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Season 3 Discussion

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20 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

I believe Family Chantel Mother is secretly related to Karen Huger. Just saying...you can quote me on that. 


Thanks for a full belly laugh ? I agree with you now 100%! 

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5 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:


I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out later that he got snipped and chose not to tell her about it.

Or it could be another Toothless Josh and Aika scenario where he admitted that he had the vasectomy but led her to believe reversal was a simple process that he’d take care of after the wedding. Only when they got to the US Josh admitted he couldn’t afford the reversal. 

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3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

The producers needed to set up the "Pedro's sister will be visiting" scene

And what an uncanny coincidence! The couch and plane ticket cost exactly the same amount! 

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6 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Or it could be another Toothless Josh and Aika scenario where he admitted that he had the vasectomy but led her to believe reversal was a simple process that he’d take care of after the wedding. Only when they got to the US Josh admitted he couldn’t afford the reversal. 

Ew I hated that guy, he was so skeevy.  Another one that is just interested in a trophy wife.

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I think Molly's attempt to evict Luis will not be successful AT ALL. They're legally married. Even squatters have legal rights if they've been living in a dwelling for so long. Any legal eagles in here please weigh in.

Early last season I had a very unpopular opinion about Annie. There's something cutthroat & devious about her, the conspiring with her relatives for an inflated dowry, gold & buffalo. She told David there would be no negotiation. Of course, David was idiot for not researching on his own what this thot might be worth, and who cares anyway right? It was Chris' money!

Things really got crazy during the engagement celebration/dancing in the street when she's telling David "give her bhat...give him bhat..." Yes, she had dollar signs in her eyes & false pride in showing off her rich American.

But y'all saw this already last season, so I'll stop the recap. Lol.

This episode showed more of her true nasty colors. How many times has she said, "I thought living in America be so better."? Her behavior at the zoo was that of a surly teenager, for no damn reason except that maybe she wasn't the center of attention. Ashley's kids were on a family outing, having fun with grandpa; she ignored them, and actually gave the snake eye to one of the little girls when she was approached. 

I really dislike David's 25-year-old karaoke massage parlor, "we no have money" doweried buffalo bhat wife.

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IMO, Aika made a better trophy than Sharpie Eyebrow Annie.  Oh wait, she had some drawn on fake eyebrows, too (but she used a brown Sharpie): 


Edited by magemaud
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17 hours ago, 7isBlue said:

Pao is a horrible human being and a shit-stirrer. Russ should have left and filed for divorce as soon as he arrived in Miami.

Nicole is willfully ignorant. Her poor daughter! 

Annie is not the innocent she tries to portray, and the cracks are showing. If it’s your dream to have kids, why pick an old, broke, neutered drunk?

Chantal and Pedro are beyond immature: They should not be married until they can put each other first. I can’t believe Father Chantal has never been punched. 

Molly deserves to have her daughter removed for bringing that psycho into her home. 

At at this point, the only people I think are sincere are Russ, Anfisa, and maybe Nicole’s mom. 


Argh. Why do I watch this show?

Neutered drunk ????

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Chantel's family is awful but I don't understand Pedro's family ordering up all the goods like they have it coming. What does the flight ticket come with? 10 days at a Spa because you work so hard?  We want

Lap  tops , dresses , big screen tvs so here's some chicken feet , enjoy. Something is rotten  in Denmark. 

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51 minutes ago, Rt66vintage said:

I think Molly's attempt to evict Luis will not be successful AT ALL. They're legally married. Even squatters have legal rights if they've been living in a dwelling for so long. Any legal eagles in here please weigh in.

Early last season I had a very unpopular opinion about Annie. There's something cutthroat & devious about her, the conspiring with her relatives for an inflated dowry, gold & buffalo. She told David there would be no negotiation. Of course, David was idiot for not researching on his own what this thot might be worth, and who cares anyway right? It was Chris' money!

Things really got crazy during the engagement celebration/dancing in the street when she's telling David "give her bhat...give him bhat..." Yes, she had dollar signs in her eyes & false pride in showing off her rich American.

But y'all saw this already last season, so I'll stop the recap. Lol.

This episode showed more of her true nasty colors. How many times has she said, "I thought living in America be so better."? Her behavior at the zoo was that of a surly teenager, for no damn reason except that maybe she wasn't the center of attention. Ashley's kids were on a family outing, having fun with grandpa; she ignored them, and actually gave the snake eye to one of the little girls when she was approached. 

