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S03.E17: Trinity

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Honestly, I thought this episode was ok, but I wasn't nearly as invested in it as I hoped. It certainly is still stronger than the lot of season 2, but it was a little weaker for me. 

Supergirl....girl, you're kind of a hypocrite here. What Lena chose to do probably was stupid and she should have informed more people. But she just proved the exact reason why Lena kept it a secret. The judgment from Supergirl was unbelievable. 

Did I misinterpret the end with the two Worldkillers dying? I thought that they immediately transferred their power into Reign, which is why they lit up. I guess I just thought Reign automatically became all three Worldkillers, which is why I was confused when everyone dismissed the light show around Reign after Purity and Pestilence died. 

So, good on James for being honest, even if it was more of a plot device to prompt more Lena vs Supergirl hostility, as well as Lena confessing that she made the Kryptonite. Because, of course that won't come into play later. 

Finally, Alex gets an upgrade. Seriously, Winn is awesome. There's always the important tech genius of these Arrowverse shows. I even liked Winn's scene with James. I also really like Brainy. He kind of disappeared for quite a few episodes there, so I'm glad for more of him now. 

So, Mon-El gets asked by Supergirl to keep her in the alt world for as long as possible. Shouldn't she have asked Imra or something? I would have preferred it, to be honest. But hey, Mon-El still did what she asked. 

I did enjoy the Sam/Julia stuff in the alt world. At first glance, I thought Sam's transition from leading Julia to becoming catatonic was fast, but I guess she could have been fighting it off for as long as possible until she was dealing with the memory of Ruby but couldn't remember her name, which spiraled her mental state quickly. 

  • Love 7

Good on Lena for checking Kara... We all got secrets and as usual she was super judgy about it.. As for the kryptonite..  Well I've never gotten how Clark and Kara could be so adamant about it being eradicated.. Like they're the only kryptonians around... Um Zod... Alura... Non... And that's not even imagining if either one of them decided to go rogue... 

So the league of extordinarily evil women of color got cut in half...  2 down ( Asian and black)  2 to go... 

I wanna feel for Mon-el... But dude its been 7 years and you got married to a wonderful and beautiful woman... If anyone should be Moody/Mopey pining and longing for the ex it should Kara... For her its been months since she lost him... And she's not acting like this... 

Good on  James for stepping up and trusting Lena ( will probably cone back to bite him)  but still and then manning up and coming clean... Also What The F*** Kara barely speaks to homeboy for two seasons and the longest convo in like 1.5 years is her asking him to spy on someone he's dating because now that she isn't doing everything the way Kara likes abd is a luthor she can't be trusted???...  And then she pulls Mon-el to the side in front of his wife with a super emotional request only he can do??...  Why not Brainy he's damn near emotionless... Some writer subconsciously wants Kara to ruin all the relationships... Still good episode  I felt for Sam abd and Julia... Nice chunk of action for James and  even a Noble minority sacrifice.... 

  • Love 5

Honestly Lena, your a smart woman. Look at Supergirl. Look at her really hard. Does she happen to look like someone you know? A certain bubbly blond friend of yours who looks and sounds exactly like her, except for a pair of hipster glasses? Do you think you can put the pieces together?

Pretty good episode. I was happy that James actually got some stuff to do, and was upfront with Lena. His scene with Winn was cute too (their friendship has really grown on me lately), and we even got to see him do his job for five seconds! It sucks that the first conversation he has had with Kara in ages was to get him to spy on his kinda girlfriend though. 

Winn gives Alex a hell of an upgrade! Is there anything he cant do? If Winn, Cisco, Felicity, and Ray were ever in a room together with access to enough tech and Red Bull, they could probably build a fully functioning apace station and get it up and running in about a day and a half.

Poor Sam and Julia. I liked their scenes, especially when Sam started freaking out about not knowing Ruby's name. So, did the other two dead World Killers get absorbed into Reign? Are they dead, or just catatonic? 

I like Brainy, glad he is popping up more. He and Winn are really fun together. I wish they would give Imra some more to do though. I feel bad for her. Her husband is basically mooning over his ex all day long now, its pretty sad, no matter the circumstances of their marriage

I dont blame Lena for keeping kryptonite around. How many evil Kryptonians have shown up now? Its not bad to have a backup plan. 

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, rtms77 said:

Of course they do, they want her completely dependant on Mon El by the end of the season so  he will break up with his wife and stay with her. 

