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On 6/25/2018 at 9:48 AM, Dobian said:

I liked the photographer's artistic "celebration of Colombian culture" theme for his calendar.  He'll be travelling to Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, and Venezuela next to shoot topless models in the body paint of their national flags to celebrate those cultures too lol.

Russ will divorce Pao after this and marry a stripper, then complain about her stripping and divorce her.  Hey Russ, there are plenty of white bread Christian housewives out there in Oklahoma you could have had.

Honestly, I feel like Russ is just disappointed that the white savior story he wrote in his head about saving Pao from her life of sin in Colombia hasn't played out quite the way he intended. I mean, it honestly felt like he expected her to get to Oklahoma and just be so overwhelmed by the majesty of it all that she would immediately run to the closest Dillard's or Bon-Ton to pick up some turtlenecks and cat sweaters. 

  • Love 11

The funny thing is that family Chantel and Pedro are really one in the same.  Both families are manipulative and MEAN.  

Pedro’s sister knew exactly what she was doing.  She knew Pedro’s desire to please her and wanted to see him jump through hoops and turn on Chantel.   That was her game.  She won.

Family Cult Chantel will say and do anything to prove themselves right and Pedro is a scammer.   Note to family Chantel:  If he was a scammer he would not have married your pretty princess who doesn’t have a dime to her name.   Someone more established and desperate like Molly would be the mark.

Lastly, both Chantel and Pedro need to behave like their are married and stop playing house.  Pedro needs to put Chantel first.  I see that taking care of his family and making them happy is important to him.  You are the man of both houses. But it should not be at the expense of your wife.  A real man knows how to prioritize his life and put clear limits with his family of origin.  Chantel, you cannot be married and continue to be lock step with the Cult Chantel.   Pick one. 

Pedro was right, they need to move 100 miles away (I’d say more) and change HER phone.  You were partially right, Pedro.  You both need change your phones and not give either family the new numbers.  And put your Macho aside, get marriage counseling.  Then I’d add, you need to improve your English, not only to communicate better with your wife, but speaking better English, will help you land a better job.  Chantel, your family is crazy.  If your marriage is important to you, then you cannot be around them or live near them.  

Family Pedro, yes, he loves you and wants to help you out.  Sure, it makes him feel important but taking advantage is wrong, mean, selfish and evil.  It’s time Mother Pedro releases her hold on Pedro and let him go.

Family Chantel I get it. You don’t like Pedro.  Trust me, I know how it feels when you child marries someone you would not pick for her.  But you have a choice to look at the good in Pedro and not the bad.   I can see why your daughter did not tell you the truth.  It was wrong.  But now you are being wrong.  Twisting the truth around to suit your toxic narrative is destructive to your family.   Sure you might win the war but at what expense.  Your daughter’s?  There is some good in Pedro, why don’t you focus to find that?   Being all consumed in your hate has to be exhausting.    

  • Love 13
11 hours ago, magemaud said:

He also said, while laughing, "I never thought Nicole would find them." Maybe because he thinks she is too stupid but he didn't realize she'd be tipped off by a mysterious "friend." 

Stupid Nicole showed Azan she’ll put up with whatever treatment he chooses to dish out. Instead of getting mad and letting him know she won’t tolerate him messing around, all she did was cry and have the sads while begging him to love her. Pathetic. 

  • Love 4
On 6/24/2018 at 9:55 PM, bethster2000 said:

And leave HER home?  No.

She needs to put her foot down with Pedro and this "money home" nonsense.  Now.  She needs to either be the first consideration in what he says and does, or she needs to divorce him.  His sister especially seems to delight in disrespecting Chantal.  That simply should not be permitted.  Period.

She also needs to cool it with her own family.  They are shit-stirrers in the extreme.

Speaking from 22 years of happy marriage here...

So it sounds like they need to see a mediator and each set boundaries/discuss what is important to both and are non negotiable, leave Family Chantal and Family Pedro out of it and either commit to each other or end it.  Resentments will build and it will have an ugly end.  They sound like they are doing tit for tat, their families are all spun and they don't work as a team.  Figure it out or move on but its almost like they enjoy being on separate teams.  That tells me they are too immature to be married.  Been married for 27 years and luckily we never had family interfering.  I think the PI thing would be a deal breaker for me problems in the marriage or not.  See a PI about me?  I am done with you and there is no going back.  