I really dislike David's 25-year-old karaoke massage parlor, "we no have money" doweried buffalo bhat wife.

I'm having problems with my ancient iPad, so I'll just say I agree 100%.

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I have always disliked Pedro's family much more than chantal's (and isn't that a trip!).  I think Pedro and Chantal need to have the discussion about finances.

Chantal:  Our monthly finances are X; you pay half of X toward our situation.  We need to be saving $$$.  You put X into our joint savings account.  After that, send home the money you have left over.  Once I become a nurse, I'm keeping all of my leftover savings.  Bale, baby?

ETA:  Russ, you go to  a dinner having your wife tell you you come first, and then you don't?  Man the fuck up.  Leave her in Columbia and go find a better life.

Edited by albarino
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Here's the supposed youtube of Azan's messages.  I don't know how legit any of it is.  



What I found really weird is that it sounded like someone recording only his side of a conversation when Nicole heard it.  How would you even get that without him knowing about it?

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32 minutes ago, Rt66vintage said:

I think Molly's attempt to evict Luis will not be successful AT ALL. They're legally married. Even squatters have legal rights if they've been living in a dwelling for so long. Any legal eagles in here please weigh in.

She's gotta come up with a reason he can't be in the home. Here, they are called Protection From Abuse orders and you can get one ex parte if you can convince a judge that there might be some danger. There's a hearing after the person is served to determine if it stays in effect. That may be why he was trying to call the police to "document" how she should be banned from the house. Chances are, at this point, he's been there about 7-10 months. However, he probably doesn't have anything in his name that proves he lives there. He gets maybe a handful of mail there, but he doesn't have a driver's license, can't work, doesn't pay bills, he's got no proof other than the videos that it's his residence. The deed is in her name and her daughter is a minor. In all likelihood, if the cops are called, they will tell them to separate at least for the night or someone will be going to jail. Didn't he end up at her brother's the last time she kicked him out? I do think he needs to tread carefully around the cops. He hasn't gotten his green card yet and it's unclear if she's filed the Adjustment of Status form to get the card, although I suspect she has. If he hasn't had the interview, it's likely that he's headed home if an interview is required. I suspect that accusations of domestic violence are going to trigger an interview.

I suspect he'd have a hard time passing a drug test to get a job. He always looks baked. She's no prize but surely he didn't think that the hotel vacation lifestyle was going to continue in Georgia. She's been pretty clear about wanting him to be a stepfather and he's just not interested. At all.

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I don't know if Luis is depressed or drugged but is it clear he has no desire to make the relationship work.  Locking himself in a bedroom and "blaring" music?  Scratching my head, the very best outcome is getting thrown out, right?

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I still don't get the whole 'sending money to my family' bit. Sure, once you have a job, and are an equal partner in the marriage, and only after your expenses are paid each month. Unless the family is very very poor, some of them can help themselves a bit. The US is not a Hollywood movie set - not all people have really good jobs in that they can send money to the family. Or at least not part of every paycheck.

Annie, you made the bad decision to risk marrying David - and finding out that he really isn't anything that he made himself to be. Work on your exit plan. No babies, no dowry, no nice life in America. The Chris moneytrain hit its caboose. Or maybe move in with Chris, since he is responsible for you. It's hard to become part of a family within seconds - it takes time and effort on both ends. Perhaps there are other men in Louisville that you can hook up with. Maybe you asked for an inflated dowry because on some level, you knew you would be lucky to get 5%.

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4 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

That might be considered kidnapping.

I didn’t mean literally physically walk into Nicole’s apt and take her.  More as bargaining or reasoning with her and if that didn’t work, try legal measures. If she can’t or won’t pay her utilities, that’s a no-no in the eyes of the law & DHS. 

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6 minutes ago, NinaH said:

I didn’t mean literally physically walk into Nicole’s apt and take her.  More as bargaining or reasoning with her and if that didn’t work, try legal measures. If she can’t or won’t pay her utilities, that’s a no-no in the eyes of the law & DHS. 

What evidence do we have that utilities have been shut off or that Nicole doesn't have money for food? Imaginations are running wild here. As far as we can tell, basic needs are being met. There is no just cause to take this child from her mother.

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7 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

What evidence do we have that utilities have been shut off or that Nicole doesn't have money for food? Imaginations are running wild here. As far as we can tell, basic needs are being met. There is no just cause to take this child from her mother.