My problem with the character was what his introduction and implementation did to James and a lesser extent Winn… From the jump ppl didn’t like James for all sorts of “reasons” that never seemed to have anything to do with how the character acted on screen… But he was there an adult and partner to Kara who had his own things going but was there when she needed it.. There was immediate attraction and a slow burn lead up to something more… Then the season ended and as soon as season 2 starts she just wants to be friends with almost no explanation (which is kinda hard to do when both parties are that drawn to each other) and wants to find herself in being a reporter and Supergirl… And then is immediately sucked into the vortex of a smarmy lazy dude -bro who makes the same mistakes over and over and she keeps fixing and fixing and pushing her agenda on the guy ( to Mon-El’d credit he starts to get it) and he becomes a better guy and in this season he’s even better.. But Kara doesn’t find herself.. She starts and quits and starts again at her reporter job.. She spends the Majority if season 2 attached to Mon-El’d… And James doesn’t get an explanation or a chance to be angry or confused or hurt.. He just.. ( I dunno what) exists… So Mon-el in a vacuum isn’t so bad.. The actor was convincing as a new earthling learning on the fly.. But what he did to the show.. ( and especially the dynamics of James&Kara) turned me away from the character.. The inevitability of the handsome charming white guy swooping in to sideline the black guy did him no favors. At least with me…

Doesn’t mean I want him gone.. If he can be on the show and not swoon over Kara.. If he can actually disagree with her from time to time ( like James in the guardian episode) I’d like him around… He’s great with Winn.


While I agree that Kara and Mon el also had sparks.. I felt that it ( of the two relationships) felt forced I mean the minute he was introduced you knew the show was putting them together… But based on what Kara had shown up to that point and everything he showed especially early on… What exactly did she see there.. Other than a tired and trite “opposites attract/ good girl saves or fixes bad boy” storyline.. It made no real sense… Add that to them just dropping what was building with James.. Which I can’t call just friends.. Because she was Just friends with Winn.. And she and James had a much different dynamic than her and Winn.. So his love story gets dropped with the thinnest of explanations and even that explanation gets rebutted because the powers that be started the non stop Mon-el and Kara show almost immediately after…

And while maybe you personally don’t feel that race was an issue ( and I wish upon a star that you were right) I heard the same old “no chemistry / just friends ” stuff after the First episode… And complaints about him before the show started and those complaints have been attached to all manner of minority actors/actresses when put in prominent positions ( say main love interest)

My gripe being that the show didn’t do a very good job of showing Kara coming to the decision… Season one ends after they kiss then he gets brainwashed… Season two comes and after like half an episode of trying to have a date.. Its over and that was it.. It still( basically 2 full seasons later) hasn’t been addressed… They barely spoke for the rest of season 2 save when he became guardian… James didn’t seem angry or hurt or anything they just put him in a corner… The other point… They didn’t spend much time actually having Mon el talk about his planet dying.. Or how it was basically krypton’s fault.. He just kinda came out the box full of rougish charm a square jaw and killer abs… I think if they had killed the kara/James courtship properly… Or had them hash out their situation or at the very least fleshed out why Kara was so into Mon-el to the point if quitting the job that was supposed to be so important to her I coulda stomached season two way more than I did… And finally to the point of James in the inner circle.. In so much as he’s on the screen with her at the same time.. Yeah that’s been upped since they’ve come back from break.. But compared to where they were in season one ( if as you say they’re still friends) they don’t interact Especially one on one. If maybe they had a big blowup/ relationship meltdown then maybe they could be cordial but not really engage.. But this is actually worse.. They share space but that’s it… Maybe the show will fix it.. But I doubt it

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Did I misinterpret the end with the two Worldkillers dying? I thought that they immediately transferred their power into Reign, which is why they lit up. I guess I just thought Reign automatically became all three Worldkillers, which is why I was confused when everyone dismissed the light show around Reign after Purity and Pestilence died. 

I was confused by that too. It was pretty obvious she got their powers, so I don't know why everyone was high fiving each other.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

I was confused by that too. It was pretty obvious she got their powers, so I don't know why everyone was high fiving each other.

I figured they didn't notice??...  Tho Jonn was looking right at it... Also after it was all done they seemed pretty nonchalant about Julia dying... Alex had like a. 5 second sad look and a halfhearted I'm sorry when it happened.. And Winn seemed more concerned about the new suit he made... And Kara was busy running over to Lena to tell her that their slate was clean ( the arrogance I tell ya) 


Looks like the DEO got a huge victory. Except Sam is still Reign. And she's going to get the powers of her fallen sisters. And Ruby's in danger. And James lied to the team about searching Lena's vault. And Lena has managed to synthesize Kryptonite to get past the "Superman disposed of all of it" thing. So . . . yay??

