SCS May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said: So Kyle was so traumatized by her new home being burglarized that they may not stay in the house?! Their move seemed so unnecessarily rushed - something seemed off. Yup, rather like it served as a showcase for The Agency. 12 Link to comment
islandgal140 May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 7 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said: What I think is going on with Erica this season is the rumors about her and Tom having problems are true. Did Tom show up at all this season? He was. It was at home in their kitchen and Erica brought him a cup of coffee/tea. It was memorable to me only because it seemed like their relationship hadn't progressed past hot young waitress brings her rich old best tipping customer a cup of joe and makes stilted small talk. 59 minutes ago, A-Lo said: I, for one, would be thrilled to watch Erika next season if she and Tom are divorcing/divorced. We'd see her having to live in reduced financial circumstances (yeah, I know...not that reduced but I doubt she'd be able to spend $40,000 a month on her appearance without Tom's money) and we might get to see her dating, people! I'd love to see her bring that stank-ass attitude on a first date and the reaction to if of her unfortunate beau-to-be. Pure gold! Erika says she has no prenup, she has been married for nearly 20 years and she lives in a community property state. I think she would do quite well in a divorce, but yeah, definitely reduced glam squad, private jets and Erika Jayne touring on a luxury megabus. Maybe she wouldn't be such a sourpuss if she was "getting some" from a young stud on the regular. Bitch might actually get some joy in her life. LOL! 18 Link to comment
bichonblitz May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 6 hours ago, Lizzing said: What the heck were Kyle and Teddi eating for lunch? Kyle had something green--maybe green beans or skinny asparagus--but the rest looked like a disgusting blob of yellowish brown food. It looked gross and messy. And they were using plastic utensils. The reunion budget couldn't spring for silverware? What would high and mighty Dorit have to say about that? 10 Link to comment
Natalie68 May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 15 hours ago, CatMomma said: Lol! Came here just to comment on her magically missing migraine once she had the chance to talk about her looks and the other women. It's a damn miracle. She is like Sonja (NY) in that sense. When the ladies are speaking about something not involving her she loses all interest. I used to be an Erika fan but this season got her put in the not fan category. Dorit remained in the not fan category as did Rinna and Kyle is teetering on the ledge. I have more thoughts but I may need to rewatch. BEC comment: Hated all the outfits. Every single one. The only reunion outfit I have ever liked was on NY when B wore the white shirt and pants (I was hypnotized by Zarin's green bangle bracelets on one of the later reunions, I would wear them!). I would like to see one of these women rocking a tuxedo. I would also like to suggest that these women (my age about) need to stop with the glittery eyeshadow. It ages them. Erika had fabulous makeup. Rinna needs to leave that wig on the stand or give it to someone who may look good wearing it. I don't find it flattering on HER. LVP, needs to cut her freaking hair (long hair CAN look good regardless of age, not bagging on the length per se). If it were healthy maybe but it looks like brown straw and again, it ages her a good 10 years. I don't think that is what she had in mind. 7 Link to comment
pasdetrois May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 Quote So Kyle was so traumatized by her new home being burglarized that they may not stay in the house?! Their move seemed so unnecessarily rushed - something seemed off. Maybe the new house has been planned as a flip all along, and for some reason Kyle didn't want to say so? Possibly they could not afford the old house and the new one at the same time? I'd assumed Kyle and Mauricio are flush with cash, but maybe not enough. During his lean periods Jeff Lewis (L.A. house flipper) could only afford to live in the house he was renovating. He'd sell it and then immediately move into a new flipper, repeating the process. 6 Link to comment
Jel May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 14 minutes ago, Avaleigh said: Is Dorit really misunderstood? I think about the silliness with the champagne glass. Dorit is the one who made it an issue by bringing it up more than once. She had to double down in her talking head and let the world know that she knows the difference between the various types of stemware and is someone who is incapable of just letting something go for the sake of being polite to a friend. She had to bring it up to Lisa Rinna too and make it seem as if it was this huge faux pas. Then Dorit gets called out on social media for being pretentious and rude and somehow she's this misunderstood victim? I don't think viewers misunderstood Dorit when she acted like an ungrateful ass during the magazine photo shoot. She was immature and out of line and it was totally understandable why the people involved were frustrated with her. Then, when the decision is made to not have her face and hair shown, Dorit actually has the nerve to be upset because she wanted people to see her face even with the hair and makeup that she was supposedly unhappy with. Instead of acknowledging that maybe she should have been more gracious and professional, she focuses on the idea that LVP was "punishing" her. Dorit doesn't seem to understand that there are consequences for all types of behavior. Her behavior made it so that people think she's difficult to work with. Erika suggested that Dorit should have paid out of her own pocket to have her own staff there at a reshoot. What either of them doesn't seem to be considering is the idea that the people at the magazine weren't particularly interested in accommodating Dorit for another shoot where she still might end up being a bratty diva. It's not like Dorit is some in demand model and even if she were, people have limits on what they're willing to put up with. Is Dorit really being misunderstood when viewers label her as being a massive shit stirrer this season? Telling Erika that Kyle was the one who made a big deal about Erika leaving the beach house. Misrepresenting to LVP what she actually said when she was talking about her. I don't think Dorit was misunderstood at all. I think viewers accurately called her on her duplicitous bullshit. Even this episode. Dorit will actually claim that she's been "nothing but nice" to Teddi when the viewers have seen the exact opposite. I just don't understand the idea that Dorit is this harmless, misunderstood victim. Nor do I agree that she's willingly playing a villain because she wouldn't be going around saying that she's nothing but nice to cast members she's treated like shit. Lotta questions in there Avaleigh. I'm sorry if they were rhetorical -- I'm answering anyway! ;) I think, for the most part, the cast has given as good as they got, and that includes Teddi. (I understand that many people may see this differently, but it's how I see it, and all I can do is give my interpretation of events.) Some even more than they got -- Lisa was a little ott with her, and Lisa herself has said she regrets it. And I think she is misunderstood when viewers label her as "a massive shit stirrer". She's done a little, so have others. It's the show. I don't see the "massive" part. The wine glass: she's self-deprecating when she says, "it's my OCD". She's not saying, like a true bitch would, "You should take care to hire people who know how to properly serve wine". And then sneer, put her glass down, and walk away, disgusted. She kind of made it about her and her "weirdness". I don't think it was all that bad. Certainly nothing to warrant the amount of criticism she's drawn for it, imo. I file it under: "Kinda bratty". As a viewer, I don't think she's been awful to Teddi. I actually think Teddi's been kind of snotty to her, to be honest, in her THs, in SM and by being confrontational with her in person. I also would not appreciate Teddi's free accountability coaching. And where some may see that as helpful, real truth -- I'd see it as confrontational, unwelcome and kind of rude if she did that to me. Mileage varies on that I guess, but does it really? I don't think Dorit is, as you said, a harmless, misunderstood victim. (I don't think anyone thinks that) I think her motives are sometimes misunderstood, in that there''s a willingness to find a sinister motive in Dorit where there isn't one. She's more dumbass than bitch, if you ask me. 5 Link to comment
