, wait the 4-6 weeks to receive it, then travel back to Morocco with it and get married.


*I mention this because had she told the officer at her local police department why she needed a police report, they may have known to advise her the document they could provide would not fulfill the requirements for her purposes, and explain to her the steps she needed to take to obtain the certified copy with seal.

  • Love 24
11 hours ago, lucy711 said:

Why didn't the mother of Jorge's alleged child sue him for child support years ago? 

Because now he's on TV.

10 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

Pedro and Chantel trying not to smile or laugh during this "fight".

Chantel's fake crying is what I noticed.  Such bad acting, no tears or authentic grimace whatsoever. 

  • Love 11
10 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

Well, well, David finally got a job! It is a fucking miracle! He should taken the job in the first place! 

I fell asleep before it ended.  What job did he take?

10 hours ago, PityFree said:

I want to know what kind of “nurse” Danielle is trying to become. No way she has the aptitude to become an RN. 

CNA? (which is a vital and difficult job too, just not RN level of education).

Edited by Granny58
  • Love 4

Random thoughts: 

River is a douchecanoe.  There isn't much Pedro could do to him that would make me think Pedro was in the wrong.  


Pao needs to let her hair go back to her natural color and gets some bangs.  You could show movies on her forehead.  I really think Russ needs to cut his losses his and find himself a nice but less "glamorous" woman.  


I question whether Jorge is the father of that child.  If she's 10 years old, why hasn't paternity been established already?  They weren't in a relationship, fine, but the kid deserves to know who her father is and she damn well deserves some child support.  Even if the mother didn't want/need it, the support is for the kid, she's entitled to it and the mom should have sought it.  

I like Anfisa.  Yes, her plastic surgery makes her look like a scary ventriloquist dummy, but she seems smart and I don't think she's a bad person. 


Olivia seems to have her head straight.  I liked her.  She's very pretty, too.  I loved her freckles.  I have no comment on Molly. 


I feel terribly sorry for Annie.  She's so sad.  

  • Love 13
16 minutes ago, steff13 said:

Pao needs to let her hair go back to her natural color and gets some bangs.  You could show movies on her forehead.  I really think Russ needs to cut his losses his and find himself a nice but less "glamorous" woman.  

My brother has done this...getting glamorous women above his pay grade...and it hasn't been great.

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, PeaceLily2 said:

Winter told Chantel that Nicole bit River’s face.  I think that is what was said.  I don’t have my closed captioning on.

In watching it again, you can see Nicole dive in on River when he goes down to the floor. If they had called the police, she and Pedro would likely have been arrested, since River had the marks on them.  I suspect that wasn't done, because, they all signed Waivers that they consented to that kind of a ruckus and that they would not bring charges.(Like wrestlers in a ring.) Regardless, the aggression and contact by Nicole and Pedro was excessive and Pedro's excuses are not acceptable, imo.  How old is River?  

I really don't care for Chantel at all.  I wish she would leave her family alone.  She's not that smart and is a troublemaker, imo.  How many times does she have to say that she is considering what to do?  Why not consult with a domestic violence counselor?  I'm not impressed with her and have never seen any love between her and Pedro.  I'm so over them.  

I have no sympathy for Nicole.  Whatever the costs she sustains is fair.   And, I'm now thinking that her mom is deplorable too.  The idea that she and Nicole believe that Azan is really in love with Nicole or is attracted to her is bizarre.  I wonder if anyone will ever step in and protect Mae. 

Anfisa and Jorge.  So boring.  Have no interests. Wasted space on the screen. 

Paol and Russ.  Incredulous arguments.  More wasted space. 

Molly......just sad and pathetic. 

David and Annie just make me laugh.  It's sad, but, they do bring some humor.  Riding down the road with the truck bed loaded........lol.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 8
1 minute ago, Granny58 said:

My brother has done this...getting glamorous women above his pay grade...and it hasn't been great.

My former supervisor is in the same kind of relationship.  His wife worked with us, too, and she is AWFUL.  She treats him terribly.  She's quite a bit younger than he is, and I think he thinks that he's punching above his weight (he really isn't), so he puts up with all her nonsense.  He's a very kind, sweet man.  He could easily be married to a lovely woman more his age.  

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, RichiesOlderBro said:

And then they skate off without Kinsley.

