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Season 3 Discussion

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16 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Hey everybody ! I had to finally come out of lurking to comment on this shit show!!!

What the actual fuck is wrong with the fools? Let’s tick off off the fuckery idiot-by-idiot:

Elsie the Cow eyelashes and Papi Smurf aka Chantal amd Pedro: She is a better woman than me cuz there is no way in hell  his skinny, crackhead looking sister would be calling shots in my damn house! If my accommodations are unacceptable to your unwelcomed, ungrateful ass, then you can high tail it to the HoJo bitch!  You grew up poor but are too good to sleep on a new sofa?  It’s not even like they expected her to sleep on an old stained sofa that you just know smells like pissdew (piss + mildew).  Nicole, who has a jacked up headsize-neck length ratio, just needs to be checked one good time to get her mind right.  And no, I wouldn’t have apologized to Pedro.  He’s a smug, smarmy little asshat and I know Chantal can do better.  In Atlanta.  Really... she can do better.

I'll play devil’s advocate on Family Chantal.  Yes they are snooty, self-righteous, middle class folks who probably think they’re better than lots of people.  And they were wrong for what they did to Pedro’s grandmother, but I get where they’re coming from too.  No good parent wants see their child mistreated, and scammers and schemers are everywhere.   I think the sister was right for seeing the hotel thing as creepy.  Especially since Pedro Smurf (does he resemble Papa Smurf to anyone else?) didn’t specify two separate hotel rooms.  Its like he was proud to run off and spend the nite at hotel with his sister.  Creepy much?

As for River, I loved it when he said “She can take her ass back to the Dominican Republic !”  because I said the same thing.  I’m all for preserving one’s heritage but when in Rome asshole!  And he was right about not trusting Pedro Smurf from the beginning, even if Chantal started the distrust.  Say what you want about River, but as a brother why would he be okay with Pedro Smurf saying he wanted to go back to the DR and leave Chantal.  Maybe game recognizes game.

Nah. I don't think "When in Rome..." applies here.  When you go live in another country, you certainly abide the laws and respect the host country's culture, but I don't think it means you change your values. 

  • Love 7

What kind of house do you think nancy was renting that had many bottles on the sink? Not necessarily booze but too many to have been brought in for a short stay. I'm surprised rent for the firehouse is $ 1,000, maybe he's trying to recoup some money owed. I also don't know why David doesn't break the fourth wall and say I'm going to continue to hold down the couch with TLC money because that's his thought process. 

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

I wondered why all the jewelry was coming off. Some sort of voodoo or other sort of thing they like to do?

16 hours ago, RichiesOlderBro said:

She’s afraid Pedro is going to steal all her valuable jewels no doubt. 

I have the feeling Annie doesn’t really know what all,is involved in getting a vasectomy reversed.  

She has to protect all of that Diamonique that she ordered from QVC, you know?


15 hours ago, Real Eyes said:

On Chantel-It is a mistake to discuss her marital issues with her family. She needs to vent, but it will affect her family’s view of Pedro. However, I believe this storyline is fake. 

Yeah, I saw some photos between seasons of Pedro with her family in group pose, and he was smiling and appeared at ease.

4 hours ago, Kangatush said:

Brilliant conspiracy theory:  Luis was recruited by Mother Pedro to be part of her elaborate scheme to harvest American dollars.  :)

You won the internet for the day.

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, zenme said:

Nah. I don't think "When in Rome..." applies here.  When you go live in another country, you certainly abide the laws and respect the host country's culture, but I don't think it means you change your values. 

I agree as far as your culture in day to day life.  But I’m referring to whatever the norms and customs for guests are at Chantal and Pedro Smurf’s apartment.  If their wish or rule or whatever is the guest gets the couch, then she should have accepted graciously even if she didn’ like it.  

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, TGinKY said:

Mama Chantel getting all hoochie mama with the shedding of the jewelry made me laugh HARD. First of all the dispensing of the jewelry usually only happens when you are face to face and the throw down is inevitable. While shedding earrings make sense - you keep on your diamonds for maximum impact! You don't know what you're doing mama!

