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I expect the "Azan on the phone moment" was a re-enactment.   Remember when May darted away in the market in Morocco, and Nicole accidentally called him Hassan?   You can almost see the smoke coming out of her ears each time she remembers his screen name is Azan.  No way she remembered that when she discovered the sexy time voice recordings. 

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9 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

To add to this Anfisa is a shark and a survivor, if left on her own I am sure she will work and support herself just fine. She strikes me as the type that wants a sugar daddy but is  no fool and is willing to work to make it in the US.

Yea, but she lost me again last night with telling George's friend that she didn't think he would be good for George or something like that and basically saying she wouldn't allow it. Not a good look Anfisa. 

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5 hours ago, Marilee said:

Ok, embarrassing confession time: I bought a little red bag to put my makeup in when I travel so I will have a reason to say “I need my red bag with my MAKEUP!!”

Check this out...


Edited by CoachWristletJen
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4 hours ago, 7isBlue said:

Pao is a horrible human being and a shit-stirrer. Russ should have left and filed for divorce as soon as he arrived in Miami.

Nicole is willfully ignorant. Her poor daughter! 

Annie is not the innocent she tries to portray, and the cracks are showing. If it’s your dream to have kids, why pick an old, broke, neutered drunk?

Chantal and Pedro are beyond immature: They should not be married until they can put each other first. I can’t believe Father Chantal has never been punched. 

Molly deserves to have her daughter removed for bringing that psycho into her home. 

At at this point, the only people I think are sincere are Russ, Anfisa, and maybe Nicole’s mom. 


Argh. Why do I watch this show?

Annie acted like an ass at the zoo last night. She refused to even try to participate. Then we find out it was because she was jealous that the Ashley had her kids there cause she wants kids. What a brat!! And I agree with another poster, there is no way she is 25, she is well over 30.

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I don't blame Pedro for inviting his sister, but he should've talked to the other person who shares his home. It's one thing to invite her. It's another to pay for her ticket and invite her into your home when there are unresolved issues between your wife and sister. That's like me inviting my sister to take up temporary residence in my home--without consulting with my husband. She's disrespectful, doesn't clean up behind herself, and thinks you're the resident babysitter while she goes out and club hops and p-pops. Umm, NO. I know there would be issues between the two of them, so I wouldn't put him or myself into that situation. And they don't have living room furniture, but he spent $700 on a ticket? Wow. 

hASSan's connection worked just fine when he called to bitch about his money pick-up not being what he expected. Unbelievable. How much of an ass do you have to be to do that while she's checking in? Why did Robalee give her money which sounded like it went to hASSan? "I have to pay for my bags because I have so many. I know you need that, but I also need it too because I won't have any money when I go over." "The $200 I gave you before, I had to give back to my mum." What savings are they going to live off if she's flying over there with no money? Her tax refund maybe? If this was January/February, it would've been due then. So she really is borrowing money from at least her mum/stepfather. She doesn't owe him any explanations regarding HER money, but I disagree when she says it's nobody's business. If you're borrowing money from your family to send to him--and they're stupidly giving it to you--it makes it their business.

And I agree with the posters who said Annie was just completely disengaged and rude. She wasn't even remotely trying. It looked like a really light day. I personally love gorillas, apes, etc. They're fascinating to watch, and they'll often mirror you and pose for selfies. Instead of sitting to the side and being antisocial, she could've taken the opportunity to have a little fun and bury the hatchet with Ashley. It seemed like Ashley's kids genuinely liked her and were warm towards her when she came over. She was off by herself, on the phone, and didn't even come over to FaceTime with Jacob. Stark contrast to how kind she was to him before he left for Texas. Penguin has done nothing but lie and lack follow through, though. I'm sure I'd be tired of empty promises, too.

Edited by AussieBabe
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12 hours ago, iwasish said:

She’s certifiable. 

Loved the producer with his ear to the door. How did they keep a straight face? You could not have paid me enough to keep from laughing. 