Popular Post Avaleigh May 2, 2018 Popular Post Share May 2, 2018 (edited) 1 hour ago, Jel said: Lotta questions in there Avaleigh. I'm sorry if they were rhetorical -- I'm answering anyway! ;) I think, for the most part, the cast has given as good as they got, and that includes Teddi. (I understand that many people may see this differently, but it's how I see it, and all I can do is give my interpretation of events.) Some even more than they got -- Lisa was a little ott with her, and Lisa herself has said she regrets it. And I think she is misunderstood when viewers label her as "a massive shit stirrer". She's done a little, so have others. It's the show. I don't see the "massive" part. The wine glass: she's self-deprecating when she says, "it's my OCD". She's not saying, like a true bitch would, "You should take care to hire people who know how to properly serve wine". And then sneer, put her glass down, and walk away, disgusted. She kind of made it about her and her "weirdness". I don't think it was all that bad. Certainly nothing to warrant the amount of criticism she's drawn for it, imo. I file it under: "Kinda bratty". As a viewer, I don't think she's been awful to Teddi. I actually think Teddi's been kind of snotty to her, to be honest, in her THs, in SM and by being confrontational with her in person. I also would not appreciate Teddi's free accountability coaching. And where some may see that as helpful, real truth -- I'd see it as confrontational, unwelcome and kind of rude if she did that to me. Mileage varies on that I guess, but does it really? I don't think Dorit is, as you said, a harmless, misunderstood victim. (I don't think anyone thinks that) I think her motives are sometimes misunderstood, in that there''s a willingness to find a sinister motive in Dorit where there isn't one. She's more dumbass than bitch, if you ask me. I definitely understand that mileage varies on this. I felt like from spa day on we had an example in every episode of Dorit starting shit. This isn't to say that other women haven't been guilty of causing friction, I just think that Dorit wins the shit starting award for this season. That's where the "massive" part comes in for me. I will admit that she isn't as obnoxious as someone like Brandi. Not that this is saying much, but I will at least acknowledge that Dorit hasn't crossed the Brandi line that I've arbitrarily drawn here in the sand. ;) First Dorit gave attitude because Teddi asked her to come early so that they could iron out their issues. Dorit rolled her eyes and acted like Teddi was being completely unreasonable for making the request. When the rosé thing came up Dorit said, "Umm, I love how I got mine in the champagne glass." "There are different glasses for a reason." "I didn't make it up, I just know the difference." About a minute later she goes into the backyard and tells Teddi that she isn't going to let anyone touch her face. They rehash late gate where not only does Dorit not think that she's done anything wrong (she actually protests that she hasn't done anything wrong) but she thinks that Teddi is being "ridiculous" for feeling put out about any of it. When the late gate conversation ends, Dorit makes sure to let Teddi know that she needs to change her glass. When Rinna gets to the party, Dorit decides to ask the server if he'll change her glass to a wine glass and says "I feel that I shouldn't be drinking the wine out of a champagne's one of those OCD things." She goes on about why she wants a different glass and says, "I feel like it needs to go in the right glass." She didn't sneer exactly but she certainly made a series of faces while she was explaining herself, she made the host feel uncomfortable, and she made the situation a much bigger deal than it needed to be. I totally understand why she got loads of flack from the viewers for it. I guess I'd qualify it as rude and super bratty as opposed to kinda bratty. I have to admit though that I can't completely hate on stemware-gate because it led to one of my favorite moments of the season when LVP made sure to give Dorit that special glass at her party. That's the sort of ribbing between the ladies that I think is harmless and funny. I thought it was nice payback without being OTT. Edited May 2, 2018 by Avaleigh 33 Link to comment
Mrs peel May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 (edited) 15 hours ago, islandgal140 said: Is it just me but was anyone else a little perplexed when Kyle did not shed one single tear over losing all her mother's jewelry, expensive handbags and clothing and not to mention the violation of a burglary? I mean not even a voice quaver. Yet she stays shedding tears over feeling slighted by LVP and Dorit? Just me? I mean if you are gonna pick something to cry about, pick the former! Buy, hey, I guess we are all different. I hadn't thought about it, but consider the possibility that she didn't cry because she recognizes that (except for the family items), these are just material goods. All of which can be replaced. No one was hurt: the family wasn't home and the housekeeper apparently didn't even know the robbers were in the house. Refreshing actually that she isn't trying over material goods. But now that I think of it, would it have killed her 2 sisters to each give her a piece of their mother's jewelry? Really!!! Share a little. [Heck, I don't even speak with my sister, but when I had our family movies put onto DVDs (yeah, now they're put onto flash drives, I'm old!), I had a copy made for her and mailed it to her.] [edited to add] Of course, whether Kyle should be crying over a "slight" from Dorito and LVP is another story. Be an adult! And anyone else call BS on Erica claiming she's raking in enough to cover the $40k per month in Erika Jayne expenses? that's almost $500k, AFTER taxes. She can't be making that much on the song royalties (does she make anything?), I assume the character on the Kartrashian game brings in some bucks (though assume the Kartrashians keep most of the $$), but I have no idea what she might be paid for what seem to be rare performances. Wonder if the $40k includes paying Mikey et al. Edited May 2, 2018 by Mrs peel 10 Link to comment
Popular Post Natalie68 May 2, 2018 Popular Post Share May 2, 2018 16 hours ago, missyb said: Erika sums up her elitist approach to life perfectly when addressing the issue of Dorit not liking her hair makeup , photos. She says she could have arranged for her own people to come back, at her expense for a makeup shoot ! So, in other words, stop production of a magazine , insult everyone , and let me coordinate the events and my shoot. No regard for the people who are working, professionals , etc. Completely dismissive of the editors and staff of the magazine. LVP was completely right about deferring to her editor. If Dorit hated it all, LVP was still able to use her perfect little poses without her horridly made up face. She should have been very happy about that. The problem was solved. Which might have happened if Dorit was SOMEBODY. But she is not. Dorit is not that important. Insult the folks working on ya? You don't deserve to be showcased. She bugs me. 28 Link to comment