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I think it's comfort in knowing their suspicions were right and that if they can prove this to Chantal, she'll divorce him and the grifting ends.  Maybe he'll bolt back to Dominican Republic?  Pedro is shady AF in my opinion.  

I wish I could remember Pedro's exact words when he missed his first flight to the U.S. He seemed to be lying about something, and then he kind of pretended not to understand her Spanish. Am I getting that right? Does anyone else remember that? Anyway, that made me think he was sketchy, initially. Then, he won me over with his personality. So many times in life I've had a negative visceral reaction to someone. Then, I am charmed away by the mask of kindness or whatever. Then they do something and I realize my initial reaction was right.  You'd think I would learn from that.

And now I'm applying that to people I see on TV. smh

I think he is a bit of a grifter and a liar, but he did love Chantal. However, her family has treated him like pond scum so perhaps he's decided to take the money and run. Her family is so weird that I can't blame him for disliking them.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 6

I've noticed that for the past four weeks, David and Annie haven't been filmed at the firehouse. I wonder if someone or something prohibited them from filming there.

I find Pedro's sister, Nicole to be rude and disrespectful. She is clearly emboldened to speak to Chantal in any manner, including laughing in her face.  I wouldn't allow anyone to treat me that way in my home. I think Chantal is beautiful and she seems kind.  Surely, she could do better than Pedro.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, silverspoons said:

What did all these couples talk about while waiting to get approved for the K1 Visa? It is not like these couples fell in love at first sight and got married a week later. In most cases they have 6 months or even a year after meeting and deciding to get married to wait for the visa approval. Could Chantel and Pedro not talk about family and money? Could Nicole and Azan not discuss the cultural and religious differences? Could Molly and Luis not talk about family responsbilites and expectations? Did Ross really live in Columbia and never meet Pao BFF Juan and since she revealed she was a model before coming to the US, did Russ and her never discuss her future career plans in the USA?

All these couples had time to wait and talk and discuss the future. What did they do just text I love you's and heart emoji's? 

Let's not forget the glorious dynamic that was Paul and Karinne: communicating through an app (probably Google Translate). I highly doubt those two talked about cultural differences, expectations as far as supporting family, etc. 

I'm sure it was more of the same with these other couples. Hot vacation sex, alcohol, checking out nightlife/tourist spots, etc. No real in-depth conversations about what the future would hold or what it would look like.

  • Love 3
34 minutes ago, AussieBabe said:

Let's not forget the glorious dynamic that was Paul and Karinne: communicating through an app (probably Google Translate). I highly doubt those two talked about cultural differences, expectations as far as supporting family, etc. 

I'm sure it was more of the same with these other couples. Hot vacation sex, alcohol, checking out nightlife/tourist spots, etc. No real in-depth conversations about what the future would hold or what it would look like.

Just look at the difference between Molly/Luis and Devar/Melanie. Both women were older (then their men), both men were working on the beach when they meet during a vacation. Melanie crazy at it sounds made her 29 trips to the island and got to know Devar. Devar seemed very ready to be a parent. Even though TLC showed Drama, Melanie knew Devar would send some money home and they agreed on that amount but also agreed that he needed to get a good job. He went to school and has a job that he can afford to send some money home and take care of his bills with Melanie. I guess Molly just drank during her trip and maybe played up her big house and $$ more then explaining her life. I always wondered if Molly ever asked Luis about having his own kids? Molly is 42, which is nearing the end if not the end of having kid without intervention. I cant imagine as poor a stepfather as Luis was, that his manly self did not want to have a Luis jr someday. 

Pedro seems like he could train for something like Devar did,. $300 a month does not seem like a lot of money if Pedro was an underwater welder like Devar or even if he went to nursing school with Chantel. While it is not ideal to lose $300 a month, some people (like David?) drink $300 or more a month, or buy expensive clothes like Anfisa. 


