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S36.E13: Always Be Moving


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FINALLY they voted out Kellyn!  Happy dance!

That stair challenge was brutal. I was exhausted just watching. 

Biggest surprise?  Sebastian knew and correctly pronounced behemoth. 

Was her logic for winning that Dom/Wendell will have a vote split and she’ll get the rest?

. Yeah, that made no sense. What rest?

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 22

Donathan sure was inserting his foot tonight. I wonder if he was trying to get people to vote him out so he could go to Ponderosa and eat. I'm glad my girl Laurel won immunity. I'm still cheering for her. That sure was an odd moment with Wendell after the immunity challenge. Surely he knows the rules - he must have just blanked after he completed the puzzle. They can't do instant replay.

  • Love 11

Nice set-up for the intro.

Thanks for reminding me why I despise Kellyn, yet Don needs her to take out Dom or Wendell.

Don and Laurel circling around and around and around what to do.

Cool challenge.  No surprise at the result.  DWendell are quite full of themselves.  Nice of them to take Laurel.

YURN?  Is that some South Florida dialect?  There's some food on Lame Island.  Stop whining Sea Bass.

WTF? with this advantage thing morphing into another advantage.  Did they run out of ideas?

So Sea Bass gets another vote.  And the scales have dropped from his eyes and now he is playing the game.  He did seem more coherent than usual.

Don blowing things up with DWendell.  wtf?  Tell Wendell you're solid and blindside his ass.  He knows they both have idols.  That whole interaction seemed to go very badly for him.

Tough IC.  Puzzzle advantage Laurel?  Well done. 

Wendell whining is not a good look.

Fatigue after 35 days with little food is real.  

One of my guilty pleasures is "Naked & Afraid".  This seems like a cakewalk in comparison to what those idiots go through.  (for no apparant prize money.  lol)  Just having shoes is a huge advantage.

This "fake idol" business has to stop.

Donathan seems to be trying very hard to get voted off, as Laurel goes all in on "It's too soon to make a move".

He doesn't even seem to be trying to rally votes to blindside a particular target.  Editing?

Sad violins at tribal....

No idea who this trainwreck is going to hit.

No idols flushed.  Are we heading to another "Cirie type" idolfest ratfuck elimination?  Looking through invisible Angela.

Bye Kellyn!  Kiss Kiss!  Go be some other person on some other planet.

  • Love 7

Ok that episode was fun. 

Even though Wendell messed up at that IC, he was like an executive with the plans, just directing traffic and keeping the flow. It was a thing of beauty.  Also I love the way he just blurted out what don told him to Dom. 

Dom still chugging along doing his thing, only got 1 vote against him so far, not bad.

Laurel, do you want friends or the money?  At this point, it seems that you came out here to make friends.

Angela- she could very well sneak her way into the f3. She's the goatiest goat this season

Seabass- This was the week to make your move.  Now you just have nothing but an extra vote.

Don- I used to think there was an argument that Laurel was holding you back, now I see she was keeping you in check

Kellyn- You had this game in the palm of your hands and then the desiree move came and it kept going downhill. One of the most compelling destructions of a game that I've seen. 

Writers- Are you kidding me? You had another steal a vote that you could've used and you're choosing the one you just used?

  • Love 15

Wendell and Dom are my favorite players.  I want one of them to win, but perferly Wendell.  They are two people from this game that I would love to be friends with in real life.  Donathan got me furious with him tonight.  He’s erratic.  I love how Dom replied back to Donathan when he did not want him to speak.

Edited by DaisyFields500
  • Love 17

I don't want any of these people to win. Wendell and Dom lost me with their smugness or assuredness or something tonight. Laurel too wishy washy.

Donathan- I think he must be tired, burnt out. You know sometimes when you think something bad is going to happen, you try to force it, it's pseudo control. I think he wanted to go.

Seb, I was impressed with his sea knowledge. He is probably pretty smart about surfing. And the ocean. And pot.

  • Love 22
1 minute ago, PaperTree said:

WTF? with this advantage thing morphing into another advantage.  Did they run out of ideas?