I can't hate Lena. She's screwed in nature and nurture. She wants to do the right thing, but she will do it in ways that the true "white hats" won't approve. And I like Lena the way she is. Naturally, if she survives this season, she'll wind up being the Big Bad for next season. Also bald.

I think Brainy fits in with the DEO. I'm also okay if Mon stays, though I feel I might be in the minority on that.

Watching Sam and Julia in the Upside Down/Sunken Place was rough. Losing memories has to be a nightmare. Only thing worse if they started stammering, "Are you my mummy?" #AskAWhovian

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 4

Did Kara give Oliver or the DEO grief for having Kryptonite?

When James was at the door, he should have remembered he has a longer "friendship" with Kara and Clark and owe it to them to look.

Nice timing by Winn to give Alex an untested suit and gun minutes before a big fight.

Sam. Most of the audience are trying real hard to forget Ruby and you are presented a precious gift to wipe her out of your memory. Take it and don't look back!

Am I wrong thinking Irma is hotter than Kara and Mon El is a fool to want to leave her?

  • Love 2

Wow, really? They kill off Pestilence right after we're introduced to her? So the other worldkillers essentially only had two episodes each. I mean, I guess it's good that the good guys get a 'win', but it's kind of a letdown when they were framed as a big threat, then they're taken out so quickly.

I get that Reign is the most important one they want to focus on; but it's still not a good look that the two of the few women of color get erased from the narrative after barely being in it.

So with this episode, I'm convinced that Lena KNOWS Kara is Supergirl, but she's keeping up the act as long as Kara keeps it up.

I'm glad James didn't go in the vault because it would have been way to obvious who was responsible, and it would have really given Lena more reasons to distrust the DEO/Supergirl.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, mxc90 said:

Did Kara give Oliver or the DEO grief for having Kryptonite?

When James was at the door, he should have remembered he has a longer "friendship" with Kara and Clark and owe it to them to look.

Nice timing by Winn to give Alex an untested suit and gun minutes before a big fight.

Sam. Most of the audience are trying real hard to forget Ruby and you are presented a precious gift to wipe her out of your memory. Take it and don't look back!

Am I wrong thinking Irma is hotter than Kara and Mon El is a fool to want to leave her?

Imra is smoking hot! That accent and the bod in the black body suit. He is a fool to want to leave her but Kara is not ugly by any means and heart wants it wants

  • Love 2
45 minutes ago, Trini said:

So with this episode, I'm convinced that Lena KNOWS Kara is Supergirl, but she's keeping up the act as long as Kara keeps it up.

Agreed. The way she asked for her real name screamed “I know who you are but I’m seeing how long it takes you to tell me”. Kara should have caught that but she thinks she’s getting away with it. 

  • Love 2

Lena calling out Kara... err, "Supergirl" over her having her own secrets got a rare "Oh, shit!" moment from me.  Seriously, get over yourself, Kara.  Even if I can understand the basics of feeling hurt that she kept secrets from you, bringing that up in the middle of a dangerous mission?  What are you, twelve?  And considering actions you have done to protect those you are close to, it is that far fetch that Lena would do something like that for Sam?  And why did you never call out Oliver or the DEO for having Kryptonite?  Oh, I know that answer to that.  Because despite acting like you are open-minded, you still assume the worst of anyone with the Luthor name.  Disappointing.

Speaking of which, the Worldkillers ended up being quite underwhelming, with Purity and Pestilence already done for.  But it looks like Reign has absorbed both of their powers now, so that's probably going to make her even more powerful.

Yep, at this point, it is clear that Mon-El is over Irma and wants Kara back.  Just go ahead and rip the bandaid off, dude.  Irma deserves better and I'm pretty much in the "I hope Amy Jackson at least gets some good offers going forward" mindset.

Really want more Winn and Brainy together.

Alex's new suit is badass!

And now I'm going straight to hell by thinking "Considering yourself lucky, Sam" over her freaking out about possibly forgetting about Ruby.

  • Love 4

Decent episode, but Kara's group of Super-friends can't fight worth a damn.  I was stoked to see J'onn going to battle with Kara (the writers couldn't come up with a contrivance for making him stay behind this time).  But all he and Mon-el managed to do was to knocked on their rear ends as much as Kara usually does, which is a lot.  

2 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:
3 hours ago, Trini said:

So with this episode, I'm convinced that Lena KNOWS Kara is Supergirl, but she's keeping up the act as long as Kara keeps it up.