SnarkAttack May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 3 hours ago, pasdetrois said: Spoken like someone who is "renegotiating the terms of the marriage concubine contract or divorce settlement." I've assumed all along that Tom will dump Erica for a younger model, 'cause that's what some of these guys do. No matter how much Tom might give her in a divorce, her life with an umlimited budget will end. And her "products" have a limited shelf life and income. It could be that Erica has been on the divorce path all along, with Tom funding her vanity projects to see if any of them stick via the Bravo spotlight. I doubt she's panicking yet, because there's probably another wallet out there. She's begun the ad campaign, with that reunion dress exposing most of her enhanced breasts. I can't stand the sanitized Camille who was pushed through the PR machine after Season 1. Her true character is pretty shallow and manipulative. I just started watching again this season, but if they bring her back I don't think I'll be able to handle the desperation factor. Between her and Sob-Sister-Look-at-Me Kyle it would be unbearable. Are we sure that Camille's behavior in season 1 was who she really is? Maybe she was playing a part and doing it well? I really don't know, all I knew of her was that she was Kelsey Grammer's wife. Rinna and Dorit are definitely playing a part. 4 Link to comment
Mrs peel May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 14 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said: Dorit seemed shocked that Mark thought she brought negativity to the shoot. Is she really that stupid? She watched the show, didn’t she? HA! Was that a rhetorical question? 4 Link to comment
TV Diva Queen May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 3 hours ago, zoeysmom said: I have always thought people at odds want to be on opposing couches so they can get more flattering facial angles while they argue. Kenya from RHOA moved across the to other couch when arguing with Kim Z., then moved back to her original spot. I think the far end is more flattering camera wise and as long as there aren't four to a couch it works. I wish they would go to The Voice judges chair and just spin around when the conversation is directed at the particular individual-it would cut down on the cross talk.'s+chair+gif&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS759US759&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkutfBqefaAhUqh1QKHXI0BFYQ7Al6BAgAEEM&biw=1366&bih=662#imgrc=Gi52TYBV7pYDoM: Kenya moved because Wig wouldn't turn around and look and Kenya, so Kenya got up to speak to Wig's face. Couch position is everything. 4 Link to comment
Popular Post AnnieHeights May 2, 2018 Popular Post Share May 2, 2018 One thing I have noticed (and I include myself in this)....when the Housewives are fighting a lot we get more - 'I like seeing them get along and I am here for the house porn and can't stand all the drama etc......' then when we get a dull season we want Lisa R to 'bring it' next season, calling Teddi 'boring', wishing for Camille to come back..... We are a tough crowd :) 25 Link to comment
film noire May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 2 hours ago, Natalie68 said: Rinna needs to leave that wig on the stand or give it to someone who may look good wearing it. I don't find it flattering on HER. She looked like Jane Fonda in "Nine to Five": 22 Link to comment
pasdetrois May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 Lisa had a bit of a Karen moment (RHOP) with the wig - it kept creeping back and exposing her real hairline. 5 Link to comment
Popular Post princelina May 2, 2018 Popular Post Share May 2, 2018 1 hour ago, Avaleigh said: First Dorit gave attitude because Teddi asked her to come early so that they could iron out their issues. Dorit rolled her eyes and acted like Teddi was being completely unreasonable for making the request. When the rosé thing came up Dorit said, "Umm, I love how I got mine in the champagne glass." "There are different glasses for a reason." "I didn't make it up, I just know the difference." About a minute later she goes into the backyard and tells Teddi that she isn't going to let anyone touch her face. They rehash late gate where not only does Dorit not think that she's done anything wrong (she actually protests that she hasn't done anything wrong) but she thinks that Teddi is being "ridiculous" for feeling put out about any of it. When the late gate conversation ends, Dorit makes sure to let Teddi know that she needs to change her glass. When Rinna gets to the party, Dorit decides to ask the server if he'll change her glass to a wine glass and says "I feel that I shouldn't be drinking the wine out of a champagne's one of those OCD things." She goes on about why she wants a different glass and says, "I feel like it needs to go in the right glass." She didn't sneer exactly but she certainly made a series of faces while she was explaining herself, she made the host feel uncomfortable, and she made the situation a much bigger deal than it needed to be. I totally understand why she got loads of flack from the viewers for it. I guess I'd qualify it as rude and super bratty as opposed to kinda bratty. Don't forget that she then TH'd about it being "etiquette. I can't help it if I know it." Bratty and rude is a perfect description. 31 Link to comment
Reality police May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 Rinna's wig. I like her mixing up her look but where did that wig come from? The ends were straw and discolored. Can't believe she thought it looked good. 9 Link to comment
Mrs peel May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 5 hours ago, zoeysmom said: I am sure she is making most of the Erika Jayne coffer from RHOBH. It would not surprise me if she made at least $400,000.00 a year. She made money off her Kim Kardashian character for the KK game. She made at least $175,000.00 from DWTS-so I would say she is there. The RHOBH ladies once they are in make a lot of money because most of them have agents and managers. Erika is no dummy she knows how to cash in. I do believe she has been making some roylaties of her music as of late. You have to appreciate someone who says she knows people who spend $90k a month. NYC and LA divorce filings are full of such individuals. I had forgotten about the RH money (DUH!), and managed to forget she was DWTS. Wow, wouldn't it be nice if the "stars" on a show like DWTS would donate their money to charity? Oh yeah, right, 99% of them aren't really stars and might need the $$. But her $40k a month is almost $500k, before taxes. She can deduct the cost of preparing for her "performances," including clothing - IF it's not stuff that can be worn outside of the "work" (i.e. police uniform, etc.) She can't possibly legally claim all her appearances on RH relate to her Erica Jayne character, so those clothes are out. THE RH money, if $400k, doesn't cover her costs, since if she has a manager that's 10% off the top, then taxes, agent if she has one, etc. Of course, the IRS has very limited resources to conduct audits, so unless she's audited, who knows what she's doing. 3 Link to comment
hoodooznoodooz May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 If Erika is living in that Pretty Mess loft, I wonder where her son is living. 5 Link to comment
Popular Post Natalie68 May 2, 2018 Popular Post Share May 2, 2018 3 hours ago, islandgal140 said: He was. It was at home in their kitchen and Erica brought him a cup of coffee/tea. It was memorable to me only because it seemed like their relationship hadn't progressed past hot young waitress brings her rich old best tipping customer a cup of joe and makes stilted small talk. Erika says she has no prenup, she has been married for nearly 20 years and she lives in a community property state. I think she would do quite well in a divorce, but yeah, definitely reduced glam squad, private jets and Erika Jayne touring on a luxury megabus. Maybe she wouldn't be such a sourpuss if she was "getting some" from a young stud on the regular. Bitch might actually get some joy in her life. LOL! Unless Tom has been busy hiding money. It was just a few years ago they owed a ton of back taxes. I know they have $ but she will go from no real budget to a settlement (how much in debt are they? She could find they are in debt up to their eyeballs). No shame in her age (I am older than she) but Erika Jayne has a shelf life. He also has kids so Tom's $ will be split multiple ways. I never knew it was a badge of honor to say you are rude to everyone. I don't know about y'all but I try to be kind to everyone. Unless they deserve otherwise. But her goto is rude. I think she was salty she got a shitty seat after her glam squad 80'd her up! Also, she should stop with the "I'd rather be anywhere but here" attitude. There are a ton of thirsty women who would take this gig and get the rewards that come with it. 34 Link to comment