I know!  They are recycling an already recycled advantage?  The whole Ghost Isand thing sucks.

Ok, is Donathan crazy or crazy like a fox?  Is he trying to goat his way into the finals?

Did anyone see if Wendell really finished first?  He certainly got a sympathetic reaction from Laurel so maybe his whining was intentional?  (Or more likely he's mentally spent.)

  • Love 15

Donathan is still SUPER annoying, but I feel like maybe he doesn’t have a solid group of friends IRL?

Like Dom said, just because you’re with someone, you don’t have to tell them EVERYTHING, and I feel like Donathan doesn’t get that.  

But also, he’s REALLY annoying.

If you had told me on day one that on day 35 Dom would be my second favorite I would have said you were completely bonkers.

  • Love 12

Also, I feel like there was more to the IC than they let on.

When Sebastian got to the puzzle, Wendell said “start at the top, SeaBass.”  Then he hemmed and hawed at the end and Laurel won.

I was convinced he was trying to throw it and I was getting annoyed that we didn’t get a confessional from him after. 

But then that theory did go out the window a little bit when he was whining to Jeff, but then I also thought he was overdoing it to not let on that he was throwing it. 

The editors let me down there.

  • Love 11

At least it's almost over. Tune in next week as Jeff Probst tries his damnedest to turn a molehill into a mountain. Survivor got two more seasons, The Amazing Race isn't on the schedule for fall. Yeah, that's fair.

Totally expecting Wendell to go out for being a power player. Also, for not telling Probst he completed the puzzle. That's a textbook Unsaid Rule, right? There's probably a lot of Probst spiel that gets cut, but I don't think he would say, "If you wrap up, holler at me. Otherwise, I'm gonna assume you're still working on it." Now he'll have to tell people that in at least one season, and the players will know why. Because Wendell had a dumbass moment.

Still bored AF. Had to rewind a few times, though that was from unrelated exhaustion.. Of course Sebastian would pronounce "urn" as "yurn." Also, I'm guessing there were idols in all four boxes, because Burnett & Co. really need shit to happen at this point, so nobody is going to break a bum urn, nobody is going to lose their vote and walk away empty-handed.

I did like the two-person spool Reward Challenge. I still think there should be more individual RCs, though winners should be allowed to pick people to share anyway.

ETA for @jumper sage: I meant that TAR isn't on the lineup presented by CBS today. I have a few other potential beefs, but that's not for this topic.

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 4
44 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I have no idea what that strategy was Donathan, but it certainly was embarrassing. 

I could not figure it out either.

31 minutes ago, enchantingmonkey said:

Donathan was the only one who thought this was a good time to vote out Domenick?  The rest of those clowns are just rolling out the red carpet for Wendell or Dom to walk down and snatch up that check.  

With the three girls and Donathan they could just pick them off.  ????????????????????????????????WTH?


Just now, Lantern7 said:

The Amazing Race isn't on the schedule for fall. Yeah, that's fair.

Just got a tweet from Phil and he does say they are a go but I didn't look further to see when it would air.

  • Love 4

Donathan's gameplay tonight was one of the worst I have ever seen. It's a minor miracle he's still there. He took the spark of not being picked to go on a reward and turned it into a raging forest fire that nearly burned down his whole game.

In other news, Laurel is my favorite and hoped for winner but the fact that she got a second crack at the puzzle doesn't really seem fair.

I've come to the conclusions that:

1. Watching people chase oversized thread spools is boring. Did anyone not believe two alpha males would win?

2. I may be misremembering the early days of the show but I feel like nowadays they leave the Island TOO many times to go on these food rewards. It all Fast Forward material for me. The meeting with the locals is all so schmaltzy and contrived.

3. I really wanted to see Wendell throw the temper tantrum you know was raging inside him for the outcome of that challenge.

4. Need some new editors-having Sebastian Recap the history of the  Steal a vote two seconds after we just saw video clips of it was poor editing. As was there being no footage of people asking him if he found anything useful on Ghost Island.

5. Angela is just there until cannon fodder is needed.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 8
49 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Well, I guess we know now that Jeff Probst heard Laurel on that Yanny/Laurel thing.

