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Season 3 Discussion

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18 minutes ago, doyouevengohere said:

Maybe I dreamed this, but I thought at one point (either early this season or one of the other seasons) it was said that Pedro was working two jobs?  He's not asking Chantel for her money, he's not asking her to ask her family for money, he's out there working.  While I don't agree with him sending a ton of money back home while he and Chantel live in poverty (which isn't happening), I do understand it and I don't think $300 is excessive.  He's still buying his gaming equipment and Chantel has some new girls and drag queen eyelashes.  It sounds like he spend his money on the $1000 couch too.  When you are young and newly married (and especially if people are still in school) you are sometimes going to be making sacrifices.  In a year, when Chantel has a nursing degree and can get a better paying job, and Pedro can start looking for something better; then will be in a better position.  Live in the one bedroom apt. NOW and then later you can get something better.  These two need a plan, they need to go to legit counseling and learn to communicate and to LEAVE and CLEAVE.  They need to come up with relationship goals and financial goals together and leave the family Chantel OUT OF IT.

I posted something similar but you said it so much better, 

i don’t think Pedro is a bad guy, I think he’s frustrated, angry and confused by the pushback he’s getting over what he obviously considers his duty and family obligation to help his mother and sister.  

He’s not stopping Chantel from visiting her family and even goes along knowing he’s going to be interrogated by her parents and have to listen to obnoxious remarks by River and Winter.

The best hope these two have is to get some distance from her family,  physical and for Chantel, emotional. Pedro has to insist that his family give Chantel the respect she deserves and that he and Chantel come to an agreement as to just how much money he will contribute to the DR. Perhaps they send a fixed amount monthly and that if additional monies are requested that Pedro will discuss it with Chantel and they will decide as a couple if that request can be accommodated. And his family will have to accept whatever the outcome is without an attitude or argument. 

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14 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

They would fall for it if he said I have a sugarbaby to take care of

Never mind, David is broke to take care of her but how did he get the money to go grocery shopping? 

Don't forget that he gets money from TLC for each episode of the show that he participates in. I think that's what is keeping Azanole afloat.

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Did he have a drinking problem?  That would not show up, per say, but if he had DWI's or DUI's those WOULD show up.  My memories of David and his drinking are kinda fuzzy.....was he a drinker?  More specifically, a problem drinker?

He used to have a drinking problem.  Still does, but he used to, too.  (RIP Mitch Hedberg).

23 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

My sons are 50 and 52, went to public schools in Arizona, and started using computers in junior high.   Sounds like David has been a lost cause all his life--never taking advantage of life lessons he was offered--only taking advantage of family and friends for cash handouts.  And now, look at you, David!   Get home any way you can, Annie...pronto!    (P.S.  When my younger son was working as a production assistant at Hanna Barbera, some guy walked by him and said, "Stop messing around!"  My son said, "I'm not messing around; I'm typing a report."  The jerk said, "No guy types that fast.")

Depends on the school district.  My husband is 45 and went to a somewhat inner city public school.  He didn't touch a computer until about 4 years after he graduated.  I went to a more affluent school district.  Started using computers in 4th grade.   I will be 45 in a few months.

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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

Yeah they’re just asking to become grandparents. 

It's quite possible that his parents are nice, and strict.  Sharing a home doesn't mean sharing a bed.  Like sharing a hotel room with family doesn't mean you're a freak. 

Olivia needs to stay gone.  If Molly wanted that to be a helpful conversation, she should have been all, " Luis is out of our lives, and the house.  You won't need to deal with him again."  But she was so wishy washy, "He left, he took his bags..."

1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Thank you Kangatush - I missed this.  I do believe with another poster that he made it out to be like having a tooth filled to have it reversed and declined at telling her the cost was $7000 and up.

No matter what he told her, she's not dumb, she had access to a computer, and plenty of time,  to do her own research into the matter.  I know I'm Annie harsh, but She irks me so much.  