JAYJAY1979 May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 Teddi fills the role of the normal housewife that I think every franchise needs. Cynthia kind of fulfills that role on Atlanta, D'andria fills that on Dallas, Shannon used to fill that on OC, etc. I laughed during the View today where Meghan said that the show shows that women don't have to be meek and docile all the time, that women have multiple shades, etc. What I'd love to tell Meghan and other defenders of these types of franchises are that sometimes balance is key. Yes, you shouldn't be docile and meek all the time.. but that bringing up an issue in front of others just makes things worse then better. Most times, if the situation remains one on one, it will resolve to an extent much faster then if it's aired in front of an audience that will fan the flames (and I do think Andy Cohen doesn't like women) 8 Link to comment
Natalie68 May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 1 hour ago, film noire said: She looked like Jane Fonda in "Nine to Five": HA! Yes she did! Good catch! 7 Link to comment
beaker73 May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 6 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said: Erika said that “Erika Jayne” now brings in enough revenue to cover her monthly glam costs. Do we believe that? 21 Link to comment
beaker73 May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 4 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said: Did we see him or did she just talk about it? I can't remember. She was passive aggressive about taking care of him. We saw her bring him a coffee in a paper cup in the beginning of the season, but nada after that. I don't think we saw him with the broken leg/ankle/foot. 7 Link to comment
Popular Post Higgins May 2, 2018 Popular Post Share May 2, 2018 Being kind is easy. It's a lot more difficult to be rude....why the effort? 29 Link to comment
princelina May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 7 minutes ago, beaker73 said: We saw her bring him a coffee in a paper cup in the beginning of the season, but nada after that. I don't think we saw him with the broken leg/ankle/foot. They chatted about her trip to NY to meet with the publisher 2 Link to comment
beaker73 May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 4 minutes ago, princelina said: They chatted about her trip to NY to meet with the publisher forgot about that, I guess 2 Link to comment
Thumper May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 Maybe Kyle cried when the burglary actually happened, but enough time has passed for her to keep it together by reunion time. I do not want Camille back full time. She was awful that first season. I did enjoy her taking on Dorit, however. 7 Link to comment
zoeysmom May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 3 hours ago, WireWrap said: But they did use the original photos, they just cropped Dorit's head off of them because she was so nasty about them the day of the photo shoot. And since Dorit only expected her hands/décolleté to be seen, when she agreed to do it, I don't understand why she is upset that that is what they did with the final photos for the magazine. It's not like she was to be on the cover for the magazine, she was the model for the ad/story about Lisa's jewelry line. Teddi said that she did not know Erika was leaving that night until she left, Erika never told her she was leaving, not even when she asked to have her assistant buzzed through the security gate. Then with what Camille said on the reunion last night, that Erika didn't tell anyone she was leaving, she just left and Erika not correcting her (which she would have had she told them she was leaving before she left) reinforces what Teddi said happened. Lisa said they "all" discussed Erika leaving like she did, all of them, so the conversation included Dorit and Lisa, not just Teddi, Kyle and Camille. That said, I don't think Lisa cared that Erika left, she knew she would be back for filming and that was all that mattered in the long run. As for Erika/Camille clicking, they got along fine last season and they were fine this season as well, that is until the reunion when Erika gave Camille attitude over nothing. I didn't mind Camille calling Erika out on her stank attitude because she deserved it IMO. Erika is checked out, she doesn't want to be there (at the reunion) and it shows big time. Someone needs to stop believing their own press release. LOL Obviously LVP's treatment of the "off with her head" situation did nothing to win friends. No one supported her decision and it was exceptionally maniacal of Kyle to set Dorit up at her event to get the bad news about being edited out-except she wasn't. Even LVP's explanation about timing was bad and had some problems. Thanks Kyle. A person is either in or out of the magazine. It is strange the other model washed out. Readers have no idea if a model is a dream to work with or a nightmare. Erika told Teddi her assistant needed a pass to get in the gate. What Teddi complained about was Erika having intended to stay in a hotel all along-here is her quote from her blog: She asked me to call in a pass for her assistant who then arrived at my security gate. Erika then left so abruptly—and without explanation—that it was clear she had planned to stay at the hotel all along. I would disagree with Teddi's inference and conjecture as to why that proves her point-other than the fact Teddi is never wrong (her words) and when she is she apologizes immediately. Teddi blither continues with: I don’t think you can use the “I was embarrassed” excuse when the previous day you were explaining your situation in great detail to everyone but me apparently. Teddi knew when she need to know Erika was no longer an overnight guest. The room was recycled. Apparently contradiction runs strong with Teddi. I would think if Erika's assistant was being buzzed through the gate that might be the proper time for the hostess to question -why, and will she be staying the night? It is now well after 12 am. If one runs on assumptions they work both ways. They obviously knew she was gone because Kyle and Dorit wanted her room. Erika told the producers and promised to return-she lived up to her commitments. I don't think Erika appreciated Camille-at the beach house when she turned the events into being an attack on Dorit-oh wait Erika wrote: Forget who the messenger was, the fact is the women were talking sh-- about me, and I found out. That doesn't diminish what they said about me or how they really feel about me. Very revealing... Like I said at dinner in NYC, I know the truth and will continue to be me. In the future, I will not be extending any sort of understanding or sympathy to anyone that could not sympathize with me. Camille and Teddi were out. I think that is when Erika put Camille on notice. Then there was the LVP birthday lunch-Erika looked uncomfortable. Camille thought she was back full time and then she didn't get the invite to Berlin-Erika's trip. There has been nothing nice coming out of Camille's mouth all season about Dorit-maybe Erika has just had enough. I think Erika will be around RHOBH for as along as she wants. Maybe she will go into Yolanda mode and just make a brief appearance at the Reunion in future seasons. 3 Link to comment
Miss Bones May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 I am watching the rest now, and the yellow shit Teddy and Kyle are eating appears to be either a big-ass hunk of pineapple, or some kind of quiche. 2 Link to comment