Nicole hasn't missed a meal. That's fo sho!

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5 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

What evidence do we have that utilities have been shut off or that Nicole doesn't have money for food? Imaginations are running wild here. As far as we can tell, basic needs are being met. There is no just cause to take this child from her mother.

I think it was just speculation and I was going along with it. And yes, I know of a couple who was fostering a child removed from his druggie mother and a big deal was made of her not having the utilities on. So if Nicole can’t pay her utilities bc she’s sending money to her man, and having to borrow from her family to pay those utilities, it MIGHT put them at an advantage. Something definitely worth exploring. Again pure speculation. Is that not allowed anymore??

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This is smug Nicole in her TH after her phone call with Azan at the airport when he complains she didn’t send him enough money. The producer asks her if Robbalee is worried that Nicole sends Azan money are her whiny response is “This is no one’s business. It’s nobody’s business what goes on in my financials.” 


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21 hours ago, bethster2000 said:


ETA:  Anfisa, girl, you say you have no one...YOU HAVE YOU.  I think you would be a blast to know and hang out with.  Lose that loser and continue to build your life for you and that GORGEOUS kitty cat here in the United States.  We're happy to have you.

Who would have thought that any of us would be on Anfisa’s side now. Do you think part of it is that she saw herself last season and realized she acted like a maniac.

Jorge is an idiot and piece of shit. Does he not realize that everything he does is on tape so there’s proof.

At this point with Jorge,we know he’s lying when his mouth is moving.

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5 hours ago, Marilee said:

Damn, she has a punchable face. Oh, and if the person/people worrying and asking questions are contributing heavily to your financials, then yes ma’am it most certainly IS their business.

Yes she very much has a punchable face. So smug and self righteous and she would be nowhere without all those “nosy” family members. 

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Molly loves the drama, it's her way of getting attention.  I think she thrives on it.  Look at her life, two kids by two different fathers, her DUI's and now suspended license, her all consuming business and the way she went about meeting and marrying Luis.  She seems exhausting, even her oldest daughter seems to have had enough.

Nicole became laser focused on the wedding dress, like she did it all for "the dress" and now is realizing that dress is forcing her hand to go thru with something that was a full time job of delusion and fantasy.  You could almost hear her internal voice saying, Look at me!, I made it, I'm a bride, groom be damned!" I think she does not want to really go thru with it because she will lose the constant attention from everyone once she and Azan the Gay Muslim get hitched.  I wonder how she packed that dress, all scrunched up in a suitcase?  

Pao loves the attention of being in the middle of Juan and Russ fighting, that is why she keeps putting Russ and Juan together in the same room, they fight over her and frankly, she ain't worth it.  Maybe those two fight because they are attracted to each other?

I think it's nuts that what ever the issues are that start fights between the couples, they think those issues will go away once they get married.  But what ever you do don't talk about things like long range goals, wants, needs and how real life will be in what ever town you live in.  Don't talk about money, don't educate yourself or your family about the visa process and how you will not be able to afford to visit often or how you cannot leave the states for a period of time.  

This train wreck makes me so angry but I cannot not watch this train wreck.

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2 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

This train wreck makes me so angry but I cannot not watch this train wreck.

Jorge would admire your use of the double negative.

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How did Nichole pack that giant wedding dress with corset for travel?  And it looks like she's gained even more weight since last time Azan saw her. Are the few dollars Nichole sends worth it?  I've never got the impression he wants to come to these shores, get a green card and work.  He is paying dearly for a few $$$ each month.

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4 hours ago, Bubbles1967 said:

Who would have thought that any of us would be on Anfisa’s side now. Do you think part of it is that she saw herself last season and realized she acted like a maniac.

Jorge is an idiot and piece of shit. Does he not realize that everything he does is on tape so there’s proof.

At this point with Jorge,we know he’s lying when his mouth is moving.

Ah, I was always on the Anfisa train..not really a love train but a "got to give the girl credit" train. ;-) 

As you say, Jorge is an idiot and a piece of shit. I think living with Jorge would make almost anyone batshit crazy. If my lovely husband told me he was going to the garage for a few minutes and then drove through LA traffic for a lawyer's appointment, I would summarily lose my shit as well. I mean who does that? Oh yeah, a pathological lying sack of shit.  

I mean whenever Jorge opens his mouth and his monotone stream of lies and whining excuses comes pouring out, I just want to throat punch him through my TV!!