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10 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

David is broke to take care of her but how did he get the money to go grocery shopping?

I dunno, but I swear I hear his wallet creaking every time is reluctantly pulls it out. I remember my salad days, when I was just trying to make it to the end of the month before my money ran out, eating peanut butter and mac and cheese from a box. But then again, that's when I was 20. David is a grown ass man of nearly 50. The fact that he can't pay for anything is ridiculous. The way he fiddles around every time he has to take out his wallet like he's not sure what's in there is freaking annoying. I bet he is waiting for someone from production to slip him a few bills. And I love how he has to make it explicitly clear that his sister is paying for dinner. What a cheapskate.   

Edited by poeticlicensed
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I felt like Molly was trying to get Olivia's sympathy : "I'm sorry, Mom" "It'll be okay, mom" "I'll come right back and we'll eat ice cream together".  She really didn't care about Olivia and how she felt in all of this or really about her coming back unless it was to give Molly support.

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Olivia DID throw her a bone when she said, "Let's have lunch together sometime this week" although many "we'll have get together" conversations are often meaningless and never happen unless a specific time and place is set up right then

Edited by magemaud
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3 hours ago, Kellyee said:

And if Azan couldn't find a single job in 2 years, how is he just now going to find all these temporary jobs to bring in money??

There are so many things he could do and tons of hotels he could work at. I dont think he ever had a job and getting money from women is how he lives.

Once the money stops from Nicole- he will find ways to get rid of her.


Cars and gas is very expensive in Morrocco and it is cheaper to get a cab.


I am fascinated by her makeup (and not in a good way) as I got married last fall and wore less makeup on that day than Booby wears every damn day!!!

I would NOT let her care for me if she was my Nurse!

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10 hours ago, Former Nun said:

We will assume Annie speaks Thai.  Does she have computer skills?   Editing, researching, proofreading?  Experience?   ...and the rest of it....

I cans see her resume now...."I can translate Thai to En'lish while simultainiously shooting ping pong balls out my vajajay. Can type 50 WPM with my labia. Can multitask while working at a Blow Job Bar and make change in creative ways. "

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

That kinda bothered me too, as I just gone done with a trip with my two sons (19 and 20) and we all stayed in the same room, with different beds, of course!!  My older one and I are going to DC in a few weeks and again, one room, two beds.  It is NOT that weird.  

Yeah, I shared a room with my brother for a year when we were 7 and 11. He was pretty obnoxious then (and still is), putting banana peels on my head and all. We also shared a room in 1999, no problem except his flatulence. Our family routinely shared a room altogether in the 60s. It's really NOT weird. Except the farts.

2 hours ago, zenme said:

and Olivia finally had enough. At 18 she could move out, and did. 

Im actually more curious as to why boyfriend's parents would allow her to move in. I sure wouldn't. 

She may actually be living with grandma? And the BF parents may forbid co-sleeping but want to yank her out of harm's way.

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1 minute ago, OrchidThief said:

Yeah, I shared a room with my brother for a year when we were 7 and 11. He was pretty obnoxious then (and still is), putting banana peels on my head and all. We also shared a room in 1999, no problem except his flatulence. Our family routinely shared a room altogether in the 60s. It's really NOT weird. Except the farts.

Yes - when my older brother would go on camping trips with our neighbors I would sleep in his bed as I missed him!!  I was 6 or 7 at the time!!!  

12 minutes ago, doyouevengohere said:

When Annie gets her green card , she had better get to work, b/c David isn't going to do anything.

And keep her money separate as David will spend it all!

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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

If Pedro is sending 300 bucks a month home, it kinda of says something nice about him. He could easily have come over here and then cut off communications with his family and sent them nothing. 300 bucks a month would buy him a lot of games and equipment for his hobby and a much nicer apartment. He doesn’t seem greedy in terms of wanting stuff for himself, he isn’t out drinking and hanging with his buddies. I do think he was truly baffled by Chantel and her family resenting the fact that he wants to help his mother and sister. I think over time he has just gotten angry about it and the constant accusations against his mother and him.  And Chantels wishy washy defense of him  doesn’t help.  The other issue is his sister, her attitude doesn’t help Pedro. She and her mother just come across as greedy and entitled. 