Jel May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 2 hours ago, Avaleigh said: I definitely understand that mileage varies on this. I felt like from spa day on we had an example in every episode of Dorit starting shit. This isn't to say that other women haven't been guilty of causing friction, I just think that Dorit wins the shit starting award for this season. That's where the "massive" part comes in for me. I will admit that she isn't as obnoxious as someone like Brandi. Not that this is saying much, but I will at least acknowledge that Dorit hasn't crossed the Brandi line that I've arbitrarily drawn here in the sand. ;) First Dorit gave attitude because Teddi asked her to come early so that they could iron out their issues. Dorit rolled her eyes and acted like Teddi was being completely unreasonable for making the request. When the rosé thing came up Dorit said, "Umm, I love how I got mine in the champagne glass." "There are different glasses for a reason." "I didn't make it up, I just know the difference." About a minute later she goes into the backyard and tells Teddi that she isn't going to let anyone touch her face. They rehash late gate where not only does Dorit not think that she's done anything wrong (she actually protests that she hasn't done anything wrong) but she thinks that Teddi is being "ridiculous" for feeling put out about any of it. When the late gate conversation ends, Dorit makes sure to let Teddi know that she needs to change her glass. When Rinna gets to the party, Dorit decides to ask the server if he'll change her glass to a wine glass and says "I feel that I shouldn't be drinking the wine out of a champagne's one of those OCD things." She goes on about why she wants a different glass and says, "I feel like it needs to go in the right glass." She didn't sneer exactly but she certainly made a series of faces while she was explaining herself, she made the host feel uncomfortable, and she made the situation a much bigger deal than it needed to be. I totally understand why she got loads of flack from the viewers for it. I guess I'd qualify it as rude and super bratty as opposed to kinda bratty. I have to admit though that I can't completely hate on stemware-gate because it led to one of my favorite moments of the season when LVP made sure to give Dorit that special glass at her party. That's the sort of ribbing between the ladies that I think is harmless and funny. I thought it was nice payback without being OTT. You've listed some things that Dorit has done here, and I guess what I am asking is -- are those things really that exceptionally bad, in the context of RH behavior -- in and of themselves? How much is the annoying "Dorit factor" adding to the egregiousness rating? For example: Teddi kind of made a point of talking about how Dorit didn't approve of her glass. Is that being a good hostess? I can only answer for myself and that would be a no; it's not gracious. And later, when Teddi brings it up, for "accountability" purposes, (several times) isn't she doing pretty much the same thing Dorit is accused of doing? Here's how I was raised to handle a situation like that: say, "Oh, I'm terribly sorry about the glass, Dorit. Here, let me get you the correct one." End o' story. Until later, I complain about how fucking RUDE she was to call me out for my glasses. But, I do that in private, with no cameras around. ;) What's the bigger crime -- to be a lousy guest or a lousy hostess. Aren't they at least equal? You say Dorit gave Teddi attitude when Teddi wanted her to come early to discuss Dorit being late. But I interpreted that more like, sheesh Teddi, I thought I already apologized for being late and I thought we were done with this topic. It was like Dorit was being called to the guidance counselor's office, so Teddi could point out the error of Dorit's ways, from the Teddi perspective. Maybe just let it go and not worry so much about being heard and being right. She's lecture-y or something. I don't really like that in a person. And, like Dorit, I too rolled my eyes when Teddi suggested the pre party sit down. The "not letting anyone touch her face", again, I feel that's just a comment from a tactless person. Had she said it in another way (like the other ladies must of because most of them didn't get facials at a garden party either), I don't think many people would object. So I don't think the sentiment -- not wanting a stranger to give me a facial at a garden party -- is really the problem. It seems like it's not so much what she said, but how she said it. This equals dumbassery, not bitchiness, or mean-spiritedness to me. Being tactless, blabbing on and on, blurting out your thoughts, unfiltered is not the same thing as being intentionally nasty. I appreciate you sharing your views and your thoughtful posts, Avaleigh. :) 5 Link to comment
WireWrap May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 52 minutes ago, zoeysmom said: Obviously LVP's treatment of the "off with her head" situation did nothing to win friends. No one supported her decision and it was exceptionally maniacal of Kyle to set Dorit up at her event to get the bad news about being edited out-except she wasn't. Even LVP's explanation about timing was bad and had some problems. Thanks Kyle. A person is either in or out of the magazine. It is strange the other model washed out. Readers have no idea if a model is a dream to work with or a nightmare. Erika told Teddi her assistant needed a pass to get in the gate. What Teddi complained about was Erika having intended to stay in a hotel all along-here is her quote from her blog: She asked me to call in a pass for her assistant who then arrived at my security gate. Erika then left so abruptly—and without explanation—that it was clear she had planned to stay at the hotel all along. I would disagree with Teddi's inference and conjecture as to why that proves her point-other than the fact Teddi is never wrong (her words) and when she is she apologizes immediately. Teddi blither continues with: I don’t think you can use the “I was embarrassed” excuse when the previous day you were explaining your situation in great detail to everyone but me apparently. Teddi knew when she need to know Erika was no longer an overnight guest. The room was recycled. Apparently contradiction runs strong with Teddi. I would think if Erika's assistant was being buzzed through the gate that might be the proper time for the hostess to question -why, and will she be staying the night? It is now well after 12 am. If one runs on assumptions they work both ways. They obviously knew she was gone because Kyle and Dorit wanted her room. Erika told the producers and promised to return-she lived up to her commitments. I don't think Erika appreciated Camille-at the beach house when she turned the events into being an attack on Dorit-oh wait Erika wrote: Forget who the messenger was, the fact is the women were talking sh-- about me, and I found out. That doesn't diminish what they said about me or how they really feel about me. Very revealing... Like I said at dinner in NYC, I know the truth and will continue to be me. In the future, I will not be extending any sort of understanding or sympathy to anyone that could not sympathize with me. Camille and Teddi were out. I think that is when Erika put Camille on notice. Then there was the LVP birthday lunch-Erika looked uncomfortable. Camille thought she was back full time and then she didn't get the invite to Berlin-Erika's trip. There has been nothing nice coming out of Camille's mouth all season about Dorit-maybe Erika has just had enough. I think Erika will be around RHOBH for as along as she wants. Maybe she will go into Yolanda mode and just make a brief appearance at the Reunion in future seasons. The "Off with her head" was said in a TH and not to any HW, including Dorit and it was said in jest. Lisa's explanation wasn't the problem, it was that no one listened to her, they were talking over her the whole time. Again, Erika did not tell Teddi, or anyone else for that matter, that she wasn't spending the night at the beach house, she just left with her assistant. I doubt Teddi asking why Erika needed her assistant at the house that night would have gone over very well either. Erika is hard pressed to be cordial when she is not in pain, so I don't she her taking kindly to someone questioning her when she is in pain/a bitchy mood. According to Lisa, they ALL talked about Erika leaving, not just Teddi/Kyle/Camille, all of them. It appears that Erika is only punishing Teddi, and now maybe Camille, when they didn't say anything worse than what Kyle did. In fact, we know from the video that Kyle was the most vocal about Erika leaving but she isn't being held to the same standards as the others. As for Erika being uncomfortable at Lisa's party, she looks uncomfortable most of the time anyway, unless the party is all about her. Most FOH don't go on the girls trip and this season was no different, which is why Camille didn't go to Berlin. The big trip is planned before they start filming so the HWs can arrange their private/personal schedules to go and at that point, Erika and Camille were friendly. Yolanda had a "medical" reason/excuse to get out of attending the full reunion, Erika doesn't and if she doesn't want to be there, then she needs to become a FOH or just quit the show,. 18 Link to comment