Agreed. The way she asked for her real name screamed “I know who you are but I’m seeing how long it takes you to tell me”. Kara should have caught that but she thinks she’s getting away with it. 

Yeah, it was the combination of Lena's question and the look that went along with it.  Lena definitely knows, and being a genius, figured it out faster than Cat Grant.

2 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Seriously, get over yourself, Kara.  Even if I can understand the basics of feeling hurt that she kept secrets from you, bringing that up in the middle of a dangerous mission?  What are you, twelve?

Even though Kara's cuter than a basket of puppies, she's not always the nicest of people.  She can be very judgmental, headstrong, and immature.  It's been three seasons now and we haven't seen a lot of character growth, which is concerning.  Smallville, while different conceptually, did a much better job of chronicling Clark's maturation.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I can't hate Lena. She's screwed in nature and nurture. She wants to do the right thing, but she will do it in ways that the true "white hats" won't approve. And I like Lena the way she is. Naturally, if she survives this season, she'll wind up being the Big Bad for next season. Also bald.

I would hate that so much. That would basically be telling people that that no matter how hard you try to do the right thing, if you come from a "bad" family, you're destined to be bad and you might as well just give up. The show's been losing me this season anyway; I think if they went that route, I'd probably drop it entirely.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Trini said:

Wow, really? They kill off Pestilence right after we're introduced to her? So the other worldkillers essentially only had two episodes each. I mean, I guess it's good that the good guys get a 'win', but it's kind of a letdown when they were framed as a big threat, then they're taken out so quickly.

If you're going to have beings called World Killers then the least you could do is have the 3 of them go on a mayhem and destruction spree, maybe set to Ingrid Michaelson's "Warpath".  Justify the name and the threat.  At least Team Kara can claim a partial victory over their big bad, unlike the members of Team Flash. And another vote for not making Lena all out bad.  We've got big brother Lex for that.  I prefer that Lena continuing to have good motives but questionable means.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

My problem with the character was what his introduction and implementation did to James and a lesser extent Winn… From the jump ppl didn’t like James for all sorts of “reasons” that never seemed to have anything to do with how the character acted on screen… But he was there an adult and partner to Kara who had his own things going but was there when she needed it.. There was immediate attraction and a slow burn lead up to something more… Then the season ended and as soon as season 2 starts she just wants to be friends with almost no explanation (which is kinda hard to do when both parties are that drawn to each other) and wants to find herself in being a reporter and Supergirl… And then is immediately sucked into the vortex of a smarmy lazy dude -bro who makes the same mistakes over and over and she keeps fixing and fixing and pushing her agenda on the guy ( to Mon-El’d credit he starts to get it) and he becomes a better guy and in this season he’s even better.. But Kara doesn’t find herself.. She starts and quits and starts again at her reporter job.. She spends the Majority if season 2 attached to Mon-El’d… And James doesn’t get an explanation or a chance to be angry or confused or hurt.. He just.. ( I dunno what) exists… So Mon-el in a vacuum isn’t so bad.. The actor was convincing as a new earthling learning on the fly.. But what he did to the show.. ( and especially the dynamics of James&Kara) turned me away from the character.. The inevitability of the handsome charming white guy swooping in to sideline the black guy did him no favors. At least with me…

Doesn’t mean I want him gone.. If he can be on the show and not swoon over Kara.. If he can actually disagree with her from time to time ( like James in the guardian episode) I’d like him around… He’s great with Winn.


While I agree that Kara and Mon el also had sparks.. I felt that it ( of the two relationships) felt forced I mean the minute he was introduced you knew the show was putting them together… But based on what Kara had shown up to that point and everything he showed especially early on… What exactly did she see there.. Other than a tired and trite “opposites attract/ good girl saves or fixes bad boy” storyline.. It made no real sense… Add that to them just dropping what was building with James.. Which I can’t call just friends.. Because she was Just friends with Winn.. And she and James had a much different dynamic than her and Winn.. So his love story gets dropped with the thinnest of explanations and even that explanation gets rebutted because the powers that be started the non stop Mon-el and Kara show almost immediately after…

And while maybe you personally don’t feel that race was an issue ( and I wish upon a star that you were right) I heard the same old “no chemistry / just friends ” stuff after the First episode… And complaints about him before the show started and those complaints have been attached to all manner of minority actors/actresses when put in prominent positions ( say main love interest)