If Pedro is putting his fair share towards rent and other household expenses, and the money comes from his paycheck and Chantel does the same, using her excess $$ to buy clothing and do her hair, nails and eyelashes, then if he wants to send money home to the DR, so be it. Had family Chantel stayed out of their business ( if Chantel had kept her marriage business to herself)  perhaps Pedro and Chantel could have worked this out, but with the entire Chantel Clan chiming in their two cents, it’s hopeless.

I agree.  The Family Chantel--and Chantel herself's--resentment of how much nicer Pedro's mother's apartment is, as well as the glamorous life they appear to be living thanks to Pedro's $300/month, ignores the fact that the cost of living is so much lower in the Dominican Republic than in Atlanta.  I can understand Pedro's delight in the fact that by sending his family what would be a less significant amount in the US really puts them in a higher economic class in DR.  An extra $300/month would probably not buy a significant upgrade to Chantel and Pedro's apartment, certainly not three bedrooms and two baths, but what a kick it must be for him to make his family *rich* by DR standards!  And how proud his mother must be of him.

These American women who marry men from the islands, and, I guess, from other poor countries, seem surprised that sending money home is so important to them.  For one glorious year, I had a nanny from Brazil.  She was live-in, and we paid her a smallish salary and covered all her living expenses (clothing, medical care, incidentals like makeup, etc.).  I was so annoyed when her mother wrote to her and begged for money for a new washing machine, a new sewing machine, glasses for her sister back home, because I knew she was trying to save enough money to buy an apartment when she returned to Sao Paolo.  But I did catch on.  My nanny was able to send her mother really small amounts of money for what would be major expenses up here.  I think this is the trade-off immigrants from poor countries engage in; they leave their loved ones in order to "go to work" in another, richer, country.

The ridiculous accusations that maybe Pedro's sister is really his secret wife, or that maybe Pedro isn't going to work at all, or that he has a massive secret online life--I loved Father Chantel saying "so he's locked down all the electronics"--make this whole "story" seem fake beyond (my) belief.  I repeat that if TLC causes the dissolution of this marriage--and I think Pedro and Chantel are well-matched and could be very happy together--then shame on them.  And double shame if her parents, who one would think would want her to be happy, are in on it.  Which they are.

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Olivia DID throw her a bone when she said, "Let's have lunch together sometime this week" although many "we'll have to do lunch" conversations are often meaningless and never happen

Molly did sound sorry. I really hope Molly gets it and puts the work in to make her relationship with Olivia better. And avoids doing something this stupid again in the future. We don't know much about Molly's past relationships except that she has two kids whose dads don't seem to be in the picture much. So we don't know her pattern.

Did anybody notice that Annie never actually answered Ashley's question about where she met David? She did that sorta answer and make a hard pivot thing that political candidates do during interviews. 

Ashley and Anfisa are growing on me. And my opinions of Annie and Pedro are going downhill fast.

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2 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I am fascinated by her makeup (and not in a good way) as I got married last fall and wore less makeup on that day than Booby wears every damn day!!!

I think she tarts herself up everywhere she goes.   She must be a big hit in nursing classes with the butterfly eyelashes, boobage, and the skirts slit up to her crotch.   

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8 minutes ago, millennium said:

Call me cynical, but I could see David rationalizing Annie having to turn tricks to support them.

"Obviously it's not an ideal situation.   I know that.   But I think if I can just get past this rough patch, the right job will come along."

“You never know who will catch one of those ping pong balls or need their beer opened, it could be my chance to get back on my feet”. 