WireWrap May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 9 minutes ago, Jel said: You've listed some things that Dorit has done here, and I guess what I am asking is -- are those things really that exceptionally bad, in the context of RH behavior -- in and of themselves? How much is the annoying "Dorit factor" adding to the egregiousness rating? For example: Teddi kind of made a point of talking about how Dorit didn't approve of her glass. Is that being a good hostess? I can only answer for myself and that would be a no; it's not gracious. And later, when Teddi brings it up, for "accountability" purposes, (several times) isn't she doing pretty much the same thing Dorit is accused of doing? Here's how I was raised to handle a situation like that: say, "Oh, I'm terribly sorry about the glass, Dorit. Here, let me get you the correct one." End o' story. Until later, I complain about how fucking RUDE she was to call me out for my glasses. But, I do that in private, with no cameras around. ;) What's the bigger crime -- to be a lousy guest or a lousy hostess. Aren't they at least equal? You say Dorit gave Teddi attitude when Teddi wanted her to come early to discuss Dorit being late. But I interpreted that more like, sheesh Teddi, I thought I already apologized for being late and I thought we were done with this topic. It was like Dorit was being called to the guidance counselor's office, so Teddi could point out the error of Dorit's ways, from the Teddi perspective. Maybe just let it go and not worry so much about being heard and being right. She's lecture-y or something. I don't really like that in a person. And, like Dorit, I too rolled my eyes when Teddi suggested the pre party sit down. The "not letting anyone touch her face", again, I feel that's just a comment from a tactless person. Had she said it in another way (like the other ladies must of because most of them didn't get facials at a garden party either), I don't think many people would object. So I don't think the sentiment -- not wanting a stranger to give me a facial at a garden party -- is really the problem. It seems like it's not so much what she said, but how she said it. This equals dumbassery, not bitchiness, or mean-spiritedness to me. Being tactless, blabbing on and on, blurting out your thoughts, unfiltered is not the same thing as being intentionally nasty. I appreciate you sharing your views and your thoughtful posts, Avaleigh. :) Teddi was upset at Dorit telling Kyle that Teddi was OTT about her being late, not about Dorit actually being late according to Teddi. It was that Dorit was making her, Teddi, look bad to these women she had just met. Then Teddi does the same thing when she tells the "glass" story to Lisa even though she didn't say names, it is still along the same lines. Both Teddi and Dorit have issues with runtelldat but so do the others as it is part and parcel to being a Bravo HW. LOL 11 Link to comment
Avaleigh May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 23 minutes ago, Jel said: You've listed some things that Dorit has done here, and I guess what I am asking is -- are those things really that exceptionally bad, in the context of RH behavior -- in and of themselves? How much is the annoying "Dorit factor" adding to the egregiousness rating? For example: Teddi kind of made a point of talking about how Dorit didn't approve of her glass. Is that being a good hostess? I can only answer for myself and that would be a no; it's not gracious. And later, when Teddi brings it up, for "accountability" purposes, (several times) isn't she doing pretty much the same thing Dorit is accused of doing? Here's how I was raised to handle a situation like that: say, "Oh, I'm terribly sorry about the glass, Dorit. Here, let me get you the correct one." End o' story. Until later, I complain about how fucking RUDE she was to call me out for my glasses. But, I do that in private, with no cameras around. ;) What's the bigger crime -- to be a lousy guest or a lousy hostess. Aren't they at least equal? You say Dorit gave Teddi attitude when Teddi wanted her to come early to discuss Dorit being late. But I interpreted that more like, sheesh Teddi, I thought I already apologized for being late and I thought we were done with this topic. It was like Dorit was being called to the guidance counselor's office, so Teddi could point out the error of Dorit's ways, from the Teddi perspective. Maybe just let it go and not worry so much about being heard and being right. She's lecture-y or something. I don't really like that in a person. And, like Dorit, I too rolled my eyes when Teddi suggested the pre party sit down. The "not letting anyone touch her face", again, I feel that's just a comment from a tactless person. Had she said it in another way (like the other ladies must of because most of them didn't get facials at a garden party either), I don't think many people would object. So I don't think the sentiment -- not wanting a stranger to give me a facial at a garden party -- is really the problem. It seems like it's not so much what she said, but how she said it. This equals dumbassery, not bitchiness, or mean-spiritedness to me. Being tactless, blabbing on and on, blurting out your thoughts, unfiltered is not the same thing as being intentionally nasty. I appreciate you sharing your views and your thoughtful posts, Avaleigh. :) In terms of housewives standards I guess I would say that Dorit is the most annoying of the cast this season. I feel that so many arguments wouldn't have happened if she weren't around. That being said--I've seen worse on these shows in general and on this franchise in particular. Dorit isn't completely vile like Brandi or Kim. She isn't as stupid as someone like Porsha or as mean spirited as someone like Kenya or Aviva or flat out evil like Phaedra. Jill, most of the Miami housewives, Tamra, Vicki--all bother me more than Dorit does. This isn't to say that I don't think Dorit has some serious character flaws that make me feel like she's one of the ones I'd rather say goodbye to at this point. She lies on a regular basis. It's almost pathological and I have trouble trusting anything that she says because I've seen her twist the truth on too many occasions to the point where it no longer resembles what actually happened. I was going to say that at least Dorit doesn't try to hurt people but even that isn't true. She deliberately tried to prick at Teddi and Camille by not naming a swimsuit after them. She wanted them to feel bad about it IMO. She deliberately tried to make Kyle feel a wedge in terms of friendship with both Lisa and Erika. She tried to poison the well so that Teddi would have preconceived notions about Rinna. Teddi should have kept the info to herself and just let Rinna see on her own as it play out on the show in real time, that would have been the smart move, but the point is that Dorit made the effort to get Teddi to feel a certain way about Rinna before they'd really got to know each other. Dorit wanted Erika to feel a sting regarding pantry gate. Regarding Dorit feeling like she's being sent to the principal's office---from my perspective, Dorit set the chain of events in motion by misrepresenting what happened to Kyle. If Dorit hadn't made it a point to tell the other women that Teddi was being unreasonable when it came to Dorit's tardiness then the issue wouldn't have had to come up again. Instead Dorit decided to make it seem as though she'd been wronged somehow, so naturally Teddi felt inclined to defend herself and wanted to explain why the issue wasn't completely buried yet. Dorit was essentially trying to warn two of the other women off of Teddi by making it seem like she has the expectations of some humorless governess when in reality, Teddi's expectations for that drink meet up were normal and completely relatable. Even if we believe Dorit that she was supposed to be there by 430 she was still super late. Yet somehow Dorit stubbornly insisted that she didn't really do anything wrong and had a list of excuses for why it was okay in her mind to keep Teddi waiting for as long as she did. As to the question about being a lousy hostess vs. a lousy guest, I didn't think that Teddi did a bad job of handling things while the party was going on. Teddi didn't bring up her feelings about the glass issue during the party and was understanding when Dorit made it clear that she wanted to change her glass. She didn't try to make Dorit feel uncomfortable about wanting a different glass and even when Dorit basically tried to embarrass Teddi once Rinna arrived about the glass issue, Teddi made it seem like it wasn't a big deal and didn't take Dorit to task. It was only sometime after the party took place and in her THs that she acknowledged that it bothered her. Jel, I like getting your opinion here as well as everyone else's on this board. It would be awfully boring if we all agreed on everything. :) 16 Link to comment