I would love to know the success rate of K1 visas. That Molly lawyer said he sees bad situations like hers all the time? I live in rural Utah and K1 visa are common but they are because of missionaries like Alan and Josh and from what I see are successful , I do'nt think I can think of one divorce and they are so common that if I stand at my front door I can see 6 houses that have K1 marriages. The only flaw I see but this is more my opinion maybe is the women are more educated then the men and the women are sometimes bored not having a career but they throw that boredom into educating their kids or a volunteer project or hobby. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, iwasish said:

Don’t forgot “ I want a kiss” “Do you want to kiss me” “ i want you to kiss me”

and the biggie “I think you want it” 

i doubt Azan is very original. 

You guys forgot "We NEED TO TALK!"  About her, of course.


2 hours ago, LGGirl said:

The funny thing is that family Chantel and Pedro are really one in the same.  Both families are manipulative and MEAN.  

Yep and neither Chantal nor Pedro will see or own the other families ownership in the drama that THEY started.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, nytonc said:

Oh Molly Molly Molly no Prenup?!?!?!?! You own a business!!!!!! You are now oficially the most stupidest (shout out to Mother Chantal) woman on The planet!!!!!!

Because Luis was "The love of her life" and her "esposo precioso." I think it's interesting we never hear of Luis having any family back home, only at least one brother in NJ. 

I still don't understand why she was against Luis calling the police that night, she was in her own house. I would have said, "Good, call them and they'll get your lazy scamming ass out of here!" I'm surprised she didn't call the police on HIM and instead packed up Kensley and left him to have the run of her house. 

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, LGGirl said:

The funny thing is that family Chantel and Pedro are really one in the same.  Both families are manipulative and MEAN.  

Pedro’s sister knew exactly what she was doing.  She knew Pedro’s desire to please her and wanted to see him jump through hoops and turn on Chantel.   That was her game.  She won.

Family Cult Chantel will say and do anything to prove themselves right and Pedro is a scammer.   Note to family Chantel:  If he was a scammer he would not have married your pretty princess who doesn’t have a dime to her name.   Someone more established and desperate like Molly would be the mark.

Lastly, both Chantel and Pedro need to behave like their are married and stop playing house.  Pedro needs to put Chantel first.  I see that taking care of his family and making them happy is important to him.  You are the man of both houses. But it should not be at the expense of your wife.  A real man knows how to prioritize his life and put clear limits with his family of origin.  Chantel, you cannot be married and continue to be lock step with the Cult Chantel.   Pick one. 

Pedro was right, they need to move 100 miles away (I’d say more) and change HER phone.  You were partially right, Pedro.  You both need change your phones and not give either family the new numbers.  And put your Macho aside, get marriage counseling.  Then I’d add, you need to improve your English, not only to communicate better with your wife, but speaking better English, will help you land a better job.  Chantel, your family is crazy.  If your marriage is important to you, then you cannot be around them or live near them.  

Family Pedro, yes, he loves you and wants to help you out.  Sure, it makes him feel important but taking advantage is wrong, mean, selfish and evil.  It’s time Mother Pedro releases her hold on Pedro and let him go.

Family Chantel I get it. You don’t like Pedro.  Trust me, I know how it feels when you child marries someone you would not pick for her.  But you have a choice to look at the good in Pedro and not the bad.   I can see why your daughter did not tell you the truth.  It was wrong.  But now you are being wrong.  Twisting the truth around to suit your toxic narrative is destructive to your family.   Sure you might win the war but at what expense.  Your daughter’s?  There is some good in Pedro, why don’t you focus to find that?   Being all consumed in your hate has to be exhausting.    


Your post was ever-ry-thing!!

What is with the constant laughing from Pedro's sister? It's odd.  I am surprised that Sister Pedro did not mock Chantal about her small apartment.  My guess is some of the money Pedro is sending back home is going to the orthodontist, Sister Pedro has braces.

Molly is screwed if that wig wearing attorney was right about her being on the hook for 10 years.

7 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Because Luis was "The love of her life" and her "esposo precioso."