My gripe being that the show didn’t do a very good job of showing Kara coming to the decision… Season one ends after they kiss then he gets brainwashed… Season two comes and after like half an episode of trying to have a date.. Its over and that was it.. It still( basically 2 full seasons later) hasn’t been addressed… They barely spoke for the rest of season 2 save when he became guardian… James didn’t seem angry or hurt or anything they just put him in a corner… The other point… They didn’t spend much time actually having Mon el talk about his planet dying.. Or how it was basically krypton’s fault.. He just kinda came out the box full of rougish charm a square jaw and killer abs… I think if they had killed the kara/James courtship properly… Or had them hash out their situation or at the very least fleshed out why Kara was so into Mon-el to the point if quitting the job that was supposed to be so important to her I coulda stomached season two way more than I did… And finally to the point of James in the inner circle.. In so much as he’s on the screen with her at the same time.. Yeah that’s been upped since they’ve come back from break.. But compared to where they were in season one ( if as you say they’re still friends) they don’t interact Especially one on one. If maybe they had a big blowup/ relationship meltdown then maybe they could be cordial but not really engage.. But this is actually worse.. They share space but that’s it… Maybe the show will fix it.. But I doubt it

I'm with you on the white guy black guy thing and I don't like it at all. I felt it was a race thing with the fans and the CW, just call it a gut a feeling.

Edited by mommalib
  • Love 3
15 hours ago, AD35 said:

If you're going to have beings called World Killers then the least you could do is have the 3 of them go on a mayhem and destruction spree, maybe set to Ingrid Michaelson's "Warpath".  Justify the name and the threat.  At least Team Kara can claim a partial victory over their big bad, unlike the members of Team Flash. And another vote for not making Lena all out bad.  We've got big brother Lex for that.  I prefer that Lena continuing to have good motives but questionable means.

Considering that they are called World Killers they haven't really gotten around to any world killing, or even 1/3 world killing each.  In fact 2 of them were pretty easily defeated.

I can scream real loud -- that doesn't sound like the talents of a being that can kill worlds.
I can scratch your hand and make you real sick -- also not really world killing material.

How come Kara didn't use any of the fancy cape tricks that Mon-El taught -- since that seems to be part of the key to defeating World Killers, at least according to Mon-El.

As villains go, Reign et al are just all so disappointing.

How is Imra so sure that they have changed the future exactly ?  I'm thinking she is celebrating WAAAY too early.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 3

I'm going to have to watch again later because my CW feed glitched about halfway through and stayed mostly pixelated for the rest of the show, but I could hear everything and see a little.

I found it a little odd that earlier in the season, when she was at full power, Kara couldn't do anything against Reign and got beaten so badly she was put in a coma, and later she, Mon-El and Brainy together with J'onn could barely even slow Reign down, yet here at partial power they are able to fight all three World Killers and kind of win.

I guess it's cool Winn made Alex a new suit and all, but from what I could tell it just looked basically like her old one with a couple of extra flourishes. So what made it so special that it was an upgrade? And her gun? Didn't she used to have a super alien gun she loved?

I bet the guy playing Brainiac is glad he doesn't have to wear all that makeup anymore.

  • Love 4

I’m about as over the Reign storyline as I am the Devoe storyline on the Flash (though not quite as much). I am getting tired of watching Odette Annabelle scream. 

I am in the total minority in that I like Mon-El and want him to stick around. It may have something to do with the fact that I like looking at Chris Wood for an hour each week (Melissa is one lucky girl lol). Jumping out of the shallow pool though, I just don’t see how they are going to get him back to Kara without making him look like an ass. 

Edited by srpturtle80
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, srpturtle80 said:

I’m about as over the Reign storyline as I am the Devoe storyline on the Flash (though not quite as much). I am getting tired of watching Odette Annabelle scream. 

I am in the total minority in that I like Mon-El and want him to stick around. It may have something to do with the fact that I like looking at Chris Wood for an hour each week (Melissa is one lucky girl lol). Jumping out of the shallow pool though, I just don’t see how they are going to get him back to Kara without making him look like an ass. 

Move over...I'm with you on both topics.  The writers took on waaaayyyyy too much with this World Killers thing.  Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't try to stuff Sam's whole backstory complete with annoying daughter on us at the same time.  About the only thing I'm interested in that whole thing is who is Ruby's father?  And can he come and take custody of her and move her out of National City?  Because the vibes I'm getting is she's going to be "adopted" by Alex, and I really don't want to see how that plays out.

I like Mon-El and REALLY like Chris in that costume.  He is hot.  Mon-El is the writers' whipping boy.  Any bad character trait they can't put on little Miss Perfect Kara or Alex or James they stick on Mon-El.  And then they decide he's going to change, but instead of showing us they just have him walk around apologizing to everyone.  But then they couldn't help themselves so they throw in that he's now married.  Whatever, writers.  