Now I'm going to hear "Ain't nothin' but a hoochie mama!  Hood rat hood rat hoochie mama!" in my head, and have visions of "Friday".

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

I agree as far as your culture in day to day life.  But I’m referring to whatever the norms and customs for guests are at Chantal and Pedro Smurf’s apartment.  If their wish or rule or whatever is the guest gets the couch, then she should have accepted graciously even if she didn’ like it.  

Hells yeah. If you're not gonna pony up for a hotel room for yourself, politely accept the sofa, and be glad it's not the floor. 

  • Love 10

To me, it seems obvious that TLC picks up the tab when they are at shooting locations. I think some couples make sure they go and shoot somewhere where they get something for free. Danielle always seemed to be at a restaurant, and quite a few of the places were just fancy enough that Danielle would never go to if it was on her dime. David is the same this season. If David has any input for a shooting location, he’s going to make sure he gets something out of it.

  • Love 4

I’m pretty much ready to dump this show because if these people are real - yikes and if they are not then the story lines are totally bogus.  Pao & Russ:he’s an idiot who isn’t respected and she’s not as hot as she thinks she is; Nicole & Azan: she is a spoiled little girl who deserves whatever disappointment she get because she wasn’t will.ing to listen to reason & Azan is probably just a steeet hustler who never expected his mark to make 3 trips to Morocco to secure him;Jorge is as shallow a man as I’ve ever come across and I would not surprise me if he would have left a child behind while he searched the Internet for not girls, Anfisa you picked a loser -no money AND no integrity. Chantel & Pedro will never make it while they both take all there problems to their family’s. David is so lazy & low key it’s hard to watch him -Annie better find someone with more energy and some sperm that work.

  • Love 3

When Chantal said, "with everything I'm going through with Pedro, I decided to go and talk to my family about it," I realized she is just not getting it and never will.  I wanted to yell, "NOOOOO!!!! That will not make it better!"  In any marriage, it's a bad idea to run to your family about every issue you're having.  It just sets them up to expect the worst the next time there is a conflict.  Not to mention her family is batshit crazy anyway... I realize this is very scripted but it's like they don't even try to convince us this is anywhere near real.  The family just sits around all day waiting for her to come over so they can go off about Pedro? Don't they have jobs? Hobbies? Friends? Why does River sit around in a down jacket?

  • Love 10

Ohh, David.  You just can't expect at the age of 50 to still use the same excuses as you did when you were 12.  "It's been hard" looking for jobs.  Really?! Who knew? "I'm not financially stable yet" = "We are broke."  Well how about you stop going out to dinner, go flip burgers or work at the library or do SOMETHING rather than try to placate everyone around you with your pat phrases (such as "I'd like to maybe think about starting a family if it's possible.")  The best was, "Nancy always has come through for me before."  Geez, David- sounds like you've called in all your chips.  And this one: "I have to start paying $1000 a month rent for the firehouse, which I didn't expect."  Yeah, I don't know why you would expect to have to pay money for housing- who knew that was a thing?

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, Chickabiddy said:

I commented on their home upthread. I thought it was perfectly fine, but rather tiny and modest given the airs they all like to put on. It might explain their obsessive jealousy over the three bedroom apartment that Mother and Sister Pedro share. ;-)  

What I think is that The Family Chantel are just as money grubbing and graspy as Pedro's family. Its probably the main reason that both Family Chantel and Family Pedro hate each other so much. We usually despise in others our own traits. 

The Family was expecting the beautiful, sexy (barf) Chantel to marry some rich man whose money and connections could elevate the whole clan. And what did Chantel do? She went off and married a labourer. And now they are all furious that the best laid plans have been torn asunder, and they are trying to get rid of Pedro ASAP.  


And they have to make this separation happen before Chantal gets pregnant. Once that happens she's damaged goods. They might be able to pass off the marriage as the impulsive move of a young woman,  but if Pedro knocks her up? No way they'll be able to capture the son of the town funeral home who's sure to inherit the business.

Chantal messed up the family's plan for comeuppance. Who are they going to hitch their wagon to now? River? He's busy making a doll with hair from Chantal's brush. Winter? Yeah...no.

