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S10.E05: Tea for Tat

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17 minutes ago, Sooner Smiles said:

IMO Bethenny scored a direct hit on Carol in this episode. She knows Carol’s weakness is her pride in being seen as an accomplished journalist and author, and not just a valid reality star. Stupid Aviva went after Carol with a full frontal attack on the ghost writer accusation which just made everyone say WTF. Bethany implies Carol wouldn’t be able to handle accompanying her to Puerto Rico. Which, to me, was a huge jab at a woman who literally reported from a war zone. I don’t really have a dog in the fight. I like and dislike things about both women. I just had to give a shout out to Bethenny’s game. I’m going to assume Carol was livid when she heard that. 

To be fair, on the episode Bethenny said Tinsley and Carole and then started talking about eyelashes, so I think she was speaking more about Tinsley. She was speaking as though the 2 are very chummy and don't go anywhere without the other. I have a feeling whatever it was that happened between Bethenny and Carole happened right before filming. The shift was already in place.

I think Bethenny might like Tinsley for the show...and may think she is sweet...but I also think Bethenny sees Tinsley as a DINGBAT.

Tinsley/Bethenny/Carole brunch:

Tinsley whiny voice - I don't know anything about marathons. I didn't realize it was so hard and took so long.


  • Love 13
17 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Product placement is the new black.  Producers know that there isn't much more show time-slashing that will be tolerated, so the ads have to be moved to the shows themselves.  I really, really hate being sold stuff.

I should probably get over it.  It's only going to get worse.

Project Runway has been doing it for a number of years...so does Top Chef...very obnoxious.

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

To be fair, on the episode Bethenny said Tinsley and Carole and then started talking about eyelashes, so I think she was speaking more about Tinsley. She was speaking as though the 2 are very chummy and don't go anywhere without the other. I have a feeling whatever it was that happened between Bethenny and Carole happened right before filming. The shift was already in place.

You and @ghoulina make good points, and maybe it wasn’t a dig. But if it was, that’s what makes it so great. Bethenny can definitely deny it and say she didn’t mean anything and what is Carol going to say? It would make her look petty to belabor the point. Not that being petty has ever stopped these chicks before. Maybe I just want it to a jab because I think it would be expert level shade. lol

  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, Sooner Smiles said:

You and @ghoulina make good points, and maybe it wasn’t a dig. But if it was, that’s what makes it so great. Bethenny can definitely deny it and say she didn’t mean anything and what is Carol going to say? It would make her look petty to belabor the point. Not that being petty has ever stopped these chicks before. Maybe I just want it to a jab because I think it would be expert level shade. lol

Oh both the dig and shade were there.

Dig at Dingsley about the eyelashes..and shade at Carole for not being able to exist without Dingsley close by

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 10
2 hours ago, laprin said:

"It is I" is the correct phrase.  However, Scott and I should be Scott and me.  The way I always learned to test this is to drop the preceding object and see if the sentence makes sense. For example, consider the sentence "Ramona told Lu and I that Dorinda hates Sonya."  This is not correct. You can test this by dropping "Lu" from the sentence. It would then read "Ramona told I that Dorinda hates Sonya."  That's obviously not correct, right?  Instead it should read "Ramona told me that Dorinda hates Sonya."  Hence, the correct sentence is "Ramona told Lu and me that Dorinda hates Sonya."  I hope this helps. 

That's the way I was taught also.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, missyb said:

I have the same "blogging" issue with RHOBH. Teddi was the only one blogging . Dorit was for a while and then stopped when the OG's did. It should be a contractual obligation.

Carole also said and shared pictures, in her blog about her experiences in war torn countries. Surely she has the necessary constitution for PR. And I believe that Puerto Rico was the basis for the failure of the relationship. Having been a war corespondent in her early life, to be deemed by Bethenny as unacceptable for a mercy trip must have burned.

I absolutely loathe to say this but I would be interested in Skinny Girl jeans. I think Bethany has a nice aesthetic , and generally is a nice dresser. I would take a look at er clothing line. ( ducking now  from flying skinny margaritas at my head)!!