Was that the name Molly used to store his number in her phone, I could not make it out.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Because Luis was "The love of her life" and her "esposo precioso." I think it's interesting we never hear of Luis having any family back home, only at least one brother in NJ. 

I still don't understand why she was against Luis calling the police that night, she was in her own house. I would have said, "Good, call them and they'll get your lazy scamming ass out of here!" I'm surprised she didn't call the police on HIM and instead packed up Kensley and left him to have the run of her house. 

I wonder if it has to do with her DUI's? Since she could not drive at least for part of this season, she could still be under some sort of probation? 

Molly also could have slid in some sort of prenup. She could have told Luis that she has a business partner and that the business had to be separate from marriage assets and that her business partner demanded it and even stretched it to say the house was paid for partly by child support so it had to be protected for the kids. I doubt Luis would have researched business and child support law and would have accepted it. 

  • Love 2

It wasn't always copacetic with Melanie and DeVar. She may have made 29 trips to see him but somehow never managed to meet his well-off (and living in a mansion) sisters. He also informed her that if he "made $10, he was sending back $9" to which she replied that she was going to reconsider not getting a prenup. They have worked out their money situation presumably but it was tense there for a minute because he did give his sister money and Melanie was against it.

Anyway, I don't see Pedro and Chantel coming to any sort of agreement about it, not when they have their families in their ears.

Edited by LilaFowler
  • Love 2

Now I believe that Sister Pedro is also acting, following TLC's script just as Juan/Russ/Pao are.  We complain about how boring these couples are--imagine how little viewership there'd be if Sister Pedro wasn't a little bitch?  If Juan wasn't a little bitch?  The look on the Sister Pedro's face, so smug and pleased with herself--it's gotta be fake.  I don't think Pedro is in on it, but I'm sure the producers are encouraging Sister Pedro to behave badly.  And Pao with that stupid "calendar" devoted to "Colombian culture"--what a sack of shit that is.  Her parents were all for it because it is "artistic" but her father was obviously uncomfortable, and her mother actually held her purse in front of Pao's father's eyes!

I think George and Anfisa are real.

I think Nicole and Azan are real, except that Azan is playing her.  He might be gay; if he isn't, he's way too good-looking to go for someone like Nicole.  With the internet, he has his choice of women, and he knows there are Stupid Americans who are much better looking than Nicole that he could harvest American dollars from.

Annie and Penguin?  real.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, GuiltiestPleasures said:

So I know Pao is not very popular on this board, but I'm sorry, the way Russ talks about "allowing" her to do things and constantly acting like he should have veto rights over everything in her life is just creepy. And the whole "Colombian" Pao vs "American" Pao is also creepy.

He and Jorge are very similar in my eyes; they went online and found international Barbie dolls to marry. Women who were very open about their sexualities and bodies online when they met them. Then they paid for a plane ticket and put a ring on it, and now they act as though the things that Anfisa and Pao did to attract them are morally reprehensible. I'm sorry, but if you didn't want to marry a model who takes sexy photos, maybe don't MARRY a MODEL who takes SEXY PHOTOS.

Do I think Pao is some terrific human? Not particularly. Do I think her best friend there is just an attention seeking idiot who starts fights with Russ on purpose? Sure. Do I think Russ some huge catch who is now being terribly mistreated by his spicy Latina wife? NO! We've seen this again and again on this show, men who think they are buying these women's freedoms when they bring them to the US and marry them.

Honestly, good for Pao, at least she's upfront and honest about what she wants. If her career or moving to Miami were deal breakers for Russ, he should leave. But instead he sticks around, constantly making her feel bad about her choices and standing off-camera saying how "uncomfortable" he is and basically implying that his *wife* is a slut. Which is all fine and dandy until you remember that it was that sluttish behavior that attracted him in the first place. If he wanted a Duggar-clone to marry, he's on the wrong show and also could have stayed in Oklahoma to find one. I have very little sympathy for him.

No this is not true. He met pao wile working in Colombia. And they where together there before moving to the us.