zoeysmom May 2, 2018 Share May 2, 2018 53 minutes ago, WireWrap said: The "Off with her head" was said in a TH and not to any HW, including Dorit and it was said in jest. Lisa's explanation wasn't the problem, it was that no one listened to her, they were talking over her the whole time. Again, Erika did not tell Teddi, or anyone else for that matter, that she wasn't spending the night at the beach house, she just left with her assistant. I doubt Teddi asking why Erika needed her assistant at the house that night would have gone over very well either. Erika is hard pressed to be cordial when she is not in pain, so I don't she her taking kindly to someone questioning her when she is in pain/a bitchy mood. According to Lisa, they ALL talked about Erika leaving, not just Teddi/Kyle/Camille, all of them. It appears that Erika is only punishing Teddi, and now maybe Camille, when they didn't say anything worse than what Kyle did. In fact, we know from the video that Kyle was the most vocal about Erika leaving but she isn't being held to the same standards as the others. As for Erika being uncomfortable at Lisa's party, she looks uncomfortable most of the time anyway, unless the party is all about her. Most FOH don't go on the girls trip and this season was no different, which is why Camille didn't go to Berlin. The big trip is planned before they start filming so the HWs can arrange their private/personal schedules to go and at that point, Erika and Camille were friendly. Yolanda had a "medical" reason/excuse to get out of attending the full reunion, Erika doesn't and if she doesn't want to be there, then she needs to become a FOH or just quit the show,. The RHs watch the show and LVP's "off with her head" comment was relayed to Dorit and the rest of the world. In my opinion it was a poor choice of words. I know LVP has her humorous moments but the comment was just another in a long line of comments directed at Dorit. Neither Rinna or Erika thought it appropriate. I like LVP but she sank her own ship on this one-we cut off your head because you were rude? We hired another model because of you bad energy. This is one time LVP should have not tried to explain. She was punishing Dorit-much to Kyle's delight because it makes Kyle right. Erika didn't just disappear she told them she was leaving and Kyle, Dorit and LVP knew she wasn't feeling well. Erika had told the producers and that is all that really matters. Since Teddi is the one griping about Erika not giving notice, maybe just maybe, Miss Perfect, who always does the right thing, should have asked why Erika's assistant was coming after midnight. I know Teddi is a little slow but she should have asked. When Teddi doesn't want to be pulled into something she pretends she didn't hear. The house isn't that large. LVP and Kyle were still talking about it on the way home saying it was weird-Dorit didn't agree. It was Camille who originally alleged they were ALL talking about nothing and LVP agreed. Erika has said she heard who made the comments and what they were. Erika attended the LVP's party and both she and Kyle became uncomfortable the more jabs/jokes LVP took at Dorit and made talking head comments. Although Kyle truly loved it, I do think Erika had to question how this great friend of PK's could trash his wife so easily in public. Camille not accepting Dorit's explanation was just stupid. After all these women have told her she talks too ,much when she stops talking they pick at her. She is not their trained monkey-their to entertain them. Can't have it both ways. Someone gives you a STFU gift you shut up. Plus PK told her to move on. Plus Camille was nasty in her talking head saying shut up bitch. So Camille, Teddi, Kyle and LVP got their way Dorit stopped talking and now they are complaining. Again I don't get if someone doesn't react they are bad? Dorit didn't laugh like a hyena at Camille's continuing attempt to be relevant, Erika is not vested in the Kyle BS when it comes to having to continually stroke her and tell her she is right and owed apologies. Teddi was pretty acerbic throughout the season with her blogs and little social media digs. 1 Link to comment
WireWrap May 3, 2018 Share May 3, 2018 30 minutes ago, zoeysmom said: The RHs watch the show and LVP's "off with her head" comment was relayed to Dorit and the rest of the world. In my opinion it was a poor choice of words. I know LVP has her humorous moments but the comment was just another in a long line of comments directed at Dorit. Neither Rinna or Erika thought it appropriate. I like LVP but she sank her own ship on this one-we cut off your head because you were rude? We hired another model because of you bad energy. This is one time LVP should have not tried to explain. She was punishing Dorit-much to Kyle's delight because it makes Kyle right. Erika didn't just disappear she told them she was leaving and Kyle, Dorit and LVP knew she wasn't feeling well. Erika had told the producers and that is all that really matters. Since Teddi is the one griping about Erika not giving notice, maybe just maybe, Miss Perfect, who always does the right thing, should have asked why Erika's assistant was coming after midnight. I know Teddi is a little slow but she should have asked. When Teddi doesn't want to be pulled into something she pretends she didn't hear. The house isn't that large. LVP and Kyle were still talking about it on the way home saying it was weird-Dorit didn't agree. It was Camille who originally alleged they were ALL talking about nothing and LVP agreed. Erika has said she heard who made the comments and what they were. Erika attended the LVP's party and both she and Kyle became uncomfortable the more jabs/jokes LVP took at Dorit and made talking head comments. Although Kyle truly loved it, I do think Erika had to question how this great friend of PK's could trash his wife so easily in public. Camille not accepting Dorit's explanation was just stupid. After all these women have told her she talks too ,much when she stops talking they pick at her. She is not their trained monkey-their to entertain them. Can't have it both ways. Someone gives you a STFU gift you shut up. Plus PK told her to move on. Plus Camille was nasty in her talking head saying shut up bitch. So Camille, Teddi, Kyle and LVP got their way Dorit stopped talking and now they are complaining. Again I don't get if someone doesn't react they are bad? Dorit didn't laugh like a hyena at Camille's continuing attempt to be relevant, Erika is not vested in the Kyle BS when it comes to having to continually stroke her and tell her she is right and owed apologies. Teddi was pretty acerbic throughout the season with her blogs and little social media digs. IMO, most here found Lisa's "off with her head" joke funny, so I don't think it hurt her viewer/fan wise at all. I also don't think that anything Lisa said would have been approved by Rinna or Erika, they both seem to look for reasons to dislike Lisa no matter what she does/doesn't do/say. I also don't think Lisa was punishing Dorit, it wasn't her decision to make, it was the artistic editors decision. Erika didn't tell the others she was leaving, she just left without telling them. Yes, all but Teddi knew she wasn't feeling well but again, she didn't tell them she was considering staying at a hotel at any point that night, she just left Teddi's house. It was rude behavior by someone that prides herself on being rude to everyone. Erika has that same stank attitude no matter who's house/party she is at and she didn't jump to Dorit's defense, I don't think she was upset for Dorit, she didn't want to be there to begin with IMO. As for Erika not being "vested" in Kyle's BS, I disagree, she apologized to her a couple of times. I don't think anyone is telling Dorit she needs to shut up, they are trying to get her to slow down and allow others to speak as well. She talks over them on a regular basis, heck, she even apologized to Rinna for not "hearing" her in Vegas. 22 Link to comment