Stupid question., can Muslims have more than one wife? 

Just googled... yes they can. Up to 4 wives. 

I’ve been told by Muslims that technically, the first wife has to agree to any additional wives. Also, Azan could not bring any other wives to America. 

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On 6/16/2018 at 8:25 AM, spankydoll said:

Anfisa deserves better.  

Anfisa is playing a part. She just wants to stay on TV and pretending to give a shit about Jorge is the only way for her to do it. 

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1 hour ago, Gobi said:

Did anyone else get the vibe that Pedro's sister was flirting with him? Would not surprise me to find out that his "sister" was really his wife or girlfriend. "I can't wait to come!" indeed.

They look alike. I have no doubt she’s his sister. 

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7 hours ago, Annymin said:

And....use pronouns correctly people!  I’m pointing at the Americans here, not the second language speakers who get a pass because English is tough to learn and master.  

Nicole is the worst offender.  Did she fail English classes?  She constantly mangles her pronouns.  “Me and May, me and Azan,” etc.  

Molly said, “Don’t nobody want to hear all that.”  “Me and Luis.”  Argh.

Does this bother anyone else?  

Jorge's shameless use of the double negative. It's one thing if someone is not a native English speaker, but he obviously is having trouble mastering English as his first language.

Also, his inflections make him sound like a little kid. "I didn't go to no lawyer!"

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1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I  feel for  Robbalee. Yes, she's enabled, but she's not a bad mom. Look how well the other kids have turned out! Watching her say goodbye to her little grandchild, I felt bad although I do think Azan's family will be good to Mae! Clearly, Robbalee has skills to impart if Nicole would listen. She keeps her hair washed, and she wears her LuLaRoe in a flattering way. She reminds me of Diane Ladd in her younger days. Lovely woman.

Molly wouldn't know what to do with a husband if she had a good one. She needed to get a sitter and a weekly housekeeper and let Luis work at Applebee's or something. Let him go back to bartending. Luis is an a$$hole, but it doesn't make it any less wrong to keep him cooped up like a servant. And quit with the litanies of all the ways he isn't pleasing you, and the ways that the man needs to "love" you. A man either loves you or he doesn't, but all of that nagging isn't exactly going to inspire him. Makes it even more of a mommy/son relationship and that would be true if he was older than she was.  He doesn't have to love your candles to love you. I don't say to my husband, "You have to love my Madame Alexander dolls to love me."(Hell, I don't even keep more than two of the things out at a time because all of those artificial eyes staring at me creep me out. Boxed up in a closet say I.) In fact, if he did love my Madame Alexander dolls, I might be worried.

Luis can’t legally work until he gets a green card. 

Remember, he took off. I think he came back when he realized no Molly, no green card. 

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Chantel, Pedro never bought you a plane ticket because Pedro has no money.  Pedro bought his sister a plane ticket because TLC covered it.

TLC did a nice job strategically positioning Juan with the cameraman for a confrontation with Russ.

The TLC producer also did a nice job bringing up Jorge's divorce lawyer meeting knowing it would cause a blowup with Anfisa.

TLC gets an A+ this episode for manipulating conflict.

Nicole should just wear a diaper to her wedding, she's a 24 year old Baby Huey.

Molly, just kick the rat out of your house already so your daughter can come home.

Annie, if having kids is one of your life's dreams, staying married to a middle aged guy with a vasectomy is not the way to do it.  Oh right, you married him for his money...wait, he has none.

I think Jorge never introduced Anfisa to Ramon because in the back of his mind he kept saying while looking at himself in the mirror, "Once you go black you never go back."

Russ needs to dump the sixteen year old posing as an adult woman so she can cruise Colombian bars with her gay bff for the rest of her sorry life.

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Just now, CoachWristletJen said:

Jorge's shameless use of the double negative. It's one thing if someone is not a native English speaker, but he obviously is having trouble mastering English as his first language.

Also, his inflections make him sound like a little kid. "I didn't go to no lawyer!"