The jeans looked cute and comfy but I am someone who doesn't like the idea of having the skinny girl logo on my ass.  I would have to see that part in person to decide for sure though.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Petty tit for tat bullshit. Ever since she joined the show, Carole has made snarky and at times nasty comments about Luann (her voice, the size of her head, etc -- things Luann can't change). This was before the Adam Comments. Luann has apologized several times for what she has said about Adam. Either Carole accepts the apologies and acts like a civil human being or she doesn't. If she's not going to, then she shouldn't be inviting Luann for tea to discuss their nonexistent relationship. What were her objectives with that meeting? To get Luann to apologize again, so she can not really accept the apology again? We get it: Carole hates Luann, always has, always will. It's just very disingenuous to me to call a meeting with someone she can't stand simply because Bethenny won't let her live inside her asshole anymore and she needs to get in some filming time. Even after calling a truce with Luann, she still snarked on Luann for no good reason later in the episode.

I think I am in love-you nailed it.

Carole never confirmed or denied she and Adam's break up.  When Luann got her special about the divorce-Carole referred to as the divorce tour.

Carole of all people who is beauty challenged takes time out to insult Luann's looks.  I am starting to see where Bethenny is starting to expose the facade that is Carole.

  • Love 24
9 hours ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

I'm watching Dorinda's Sonja-rattlesnake analogy.

She sounds like someone's drunk uncle Larry who hasn't been sober since 10th grade, but thinks he has life all figured out.

Jesus, was that yet *another* weird  cul de sac in the hall of funhouse mirrors that is DrunkDo -- dressed in that hideous fur vest (from the Wilma Flinstone Evening Wear collection) and shaking her arm like a minister at a tent meeting holding up an actual rattlesnake -- even as Luann eyes her as if she can smell the crazy coming off Dorinda in wavy cartoon lines -- and SonJa is the only problem here? (Hasn't Dorinda been plastered in every episode this season -- and next week as well? If Sonja is a rattlesnake, then you, madam Dorinda, are the skunk who is drunk.)  

Who shoulda (woulda coulda) called who: By her own standards,  Carole owed Luann the phonecall.  If widowhood trumps divorce,  then divorce is worse than breaking up with a live-in lover -- you should've placed that call, Radzi.


Edited by film noire
  • Love 17

Go away, Missy.

That Richard?  No, thank you.  It was awkward as hell but Dorinda did Lu a favor.

I was so distracted by Ramona's hair at that Bendel "party."  What in the world was happening with it?!  As many of you have pointed out, she looks better with the shorter hair and if she's going to remain blonde, it needs to be a richer shade.    But that style! (or lack thereof). That weird twist that was barely anchored on one side, fly away wisps everywhere you looked----it made her look haggard.  HD was not her friend this week.

  • Love 12

Bethany implies Carol wouldn’t be able to handle accompanying her to Puerto Rico. Which, to me, was a huge jab at a woman who literally reported from a war zone. I don’t really have a dog in the fight. I like and dislike things about both women. I just had to give a shout out to Bethenny’s game. I’m going to assume Carol was livid when she heard that. 

She really shouldn't be. I mean first, to be honest, none of them seem like the sort to handle themselves well in a less than glam situation. I was surprised at how well Bethenny managed, to be honest. 

I know Carol has the past as a war correspondent but there's a lot of things I did when I was young that I would be a whining, selfish bitch about now that I am mid to late forties.  I really didn't see this as a slam. 

Re: The driver controversy - I'd probably be "Excuse me sir" if I didn't know the guy's name but I think its more the "hey" than the "driver" that seems a bit off.  I mean, "excuse me, driver" sounds better than "hey driver" but I also think we all occasionally have these moments.

  • Love 13
7 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Carole's blog post - - ripped straight from Carrie Bradshaw and her "I couldn't help but wonder . . ."

Also, Carole . . . you're a writer and journalist.  It's "If anyone is thick as thieves this season, it's me and Scott," NOT "Scott and I."  GRRRRRR!


Carole's blog is almost as insufferable as she is. She thinks she witty and amusing, but she's not and she needs to get off that high horse.  Something else I noticed last night was she used the words "pejorative" when talking to LuAnn, and the word "etymology" when talking to Tinsley.   I think she wanted one of them to ask her what the word meant.  Oh, Carole, you're so much more intelligent than any of the other women and I'm so  impressed. (iinsert eye roll).

1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think Bethenny might like Tinsley for the show...and may think she is sweet...but I also think Bethenny sees Tinsley as a DINGBAT.

She wouldn't be the only one especially after that display with Scott last night. 

  • Love 19
20 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

I came in here to see if anyone else had noticed that. Maybe the whole hair and makeup treatment was paid for by Nivea or something...? Weird.