  • Love 11

Sister David reminded me so much of Marla Hooch from A League of Their Own.  How long was Nancy in KY? She had 2 big bags and I thought she came for a quick visit.

I almost stood up and applauded her when she told David to get is shit together ASAP. 

It was very nice of Family Azan greeted Nicole and May so warmly but why isn't his mother concerned that they are getting married but have no money, no job and no place to live.  

How long after they marry till Azan tells Nicole that she has to wear a hajib? 

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

Also, I thought Morocco was a hot country, but they're dressed for winter with sweaters, etc.

It actually gets pretty cold in the higher-altitude areas. I think they even get snow in certain parts, sometimes. (I know this because I looked it up after wondering about Azan's snazzy array of wool sweater-blazers in a previous season.)

5 hours ago, HelloOutThere said:

- Annie is so uncouth. She also seems like a real bitch - one who’d be a bitch to her husband even if he wasn’t a complete fraud. I understand her anger, but still. Have some class! (Although I suppose you probably can’t buy class at a suck d— ping pong bar)

5 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

We've seen glimpses of her mercenary, shrew-like character. Passive-aggressive standoffish-ness at the zoo, clenched mistrust of Ashley's kindlier overtures, explosive anger at the prospect of answering questions, the steely provocation in challenging Sister David to take care of the children she most certainly would be having,  Annie is just nasty.

You both nailed it. Annie is just an unimpressive person all around. Except at genital Stupid Human Tricks, apparently.

3 hours ago, Lesia said:

regarding Anfisa- i'm amazed every week at how well she speaks, how composed she is. Her grammar is virtually flawless, she knows a ton of idioms, and she's only 22! i really would love to know where she learned to speak so well.  

I've noticed this, too! Her grammar, syntax, and vocabulary are outstanding. If she could get some accent reduction training and work on her inflection a little, she could probably pass for a native or near-native speaker. That's why I think she should leave Jorge and go work for a Russian embassy in the US or American (or other English-speaking country) embassy in Moscow. Maybe through that job she could meet a legit rich dude, too.

1 hour ago, Chickabiddy said:

I forgot to add how charming and sweet Azan's mother and sister are. They do seem thrilled that he finally has a woman who wants to marry him. I'm sure no local girls wanted Azan because. like a few of us here, they all suspect he is gay.  

They are very gracious. I'm still trying to figure out how much of it is just their culture or family's culture, or if they're genuinely sweet and a little oblivious, or playing it up because someone who is A) female and B) "rich" wants to marry Azan. Before, I considered it somewhat possible that Azan might be gay. After this episode, it's more like 80%. 

10 minutes ago, JoBeth70 said:

 Family Chantel drives me nuts talking about how unnatural Pedro’s relationship is with his sister. You know if it was River visiting Chantel they would think it reasonable for them to stay in a hotel room together.

If someone had just randomly asked me on the street yesterday, before I watched this episode, "who is the last person on earth who has any room to talk about a brother's relationship with his sister being oogy?", even without context, my answer would have been River de Chantel!

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I just saw a clip on youtube of Nicole and Azan at that open air market.....ENVY!  I would be there every day getting fresh stuff!!!  Nicole, you live in Florida - you have to have access to farmers markets, no?  Apparently not!

I live in the same town as our lovely Nicole and yes, we do have open markets and fresh produce all year. More variety in Oct through April  but you can get fresh veggies at the farmer's markets all year long. Strawberries and beautiful tomatoes (they grow them right here) in February, beautiful fruit all summer, too. I guarantee if you were to ask Nicole about it she wouldn't have a clue where to find such things!

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

How long after they marry till Azan tells Nicole that she has to wear a hajib? 

Well, never, because there's no such thing <wink>

Hijab, on the other hand...

Here's the official policy on hijab in Morocco:


The headscarf is not encouraged by governmental institutions, and generally frowned upon by urban middle and higher classes but it is not forbidden by law. The headscarf is becoming gradually more frequent in the north, but as it is not traditional, to wear one is considered rather a religious or political decision. In 2005, a schoolbook for basic religious education was heavily criticized for picturing female children with headscarves, and later the picture of the little girl with the Islamic headscarf was removed from the school books. The headscarf is strongly and implicitly forbidden in Morocco's military and the police.