As Anfisa is no dummy, I am sure she saw herself on camera  and made some adjustments. But, she probably was also going through and incredible adjustment process to the US, to a lifestyle far from what she was promised, and dealing with the feckless moron that is Jorge. 

She is out on her own now and is actually supporting him!! This has to give her a sense of control and independence. I am glad she is playing the long game to protect her green card status. I have also been impressed by ever iimproving English.  And yes, of course, she has herself. But humans are pack animals and we do enjoy and benefit from the company of others. I'd feel a little pouty too if Jorge were my only support system.  He is more of yoke around her neck than anything helpful. And we certainly don't see Anfisa winging or feeling sorry for herself like Annie. Girl was pissed as hell last season (and with good reason) but now she is moving forward and making some real chicken salad out of the chicken shit that she walked right into.  I gotta say I might just watch a reality show "Anfisa Does LA - In more ways than one." Come on. It can't be worse than "Dr. Pimple Popper" Barf. 

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On ‎6‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 7:14 PM, rideashire said:

Luis seems like the type to go full psycho on that family while they're sleeping. I don't trust him.

Having said that, I used to feel like she was to blame for the majority of their situation because all she does is try to force him to be a parent to a child he doesn't know and he didn't sign up for that. However, he seems weirdly unhinged now and I just want her to call the cops and have him removed or she's gonna have a crazy squatter forever.

Just think: this is the person she was ready to leave her six year old alone with for several days!  That's why I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for Molly.  Oh, you feel uncomfortable in your own home, Molly?  THAT'S HOW OLIVIA FELT!  So maybe you can stop demanding that she come back home while your unhinged boy toy still resides there.

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10 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Juan’s gay.

And you really think that would stop Paola if Juan lived in Miami and could offer her a green card??? ;-) 

And he could be totally bi. So, there is that. ;-) 

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47 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

As Anfisa is no dummy, I am sure she saw herself on camera  and made some adjustments. But, she probably was also going through and incredible adjustment process to the US, to a lifestyle far from what she was promised, and dealing with the feckless moron that is Jorge. 

She is out on her own now and is actually supporting him!! This has to give her a sense of control and independence. I am glad she is playing the long game to protect her green card status. I have also been impressed by ever iimproving English.  And yes, of course, she has herself. But humans are pack animals and we do enjoy and benefit from the company of others. I'd feel a little pouty too if Jorge were my only support system.  He is more of yoke around her neck than anything helpful. And we certainly don't see Anfisa winging or feeling sorry for herself like Annie. Girl was pissed as hell last season (and with good reason) but now she is moving forward and making some real chicken salad out of the chicken shit that she walked right into.  I gotta say I might just watch a reality show "Anfisa Does LA - In more ways than one." Come on. It can't be worse than "Dr. Pimple Popper" Barf. 

I would love to see "Anfisa Does LA". She's a survivor. She'll land on her feet. Jorge is a means to an end at this point. Anfisa seems to have caught on to something in the American zeitgeist--people love it when you spill your guts. Stoic Anfisa wasn't winning any hearts, but she's watched a few episodes of Oprah and has figured out the power of a few tears. So instead of internalizing everything she's expressing herself. She is no dummy and I anticipate that she will do well for herself once she's able to ditch loser Jorge.

7 minutes ago, lezlers said:

Just think: this is the person she was ready to leave her six year old alone with for several days!  That's why I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for Molly.  Oh, you feel uncomfortable in your own home, Molly?  THAT'S HOW OLIVIA FELT!  So maybe you can stop demanding that she come back home while your unhinged boy toy still resides there.

Right? Clueless Molly. Do you think she ever had a moment of clarity--"wow, this is what Olivia was trying to tell me"? Doubtful. Molly is impossibly self centered. She had me howling with her "love is loving everything about me--my candles and my statues and all my cheesy Pier One knickknacks!" Girl. Get. Over. Yourself. She and Nicole share a 13 year old's view of love and relationships.

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Maybe Sister Pedro can take that TV back to the DR as carry-on luggage.  LOL.  If she actually plans to go back.  There are lots of American men who would happily marry a hot tamale like her.  Example:  Russ, if he weren't already being made miserable by married to Paola.