I think his first language is Spanish. IIRC, his mother doesn’t speak English. 

9 hours ago, KBrownie said:

I never said you were.


I don't believe they are equal parts terrible.  Agree or disagree about Pedro sending his family money, at least he's out working and earning the money he sends back and unlike Family Chantel, his mother and sister aren't in their lives on a daily basis constantly insulting and insinuating nasty things about Chantel.  Which is very ironic considering Chantel wants to hold on to Pedro's sister calling her a bitch from however long ago that was but has nothing to say when her parents start in on Pedro.  When Pedro's family starts in on Chantel with baseless and constant cruel accusations, then we can talk about equal.

Chantel said they don’t see her family often because of the tension. 

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On 6/15/2018 at 1:19 AM, Marilee said:

I agree about Luis he just looks sleazy and dirty. However I did think Pedro was cute the first season but I think it was more to do with his personality. He seemed so sweet back then.  He got me when he made a comment to Chantel that “your family Chantel no trust Pedro because of Chantel..” or something like that since she was the one who was really lying about the student visa.

I just see his mom and ugly sister every time I see his face!

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5 hours ago, 7isBlue said:

Pao is a horrible human being and a shit-stirrer. Russ should have left and filed for divorce as soon as he arrived in Miami.

This is why I don't feel too bad for Russ, I mean I'm glad he's finally finding some cojones but the moment she wasn't leaving the club with him, he should have left without her and not looked back.

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9 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

I'm not team Chantel at all. She doesn't get it. She forced that trip when he had valid concerns and a reason to still be offended. They never did apologise either. They were awful in the D.R., and they were awful all 96 hours of that trip to the cabin. Every single time they were together, one of them decided to bring up something about him or his family. The constant attacking of him and his family, and Chantel is like so self-involved that she can't see outside of herself. Family Chantel and Family Pedro are equal parts terrible for different reasons. 

Except you're walking through the airport full of strangers with a camera crew talking about how you had to pay your Mum back the $200 and you had to use some amount to pay for the five bags of luggage--as your "fiance" is griping on the phone about how you sent him less than you said would. But I digress. :-)

Big change from his “oh honey my friends and I were drunk and for a joke we were calling girls” “ i love you” “ don’t cry honey” “I’m sorry” bullshit when she called him about those recordings.

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My jaw actually dropped when Jorge denied going to the lawyer.  What an ass!!

And then his whole "oh no I don't talk to you to my friend... oh wait yea I have... I didn't remember...." to which Ramone says "oh I've heard so much about you!" 

Ramon is my new favorite.

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9 hours ago, Marmiarmo said:

I agree that Molly is pretty scary, too.  But I think Luis is damned near as scary, just in different ways.  That smirk of his sends chills down my spine.

Luis looks perpetually stoned to me.

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20 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I just see his mom and ugly sister every time I see his face!

I generally don't snark on people's looks, but his sister is supposed to be a beauty queen, and I have often wondered how the standards of beauty are in the DR.

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23 minutes ago, Real Eyes said:

I think his first language is Spanish. IIRC, his mother doesn’t speak English. 

Well, that definitely makes it understandable then. Many native Spanish speakers do this, and I always figure their English is far better than my Spanish, and they are certainly being forgiving of whatever blunders I am making when I speak Spanish.

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10 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

I swear, my buddy Ramon is the series MVP.  His comparison of Anfisa to Cruella DeVille was absolutely spot-on and pretty hilarious.  To be honest, I would watch an entire hour comprised solely of Ramon pontificating on the other couples.  I have a feeling that he’d be down with it if you promised him a couple of square meals and a six-pack of his favorite beer.

I laughed HARD at Ramin giving Jorge the eye and big awkward grin when Anfisa looked away.

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19 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Big change from his “oh honey my friends and I were drunk and for a joke we were calling girls” “ i love you” “ don’t cry honey” “I’m sorry” bullshit when she called him about those recordings.