Something bothers me about Kinsley. She seems like a very rude and uncaring child. She didn't even seem happy to see her sister who had been gone a while. I still feel like Molly pushing Luis on her all the time led to something very bad between Louis and Kinsley. 

12 hours ago, iwasish said:

I want to punch Nicole in that fat smug face.

yet, it’s strange just how quickly the mom and sister got over the disappointment and jumped on the money angle. I wonder if he’d given them a heads up. Something odd there.

Yep. Like I said before. Nicole has been sending Azan all this money and they are sure he has snagged a rich American who will take care of them for the rest of their life. 

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

Yes , Pao, Russ has super duper mind-reading powers. She is ree dick u less!!! She was sooo upset about her abuelita dying that  she spent all of a nano second with her. Then we had to have the dinner date with her bff Juan and Russ to stir up conflict. Followed by that tacky photo shoot. Pao is a very self-involved individual.

Everything is always all about Pao! Sick of her too. NOT ONCE has she ever had a conversation with Russ that was about him and his stuff. (not the we have seen anyway.) You miss Columbia so bad? GO BACK!

  • Love 15

Idc about Myriam and her big glasses she clearly is in this for a free USA  trip to see someone who will never rise up out of the friend zone and a TLC paycheck.

Mother Chantel choosing shrieking at the  cameras in super bad Spanish while her daughter is steps away distraught and crying, fake or not, is very telling. Mother Chantel is ANGRY and unstable. Indulging her own emotions is her first priority not the family Chantel. I think the dysfunction in this whole family surrounds Mom and everyone handling her.... 

I have not watched more than 5 seconds of Pao and what’s his name I FF thru them. She is disgusting and his hair grows more terrifying each week.

  • Love 17
6 minutes ago, seniorpatriot said:

Something bothers me about Kinsley. She seems like a very rude and uncaring child. She didn't even seem happy to see her sister who had been gone a while. I still feel like Molly pushing Luis on her all the time led to something very bad between Louis and Kinsley. 

Yep. Like I said before. Nicole has been sending Azan all this money and they are sure he has snagged a rich American who will take care of them for the rest of their life. 

I think it was said somewhere that Kingsley has some sort of condition.  I don't remember the specifics. 

  • Love 2

I'm not surprised Jorje's ex didn't come after him for paternity / support years ago.  It's very common and if they were around 16 when the baby was born, I really don't see them bothering with that, unless one of their parents pushed the issue.  Whether she thinks he has money now or just sees him on TV and wants to get her own 15 minutes, who knows?  I doubt that someone Jorje once dated would be the voice of reason.


Chantel drives me crazy.  She sets up these situations between Pedro and her family by complaining about him and then going to family dinners / outings.  She says in one breath she just wants everyone to get along, but then in another that they were asking tough questions.  You need to choose.  Do you want to have a nice family dinner where your husband and family can get to know each other or do you want to ask "tough questions?"  Because those two events aren't likely to occur at the same time.


At this point, I don't see why any of these couples are together.  If they are making up these storylines just to be on a trashy TV show, they are really sad people.  If the storylines are true, get off TV, get some counselling and move on with your lives (separately).

13 minutes ago, zenme said:

I am not prone to violence, nor do I support it. That being said, River has been talking big shit for so long. He finally got his comeuppance. 

It still cracks me up to see Father Chantal eating that chicken wing until the eleventh hour. Those wings must've been damn good, or he was hungry as hell. 

Or he is used to his family acting this way?

  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, seniorpatriot said:

Everything is always all about Pao! Sick of her too. NOT ONCE has she ever had a conversation with Russ that was about him and his stuff. (not the we have seen anyway.) You miss Columbia so bad? GO BACK!

and OMG do we have to hear the word "miscarriage" from her every sentence????  Many of us have had it happen and, yes it is painful (emotionally and physically) but we don't use it as an axe.  

  • Love 20
4 hours ago, Former Nun said:

OMG ... TLC must really believe that "their Danielle" IS a fan favorite.  WHY did we have to see her face again?   WHY did we have to learn that she "reached out" to Muh-hammet because she needed help setting up a website.  Does TLC think we're as duhhhhmb as she is?

Plus, she has to show him what he's missin' !!!