I think she could and probably would but I get the feeling that she hasn't been asked. Not sure what's happening currently. I think she's shallow, materialistic and obnoxious. She clearly wants him for the coins and he's with her probably for the free PR.

Carole and her grey-area relationship with Adam is a bit sad. She knows that it all has an expiration date because he wants kids. Stringing it along is just delaying the inevitable. I'd kick him to the curb and move on if I were her.

P.S. Carole, you've said so much nasty shit about Luann over the years that you can't take the high road in the feud. Even Bethenny says that  you can't stand Luann. Just acknowledge it and let it go. I would bet $$ that Carole will say something snarky about Luann before the end of this episode despite calling for a truce.

Hmmmmmm .. Princess vs Countess ?

  • Love 2

Well, I enjoyed that infomercial for jeans and body lotion.

Still, I enjoy this show.  Sonja is the one trying my patience right now.  And I guess I’m slow but even after Bethenny seemed to figure out what Sonja’s complaint was about Tinsley, I sure couldn’t.  And Bethenny still managed to get in a little dig about Tinsley.

I enjoy Bethenny most of the time, but not when she’s being super petty about stuff.

I know, shocking, women being super petty on a Real Housewives show.

  • Love 8

Sonja is now wondering why Tinsley stayed with her for so long if she was so horrible? All the women were asking her that question lat season? Tinsley should have certainly left earlier than she did, but that doesn't meant that you're behaviour wasn't overbearing.

If you aren't in a relationship with Adam, then how is he dating someone else a betrayal?  Carole made it seem like the tension between her and Luann is because Luann is holding on to something against her but it's been Carole that has been unable to move past the things that Luann said when she and Adam first started dating. And that's totally fair if Carole doesn't or isn't ready to move past that but it kind of seemed like she was putting it on Luann to move the conversation forward. 

Why does Tinsley act like she's never experienced anything adult in her life? Seriously, dropping to the floor? When a teenage girl does it she still looks foolish....it's an even worse look for a woman your age, lol. 

Sonja made it seem like she told Ramona in confidence that she had a faithful marriage...why would that have to be said in confidence and not in defense of any rumours about possible affairs? Unless I missed something and Sonja was alluding to her ex cheating on her and she confided in Ramona. They looked like a bunch of idiots arguing like that in public, lol.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Kemper said:

I agree that Tinsley will probably never grow up and become a productive adult.  I didn't know about her mother being controlling or a Dr. Phil appearance!  Jeez.  But...

I have to wonder if Tinsley could change (at this late date) if her family put a tighter rein on the purse strings...maybe insist she do some sort of philanthropic work (volunteer/charity work for us mortals) to earn her money.  How can a person never have a real job?  Yes, it is a dream for most of us, but at least do something productive with your time; it doesn't have to be paid.  But it would involve interacting with people outside your own social class.

I think (before marrying "up") Luann was a nurse; I know Ramona worked; Bethany works for a living; Carol worked (sorry, still cannot stand her) for a living; not sure about Dorinda or what she did before Richard; wasn't Sonja a hostess or worked in a restaurant, etc.  I may be wrong and maybe Tinsley did work or do something other than have a terrible marriage, live in a hotel, and put all her efforts in her latest boyfriend.  Yes, boyfriend for a 40-year-old.  That just about says it all.  It probably isn't her fault; that is what she apparently was brought up to do...marry well.

Of course, isn't the reason we watch this show to get a peek at how women in the NY social scene live their lives?  But a show about a rich woman/child with long gold ringlets (picture Goldilocks) volunteering in a soup kitchen probably wouldn't pique my interest.  Other than maybe being comedy gold.  Sorry.  Catty.

Luann was a nurse's aide for about a year or two, then a model, and then cohosted an Italian soccer show. Dorinda was a buyer for Liz Claiborne and then started her own cashmere company. Carole was a journalist. Ramona bought unsold merchandise from department stores and sold it to places like TJ Maxx. Bethenny always worked. Sonja was a restaurant hostess.

Tinsley also briefly worked for Vogue, was a PR assistant, and an event planner when she was married to Topper. Her marriage to Topper was perfectly fine, but Tinsley wrecked it trying to become a superstar socialite. Her relationship with Nico Fanjul was the one that was a disaster. He always kept her on the down low and beat her.