At the risk of sounding crude, I think Nicole is id-driven... food and sex and everything now if not sooner. She's completely focused on getting legally married so she can have access to Azan's dick and have access to it often. She thinks she will be able to cuddle and paw at him whenever she wants. And, for this, she has uprooted her entire life, and, worse yet, uprooted Mae's! 

She's in for a rude surprise when she discovers that Azan either a) doesn't marry her or b) marries her and refuses to lay a hand on her. Either way, she'll only get to see his d*ck one more time. And, if she tries to paw at him, I think he may well lay a hand on her then. Seriously. He's probably a gentle man, but if she doesn't learn her place as a wife and learn it quickly, he will put her in it, and his family will help him. Her inappropriate antics will NOT be tolerated! And there won't be a thing she can do about it except to go home. I think he would have to mistreat her quite a bit before she would leave her world.

Also, if Azan allowed her to pack up her home and rip her child away from everything she knows, AND, he has no intention of marrying her, shame on him!

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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I only saw the first hour of this episode (had to switch over to Handmaid's Tale).  For the first time Pao's hair extensions were really obvious.  It seems she hardly has any of her own hair - which is shorter and comes to the shoulders.   She'll be in a wig soon - that amount of extensions is a weight on hair follicles and the hair stops growing.

How was Azan's voice recording available to everyone?

The meet up with Anfisa and the friend with a joint on his ear was so obviously set up.  They ate and drank nothing.  I wish Production would try harder to make us believe this is real dramatic stuff we're watching (although Nicole is real, but being used just like Dr. Now's 600 pounders who must shower in front of  cameras)

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35 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

I generally don't snark on people's looks, but his sister is supposed to be a beauty queen, and I have often wondered how the standards of beauty are in the DR.

Maybe all made-up she looks incredible.  But for me it's their shadiness that overshadows their looks.

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1 hour ago, Real Eyes said:

I think his first language is Spanish. IIRC, his mother doesn’t speak English. 


34 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Well, that definitely makes it understandable then. Many native Spanish speakers do this, and I always figure their English is far better than my Spanish, and they are certainly being forgiving of whatever blunders I am making when I speak Spanish.

Didn't he live and go to school in the U.S. all of his life? No excuse for his poor grammar and lazy english. My grandmother came from Italy and never learned to speak english but my mother and her siblings spoke perfect english. Jorge is just a lazy slob. 

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That Chantel family is truly dysfunctional.  They clearly demostrate  "groupspeak" which is common in dysfunctional closed family systems (and cults, etc).  It involves "black and white" thinking and a common sense of moral superiority.  There is no individual thought.  

You can see each family member glancing nervously to the others making sure they are "on family script"...there is an arrogance, but a nervousness too.  

And a classic sign of "groupspeak" in families is the lack of appropriate boundaries.  Chantel family has ZERO boundaries.  Chantel has asked her little brother to butt out of her martial issues many times.  It's bizarre that he doesn't and even more bizarre that Chantel doesn't make him (by NOT attending family vacations where that strange lack of boundary behavior goes unchecked).  

That "family vacation" was strange.  It was just a group pile on.  It was meant to be an intervention to close ranks in the family and expell the intruding party.

I now better understand Chantel and her impulsiveness and her lying.  She trying to be an individual but is ill equipped given her background and her trying to break from the Chantel family cult.  Her attempt to escape will likely fail and she will be reeled back in.

Is Pedro innocent?  Who knows?  It's hard to see anything through the Chantel family mess...but it wouldn't surprise me.  There are red flags.  But Chantel's family has taught her well to ignore red flags.  They have basically trained her to be scammed.

Ug...they are just the WORST!

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36 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

At the risk of sounding crude, I think Nicole is id-driven... food and sex and everything now if not sooner. She's completely focused on getting legally married so she can have access to Azan's dick and have access to it often. She thinks she will be able to cuddle and paw at him whenever she wants. And, for this, she has uprooted her entire life, and, worse yet, uprooted Mae's! 