  • Love 6
50 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

This whole storyline about Nicole not having the right papers feels very fake to me.   I wouldn't doubt it's something production thought up to keep up the "suspense"  of what will happen.  Nicole did not seem upset at all when told about it.   When she and Azan were telling his mother and sister what was happening she couldn't stop smiling.  This is the same girl that got hysterical because Azan wouldn't hug her in public,  who pushed, shoved, and yelled at Azan  when he made it clear he didn't care about her feelings.   She was like a bull in a china shop the first two seasons.    So she goes to Morocco for the third time with actual wedding plans and a dress, learns it can't happen and says "Oh well".   Nope not buying it.

Possibly. Or, it may be that was the umpteenth take of that particular scene, Nicole was tired, craving her daily dose of fries, and could no longer express the "right" emotions for the camera the situation initially evoked. No one ever accused Nicole of being a good actress.

  • Love 4

There are so many things that don't ring true...

On hearing that a copy is not good enough, wouldn't you get on the phone to dad immediately to bring the original.  I think the wedding is a hoax.  Where is that monstrosity of a wedding dress - did she even bring it?  They talk about the cost, but no one talks about wedding plans? And Azan can hardly keep a straight face most of the time. He's going along with the ruse for the money, but not a very good actor.

The Pao and Roos fight - I can almost hear the producer saying 'we've got the cameras set up, keep arguing'.  Pao continued trying for an Emmy ...but Roos was too fed up I guess. 

Same thing with Chantel and Pedro argument. A set up.  I actually thought I saw her smiling at one point.  And she was relaxed enough to un-clench her jaw.  Pedro did seem confused, tho.

And Annie, who apparently doesn't have two pennies to rub together, can just 'go back to Thailand now'.  Where is the money coming from for the plane ticket? And they're both obviously not missing any meals, plus their furniture is nicer than mine.

Still, I did have to smile at Mother Chantel waving those hair pieces about and talking in tongues.  That's something you don't see every day.

Anfisa's IQ is triple that of Jorge.  She'll be fine.  But why does she have to have her legs resting on an ottoman for the 'update' shots.

None of these couples have an ounce of love for each other. And everyone has terrible hair.  

If this franchise is to continue, it has to be a little less contrived.  This season was way too obvious.

Oh Lord.... Danielle and her smirk are on my screen.  Put her out to pasture

  • Love 23
19 minutes ago, steff13 said:

I'm confused about what's happening in the last hour of the show.  Some people I recognize, some I don't.  

I am glad Devar and Melanie seem to be doing well and their baby is cute.  Melanie's hair looks nice, too.  

I don't like this couple at all. I am not sure why.

Ok folks don't slay me in the public square, but I have to say something about David. Don't get me wrong, I do not like him, I think he is gross and awful. However, most of the time what I see in him is a severe depression and an inability to function as in with a job. Mentally unstable is not something you can just stop doing. It is a real medical condition and needs treatment and/or medication.  I know this because I have had times in my life where I was literally too depressed and mentally ill to even get a job and take care of myself.

I have compassion for this and am not as "get a job" supportive as some. Now Annie, is the ridiculous one to me. She sees she is married to someone who cannot provide security and yet all she does is bitch about it. 

  • Love 9
57 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Idc about Myriam and her big glasses she clearly is in this for a free USA  trip to see someone who will never rise up out of the friend zone and a TLC paycheck.

Mother Chantel choosing shrieking at the  cameras in super bad Spanish while her daughter is steps away distraught and crying, fake or not, is very telling. Mother Chantel is ANGRY and unstable. Indulging her own emotions is her first priority not the family Chantel. I think the dysfunction in this whole family surrounds Mom and everyone handling her.... 

I have not watched more than 5 seconds of Pao and what’s his name I FF thru them. She is disgusting and his hair grows more terrifying each week.

I noticed last night her scalp is actually green from all the dye jobs.

18 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

There are so many things that don't ring true...

On hearing that a copy is not good enough, wouldn't you get on the phone to dad immediately to bring the original.  I think the wedding is a hoax.  Where is that monstrosity of a wedding dress - did she even bring it?  They talk about the cost, but no one talks about wedding plans? And Azan can hardly keep a straight face most of the time. He's going along with the ruse for the money, but not a very good actor.

The Pao and Roos fight - I can almost hear the producer saying 'we've got the cameras set up, keep arguing'.  Pao continued trying for an Emmy ...but Roos was too fed up I guess. 

Same thing with Chantel and Pedro argument. A set up.  I actually thought I saw her smiling at one point.  And she was relaxed enough to un-clench her jaw.  Pedro did seem confused, tho.