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On the show, Azan said he would do some freelance stuff - what can he do other than sucker a dumb barista from Florida into turning over a couple hundred maybe a month to him. I know it is too late for Robbalee to give Nicole up for adoption, but surely she can find a loophole right ?  Nicole just irritates me putting her "world" 1st before May. That girl should be in preschool rather than sitting alone playing with her little computer because Nicole is busy trying to get into Azan's skinny jeans. 

Edited by Mahamid Frauded Me
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10 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

On the show, Azan said he would do some freelance stuff - what can he do other than sucker a dumb barista from Florida into turning over a couple hundred maybe a month to him.

Azan's job is getting money from women on the interwebs by promising them love and marriage. For where I sit, it seems like it's a full time occupation for him.

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28 minutes ago, millennium said:

I think she tarts herself up everywhere she goes.   She must be a big hit in nursing classes with the butterfly eyelashes, boobage, and the skirts slit up to her crotch.   

Her "nursing class attire" seems more like the depiction of nurses in porn movies.  

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7 minutes ago, AnnieHeights said:

Did anyone notice it looked like there were price stickers on the bottom of the mugs Family Chantal were drinking out of? 

At least they were put on the bottom, it irks me to no end when a store slaps a sticker on say the glass part of a picture frame or right on the jar of a candle rather than the bottom..

Speaking of bottom, David's IS HUGE  

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1 hour ago, doyouevengohere said:

When Annie gets her green card , she had better get to work, b/c David isn't going to do anything.

She will anyway because in one of the episodes, she said she is tired of being bored at home doing nothing

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Did Olivia's room in Molly's basement have cement walls? Granted, Olivia probably asked to live down there, but geez, couldn't Molly put up some sheet rock instead of buying a  bazillion tchotchkes from Homegoods or Ross? Or paying to bring your boy toy home from the DR? 

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1 minute ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

At least they were put on the bottom, it irks me to no end when a store slaps a sticker on say the glass part of a picture frame or right on the jar of a candle rather than the bottom..

Speaking of bottom, David's IS HUGE  

I am sick of seeing David's boom boom ass in every episode 

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19 minutes ago, AnnieHeights said:

Did anyone notice it looked like there were price stickers on the bottom of the mugs Family Chantal were drinking out of? 

I notice those on "mainstream" television shows all the time!   I can't decide if the prop people are lazy...or if the production people intend to return the merchandise.

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1 hour ago, doyouevengohere said:

When Annie gets her green card , she had better get to work, b/c David isn't going to do anything.

She'll probably starve before that card arrives.  David, on the other hand, will always find someone to make him a meal or pay for one.  Wonder if they really moved out that Tuesday.

I don't care if Annie was a sex worker.  I admire her logical thinking (where was in Thailand?), her openness, and her spunk.  She just needs her Thai friend to help her get back home.

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If there is a wedding in Morocco, and that's a big if, and Nicole wears the strapless wedding dress I think Azan's entire Muslim family will faint on the spot and his sweet mother will need to be revived with smelling salts. It's not done. I've traveled in Morocco and you dress modestly. It's a lovely place. I would like to visit again. Chefchaouen, the blue city, is a magical place.

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Yes - when my older brother would go on camping trips with our neighbors I would sleep in his bed as I missed him!!  I was 6 or 7 at the time!!!  

And keep her money separate as David will spend it all!

Not only that, do not give David any money every time he asks!

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1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:
1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

On the show, Azan said he would do some freelance stuff - what can he do other than sucker a dumb barista from Florida into turning over a couple hundred maybe a month to him.

Azan's job is getting money from women on the interwebs by promising them love and marriage. For where I sit, it seems like it's a full time occupation for him.

and freelancing at WHAT? I don't think Robbalee was buying what he was selling

Edited by magemaud
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1 hour ago, millennium said:

Call me cynical, but I could see David rationalizing Annie having to turn tricks to support them.

"Obviously it's not an ideal situation.   I know that.   But I think if I can just get past this rough patch, the right job will come along."