In January 2017 Morocco banned the manufacturing, marketing and sale of the burqa" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijab_by_country#Morocco )

So, it appears in Morocco the wearing of hijab is not quite as popular as in other Muslim-majority countries. Azan, and his family, may not have a problem with Nicole choosing not to wear one, as she is not Muslim and even if she were to convert, a minority of Muslim women in Morocco wear hijab.

  • Love 7
45 minutes ago, JoBeth70 said:

 Family Chantel drives me nuts talking about how unnatural Pedro’s relationship is with his sister. You know if it was River visiting Chantel they would think it reasonable for them to stay in a hotel room together.

I feel like I got an education as to the Amazing Feats of the vagina.

Yes. This kinda bothered me. What kind of animals do they think Pedro and sister Pedro are, that they can't stay in the same hotel room without something dirty going on? I think Family Chantel are a family of kooks who think the worst of people. Negative. Very negative!

  • Love 20
3 minutes ago, zenme said:

Yes. This kinda bothered me. What kind of animals do they think Pedro and sister Pedro are, that they can't stay in the same hotel room without something dirty going on? I think Family Chantel are a family of kooks who think the worst of people. Negative. Very negative!

Probably because he defends his sister no matter what but never comes to his wife’s defense. He even said Nicole could control herself, but not Chantal.  Hekind of gives the impression he cares more for Nicole than his wife, which is weird.

  • Love 8

In Pedro's defense, I've seen this happen. My husband never saw anything wrong in anything his mom or sisters ever did. Believe me, this was a serious point of contention in our family for years. It sounds like he never had to see his family's nasty side, or he chose to overlook it. It was a power struggle for the females.

ETA: in any case, none of this means Pedro has sex with his sister.

Edited by zenme
  • Love 10

I will never understand any of these people (who marry a person they met on a vacation), never experience the normal day to day life, talk about things they want from a marriage or even a relationship, fight like idiots, hate the way they are treated by that person then when someone else says something about their relationship the say "but I love her/him." Love them? You don't know them!

This show makes me nuts but I cannot look away.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, JoBeth70 said:

 Family Chantel drives me nuts talking about how unnatural Pedro’s relationship is with his sister. You know if it was River visiting Chantel they would think it reasonable for them to stay in a hotel room together.

I feel like I got an education as to the Amazing Feats of the vagina.

Sadly,  I think my vagina has been slacking off lately. 

  • Love 20
2 hours ago, SweetPotato said:

Annie’s dinner she made for David’s sister looked really good,

Totally agree. My hubby makes an almost identical-looking stir fry (though with chicken instead of shrimp usually) about once a week because it's one of my favorites, easy to make, and he can pick up the fresh ingredients affordably at one of, oh, about five Asian megamarkets within a mile of our house! I'm not sure why she needed the Penguin to shop with her, though, unless he was afraid if he gave her the cash for the food she'd run off to Lexington or Cincinnati. 

1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

How long after they marry till Azan tells Nicole that she has to wear a hajib? 

And that there is a very special hijab that American women have to wear for a year that also covers their face and includes a special chastity belt?

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
  • Love 13
4 minutes ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

I'm not sure why she needed the Penguin to shop with her, though, unless he was afraid if he gave her the cash for the food she'd run off to Lexington or Cincinnati. 

Because he can drive and Annie cannot?

Because Annie might want to show him how she can shoot a frozen shrimp out of her hooha?

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, KateHearts said:

Ohh, David.  You just can't expect at the age of 50 to still use the same excuses as you did when you were 12.  "It's been hard" looking for jobs.  Really?! Who knew? "I'm not financially stable yet" = "We are broke."  Well how about you stop going out to dinner, go flip burgers or work at the library or do SOMETHING rather than try to placate everyone around you with your pat phrases (such as "I'd like to maybe think about starting a family if it's possible.")  The best was, "Nancy always has come through for me before."  Geez, David- sounds like you've called in all your chips.  And this one: "I have to start paying $1000 a month rent for the firehouse, which I didn't expect."  Yeah, I don't know why you would expect to have to pay money for housing- who knew that was a thing?