And Annie, who apparently doesn't have two pennies to rub together, can just 'go back to Thailand now'.  Where is the money coming from for the plane ticket? And they're both obviously not missing any meals, plus their furniture is nicer than mine.

Still, I did have to smile at Mother Chantel waving those hair pieces about and talking in tongues.  That's something you don't see every day.

Anfisa's IQ is triple that of Jorge.  She'll be fine.  But why does she have to have her legs resting on an ottoman for the 'update' shots.

None of these couples have an ounce of love for each other. And everyone has terrible hair.  

If this franchise is to continue, it has to be a little less contrived.  This season was way too obvious.

Oh Lord.... Danielle and her smirk are on my screen.  Put her out to pasture

Annie will be just fine and COULD get a ticket if she wanted it. Remember Chris (David's former money friend) signed up to support her for 10 years if he has to. 

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Pedro wasn't even going after little brother with all his might or that dude would have been splattered on the floor.

I've only watched the 'fight' once but it seems to me that brawny Sister Winter had a choke hold on Pedro.  Which was probably a good thing because I agree he had lost his temper and someone would have been hurt.

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

More like River body slammed her and her open mouth came into contact with his face. 

Azan looked like the cat that got the cream, he could barely contain his joy at the wedding being postponed 


From my vantage point on the sofa, it appears Nicole jumped on River’s back and head and tried to attack him.  She tried to sneak him while he fought Pedro. It looks like he fell on her while trying to pull her off his head.  So again, I don’t feel sorry for her one bit.  Not for violence against women, but if you jump into a fight between two men, you deserve to get knocked the fuck out! Everyone has a right to defend him or her self.  She weighs all of 100 pounds; what was she going to do to help?  She’s also got the mouth of a piranha, so I could see her trying to bite him.  

Edited by Ijustwantsomechips
  • Love 5

Can I just say I could not wait to come on over here to PTV and dish on this episode with all of you? Jesus, what a shit show!

Mama Chantel saying plainitively, while waving a substantial portion of Nicole's weave in the air like pampas grass, "we were having a nice dinner!" is an image that will live forever. Like Danielle hurling her Binder of Evidence in the hot Florida night, like Creepy Mark claiming himself "a great specimen", like Jason's dad's Swiffer. Congratulations, Mama Chantel. Long may you wave.

13 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

Mother Chantel saying they were just having a nice dinner....well maybe YOU were as you picked at Nicole.

Chantel " I just want our families to get along"..... then stop getting your family wound up about things that happen with Pedro or his family! This girl does not have mediation or conflict resolution skills.

Chantel has only one setting--11. When she did finally  take her long face home, Pedro never got a word in. The instant he tried to speak she shouted over him, then flounced off, with door slamming. Extra points for coming back out of the bedroom only to flounce out AGAIN, with another door slam. That's professional level flouncing, there.

13 hours ago, iwasish said:

The way Mama Chantel was stroking that hair piece, I wonder if she’ll wear it or hang it over the fireplace as a trophy.

It makes me wonder how many others she has. I bet she has a drawerful of trophies from snatching some bitch bald.

13 hours ago, PeaceLily2 said:

Damn Nicole, just tell them you are sorry.  Apologize.  You don’t have to speak the same language if the apology is genuine.....and that’s the problem.  Nicole doesn’t give a shit.

She ducks her head and hides, like a five year old who got caught taking a cookie. Gawd she's annoying.

13 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Pao is a straight up bitch.

You don't think Russ is hurting, also? He lost a child, too?

He's working a low paying dreary job so that you can live in Miami so that maybe you'll get a job posing for the Wendy's sign.

Russ is now the cause of all Pao's problems. He kidnapped her and forcibly brought her to Oklahoma, where she was made to marry him against her will. Her captivity made her so sad she couldn't even speak with her beloved family! (Who all love her so much that not one of them called her while she was away! so sad!). He can't read her mind, like Juan! or Geo! or Genny! or all of her other friends who LOVE her! and CARE about her! unlike her cold unfeeling brute of a husband who WORKS and provides the means for her to parade around in body paint and slutwear from Frederick's of Hollywood. What a silly, shallow, vain, insipid, trashy waste of space Pao is.

12 hours ago, Suzywriter said:

Notice that Azan says "talking to others", not "talking to other women". Nicole says "other women', but Azan says "others". Hmm.