  • Love 4
51 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Now I believe that Sister Pedro is also acting, following TLC's script just as Juan/Russ/Pao are.  We complain about how boring these couples are--imagine how little viewership there'd be if Sister Pedro wasn't a little bitch?  If Juan wasn't a little bitch?  The look on the Sister Pedro's face, so smug and pleased with herself--it's gotta be fake.  I don't think Pedro is in on it, but I'm sure the producers are encouraging Sister Pedro to behave badly.  And Pao with that stupid "calendar" devoted to "Colombian culture"--what a sack of shit that is.  Her parents were all for it because it is "artistic" but her father was obviously uncomfortable, and her mother actually held her purse in front of Pao's father's eyes!

I turned off the show at this point.  This is not reality tv, it is manipulation tv and it is just this side of sadistic.  Why would anyone want to partake in it??

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

Maybe if he put his wife first, Family Chantel would accept the Dominican Dork. What a punchable face on that guy!

As soon as Chantel puts her husband first instead of choosing to function as a unit with her family.

It works both ways.  People act as if Pedro should bow down and thank his lucky stars for Chantel and give all his loyalty and life to only her, but she can just do whatever she wants.  What's good for one is good for all.  

  • Love 13
On 6/25/2018 at 4:42 AM, Bridget said:

Her dad was hilarious with the wee bit of shade he threw at her for her “small moral transgression.” I’m pretty sure I laughed harder than I was supposed to.

I felt like he wasn't really throwing shade at her, but at Russ instead. He seemed entirely too ready to accept this as normal. I think it was him who said, "In our culture, we are not ashamed of our bodies," or something like that. I found it horrifying that a father would not object to her posing that way.

  • Love 5
On 6/24/2018 at 8:14 PM, Mercolleen said:

Also, did any of you realize that Pao is Pao from Colombia?


I don't understand this, can someone please explain?

On 6/24/2018 at 8:50 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

So David had a vasectomy after all... that means all of their "trying" to have kids isn't really going to work because he's been shooting blanks! 

And, even if they did get the money and got it reversed, it's unlikely that he would ever be fertile again.

7 grand? How are they going to get their hands on 7 grand? She might as well be trying to send him to Mars.

She's a piece of work, she doesn't understand why 'it's taking so long' for him to give her the life he promised.  How about, because it's never gonna happen??

Edited by noveltylibrary
  • Love 6
On 6/24/2018 at 9:31 PM, Mswldflwr said:

She should just take herself out of the home and go stay in a hotel.  Or go stay at her parents for the duration of sis's stay.  Not that they'd be a treat to be around, but she needs to stay GONE for the whole visit and not see Pedro at all.  Maybe he'll give some thought as to who/what is MOST important to him.  I swear, if I had a supposed grown-ass husband that played video games that much, I'd run to the nearest divorce lawyer toot-sweet.

oh but she's afraid she's going to ruin the marriage!  LOL

On 6/24/2018 at 9:37 PM, Mercolleen said:

I had to fast-forward the Juan scene. I can't stand looking at his stupid rat face. I spit on him!

god you're so lucky! i wish i had.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, KBrownie said:

As soon as Chantel puts her husband first instead of choosing to function as a unit with her family.

It works both ways.  People act as if Pedro should bow down and thank his lucky stars for Chantel and give all his loyalty and life to only her, but she can just do whatever she wants.  What's good for one is good for all.  

She said shedoesn't get to see her family very much because of the disagreements.  That to me shows she is trying to put him first by limiting contact,

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Stripper Glitter said:

YES!! I swear it gets longer and she has to look farther down her nose at EVeryone, every time I see her.

and why do her oversized drooping grease paint eyebrows look like they'll slide off, too? 

4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Molly is screwed if that wig wearing attorney was right about her being on the hook for 10 years.

I don't think Black Toupee Attorney said that. He said he was a divorce lawyer, not an immigration one. The immigration attorney (woman) in next week's preview was the one who said she'd be on the hook to support him for ten years. 

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, IvySpice said:

Ding, ding, ding. Even in a "what's mine is mine" marriage, if you're renting and furnishing an apartment together, you need to come to an agreement about it. Your household has costs; you have to meet them.