  • Love 11

The driver thing reminded me of when Stan Zbornak was taking Dorothy to her wedding in a limo and she didn’t know it was him. “Driver, you’re going the wrong way!”

As for Tinsley falling on the floor, remember when Ramona did the same thing when she stepped off the elevator at her surprise party? I honestly thought for a second that it was Avery surprising Ramona when the scene was previewed. I couldn’t tell it was Tins at first. Lol 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

The jeans looked cute and comfy but I am someone who doesn't like the idea of having the skinny girl logo on my ass.  I would have to see that part in person to decide for sure though.

That's what seam rippers are for.

I hate logos. I cut, scrape, dissolve, camouflage logos off of everything I can.  

I don't do free advertising.

  • Love 17

Did Scott come from Chicago just to take Tinsley there? When she was already going for the weekend. Her wailing at seeing him was so over the top.


Ramona is so awful to anyone that does work for her. Luann isnt much better with "driver"


Can Sonja and Dorinda drop this fight about divorce/death. Its repetitive.


I cant believe Avery is out of college and working now. She was just a kid when this show started.  

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, b2H said:

I don't know if this has been stated in Tinsley's thread, but she and her mother were subjects of a Dr. Phil show several years ago.  Her mother was/is a controller from the word go.  This poor girl may be 40 something but she has arrested development because her mother never let her grow up.  She's behind the power curve now and I don't know how she can recover.

I saw that show. This was when the divorce of Tins and Topper was fresh. Mom was not happy about that. She wanted Tins to go back to Topper because he was devastated, never wanted a divorce, it was all Tins idea, and he wanted her back.  I guess in retrospect Mom probably figured that Tins would end up being a hot mess on her own and needed someone with Topper type of money to take care of her. Looks like she was pretty much right, even though most of Tinsley's problem is how she was raised by the mother. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 7
10 hours ago, Ki-in said:

I'm dying with anticipation as to what Bethenny says about him that causes the falling out.

My guess is she hit Carole with something she didn't want to hear about Adam - the truth. 

When Tinsley was prattling on to Carole last night like a starry eyed goon about Adam and Carole at the marathon,  I suddenly understood why Carole is so fond of her. It's painfully obvious that Carole is very much NOT over Adam and pretending that she's just some kind of bohemian lover who doesn't give a shit. 


9 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Dennis was in the audience wearing a Snoopy (Peanuts) sweatshirt or sweater. Not sure if it was a Gucci. 

Is this Dennis' thing? Wearing terrible sweaters?

  • Love 14
11 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Was she traumatized by a burglary once upon a time?

Or is she herself a ... pilferer?

What's the old saying?  The skunk smells its own hole first.

10 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Dennis was in the audience wearing a Snoopy (Peanuts) sweatshirt or sweater. Not sure if it was a Gucci. 

His taste is clearly all in his mouth.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
  • Love 4
10 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Oh yea, I forgot about the flowers. That was incredibly weird and awkward. That's the kind of thing that I might do, but never tell the guy! Ha! Like, I get being weirdly ritualistic and superstitious about things, but you keep that crazy to yourself, honey. 


Edited by SuprSuprElevated
  • Love 9
10 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Maybe because the tea comes from China?  I've got nothing.  I did think Lu's dress was pretty though.  The color suited her.

Carole, on the other hand, continues to look like the freaking crypt keeper.  


I think Carole is still trying to spin the image of being this crazy girl who doesn't cook, keeps sweaters in her oven and is the life of the party.  Um, no. She doesn't want to define her relationship with Adam because that's what free-spirited and zany people do. She doesn't want to live with him, she doesn't want to say he's her boyfriend or they are in a committed relationship but if he dates someone else, that would be a "betrayal."  Not getting that at all. 

When we were first introduced to Adam, weren't we told that he eventually wants to get married and have kids?  That should be the major obstacle in his relationship with Carole.  She's said she doesn't want to marry again and has no desire for kids, right?  That should send him packing.  If that doesn't, her style choices, as well as her penchant to eat with her mouth open like a cow chewing curd, certainly should.

I thought for certain Carole was going to tell Lu that Lu should have sent her a text over the marathon.  Lu does have a point - - if you're truly a friend and you hear that she's going through a divorce, the proper thing to do would be reaching out.  Redefining a relationship does not count and it's not the same, Carole.  I guess Carole is going to expect texts (or should I say "text-es") when Adam commits a "betrayal" by dating someone other than the nondefined Carole.  Or maybe a casserole.