I have long maintained that Azan is talking to boys. Lots and lots of boys.

11 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

What the hell is Andrei supposed to do Elizabeth? Work illegally? He doesn't strike me as lazy and I am sure he will work as soon as he can. I loved it when she said " Andrei doesn't give a fuck what anyone else thinks." She uses him to stand up to her family and loves it.

Elizabeth is very invested in her story line "independent American girl marries old fashioned, traditional, manly European man". I like him but she's almost as silly and vapid as Pao.

11 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I hope Anfisa belts Pao one. Poa strikes me as one that likes to run her mouth but will run away when faced with a real conflict. Anfisa strikes me as the type that will cut you.

Anfisa is a stone cold assassin. I would not want to run into her in a dark alley if she had a beef with me, I'm sayin.

11 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Pao has wanted an exit from boring Rooos for a while. But she wants him to dump her.


Damn skippy. She's too cowardly to dump him. If he dumps her she can cry to her friends for sympathy and demand alimony when he divorces her.

11 hours ago, magemaud said:

I’m confused, several times Chantel mentioned staying “at her sister’s house.” Does that mean Winter has her own place? 

I bet Winter has a cute little place over the garage, since I doubt that her parents would let her move far. Whose clothes did Chantel borrow? River's??

1 hour ago, PityFree said:

 Why can’t Mariam stay in a hotel? 

Right? There is no way in hell I would stay under Mama Patrick's roof. She might stab me in my sleep. Run, Miriam!

Edited by Pepper Mostly
  • Love 23

Not to defend David, but, how would he work a full time job and film the show?  Are there any other cast members who are employed with full time jobs?  It seems that those who do have jobs either, have their own business, so they have flexibility or they take a leave of absence? You can't start a job and immediately take a leave of absence, so, waiting until the show wraps up filming, does make sense.  Of course, he didn't say that, but, it makes sense to me.  

4 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:


She ducks her head and hides, like a five year old who got caught taking a cookie. Gawd she's annoying.

All the while with that smarmy grin creeping up from the corners of her mouth.  And, why not? It's worked with her mother over the years.

She wasted thousands of dollars, as well as the hopes of Azan's family that they were finally marrying off their gay son. While she can't do anything about the latter, I hope they rake her over the coals about the former.  Not that she's smart enough to realize it.

Azan's family would need to start rationing her biscuits and cookies if they really want to get through.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

and OMG do we have to hear the word "miscarriage" from her every sentence????  Many of us have had it happen and, yes it is painful (emotionally and physically) but we don't use it as an axe.  

I guess that's what happens when all that red dye sinks in past the cranium.

I'd never in any way belittle a woman's miscarriage, its a horrendous thing but Ross lost his baby too. He's working like a dog since she can't possibly be bringing in any money. He's tried talking to her and she Shuts. Him. Down. What is he supposed to do? What does she want from him?

Mother Chantal chanting and waving the hair pieces around was one of the most disturbing things I've seen on tv. Like, ever. The Spanish speaking American harvesters were gone. Who was she bellowing to anyways? Was it supposed to be a victory screech? Messed up people.

  • Love 15
13 hours ago, PeaceLily2 said:

Amen! Add Nicole too......her hair is always greasy.  


13 hours ago, PityFree said:

 Why do so many people on the show have such terrible hair?  The lawyers, Pao, Russ, Azan, etc. —  so many people in need of product and less dye.

OMG yes! I just want to send Azan a gallon of organic coconut oil and some Miss Jessie’ s, dry shampoo and a scrunchie for Nicole, and scissors and Nexxus Humectress for Puss and Molly’s lawyer.  Is there no budget for these things? Is the humidity too much for Puss in Miami?

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Not to defend David, but, how would he work a full time job and film the show?  Are there any other cast members who are employed with full time jobs?  It seems that those who do have jobs either, have their own business, so they have flexibility or they take a leave of absence? You can't start a job and immediately take a leave of absence, so, waiting until the show wraps up filming, does make sense.  Of course, he didn't say that, but, it makes sense to me.  

Russ and Molly work, Pedro too, plus Chantel goes to school.

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Not to defend David, but, how would he work a full time job and film the show?  Are there any other cast members who are employed with full time jobs?  It seems that those who do have jobs either, have their own business, so they have flexibility or they take a leave of absence? You can't start a job and immediately take a leave of absence, so, waiting until the show wraps up filming, does make sense.  Of course, he didn't say that, but, it makes sense to me.  