She's in for a rude surprise when she discovers that Azan either a) doesn't marry her or b) marries her and refuses to lay a hand on her. Either way, she'll only get to see his d*ck one more time. And, if she tries to paw at him, I think he may well lay a hand on her then. Seriously. He's probably a gentle man, but if she doesn't learn her place as a wife and learn it quickly, he will put her in it, and his family will help him. Her inappropriate antics will NOT be tolerated! And there won't be a thing she can do about it except to go home. I think he would have to mistreat her quite a bit before she would leave her world.

Also, if Azan allowed her to pack up her home and rip her child away from everything she knows, AND, he has no intention of marrying her, shame on him!

The whole situation is stomach turning. 

The pastor could have done a little better in being real with Nicole, she could have requested Nicole take more time to decide, to stop sending money and see how Azan reacts to that if for no other reason to see if Azan wants her or her money.  My guess is that Nicole will not have money once she is in Morocco so what would keep Azan wanting to marry her?

Every phone call Nicole has with Azan seems like Azan just wants to end that call as fast as possible and she is too daft to realize that.

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18 hours ago, Lucky Santangelo said:

I think the scene in the restaurant with Jorge and Anfisa was fake. When they left there no plates when they left. Only glasses of water. Yet, Ramon had a drink and food

Yeah, they do a very bad job with their restaurant 'scenes' -- I noticed last week in the big David/Ashley confrontation at the diner that food/drink kept appearing / disappearing from the table in different shots. Bad job editing / continuity monkeys!

18 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:

First time I've seen Ashley smile! Annie is pulling a Pedro.

Annie was rude and sullen on that zoo trip -- gave zero effort. Her phone obsession is nuts. A pet peeve of mine is people on their phones when out to dinner or on 'fun excursions.' Pay attention and talk to the people you're with. She was like a pouty, unsociable teenager, didn't engage at all and then was like all "poor me, I don't feel included in the family, I don't feel comfortable with the family." Grow up and act like an adult - they tried to meet you halfway and you sulked and froze them out.

Edited by ChiMama
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11 hours ago, Liamsmom617 said:

Am I the only one who thought Russ and Pao were trying not to laugh during that entire argument at their house? I think maybe they were re-enacting an argument and had already made up/resolved it by the time that scene was filmed....or else the entire thing was scripted. Just me?

I was going to say the whole argument looked very fake in my opinion. They didn't truly look mad at each other here. It was pretty bad acting if you ask me.

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3 hours ago, Gobi said:

Did anyone else get the vibe that Pedro's sister was flirting with him? Would not surprise me to find out that his "sister" was really his wife or girlfriend. "I can't wait to come!" indeed.

At the zoo, when Annie said "I just want to go home", I think Annie meant home to Thailand. Penguin, of course, was oblivious. He did look like he lost some weight, though.

Heartbreaking line of the night for me was Baby Beluga saying "The church will be happy to get Mae's toys." That poor kid. I hope this Morocco delusion ends ASAP.

No, it is his sister, they both look alike 

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3 minutes ago, Carly13817 said:

I was going to say the whole argument looked very fake in my opinion. They didn't truly look mad at each other here. It was pretty bad acting if you ask me.

I got the same feeling. Russ even seemed to smirk a bit. 

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12 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Russ and everything he said during their fight -standing ovation- everything he said is true, Juan is toxic and lives half a world away.

Except the 'shut up' in the taxi. I hate it when people say that . . . in any situation, but especially spouses/partners. Pao said it to him too later. Ugh.

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11 hours ago, magemaud said:

Edited to add: why was Pedro sitting in the second row of the van next to Winter and Chantel and River were in the back row? 

I wondered that too! It seemed like they didn't sit next to each other on the van on the way up there or going to the winery either (but I may be misremembering). Weird.

10 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

Because Winter has been quiet about the whole thing which I give her credit for

She was not quiet on the cabin trip -- she was uncharacteristically chatty and all of her contributions were spot on Family Chantel messaging. Ugh.