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23 minutes ago, lezlers said:

Just think: this is the person she was ready to leave her six year old alone with for several days!  That's why I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for Molly.  Oh, you feel uncomfortable in your own home, Molly?  THAT'S HOW OLIVIA FELT!  So maybe you can stop demanding that she come back home while your unhinged boy toy still resides there.

Clearly, Molly puts nobody before Molly. Anyone who has countless DUI's puts nobody's safety or well being above their own sense of convenience and entitlement.  Whoever said she like Nicole 20 years on really has it pegged. The successful business not withstanding, she is a walking id herself. I want sex with a hot 26 year old bartender onv vacay, I want food. (obviously) I want to get home and not pay for Uber or a cab, so I will drive drunk. I want a husband - any young, hot, totally inappropriate man will do to satisfy my ego and labido. I want my daughter home, even though she hates it. I want to go stalk my daughter at her boyfriends because I feel she needs to come home. I want the music turned off and will open this damn door. And on and on.  It's exhausting. 

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22 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Juan and Pao have played more than one round of hide the salami.

“You, you got what I need but you say he's just a friend
And you say he's just a friend, oh baby
You, you got what I need but you say he's just a friend
But you say he's just a friend, oh baby
You, you got what I need but you say he's just a friend
But you say he's just a friend..”

Edited by Marilee
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3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I wonder how she packed that dress, all scrunched up in a suitcase?  

One of my friends had a destination wedding and she shipped her dress to Bermuda via UPS.  It arrived there just fine and she was able to have it steamed at the hotel before the big day.  It cost a pretty penny to do this, but it really was the best way to do it.

You know Oinkers just shoved the whole thing in one of her suitcases, right along with her jeans that don't fit and her cold-shoulder tops.  You know, NOT next to the workout clothes, because as she pointed out to her mother as they packed, she would not be needing those.

The fact that she is dragging along her little tiny daughter along on her Madcap Marital Moroccan  antics makes me SO mad.  How could she rip that child away from her grandparents, who you know she loves and needs, so her Baby Beluga of a mother can play Azan + Nicole = 4-Ever? 

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Because Nicole does not think of her daughter as a person. May is her possession and will do as her mother says. She'll fob May off on Azan's mother and aunties and to her, that will be just fine. She doesn't care about anyone's feelings but her own.

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I felt so bad for Nicole's mom. I realize that she enabled Nicole, but if my hard headed twenty something was about to board a plane with my grandchild into a certain disaster, I'd be at my breaking point too. Robalee was the most honest she has been when talking about the relationship, she pretty much said he was scamming her. Of course, Nicole doesn't care what her mom says, what her step dad says, what the lawyers say, what I bazillon people online say, she is so deep into her fantasy that nothing is going to stop her. When you are in line at the airport and spending thousands of dollars to fly to your unemployed fiance and your unemployed fiance calls you to bitch that you haven't sent enough money this week,  and you don't see a problem with that, you are probably in denial, lol. The best Robalee can do is to be there when the whole thing comes crashing down, for the sake of her granddaughter. 

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1 hour ago, Chickabiddy said:

And you really think that would stop Paola if Juan lived in Miami and could offer her a green card??? ;-) 

And he could be totally bi. So, there is that. ;-) 

True. As far as bi.., I was basing my comment on the fact that Pao said he was gay. 

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On 6/17/2018 at 8:35 PM, SuzyLee said:

I swear, my buddy Ramon is the series MVP.  His comparison of Anfisa to Cruella DeVille was absolutely spot-on and pretty hilarious.  To be honest, I would watch an entire hour comprised solely of Ramon pontificating on the other couples.  I have a feeling that he’d be down with it if you promised him a couple of square meals and a six-pack of his favorite beer.

So maybe TLC's version of People's Couch?  That would be hilarious!

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27 minutes ago, iwasish said:

True. As far as bi.., I was basing my comment on the fact that Pao said he was gay. 

I am not saying he isn't gay and I am not saying he is gay but damn the bitch is soo freaking jealous of Pao's relationship with Russ.

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So Nicole is quitting her job, and Azan has no job. Are they planning to live off the money they make by being on this show?? I assume it is another couple thousand dollars to apply for the spousal Visa. Where is that money coming from? How come the producers never ask these tougher questions???

Nicole is awful, but not legally unfit as a mother. There kids in much worse situations. But Nicole is still an asshole. 

Anfisa is doing a better job of watching her behavior, but she is still the crazy bitch who keyed Jorge's car and smashes cell phones. I wonder if they will discuss that in the couples therapy. 

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