They would film around his work schedule. They do it for the others.

They would show Annie during the day talking dirt with her mom, and then David coming home in the evening expecting his hot meal. Then they would film him on the weekend being insensitive to his daughter at Denny's.

  • Love 14
53 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

I'd be sad too if I was stuck in a storage rental apartment with an absolutely repulsive "man" doddering around. I don't feel sorry for her because he was repulsive when she met him.

Exactly, Annie knew, or should have known, exactly what she was signing up for .  David Poor was always repulsive and obviously broke.   Those two deserve each other. 

  • Love 6

The commercial for next week's tell all looks like an episode of Jerry Springer.  I watched last season's tell all and there wasn't so much aggression.  I don't remember anyone flipping anyone off or getting up to fight (at least that's what it looked like Jorge was doing from the brief clip).  More fake drama from TLC?

Just now, SevenCostanza said:

The commercial for next week's tell all looks like an episode of Jerry Springer.  I watched last season's tell all and there wasn't like that at all.  I don't remember anyone flipping anyone off or getting up to fight (at least that's what it looked like Jorge was doing from the brief clip).  More fake drama from TLC?

2 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:


2 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

The commercial for next week's tell all looks like an episode of Jerry Springer.  I watched last season's tell all and there wasn't so much aggression.  I don't remember anyone flipping anyone off or getting up to fight (at least that's what it looked like Jorge was doing from the brief clip).  More fake drama from TLC?


i don't know why this posted twice, just ignore please.

3 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:


I figure David hasn't paid $1 of rent to stupid Chris, nor did he sign the lease. Otherwise, Chris wouldn't legally have been able to evict them in two days.

Again, Chris is stupid to keep enabling this manipulative man, unless his endgame is to try to hurt him at this point? Surely he doesn't plan on paying his nursing home bills while David sits and looks back on a life of nothingness and Annie rubs his feet?

Seriously, Chris, if you think it's hard for David to find a job at 50 (psst, it's not!), imagine him trying at 55, or at 60? 

David needs to get a job from someone he can't manipulate.  That means no more Fantasy Thailand. No more storage unit melodramas. Just cut the freak lose.

Somebody needs to get Chris's brain and put it back into its brain box where David can no longer get his grubby hands on it.

  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Can I just say I could not wait to come on over here to PTV and dish on this episode with all of you? Jesus, what a shit show!

Mama Chantel saying plainitively, while waving a substantial portion of Nicole's weave in the air like pampas grass, "we were having a nice dinner!" is an image that will live forever. Like Danielle hurling her Binder of Evidence in the hot Florida night, like Creepy Mark claiming himself "a great specimen", like Jason's dad's Swiffer. Congratulations, Mama Chantel. Long may you wave.

Chantel has only one setting--11. When she did finally  take her long face home, Pedro never got a word in. The instant he tried to speak she shouted over him, then flounced off, with door slamming. Extra points for coming back out of the bedroom only to flounce out AGAIN, with another door slam. That's professional level flouncing, there.

It makes me wonder how many others she has. I bet she has a drawerful of trophies from snatching some bitch bald.

She ducks her head and hides, like a five year old who got caught taking a cookie. Gawd she's annoying.

Russ is now the cause of all Pao's problems. He kidnapped her and forcibly brought her to Oklahoma, where she was made to marry him against her will. Her captivity made her so sad she couldn't even speak with her beloved family! (Who all love her so much that not one of them called her while she was away! so sad!). He can't read her mind, like Juan! or Geo! or Genny! or all of her other friends who LOVE her! and CARE about her! unlike her cold unfeeling brute of a husband who WORKS and provides the means for her to parade around in body paint and slutwear from Frederick's of Hollywood. What a silly, shallow, vain, insipid, trashy waste of space Pao is.

I have long maintained that Azan is talking to boys. Lots and lots of boys.

Elizabeth is very invested in her story line "independent American girl marries old fashioned, traditional, manly European man". I like him but she's almost as silly and vapid as Pao.

Anfisa is a stone cold assassin. I would not want to run into her in a dark alley if she had a beef with me, I'm sayin.

Damn skippy. She's too cowardly to dump him. If he dumps her she can cry to her friends for sympathy and demand alimony when he divorces her.

I bet Winter has a cute little place over the garage, since I doubt that her parents would let her move far. Whose clothes did Chantel borrow? River's??