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9 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

This is the girl who also said "undescribably" (I think she meant undeniably) and "financials ".

I think Pedro is the one who said 'financials' -- as in "My financials are nobody's business."

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The whole Russ-Pao-Juan story line is fake and those "fights" were not even remotely real. Russ needs to work on his acting if they want it to be believable. I watch these shows knowing that a lot of stuff is producer-driven but I really hate it when I go to the puppet show and can see ALL of the strings. If Russ and Pao are having this much trouble conjuring up a believable and interesting story line for themselves, then they need to leave the show. Their segments dragged down the episode for me.

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1 hour ago, gunderda said:

My jaw actually dropped when Jorge denied going to the lawyer.  What an ass!!

And then his whole "oh no I don't talk to you to my friend... oh wait yea I have... I didn't remember...." to which Ramone says "oh I've heard so much about you!" 

Ramon is my new favorite.

I vote we punt Family Chantel and Paola/Russ in favor of Ramone Hour. His bon mots were the best part of the show.

...which I only saw an hour of. I had been traveling all day and wanted a bit of brain junk food, but not two freaking hours of it. It sounds like I'll have to watch (read: fast forward through most of) the second hour today.

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Roos needs to listen hard to Anfisa's Russian saying:  'tell me who your friend is, and it'll tell me who you are." Juan is a POS, but Pao is even worse than Juan because she validates his bad behavior.  She is firmly on Juan's side, and puts her friendship with him ahead of her marriage. 

Jorge is a liar who is also extremely stupid to  deny seeing the divorce lawyer even though it was all taped for the show. Ramon is a bad actor, and the only friendship he may have with Jorge is to buy weed from him. 

According to Nicole, Azan gets a pass because she allegedly cheated on him, so that makes them even. And nothing says I love you like demanding to be paid as your meal ticket is boarding a plane to marry you. Oy vey!

Molly the only song she should be hearing in respect to Luis is:  

"Psycho Killer  Qu'est-ce que c'est
Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better
Run run run run run run run away oh oh"

The dude knows what he's doing, and he wants Molly to lose it on him so he can claim domestic abuse. He creeps me out like no other on this show. 

Pedro knows what buttons to push. Wide-eyed innocent look: "Me no do nothing, baybee. You know?" He knows. If he brings sister Pedro over it will drive his wife over the edge. Then he pays for the plane ticket because that will show her who's boss, right? Family Chantel have more to investigate. Right, baybee?

Annie is stupid to want to have a kid with David. Another child that David will not look after, nor pay for. He already said he didn't want more kids. 

Edited by Barbara Please
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49 minutes ago, ChiMama said:

Annie was rude and sullen on that zoo trip -- gave zero effort. Her phone obsession is nuts. A pet peeve of mine is people on their phones when out to dinner or on 'fun excursions.' Pay attention and talk to the people you're with. She was like a pouty, unsociable teenager, didn't engage at all and then was like all "poor me, I don't feel included in the family, I don't feel comfortable with the family." Grown up and act like an adult - they tried to meet you halfway and you sulked and froze them out.

I felt the same way. Stop complaining that they don't accept you if  all you do is sulk in the corner on your phone. Make an effort, show they you are a good person who they should be happy to know. You might be surprised if you just try. How can you be included if you exclude yourself? 

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7 hours ago, 7isBlue said:

Annie is not the innocent she tries to portray, and the cracks are showing. If it’s your dream to have kids, why pick an old, broke, neutered drunk?

Bahahahahahaha! This!!!

I haven't watched last night's ep yet but I had to come and read the comments which imo are just as amusing as the program.

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6 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:

According to Nicole, Azan gets a pass because she allegedly cheated on him, so that makes them even. And nothing says I love you like demanding to be paid as your future meal ticket is boarding a plane to marry you. Oy vey!

Molly the only song she should be hearing in respect to Luis is:  

"Psycho Killer  Qu'est-ce que c'est
Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better
Run run run run run run run away oh oh"

The dude knows what he's doing, and he wants Molly to lose it on him so he can claim domestic abuse. He creeps me out like no other on this show. 