Let's think about what kind of storyline Carole would have if not for mentioning Adam at least once per episode.  The Marathon has run its course, so now she has to dredge up poor Adam, every.single.episode.

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Luann was a nurse's aide for about a year or two, then a model, and then cohosted an Italian soccer show. Dorinda was a buyer for Liz Claiborne and then started her own cashmere company. Carole was a journalist. Ramona bought unsold merchandise from department stores and sold it to places like TJ Maxx. Bethenny always worked. Sonja was a restaurant hostess.

Tinsley also briefly worked for Vogue, was a PR assistant, and an event planner when she was married to Topper. Her marriage to Topper was perfectly fine, but Tinsley wrecked it trying to become a superstar socialite. Her relationship with Nico Fanjul was the one that was a disaster. He always kept her on the down low and beat her.

Just an FYI, Luann was a nurse, an LPN, not a "nurses aide". LOL

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, kicksave said:

Project Runway has been doing it for a number of years...so does Top Chef...very obnoxious.

It's a nod from films, where it has been done for several decades.

5 hours ago, Sooner Smiles said:

This may be BEC, but Sonja’s tagline really annoys me this season. “I’m not just a last name. I’m a legacy.”  Ummm, lady, that’s your last name by marriage. A marriage that has been over for more than a decade. I could see it if she grew up with the pressures and responsibilities that I’m sure come with that type of last name, but she didn’t. She’s just riding the coattails of her ex-husband and trying to make herself look a part of this upper echelon of society that she’s not at anymore. Between that and her name dropping Ivanka Trump, my eyes about rolled out of my head. Oof. She’s a lot.  

It's very annoying, but it is sooo Sonja.  I think it summarizes her to a tee.  Arrogant delusion.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Sooner Smiles said:

This may be BEC, but Sonja’s tagline really annoys me this season. “I’m not just a last name. I’m a legacy.”  Ummm, lady, that’s your last name by marriage. A marriage that has been over for more than a decade. I could see it if she grew up with the pressures and responsibilities that I’m sure come with that type of last name, but she didn’t. She’s just riding the coattails of her ex-husband and trying to make herself look a part of this upper echelon of society that she’s not at anymore. Between that and her name dropping Ivanka Trump, my eyes about rolled out of my head. Oof. She’s a lot.  

Um, did anyone else hear her say Ivanna instead of Ivanka?  Or was that just my imagination?

  • Love 14
7 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

Um, did anyone else hear her say Ivanna instead of Ivanka?  Or was that just my imagination?

I thought she said Ivana.  Maybe her ex-husband knew Donald & Ivana back in the day.  I figured they all socialized, or this is another made up story.  I don't believe most of the ones that she name-drops.  Who really knows!

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, Ki-in said:

Carole did all of that stuff like what 20/25 years ago? She is drinking HW kool-aid and believing her own press releases, she has become a Real Housewife and is not a journalist in any way shape or form anymore.

And she wore lash extensions during the marathon so she is definitely more than low maintenance at this point.


The point that I was making was not about how long ago Carole was a journalist, but that Bethenny slid in that dig as though Carole would not want to be uncomfortable, which is just untrue in my estimation. Again, Carole is also the woman who had never worked out, but for a cause, trained and ran a whole marathon. 

Bethenny doesn't care for the friendship between Tinsley and Carole, and as such she has no qualms about shading Carole in the process of making digs about Tinsley. 

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, Sooner Smiles said:

This may be BEC, but Sonja’s tagline really annoys me this season. “I’m not just a last name. I’m a legacy.”  Ummm, lady, that’s your last name by marriage. A marriage that has been over for more than a decade. I could see it if she grew up with the pressures and responsibilities that I’m sure come with that type of last name, but she didn’t. She’s just riding the coattails of her ex-husband and trying to make herself look a part of this upper echelon of society that she’s not at anymore. Between that and her name dropping Ivanka Trump, my eyes about rolled out of my head. Oof. She’s a lot.  

What does BEC mean?

I also read Carole's book and it was very heart-wrenching.  Can't imagine.  I do think she still cares for Adam even though she knows the score.  It is a very human reaction.  Sigh.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

I cannot STAND prissy pink princess Tinsley. Women don't squeal and act like a 5 year old at a cupcake party unless there is something wrong with them. She makes me cringe every time she's on the teevee.  The sex must be amazing for Scott to put up with that nonsense. 