I don't begrudge Annie working in a dick suck bar and trying to get out of that life.   But she literally latched on to such an unfortunate guy....he's the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the slap slap slap barrel.  I'm sure she thought no self respecting guy could be as lazy as Lardo.   Most people inherently feel bad about begging and grifting.  He sees this as a plausible way to get through life.  I'm surprised he bothered to pick one and get hitched....he could just roam through Thailand and just bed and blow forever.   It's common and expected and no one judges.   I wonder if he signed on to do this show and picked Annie to fill the storyline?   That's the only thing that makes sense to me. 

He's such a loser...he'll never make it in America.  He needs to go somewhere where his lies and stories will get him by, he can enjoy all the prostitutes he wants and what paltry money he beg borrows or steals will go a long way.  Feels like when TLC is done with them, he'll be done with America.   Ping Pong should stay here and open up a Thai restaurant when she gets her green card.  She can make a great life for herself and find a nice man as well. 

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There's been some speculation about the home showed on the show not being Chantel's parent's real house.  I, too, remember the McMansion in the first season they were filmed.  But, I also remember a scene where they were "packing," and it was insinuated that they were moving.  Maybe they had to dump the McMansion for a more humble abode? 

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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I know it is too late for Robbalee to give Nicole up for adoption, but surely she can find a loophole right ? 

Maybe they could make abortion legal up to the 80th trimester.

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8 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Most people inherently feel bad about begging and grifting.  He sees this as a plausible way to get through life. 

EXACTLY!!!  This drives me INSANE with this fat slob!  His face in the next TH when sister David turns him down for $$$.  He’s dismayed and shocked.  I mean “she’s always come through for me before!”  Really???  Come ON, dude!  I just want to reach right through the screen and slap his bug eyed self.  Grifting your way thru Thailand for 4 yrs is one thing.  Making your way back home with your new puppy and flat out expecting everyone in his life to participate in his upkeep is just a whole nuther level of horrifying to me.  In who’s world does this work?  Every.Single.TH. he displays amazement that someone isn’t doing their part to support him.  You nailed it, @HappyDancex2.  He sees his JOB as finding someone to give him what he needs.  He honestly, sincerely believes this is a plausible way to get through life.  

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2 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

When Annie gets her green card , she had better get to work, b/c David isn't going to do anything.

I worked 12 years in the USA without having my green card, making great money in construction. I know lots of undocumented people making a living without paperwork. Not having a green card is a lame excuse for not working and pay the bills.

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David had it so good in Thailand. He was fit, single, carefree, screwing lots of young Thai women... Why is he putting himself in this hell hole with Annie in America? He's now obese again, poor, in debt of a dowry, old and his wifey now wants kids!!! What a nightmare.  Big mistake from his part.

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6 hours ago, Kellyee said:

I noticed that almost everywhere they go, Azan is carrying May. And when they are in a car, its Azan who is sitting next to May. And despite being together for 2 years, Nicole and Azan have no chemistry, and Azan always looks very uncomfortable with Nicole. 

And if Azan couldn't find a single job in 2 years, how is he just now going to find all these temporary jobs to bring in money??

Nicole can hire Azan as a babysitter for Mae. He is really good with her, he definitely interacts with Mae more than we ever saw Nicole. 

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1 hour ago, DVDFreaker said:

Not only that, do not give David any money every time he asks!

ANY TIME he asks!!!   Never give him a cent.  Don't pay the rent.  Move somewhere you can afford on your own.  Ask the Thai community to help you get away.  Most important: DO NOT MARRY this washed up steenkin' moldy sponge.  My apologies to all the sponges in all the oceans.

Edited by Former Nun
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On ‎7‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 9:22 AM, fountain said:

Winter and River need to focus on their own lives.  River is so outspoken about his sister’s marriage it is just too much.  Tons of people aren’t the biggest fan of their in-laws but they don’t spend time trying to get them to divorce they just make polite conversation at dinner and then snark about them on the car ride home ? Winter should focus on her own personal health instead of being involved in this family drama.