The previews showed Azan pretty happy to see Nicole. Maybe she brought money?

Same thing I was thinking. This guy is creepy. I would have called the cops and gotten him out of my house. 

Edited by libgirl2
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I must have missed a couple of "Happily ever after" episodes. Where are Russ and Pao living now? Are they back in OK or in Miami? Also, when did Molly take Luis back? I thought he took off with his friends, cousins or what ever they were. 

I'm surprised the producers chose all of these losers to make another show with. They are all boring and have nothing going on except Nicole and HassanAzan. Now, that's some good TV right there.  

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2 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:

Roos needs to listen hard to Anfisa's Russian saying:  'tell me who your friend is, and it'll tell me who you are." Juan is a POS, but Pao is even worse than Juan because she validates his bad behavior.  She is firmly on Juan's side, and puts her friendship with him ahead of her marriage. 

Jorge is a liar who is also extremely stupid to  deny seeing the divorce lawyer even though it was all taped for the show. Ramon is a bad actor, and the only friendship he may have with Jorge is to buy weed from him. 

Maybe when they do the reunion episode at the end, Anfisa will think to repeat that quote when they talk about Russ and Juan.  I hope she does.

Jorge really is stupid, he is so afraid of Anfisa that he lies when he doesn't need to.  All he had to say was, yes I met with divorce lawyers because it looked like our marriage was ending.  But he's weak and cowardly, and she knows it, which is why they won't last.

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20 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

The whole Russ-Pao-Juan story line is fake and those "fights" were not even remotely real. Russ needs to work on his acting if they want it to be believable. I watch these shows knowing that a lot of stuff is producer-driven but I really hate it when I go to the puppet show and can see ALL of the strings. If Russ and Pao are having this much trouble conjuring up a believable and interesting story line for themselves, then they need to leave the show. Their segments dragged down the episode for me.

Me too. I think they're the worst of the bunch.  Both horrible actors too.  I think Russ wears his hair that way because he is starting to thin on top so he's combing the back hair forward to cover it up, someone should tell him it's not a good look.

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14 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Azan wouldn't qualify for more than one wife according to Moroccan laws:

"Polygamy in Morocco is legal,[1] but very uncommon due to restrictions that were introduced by the government in 2004 that mandated financial qualifications a husband must meet in order to marry a second wife.[2]In addition, a husband must have written permission from his current wife before marrying a second wife.[2] Breaking these rules and marrying without permission from one's current wife can and has resulted in arrests.[2]"


And if a Muslim man has multiple wives he has to treat them all the same. One gets a diamond necklace, they all get a diamond necklace. 

14 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Pao and Juan deserve each other. "You started it" Holy shit you bitch Juan made no sacrifice and gave Russ the finger the second he walked in...let her run off with her loser friend,  Russ  needs to move on and let her move back home like the washed up model wannabe she is. Pao is looking for an excuse to blame Russ.

Pao and Rosse looked like they were playing "we had a HUGE fight! We're yelling and slamming doors! We are so angry at each other!" then they tear each other's clothes off. Makes a break from "the pirate and the kidnapped duchess" or "the contessa and the chauffeur" 

13 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

That dress is horrible and does not fit properly. I would never buy a dress from a salon that encourages me to buy an unflattering cut and then attempts to badly fit it......pas bien

My father would refer to a fit like that as a "blivet"-five pounds of shit in a three pound bag. Seriously Nicole. You are not having a panic attack. You can't breathe because you are crammed too tightly into that dress.

12 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Jorge is such a lying piece of shit, yea he did go to the lawyers it is on tape you idiot. Anfisa finish college get your green card and run.

Anfisa is no dummy. She's considering the optics. It looks better that she is seen to be trying to repair her and Jorge's relationship. 

11 hours ago, magemaud said:

And another line from tonight, the Father Chantel saying as he dropped them off at the apartment, “Did you have a good time, Pedro?” 