The problem is that it doesn’t matter to Pedro . They can late on their rent or have nothing in the fridge, all that matters is that his nasty mom and sister get money. Even if Chantal needed money for school books and came to him, his mom and sister come first.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, KBrownie said:

People act as if Pedro should bow down and thank his lucky stars for Chantel and give all his loyalty and life to only her, but she can just do whatever she wants.  What's good for one is good for all.  

With regards to Chantel, as the Brits would say, "Pedro is punching above his weight."  He should thank his lucky stars, indeed.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

It wasn't always copacetic with Melanie and DeVar. She may have made 29 trips to see him but somehow never managed to meet his well-off (and living in a mansion) sisters. He also informed her that if he "made $10, he was sending back $9" to which she replied that she was going to reconsider not getting a prenup. They have worked out their money situation presumably but it was tense there for a minute because he did give his sister money and Melanie was against it.

Anyway, I don't see Pedro and Chantel coming to any sort of agreement about it, not when they have their families in their ears.

Devar’s sisters were hysterical. I loved when they laughed and basically said Melanie was a fool if she let Devar send money back to their other worthless, jobless sister. They certainly weren’t giving her any.

Family Chantal and Family Pedro are equally horrible. I’d end up slapping the shit out of all of them.

It’s a toss up between Mother Chantal and her frequent use of “harvesting the American dollar” and her horrible cadence and Family Pedro with their equally horrible cackles and sense of entitlement. If Pedro is sending them $300-$400/ monthly on top of everything else he gets them plus his video game purchases on a $12/hr warehouse job - that’s probably most of his disposable income. Am I the only one who noticed that whenever he’s seated in front of his ridiculous gaming station it always seems to be a site selling gaming crap on his computer?

Somebody needs to stage an intervention for Chantel about those eyelashes. They look ridiculous - the girl can barely blink.

  • Love 8

Just a comment on this whole sending money home thing in regards to Pedro and Devar.  It's not just because they are in the US, both of them are the only men in their families.  There's a huge expectation that the man will provide, where they are from.  They would still be doing it if they were still in their own countries.  It was probably never mentioned as a thing for Luis because he's not the only male.  We know he at least has a brother.

Melanie and Devar had actual conversations,as adults, to make sure that their needs were met, and Devar's need to help his sisters was met.

Neither Chantel, nor Pedro, are mature enough to do the same.  

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, GuiltiestPleasures said:


So I know Pao is not very popular on this board, but I'm sorry, the way Russ talks about "allowing" her to do things and constantly acting like he should have veto rights over everything in her life is just creepy. And the whole "Colombian" Pao vs "American" Pao is also creepy.


Russ was pressured into giving up a lucrative engineering job by Pao because she didn't want him to leave her for 3 months.  I recall he said (much to his detriment) "I can get another engineering job, I can't get another Pao."  Well, he has her and she has no respect for his opinions.  It is painful to watch. I think it is reasonable for him to have reservations about all those very seedy photo shots -- and there is no talk of the $$$ she is bringing in.  Their relationship, at least at the beginning, was such that she did not "allow" him to make a living so what is good for the goose and all that....

Chantal calling him out in front of his sister was a Bad Scene.  No way can his machismo allow him to let her yell at him in front of his sister -- he will be the laughingstock of DR in no time.  Chantal might know that if she paid any kind of attention to his culture and the expectations of men in it.  She can't be bothered to do that since she is constantly trying to appease her family -- when she's not lying to them about something.  Family counseling for those two with a Latino Counselor is what is needed asap.

  • Love 9
59 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

With regards to Chantel, as the Brits would say, "Pedro is punching above his weight."  He should thank his lucky stars, indeed.

If Pedro is so far below Chantel, why is he the best SHE can do? 

Surely, by 26, with her looks, family background, and bourgeois aspirations, she could have nabbed a dentist or optometrist with his own little business by now.

Maybe her personality and insufferable family prevented her from punching at her weight or above. Maybe those things forced  her to seek out love a thousand plus miles from home, and in a foreign country where the language barrier helped to obscure her true character. 

Maybe, just maybe Pedro and Chantel deserve each other....and that is why they both seem so unhappy.

Just a thought. ;-) 

  • Love 18

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