  • Love 1

So we have yet another "Kara does a complete 180 on her usual personality out of nowhere for the sake of manufactured DRAAAMMAAA." Ugh, and it's extra-lame since you could have done this type of story WITHOUT writing her OOC.

Oh well, at least Lena got to reasonably defend herself here.

Also the idea that Lena STILL doesn't realize that Kara is SG is ludicrous at this point, it makes her look like a total imbecile for no good reason.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, srpturtle80 said:

I’m about as over the Reign storyline as I am the Devoe storyline on the Flash (though not quite as much). I am getting tired of watching Odette Annabelle scream. 

I am in the total minority in that I like Mon-El and want him to stick around. It may have something to do with the fact that I like looking at Chris Wood for an hour each week (Melissa is one lucky girl lol). Jumping out of the shallow pool though, I just don’t see how they are going to get him back to Kara without making him look like an ass. 


He'll probably stay with Imra and got back to the 31st century at the end of this season then Mon El will return in some plotty way without a wife in season 4. 

After all the build up killing two of the Worldkillers so quickly is a huge disappointment. Julia killing Pestilence before Purity regained control would have been enough to stop the eclipse world ending magic and would have left the door open for both Julia and Sam to survive. I'm pretty sure they're not going to kill off Sam even if she and Ruby do end up moving away/be put on a bus to Nowheresville so it would be nice if Julia did too.

Lena totally knows and she's okay with Kara lying until Kara gets all self righteous about secret keeping. Most of the time I'm kinda meh on Lena but if she keeps up the verbal slapdowns like in this episode she'll easily become a favourite. 

Edited by patchwork

SO . . . if Supergirl loses her powers during an eclipse then how does she fly at night? Doesn't she have some sort of reserve built up for when the sun goes behind a cloud or something? And if she loses her powers when the sun is blocked out, why doesn't Reign? Isn't she from Krypton too? Don't her powers work on the same principal? Don't Mon El's too, for that matter?

I'm inclined to agree that Lena probably does know who Supergirl really is, but it was awkward the way she confronted her about her "real name." Um, she knows Alex is Kara's sister, right? And now she knows about the DEO and that Alex works there and . . . c'mon. This is just dumb. It wouldn't be so bad but basically Lena has spent "girls night" and other social gatherings with the exact same group of people, but with Kara instead of Supergirl. Do the math.

I'm so sick of the Reign story, it feels like it's been going on for years and I can't believe there's still five more episodes left this season. This wasn't a strong enough story to carry an entire season.

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

SO . . . if Supergirl loses her powers during an eclipse then how does she fly at night? Doesn't she have some sort of reserve built up for when the sun goes behind a cloud or something? And if she loses her powers when the sun is blocked out, why doesn't Reign? Isn't she from Krypton too? Don't her powers work on the same principal? Don't Mon El's too, for that matter?

Presumably it's because of the Kryptonian "magic" causing the eclipse, so only Supergirl gets depowered.  Clark probably has the same problem too but that's irrelevant because why bother calling on the world's greatest (or second greatest) hero in the face of an imminent apocalypse.

4 hours ago, KirkB said:

I guess it's cool Winn made Alex a new suit and all, but from what I could tell it just looked basically like her old one with a couple of extra flourishes. So what made it so special that it was an upgrade? And her gun? Didn't she used to have a super alien gun she loved?

It's also lacking a helmet, but why bother trying to protect your head?

  • Love 1

I felt bad for Julia.  But at least she went out like a heroine, making such a heroic sacrifice.  I just hope our main heroes refuse to let her sacrifice be in vain.

On the other hand, I felt next to no pity for Grace, who, from what Pestilence said, pretty much gave up without a fight.  Though something confuses me.  How did Grace die in her own head?  As long as Pestilence was there, using her body, she should have still been alive.

Reign wants to guarantee her control by killing Ruby and breaking Sam completely?  Of course that was the obvious step.

I'm with everyone who was glad to see Lena defend herself to Kara.  She has just as many Secrets as Lena does, if not more.  And yes, I totally think she at least suspects her real identity.

I am about ready for the storyline to end, too, but at least we got some forward movement.

Edited by Prin Holmes
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, JapMo said:

I like Mon-El and REALLY like Chris in that costume.  He is hot. 


2 hours ago, JapMo said:

I am in the total minority in that I like Mon-El and want him to stick around. It may have something to do with the fact that I like looking at Chris Wood for an hour each week

I'm glad to find someone else who appreciates him in that red spandex. I have never minded Mon-El and hope he sticks around. 