Okay, Baltimore Betty - let's be friends.  This whole post is spot on.  David, you are 50.  It is not funny to be broke all the time.  It is not funny to have fractured relationships with your grown kids, be unemployed, bring a mail order bride half your age home and THEN promise to reverse a vasectomy to start another family.....WHEN YOU ARE BROKE.  "I have to pay rent?"  Yeah, jackass, ya do.  

Relying on your sister for money or your married friend Chris? Not a solid income plan, there buddy boy.

  • Love 11
42 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I live in the same town as our lovely Nicole and yes, we do have open markets and fresh produce all year. More variety in Oct through April  but you can get fresh veggies at the farmer's markets all year long. Strawberries and beautiful tomatoes (they grow them right here) in February, beautiful fruit all summer, too. I guarantee if you were to ask Nicole about it she wouldn't have a clue where to find such things!

OMG -- I would totally stalk Starbucks to get a glimpse of her in person. :)

Bottom line, not one of these couples should be together. Molly shouldn't be so shocked about Luis. She almost didn't marry him because of some reason I can't remember. We were shocked she went through with it. There were GIANT red flags everywhere. No sympathy.

Annie and David? She complained about him not having enough $ in Thailand. She is really stupid if she thought the situation would change over here. What did she ever see in David but a way to get to the US? He's bland as hell. Certainly not good looking. There's nothing there. Funny how she doesn't know what an escort bar is and is so appalled, but sure knows the vajayjay trick places. Well, she got what she wanted, she's in the US. No, our streets aren't paved with goal and if you're an ugly broke loser in Thailand, you'll be an ugly broke loser in the US. He's been scamming everyone for money for years. Pathetic, No sympathy.

Chantel and Pedro -- I have yet to see them have five minutes where they aren't pissed at each other or each other's family. She started this whole farce by lying to her family. She knew they wouldn't approve. I think she did this all to screw with her family. Now she's created huge drama and stirs the pot by running to them and then getting mad at them. Pedro is sketch. Neither one is mature enough to be married. They need to be loyal to each other. Won't happen. No sympathy.

Anfisa and Jorge -- she wanted a rich American. She got a lying loser. She's not the shrill bitch she was during 90 days, but to have been wooed and had money thrown at you and then get the big switcheroo -- I see why she was so pissed. I do have a bit of sympathy for her now, because I see some potential there. She's got screwed, but she could actually come out of this OK. She's my no sympathy exception. I want her to come out of this stronger. 

Paola and Russ -- Not one ounce of sympathy. Cry me a river sister. You are an idiot. Run Russ, run. She is so not into you.

Nicole and Azan -- my favorites. Such a train wreck. No sympathy, except for May. 

  • Love 10
55 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I live in the same town as our lovely Nicole and yes, we do have open markets and fresh produce all year. More variety in Oct through April  but you can get fresh veggies at the farmer's markets all year long. Strawberries and beautiful tomatoes (they grow them right here) in February, beautiful fruit all summer, too. I guarantee if you were to ask Nicole about it she wouldn't have a clue where to find such things!

I have been to Florida a few times and I have been to open air markets a few times and wow - the fruit is SO fresh and good!!  When she said,"Most of our stuff comes from a can!" it was painful, truly painful.

Per the poster who said Jorge has no integrity, no money.....OH SO TRUE but you can always get money, integrity Jorge will never have.  He will ALWAYS be that mush faced blob who shrugs his shoulders and says, "What?  What did I do?" with no clue on what he did.  

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Okay, Baltimore Betty - let's be friends.  This whole post is spot on.  David, you are 50.  It is not funny to be broke all the time.  It is not funny to have fractured relationships with your grown kids, be unemployed, bring a mail order bride half your age home and THEN promise to reverse a vasectomy to start another family.....WHEN YOU ARE BROKE.  "I have to pay rent?"  Yeah, jackass, ya do.  

Relying on your sister for money or your married friend Chris? Not a solid income plan, there buddy boy.