Right? There is no way in hell I would stay under Mama Patrick's roof. She might stab me in my sleep. Run, Miriam!

She was like a billboard hiding behind a street sign. It just won’t work. 

  • Love 2

Russ’s hair reminds me of that scene in Seinfeld when Jerry and Kramer use the “low flow” shower head. 

As far as Pao going back to Colombia for her abuela’s funeral, WHY? She saw abuela, albeit briefly, while she was alive and said her goodbyes. She lit a candle and prayed. She just saw her family, so why the pressing need to return for a funeral mass? 

And finally, not to be picky, but the country Paola comes from is Colombia (no U.) Every time I see a mention of her going to “Columbia,” I think of the Ivy League university. 

30 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I bet Winter has a cute little place over the garage, since I doubt that her parents would let her move far.

Maybe they used Winter’s house to film the disastrous dinner

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 15
11 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I can't decide what was more annoying: Chantel's squeal-moaning or her mother's shouting MOOEY MAWLO repeatedly into the darkness.

All the while holding Nicole's hair.

I guess we know how she knew about the chicken feet being used in voodoo.

(Actually, I doubt any self-respecting voodoo priestess would have anything to do with Chantel's mom. She's far too sloppy.)

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Oh for fuck's sake, did Mother Chantel start her "somebody hold my rings" again?  River's desperately wondering around trying to get attention for the marks he incurred in the fight he started, but he can't get it because Chantel is wailing, and Mother Chantel is being an Ugly American with her Spanglish and dramatic weave waving.  Finally Winter comes upon him, threatens to beat Nicole's ass, and gives him 1 1/2 seconds of attention before wandering off threatening violence.  Yeah sure Chantel, you've never seen this type of thing before.

I've never seen anyone over the age of five who wails with their mouth wide open, and doesn't even attempt to cover their face with their hands.  Winter was about to slap her across the face to drag her back into the house.

I noticed that Winter kind of checked Chantal too.  Like she’s had to make her pull herself together before.  

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

All the while holding Nicole's hair.

I guess we know how she knew about the chicken feet being used in voodoo.

(Actually, I doubt any self-respecting voodoo priestess would have anything to do with Chantel's mom. She's far too sloppy.)

I can't picture Marie LeVau out in the yard shouting in Peggy Hill Spanish, that's for sure.

  • Love 12
14 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

Olivia is more mature than Molly. She reminds me of kids of alcoholics who are more like caregivers for their parents.

Her mom is an alcoholic - the amount of DUI's she's had pretty much guarantees it.

13 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

Same with Danielle and that toothless guy Joshua I think

We determined Josh had teeth - he just held his lower lip weird when he talked.

1 hour ago, steff13 said:

I'm confused about what's happening in the last hour of the show.  Some people I recognize, some I don't.  

Some of them were from the "Before The 90 Days" show, which I skipped.

1 hour ago, seniorpatriot said:

Ok folks don't slay me in the public square, but I have to say something about David. Don't get me wrong, I do not like him, I think he is gross and awful. However, most of the time what I see in him is a severe depression and an inability to function as in with a job. Mentally unstable is not something you can just stop doing. It is a real medical condition and needs treatment and/or medication.  I know this because I have had times in my life where I was literally too depressed and mentally ill to even get a job and take care of myself.

I have compassion for this and am not as "get a job" supportive as some. Now Annie, is the ridiculous one to me. She sees she is married to someone who cannot provide security and yet all she does is bitch about it. 

I mentioned this once before, but I was in the minority.  As the spouse of someone with chronic depression and anxiety, I co-sign what you said 100%.

  • Love 8
16 hours ago, Gigglepuff said:

Gotta love how Jorge calls the woman who may be the mother of his child "emotional." What an ass, especially if it turns out he is the father. 

And.. Anfisa is pissed because Jorge didn't stand up for her during the phone call. It's not about you, Anfisa!! It's about a poor little girl that may be about to find that she has an asshole for a father, and the mother that has not been getting any support from the asshole of a father. 

Azan was trying real hard not to laugh in mama Nicole's face while she was confronting him. 

Pao was trying real hard not to laugh in Russ' face during the big fight. 

Pao has got to be the most self centered, narcissistic bitch on the planet! 

In the reunion previews it looks like they are all turning on each other. I hope someone punches Pao in those new veneers and fake lips of hers.

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 7

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