How much merchandise did Ramona 'borrow' from her Christmas party. She most likely lifted a few items and told Bravo to pick up the bill. 

Bethenny is now selling jeans? She's got so many merchandising ideas. Women don't want the Skinny Girl logo printed on their jeans. I'm so sick of  product shilling on the Real Housewives shows. B kinda of started it all with the SG margarita crap. 

While I love what you said, your name is most hilarious! I love it! 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Giselle said:

That's what seam rippers are for.

I hate logos. I cut, scrape, dissolve, camouflage logos off of everything I can.  

I don't do free advertising.

I'd sew somebody's coaster over that logo in a heartbeat.


I have to say that I loved Dorinda immediately flocking to the giant nutcracker at the party. You just know that she was planning to buy it and add it to her holiday collection in the Berkshires. Probably wanted to put it in Ramona's room as part of an elaborate revenge plot for Ro ripping down the lights last year.

  • Love 17
12 hours ago, abbottrabbit said:

Ramon is/has been in the business of buying department store overstock and selling it to "second line" retailers (TJ Maxx, Marshalls, etc), right? I wondered if it was an arrangement like that -- here's what hasn't moved, instead selling it to you outright, we'll co-host a "party" in our store with you where we offer your friends a discount. You supply the suckers and collect a percentage of whatever we take in. 

I could see this.  You also have the issue that a lot of the higher end designers don’t allow their stuff to be sold at TJ Maxx, Marshalls, etc because it devalues their brand (which is part of the reason why Saks and Nordstrom have their own in-house outlets). I worked at a higher-end department store when I was in grad school and we would have Lilly Pulitzer and some of the other higher end brands that would rather sell their stuff for $5 at our department store than liquidate it to a “second line” retailer and be associated with that. 

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, maggiemae said:

I'm sure the gift certificate is gone and will not be used for her daughters Christmas. Plus her daughter must know at her age it would be way too extravagant. 

Too extravagant for Sonja to spend - I believe so. 

But daddy could drop that much on Quincy for a back-to-school Chanel backpack without blinking an eye. No telling how much $$$ the Morgan fam drops at Christmas. Quincy probably gets a sparkling trinket at the bottom of her stocking that costs more than 5k. I'm jelly.

I'd bet Dorinda probably spends that much on Hanna. And I think when Brynn comes of age and enjoys luxury handbags and clothing Beth will do the same. If she's not already. I just can't imagine what you could buy a six-year-old at Christmas that would add up to $5,000. Not icluding trips to Aspen or Miami. How many Hello Kitty night gowns does one need?

  • Love 1

This. What bothers me about carole is she comes off as trying to be a dingbat because she is trying to be, " beautful dumb girl" " Smart nerdy intellectual" and " Cool Girl". Its too much girl, just be you and live your best life. Smoke your weed and date young guys.  But then this is her job and its what she does for coin so yeah still hear, wine in hand watching lol. 

Bethany for all her issues is very smart. And for the most part even tho she hides her life on the show to be more favorable? Yeah but she then can't helps herself and outs it online. Bethany is always Bethany. Ramona entitled, ass always Ramona. Dorinda always Dorinda drunk and ready to rumble. Carole? Who knows who she is. 

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, lamujerdecente said:

This. What bothers me about carole is she comes off as trying to be a dingbat because she is trying to be, " beautful dumb girl" " Smart nerdy intellectual" and " Cool Girl". Its too much girl, just be you and live your best life. Smoke your weed and date young guys.  But then this is her job and its what she does for coin so yeah still hear, wine in hand watching lol. 

Bethany for all her issues is very smart. And for the most part even tho she hides her life on the show to be more favorable? Yeah but she then can't helps herself and outs it online. Bethany is always Bethany. Ramona entitled, ass always Ramona. Dorinda always Dorinda drunk and ready to rumble. Carole? Who knows who she is. 

Bingo. Carole is a smart woman who likes to play dumb. She lived with a chef who specialized in Sexy Salads, but lavender in food? Whadat? This is why I knew the friendship between her and Bethenny would eventually crash and burn. Beth doesn't suffer fools gladly.

The friendship between Carole and Tinsley has a much longer shelf life. Both, smart women who like to act like dingbats when it suits them or the people they are with. Why?

  • Love 9

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