Mrs. Hanson, I did not write that post but I would gladly be your friend! 

Will David realize that he is the one that needs to finance his life, will we be around to see him wake up and smell the coffee?  Even if he is pouring said coffee?

1 minute ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Mrs. Hanson, I did not write that post but I would gladly be your friend! 

Will David realize that he is the one that needs to finance his life, will we be around to see him wake up and smell the coffee?  Even if he is pouring said coffee?

Sorry for the mix up!!  I do enjoy all your posts though!  Will David ever realize he needs to finance the coffee?  No.  He will find a way for Annie to get a job at Starbucks as a barista (pesky work permit rules BE DAMNED) and get a free pound of coffee every now and then.

Or he will ask Chris or his sister to buy him coffee.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Elsie the Cow eyelashes and Papi Smurf aka Chantal amd Pedro: She is a better woman than me cuz there is no way in hell  his skinny, crackhead looking sister would be calling shots in my damn house! If my accommodations are unacceptable to your unwelcomed, ungrateful ass, then you can high tail it to the HoJo bitch!  You grew up poor but are too good to sleep on a new sofa?  It’s not even like they expected her to sleep on an old stained sofa that you just know smells like pissdew (piss + mildew).  Nicole, who has a jacked up headsize-neck length ratio, just needs to be checked one good time to get her mind right.  And no, I wouldn’t have apologized to Pedro.  He’s a smug, smarmy little asshat and I know Chantal can do better.  In Atlanta.  Really... she can do better.

I'll play devil’s advocate on Family Chantal.  Yes they are snooty, self-righteous, middle class folks who probably think they’re better than lots of people.  And they were wrong for what they did to Pedro’s grandmother, but I get where they’re coming from too.  No good parent wants see their child mistreated, and scammers and schemers are everywhere.   I think the sister was right for seeing the hotel thing as creepy.  Especially since Pedro Smurf (does he resemble Papa Smurf to anyone else?) didn’t specify two separate hotel rooms.  Its like he was proud to run off and spend the nite at hotel with his sister.  Creepy much?

As for River, I loved it when he said “She can take her ass back to the Dominican Republic !”  because I said the same thing.  I’m all for preserving one’s heritage but when in Rome asshole!  And he was right about not trusting Pedro Smurf from the beginning, even if Chantal started the distrust.  Say what you want about River, but as a brother why would he be okay with Pedro Smurf saying he wanted to go back to the DR and leave Chantal.  Maybe game recognizes game.

Uh, this from someone who refused to leave a van to visit a harmless abuelita? When River went to Rome, he denounced a simple farm as the place "where the militia lives" and acted like a stoooopid American. Now Nicole is in the US acting like a stooooopid Dominican. After the way her family in the DR was treated I can't say that I blame her for giving them a small taste of their own medicine.

As for Family Chantel v Family Pedro, both families think that their kid is being horribly mistreated by the other person's family. Pedro never stood a chance with Family Chantel and a huge part of that was Chantel's fault for lying to their faces about his status for months. She's a coward and brought all of this drama onto herself. Pedro knows that any chance of a normal relationship with Family Chantel is over and he's totally given up. I don't know if he's waiting for Chantel to pull the plug or what, but he's done.

  • Love 13
4 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

There was a line said by Jorge in a TH last night that I was going to remember, and I’ve forgotten completely (OLDNESS...).  Something about the therapy sessions getting him off the hook... does anyone remember that?  My mouth plopped open.

Well, he did have one whole session by himself so he is all better now at least in Jorge's mind.

  • Love 4

I'm trying to figure out the times when Pedro is the perfect husband, because his family is not around.  I must have missed it.  Chantel has terrible communication skills, but, I hope she can continue being happy with her perfect husband. Her family should tell her to zip it up and leave them out of the loop.  She must be an attention seeker. If you're treated that poorly and think it's good, you do have problems.

Why would Nicole or her mom question Azan about anything....it DOESN'T MATTER.  Nothing matters....just do anything Azan.  The wedding is on. 

When Annie talks about getting pregnant.....omg...it makes me ill.  How does she say it with a straight face? 

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