Edited to add: why was Pedro sitting in the second row of the van next to Winter and Chantel and River were in the back row? 

Father Chantel needs to shut the fuck up. 

Sitting next to his beloved Chantel was River's reward for being extra dickish on the "family vacation". Maybe he got to hold her hand. 

9 hours ago, Marilee said:

Ok, embarrassing confession time: I bought a little red bag to put my makeup in when I travel so I will have a reason to say “I need my red bag with my MAKEUP!!”

I love you forever for this. 

3 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Every time I see Jorge grab and grapple with Anfisa as she's trying to get off the couch, I want to smack him! It's not just a lack of respect, it's a safety issue. Jorge can't figure out why his blowup doll has feelings. It's a real head scratcher, isn't it, dude? #SaveAnfisa (Actually, I hope Anfisa saves herself. And I wonder what she's gone through to make her think she should endure that type of behavior for even one minute!) Lourdes needs to realize that her brother has been pulling the wool over her eyes.

Oh, and Anfisa, the boxing, it's working! Think I'll go find myself a boxing coach...

Lourdes must be pleased as punch that she, her fabulous new boobs, and her talk of leg-spreading were on teevee again. So classy. 

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Luis just looks like a muppet to me-- a muppet with a sociopathic look in his eye. Elmo's crazy cousin from the DR

Chantel and Pedro's family are both equally awful for different reasons. However, I rate Family Chantel worse because they are pulling all this shit on their home turf and have a significant financial advantage over Family Pedro. I always gotta side with the underdog. It's just one of my things. Pedro paying for his sister to come and stay in the STUDIO without telling Chantel is not passive aggressive. It is decidedly, patently, obviously aggressive.  In the game of tit for tat, it's just a giant FUCK YOU. If I were Chantel I would just go stay with my parents or go to a hotel. 

Count me in as another voice who thinks Russ should run for the hills ASAP. Pao that haridan is just going to blame Russ for EVERYTHING wrong in her life. And there is nothing worse than a washed up, past the expiration date Diva and his sidekick lounging at the bar, making fun of everyone around them while their foundation cracks.  Sorry Pao and Juan, it's not a look that ages well. As they age and become irrelevant due to their fading hotness, the are going to turn on each other like feral cats. 

Is Annie trying to set up the story line for why she wants to divorce David? She is only 25 and has plenty of time to find a man to have kids with. And after dime store Snooki, would she really want to breed with David. This is part of the plan.

Also part of the plan is Anfisa working really hard to save her marriage. Girlfriend is working really hard to protect her green card, and more power to her for that. Jorge is a pathological liar who can't keep from lying when he knows the TRUTH is ON CAMERA. Holy Hell, that boy needs some serious psychotherapy. He totally deserves all the shit that falls in his lap.

As for that, Jabba the Blonde also deserves all the shit she gets. The only problem is that Mae will get caught in the overspray.  :-(  Nicole and Jorge are all sloth and delusion about what they bring to the table. 

Does anyone ever get the feeling that Nicole's mom is afraid of her? Nicole uses just a forceful, dismissive tone when her mother upsets her, and her mom always looks a little jumpy around her. We saw Nicole slam Azan into a van  ON CAMERA.  I'm just wondering if she might have tried the same thing with her mom. 

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1 hour ago, ezzy4 said:

Is Pedro innocent?  Who knows?  It's hard to see anything through the Chantel family mess...but it wouldn't surprise me.  There are red flags.  But Chantel's family has taught her well to ignore red flags.  They have basically trained her to be scammed.

I don't think Pedro is a calculating scammer like Luis, Azan, and Mohamed (from previous seasons).  The guy just strikes me as dumb.  I think he is the product of his upbringing.  He thinks it's no big deal to live out here with Chantel and send money back to his mom and sister.  That's what he's supposed to do, his mom has drilled that into him.  He owes it to his family to help support them.  They then take advantage of this because they're a couple of parasites.

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