Or is her name really Yanny and we've all been hearing it wrong? ?


41 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

That sure was an odd moment with Wendell after the immunity challenge. Surely he knows the rules - he must have just blanked after he completed the puzzle. They can't do instant replay.

Why was Jeff asking him if he was ok with the decision? What if he said he wasn't, then what?

30 minutes ago, Haleth said:


Did anyone see if Wendell really finished first?  He certainly got a sympathetic reaction from Laurel so maybe his whining was intentional?  (Or more likely he's mentally spent.)

Yes I saw him finish the puzzle and stare at it. I was like, "It's correct, yell out!"

  • Love 20
19 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

Or is her name really Yanny and we've all been hearing it wrong? ?


Why was Jeff asking him if he was ok with the decision? What if he said he wasn't, then what?

Yes I saw him finish the puzzle and stare at it. I was like, "It's correct, yell out!"

I wondered if he was deciding to buy Laurel's loyalty.

Edited by EllenB
If isn't spelled with two ffffs.
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

Laurel is COMPLETELY worthless.  If she makes it to the FTC she needs to openly concede.  I don’t care if she’s up against Seabass and Angela.  I don’t care if she does take out Dom or Wendell.  That ship has sailed for me with her.  Was her logic for winning that Dom/Wendell will have a vote split and she’ll get the rest? 

She's obviously playing for third.  As in the person who gets no votes when the other two split.

58 minutes ago, enchantingmonkey said:

Donathan was the only one who thought this was a good time to vote out Domenick?  The rest of those clowns are just rolling out the red carpet for Wendell or Dom to walk down and snatch up that check.  

If he had voted for Kellyn (as Kellyn voted for him) there wouldn't even have been a tie!

49 minutes ago, Bosstonz16 said:

I replayed it and he does do the sweeping hand gesture indicating he finished before Laurel calls out Jeff's name.

I replayed it as well, but I did not see a sweeping "victory" hand gesture so much as an "I'm checking my work" one.  Which was dumb because there is no penalty if Jeff checks you and you are wrong.


44 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Like Dom said, just because you’re with someone, you don’t have to tell them EVERYTHING, and I feel like Donathan doesn’t get that.  

No but in Donathan's defense they had already picked Laurel as their "No-brainer" third on the reward, and then were acting suspiciously around camp.  This is not to say that I thought any of Donathan's moves were smooth tonight!

  • Love 14

I loved watching Wendell’s smart builder mind work on the ladder and puzzle.  He is one of my favorite players ever.  Sure hope he wins, though I do like Dom a lot.  

Donathan is driving me nuts with his lack of filter and the dumb glee he gets from his “truth bombs”.  Not good gameplay, Donathan.

I agree with a poster above — I think Sebastian is a far brighter fisher-dude than he lets on.  I thought it was cute that he liked being called “the Pirate”.  Good nicknames make you feel like one of the gang.  He sure did grin big and long at the jury — to Jenna perhaps??

Angela had to be just brain-fried on that ladder challenge.  Made no sense that she made almost no progress.

Kellyn’s exit is one she can be proud of as she looks back — gracious and head held high.

Edited by MerBearHou
fixing Donathan's *unusual* name spelling. even my computer tries to tell me it's misspelled
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, vb68 said:

 I was actually surprised it was Kellyn.

I have no idea what that strategy was Donathan, but it certainly was embarrassing. 

Lost some respect for Wendell at the challenge. That was unnecessary.

I thought he handled it okay.  Anyway, it's apparently what kept Laurel from voting for him.

1 hour ago, susannot said:

Once again, Wendell has balls of steel in not playing either his real or his fake idol.  Well-played!  With his gracious concession in the IC he won Laurel's vote if she is on the jury.  Although I think it will come down to Wendell v. Dom no matter who the third person is.

Surely that concession was simply a formality?  Laurel called for a check and Wendell didn't. 

  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, princelina said:

If he had voted for Kellyn (as Kellyn voted for him) there wouldn't even have been a tie!