I liked David’s sister, she has got his number.  

Why are Wiinter and River home all the damn time?  Aren't young people supposed to be out and about...doing stupid things and hanging out with their friends?  These two act like their only concern in life is Sister Chantel's marriage!

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27 minutes ago, Eric said:

David had it so good in Thailand. He was fit, single, carefree, screwing lots of young Thai women...

If that's even partially/remotely factual, how many minutes did that last?

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4 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Those eyelashes look so heavy, too.  When I was talking to a stylist about makeup for my wedding day she asks me:  "Do you want false eyelashes?  We have regular and MINK."  I was like, hells no.....lolol!

One more thing about the "Anyone who has a passcode on their phone MUST BE CRIMINAL!" coming from Weird Family:  I have a passcode on my phone, Google pays demands it, I want to take it off as it is a pain.  My hubby knows it, my kids know it it is not a secret.  My husband's phone is not password protected, I don't care if it is - it is a security measure, that is all.  If I lost it or left it somewhere no one else could access it, that is all.  (I have a Tracphone for all my nefarious rug dealing, shoplifting rings I run and all the rampant cheating I do.  C'mon, do I look like a rookie here???)


Did he have a drinking problem?  That would not show up, per say, but if he had DWI's or DUI's those WOULD show up.  My memories of David and his drinking are kinda fuzzy.....was he a drinker?  More specifically, a problem drinker?

David had a BIG drinking problem earlier on, when he was living on Chris' dime.  Now that that well has dried up, he has no money for booze.

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6 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

If that's even partially/remotely factual, how many minutes did that last?

...And do you think what you see on the show is always true facts?

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2 hours ago, Former Nun said:

I notice those on "mainstream" television shows all the time!   I can't decide if the prop people are lazy...or if the production people intend to return the merchandise.

Return.  I was at my local Winners (Canadian version of Marshall's) and a stylist was returning clothing and decor she had used for a photo shoot..

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During the bit at the "home" of Family Chantal, they were all holding their damned phones.  This is a pet peeve of mine--put the phone down people!  But then I started to wonder, do you think the producers were texting them prompts?

I think this might be why Sister Pedro was laughing when she said she didn't want to sleep on the couch.  I think the producers prompted her to object, but she's just not capable of pulling  off the ruse.  She is however capable of gluing on the same sort of big-ass eyelashes as Chantal.

And River (take off your coat and stay for a while) had to be captioned!

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42 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

Why are Wiinter and River home all the damn time?  Aren't young people supposed to be out and about...doing stupid things and hanging out with their friends?  These two act like their only concern in life is Sister Chantel's marriage!

Because they are on a reality show and want their 15 minutes. 

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I'm loving Sister David and all the truth-bombs she's dropping on her idiot brother but what in God's name is up with her teeth?  Are they rotting out of her head?  I only saw the scene with her at the restaurant...none of the prior ones...so I'm hoping all that blackness at the roots of her bottom teeth was a scene-specific issue, but if not she should take that $1,000 David wanted and get herself to a dentist to save those choppers!

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Just watched Pao’s telenovela audition reel where she cries over her miscarriage and her cold unfeeling uncaring husband who hasn’t even asked how she’s feeling.,. 

Shes doing the cry and check your fingers to see if you are producing fake real tears.

i see Russ is out of town just when she decides to go to the gynecologist and look for an excuse not to have more kids. Coincidence much?

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I just saw the clip where Jorge lied to Anfisa (again!) about never having talked to a divorce attorney or just an attorney outside of her presence.  She got pissed, rightly so, and stood to leave.  Jorge stood up as well: Jorge's MAN BOOBS were jiggling.  Ugh - the thought of being intimate with him - run Anfisa, run!

Anfisa strikes me as someone who has read what social media has said about her and/or got some free PR advice and is following it.  She is much more likable now and much more empathetic.

When Jorge sits there with that Eeyore Look on his face, "What?  What did I do?" I want to punch him in the throat.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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