12 hours ago, jay741982 said:

Imra is smoking hot!

As someone who prefers the male of the species, I totally agree. Girl is sexy.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Prin Holmes said:

On the other hand, I felt next to no pity for Grace, who, from what Pestilence said, pretty much gave up without a fight.  Though something confuses me.  How did Grace die in her own head?  As long as Pestilence was there, using her body, she should have still been alive.

The Worldkillers were launched from Krypton just before the explosion (presumably just after Kara and before Krypto), so I'm thinking that they're actually the core personalities and the human selves are an imprint of sorts to wear as a mask until they reached maturity.  Of those, Grace was a doctor who had already decided that people weren't actually worth her time to save, so I can easily see her embracing the transition. 

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, Prin Holmes said:

On the other hand, I felt next to no pity for Grace, who, from what Pestilence said, pretty much gave up without a fight.  Though something confuses me.  How did Grace die in her own head?  As long as Pestilence was there, using her body, she should have still been alive.

I THINK the idea is that technically Sam, Julia and Grace don't exist, they are false personalities built on top of Reign, Purity and Pestilence so the World Killers can hide out until their appointed time to emerge and...well, kill the world. But the problem is the Kryptonian cultists or whoever they were proved to be too good (or perhaps were not very good) at personality programming. Sam was so convinced she was human she led a regular human life, even having a child, long past when she was supposed to and this messed up the time table for Julia and Grace too, since they were connected. I think Grace dying in her own head was basically the false personality giving up its hold on Pestilence's mind and letting the real World Killer take control like it was supposed to. For some reason, Julia held on a little longer, and Sam's connection to Ruby is the only thing keeping Reign from going full on destroyer.

So, apparently, on the day Krypton exploded, there were...what, five ships launched toward Earth? Kal-El, Kara, Reign, Purity and Pestilence? Somehow, Kal and the WK's got straight to Earth, why I wonder was Kara's the only one to get sucked into the Phantom Zone?

Edited by KirkB
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On 5/8/2018 at 12:06 PM, patchwork said:

He'll probably stay with Imra and got back to the 31st century at the end of this season then Mon El will return in some plotty way without a wife in season 4.

  They've repeatedly told us how badly the Blight hit Winath.

  In the comics, Winath is the planet that (among other people) Imra's husband Garth Ranzz (Lightning Lad) comes from.

  I'll bet you 400 quatloos that they save Winath, resulting in Imra retroactively being married to Garth, thus freeing up Mon-El.  Ideally, this would also retroactively hook up Mon-El with his traditional girlfriend, Tasmia Mallor (Shadow Lass), but I have my doubts.

  • Love 5

If Brainy is supposed to be a Data-like character, they really should find some actual alien look to keep him in, imo. I have a feeling they didn't totally like the design they came up with, so they decided to just have him look human, but that doesn't work either, because he just comes across as another dorky human guy.

The alien quality of him should be preserved, just fix his blue look somehow. Make it better.

11 hours ago, KirkB said:

So, apparently, on the day Krypton exploded, there were...what, five ships launched toward Earth? Kal-El, Kara, Reign, Purity and Pestilence? Somehow, Kal and the WK's got straight to Earth, why I wonder was Kara's the only one to get sucked into the Phantom Zone?

Six.  Krypto's pod was launched, too.  (Why hasn't he shown up yet?)  Seven if Streaky was also Kryptonian.

  • Love 4

Imra: “Yay, the future is saved! We defeated Pestilence!”  Actually, no, Imra. Purity/Julia defeated Pestilence, but you tell the 31st century what you want, I guess. 

Lena knew about Alex and the DEO, she totally knows Kara = Supergirl. And that’s gonna be one heck of a “trust issues” conversation! 

Comic book Kryptonians used to be vulnerable to magic as well as Kryptonite (and they may still be, I’m not sure). Has it ever been mentioned on this series?

More and more I find myself wondering why the show is called “Supergirl” because more and more she... isn’t.

  • Love 3

Well, they've been trying for two seasons to figure out a way to turn Lena and Kara into bitter enemies, but haven't seemingly been able to figure out how. Looks like we're seeing how they're going to go about it, but honestly? From my perspective, Kara's the one coming across as the insufferable villain in the relationship. Even Alex was okay with Lena once she explained herself and brought up that Sam's secret wasn't hers to tell (at least Alex was okay with it for about five minutes, until the Kryptonite thing was brought up). I wish the writers wouldn't feel so obligated to copy the Clark/Lex rivalry like they appear to be. 