If they're all out there convinced that Kellyn would be a threat at the end, then I can see why they'd take Kellyn out on this vote.  But it seems like Kellyn is still less of a threat than Dom or Wendell.  This would have been a good time to blindside Dom if you'd like more of an even playing field for the rest of the game.  

I'll agree that Donathan's vote for Dom was a wasted vote, though.  It was like he was pissed and didn't give a damn about strategy.  

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

Donathan, learn how to read a room and keep your mouth shut.

I think Wendell finished first, but not yelling out Jeff’s name is a elementary school mistake. I think his brain is fried.

Whatshername who couldn’t finish her bridge..... there’s your goat, she sucks at challenges.

There were a lot of mistakes on this episode that are probably due to exhaustion, malnutrition, and the heat.  In the reward challenge, Sebastian stupidly stood on the steps whining that the spools were too close together, and then he didn't make it back down to catch his spool.  Angela repeatedly placed the same wrong pieces on her bridge.  Wendell didn't call for a check.  Dom never got his first piece on the puzzle.  It may be why Donathan kept saying stupid shit.

I can't imagine having to endure that RC without getting the food.  They would have been so depleted at that point.  They have to be getting salt pills periodically, right? 

I really like Dom and Wendell's friendship, and I can't help but think their communication helped them.  Neither seems to be the leader.  They were both giving orders to each other.  Has there been such an equal partnership before?   I will say that Dom seems to be the more charming member versus Wendell who utilizes the stink eye a bit.  It also seems Dom may have been the one keeping the others in line.  I wonder if people other than Donathan think that Dom would win over Wendell.  I like them both, but I lean toward Dom.

  • Love 18
8 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

If Don and Wendell both make the final 3, I’ll have a tough time choosing who I’d rather win. 

I was impressed with Kellyn‘s exit.

The spool challenge was exciting.  

If they are in the Final 3 I’m curious who the jury awards the win to. They’re sort evenly matched but some have said Dom has been more aggressive while Wendell a little nicer. Of course, the 3rd person will not get a vote and we can’t say it’s bcasue they’re a woman who is a mother in her 40’s. That’s progress, right? LOL!!!!

ETA: Unless, they drag Angela to the end. I totally forgot about her when I originally wrote this. That about sums up her season in a nutshell. LOL!!!!!!!

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 4

Donathon's strategy was to play dom and Wendell off each other but since he has the subtlety of Russel Hantz, Wendell saw right through it.  Likely after that, he just got paranoid and went off the rails. Catching Dom and Wendell doing what they did probably didn't help


Kellyn heard Dom and Wendell whispering 3-2, which is likely why she voted donathon at that point. Did Kellyn not try to scramble?  How the hell did she lose Angela, that should've been an easy vote to get.

1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

If they are in the Final 3 I’m curious who the jury awards the win to. They’re sort evenly matched but some have said Dom has been more aggressive while Wendell a little nicer. Of course, the 3rd person will not get a vote and we can’t say it’s bcasue they’re a woman who is a mother in her 40’s. That’s progress, right? LOL!!!!!

Don't say that just yet, Angela is still around and has a legit shot at 3 if these two so desire

  • Love 7
45 minutes ago, princelina said:

She's obviously playing for third.  As in the person who gets no votes when the other two split.

If he had voted for Kellyn (as Kellyn voted for him) there wouldn't even have been a tie!

I replayed it as well, but I did not see a sweeping "victory" hand gesture so much as an "I'm checking my work" one.  Which was dumb because there is no penalty if Jeff checks you and you are wrong.


No but in Donathan's defense they had already picked Laurel as their "No-brainer" third on the reward, and then were acting suspiciously around camp.  This is not to say that I thought any of Donathan's moves were smooth tonight!

I did think Dom and Wendell made a mistake by verbalizing how easy their picks were.  I'm surprised they didn't pick Sebastian, and that he didn't have a problem that they didn't return the favor (but he doesn't seem to trouble himself with emotions other than chill).  Choosing Laurel seemed a clear choosing of team Laurel and Donathan, but he didn't see it that way.  Angela is the one who really surprises me.  She's been with these guys since the beginning and it was a clear signal to her when she wasn't chosen.

  • Love 7

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