albarino May 3, 2018 Share May 3, 2018 he RHs watch the show and LVP's "off with her head" comment was relayed to Dorit and the rest of the world. In my opinion it was a poor choice of words. I know LVP has her humorous moments but the comment was just another in a long line of comments directed at Dorit. I thought the line was hilarious! The original photoshoot was only supposed to be Dorit's hands and décolletage (and yet she wore a shirt up tp her neck) but whatever. Dorit deserves everything she gets. Erika? Who? She is very self-important but I try to accommodate those who are unlikeable by unliking them. Easy. 8 Link to comment
AnnA May 3, 2018 Share May 3, 2018 56 minutes ago, zoeysmom said: Neither Rinna or Erika thought it appropriate............... Plus Camille was nasty in her talking head saying shut up bitch........... Neither Rinna or Erika should ever be confused with Miss Manners or Emily Post so their opinions on appropriateness are irrelevant. Considering what Dorit said to Camille in front of her new fiancé "shut up bitch" was mild. I would have told her to STFU. 18 Link to comment
queenjen May 3, 2018 Share May 3, 2018 6 hours ago, Natalie68 said: Insult the folks working on ya? You don't deserve to be showcased. She bugs me. look what happene to Nene Leakes! SEASONS of payback from hair and makeup people making sure her highlighting was off and there was always a smear of something 'accidentally' left to wonk out her face in THs etc. You next, Dorit. 9 Link to comment
TexasGal May 3, 2018 Share May 3, 2018 Camille won the sequin dress show down, I think. Smaller, less shiny. Loved that she wore the ball gag as a bracelet! 13 Link to comment
sol y luna May 3, 2018 Share May 3, 2018 (edited) 11 hours ago, Jel said: I liked Erika much better this season -- I get her more as a person now. She has some emotional baggage, she cares a lot about how things look, and she's allergic to embarrassment (some people are more okay with it than others). She is not any kind of feminist icon to me, and I can't imagine she ever would be, but side issue. As far as her behavior thus far at the reunion, I think she's pretty much the same as she was last year. (If she were against Dorit and pro Teddi, I think more fans would be okay with the very same behavior.) It's Andy who has changed -- last year he was beside himself gushing over her, really seemed to take her side in the (very flipping overblown, imo) Panty Gate, and perhaps she expected the same treatment this time. Instead he sits her in the loser spot and starts in with some unflattering questions right off the bat. If she's miffed about that, that doesn't really surprise me at all, as she does kind of have a tendency to get mad. You are right. EriCa is still and always will be a self-absorbed, trashy, bitchy c. 10 hours ago, Jel said: I don't even see Dorit as a villain. Goofy, affected, pretentious, silly, try-hard, yes! Misunderstood? Most definitely. But villain? Naw. She's an IDIOT and WAY too full of herself. Edited May 3, 2018 by sol y luna 6 Link to comment
Sweet-tea May 3, 2018 Share May 3, 2018 (edited) On 5/1/2018 at 8:27 PM, Straycat80 said: No Dorito you were drunk when you called Camille the C-word. Exactly! She looked hammered on the clip. I still don't like Dorit. I'm glad Camille stood up to her. Speaking of Camille, I wish she would lighten up a bit on the filler. Erika's demeanor is standoffish. There is no warmth coming from her IMO. I don't find her likable at all. Even in the scenes when she has supposedly loosened up and is getting along with the other women, it seems calculated to me. I also don't believe she is making as much money as she claims.$40K per month for her glam squad? Yikes. Her whole act strikes me as a vanity project funded by a rich old man who is indulging her. Edited May 3, 2018 by Sweet-tea 18 Link to comment
princelina May 3, 2018 Share May 3, 2018 1 hour ago, WireWrap said: IMO, most here found Lisa's "off with her head" joke funny, so I don't think it hurt her viewer/fan wise at all. In addition, I found it witty, which is more than I can say for her usual bawdy, crass attempts at "humour" :) 9 Link to comment
Starlight925 May 3, 2018 Share May 3, 2018 (edited) My opinion on Rinna's look: If the Harry gay rumors are true, then everything about Rinna's look feeds into that: Her short, boyish hairstyle, her straight-up skinny teenage boy body, her plumped up lips (which look like another part of anatomy), and her obsession with blow jobs (from her book). If he's not gay, then I have no other explanation for her look, and I would beg her to seek a new hairstyle (not that stupid wig) and smaller lips. Edited May 3, 2018 by Sterling 5 Link to comment
English Teacher May 3, 2018 Share May 3, 2018 When Teddi asked Dorit to show up to the spa party a little early so they could discuss /resolve their issues without the other women around, Dorit was angry because now she was expected to give up 20minures of HER time to rehash something she caused and exploded on her own. Hypocritical much? That moment set me firmly in Team Teddi camp. Dorit is getting to be a lot like Vicki- refusing to see the truth even when confronted with evidence of her lies. 18 Link to comment
diadochokinesis May 3, 2018 Share May 3, 2018 8 hours ago, Miss Bones said: I am watching the rest now, and the yellow shit Teddy and Kyle are eating appears to be either a big-ass hunk of pineapple, or some kind of quiche. I figured Dorit brought leftovers. LOL. 6 Link to comment
ridethemaverick May 3, 2018 Share May 3, 2018 18 hours ago, pasdetrois said: Maybe the new house has been planned as a flip all along, and for some reason Kyle didn't want to say so? Possibly they could not afford the old house and the new one at the same time? I'd assumed Kyle and Mauricio are flush with cash, but maybe not enough. During his lean periods Jeff Lewis (L.A. house flipper) could only afford to live in the house he was renovating. He'd sell it and then immediately move into a new flipper, repeating the process. I've seen speculation about this on another forum...that perhaps the robbery was an insurance scam and that Kyle & Mo aren't as well off as they appear to be. I don't buy that BUT it did seem odd that she showed zero emotion. 1 Link to comment
Mr. Miner May 3, 2018 Share May 3, 2018 5 hours ago, diadochokinesis said: I figured Dorit brought leftovers. LOL. Beans and Franks on a Hermes platter? 6 Link to comment
hoodooznoodooz May 3, 2018 Share May 3, 2018 1 hour ago, ridethemaverick said: I've seen speculation about this on another forum...that perhaps the robbery was an insurance scam and that Kyle & Mo aren't as well off as they appear to be. I don't buy that BUT it did seem odd that she showed zero emotion. I was surprised to hear her say that she was hoping that they only took Mauricio’s stuff. Granted guys don’t get as attached to their clothing, belts, etc., but it seemed rather self-involved. 7 Link to comment
renatae May 3, 2018 Share May 3, 2018 On 5/1/2018 at 11:19 PM, RedheadZombie said: I've never been a Camille fan - she showed us who she was in season one - but I like when she calls out Dorit. And I'm in agreement with Allison DuBois about Camille setting her up. Camille had Allison do her dirty work, and IMO prepped her on all the women. Allison took it to a crazy extreme, but Camille giggled her way through even the most disgusting comments. It says a lot about Camille that it was Allison who ended the friendship, and not herself. I think Camille deliberately set up Kyle by inviting Allison, but Allison's words were her own, I believe, and her out of control behavior is on her, especially her self-congratulatory hubris. 14 Link to comment
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