James actually got a decent part for once in this episode. Team Supergirl got too easily beaten by the Worldkillers, as usual, but at least we're finally rid of two of them. 

The "parallel dimension" thing still doesn't make much sense to me. Why do the Worldkillers' alternate personalities go there? Why do they have these completely separate personalities in the first place (rather than just being sleepers with programming to bring their pre-Earth memories and objectives come to the fore, or better yet, why shouldn't they just have turned into their Worldkiller mindsets permanently once activated?)

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, KirkB said:

Krypto? The dog? Someone on Krypton built and launched a ship specifically for their PET? Instead of, I don't know, themselves? Man these Kryptonians must have had weird priorities. Is there official word somewhere Krypto exists in the show? Or is it speculation?

Krypto was, in a sense, sent in a rocket that had been built just for him -- it was an experimental prototype of the rockets that would later take Kal and Kara to Earth.

13 hours ago, Prin Holmes said:

Six.  Krypto's pod was launched, too.  (Why hasn't he shown up yet?)  Seven if Streaky was also Kryptonian.

Streaky wasn't Kryptonian.  He was an ordinary Earth cat who gained Kryptonian superpowers after being exposed to X-Kryptonite, which was something that Kara accidentally created one day while trying to research a way to make herself and Superman immune to green Kryptonite.

  • Love 5

I only have one question and one question only - how did Lena managed to manufacture Kryptonite? Ofcourse, this might be revealed on the next episode, but the very notion is bogus, because Kryptonite is essentially rock from the destroyed planet, which causes allergic reactions to the planet's inhabitant. So, again, how?

Also, pretty funny, when Lena is standing face to face with Kara and is asking Supergirl: "What's your name, then, if you don't like secrets". Or maybe she said that sarcastically, but still, I just can't get over it when Kara's closest friends are standing right in front of Supergirl (centimetres away) and can't put two and two together. I mean, she put together that Sam is Reign by comparing her blackout episodes with Reign attacks (which in itself was absurd long-shot, but what the hell), but she can't see that she's talking with Kara? I can't suspend my disbelief and laughter.

  • Love 2

@Rushmoras . . . maybe she had a chunk years ago and analyzed it out of curiosity. Then the Worldkillers arrived, and she made a synthetic batch. It might not work . . . I’m guessing a small percentage couldn’t be identified, so Lena filled that gap with tar. “It has to work on Kryptonians,” she thought to herself. “They don’t smoke.” #NoRegretsForLameJoke

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 1
51 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

@Rushmoras . . . maybe she had a chunk years ago and analyzed it out of curiosity. Then the Worldkillers arrived, and she made a synthetic batch. It might not work . . . I’m guessing a small percentage couldn’t be identified, so Lena filled that gap with tar. “It has to work on Krytonians,” she thought to herself. “They don’t smoke.” #NoRegretsForLameJoke

Yeah, OK, but I'm basing this on Smallville's lore only, cause it's the only one I remember, if she analysed it, she could have came to a conclusion that it's a material, which is not on the periodic table. Then again, Maxwell Lord created red Kryptonite in Season 1, so maybe it's not that much of a stretch...

18 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:
18 hours ago, Macktor said:

More and more I find myself wondering why the show is called “Supergirl” because more and more she... isn’t.

In a hypothetical match-up, Wonder Woman mops the floor with Supergirl, despite the disparities in power sets.  Diana, at least the movie version, just seems so much tougher than Kara.

That's because the actress is just not believable physically.  You can have tiny girls playing the role that can pull off tough....Melissa just can't, IMO.  When she has to punch something, she looks like my 4 year old grandson.  Don't get me wrong, I think Melissa is a fine actress and can play vulnerable and naive, which this show seems to want.  But she can't scare a fly.  When she tried to get tough with Mason (can't remember his last name...Lena's nemesis)...he totally laughed in her face.  Yes, I realize that's how it was written, but I totally believed that actor.  Melissa....not at all.

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Rushmoras said:

Also, pretty funny, when Lena is standing face to face with Kara and is asking Supergirl: "What's your name, then, if you don't like secrets". Or maybe she said that sarcastically, but still, I just can't get over it when Kara's closest friends are standing right in front of Supergirl (centimetres away) and can't put two and two together. I mean, she put together that Sam is Reign by comparing her blackout episodes with Reign attacks (which in itself was absurd long-shot, but what the hell), but she can't see that she's talking with Kara? I can't suspend my disbelief and laughter.

SHE KNOWS. This is Cat Grant 2.0.  (I miss her BTW!)

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